单词 | iodize |
释义 | iodized是iodize的过去分词
第三人称单数:iodizes 现在分词:iodizing 过去分词:iodized 例句释义: 用碘[碘化物]处理,使含碘,加碘的,碘化的 1. In others, civil libertarians demand a right to choose plain salt, with the result that the iodized kind rarely reaches the poor. 另一些国家,国内的自由主义者要求有选择无碘盐的权利,结果碘化盐几乎难以惠及穷人。 www.englishto.com 2. We suggest that iodine content of iodized salt should be adjusted to a more reasonable standard. 建议调整更为合理的加碘盐碘含量标准。 www.bing.com 3. In theis paper a design idea and a programming method for the CAD system of semi-automatic iodized salt machine were introduced. 文章介绍了半自动加碘机CAD系统的设计思路和程序实现方法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Add a small amount of iodized salt is potassium iodide (or iodate) of edible salt is mainly used to add iodine to prevent thyroid disease. 碘盐是指添加了少量碘化钾(或碘酸钾)的食用盐,主要用于补充碘以预防甲状腺病。 www.xiami360.com 5. The stability of iodine in iodized salt under simulated cooking conditions is studied with sodium chloride reinforcing spectrophotometry. 采用氯化钠增敏光度法研究了在模拟烹饪条件下加碘食盐中碘的稳定性。 www.chemyq.com 6. Conclusion: The qualification rate of the iodized salt of the enterprise of salt producing and processing in Yanyuan was 100%. 结论:盐源县盐业生产加工企业生产加工的碘盐合格率为100%。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. A new nutritious flavouring-iodized soy is developed, and the function and economic benefits of the product are introduced in the paper. 文章介绍了一种新型营养型调味品加碘酱油的研制、产品性能及效益。 www.chemyq.com 8. Conclusion: establish the laboratory inner quality control, the quality of iodized salt was assured. 结论:建立实验室内部质量控制,可以很好的保证食盐加碘质量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Applyment and popularization of reagent for selenium and iodine qualitative determination of selenium and iodized salt . 硒碘盐中硒定性测定试剂的使用与推广。 www.bing.com 10. Iodized table salt should not be used as protection against radioactive fallout. 加碘盐不应被用于预防核辐射。 www.bing.com 1. Conclusion-Target of using qualified iodized-salt in local inhabitants has been basically realized. 结论:本地居民基本实现食用合格碘盐的目标。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Results: Daily iodine intake, iodine amount from iodized salt, and environment iodine sources are respectively 399. 结果:碘摄入量、加碘食盐供给碘量和环境碘来源分别为399。 www.dictall.com 3. and the iodine-containing compound include iodized salt and organic iodic acid or organic iodic salt. 所述的含碘化合物为碘化盐类、有机含碘酸或其盐。 ip.com 4. The Tibetan government providing about 2 million RMB annually as a subsidy for the iodized salt program since 2007. 自从2007年以来,自治区政府每年提供两百万人民币作为碘盐项目的补贴。 www.kouyi.org 5. When iodized salt ran out, they bought iodine-free sea salt. Then, even more bizarrely, soy sauce. 当碘盐售完时,一些人购买了粗海盐,更有甚者还抢购酱油。 www.bing.com 6. national legislations on iodized salt that are enforced. 国家关于碘化食盐的法规得到执行。 www.who.int 7. Fortified foods, like iodized salt and enriched flour, also are costly to move. 如含碘食盐和强化面粉等强化食物的推广也需要很高的成本。 www.america.gov 8. But the image- forming feature of iodized oil itself was not more describe. 但对碘油本身的MR成像特点少有描述。 www.chemyq.com 9. Iodine in iodized salt is ineffective for preventing radiation effects, according to the World Health Organization. 在疾昃碘预防辐射效应是无效,据世界卫生组织。 bbs.cndzq.com 10. That conspiracy theory spread partly because the same do-good advertising agency that marketed iodized salt also marketed condoms. 这种阴谋论产生的原因是推广碘盐的热情的广告公司同时也推广避孕套。 www.bing.com 1. The problem ended when food was brought in from elsewhere and salt was iodized. 后来,这个地区有了来自别的地区的食物和加碘的食盐,问题就解决了。 www.bing.com 2. Methods Direct titrimetric method is used to measure the iodized salt. 方法用直接滴定法测定盐碘含量。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. She also worked very closely with Professor Eastman in the development and management of the iodized oil program. 她还在碘盐油项目的发展与管理中与伊士曼教授紧密合作。 www.kouyi.org 4. So it must stop supplying iodized salt in high-iodine areas. 在高碘地区应尽快停供碘盐。 www.fabiao.net 5. The basic concept and focus on iodized salt ! 碘盐争议中的几个基本概念与争论焦点! wenku.baidu.com 6. The stability of iodized soy was analysed theoretically and observed for the first time in the experiment. 首次对加碘酱油的稳定性进行了理论分析和实验观察。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Residents in some Chinese cities flocked to buy iodized salt, believing it could help ward off potential radiation effects. 在中国的许多城市,出现人们成群购买加碘食盐的现象,据称百姓因为认定加碘盐有助于其避开潜在的核辐射影响。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. ObjectiveTo investigate the iodine loss of in baking Uygur food Nang with iodized salt. 目的探讨碘盐加工烤馕中碘含量损失。 www.chemyq.com 9. Globally, the percentage of people with access to iodized salt has climbed from 20 percent in the mid-1990s to about 70 percent today. 从全球范围而言,在90年代中期,只有20%的人能吃到加碘盐,但现在这一比例已经上升到了70%。 www.bing.com 10. Most salt sold in China has been iodized as part of government efforts to prevent iodine deficiency disorders. 中国大部分销售的盐已经被加碘,作为政府防止碘缺乏疾病的措施。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 1. It's iodized salt. 我说的是碘盐。 www.bing.com 2. With the development of iodized salt in small packages, salt companies both at home and broad need more and more salt in 1-ton bag. 随着小包装碘盐的发展,国内外盐业公司对吨袋盐的需求量逐步增大。 www.chemyq.com 3. Iodized salt didn't begin making its way into developing countries until the 1980s. 加碘盐直到上世纪80年代才在发展中国家出现。 www.bing.com 4. Objective To study on the quality and consumption of iodized salt at production and household level based on the 2005 salt surveillance. 目的了解全国生产和居民层次碘盐的合格及食用情况,为我国碘缺乏病防治提供依据。 lib.cqvip.com 5. Effect of iodized salt on the children's intelligence quotient in different areas 食盐加碘对不同地区儿童智商的影响 service.ilib.cn 6. A study of the relationship between the blood supplies and iodized oil deposition in PLC after TACE 原发性肝癌TACE术后碘化油沉积与其血供相关性研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Study on iodine nutritional status of target population due to different iodine concentrations in drinking water after stopped iodized salt 不同水碘地区重点人群碘营养水平及其干预效果研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Study on the neonate umbilical cord blood thyroid stimulating hormone level in the universal iodized salt areas and its application 我国碘盐普及地区新生儿脐带血促甲状腺激素水平测定及其应用的探讨 ilib.cn 9. A Study of Superselective Bronchial Arterial Iodized Oil Chemoembolization for The Treatment of Lung Cancer 超选择支气管动脉碘油化疗栓塞术治疗肺癌的初步研究 www.ilib.cn 10. The investigation of iodine nutritional status of the pregnant women living in iodine-deficient areas who only eat qualified iodized salt 碘缺乏病病区单纯食用合格碘盐的孕妇碘营养状况调查 www.ilib.cn 1. Analysis of Surveillance Result of Iodized Salt Use in Longyan City in 年龙岩市碘盐监测结果 2. Spectrophotometric Method for the Determination of Iodine in the Iodized Salt by the Discoloring of Methyl Orange 甲基橙褪色光度法测定加碘盐中微量碘 www.ilib.cn 3. Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization of hepatocellular carcinoma with ethanol and iodized-oil emulsion 无水乙醇碘油乳剂栓塞治疗肝细胞癌 www.ilib.cn 4. Transcatheter arterial injection of ethanol and iodized-oil emulsion to treat hepatocellular carcinoma with arteriovenous fistula 经肝动脉导管注射无水乙醇碘化油乳剂治疗肝癌动静脉瘘 service.ilib.cn 5. Relationship between Dosage of Iodized Oil and Therapeutic Efficacy of Artery Embolism on Primary Hepatomas 碘化油用量与原发性肝癌介入治疗疗效关系研究 service.ilib.cn 6. The evaluation of National Monitoring Activity of Iodized-Salt in 2004 for the significance of monitoring iodine deficiency disorders 中国2004年碘盐监测行动在碘缺乏病监测中的意义和评价 service.ilib.cn 7. Distribution of non-iodized salt and intervention effect in areas with iodine deficiency in Shandong province 山东省碘缺乏地区非碘盐分布状况及其干预效果 www.ilib.cn 8. The present status of the areas with excessive iodine and the rates of iodized salt coverage in the plain of northwest Shandong Province 鲁西北平原高碘地区分布特征及碘盐覆盖率现状 service.ilib.cn 9. Study of the GC Determination of Iodine in Iodized Salt 气相色谱法测定加碘食盐中碘 www.ilib.cn 10. A comparative study on effects for Iodine deficiency disease with universal salt iodization and oral iodized oil 全民碘盐与碘油丸防治碘缺乏病对比研究 service.ilib.cn 1. Constructing Edible Salt Distribution System to Guarantee the Efficient Supply of Iodized Salt 构建食盐配送体系确保碘盐有效供给 ilib.cn 2. Brief Discussion on Determination of Arbitration in Iodine-Content Testing Method for Iodized Salt 浅谈加碘盐碘含量测定方法中仲裁法的确定 ilib.cn 3. Survey on iodine status of key population after readjusted iodized salt concentration in lechang city 乐昌市调整加碘盐浓度后重点人群碘营养水平调查分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Analysis on monitoring results of iodized salt in production and circulation link in Lianyungang 连云港市生产批发环节碘盐监测结果分析 ilib.cn 5. High Performance Ion Chromatographic Determination of Iodine in Iodized Salt 离子色谱法分析加碘食盐中的微量碘 www.ilib.cn 6. Design about control system of iodized salt packager and its implementation 加碘盐立式包装机控制系统设计与实现 www.ilib.cn 7. Analysis of Uniformity of Edible Salt Indicators Between IDD and Iodized-salt Surveillance 碘缺乏病监测与碘盐监测中居民食用盐指标一致性分析 ilib.cn 8. Analysis on iodized salt monitoring results of the fifth IDD survey in Jilin Province 吉林省第五次碘缺乏病监测碘盐质量结果分析 ilib.cn 9. The influence of cookery flavour process on supplement iodine efficiency of iodized salt 烹饪调味过程对加碘盐补碘效率的影响 ilib.cn 10. Transcatheter hepatic artery embolization with different dose of iodized oil for primary hepatic carcinoma 不同剂量碘油肝动脉栓塞术治疗原发性肝癌 www.ilib.cn 1. Survey of Iodized Salt Status and Factors of Purchasing Iodized Salt among Residents of Zigong City 自贡市居民碘盐状况与购买因素调查 ilib.cn 2. Observation on Urinary Iodine Content of Pregnant Women Before and After the Adjustment of Iodized Salt 碘盐浓度调整前后郑州市孕妇尿碘水平观察 www.ilib.cn 3. Study for prevention effect of semi clinical impairment of children in supplied iodized salt region 长期碘盐预防亚临床损伤效果的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Determination of Iodine Ions and Iodate Radicals in Iodized Salt with Polarography 极谱法测定加碘盐中的碘离子和碘酸根离子 ilib.cn 5. Effects of administrating oral iodized capsules on the level of serum epidermal growth factor in iodine deficiency bodies 口服碘油补碘对缺碘机体表皮生长因子水平的影响 www.ilib.cn 6. Iodine nutritional status of child islanders in relation with iodized salt intake 食盐补碘对海岛儿童碘营养状况的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Electric Automatic Control System in The Equipment of Iodized Salt Production 加碘盐生产设备的电气自动控制系统 ilib.cn 8. Rapid determination of micro iodine of iodized salt by FIA spectrophotometry FIA光度法快速测定加碘盐中的微量碘 www.ilib.cn 9. An Investigation on the Iodine Nutritional Status of Gravida Taking Iodized Salt 舟山市食用碘盐孕妇的碘营养状况调查 www.ilib.cn 10. Determination of Iodine in Iodized Salt by Spectrophotometry 加碘食盐中碘含量的光谱分析 www.ilib.cn 1. State of eating iodized salt intervention of 9 years and IDD prevailing trend ofLiulin County, Shanxi Province 山西老区柳林县9年碘盐干预状况及IDD流行趋势 service.ilib.cn 2. Application of Monte Carlo sampling method in iodized salt monitoring 方法在碘盐监测抽样方法中的应用 ilib.cn 3. Analysis of risk factors influencing population behavior of salt consumption in some non-iodized salt problem areas 部分非碘盐问题地区人群购盐行为危险因素分析 ilib.cn 4. Evaluation and survey of iodine nutrition status in women at high risk non- iodized areas 高非碘盐率地区育龄妇女的碘营养监测与评价 www.ilib.cn 5. Study on Iodized Salt and Its Chemical Analysis 碘盐及其化验研究 ilib.cn 6. Effective Measures to Improve the Quality of Iodized Purified Salt 提高加碘精制盐产品质量的有效措施 ilib.cn 7. Instability of iodine content in iodized salt production 加碘盐生产过程中碘含量不稳定的探讨 www.ilib.cn 8. A new model of hepatic fibrosis induced by intra-arterial injection of iodized oil and pingyangmycin emulsions 经兔肝动脉灌注平阳霉素碘油乳剂制作肝纤维化模型 www.ilib.cn 9. a good monitoring system to make sure that salt is adequately iodized 建立良好的监测系统以确保食盐充分碘化 www.who.int 10. The study of thyroid diseases in a community not using iodized salt 未实施碘盐防治的社区人群甲状腺疾病的调查 service.ilib.cn 1. The Design of Gravity dosing-cup Type Measuring Units for Iodized Edible Salt 食用碘盐重力量杯式计量装置的设计 www.ilib.cn 2. the union: japanese, waiting for iodized salt in the nuclear radiation; 上联:日本人在核辐射中等待碘盐; www.nahuo8.com 3. Analysis of Effect of Economic Factors in Iodized Salt Surveillance 经济因素在碘盐监测中的作用 ilib.cn 4. Adding Iodide Efficiency of Iodized Salt in Common Cooking 常规烹饪中加碘盐的补碘效率分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Analysis on the demand of iodized salt among population living in some areas troubled with non-iodized salt 部分非碘盐问题地区人群碘盐需求分析 ilib.cn 6. Coverage of qualified iodized salt at household level 居民合格碘盐使用率 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Effect of iodized salt in pupil's intelligence quotient in Chongqing City 食盐加碘对重庆市小学生智商的影响 service.ilib.cn 8. Analysis on the Results of Salt Content of Household Iodized Salt 白云区居民户盐碘监测结果分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Follow up Survey for development of infants who were born before or after universal iodized salt 食盐加碘前后出生的婴幼儿发育的追踪观察 www.ilib.cn 10. Approach to the Color Change Mechanism of Iodized Salt 碘盐变色机理探讨 ilib.cn 1. Approach to the Color Change Mechanism of Iodized Salt 碘盐变色机理探讨 ilib.cn 2. Square Wave Voltammetric Determination of Iodate in Iodized Salt 方波伏安法测定食盐中的碘酸根离子 www.ilib.cn 3. Analysis on the results of iodized salt at household level 全国居民户水平盐碘监测结果分析 4. PLC Control System of Iodized Salt Production Equipment 加碘盐生产设备的PLC控制系统 ilib.cn 5. Analysis on Economics of Iodized Salt Supply 碘盐供应的经济学分析 ilib.cn 6. the 30 cases observations on b ultrasound trans - abdominal wall guided iodized oil into fallopian tube 超经腹壁引导碘化油输卵管造影30例观察 www.ichacha.net 7. Analysis of monitor results of iodized salt in Guangdong province in 2004 2004年广东省碘盐监测结果分析 8. Study on Iodine Losses in Iodized Salt 加碘食盐中碘损失的实验研究 ilib.cn 9. Effects of two kinds of iodized salts on the growth and iodine accumulation of Chlorella ellipsoidea 两种碘盐对椭圆小球藻生长和生物富碘作用的影响 www.ilib.cn 10. A higher price for iodized salt because of the costs of transportation; 由于运输成本导致加碘盐的高价格; www.kouyi.org 1. A Study on stability of iodized salt 碘酸钾碘盐的稳定性研究 2. Design and Research Orientation of Packaging Machinery for Iodized Salt in Our Country 我国加碘盐包装机械设计研究方向 ilib.cn |
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