单词 | internet connection | ||||||||||||||
释义 | internet connection
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 网络连接,网际网路连线,互联网连接 1. My Google car lost its internet connection near Elephant and Castle and I've had to run the last mile to the office. 我的谷歌(Google)汽车在大象城堡(ElephantandCastle)附近掉线了,我不得不跑完这最后的一英里回到办公室。 www.ftchinese.com 2. To complicate things more our internet connection to the outside world has been up and down all day. 另外,这些天我们与外界的网络连接也是断断续续的。 www.equn.com 3. There has never been a wider range of opinion and analysis, available to anyone with an internet connection. 只要能接入互联网,任何人都能获得空前广泛的观点与分析。 www.ftchinese.com 4. So with a fast internet connection, it should be easy to find the best deals from Lisbon to Lapland. 随着互联网商务的快速发展,人们本应该很轻松地从里斯本到拉普兰找到最价廉物美的商品。 www.ecocn.org 5. Web Accelerator, which will optimize the system settings of your present Internet connection and raise your Web surfing speed by up to 300%. 网络加速器,将优化系统设置,您现在的互联网连接,并提高您的网上冲浪的速度高达300%。 wdyj.5d6d.com 6. To compete for a place in the Linux world, you need a PC, an Internet connection and a brain. 在linux世界里面竞争,你需要一台电脑,连上internet以及一个好的头脑就足够了。 www.lslnet.com 7. Talking from my point of view, if I hadn't had an internet connection, I wouldn't even be able to do my homework. 以我的观点,如果我没有联网,我甚至不能做家庭作业。 www.elanso.com 8. DotComGuy's home is a two-story domicile, there is nothing but a laptop computer and an Internet connection. 层小楼,屋子里除了膝上电脑和上网设备外别无其他。 ezitong.com 9. This application, combined with a standard-grade PC and a typical broadband Internet connection, allows anybody to become a broadcaster. 使用我们的免费广播软件、普通个人电脑和宽带网络就可以使每个人成为一个频道的广播者。 bbs.kekenet.com 10. A capsule apartment is a bit less than 2 square meters, featuring TV, Internet connection and a small desk. 这个公寓还不到2平方米,装配有电视、互联网接入和一张小桌子。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. You can use Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) to share an Internet connection among two or more computers on a network. 您可以使用Internet连接共享(ICS)在网络中的两台或多台计算机之间共享Internet连接。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 2. Calls are handled within the home by a small base-station that plugs into a fixed-line broadband internet connection. 对于融合后的家庭式通话,只需把一个小型的基站连入固定电线的宽带网络接口即可。 www.ecocn.org 3. He still cannot afford the price of a computer or an Internet connection, but, he says, at least it is a start. 尽管他还没办法承担电脑和因特网联接的费用,至少这已经是一个好的开始了。 blog.hjenglish.com 4. Right-click the connection on which you want to turn on the Internet Connection Firewall, and then click Properties. 右键单击要打开Windows防火墙的连接,然后单击“属性”。 support.microsoft.com 5. The GPS traces are then compiled into a digital street map that can be viewed, edited, and shared by anyone with an Internet connection. GPS数据会被汇编成一个数字地图,可以查看,修改,被每一个联入互联网的人共享。 www.biodic.cn 6. At the time it asked those affected by the Hotmail glitches to tell the firm what type of internet connection and ISP they were using. 他们询问了那些被Hotmail影响的用户,关于他们使用哪种互联网连接以及他们使用哪个互联网服务提供商的情况。 www.bing.com 7. If you're shelling out for a blazing-fast Internet connection, pony up for a new model. 如果您还保持了一个高度的上网热情,掏腰包里买个新的吧。 www.foodmate.net 8. If you have headphones and a microphone along with your computer and Internet connection, you could listen in on a video chat room. 如果你的电脑有耳机和麦克风还有网络连接的话,你就可以在聊天室中听并交流。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. With a dedicated phone line and a reliable Internet connection, the customer service representative can work from home. 有一条专门的电话线和稳定的网络连接的话,客户代表可以在家里工作。 www.hjenglish.com 10. But now that I do, I would be far less happy if I just got a computer without an Internet connection. 但是如今如果我有一台没有联网的电脑我会很不高兴。 www.bing.com 1. Unable to initialize streaming. Please check your Internet connection. If this problem persists , please contact Blizzard Technical Support. 不能联系到播放。请检查你的网络连接。如果此问题仍存在,请联系暴雪技术支持。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. There was a blue cable ready for high speed internet connection for your laptop if available. 如果你有笔记本电脑的话还可以享受快速网上冲浪。 weike.taskcn.com 3. Predicting pixel colors turns out to be faster than downloading them, even on a high-speed Internet connection. 而事实证明即使是在高速互联网中估算像素颜色比直接下载它们要快的多。 www.bing.com 4. After you enable Internet Connection Firewall protection, verify that the connection to your server is still working. 启用Windows防火墙保护后,请验证与服务器的连接是否仍然在工作。 support.microsoft.com 5. The current Kindle also comes in a $164 version with a free 3G Internet connection; the new Nook is only available with a WiFi connection. 现在Kindle已经有免费连接3G互联网的型号,价格为164美元;新款Nook只能通过WiFi进行联网。 chinese.wsj.com 6. TVU networks offers a free global live TV service that you can watch on your Windows PC over a broadband Internet connection. TVUnetworks提供了使您可以通过宽带互联网在电脑上观赏免费的全球直播电视服务。 www.kouyi.org 7. Jobs and industries can move to any country with an Internet connection and willing workers. 就业机会和产业可以随着网络的连接和劳动者的意愿流向任何国家。 gb.cri.cn 8. Anyone with an Internet connection can follow a $50, 000-a-year course for free, and get the lecture notes and course assignments. 只要有互联网,任何人都能免费学习一门5万美金一年的课程,网上也有讲义和课程作业可供下载。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 9. Proximity to the wireless access point or router, as well as physical obstructions, can affect the quality of your Internet connection. 到无线访问点或路由器的近程以及物理障碍物均可能影响Internet连接的质量。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 10. I would have thought by now a decent -- free -- Internet connection would be part of the deal for business travelers and hotel guests. 我原来一直以为,免费上网该是商务舱乘客和宾馆房客享受的一项服务。 www.ebigear.com 1. Network Mechanic optimizes your Internet connection up to 300%, providing faster download speeds and fewer delays while browsing. 网络机械优化您的网际网路连线高达300%,提供更快的下载速度和更少的延误,而浏览。 xtdownload.com 2. Without the Internet connection, you can avoid the frequent impulse to jump online to see how your Facebook wall is doing. 没有了网络连接,你就可以避免频繁地想要登陆Facebook的冲动。 www.bing.com 3. Because all they need is a phone and a computer with an internet connection, many technical writers work from home. 因为他们的工作需要的只是一个电话,一个联网电脑。许多技术文档工程师都是在家工作的。 www.bing.com 4. Users will be able to access their music, movies, and media on any Apple device with an Internet connection. 任何苹果设备只要联网,用户就能够访问他们的音乐,电影和视频。 www.bing.com 5. The only charges that apply are those that you pay for an Internet connection. 唯一需要支付的是用于Internet连接的费用。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 6. Today, new businesses can start with the cost of a computer and an Internet connection. 而如今,只要有电脑和互联网就能开创一家新企业。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The property was valued at $1 million, but it had neither a telephone nor an Internet connection. 这套不动产虽然价值百万,但是它既没有安装电话也没有接入互联网。 www.bing.com 8. In other words, the sort of "here I am on the airplane, there's no Internet connection, I am reading a book thoroughly" reading. 换句话说,就是那种“我正在飞机上,这里没有互联网,我在全神贯注地看一本书”式的阅读。 www.bing.com 9. Anybody with an Internet connection and a computer can now become a celebrity. 现在,一台电脑加一条网线就可以让任何人成为cewebrity(网络名人)。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Now Nintendo is competing in a much broader market where any device with a screen and Internet connection is a gaming device. 现在任天堂公司是在一个更加广阔的市场中和对手竞争,在这个市场中,任何一台带屏幕且能接入互联网的设备都是一部游戏机。 www.cn.wsj.com 1. It was worth hundreds of thousands of dollars but, crucially, had no phone or internet connection. 它价值几十万美元,然而,这里既没有电话也没有互联网接入。 www.bing.com 2. This will take a while depending on your internet connection. 这一步花费的时间取决于你的互联网链接。 www.bing.com 3. The PS4 will have no disc drive, depending entirely on an Internet connection for browsing and accessing games. PS4不会配备光盘驱动器,而会完全依靠网络连接来浏览和访问游戏。 www.bing.com 4. The main benefit of online word processors for me is their availability from any computer with an Internet connection. 对我而言,在线文字处理软件的最主要好处在于它们可以与网络连接上的任何一台主机连接。 www.elanso.com 5. I wanted to show him a video on YouTube that I liked, so we tried watching it over his dial-up Internet connection. 之后我想让他看我很喜欢的YouTube影片,就试着透过他家的电话拨接上网来看那段画面。 hi.baidu.com 6. This isn't much of a risk if you are using a hard-wired Internet connection or an encrypted wireless connection at work or at home. 不过如果你在工作或家里使用一种hard-wired互联网连接或加密的无线连接时,这种情况也不存在风险。 www.bing.com 7. For information about establishing an Internet connection with a broadband modem, see Set up a DSL or cable connection. 有关使用宽带调制解调器建立Internet连接的信息,请参阅设置DSL或电缆连接。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 8. With its internet connection, the MicroFueler calls GreenHouse automatically whenever it needs more feedstock or maintenance. 通过与互联网连接,MicroFueler在任何需要更多原料或需要维护的时候自动呼叫GreenHouse公司。 www.ecocn.org 9. The CDT is about 11 MB total, so this could take a few minutes, depending on your Internet connection speed. CDT总共大约11MB,因此这可能需要花费一些时间,这取决于Internet连接速度。 www.ibm.com 10. When downloading software updates via a slow Internet connection, you might receive a timeout error resulting in an unsuccessful download. 当通过慢速网络连接下载软件更新,您可能会收到一个超时错误导致下载失败。 www.tiantianbt.com 1. These email accounts can be accessed from any computer with an Internet connection and your password. 只要是电脑与网络连接并且拥有密码,你就可以进入这些邮箱账户。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. A Microsoft Windows technology that allows computers on a network to access online services through a single Internet connection. MicrosoftWindows的一项技术,允许网络计算机通过单一的Internet连接访问联机服务。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 3. Then it could be used to quickly establish a wireless Internet connection over a wide area. 然后,它可用于快速建立在广泛领域的无线互联网连接。 www.englishtang.com 4. IDEs and simple code editors become hosted pieces of software that are accessible to developers with an Internet connection. IDE和简单代码编辑器将成为开发人员使用Internet连接访问的承载软件。 www.ibm.com 5. Years later she brings Leakey's vision, and the work of hundreds of other conservationists, to anyone with an Internet connection. 数年之后,她将李基的愿望以及数以百计自然保护主义者的工作成果,介绍给任何能接触互联网的人。 www.bing.com 6. You will need to work from home with a fast reliable internet connection and a reliable computer. 您需要在家里工作了一种快速可靠的互联网连接和一个可靠的计算机。 www.bing.com 7. Anything can happen with your computer or with an internet connection. 你的电脑或者你的网络链接可能会出现任何的以外情况。 www.zzbaike.com 8. Engineers are developing a new type of Internet connection that could carry so much data so quickly it might surprise even Net surfers. 工程师正发展一种新型的互联网连接,这种连接可以很快地传输大量的数据,这些数据可能甚至令网络。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Whether you are looking for network problems or simply want to check the speed of your internet connection Bandwidth Vista is for you. 您是否正在寻找网络问题,或只是想要检查的速度,您的网际网路连线频宽Vista是为你。 xtdownload.com 10. Calls travel over the Internet , though, so you need a stable, active cable or DSL Internet connection for this to work . 用网络打电话,你需要稳定和有效的网络或数字用户网络专线,这项服务才有效。 www.bing.com 1. After fixing errors with your internet connection you may want to setup wireless network on your Linksys router. 与您的internet连接修复错误后可能要Linksys路由器设置无线网络。 www.ipshade.org 2. The hosting environment is on a fast Internet connection in a typical data center environment and is managed by professional IT staff. 主机托管环境具有快速的互联网连接,通常处于数据中心环境中,并由专业的IT人员管理。 www.ibm.com 3. This wouldn't be such a problem if Trotter had a regular Internet connection. 如果Trotter有个固定的网络连接,可能就不会有这个问题。 www.bing.com 4. Spyware can slow your system by interfering with your browser and monopolizing your Internet connection. 间谍软件通过妨碍浏览器和独占Internet连接可以降低系统性能。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 5. The web has opened the closed world of professional editors and reporters to anyone with a keyboard and an internet connection. 网络为任何一个有键盘和网络连接的人打开了职业编辑和新闻记者的封闭世界。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. But some people say an Internet connection is not enough of a connection for teaching and learning. 但一些人表示,互联网连接并不足以取代教学和学习之间的联系。 www.ebigear.com 7. Years ago I would be very happy to get a computer without an Internet connection because I didn't know how good the Internet is. 几年前,我能有一台没有联网的电脑也会很高兴,因为我不知道互联网到底有多好。 www.bing.com 8. For users with an ordinary domestic internet connection, the changeover may involve upgrading their hardware. 对于是普通国内互联网连接的用户,新IP地址的改变可能需要升级他们的硬件。 www.bing.com 9. This unprotected camera now becomes viewable by anyone with an Internet connection and can quickly become an invasion of privacy. 这种未保护的摄像机可以被互联网上的每个人见到,并且可能快速地成为侵犯隐私罪。 www.ibm.com 10. Internet connection sharing cannot be enabled. A LAN connection is already configured. 共享连接不能被打开。局域网连接被配置为。 www.mstou.com 1. Note Windows Firewall is known as Internet Connection Firewall in earlier versions of Windows. 注意:Windows防火墙在Windows的早期版本中称为Internet连接防火墙。 support.microsoft.com 2. Will we be in the habit of carrying a small device with us that can be used as a cell phone, a fax, a microphone and an internet connection? 我们会习惯于随身携带一件小装置,能够用作移动电话、传真、麦克风和上网吗? www.ebigear.com 3. Besides rooms with cable TVs and a wireless Internet connection, Chinese-speaking doctors, there are even shopping and sightseeing trips. 除了装有有线电视和网络的房间、说汉语的医生,孕妇们还能观光和购物。 www.bing.com 4. Under settings, type in a name for the WiFi network, a password to access it, then decide the type of internet connection you want to share. 在设置settings中,为自己的WiFi建立名称和登录密码,然后选择网络连接方式。 www.cnbeta.com 5. A computer, a good Internet connection and a headset are what you will need to take classes online. 一台电脑,一个良好的网络连接和一个耳机是什么,你就需要坐线上教学。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. This is possibly the most flexible option since you are able to access all your documents from any computer with an Internet connection. 这或许是最灵活的选择,因为这样一来,你可以在任何一台联网的电脑上使用自己的文档。 www.bing.com 7. Please reconfigure the LAN connection with a single IP address before enabling Internet Connection Sharing. 在启用Internet连接共享之前,请用一个单一的IP地址重新配置LAN连接。 support.microsoft.com 8. They have varying amounts of memory and disk space and a wide range of Internet connection speeds. 它们的记忆体大小和磁碟空间各不相同,网际网路的连线速度也互异。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 9. Internet connection sharing cannot be enabled. The LAN connection selected on the. 共享连接不能被打开。局域网连接被设置在。 www.mstou.com 10. The programmes will be available for download over a broadband internet connection following their network premieres. 这些节目在电视网首播后,将可通过宽带互联网下载。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. Online presentations are easily accessible from any computer with an Internet connection. 网上演示可以从任何联网的计算机进入。 www.mytino.com 2. The download times are OK. but I'm spending too much money for my Internet connection. 下载时间还好,只是上网花钱太多了。 www.tingroom.com 3. However, I still had my laptop computer and an Internet connection, and I was encouraged to blog about the whole experience. 但我还有一台手提电脑,可以上网,并被鼓励写下这次经历。 www.bing.com 4. Facilities range in entertainment offerings (most include a television, an electronic console, and wireless internet connection). “房间”里也提供娱乐设施(大多数房间都配有电视,电子控制台以及无线网络连接设备)。 gb.cri.cn 5. So Ms Okolloh set up a website that allowed anyone with a mobile phone or an internet connection to report outbreaks of violence. 所以,奥科罗女士建立了一个网站,能够让任何人通过使用移动电话或互联网来报告暴力事件。 www.bing.com 6. Be warned, this is long list and for those with slow internet connection, it might take a while to load. 友情提示,列表很长,对那些网速较慢的人而言,可能需要一些时间加载。 www.bing.com 7. Must Have to talk very clearly and understand American English, has to have a good internet connection. 必须要聊得很清楚,了解美国英语,必须有一个良好的互联网连接。 www.bing.com 8. It stuttered repeatedly while streaming high-definition video from the Web, even on a very fast Internet connection. 当播放网络上的高清视频时,它会反复卡壳,即使在网速很快时也是如此。 chinese.wsj.com 9. The performance of your computer might vary with the speed of your Internet connection, or the servers you're downloading from. 计算机的性能可能会有所不同,这取决于Internet连接的速度,或从其下载的服务器的速度。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 10. The product can be installed directly to the mobile device via a mobile Internet connection or via the PC application. 该产品可以直接安装到移动设备通过移动互联网连接,或通过微机应用。 bbs.wda.com.cn 1. These are very useful for developers to debug the problem, but might be too big for you to upload if you have a slow internet connection. 虽然这对开发者报告问题很有用,但如果带宽窄则会上传太慢。 translations.launchpad.net 2. All I need is an array of cameras here in my Tucson office and a fast Internet connection. 所有我需要的设备就是放在我位于亚利桑那州图森市的办公室里的一组照相机,以及一个网速较快的互联网。 www.bing.com 3. A functional Internet connection is required for this step because all dependencies are retrieved from the central maven repository. 这一步需要一个实用的互联网连接,因为所有依赖项都取自中央maven存储库。 www.ibm.com 4. Apple has unveiled an upgraded i Phone with a faster Internet connection and GPS capabilities. 苹果公司推出一款新苹果机,上网速度更快,并配有全球定位装置。 bbs.putclub.com 5. There is still work to be done to set up the Internet connection. 然而,建成这个网路联接还需要做很多事情。 big5.cri.cn 6. Access your essential files wherever you go whenever you want from any computer with an Internet connection. 访问您的重要档案,随时随地,每当你想从任何一台计算机与网际网路连线。 xtdownload.com 7. Asymmetrical digital subscriber loop (ADSL) is one of the most important methods of Internet connection. 非对称数字用户线技术是目前用户连接互联网最重要的方式之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Use e-mail to track up to 50 express shipments without full internet connection. 即便互联网连接受限,使用电子邮件也可以查询一次多达50票快件的转运状态。 www.dhl.com 9. In addition, there was a rule of thumb that no computers will be delivered until things are solved with Internet connection. 此外,还有一个经验法则:除非与互联网络的连接问题已经得到一并解决,否则就不提供电脑的交付。 www.bing.com 10. Internet Connection Sharing cannot be enabled. 无法启动Internet连接共享。 support.microsoft.com 1. This sample requires two physical servers and an Internet connection to download the Apache HTTP Server and mod-jk files. 这个示例需要两个物理服务器和一个Internet连接,以便下载ApacheHTTP服务器和mod-jk文件。 www.ibm.com 2. The rooms should be single occupancy and self-catered with the option of private bathroom and internet connection. 房间必须是私人房,而且还可以选择独立卫生间和网线连接。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. A room with cable TV and a wireless Internet connection, plus three meals, starts at $35 a day. 房间里配了有线电视和无线互联网,包括一日三餐,每天最低35美元。 dongxi.net 4. In addition, the low amount of internal storage limits what users are able to do if they don't have an Internet connection. 此外,内存较小限制了用户在无法连接互联网时的使用选择。 cn.wsj.com 5. Of course, judging system responsiveness over an Internet connection is hard, due to network latency. 当然,判断系统对于Internet连接的响应能力非常困难,这是因为网络延时的原因。 www.ibm.com 6. The previous version of this software was called Internet Connection Firewall (ICF). 此软件的早期版本称作Internet连接防火墙(ICF)。 technet.microsoft.com 7. A young woman with an Internet connection in Bangalore, India can compete with anybody anywhere in the world. 一位印度班加罗尔的女青年可以通过互联网与世界上的任何人竞争。 www.putclub.com 8. Suddenly anyone with an Internet connection could share ideas with the whole world. 只要接入互联网,任何人瞬间都可以与全世界分享观点。 dongxi.net 9. To enable or disable Internet Connection Sharing, Internet Connection Firewall, and on-demand dialing, click the Advanced tab. 要启用或禁用Internet连接共享、Internet连接防火墙和请求拨号,请单击高级选项卡。 support.microsoft.com 10. An error occurred while Internet connection sharing was being enabled for the connection. 当共享INTERNET连接被打开时产生了一个错误。 bbs.51cto.com 1. All you need is an Internet connection and a headset! 所有您所做的只要可以上网和一副耳机! www.ebigear.com 2. If your Internet connection is persistent, the updates are performed completely automatically in fixed time intervals. 如果您的计算机始终连接至互联网,更新会全自动执行。 avast.com.cn 3. If all of your music is in the cloud, you need an internet connection to access it. 如果你所有的音乐都在“云”里,你需要通过网络来获取它们。 www.bing.com 4. Failed to download the list of changes. Please check your Internet connection. 无法下载更新列表。请检查您的网络连接。 translations.launchpad.net 5. The shows are downloaded to your device, which means you can watch them even when you lack an Internet connection, as on most airplanes. 节目会下载到你的设备上,这意味着即便在没有连接互联网的时候也可以观看,比如说在大多数飞机上。 chinese.wsj.com 6. This points to another barrier. To maximise their usefulness, tablets need a fast wireless-internet connection. 这又提出了另一个障碍,为了使其效用最大化,平板电脑需要快捷的无线网络连接。 www.ecocn.org 7. Also you can obtain information regarding your own Internet Connection, Network Adapters and their IP Address. 你还可以获得有关你自己的互联网连接,网络适配器以及它们的IP地址的信息。 word.hcbus.com 8. Important Before you disable the firewall for troubleshooting, turn on the Windows XP Internet Connection Firewall. 重要说明:在禁用防火墙进行故障排除之前,请打开WindowsXP中的Windows防火墙。 support.microsoft.com 9. The information about the users position and the pointing direction is sent to a server via a mobile internet connection. 有关资料使用者?位置和方向的指向发送到一台服务器通过移动互联网连接。 bbs.dospy.com 10. What type of internet connection and speed is recommended to enable the game to run smoothly? 何种类型的网络连接以及网速才能保证游戏流畅? www.interclub.cn 1. The Internet connection is through Comcast's Business ISP service, which connects via a cable connection to an SMC gateway. 互联网连接是由Comcast的商业ISP服务提供,通过有线电缆连接到一个SMC的网关。 user.ccw.com.cn 2. It just takes knowledge, ambition, and a high-speed Internet connection. 这花费的仅仅是知识、雄心和高速连接的英特网。 www.ibm.com 3. As of this writing, no high speed Internet connection exists at the university. 到撰写文本时止,大学内还没有高速Internet连接。 www.ibm.com 4. Select this option to prevent unauthorized access to your computer 's Internet connection, and to the network if the connection is shared. 选择此选项来禁止通过你的Internet连接对你的计算机和共享的网络的未授权的访问。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 5. The health of your computer can affect your Internet connection. 计算机的健康度可能会影响Internet连接。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 6. Please ensure that the LAN adapter is connected before enabling Internet Connection Sharing. 请在启用Internet连接共享之前确认LAN网卡已连接。 support.microsoft.com 7. Most video editing tools offer automatic web video settings targeted at various Internet connection speeds. 大大都视频编纂工具供给针对分歧收集链接速度的视频设置。 www.bing.com 8. Configure and troubleshoot Internet Connection Sharing. 配置网络连接共享及故障排除。 xuandian.ik8.com 9. By simply turning on the light in the room you could also switch on your Internet connection. 只要打开房间里的灯,互联网也就连接上了。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 10. It's said at least 25% of all households have Internet connection. 至少有百分之二十五的家庭使用互联网。 www.bing.com 1. For more information, see Troubleshoot network and Internet connection problems. 有关详细信息,请参阅网络和Internet连接疑难解答。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 2. Probably the possibility of getting a free internet connection will be another factor that will promote tourism in the region. 或许使用免费网路的机会将会是另一个提升此区域观光业的要素。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 3. A setting on the Internet Connection Sharing host computer is preventing you from connecting or disconnecting at this time. 在Internet连接共享主机计算机上的一个设置阻止您现在连接或断开。 www.fan6.net 4. When I used a static IP address on my high-speed Internet connection, I could sometimes memorize those numbers. 当我在我的高速因特网连接上用了一个静态的IP位址的时候,我可以有时记住那些数目。 www.sudu.cn 5. To fax a workbook from Excel, ensure that you have an Internet connection and that you are signed up with a fax provider. 要通过传真从Excel发送工作簿,请确保您有Internet连接并且您已经与传真服务提供商签约。 office.microsoft.com 6. A computer, a web cam and microphone, and a high-speed internet connection. 一台电脑,网络视频和耳麦,及高速网络连接。 bbs.eastday.com 7. These start playing instantly upon selection, requiring just an Internet connection. 这些节目在选择之后会立即播放,所需的只是保持互联网连接。 chinese.wsj.com 8. On the Advanced tab, you can enable Internet Connection Firewall protection to prevent access to your computer from the Internet. 在高级选项卡上,您可以启用Windows防火墙以禁止从Internet访问您的计算机。 support.microsoft.com 9. For more information, see Change Internet settings for ICS (Internet Connection Sharing). 有关详细信息,请参阅更改ICS(Internet连接共享)的Internet设置。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 10. An extremely fast Internet connection available in most university-owned residence halls. 高速网络,可以连接到学校的宿舍。 www.liuxuexiaobao.com 1. Consider using a router (also called a residential gateway device) to share an Internet connection. 可考虑使用路由器(也称为家用网关设备)来共享一个Internet连接。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 2. In addition, guests can enjoy complimentary high-speed internet connection, as well as cable TV, a business centre and room service. 旅客还可享受免费高速互联网、有线电视、商务中心以及客房服务。 www.orangeway.cn 3. Email entire photo albums, and play games at blazing speeds, on the fastest Internet connection available. 在可用的最快速网络上发送整部相集和以极快的速度玩游戏。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Wikipock allows users to view Wikipedia pages on their mobile phone without needing an Internet connection. Wikipock可以让用户无需上网就能在自己的手机上浏览维基百科文章。 www.bing.com 5. Earlier this month, a teenager was charged in Singapore for using his neighbor's wireless internet connection. 在这个月初,一个在新加坡的青少年因为佔用了邻居的无线网路频宽而遭到起诉。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 6. If you are on a fast Internet connection, livecd-creator can download them and the packages they depend upon before creating the Live CD. 如果您拥有快速的Internet连接,则可在创建LiveCD之前使用livecd-creator命令下载这些RPM及其依赖的包。 www.ibm.com 7. Select projects to take offline and then synchronize changes when an Internet connection is available. 选择进行脱机的项目,然后在Internet连接可用时使更改同步。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. HP also has partnerships with telephone companies in China to sell a box and an internet connection bundled together for a monthly fee. 惠普和中国电信组成合作关系,以分月付款的形式捆邦销售电脑和宽带。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The Internet Connection Wizard will guide you through the account setup process. Internet连接向导将引导您完成帐户设置过程。 support.microsoft.com 10. Google wants to offer every conceivable service that can be squeezed through an internet connection. Google想通过互联网链接提供一切可想到的服务。 bbs.ecocn.org 1. Fix for personal best lap time not replacing world record lap time when playing without internet connection. 修正了个人最佳单圈时间,不显示世界记录,在单机不联网状态下! 3dmgame.chnren.com 2. If your visitors to your site and Internet connection speed slow, will be more slowly, when they click on a link, but will they redirection. 如果访问者来到您的站点与互联网连接速度缓慢,就会更慢,当他们单击一个连接,只是将他们重定向。 www.82g.com.cn 3. Then you can access the page once, turn off your Internet connection, and try to access it again. 然后,您可以访问这个页面一次,关闭您的Internet连接,然后尝试再次访问。 www.ibm.com 4. Internet connection required at ALL times. 时刻需要互联网连接。 www.hudong.com 5. Keep track of fixtures so that you always have them to hand to save you requiring an internet connection. 追踪(?不确定)你的装置,那么你可以一直用他们帮你免去使用电脑网络连接的麻烦。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. All you need is an Internet connection, a My UPS registration, and either a credit card or a UPS Account for billing. 您所需要的只有因特网连接、“我的UPS”注册和用于付款的信用卡或UPS帐号。 www.tdict.com 7. If the report server will be accessed over the Internet, set it to a value that is accessible over an Internet connection. 如果需要通过Internet访问报表服务器,则应将此值设置为可以通过Internet连接访问的值。 technet.microsoft.com 8. The hotel offers tasteful guest rooms with unlimited use of the free internet connection. 酒店为客人提供高品位的客房,并提供可无限使用的免费网路连接服务。 www.orangeway.cn 9. Ad Hoc mode needs the Internet connection to come from another card (Ethernet, cellular or a second WiFi card in your computer). 特设模式需要互联网连接来自另一卡(以太网,移动或第二,在您的电脑无线卡)。 www.h2ofans.com 10. The upgrade aborts now. Please check your internet connection or installation media and try again. 升级现正中止。请检查网路连线是否正常,然后再试一次。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. I've become convinced that they don't cap your Internet connection at 5 GB out of greed. 我开始相信,出于贪婪他们不会将你的网速限制在5GB。 kb.cnblogs.com 2. This channel will gradually replace the existing Internet connection. 这个通讯渠道将会逐步取代现有的互联网联系。 www.info.gov.hk 3. He lives in this log cabin: no running water, no heat other than -- no windows and high-speed Internet connection. 他住在这个小木屋里,没有自来水,没有暖气,没有窗户,更没有高速的互联网连接。 www.ted.com 4. Proxies can also be used to share a single Internet connection by multiple hosts. 代理还可用于在多个主机之间共享一个Internet连接。 technet.microsoft.com 5. We apologize for replying so late, due to the bad internet connection here. 由于这里的网络连接不好,我们迟复为歉。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. An always-on internet connection is recommended for continuous polling, but not required for occasional monitoring. 是一个永远在线的互联网连接,推荐连续投票,但不要求为不定期监测。 xtdownload.com 7. The faster the internet connection, the more people use its search engine and click on its ads. 互联网连接越快,人们使用用搜索引擎和点击上面的广告的几率就越高。 dongxi.net 8. This is a straightforward procedure as long as you are using a high speed Internet connection. 只要您正在使用高速因特网连接,这就是一个简单的步骤。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Additionally, remrmber that videoconferencing will work best if both parties are on the same kind and speed of Internet connection. 另外地,如果会议双方有相同的类型和连接速度的因特网,视频会议将会很好的进行。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Use SharePoint deployment topologies to distribute reports over an Internet connection outside the firewall. 使用SharePoint的部署拓扑通过防火墙外部的Internet连接分发报表。 technet.microsoft.com 1. Our voice quality is the same as traditional phone service, as long as your internet connection is stable. 只要您的宽带接入质量稳定,我们的通话品质与传统电话服务不相上下。 www2.italkbb.com 2. The conference guests may enjoy free use of Wireless Internet Connection whilst in the meeting room. 会议的客人可享受免费在会议室的无线互联网连接,同时使用。 www.orangeway.cn 3. To participate, residents must have a wireless Internet connection to allow the device to communicate with the USGS network. 要参加的居民必须有无线互联网,以让设备能与USGS网络通讯。 www.suiniyi.com 4. Today, just about any company can set up shop, hire workers, and sell their products wherever there's an internet connection. 今天,几乎任何公司都可以开店,雇用工人,并销售他们的产品,只要那里有互联网。 xiaozu.renren.com 5. If you struggle to stay focused when you're writing, turn off your internet connection! 如果你在写作中注意力不能集中,把网线拔掉! www.bing.com 6. No matter how fast your Internet connection is, there are times when things will slow down to a crawl. 无论Internet连接速度多么快,总会有降到非常缓慢的时候。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 7. A small network may only connect two computers inside a home to share a single printer and Internet connection. 一个小型的网络可能是连结一个家庭中的两个计算机,共同分享一个打印机和Internet连结。 wenku.baidu.com 8. High speed Internet connection recommended. 建议使用高速因特网连接。 brew.qualcomm.com 9. a third type of direct internet connection-cable-is the most widely used home broadband alternative. (alternative供选择的)第三种因特网直连类型是电缆,它是最广泛使用的家庭宽度选择。 baibaox.com 10. Protect your computer and internet connection with Lock computer from kids tools. 保护您的电脑和网际网路连线与锁定计算机,从孩子们的工具。 xtdownload.com 1. By turning off your internet connection, you remove a load of potential distractions. 断开网络,你就移除了潜在的分心来源。 www.bing.com 2. Brings live image from cameras on cell phone using any kind of internet connection from any location in the world. 从生活带来手机使用任何类型的电脑网络,从世界上任何一种相机的图像位置的连接。 www.53z7.cn 3. Waste no more time with slow downloads and poor Internet connection! 119下载不会浪费更多的时间与互联网连接下载速度慢,差! kondishenprom.info 4. You will also need a working internet connection from your machine to connect to the sample ZipCode Web service. 您将还需要一个运行着的internet连接,从您的机器连接到样本ZipCodeWeb服务。 www.ibm.com 5. You MUST have a good internet connection, and broadband. After a while working with us, Ill be happy to send you a computer. 你必须有一个良好的互联网连接,宽带。过了一会儿,与我们合作,生病很乐意向你的电脑。 www.bing.com 6. NetCost is a professional, all-in one, Internet connection monitoring program ment to sum your monthly Internet charge. netcost是一家专业的,全在一,网际网路连线监控程序ment总结您的每月上网费用。 xtdownload.com 7. And you can use that phone and phone number from any internet connection you want. 然后你可以在任何互联网连接上使用这部电话和电话号码。 www.bing.com 8. Block websites which eat up your time. Turn off your internet connection while you're writing. 屏蔽耗尽你时间的网站,在你写作时断开网络连接。 www.bing.com 9. if you units and the Internet connection, you can choose "the year-on-year package" approach. 如果您单位与Internet连接,可以选择“按年包库”的方式。 hi.baidu.com 10. Check your Internet connection. Try visiting another website to make sure you are connected. 检查您的互联网连接。尝试参观其它网站确定您被连接。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Please try calling Skype test call to test your audio setting and internet connection. 请拨号Skype语音测试,检查一下你的音频设置和网络连接。 wenku.baidu.com 2. You may need an IP Scanner followed by a stable Internet connection. 你可能需要一个稳定的网络连接和一个IP扫描器。 www.bing.com 3. And they need a high-definition television set as well as a fast internet connection to get good results. 而且他们需要一个高清电视以及快速因特网连接以获得满意的效果。 www.ecocn.org 4. The terminal and computer are connectable over a long distance telecommunication connection (109) such as an Internet connection. 该终端和计算机在长距离的电信连接(109)诸如因特网连接上是可连接的。 www.hgpf114.com 5. A type of high-speed Internet connection using standard telephone wires. 一种使用标准电话线路的高速Internet连接类型。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 6. News. Gov. Hk provides a PDA version of news stories through an Internet connection. 香港政府新闻网提供PDA电子手帐版本即时新闻文本内容。 www.news.gov.hk 7. Network error. Please check your Internet Connection and try again. 网络出错。请检查你的互联网联接并重试。 www.showxiu.com 8. Among those, 52 percent said they would rather give up their morning caffeine hit than lose their Internet connection. 在这些人中,52%的受调查者表示他们宁可放弃早上的咖啡时光,也不愿意把自己的电脑从互联网上断开。 www.59edu.com 9. Each course takes about 15 minutes to complete, and participants can learn at their own pace from anywhere there is an Internet connection. 每门课程仅需十五分钟就可完成,学员都可以在任何有互联网连接的地方按自身的进度来学习课程。 www.gkong.com 10. Internet connection or in-person meetings, both are processed the same way in the brain. 不论是网络联系还是亲自会面,在大脑中的加工方式都是一样的。 www.bing.com 1. To use the VM you will need a relatively fast internet connection, and the latest version of just about any web browser. 为使用VM你需要一个快速因特网联接,任意一种最新版本的浏览器。 dict.bioon.com 2. There's something wrong with our Internet connection, I can't [access] my e-mail account. 我的网络有问题,我不能【使用】我的电子邮件 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Most of the coffee shops have an Internet connection, but Coffee Break has the newest computers and the fastest connections . 大多数的咖啡店都能上网。其中“咖啡时光”有最新式的电脑和最快的网速。 www.joyen.net 4. These authorized users can connect from any computer by using an Internet connection. 这些授权用户可以通过使用Internet连接连接从任何计算机。 support.microsoft.com 5. As of Saturday, all you need is an Internet connection. 如果是周六,你只需上网就可大饱眼福。 www.hjenglish.com 6. We wanted to make sure your internet connection was done very early in the start-up cycle. 我们希望确保在计算机启动过程中尽早完成网络连接。 www.bing.com 7. If desired, you can also select the Allow other network users to control or disable the shared Internet connection check box. 如果需要,也可以选中“允许其他网络用户控制或禁用共享Internet连接”复选框。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 8. There should be an internet connection in your hotel room. 在旅馆房间里应该能上网。 bbs.netat.net 9. You must have an active Internet connection for a VPN connection to work. 必须具有一个活动的Internet连接,VPN连接才可工作。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 10. The reason is simple: anyone who wants to gamble and has an internet connection can do so. 理由很简单:只要想赌博并且能上网,就可以这样做。 www.ecocn.org 1. LCD flat-screen TVs, Satellite TV, Internet connection. 客房配备了LCD平板电视、卫星电视频道和互联网接入。 www.cnad.com 2. Why am I getting a message that says to troubleshoot my Internet connection? 为什么我收到一条消息,说要对我的Internet连接进行故障排除? office.microsoft.com 3. Also, it still needs a stable and suitably fast Internet connection. 仍需要一个稳定的合适快的网络连接。 www.bing.com 4. Almost everything you can do on the device requires an Internet connection. 你在这套设备上所做的每件事都需要连接因特网。 www.bing.com 5. In some computing situations, you might need to create a WiFi hotspot quickly so other wireless devices can use an Internet connection. 有时大家可以能会需要为自己的无线设备建立WiFi热点来共享网络连接。 www.cnbeta.com 6. There is no internet connection in the place I live. 我住的地方没有上网线。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. You can trade everywhere as long as internet connection is available. 只要网络畅通,你就能在任何地方进行交易。 www.bing.com 8. I'm having problems with my Internet connection. 我的互联网连接有问题。 9. An Internet connection is required to activate your trial. 需要有Internet连接才能激活试用版。 office.microsoft.com 10. Free internet connection is available in the room. An ethernet cable can be obtained from reception if necessary. 房间的宽带国际互联网是免费的。如果需要连接以太网的话,可以去前台申请开通。 weike.taskcn.com 1. These sites require an Internet connection. 访问以下站点需要Internet连接。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The Internet Connection Wizard was interrupted because of an error or user intervention. 因为发生某一错误或用户干预,该。 bbs.safecn.net 3. Odds are that you have not established an internet connection, the server isn't running, or the server address or port number was wrong. 可能性是,您未建立互联网连接,服务器不跑,或服务器地址或通道数是错误的。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. A: I have 16 Megs now. and most things work better , but my Internet connection is still really slow. 我现在是16兆了,情况大致已有改善,只是上网仍旧很慢。 www.rrting.com 5. The worm can be transferred from one jailbroken iPhone to another if they are using the same wireless internet connection or hot spot. 该蠕虫可以从一个被破解后的iPhone手机传播到另一个iPhone只要它们使用相同的无线互联网连接或者是处在相同的无线“热点”(hotspot)覆盖范围内。 www.bing.com 6. It can involve a lost Internet connection, or something manual like a jammed or broken machine. 它还包括因特网的无法正常链接,或者是人为的机器部件卡住或断裂。 www.elanso.com 7. If you do not have a fast Internet connection, think about purchasing CDs from a CD vendor. 如果没有较快的Internet连接,可考虑从光盘出售商处购买安装光盘。 qref.sourceforge.net 8. There is an Internet connection port for downloading. 在旁边还有一个供下载用的互联网接口。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Ok, thank you. Oh, by the way, is the internet connection av ai lable here? 好的,谢谢你。哦,对了,请问这里可以上网么? blog.sina.com.cn 10. This site requires an Internet connection. 访问该网站需要Internet连接。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. An active internet connection is required. 需要一个活动的网络连接。 translations.launchpad.net 2. Make sure your Internet connection is working so that you can get the latest installation updates. 请确保Internet连接工作正常,以便可以获得最新的安装更新。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 3. You need a working internet connection to continue. 您需要连接互联网才可以继续。 translations.launchpad.net 4. CodeToGo can't execute code locally, so an Internet connection is required to check your code. CodeToGo无法在本地执行代码,所以需要连网才可以对代码进行检查。 www.bing.com 5. Does your internet connection require a login? 是问你:你是英特网连接是否要求登陆? www.51nb.com 6. You can trade from a beach bungalow or a mountaintop chalet, as long as you have a good Internet connection. 只要你有互联网连接,你可以在海边小屋交易,或在山顶木屋交易。 www.bing.com 7. although i need to re-login again for the internet connection, i dun mind! ! 尽管我得要重新再调整我的网络连接,但是我不介意!! lookingat.passingsights.com 8. The computer has the Internet Connection Firewall turned on. 该电脑的Internet连接防火墙已打开。 docs.info.apple.com 9. Okay, my internet connection is low, I am facing rapid disconnection, I want it to retry automatically and continue download as well, how? 好吧我的网速很慢经常会断开链接我想让他自动重试直到下载完成该怎么办? www.bing.com 10. An internet connection since I will describe a network installation in this document. 在我的文档描述如何进行网络安装之前就应该拥有的一个因特网连接。 www.ujn.edu.cn 1. If you have good internet connection than you can earn easily. Need some dedicated worker for this project. 如果你有良好的互联网连接比你可以轻松地赚。这个项目需要一些专门的工作人员。 www.bing.com 2. The reason has been simple: for the first time anyone who wants to gamble and has an internet connection can do so. 原因非常简单:人类历史上第一次,想赌博且有互联网连接的人,都能参与赌博。 www.bing.com 3. A fast Internet connection is required. 需要快速的Internet连接。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. Finally, the biggest downside: Because it's a cloud-oriented system, Chrome OS is almost useless if you lack an Internet connection. 最后来看看它最大的缺陷:因为ChromeOS是一个云计算系统,没有了网络连接,它就无用武之地了。 c.wsj.com 5. You can use the computers located in reception for free, and all of them with internet connection. 你可以免费使用安置在接待处的电脑,并且所有的电脑都是能上网的。 www.taskcn.com 6. Consumers can purchase the product they want at any time and from any location, by using an Internet connection. 他们可以通过使用互联网连接在任何时候从任一个地点购买需要的产品。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Without an internet connection, it will be difficult to get other drivers and programs once the machine has been upgraded to Windows 7. 如果没有连接到互联网,一旦机器已经升级到Windows7,很难获得最新的驱动程序。 www.bing.com 8. Here are solutions to some common problems with using a dial-up modem to establish an Internet connection. 以下是使用拨号调制解调器建立Internet连接时遇到的一些常见问题的解决方案。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 9. You enable ICS on the Internet connection. 对Internet连接启用ICS。 windowshelp.microsoft.com 10. The internet connection is spotty at its best. 网络联系在最乖的时候都是断断续续的。 dictsearch.appspot.com |
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