单词 | installer |
释义 | 例句释义: 安装者,安装程序,安装程式,安装器 1. And with the Wubi installer, you can install it risk-free and try it out on your netbook. 并附带有Wubi安装程序,你可以无风险安装它,并在您的netbook中尝试使用。 www.bing.com 2. The installer you are trying to use is corrupted or incomplete This could be the result of a damaged disk, a failed download or a virus. 你正在安装的程序被破坏或不完整,这可能是因为被破坏的盘引起的结果,或者失败的下载,或者病毒。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Then there was the installer of soy insulation who cooked soggy pasta and made me watch football and whimpered and kicked in his sleep. 还有一位是能做粘稠生面团、让我看足球、睡觉时呜咽、踢腿的大豆原料隔绝材料安装工。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. There have been a few small but extremely useful changes to the installer on the Ubuntu CD. Ubuntu光盘的安装程序进行了一些小却非常有用的改进。 www.bing.com 5. Also, the multiplatform installer makes it easy to upgrade existing RealTime activities without user modification. 此外,多平台安装程序使得升级现有RealTime活动很容易,无需用户修改。 www.ibm.com 6. The installer will warn you that "This package contains a program that determines if the software can be installed. " 安装程序会警告您“此软件包包含一个程序,该程序确定是否可以安装此软件”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. If the installer detects other operating systems on your computer, it will add them to the boot menu and let you know. 如果安装程序发现您的计算机还安装有其它的操作系统,它会把它们加入启动菜单,并通知您。 debian.fr 8. Installer Detection is designed to scan the name and the resources of the EXE to determine whether an application is an installer. “安装程序检测”旨在扫描EXE文件的名称和资源,以确定某应用程序是否为安装程序。 msdn.microsoft.com 9. Setting up a network connection using PPPoE is not supported by default in the installer, but can be made to work very simply. 虽然安装程序默认并不支持使用PPPoE建立网络连接,但却很容易实现。 debian.fr 10. Update Installer: Enables you to apply different service packs or individual fixes to a WebSphere Application Server installation. UpdateInstaller:允许您将不同的servicepack或单个修复程序安装到WebSphereApplicationServer。 www.ibm.com 1. For a Setup project, the installer will install files into a Program Files directory on a target computer. 对于“安装”项目,安装程序将文件安装到目标计算机上的ProgramFiles目录中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Allows you to install and uninstall server resources by executing the installer components of a specified assembly. 允许通过执行指定程序集的安装程序组件,安装和卸载服务器资源。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. For a Web Setup project , the installer will install files into a Virtual Root directory on a Web server . 如果使用浏览器直接连接到报表服务器,根节点就是报表服务器虚拟目录的名称。 www.bing.com 4. The Installer Key is embedded in the network installer file name and is automatically used for registration. 安装程序关键嵌入在网络安装程序文件的名称,并将自动用于注册。 08translation.cn 5. IQAir arranges the pre-installation home evaluation with you and our local IQAir Authorized Installer. IQAir将和您以及我们当地的IQAIR授权安装人员安排安装前的家居评估。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 6. Take a look at step by step tutorial on our web-site that will teach you how to build your own flash wallpaper installer in a few minutes. 考虑一下在一步一步地补习社对我们的网站,将教你如何建立自己的Flash壁纸安装在数分钟。 xtdownload.com 7. The application is available as an installer as well as a portable version that you can run off your USB drive. 这款应用包含一个安装程序,以及一个可以在USB设备上运行的便携版本。 www.bing.com 8. The deployment editors are used to configure an installer that you create with a deployment project. 部署编辑器用于配置用部署项目创建的安装程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The install package can be extracted to show the installer binary, along with a Readme file and an Installation and Troubleshooting Guide. 可以对此安装包进行提取操作,其中包含安装程序二进制文件以及Readme文件和安装与故障诊断指南(InstallationandTroubleshootingGuide)。 www.ibm.com 10. The installer will display messages in the chosen language, unless the translation for that language is not complete. 除非选中的语言没有被翻译,安装程序将以您选择的语言显示信息。 debian.fr 1. A merge module is a set of components that are merged with a Windows installer for applications that need them. 合并模块是一套组件,它们与Windows安装程序合并在一起,用于需要这些组件的应用程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Installer classes, also known as installation components, are. NET Framework classes invoked as custom actions during installation. Installer类(也称为“安装组件”)是安装期间作为自定义操作调用的.NETFramework类。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. At this point the installer will use the provided information to establish the PPPoE connection. 此时,安装程序就会用所提供的信息建立PPPoE连接。 debian.fr 4. The product installer copies the libraries, creates the necessary configuration files, and updates the system configuration automatically. 产品安装程序会复制库,创建所需的配置文件,自动地更新系统配置。 www.ibm.com 5. EasyEclipse comes with an installer written for your particular operating system. EasyEclipse附带了针对具体操作系统编写的安装程序。 www.ibm.com 6. The installer you are trying to use it corrupted incomplete . 您所尝试使用的安装文件已损坏或文件不完全。 wenwen.soso.com 7. This installation package could not be opened. Contact the application vendor to verify that this is a valid Windows Installer package. 未能打开这个安装程序包。请与应用程序供应商联系,验证这是否是有效的Windows安装服务程序包。 www.jukuu.com 8. I need you to load a custom DLL during the installer process as defined in this SDK, please review the INNO example inside the PDF. 我需要你在安装过程中加载一个自定义DLL在此SDK定义,请查看里面的PDF应用创新的例子。 www.showxiu.com 9. If you do not get a mouse cursor , or if the installer locks while probing your hardware , do not panic . 如果鼠标光标没有出现,或者在硬件检测过程中安装程序锁住了,别慌。 www.bing.com 10. the installer you are trying to use corrupted or incomplete. 你正在试图安装一个损坏的或不完整的安装程序。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. The installer you are trying to use is corrupted or incomplete. 你正在尝试到使用的安装程式被腐烂或不完全的。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Before a boot loader is installed, the installer will attempt to probe for other operating systems which are installed on the machine. 在启动引导器安装之前,安装程序会试着侦测已经安装到计算机上的其他操作系统。 debian.fr 3. This document aims to provide details to help you better understand the features and benefits of the installer. 本文的目的是详细介绍这种安装程序,帮助您更好地理解其特性和优点。 www-128.ibm.com 4. The installer you are trying to used is corrupted or incomplete. 您正在使用的安装器是被毁坏了的或者没有填充完整的。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The installer you are trying to ues corrupted or incomplete. 你试图运行的安装程序损坏了或者是不完整的。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. This setting notifies the installer to treat this as a local data file and to put it in the Data Directory. 此设置通知安装程序将该文件视为本地数据文件,并将其放入数据目录中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The PEAR installer will now connect to the new channel, download the package, and install it to the appropriate location on the system. 现在,PEAR安装程序将连接到新的通道,下载文件包并将其安装到系统的恰当位置上。 www.ibm.com 8. Automatic partitioning: The installer chooses the best disk-partitioning plan for your system (all data on the disk will be lost). Automaticpartitioning:安装程序为系统选择最佳磁盘分区规划(磁盘上的所有数据都会丢失)。 www.ibm.com 9. During the profile creation process, the installer will present a panel that enables you to set the port assignments for Version 6. 0. 在配置文件创建过程中,安装程序将显示一个面板,通过该面板您可以对Version6.0设置端口分配。 www.ibm.com 10. After booting the installer in rescue mode, it may be useful to start a shell in the root partition of an already installed system. 使用急救模式引导后,在一安装系统的根分区上打开一个shell会很有用。 debian.fr 1. You can think of IzPack's resources as a type of "bill of materials" for your installers where all files for the installer are defined. 可以将IzPack的资源看作安装程序的“原料单”,其中定义了用于安装程序的所有文件。 www.ibm.com 2. This boot parameter controls the type of user interface used for the installer. 这个开机参数控于安装程式的使用者界面类型。 debian.fr 3. The Symphony_Installer. exe file is started, and Lotus Symphony with your customizations is installed as shown in figure 11. 这时将启动Symphony_Installer.exe文件,并安装包含定制的LotusSymphony,如图11所示。 www.ibm.com 4. Include an instance of this installer class in the project installer for an assembly that includes instrumentation. 在包含检测的程序集的项目安装程序中,包括此安装程序类的一个实例。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The Windows Installer file you build in this walkthrough does not deploy the security policy required to run the solution. 本演练中生成的WindowsInstaller文件不会部署运行解决方案所需的安全策略。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The authorized installer will ensure that the system is removing at least 90% of particles 0. 3 microns or larger. 授权的安装人员将确保系统可以移除至少90%的0.3微米或更大的粒子。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 7. You can add boot parameters when starting the graphical installer, just as with the regular installer. 您可以在启动图形安装程序时加上引导参数,就像普通安装程序一样。 debian.fr 8. Explains how to determine if a Windows Installer component exists on a target computer and roll back installation if it does not. 解释如何确定目标计算机上是否存在WindowsInstaller组件,并在该组件不存在时回滚安装。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Merge modules cannot be installed directly, but rather are merged into an installer for each application that uses the component. 合并模块不能直接安装,而是合并到每个使用组件的应用程序的安装程序中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. SmartUpdate failed JAR archive has no. installer file information. 灵活更新失败JAR归档中没有安装程序文件信息。 dict.ebigear.com 1. Installation of the toolkit is straightforward; the installer simply unzips its contents to a specified directory. 工具包的安装非常简单;安装程序直接将其内容解压到一个指定的目录。 www.ibm.com 2. In order to use the graphical installer of SUSE, there must be a direct network connection to the partition that will host the system. 为了使用SUSE的图形安装程序,必须要有一个到将要宿主系统的分区的直接网络连接。 www.ibm.com 3. NSIS ErrorThe installer you are trying to use is corrupted or incomplete. 你正使用的安装程序已经被破坏或不完整。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 4. The Commit method stores information needed to do a correct uninstallation, and calls the Commit method of each installer in the collection. Commit方法存储正确卸载所需的信息,并调用集合中每个安装程序的Commit方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. All the installer will do is overwrite identical copies of the files that were probably used last time the installer ran. 所有安装程序要做的只是覆盖上一次运行安装程序时可能用到的文件的相同副本。 www.ibm.com 6. To work around this problem, use the Windows Installer Development Tool named Orca to modify the tables in an installer database file. 要变通解决此问题,使用WindowsInstaller开发工具名为Orca来修改表安装数据库文件中。 support.microsoft.com 7. These items need database entries which have to be inserted manually if you bypass the package installer. 如果你不使用安装包方式,那么安装需要数据库的这些就不得不手动安装他们。 www.bing.com 8. The common language runtime files can be pre-installed on a target computer using either ClickOnce or Windows Installer deployment. 可以通过使用ClickOnce或WindowsInstaller部署将公共语言运行库文件预先安装在目标计算机上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The installer must conform to all required occupational health and safety regulations when carrying out the installation procedures. 安装人员在安装的过程中一定要执行所有必须的职业健康和安全保障的措施。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Key twice after the Amiga installer program has output some debugging information into a window. 在Amiga安装程序在一个窗口已经输出一些调试信息,您也可以按下。 debian.fr 1. that value can then be used to set a property in an installer during installation. 然后可以使用此值在安装过程中设置安装程序中的属性。 2. Create your own flash wallpaper installer and re-distribute it to your web-site visitors, your customers, colleagues or friends. 创建自己的Flash壁纸安装和重新分配到您的网站的访客,您的客户,同事或朋友。 xtdownload.com 3. This element contains the name of the content to display in the Visual Studio Content Installer. 此元素包含要在VisualStudio内容安装程序中显示的内容的名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. True, specifies that the installer will download all required and optional files, regardless of whether the optional files are needed. 则表示无论是否需要可选文件,安装程序都将下载所有必需和可选的文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The plug-in installer will attempt to download and install these modules from the list of repositories. 插件安装程序尝试从存储库列表下载和安装这些模块。 www.ibm.com 6. He was also delighted to see the sarge installer run flawlessly. 他也很高兴看到sarge安装程式可以无瑕地执行。 debian.fr 7. The InfoSphere Warehouse installer sets up the configuration needed to connect to the control database. InfoSphereWarehouse安装程序设置连接到控制数据库所需的配置。 www.ibm.com 8. Normally, the native image service is initiated by the installation program installer for an application or update. 通常,由应用程序或软件更新的安装程序启动本机映像服务。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The Installer class contains its own state management methods, allowing it to roll back an installation when an error occurs. Installer类包含自己的状态管理方法,从而可以在出错时回滚安装。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. There are a number of ways the installer can be modified, but we'll cover steps to fix the problem on your end. 的方法有很多种安装程序可以进行修改,但我们会涵盖行动去解决问题,你的目的。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. The installer is unable to determine your current graphics card . 安装程序不能识别你当前的显卡。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The new installer can only be used to install on alpha systems which support the SRM console. 这个新的安装程式目前只能用于安装支援SRM主控台的alpha系统。 debian.fr 3. In this step, you will create a Setup project that you can compile to create a Windows Installer file for your solution. 在本步骤中,将创建一个安装项目,您可以编译该安装项目来为您的解决方案创建WindowsInstaller文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. While one or more possible ISO images were found, they did not look like valid installer ISO images. 找到了一个或多个可能的ISO映像文件,但看起来都不是有效的安装程序ISO映像文件。 translations.launchpad.net 5. Guides you through packaging a component in a merge module and then including the merge module in an installer. 指导您将组件打包在合并模块中,然后将合并模块包含在安装程序中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The Bootstrapper does not dictate which installer technology the application must use (Windows Installer or ClickOnce). 引导程序不规定应用程序必须使用何种安装程序技术(WindowsInstaller或ClickOnce)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. In the very simplest case, a developer will have chosen to create an installer for your specific platform. 在最简单的情况下,开发者将已经选择为您特定的平台创建了安装程序。 www.ibm.com 8. Write the code for the module, including a module installer, a data-entry form, and a display template. 编写模块代码,包括模块安装程序,一个数据输入表单和一个呈现模板。 www.ibm.com 9. Here the boot image is the installer binary of the Enterprise Linux distribution to be installed. 在这里,引导映像是要安装的EnterpriseLinux发行版的安装程序二进制代码。 www-128.ibm.com 10. This sample bootstraps Dotnetfx. Exe and a. NET Framework application's Microsoft Windows Installer-based setup program (. Msi file). 此示例引导Dotnetfx.exe和.NETFramework应用程序的安装程序(.msi文件,它基于MicrosoftWindowsInstaller)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. For the first twenty minutes or so the installer seemed to be stuck with the estimated time remaining indicating 33 minutes. 在开始大概二十分钟后,安装程序看起来就像是卡住了,其估计所需的剩余时间指示为33分钟。 www.bing.com 2. The installer may fail to detect other operating systems if the partitions on which they reside are mounted when the detection takes place. 当安装程序检测操作系统的时候,如果分区已经挂载,检测可能会失败。 debian.fr 3. By default, the installer uses the deployment project name when creating the virtual directory on your deployment server. 默认情况下,在部署服务器上创建虚拟目录时,安装程序使用部署项目名称。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. The IDS installer detects whether more memory needs to be allocated and suggests that these changes be made automatically. IDS安装程序检测是否需要分配更多的内存,并建议使用自动更改。 www.ibm.com 5. If you do not specify a log name before the installer runs, the installer registers your source to the Application log. 如果在安装程序运行前未指定日志名称,安装程序就会将源注册到Application日志中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The installer you are trying to ues is corrupted or incompiete. 你正在进行的安装被中断或未完成。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. It lets you store system error logs and configuration information from the installer to a floppy, or download them using a web browser. 它让您保存安装程序的系统错误记录和配置信息到软盘,或者用网络浏览器下载。 debian.fr 8. Once the installer is booted, it will be able to obtain all the other files it needs from the CD. 安装程式启动一旦启动,它将能够取得光碟中其他所有必需的档案。 debian.fr 9. The installer you are trying to use is corrupte_d or incomplete. 你正在使用的安装程序已损坏或不完整。 www.feloo.com 10. The bottom (core) layer consists of the ISMP UNIX installer with Mac OS X support enabled. 最底层(核心层)由启用了MacOSX支持的ISMPUNIX安装程序组成。 www.ibm.com 1. This installer examines what you have installed on your machine, and only downloads the servicing downloads necessary to update them to SP1. 该安装包检查你已经在机器上安装的产品,只下载必需的升级包来使其升级到SP1。 blog.joycode.com 2. If the installer is not in the Start menu or in the installation folder, you may find it on the program's installation media. 如果安装程序未出现在“开始”菜单或安装文件夹中,您也许可以在该程序的安装媒体上找到它。 support.microsoft.com 3. We do not need to include any additional files in our installer, so from the Choose files to include pane of the installer, click Next. 无需在安装程序中包括任何其他文件,因此,从安装程序的“选择要包括的文件”窗格中,单击“下一步”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. If this field is left blank, the Windows Installer executable files should be installed in the location specified by the Setup folder URL. 如果将此字段保留为空白,则WindowsInstaller可执行文件将安装在“安装文件夹URL”指定的位置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. If the installer is done and has rebooted into your new system you will be able to boot your first Thin Client right away. 安装完成并重启您的系统,你将可以马上启动你的第一个“瘦客户端”。 sites.google.com 6. Setup projects are used to create an installer for your application. 安装项目用于为应用程序创建安装程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. You must have install permission on the computer on which you run the installer created by Team Foundation Build. 您必须在运行由TeamFoundationBuild创建的安装程序的计算机上具有安装权限。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. That represents the installer for the component this attribute is bound to. 表示此属性绑定到的组件安装程序的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. With all related components stored in a single container, the installer eliminates version conflicts and other common installation problems. 由于所有相关组件都存储在一个单一的容器中,安装程序就能消除版本冲突和其它常见的安装问题。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Each package installer creates its own bin, lib, and man directories within the package root. 每个包的安装程序都会在包的根目录中创建它自己的bin、lib和man目录。 www.ibm.com 1. After installation, a Field Test shall be performed by the installer on each completed Dry-Pit Submersible Pump System. 安装后,安装商应该对每台完整的干井潜水泵系统进行现场测试。 www.h6688.com 2. The Portuguese (Brazilian) version of this hotfix uses a Microsoft Windows Installer package to install the hotfix. 葡萄牙语(巴西)版本的修复程序使用MicrosoftWindowsInstaller程序包要安装此修复程序。 support.microsoft.com 3. Gets a value indicating whether an installer should be invoked during installation of an assembly. 获取一个值,该值指示在程序集安装期间是否调用某安装程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. All resources used in an IzPack installer begin with this script. IzPack安装程序中使用的所有资源都以这个脚本开始。 www.ibm.com 5. It also helps you to select the proper installer version of IBM Cloudscape to download. 此外,本文还帮助您选择下载适当版本的IBMCloudscape安装程序。 www-128.ibm.com 6. At the default priority, the installer will choose one for you that best matches your hardware. 在预设的优先等级下,安装程式会选择一个与您硬体最匹配的核心。 debian.fr 7. Windows Installer deployment provides greater flexibility for deploying applications. WindowsInstaller部署为部署应用程序提供了更高的灵活性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. With it, you may choose to backup a certain driver or the entire drivers to an EXE automatic installer. 有了它,你可以选择备份某司机或司机整个一个exe文件自动安装。 xtdownload.com 9. In the standard user interface of the installer, you can use the space bar to toggle selection of a task. 在安装程序的标准用户界面下,您可以使用空格键切换任务的选择。 debian.fr 10. Now follow the step-by-step instructions on the screen as the installer walks you through the installation process. 现在遵循屏幕上的按部就班的说明继续进行,安装器将指引您完成整个安装过程。 www-128.ibm.com 1. The installer had restrictions as to which user extracts the file. 安装程序限制哪些用户能够解压缩文件 www.ibm.com 2. The path points to the standard location where the ClickOnce installer will install the application from and search for updates. 该路径指向一个标准位置,ClickOnce安装程序将从该位置安装应用程序并搜索更新。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Determines whether the specified installer can handle the same kind of installation as this installer. 确定指定的安装程序能否处理与此安装程序相同的安装类型。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. When the download is finished, the browser prompts you again to verify that you want to run the installer. 下载完成后,浏览器会再次提示您确认是否要运行安装程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Paste the URL of the Installer XML you copied into the Insert Extension Installer pop-up and click Insert. 把先前你复制的XML安装程序的URL粘帖到弹出的扩展项安装程序框中,并点击“插入”。 www.bing.com 6. A new and improved installer will streamline, simplify, and speed up the installation process. 一个全新的改进的安装程序,可以平滑、简单和高速的进行安装。 www.cnbeta.com 7. Because of this bug, Windows Installer does not keep a reference count for the number of updates that reference a single shared file. 此bug会导致WindowsInstaller对于引用单个共享文件的更新数量不保留引用计数。 support.microsoft.com 8. The Install method calls the Install method of each installer contained in the Installers property of this instance. Install方法调用每个安装程序的Install方法,这些安装程序包含在此实例的Installers属性中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. In other words, TEXTMODE is required if the Windows installer CD does not recognize your destination hard drive. 换句话说,TEXTMODE的需要,如果Windows安装CD不承认你的目标硬盘驱动器。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Note: If you're installing Linux from scratch and want to use GPT, your installer must provide GPT support in all three of these categories. 注意:如果您正在从头开始安装Linux并想使用GPT,您的安装程序必须在所有这三个类别的软件中都提供GPT支持。 www.ibm.com 1. The global version of this hotfix package uses a Microsoft Windows Installer package to install the hotfix package. 此修复程序包的全局版本使用一个MicrosoftWindowsInstaller程序包来安装修复程序包。 support.microsoft.com 2. Property values for your service are copied from the service class to the installer class. 服务的属性值将从服务类复制到安装程序类。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The Windows binary release is an executable that automatically executes Windows Installer. Windows二进制的发行版是一个可执行文件,它将自动的执行安装程序。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 4. Sun has completely re-written the installer so that it looks a great deal less intimidating than the previous version. Sun完全重写了安装程序,让它看起来远没有早先版本那么吓人。 www.infoq.com 5. Download the installer using another network connection and copy it to the original computer using a reliable medium. 下载安装使用另一种网络连接,并复制到原来的电脑上用一个可靠的媒介。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Bootable floppy disks are generally used as a last resort to boot the installer on hardware that cannot boot from CD or by other means. 可启动的软盘一般被视为是在那些不能从光盘或其它方式启动的硬件上引导安装程序的最后一种方法。 debian.fr 7. Otherwise, if all the prerequisites are detected, the bootstrapper just starts the application installer. 不过,如果启动载入器侦测到所有必要条件,就会直接启动应用程式安装程式。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Although very useful for the Ruby community, there must be more exciting things to do than writing an installer? 虽然Ruby社区感到非常有用,但是事实上肯定有比写一个安装器更加激动的事情吧? www.infoq.com 9. To which you are comparing the current installer. 与当前安装程序进行比较的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Microsoft Windows Installer technology creates installers that give you complete control over the installation process. MicrosoftWindowsInstaller技术创建的安装程序可为您提供对安装过程的完全控制。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. If any settings are determined to be too low, the installer offers to adjust the settings. 如果检测到设置太低,安装程序将调整设置。 www.ibm.com 2. Property must always match the name recorded in the installer classes. 属性的值必须始终与安装程序类中记录的名称匹配。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Now sit back while the installer detects some of your hardware, and loads the rest of itself from the CD. 现在你可以休息一下,安装程序将探测你的一些硬件,并从CD装载它的剩余部分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. When a program requests a path to a component, the Windows Installer returns the path to the keypath resource. 当程序需要某个组件的路径时,WindowsInstaller会将该路径返回给keypath资源。 support.microsoft.com 5. When the IBM Java development kit is installed, it uses different registry keys and the installer does not find the information it requires. 但IBMJava开发包使用不同的注册表键,该安装程序不能找到它所需要的信息。 www.ibm.com 6. Using them as a basis for writing your own installer is the quickest approach to getting a working installer. 以它们为基础编写自己的安装程序,这是获得一个可运行的安装程序的最快方法。 www.ibm.com 7. You should first look for newer versions of your installer image, or failing that report the problem to your distributor. 你应先寻找你的安装镜象的最新版本,或向您的销售尚(发行者)报告这一问题。 translations.launchpad.net 8. Run the installer, confirm to Windows that you trust the application, and accept the Snort license agreement. 运行安装程序,在Windows提示时确认您信任该应用程序,接受Snort许可协议。 www.ibm.com 9. This installation data consists of the install root, the maintenance directory of the update installer and the install registry files. 此安装数据包括安装根目录、保留更新安装程序的目录和安装注册表文件。 www.ibm.com 10. This enables the Windows Installer file to run the custom action that edits the application manifest. 这让WindowsInstaller文件可以运行编辑应用程序清单的自定义操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Lugaru is a cross-platform game, with a simple Linux installer. 《复仇格斗兔》是款跨平台游戏,有一个简单的Linux安装包。 www.bing.com 2. The installer generally does not install over an assembly unless the assembly version number is greater. 除非组件版本号码比较高,否则安装程式通常不会在组件上执行覆写安装。 technet.microsoft.com 3. This will run the installer and install Custom Action Installer on your development computer. 这将在开发计算机上运行安装程序并安装“自定义操作安装程序”。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Windows Installer automatically manages most error handling in deployment; however, errors in custom actions can cause an installer to fail. WindowsInstaller自动管理部署中的多数错误处理;但是,自定义操作中的错误可以导致安装程序失败。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. The translation of the installer is not fully complete for the selected language. 所选定的语言其安装程式的翻译尚未全数完成。 translations.launchpad.net 6. The Installer provides significant advantages over the existing script. 与现有的脚本相比,这个安装程序有很多明显的优势。 www-128.ibm.com 7. If you want to save some internal memory space you can now also select only the desired layouts on the installer. 如果你想节省一些内存空间,您现在也可以选择只对安装所需的布局。 bbs.wda.com.cn 8. Installer automatically detects installation path both to my documents and to the main game folder. 安装程序会自动检测安装路径都以我的文件和主要的游戏文件夹。 bbs.3dmgame.com 9. This allows you to set a number of firmware settings needed in order to boot the installer. 这让您可以进行一些固件的设置用于启动安装程序。 debian.fr 10. When a program is started, the Windows Installer verifies that each component is correctly installed. 启动某个程序时,WindowsInstaller会验证是否正确安装了每个组件。 support.microsoft.com 1. The kernel will display its usual initialization messages followed by the first screen of the Debian Installer. 内核在Debian安装程序的第一个屏幕显示常规的初始化信息。 debian.fr 2. The sample installer is in the subfolder called sample, which contains virtually all you need for developing your own installers. 示例安装程序在子文件夹sample中,实际上它包含了开发您自己的安装程序所需的所有东西。 www.ibm.com 3. To deploy Web Sites or Windows applications, you can choose to use merge modules deployment, the Windows Installer, or ClickOnce deployment. 若要部署网站或Windows应用程序,您可以选择使用合并模块部署、Windows安装程序或ClickOnce部署。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. This update consists of a full-file Microsoft Windows Installer (. Msp) file. 此更新由一个完整的MicrosoftWindowsInstaller文件(.msp文件)组成。 support.microsoft.com 5. Installer died and became reborn as Cydia, which evolved from an app library into a store in March 2009. Installer死而重生为Cydia,在2009年3月,其从一个应用程序库演变为应用程序商店。 www.bing.com 6. No installer data could be found. If this problem persists, please contact Blizzard Technical Support. 因为无法找到安装所需数据,如果这个问题仍然存在,请与暴雪公司联系获得技术支持。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. The installer was interrupted before Microsoft AppLocale could be installed. You need to restart the installer to try again. 在微软AppLocale安装完成之前,安装程序中断。您需要重新启动安装程序再试一次。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. ATTENTION INSTALLER: After installation, please leave this Instruction Sheet for occupant's information. 安装着注意:安装后,请将此说明书留给使用者。 www.h6688.com 9. As mentioned at the onset, you can add, remove, and update Cygwin categories and packages at any time by (re-)running the Cygwin installer. 正如前面提到的,在任何时候都可以通过运行Cygwin安装程序添加、删除和更新Cygwin类别和包。 www.ibm.com 10. Specifies compression settings for files included in an installer. 指定包含在安装程序中的文件的压缩设置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The installer is also able to set up encrypted file systems. 安装程式现也可以设定加密档案系统。 debian.fr 2. Visual Studio provides two different deployment strategies: ClickOnce and Windows Installer. VisualStudio提供了两种不同的部署策略:ClickOnce和WindowsInstaller。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Allows developers to package their device applications and create a desktop installer to distribute the applications to devices. 允许开发人员将其设备应用程序打包并创建桌面安装程序,将应用程序分发给设备。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Mozilla provides a simple one-click installer for Maemo, the Linux-based operating system that runs on the device. Mozilla为N810上基于Linux的操作系统Maemo提供了简单的一键安装包。 www.bing.com 5. Specifies which outputs of projects in the current solution will be included in an installer or merge module. 指定当前解决方案中的哪些项目输出将包含在安装程序或合并模块中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Hard disk booting of the installer is particularly appropriate for newer machines without floppy drives. 硬盘引导特别适合最新的没有软驱的机器。 debian.fr 7. In some cases, the installer does not generate an error if installation of a new policy failed. 在某些情况下,如果安装新策略失败,安装程序不会生成错误。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Select the Custom radio button when the installer prompts you to choose either a Full install or a Custom install. 当安装程序提示您选择完全(Full)安装或者是自定义(Custom)安装时,请选择Custom单选按钮。 www.ibm.com 9. The settings for the file installer have been moved to the conduits configuration. 此档案安装器的设定已经移到了导管设定。 translations.launchpad.net 10. The easiest way to install it is with the automated PEAR installer, which should be included by default with your PHP build. 安装Phing的最简单方式是使用自动的PEAR安装程序,后者应该默认包含在您的PHP版本中。 www.ibm.com 1. Compares the two Visual Studio deployment technologies: ClickOnce and Windows Installer. 比较两种VisualStudio部署技术:ClickOnce和WindowsInstaller。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Complete redesign of installer for a flawless installation. 从新设计的安装程序。能够完善安装。 www.axe9.com 3. The global version of this hotfix uses a Microsoft Windows Installer package to install the hotfix. 此修复程序的全局版本使用MicrosoftWindowsInstaller程序包要安装此修复程序。 support.microsoft.com 4. First, change the parameters of the Network Server Description so that it boots from the CD-ROM containing the SUSE distribution installer. 首先,更改网络服务器描述(NetworkServerDescription)的参数,以便它从包含SUSE发行版本安装程序的CD-ROM进行引导。 www.ibm.com 5. Determines whether the specified installer is included in collection. 确定指定的安装程序是否包含在集合中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Hawkins also promises better wireless support, Morphix's new hard drive installer, more documentation, and new security tools. Hawkins还许诺说要提供更好的无线支持,Morphix的新硬盘安装程序、更多文档以及一些新的安全工具。 www.ibm.com 7. Discusses how you create installer packages to be distributed to users. 讨论如何创建要分发给用户的安装程序包。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Windows Installer determines whether to remove an assembly based on a client list that it keeps independent of the assembly. WindowsInstaller基于独立于程序集的客户端列表,确定是否移除程序集。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. This section of the contents contains Help topics about error message related to ClickOnce deployment and Windows Installer deployment. 本节内容包含与ClickOnce部署和WindowsInstaller部署相关的错误信息的帮助主题。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. No class installer parameters have been set for the device information set or element . 尚未为设备信息集或元素设置类别安装程序参数。 www.bing.com 1. Installation doesn't require entering the Installer Key, if the download link is used for downloading the network installer. 安装不需要输入安装程序的密钥,如果用于下载网络安装程序的下载链接。 08translation.cn 2. VNC will connect to the SUSE installer and will prompt you for the password you entered in the IPL Parameters (suseinst). VNC将会连接到SUSE安装程序,并且会提示您输入您曾经在IPL参数中输入的密码(suseinst)。 www.ibm.com 3. The new Debian installer (known as d-i) provides several new features. 新的Debian安装程序(被称为d-i)提供了一些新的特性。 www.infoq.com 4. The Crystal Reports Update Service is not provided as part of the installer. 安装程序中未提供CrystalReports更新服务。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. For Windows Installer deployment, bootstrapping of the. NET Framework is enabled by default. 对于WindowsInstaller部署,.NETFramework的引导是默认启用的。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. The main product installer can optionally install versions of Ruby, Rails, MySQL, and Interbase. 在安装程序运行过程中,可以对Ruby、Rails、MySQL以及Interbase的版本进行选择。 www.infoq.com 7. With the refresh, they baked the package creation, installer creation and signing process into MonoDevelop. 通过此次更新,开发者可以在MonoDevelop中创建包、安装器并且可以进行签名。 www.infoq.com 8. Provides instructions on installing sample packages from the stand-alone Microsoft Windows installer. 提供有关从独立的MicrosoftWindows安装程序安装示例包的说明。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. This is done by the installer automatically so after installation the system is completely configured for internal SSL. 这由安装程序自动地完成,所以在安装之后系统已经为内部SSL配置好了。 www.ibm.com 10. Secure module to electrical box (supplied by installer), as shown in Figure 2A. 对电的盒子(根据装置供应)的安心组件,如图2A所示。 wenwen.soso.com 1. After the Oracle Universal Installer is complete, use the Net Configuration Assistant to configure network connectivity. 完成OracleUniversalInstaller之后,使用NetConfigurationAssistant配置网络连接。 technet.microsoft.com 2. The first application compatibility technology that is part of UAC is called Installer Detection. UAC包含的第一种应用程序兼容性技术名为“安装程序检测”。 msdn.microsoft.com 3. The installer will instruct you to shut down your browser(s). 安装将会提示你将要关闭你的浏览器。 www.bing.com 4. Before installing, remember to back up all your data, in case you do something wrong in the partitioning stage of the installer. 在安装之前,请记得备份您所有的数据,如果你做一些错误的,在分割阶段的安装。 baike.soso.com 5. The installer will put two links on your desktop but, since those are for Windows, you can delete them. 安装程序将会在你的桌面上创建两个快捷方式,因为它们是针对Windows的,所以你可以删掉它们。 www.bing.com 6. Performs additional custom processes before an existing installer is set to a new value. 将现有的安装程序设置为新值之前执行其他自定义进程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The Windows Installer is a setup package that installs Crystal Reports runtime files and merge modules on target machines. Windows安装程序是一个安装包,可将CrystalReports运行时组件和合并模块安装到目标计算机上。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The installer then tests the software to make sure that the installation was done properly and completely. 然后安装测试软件,以确保安装正确,完整地做。 www.bing.com 9. The installer accepts information dynamically, eliminating the need for preset values in the environment. 安装程序动态地接受信息,减少预先设置环境值的必要性 www.ibm.com 10. I'll be packaging everything up with an installer so that players don't have to mess with the complexity of all those files. 我们将把所有的安装文件用一个安装程序打包,这样玩家就不会因为文件太复杂而弄混。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In addition to solar energy, China just passed the United States as the world's largest builder and installer of wind turbines. 除太阳能以外,中国超越美国成为世界第一大风力涡轮叶片的制造商和营造商。 www.bing.com 2. Download the installer from another source approved by the software developer or publisher. 从另一个源头下载安装程序批准的软件开发者或出版商。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. It's only a matter of time before the Live CD installer, already in testing stages, is released. LiveCD安装程序已经处于测试阶段,何时发布只是个时间问题。 www.ibm.com 4. Or manually loading the kernel from the CD to initially boot the system installer. 或者从CD盘中手工装载内核来初始化系统安装程序。 debian.fr 5. The wizard creates the Installer file using the current policy settings of the computer where the wizard executes. 该向导使用它在其上执行的计算机的当前策略设置来创建安装程序文件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. For more protection the Hidden Contacts has also extended settings like Lock Messaging application or Lock Installer. 欲了解更多保护隐藏联系人还扩展设置,如锁消息应用程序或锁安装程序。 bbs.wda.com.cn 7. A progress bar will appear and display notes from the installer regarding the progress of the installation. 接下来会出现一个进度条,显示与安装进程相关的说明。 www.bing.com 8. All components of the installer needed to complete the install will be loaded automatically and are not listed here. 需要完整安装的组件,安装程序会自动完成,这里并没有列出它们。 translations.launchpad.net 9. Determines the index of a specified installer in the collection. 确定集合中指定安装程序的索引。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Windows Installer keeps one pin bit that represents all Windows Installer clients of the assembly. WindowsInstaller保留一个固定位,它代表程序集的所有WindowsInstaller客户端。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Towards the end of the install the installer will start to build the client environment from the packages on the CD. 直到安装完成,安装程序会使用CD上的包创建客户端环境。 sites.google.com 2. There's also a standalone MacOS X Git installer linked from the Git download page; that will probably work better for most people. Git下载页面还提供了一个独立的MacOSXGit安装程序链接;这个工具可能更适合大多数人使用)。 www.ibm.com 3. When the partition becomes active, you will be presented with your favorite distribution's installer. 当分区变为活动的时,就会呈现出您喜欢的发行版本的安装程序。 www.ibm.com 4. Why is creating a new installer such a big deal, can't you just recompile Ruby and be done with it? 为什么创建一个全新的安装器是如此重要呢?你为啥不能仅仅重编译一下Ruby然后进行处理呢? www.infoq.com 5. This ensures that the service does not execute while the installer is copying files or putting assemblies in the global assembly cache. 这确保在安装程序复制文件或将程序集放入全局程序集缓存时,该服务不会执行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. F. Qualification Data: For Installer and Architectural Hardware Consultant. 资格数据:针对安装人员和建筑五金顾问。 gigabase.org 7. The Package Installer facilitates the install of software updates for Microsoft Windows operating systems and other Microsoft products. 安装程序包可方便用于MicrosoftWindows操作系统和其他Microsoft产品的软件更新程序的安装。 www.microsoft.com 8. An array of services that must be running before the service associated with this installer can run. 在与该安装程序关联的服务运行以前必须运行的一组服务。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. An instance of one of the installer types could not be created. 未能创建一个安装程序类型的实例。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Use an installer to place optional resources in the appropriate Library subdirectory of the user's system. 使用安装器来将一些可选的资源文件放在用户系统中合适的Library子目录下。 www.uxguide.net 1. Gacutil. Exe provides options that support reference counting similar to the reference counting scheme supported by Windows Installer. Gacutil.exe提供支持引用计数的选项,类似于WindowsInstaller所支持的引用计数方案。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. For the install utility to recognize MyProjectInstaller as a valid installer, the RunInstallerAttribute attribute is set to true. 为使安装实用工具将MyProjectInstaller识别为有效安装程序,RunInstallerAttribute属性被设置为true。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Even if your user account has administrator privileges, you must run the installer on the account named "Administrator" or it does not work. 即使您的用户帐户具有管理员权限,仍必须使用名为“Administrator”的帐户运行安装程序,否则它无法运行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. A merge module is similar in structure to a simplified Windows Installer . msi file. 合并模块在结构上类似于一个简化的 zhidao.baidu.com 5. For instance, the Mac download includes a PKG installer (shown in Figure 7). 例如,Mac下载包括PKG安装程序(如图7所示)。 www.ibm.com 6. The Update Installer (UPDI) is a tool used to install maintenance on WebSphere products. UpdateInstaller(UPDI)是用于在WebSphere产品上安装维护的工具。 www.ibm.com 7. For each event log that your application will write to and add the instance to your project installer class. 在项目中,为应用程序将写入的每一个事件日志创建一个。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. This will let the installer override that location and place the files elsewhere if there are mitigating circumstances. 这将在出现减少错误的情况下使安装程序重设位置并把文件放在其他地方。 www-128.ibm.com 9. if no valid translation is available for the selected language , the installer will default to english. 如果选择的语言没有对应翻译的版本,安装将预设使用英文。 www.ichacha.net 10. Enter your serial number below. The installer will use this information for subsequent installations. 在下面的框中输入你的序列号。安装程序将在后续的安装过程中使用此信息。 www.fan6.net 1. Go through the installer dialog. It is recommended that you use the default settings. 在安装器对话框中进行设置。推荐你使用缺省设置。 bbs.ep3d.com 2. Performs additional custom processes before a new installer is inserted into the collection. 在将一个新的安装程序插入此集合之前执行其他自定义进程。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The installer checks for a newer version and aborts deployment if one is found. 安装程序检查是否有更新的版本,并在找到更新版本时中止部署。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Mac users prefer a rich GUI experience, and running the IDS installer as root involves opening a Terminal window and running sudo. Mac用户喜欢富GUI体验,以root运行IDS安装程序需要打开一个Terminal窗口并运行sudo。 www.ibm.com 5. When you install IBM's HTTP Server, the installer leaves behind a JDK in the _jvm directory of the installation root. 当您安装IBM的HTTPServer时,安装程序会在安装根目录的_jvm目录中遗留一个JDK。 www.ibm.com 6. Warning: This package is intended for the use in building debian-installer images only. 警告:这个软件包专门用于构建Debian安装程序(debian-installer)镜像。 packages.debian.org 7. Links to articles on how to use Windows Installer deployment to create installer packages to be distributed to users. 提供指向一些文章的链接,这些文章介绍如何使用WindowsInstaller部署创建将分发给用户的安装程序包。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Finally, I would then add the Installer class as a Custom Action in the Setup Project and compile it. 最后,我将它添加到安装工程中自定义动作安装类里并编译它。 www.cnblogs.com 9. The system will then boot straight into the installer. 系统将直接启动进入安装程序。 debian.fr 10. Pebble's installer assumes you'll have unpacked on another disk and will then copy over to the new disk. Pebble的安装程序假定您先在其它磁盘上进行解压缩,然后再复制到新磁盘上。 www.ibm.com 1. The installer checks the local system for already installed components and prerequisites . 安装文件检查本地系统已经安装的组件和前置条件。 bbs.vsharing.com 2. For more information about Windows Installer, see Windows Installer Deployment. 有关WindowsInstaller的更多信息,请参见WindowsInstaller部署。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. In the HelloWorldTestInstaller Property Pages dialog box, the Output file name box contains the location of the installer files. 在“HelloWorldTestInstaller属性页”对话框中,“输出文件名”框包含安装程序文件的位置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Inserts the specified installer into the collection at the specified index. 将指定的安装程序插入集合中的指定索引处。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Class one that installs the processes for all services in the project, and one installer for each service the application contains. 类中至少有两个安装组件:一个为项目中的所有服务安装进程,另一个是应用程序所包含的每项服务的安装程序。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Download UIMA SDK: The free UIMA SDK comes as a self-extracting installer for Windows and Linux or a zip file for all other platforms. 下载UIMASDK:这个免费的UIMASDK为Windows和Linux提供一个自解压的安装程序,对于其他所有平台提供zip文件。 www.ibm.com 7. Instance for each queue in the installation and add the instance to your project installer class. 实例,并将该实例添加到项目安装程序类中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Choose the ZIP file, rather than the Windows installer, as the ZIP file includes the Unified ODBC extension. 请选择ZIP文件,而非Windowsinstaller,因为ZIP文件中包含了统一ODBC扩展。 www.ibm.com 9. Download the installer using another computer and copy it to the original computer. 下载安装另一台计算机使用和复制它原来的电脑。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Then the installer does not plug it in at the controller. 那麽在控制器上就可以不插这个电阻。 www.autooo.net |
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