单词 | Julian |
释义 |
例句释义: 朱利安,女子名,男子名,许晋亨,尤利安,王奕茗 1. A little boy knocked on the door of his friend's mother answered, he said. "Can Julian come out to play please? " 一个小男孩敲开了他朋友家的门,朋友的妈妈出来开门,小男孩问道:“能让朱利安一块出来玩吗?” learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Ms. Julian and I may disagree on many facets of this case, but I do agree with her the accused is a very nice guy. 朱利安女士和我或许对这一案子的许多方面均不能达成一致,但我必须同意她所说的被告确实是个非常好的人。 www.kekenet.com 3. The founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, appears in court in London for a hearing on his extradition to Sweden. 维基解密创始人阿桑奇在伦敦出庭,就其是否将被引渡回瑞典审判进行听证。 www.ecocn.org 4. But consider this: Julian Assange did not upload the classified documents and wait for the world to beat a path to his door. 但想想这件事:朱利安阿桑奇没有把这些机密文件上载到网上然后等着全世界找上门来。 www.bing.com 5. IF JULIAN ASSANGE had had his way, this book would not exist. 如果按朱利安?阿桑奇那样一意孤行,这本书就不会出版了。 www.ecocn.org 6. Authorities in London have arrested WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on an arrest warrant issued by Sweden. 伦敦当局根据瑞典颁发的逮捕令而逮捕了维基揭密创办人阿桑奇。 www.360abc.com 7. Julian: Yeah, something pretty close to my own heart there, was we really recognized that monsters really live to die in Diablo. 好的。对我来说有一样东西很重要,也是我们真正了解的,在暗黑中怪物生来就是要死的。 www.10zj.com 8. They both got up to leave and find Julian but I pulled them down before the could even take a step. 他们都起身告辞,找到朱利安拉下来,但我之前甚至可以采取的一个步骤。 www.fnovel.com 9. "There's quite a bit of truth in it, " Julian Murton, member of the International Permafrost Association, told Reuters. “这里面有相当多的真理,”国际冻土协会委员朱利安默顿告诉路透社记者。 www.elanso.com 10. Protests have taken place in major cities in Spain against the detention in Britain of the Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange. 抗议活动在西班牙的各大城市发起,反对英国拘留维基解密网站的创始人阿桑奇。 www.tingclass.com 1. Man behind the WikiLeaks: Julian Assange dropped secret dispatches from wars, but those diplomatic cables really put him in the spotlight. “维基解密”幕后人:朱利安·阿桑奇(JulianAssange)将战争中的秘密置于世人眼前,这些外交电报把他推向了风口浪尖。 www.bing.com 2. "Whether you agree with what Julian does or not, living by what you believe in and standing up for something is a good thing, " she said. “无论你是否认同朱利安,一个人坚持自己认为对的东西并为此努力永远是一件不错的事情,”她说道。 www.bing.com 3. Because after all, I was as well-known at the time, when that assault was made, as Julian Assange is today. 毕竟那时,在预谋攻击的时候,我那时候就像现在的朱利安?阿桑格一样出名。 www.bing.com 4. WikiLeaks' Julian Assange, a fan of radical transparency if ever there was one, makes a similar argument. 维基解密的朱利安?阿桑奇是位激进透明论(如果有的话)的支持者,他也有一段类似的话。 www.bing.com 5. "That may also mean that the BoE has been able to think more creatively, " said Barclays Capital economist Julian Callow. “这可能也意味着英国央行能够以更有创造性的方式思考,”巴克莱资本分析师JulianCallow认为。 cn.reuters.com 6. A woman spotted Julian McCormick lying on the side of the road. He was injured and dehydrated but alert. 一名女士发现了躺在路边的朱利安,当时他受了伤并且脱水,但仍神志清醒。 bbs.putclub.com 7. Julian Assange, the founder, director, frontman, guiding spirit of global whistleblowing service WikiLeaks looks a bit odd for a start. 首先,作为“维基泄密”这家全球性揭秘服务网站的创始人、总指挥、领头人和精神领袖,朱利安·阿桑奇一开始看上去就有点怪异。 www.putclub.com 8. US filmmaker and activist Michael Moore has offered 20, 000 dollars to help WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange post bail in London. 据法新社报道,美国电影制片人迈克尔?莫尔近日向维基解密创始人朱利安?阿桑奇资助20000美元,用作保释费用。 www.china.org.cn 9. Its action was "more tactical than concerted intervention" , said Julian Callow, European economist at Barclays Capital. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)欧洲经济学家朱利安?卡罗(JulianCallow)表示,欧洲央行的行动“更多的是一种战术,而不是协同干预”。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Without wishing to be rude, however, Julian Baggini has beaten her to the punch. 然而,不愿显得粗鲁无礼,朱丽安·柏坚尼先发制人。 www.bing.com 1. As the tumor had grown, it had compressed the nerves leading to Julian's anus and legs, causing itching and pain. 由于肿瘤已经长大,它压迫着伸向朱利安四肢的神经,产生疼痛和瘙痒。 www.newxue.com 2. WIKILEAKS editor-in-chief Julian Assange might be unpopular with the US and its allies, but he's still mummy's little boy. 尽管维基泄密的总编辑朱利安·阿桑齐可能在美国及其盟友眼里是不受欢迎的人,但是他仍然是妈妈的小男孩。 www.bing.com 3. The prosecutor has not asked to see Julian, never asked to interview him, and he hasn't been charged with anything. 检察官还没有要求见一见朱利安,也从来没有要求面见他,所以他还没有被指控犯了什么罪。 www.bing.com 4. John, 26, his wife Cynthia, a former art student, and their four-year-old son Julian, live in a Tudor mansion with a swimming pool. 26岁的John和他妻子Cynthia(前艺术学生)及他们4岁的儿子Julian居住在一个带泳池的都铎式别墅内。 www.bing.com 5. "French table dramas do not look much better on IMAX, " notes Julian Stanford, who manages that company's business in Europe and Africa. 该公司在欧洲和非洲的业务主管JulianStanford说,“用IMAX展示法国戏剧效果并不会更好”。 club.topsage.com 6. The calendar works just as its predecessor, the Julian calendar, did, with a leap year every four years. 格里高利历与它的前任“朱利安历”一样,每四年有一个闰年。 dongxi.net 7. For in the admirable phrase of a Spanish author Julian Marias, "English can be spoken in a British or American manner. " 西班牙作者朱利安·马里亚斯说得好,“英语可以按英国的方式讲也可以按美国的方式讲”。 8. For too long, bastards (using Julian Assange's definition) have been able to use America's good reputation as a cover for their misdeeds. 长久以来,混蛋们(引用阿桑奇的定义)利用美国良好的信誉掩盖他们的肮脏行径。 www.bing.com 9. Julian Assange on the Afghanistan war logs: 'They show the true nature of this war' 朱利安?阿桑格对“阿富汗战争日志”评论说:‘这就是战争的真相。’ www.bing.com 10. Then with a nod to his accompanist, Julian began to play a complex opus by the English composer Sir Edward Elgar. 接着,他向伴奏人员点点头,开始演奏英国作曲家爱德华·埃尔加爵士的一首复杂的编号作品。 www.showxiu.com 1. Julian Assange may represent the future of news reporting, but he is not a journalist, at least not in the conventional sense. 朱利安·阿桑奇可能代表了新闻报道的未来,但他并不是一名记者,至少不是传统意义上的记者。 www.putclub.com 2. I hurried inside the airport then came to a stop as the memory of mine and Julian's first meeting came back to me in a rush. 我赶紧在机场内,然后来到一个为地雷和Julian的第一次会议在记忆的车站到我赶回来。 www.fnovel.com 3. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange handed himself in to British police on Tuesday. 维基解密创始人朱利安阿桑奇本周二向伦敦警方自首。 gb.cri.cn 4. This was put into a trust fund for past expenses and any future medical costs involved in Julian's treatment. 这笔钱被投入一个信托基金,用以支付以前的费用以及朱利安将来的治疗费。 cn.wordmind.com 5. "It's as if the ECB has sinned and has to do penance, " says Julian Callow at Barclays Capital. 巴克莱投资银行经济学家的朱利安?卡洛说“这好像是欧洲央行犯了错,不得不在忏悔一样。” www.24en.com 6. Julian Jessop, chief international economist at the Capital Economics consultancy in London, sees the euro tumbling to $1. 25 by year-end. CapitalEconomics咨询公司驻伦敦首席国际经济学家杰索普(JulianJessop)认为欧元到年底将跌至1.25美元。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The founder of the WikiLeaks website Julian Assange has been arrested in London. 维基解密创始人网站创始人朱利安·亚桑杰在伦敦被捕。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. "Somebody in authority clearly intended to keep Julian in prison, " he said of himself. “当政的某些人显然打算让朱立安呆在监狱里”,他自言自语道。 www.bing.com 9. Yet down through the centuries there have always been Julian Assanges too, arguing that secrecy is in itself bad. 不过几个世纪以来,总会有朱利安?阿桑奇式的人物,认为秘密就其本质而言是不好的。 dongxi.net 10. Thank you wikileaks and in particular Julian Assange. Now will the US of A please leave him alone to carry on his good work. 谢谢维基解密和特别是朱利安阿桑奇。现在请美国让他独自离开,以便他能继续开展他的工作。 bbs.8da.com 1. Julian King's body had been left in the back seat of a stolen car found abandoned on a Chicago street. 她的外甥朱立安?金(JulianKing)的尸体在芝加哥街头一辆被抛弃的赃车中被发现。 cn.reuters.com 2. Many see founder Julian Assange as a hero, but others, including the Pentagon, consider him a threat to national security. 网站创始人朱利安·亚桑杰(JulianAssange)被很多人视为英雄,但对其他人来说,他却是国安的一大威胁,包括五角大楼也是这么认为的。 www.bing.com 3. He also put on "productions" with Julian and his Aunt Viola in his toy theatre (which he built at the suggestion of Viola). 他还对“作品”与朱利安和他的姨妈在他的玩具堇菜剧院(建在他的建议,中提琴)。 q.sohu.com 4. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange says he had to sell the rights to his autobiography to cover legal costs and keep his website going. “维基解密”创始人朱利安?阿桑奇表示,为了能够继续筹钱打官司和运营网站,他将写回忆录出售版权。 www.china.org.cn 5. vie Simon and Julian were vying for her attention all through dinner. 晚饭的时候,西蒙和朱利安从头到尾都在抢着向她献殷勤。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. He was named for Virginia's brother Julian Thoby Stephen, who died of typhoid at the age of twenty-six on a trip to Greece. 他得名于弗吉尼亚的哥哥朱利安·索比·斯蒂芬,26岁时,他在去希腊的旅途中死于伤寒。 dongxi.net 7. 'This financial blockade is an existential threat to WikiLeaks, ' Julian Assange, the head of WikiLeaks, said here Monday. 维基解密负责人阿桑奇(JulianAssange)周一在伦敦说,金融封锁是对维基解密生存的一种威胁。 chinese.wsj.com 8. The former is a little girl, and tender heart was full of power, and to protect the stepmother bullying from sister julian. 前者是一个看似柔弱的小女孩,而内心却充满了力量,一心要保护遭受后母欺负的妹妹秀莲。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. One gold bear, Julian Jessop, chief international economist of London research firm Capital Economics, changed his mind last week. 伦敦研究机构CapitalEconomics的首席国际经济学家杰索普(JulianJessop)曾是一名金价看跌者,上周他改变了看法。 chinese.wsj.com 10. He dismisses Julian Assange's comparison between the war logs and East Germany's Stasi secret police files. 他对朱利安阿桑格将战争日志文档和前东德秘密警察斯塔西秘密文件档案相提并论的说法不予置评。 www.bing.com 1. There is no case against Julian Assange, we have his Swedish lawyer here, we have so much more information. 我们知道现在不存在对朱利安·阿桑奇不利的因素。而且,他的瑞典的律师就在这里,我们还拥有更多的信息。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. Photographers hold cameras to the window of a prison van believed to be carrying WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. 在据称押送维基解密创始人JulianAssange的囚车窗前,摄影师们高举相机以期拍到想要的画面。 www.bing.com 3. Diet and agriculture must be reinvented to meet projected peaks in food demand and human numbers, Julian Cribb argues in The Coming Famine. 朱利安?克里布在《即将到来的大饥荒时代》一书中指出,我们必须对膳食和农业进行彻底改造,以满足预计中食品需求和人口数量的峰值。 new.chinadialogue.net 4. CA: Well, it looks like I'm reflecting the audience's opinion to say, Julian, be careful and all power to you. CA:好了,看起来我要来传达一下观众的意见Julian,小心点希望你得偿所愿 www.ted.com 5. Someone apparently found an old Internet dating profile posted by WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, and it has been posted online. 有人似乎在某在线交友网站上发现了维基解密创始人朱利安·阿桑奇的个人资料,而且把这份资料在网上发布了。 www.bing.com 6. and moon phase as well as number of day in year, number of week in year, julian day number, remaining days in year, remaining weeks in year. 应用计算假期,时代的日出,日落,月出月落和月亮的阶段,以及有多少天在今年的人数周在今年,朱利安天数,余下的天在今年余下的周在年。 g5.baidu.com 7. The chief calendric problem was a gradually increasing discrepancy between the trueastronomical year and the Julian calendar then in use. 主要的历法难题在于真正的天文年份与人们所使用的儒略历之间的差距日渐扩大。 www.dic123.com 8. The following year, after Julian's first book of poems came out, Virginia declared, "He is no poet. " 第二年,朱利安的第一本诗集出版之后,伍尔夫断言:“他没有诗才”。 dongxi.net 9. Julian's classroom has windows on three sides and room for his desk as well as a separate lectern. 朱利安的教室三面有窗,有地方放他的办公桌及一个单独的讲桌。 dongxi.net 10. Julian Assange, WikiLeaks' founder, claims to have five gigabytes of material from a BofA executive's computer hard drive. 朱利安?阿桑奇——维基解密的创始人——宣称手上有来自美国银行管理层电脑硬盘的多达五十亿字节的材料。 bbs.ecocn.org 1. From the moment I knew Micheal, all I heard was Julian this and Julian that. 从我认识迈克那天起,我就听他口口声声提起朱丽安这个了,朱丽安那个了。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. A classified CIA memo has been posted on WikiLeaks, just as the Website's founder, Julian Assange, 39, had promised. 正如网站创始人,39岁的朱利安阿桑奇所承诺,美国中央情报局的一份机密备忘录文件已在维基解密网上曝光。 www.bing.com 3. In Julian's class, Sriram, one of the standouts, is asked what he's working on. 在朱利安的课堂上,佼佼者之一斯利拉姆被问到他在做什么题。 dongxi.net 4. Julian Callow, European economist at Barclays Capital, said: "They feel the tide is turning in their favour and want to surf a bit. " 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)欧洲经济学家朱利安?卡罗(JulianCallow)表示:“他们感到风向正变得对他们有利,因此想要冲冲浪。” www.ftchinese.com 5. Police in Sweden have withdrawn an arrest warrant for the founder of the Wikileaks whistleblowing website, Julian Assange. 瑞典警方撤销了泄密网站维基解密网的创始人朱利安-阿桑奇(JulianAssange)的逮捕令。 www.tingclass.com 6. Julian prepares to spend most of her time reading books of pens of the day. 朱利安准备花大部分时间读当代作家的作品。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Vanessa. Julian. hey, I made the adjustment you suggested in the garden scene. 瓦内萨。朱利安,根据你对花园那场戏的建议,我对自己的表演做了些调整。 www.bing.com 8. The youngest of our three is Julian Castro, elected mayor of San Antonio in May 2009 at the tender age of 34. 我们的三位英雄人物中年龄最小的是朱利安.卡思特罗,在2009年5月年仅34岁的他当选为圣.安东尼奥市长。 www.ecocn.org 9. The international police agency INTERPOL approved a "red notice" for the arrest of the founder of WikiLeaks, Julian Assange. 国际刑警组织批准了对维基解密创始人朱利安?阿桑格创逮捕的“红色通告”。 blog.163.com 10. "The impact of the whole may be greater than the sum of its parts, " said Julian Jessop of Capital Economics. 伦敦资本经济(CapitalEconomics)的朱利安?杰瑟普(JulianJessop)表示:“整体影响也许要大于各部分的总和。” www.ftchinese.com 1. We started Viaweb with $10, 000 of seed money from our friend Julian. But he gave us a lot more than money. 我们启动Viaweb的资金是从我们的朋友Julian那里得来的一万美元天使投资,而且他还给了我们更多的帮助。 www.bing.com 2. 'The elephant in the room is fiscal tightening, ' says Julian Callow, an economist at Barclays Capital in London. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)驻伦敦经济学家卡罗(JulianCallow)说,财政紧缩不容忽视。 chinese.wsj.com 3. The condom shape has become iconic. Pop artist Julian Murphy has incorporated condoms into several of his pieces. 避孕套的形状成为了它的标志。新锐艺术家朱利安·墨菲将避孕套运用于他的一些作品中。 www.bing.com 4. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange's most recent comments about what he does and why he does it were on CBS News' 60 Minutes this past Sunday. 维基解密创始人朱利安阿桑格最近在CBN新闻60分钟里解释了他的行动及动机。 www.bing.com 5. A citywide AMBER Alert is in effect for Julian King, but officials are focusing on the immediate vicinity of Hudson 's mother's home. 事实上全市都为此进入儿童丢失警报状态,但是警方目前还是将寻找重点放在H母亲家附近。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. "Secrecy is important for many things, " said WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange in an interview with TIME over Skype on Monday. “保密在许多方面都是非常重要的,”维基解密创始人朱利安?阿桑奇(JulianAssange)星期一在通过Skype接受《时代》采访时说道。 dongxi.net 7. We were all green with envy when we learned that Julian had gotten a date with the most beautiful girl in our class. 知道Julian跟我们班的“班花”约会以后,我们都羡慕极了。最有意思的还是green-eyed。 www.examw.com 8. That process could take up to 48 hours, and Julian Assange must remain in prison in the meantime. 这一程序需要48小时,在这段时间里,朱利安?阿桑齐必须继续呆在狱中。 www.tingclass.com 9. As in Germany, that process could be slow and rely more on hiring freezes than lay-offs, says Julian Callow at Barclays Capital. 巴克莱资本的朱利安说像德国一样,这个过程可能漫长并且更多地依赖于冻结雇佣而不是解雇。 www.ecocn.org 10. Julian is now on probation . When his probationary period ends, his salary will double . 朱利安现在还在试用期。试用期一结束他的工资就会翻倍。 www.bing.com 1. Julian. hey, I made the adjustment you suggested in the garden scene. 嘿。我已经根据你刚才在花园这场戏中的建议做了调整。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. In 1983, microbiologist Julian Adams discovered a clue when he brewed up a soup of cloned E. coli bacteria. 1983年,微生物学家朱利安?亚当斯[1]在培养一族大肠杆菌菌群的时候发现了一个线索。 dongxi.net 3. The following day Julian put the model on his table and to my astonishment he started enlarging it almost scientifically. 第二天,朱利安把模型放在桌上,我吃惊地发现他开始很科学地放大它。 www.gdmoa.org 4. I can prove that at least one of them had very big expectations for something to happen with Julian. 我可以证明至少其中一人非常期待朱利安身上发生什么事情。 corner.youth.cn 5. Markham tracked down the article and, reading it, realized the case sounded remarkably similar to Julian's. 马克汉姆查找到那篇文章,看了之后,她意识到该病例听起来与朱利安的病情差不多。 www.jukuu.com 6. Vanity Fair's Julian Sancton has an article on the new French Anti- Piracy Law to be voted on in Paris today . 《名利场》杂志的朱利安·桑克顿写了一篇文章,解读今天将要在巴黎进行投票表决的法国电影新反盗版法。 www.bing.com 7. This was because Britain adopted the Gregorian Calendar in place of the Julian calendar. 这是因为大不列颠采用格雷戈里历代替了原先的儒略历。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. THIRTY years ago, Julian Simon and Paul Ehrlich entered into a famous bet. 三十年前,朱利安·西蒙和保罗·埃利希打过一个很出名的赌。 www.ecocn.org 9. Up till now, WikiLeaks hasn't violated any laws of any countries or areas, and no government has sued Julian Assange because of WikiLeaks. 到目前为止,维基解密不曾违反过任何国家和地区的法律,并且没有任何政府因维基解密而起诉朱利安·阿桑奇。 www.bing.com 10. Julian Opie was born in London in 1958, and studied at Goldsmiths College of Art from 1979 to 1982. He lives and works in London. 朱利安.奥贝1958年生于伦敦,1979-82年就读伦敦金匠学院,现于伦敦生活及工作。 www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk 1. Julian Opie was born in London in 1958, and studied at Goldsmiths College of Art from 1979 to 1982. He lives and works in London. 朱利安.奥贝1958年生于伦敦,1979-82年就读伦敦金匠学院,现于伦敦生活及工作。 www.heritagemuseum.gov.hk 2. Julian Wright(notes) is expected to play a more prominent role and Peja Stojakovic(notes) could come off the bench. 朱利安赖特(附注)预计将发挥更突出的作用和斯托亚科维奇(笔记)可以来替补出场。 tieba.baidu.com 3. We figured that Julian would tell the concierge to warn him if I tried to check out so everything was going according to plan. 我们计算过,朱利安会告诉门房警告他,如果我想看看那么一切都按计划进行。 www.fnovel.com 4. Looking through the operating microscope, Epstein gingerly moved the CUSA's vibrating tip against Julian's tumor. 爱泼斯坦通过手术显微镜小心翼翼地把抽吸器的尖稍移向朱利安的肿瘤。 tr.bab.la 5. Emperor Julian, having attempted to reverse the official endorsement of Christianity by the Roman Empire. 朱利安皇帝,他试图颠覆罗马教皇对基督教的官方背书。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 6. Julian Lloyd Webber was London Underground's first official busker - I didn't know he needed the money that badly. 朱利安·罗德是伦敦地铁首位卖艺人——我真不知道他真的那么缺钱啊。 www.ditiezu.com 7. But the pain increased, and by the time Julian reentered school in the fall , even the short walk home was difficult. 但疼痛与日俱增,到朱利安秋季返校时,甚至连回家那样短短的步行都变得极其困难。 www.jukuu.com 8. The status of the case was summarized tonight by Julian Assange, Investigations Editor at Wikileaks. 案件的情况是由Wikileaks的调查编辑JulianAssange在今天晚上总结整理出来的(link)。 www.bing.com 9. LL: And then, here's for me, the critical key to what Julian has to say. 拉里:然后,对我而言,这个评论的要点是朱利安必须说。 www.ted.com 10. A senior Swedish prosecutor reopened a rape investigation into WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Wednesday, AP reported. 据美联社报道,瑞典高级检察官于周三重启对维基泄密创办人朱利安·阿桑奇的调查,阿桑奇被控强奸。 www.china.org.cn 1. Julian Mercer: The woman is really very brilliant, but she cannot hold her liquor. 朱莉·默塞:女人真的很聪明,但是她还不能控制她自己的欲望。 baike.soso.com 2. Julian Kettle of Brook Hunt expects China to become an increasingly important structural importer as output growth lags behind demand. BrookHunt的朱利安?凯特尔(JulianKettle)预测,随着产出增速落后于需求,中国将变成越来越重要的结构性进口国。 www.ftchinese.com 3. While Julian is focusing on his defenses and clearing his name, WikiLeaks will be continuing its regular operations. 阿桑齐目前主要关注对其指控的辩护以恢复名誉,而“维基解密”将继续正常运转。 c.wsj.com 4. Four and a half hours after being granted bail, Julian Assange emerged into the snow outside the high court. 获准保释四个半小时后,朱利安?阿桑奇出现在高等法院外面的大雪中。 www.tingclass.com 5. A previously obscure computer geek-turned-gadfly called Julian Assange turned the worlds of diplomacy and journalism upside down. 朱利安?阿桑奇(JulianAssange),这个此前默默无名、从计算机奇客(geek)转变而来的牛虻,将外交界与新闻行业搅了个天翻地覆。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Close to Cluny, that Roman palace, with fine round arches, were once the hot baths of Julian. 克吕尼附近,有座罗马式宫殿,开着几道别致的圆顶拱门,那就是朱利安所建的温泉浴室。 www.1stenglish.com 7. Branding a country is hard enough, let alone a whole continent, says Julian Smallwood of Havas, a French advertising firm. 宣传一个国家的形象尚且够困难,更何况一整块大陆,哈瓦斯公司(一个法国广告公司)的朱利安?史默伍德说。 www.ecocn.org 8. Julian Schweitzer of the World Bank says that physical and human shortages in local health services represent "a huge bottleneck to aid" . 世界银行朱利安施韦策称当地卫生机构物力和人力的短缺变成了制约医疗救护的巨大瓶颈。 www.ecocn.org 9. Swedish authorities have issued an arrest warrant for Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on suspicion of molestation and rape. 瑞典当局怀疑“维基解密”创始人朱利安?阿桑格猥亵、强奸,对其发出逮捕令。 www.bing.com 10. Why? A: Because Julian, the singer we invited was ill. We have no other choice. 为什么?A:因为我们邀请的歌手朱利安病了。我们别无选择。 www.putclub.com 1. The course, now in its second year, teaches the fundamentals of marketing, says Julian Rawel, director of executive education at Bradford. 布拉德福德大学高层培训主管朱利安?拉韦尔(JulianRawel)表示,该课程目前已进入第二年,传授市场营销学基本原理。 www.ftchinese.com 2. That, argues Julian Schweitzer, director of health at the World Bank, points to an important insight that should mollify the critics. 世界银行医疗局局长JulianSchweitzer在这个问题上重要的深刻见解应该可以平息那些指责声。 www.ecocn.org 3. In it Julian Barnes reveals crystalline truths that have taken a lifetime to harden. 朱利安·巴恩斯向读者揭示了一个需要一生淬取才能得到的真理。 www.bing.com 4. In other fields, US economist Joseph Stiglitz, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and the founder of Wikileaks Julian Assange were on the list. 在其他领域,美国经济学家约瑟夫-史蒂格里兹、德国总理安吉拉-默克尔以及“维基解密”网站的创办人朱利安-阿桑奇也在百强名单上。 www.bing.com 5. A British judge has ruled that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange can be extradited to Sweden to face allegations of sex crimes. 英国一名法官裁定,维基揭秘网站创始人阿桑奇可以被引渡到瑞典面临有关性犯罪的指称。 www.bing.com 6. John Wain, Graham Swift and Julian Barnes are all important figures in inheriting and developing that tradition. 约翰?韦恩、格雷厄姆?斯威夫特和朱利安?巴恩斯都是这一传统中继往开来的重要人物。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is an Australian citizen. 维基揭密的创始人阿桑奇是澳大利亚公民。 www.bing.com 8. The Art Loss Register was founded in 1991 by Julian Radcliffe, then the director of a Lloyds brokers. 国际失踪艺术品记录组织于1991年由劳合社经纪公司当时的董事朱利安?拉德克里夫(JulianRadcliffe)创立。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Before the pope's intervention, the Romans and much of the European world marked time on the Julian calendar. 在教皇敢于之前,罗马人乃至欧洲世界众国都是以儒略历(阳历)确定时间。 www.bing.com 10. Another member, Julian Chen expressed his delight at the reunion and revealed his agent is working on it. 另一个成员陈志朋表达了对此次重聚的兴奋之情,并透露自己的经纪人正在为此事做准备。 www.bing.com 1. Julian Callow of Barclays Capital reckons that it shrank by as much as America's in the fourth quarter. 巴克莱资本(BarclaysCapital)的JulianCallow认为,该区经济第四季度下滑程度将不亚于美国。 www.ecocn.org 2. Older son Julian and John's first wife Cynthia are dedicating the new Imagine Peace & Harmony monument in Liverpool. 大儿子朱利安和列侬的第一任妻子辛西娅现致力于利物浦新的IMAGINE和平和和谐纪念碑。 www.bing.com 3. Julian Assange may be paranoid, but they are out to get him. JulianAssange或许有狂想症,但是人们确实想拥有他。 www.bing.com 4. America's Julian Schnabel won Best Director for the French-language drama The Diving Bell and the Butterfly. 美国的朱利安?萧贝尔(JulianSchnabel)因其法语影片《潜水钟与蝴蝶》(TheDivingBellandtheButterfly)荣获最佳导演奖。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The Scott Polar group, which includes director Julian Dowdeswell, says the claim of a 15% loss in just 12 years is wrong. 包括主任朱利安?多德斯韦尔(JulianDowdeswell)在内的苏格兰极地研究组说,在短短12年内,格陵兰岛就损失了15%面积的宣称名不副实。 www.bing.com 6. A major exhibition of American artist Julian Schnabel's paintings from the past three decades will be shown at venues throughout Asia. 展现美国艺术家朱利安?施纳贝尔二十余年创作的画展将在亚洲举办。 www.sudu.cn 7. Julian: Oh, I was just gonna tell you my take on the play. 噢,我还想要告诉你,我对这出戏的看法。 g15.baidu.com 8. Julian Smith experimented with various designs of rotary transfusion pumps. 朱利安?史密斯尝试了多种旋转式输血泵的设计。 cbs.ausbio.com 9. A more serious objection is raised by Julian Jessop of Capital Economics. 研究资本经济学的JulianJessop提出了一个更为严肃的反对观点。 www.ecocn.org 10. And the European Central Bank (ECB) may not go along while it is focused on the risk of inflation, says Julian Callow, of Barclays Capital. 巴克莱资本的JulianCallow说,欧洲中央银行关注通货膨胀的风险,可能不会和美联储一起降息。 www.ecocn.org 1. Julian Lesser's language of flowers is a journey through the urban landscape of mums. JulianLesser的花语是通过这个城市看到菊花景象的旅行。 www.bing.com 2. The founder of the Wikileaks website, Julian Assange, has been denied residency in Sweden. 维基解密(Wikileaks)网站创始人朱利安?阿桑奇(JulianAssange)被拒绝在瑞典居住。 www.tingclass.com 3. Julian continued his physical therapy through the winter. 朱利安整个冬天继续接受理疗。 tr.bab.la 4. The Julian calendar is the predecessor of the Gregorian calendar. 儒略历是公历的前身。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Investor Julian Dominguez has been tracking foreclosures at the courthouse for more than 20 years, and says he has seen it all before. 投资者朱利安多明格斯已被跟踪foreclosures在法庭为20年以上的,并说他看到了这一切之前。 ksgaoxin.com 6. By 1582 the Julian calendar was out of sync with the seasons by several days. 到1582年,儒略历日期对季节出现了数天的不同步。 www.bing.com 7. So I got lazy, and hope that those who have taken pictures of Julian would send me those by email. 那我就懒了,希望大家有任何靓照,记得给我电邮来。 hk.myblog.yahoo.com 8. Mother suddenly burst into tears. "And you want this, Julian? " 母亲的泪水夺眶而出,“你真的希望如此吗,朱利安。” www.bing.com 9. JUDITH BROOKES: In the Food Program studio today, we have two cooks, Julian Woolf and Susan Fuller. 今天我们的美食节目直播室请来了两名厨师,茱莉安·吴尔芙和苏珊·福勒。 bbs.koolearn.com 10. Methods: The changes of32 male azoospermia patients treated by julian were observed before and after treatment. 方法:观察32例无精子症患者应用育子丸治疗情况。 terms.shengwuquan.com 1. The Julian calendar began in 45 BC as a reform of the Roman calendar by Julius Caesar. 儒略历在公元前45年开始被使用,它是被凯撒大帝改良的罗马历。 www.ebigear.com 2. Most European countries used the Julian calendar prior to the Gregorian. 大多数欧洲国家在格里高里历之前使用儒略历。 www.fzs8.net 3. By then the Julian calendar was out of sync with the seasons by 11 days. 那时儒略历对季节的偏差已到了11天。 www.bing.com 4. Often I sat in large groups and listened to Julian boast about how many children he had fathered in various parts of the world. 我经常坐在一群人中,听朱利安吹嘘他在世界各地都有多少孩子。 www.bing.com 5. What all of these sites have in common is that their owners have in some way impeded the work of WikiLeaks or its founder, Julian Assange. 所有遭到攻击网站的共同特征是,它们的所有者都曾以某种方式干扰维基解密的工作,或是与其发起人朱利安.阿桑奇先生为敌。 www.bing.com 6. Francine worked her way out of Julian's grasp. 弗朗辛从朱利安搂她的胳膊中挣脱出来。 www.jukuu.com 7. Julian and Theo met among a million protestors in a rally. by chance. 茱莉安与西奥初次相遇,是在一次百万人的游行示威。这是偶然。 www.ruanyifeng.com 8. Julian Mercer: You really are a very sexy woman. 朱莉默塞:你真的是一个很性感的女人。 www.haoduozhe.com 9. Julian Wright manages a guest house on the Mekong River's banks at Khon Kaen in northern Thailand. 茱莉亚?赖特经营着泰国北部孔敬市湄公河畔的一家宾馆。 voa.hjenglish.com 10. At age 4, John Lennon's son, Julian, apparently came home with a picture he had drawn of his classmate, Lucy Vodden. 约翰。列侬四岁的儿子回家的时候,手里显然拿着一张同学露西。沃登的画像。 www.juooo.com 1. Minutes later, anesthetized, Julian lay flat on the operating table. 几分钟后,医生给朱利安注射了麻药,他直挺挺地躺在手术台上。 www.dictall.com 2. Julian is unlearned in literature to a proverb. 朱利安在文学方面的无知人所共知。 www.hjenglish.com 3. I had to get packed and leave before Julian made it back here. 我得装前离开这里朱利安赚了回来。 www.fnovel.com 4. Holman Fenwick's Perth office will be led by newly recruited litigation partner Julian Sher. 夏礼文珀斯代表处将由新招聘来的诉讼合伙人朱利安·希尔领导。 www.fatisia.com 5. As Britain's Supreme Court rejects Julian Assange's bid to reopen his extradition case. 英国最高法院拒绝阿桑奇重新审理他引渡案件的申请。 www.kekenet.com 6. "Last time round it was Julian and me on our own, " Mr Beecham says. “上次是朱利安和我独立干的,”比查姆说。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Note : To convert between calendar formats, you must first convert to Julian day count , then to the calendar format . 注意:在不同的日历系统中转换,必须先将其转换为儒略日计数,然后转换为目标日历格式。 www.bing.com 8. Julian Assange, the secretive founder of WikiLeaks, told Forbes that he's planning a leak early next year related to 'a big U. S. bank. ' 维基解密来去无踪的创始人阿桑奇(JulianAssange)对《福布斯》(Forbes)说,他打算在明年年初公布与“美国一家大银行”有关的文件。 c.wsj.com 9. There's a new website being created by former WikiLeaks employee and Julian Assange's right-hand man Daniel Domscheit-Berg. 有个新的网站由维基解密网的前雇员、朱利安·亚桑杰的得力助手丹尼尔·多姆沙伊特-伯格创立。 www.bing.com 10. Julian Noble: I'm as serious as an erection problem. 朱里安·诺贝尔:我的处境如同勃起障碍一样严重。 www.baike.com 1. We are world champions in basketball and motorcycling, through Julian Simon. 我们的篮球队是世界冠军,西蒙又为我们拿下了摩托车大奖赛的冠军。 www.lfcbbs.com 2. This unusual date is because the Russian Orthodox church uses the old " Julian " calendar for religious celebration days. 选择后者这个不寻常的日子是因为俄罗斯东正教按照古老的儒略历确定宗教节日。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Julian lives with his fiance and their children in Surrey, UK. Julian和他的未婚妻以及孩子们生活在英国萨里。 www.infoq.com 4. It is true that newer crime writers like Julian Symons and Edmund Crispin have kept the flag flying. 的确,像朱利安本蒙斯和埃得蒙克里斯平那样一些新一代的犯罪小说作家始终举着该流派的旗帜。 www3.060s.com 5. Editor's note: Julian E. Zelizer is a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University. JulianE.Zelizer是普林斯顿大学的历史和社会公共事务学科教授.他是JimmyCarter一书的作者,该书由TimesBooks出版; www.bing.com 6. Class; therefore, this class can be used only to calculate dates in the Julian calendar. 因此,此类只能用来计算儒略历中的日期。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. China-US Joint Venture Ningbo Juren (Julian) Measure Co. , Ltd. 中美合资宁波巨人(巨联)工量具有限公司。 www.urumqifair.com 8. The GregorianToJD() function converts a date from the Gregorian calendar to Julian day count. 函数的作用是:将格里高里历转为儒略日计数。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Astrological signs calculated according to the Julian calendar. 占星符号是依照罗马儒略历来计算的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. It won for best foreign film, and Julian Schnabel was named best director. 它获得了最佳外语片奖,其导演朱利安?施纳贝尔(JulianSchnabel)获最佳导演奖。 cn.reuters.com 1. Julian Simpson helps bridge the gap between software development and IT operations. JulianSimpson在软件开发和IT运行之间的缺口搭起了桥梁。 www.infoq.com 2. Julian Assange says a blockade by US finance companies has cut off 95% of Wikileaks' revenue. 朱利安阿桑奇说美国金融机构的封锁切断了维基解密95%的收入来源 www.bing.com 3. Julian, I'm going to work next Saturday. B: Good, call me if there are any issues. 朱利安,我下周要来加班。B:好的,有问题给我打电话。 www.cdfds.com 4. "I need five Baracks today, " Obama's press secretary, Julian Green, said in frustration. “今天我需要五个巴拉克,”奥巴马的新闻秘书,朱利安格林沮丧地说。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Wikileaks founder and editor Julian Assange was granted in 2008 The Economist's New Media Award. 维基解密的创始人和编辑朱利安.阿桑奇在2008年被授予经济学人的新媒体奖。 www.bing.com 6. Using the Julian calendar, the autumnal equinox, vernal equinox, and seasons were arriving 11 minutes earlier each year. 利用凯撒制定的历法,每年的春秋分日和四季都会提前11分钟。 www.bing.com 7. "I think it went well, " Epstein told Jane in the waiting area , "but we won't know for sure until we see if Julian can move his legs. " “我认为很顺利,”他告诉正在等待的简,“不过我们现在还不能确定,直到我们看到朱利安能活动双腿才行。” dict.veduchina.com 8. Vanessa's oldest son Julian was Woolf's particular favorite. 凡妮莎的大儿子朱利安是伍尔夫最喜爱的。 dongxi.net 9. IN 1980 Julian Simon, an economist, and Paul Ehrlich, a biologist, made a bet. 1980年,经济学家朱利安﹒西蒙与生物学家保罗﹒欧利希打了一个赌。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. julian , can i ask you something ? - anything. 茱丽安,我能问你点事情么?-请便。 www.ichacha.net 1. Julian Abram Wainwright from Canada won the Sport category for 'Diving II: Men's 10m Platform Diving, Beijing Olympics 2008' 来自加拿大的JulianAbramWainwright获得体育类奖,作品为‘跳水之二:男子10米台跳水,2008年北京奥运会’ www.bing.com 2. Both the twins nodded in understanding and we rushed to get me packed before Julian could come and find me. 无论是双胞胎点头表示理解,我们赶到之前,让我装朱利安可以来找我。 www.fnovel.com 3. Julian Mercer: Must we go through this every time? Come here. 朱莉·默塞:每一次我们都要穿过这里吗?来这儿。 baike.soso.com 4. Estelle, Sir Harry's nurse, knows how he was tricked into giving Julian power of attorney so he can effect the transfers. 哈里的看护——埃斯特尔清楚朱利安如何诱骗他以取得委托书,最终他能实现权利交接。 www.ecocn.org 5. The man's name is Julian Assange. He has just come from Stockholm, following a brief stay in Brussels. 他是朱利安·亚桑杰,刚从斯德哥尔摩回来,此前,则在布鲁塞尔呆了一小段时间。 www.bing.com 6. Julian bought an idiot box for five hundred dollars. 朱利安花500美元买了一台电视机。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Julian of Norwich: Visionary or Mystic? 诺里奇的朱利安:神秘主义的幻想? dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Julian, I added the fur collar to olenska's act two dress. Add fur to the cuffs. humphrey! 朱利安,我在奥兰斯卡第二幕的礼服上加了毛领。在袖口也加上皮毛,汉弗瑞! www.bing.com 9. Julian Assange is the editor-in-chief of WikiLeaks. 朱利安·阿桑奇是维基解密组织的总编辑。 www.bing.com 10. So, Julian Assange: Still not really that much like us. 这样看来,朱利安·阿桑奇还是不是等闲之辈啊。 www.bing.com 1. Julian Assange: Yeah, can it possibly be true? JulianAssange:是的,这有可能吗? www.ted.com 2. Julian Fellowes worked on the script. 朱利安菲洛斯工作的脚本。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Julian Assange must feel like he was robbed. 朱利安-阿桑奇必然觉得被打劫。 www.bing.com 4. Julian long to chum up with the new secretary. 我注意到朱利安没多久就和新秘书交上了朋友。 www.jukuu.com 5. Julian Schroeder is a professor of biology at the University of California, San Diego. Mr. JulianSchroeder是加尼福尼亚圣地亚哥大学的生物学教授。 www.unsv.com 6. "Fine day for a shoot, " Patrick said. Julian then said to them all: "Well, this is well met, what? " “真是射猎的好天气,”帕特里克说道。接着朱利安对他们大家说:“喔,幸会!你说什么来着?” www3.060s.com 7. Julian Schroeder is a professor of biology at the University of California, San Diego. 朱利安施罗德是圣地亚哥的加利福尼亚大学的一位生物学教授。 www.foodmate.net 8. Julian: All hail the New York Giants! 朱利安:全部招呼纽约巨人队! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. We the people behind WikiLeaks think highly of Julian and he has our full support. 我们的工作人员对阿桑齐评价甚高并向他表示全力支持。 c.wsj.com 10. Julian is the sales agent and the rental agent. 朱利安是销售员和收租人。 1. Mr. Ball: Hello. Mr. Julian. What can I do for you? 鲍尔先生:你好,朱莉安先生,我是鲍尔,有什么事情吗? www.englishchina.com 2. In 45 B. C. , Julius Caesar ordered a calendar reform, which resulted in the calendar called the Julian calendar. 在公元前45年,JuliusCaesar下令进行历法改革,于是产生了称为儒略历的历法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. East, so they will be separated into areas where there are no existing forces, " Julian said. " 所以他们要被分派到目前没有部署军队的地区。 en.neworldedu.org 4. Mr. Julian: Hello. It's me. Is Mr. Ball there? 朱莉安先生:(打电话)你好,我是朱莉安,请问鲍尔先生在吗? www.englishchina.com 5. Julian Assange is also an innovator. 朱利安·阿桑奇也是一个革新者。 www.bing.com 6. I'm Julian. -Our house sitter. Come on in. 我是朱利安。-我们的看房人。进来吧。 www.yappr.cn 7. Julian Noble: I'd only be interested in your mother if she lost 20 pounds and 30 years. 朱里安·诺贝尔:我只有在你母亲减掉20磅并年轻30岁之后才会对她感兴趣。 www.baike.com 8. "Well, to him, " says Julian. “嗯,让我瞧瞧吧。”朱利安说。 dongxi.net 9. Julian has become a doormat. 朱利安已变成逆来顺受的可怜虫。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. this is done in astronomy , with the help of the julian day. 天文学上就是借助儒略日来算的。 www.ichacha.net 1. Our modern calendar system of 12 months started with the Julian calendar circa 45 B. C. 我们现在一年分12月的做法始于约公元前45年的儒略历。 www.bing.com 2. The trouble with Julian is that once he gets you on the phone he talks your head off. 朱利安令人讨厌的地方是,一旦他与你通电话,他就会唠叨得使你感到厌烦。 www3.060s.com 3. And then I'll do some mockups and then I take it over to Julian and hope he can make those mockups look far better than my mockups. 之后我就做一些模型并交给Julian,然后希望他能将这些模型更加完善。 gl.ali213.net 4. I had a word with Julian this morning. 我今天上午和朱莉安谈过话。 5. Andrew stormed into the room and yelled at Julian. 安德鲁气冲冲地走进房间,对着朱利安大吼。 www.bing.com 6. A lot of stuff that's written about me and Julian is untrue. 许多关于我和朱利安的报道都不是真的。 www.bing.com 7. Julian [Robertson] was maniacal on the importance of management: 'Have you done your work on management? 朱利安·罗伯森执迷于管理的重要性:‘你在管理方面做工作了吗?’ blog.sina.com.cn 8. self-absorbed Eg. Serena, I know you like him, but as your friend, Julian is the most self-absorbed, pompous person I've ever met. 瑟琳娜,我知道你喜欢他,但作为朋友,朱利安是我见过最固执己见,最傲慢自大的人。 www.kekenet.com 9. What people don't realise is that Julian is very funny. 人们通常意识不到朱利安是一个有趣的人 www.bing.com 10. German and Italian exports to Spain have slowed sharply since last year, according to Julian Callow at Barclays Capital. 据巴克利银行的朱利安·凯洛称,从去年开始,德国、意大利对西班牙的出口就大幅放缓。 www.ecocn.org 1. no , no , no . sit , sit . julian , how are you. 别客气,坐,坐。朱力安,你好吗。 www.ichacha.net 2. Balfour, who is not Julian's father, was kicked out of the Hudsons' home last year. 巴弗尔去年与哈德森的姐姐离婚,他不是朱利安的生父。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Yes, she is. And these are my two sons, Jamie and Julian. 是的,她结婚了。这是我两个儿子,Jamie和Julian。 www.hxen.com 4. S: Julian, do you have a minute? 朱丽安,能占用你一点时间吗? www.englang.cn 5. Why would you like to buy things for me only? What about mummy and Julian? 你为什么只为我一个人买?妈妈和哥哥呢? blog.sina.com.cn 6. My dear Julian. I like the poem very much. 我亲爱的朱利安,我非常喜欢这首诗。 dongxi.net 7. Converts a Julian day count into a date of a specified calendar 将儒略日计数转为其它日历的日期 rat.blog.hexun.com 8. Proceeding of observation, dynamics and numerical simulation studies to Madden-Julian Oscillation 热带大气季节内振荡研究进展――观测、动力机制和数值模拟 web.lasg.ac.cn 9. Julian "Cannonball" Adderley played alto saxophone; 朱利安“炮弹”阿德利中音萨克斯管演奏; www.englishtang.com 10. Best Director: "Le Scaphandre et le papillon" (The Diving Bell and the Butterfly, ) Julian Schnabel, United States 最佳导演奖:朱利安·萧贝尔(《潜水钟和蝴蝶》)美国 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. does julian know ? - i ' ll leave him a nice letter 朱利安知道嘛?-我会给他留封信的 www.ichacha.net 2. Julian Fellowes Investigates: A Most Mysterious 朱利安菲洛斯调查:最神秘的谋杀案 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Julian Lloyd-Webber Plays Andrew Lloyd-Webber (Oriental Concert Hall) 朱利安·韦伯演奏美妙的韦伯音乐剧旋律(东方音乐厅) ccm.culture.sh.cn 4. Converts a Julian day count to a French Republican date 将儒略日计数转为法国共和历 rat.blog.hexun.com 5. Converts a French Republican date to a Julian day count 将法国共和历转为儒略日计数 rat.blog.hexun.com 6. Analysis of the Economic and Social Reasons of Julian's Pagan Policy 拜占廷皇帝朱利安宗教政策的经济社会原因分析 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Converts a Julian day count to a Gregorian date 将儒略日计数转为格里高里历 rat.blog.hexun.com 8. Converts a Gregorian date to a Julian day count 将格里高里历转为儒略日计数 rat.blog.hexun.com 9. Converts a Unix timestamp to a Julian day count 将Unix时间戳转为儒略日计数 rat.blog.hexun.com 10. Converts a Julian day count to a Unix timestamp 将儒略日计数转为Unix时间戳 rat.blog.hexun.com 1. Converts a Jewish date to a Julian day count 将犹太历转为儒略日计数 rat.blog.hexun.com 2. Converts a Julian date to a Julian day count 将罗马儒略历转为儒略日计数 rat.blog.hexun.com 3. Converts a Julian day count to a Julian date 将儒略日计数转为罗马儒略历 rat.blog.hexun.com 4. Converts a Julian day count to a Jewish date 将儒略日计数转为犹太历 rat.blog.hexun.com 5. There is a video interview with Wikileaks founder Julian Assange 这是一段采访维基揭秘网站创始人朱利安阿桑奇的视频。 www.bing.com 6. Arresting Julian Assange won't stop the leaks 逮捕朱利安?阿桑奇并不能阻止泄密 www.ecocn.org 7. Dr. Julian Finn, Museum Victoria 朱利安·费恩博士,维多利亚博物馆 www.bing.com 8. Twenty Days with Julian and Little Bunny by Papa 爸爸笔下与朱利安和兔宝宝共处的二十天 www.stlib.net 9. erica , hi , it ' s julian . i ' m in the restaurant 艾丽卡,嗨,我是茱丽安.我在饭店里 www.ichacha.net 10. you ' re in chem lab with julian wilson , right 你是和朱利安?威尔逊在同一个实验室,对吗? www.ichacha.net |
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