单词 | idea |
释义 | ideas是idea的复数
复数:ideas v. n. get idea,support idea,accept idea,express idea,develop idea adj. n. basic idea,same idea,original idea,innovative idea,clear idea 例句释义: 思想,意见,主意,念头,点子,观念,理念 1. You've probably read some of these books, or at least come across major personal development ideas in magazines or online. 可能你已经读过其中一些书,或者至少在杂志或网上浏览过主要的励志个人发展观点。 www.kekenet.com 2. Can work in teams, proactive in exploration for new ideas. With a strong sense of confidentiality of the technologies and techniques. 具有团队工作精神,善于探索和研究,具创新和开发精神和产品技术及构成的保密意识。 www.chinabuses.com 3. I actually took quite a few of these so I could let some ideas play themselves out in my head. 实际上我做了很多这样的休息让想法在我的脑袋里减少沉淀。 www.bing.com 4. And most of them will no doubt still be puzzled by Europe's tardiness in exploiting IT, given the ease with which ideas now travel. 即使在目前这种思想交流的悠闲氛围中,他们中的大部分还是毫无疑问会对欧洲开发利用信息技术IT的缓慢行动感到吃惊。 www.ecocn.org 5. Nothing gets your ideas across better than bringing a group of developers (or other architects) into a room and whiteboarding your ideas. 召集一组开发人员(或者其他的架构师)到一个房间,在白板上写明你的想法,再没有比这更加有效的方法了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A generation is growing up plugged into an internet-polity that lets it trade ideas and goods in a way that has no precedent. 一代人正在密切参与互联网政治的情况下成长,这使得他们能够以前所未有的方式,交换思想与商品。 www.ftchinese.com 7. When someone says, "You and your ideas are valued, " you know both you and your ideas are a step closer to the door. 当某个人说,“你和你的点子都很有价值”,那你应该知道你和你的点子距离扫地出门已经不远了。 www.bing.com 8. These tangent efforts are a very valuable result of scientific research, whether the original ideas are correct or not. 这些切线努力是非常有价值的科学研究成果,无论原来的想法是正确与否。 www.ccebook.net 9. You got out of the boat. That's amazing. You can do it again, too. Here are a few ideas to get you started. 你离开了船,这已经是个奇迹。你可以再做一次。这里是你开始做的一些想法。 www.bing.com 10. Those who appeared to be a scum of the "waste" has helped me achieve the boring, the formation of decadent ideas, mature. 那些看似是个败类的“浪费”却帮助我实现了无聊、颓废思想的形成、成熟。 hi.baidu.com 1. A whole fresh train of ideas, hopeless, but mournfully sweet, stirred up in Prince Andrey's soul in connection with that oak. 由于这棵老橡树的关系,又有一序列绝望的、但都是忧喜掺半的思想在安德烈公爵的心灵中出现了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Their biographies reveal that their best ideas seem to have occurred when they were relaxing and daydreaming. 他们的传记提示了他们最好的想法似乎产生在他们放松和幻想的时候。 www.hjenglish.com 3. This experience provided me with the opportunity to be exposed to lots of new ideas of modern fashion design and professional training. 我不仅有机会接触现代服装设计的新观念.而且还因此接受了职业训练。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Ideas do not reach perfection in a day, no matter how much study is put upon them. 不管我们如何努力去研究,构思是不可能一日之内达臻完善的。 bbs.enfamily.cn 5. She said she met the goals she set for herself in the novel "Jazz" and that it had the finest writing and ideas. 她说她在小说“爵士”中完成了自己设定的预期目标,小说拥有出色的文笔和思想。 bulo.hjenglish.com 6. But other ideas are entirely original, as in sections where she attempts to tell the plot of a novel entirely from its cover illustration. 但是比顿也有一些思想属于完全原创,比如她试图通过封面插图来暗示一部小说情节的思想。 translate.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Everyone that likes the idea of a Sabre Cat class, please feel free to add more ideas how such a class could look like if you want. 大家喜欢的想法一剑猫级,请随时添加更多的想法如何,例如一类可以样子如果你想。 bbs.52pk.com 8. Heis at the age to learn. He is young and wants to improve, so we are working very hard with him trying to give him some ideas and advice. 他还很年轻,还有很多需要学习的地方,因此我们要尽全力地去帮助他。 www.jczqw.com 9. There, as the American people watch, he will ask them either to put up their own ideas for health reform or get out of the Democrats' way. 那样,美国民众将注意到,奥巴马将会让共和党人要不提出自己的医疗改革方案,要不就不要阻止民主党人的改革。 www.bing.com 10. MSDN Newsgroups allows you to ask questions, share information, or exchange ideas with others, including experts from around the globe. 通过MSDN新闻组,您可以提出问题、共享信息或与包括世界各地专家在内的其他人交流想法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. Gates has a mind which soaks up facts and ideas and all of his information seems to be subject to instant recall. 盖兹有向上使上下湿透事实和主意和他的全部数据的思想像是对立即的取消服从。 sushe5518.bokee.com 2. From a boss bulletin board : come to me with your ideas , not your problems . 总裁告示部下:你有问题先别来找我,你有点子速来敲门。 www.bing.com 3. Don't dismiss ideas prematurely because you don't respect the person generating the ideas, or because you think you already know it all. 不要因为你不尊重提出观点的人,或者因为你认为你已经完全明白了,而过早的丢弃观点。 www.douban.com 4. The four kids locked up in the cell had been thinking of ideas to get out. 四个被锁在牢房的孩子一直在费尽心思,琢磨怎么逃出去。 www.bing.com 5. The ideas which had grown over two thousand years of observation have had to be radically revised. 过去通过两千多年的观察所孕育出来的观点也不得不更改一新。 wyx.dgut.edu.cn 6. I afterward called on him and told him to make perfectly free with any ideas of mine that stuck him as bearing good protoplasm for poetry. 后来我拜访他,告诉他以后如果看到我有什么可供他作诗的思想原料,他尽管随意取用好了。 hi.baidu.com 7. 30 points for suggesting that Einstein, in his later years, was groping his way towards the ideas you now advocate. 暗示你的理论,就是从爱因斯坦晚年的某个他未完成的理论发展而来的, 30分。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Unfortunately, European leaders seem to have no idea that they are embracing ideas which will absolutely harm them in the future. 很遗憾,欧洲领导人们似乎不懂,他们所推崇的想法肯定在将来会使他们受到损害。 www.bing.com 9. Alibaba is far from being just a Chinese knock-off of these American giants. Indeed, they have borrowed ideas from him. 阿里巴巴远不是那些美国巨头的简单模仿者,事实上,反是他们从阿里巴巴身上学到了不少点子。 www.ecocn.org 10. If a sociology of that Lufthansa gate were to be made, it might pick up certain ideas in the crowd's behavior. 如果把汉莎机场登机口的事件作为一个社会学现象来分析,那我们可以根据这个人群的行为总结出一些他们的特定观念。 www.bing.com 1. Executing ideas is often tougher than generating them. 创新过程中,创意的实现往往要比构思更难。 chinese.wsj.com 2. However, this does not prevent beginners from oo to understand some basic ideas and methods of a number of packages. 但是这并不妨碍初学者从中了解一些基本的oo思想和一些封装方法。 3333355555.com 3. A few years ago, it might have been absurd to look to Google for ideas about the auto industry. 几年以前,谷歌汽车工业的想法看起来是荒唐的。 www.bing.com 4. eg. You seem to be so sure of yourself, perhaps you should question your ideas before you make any decision. 有太过自信了,或许在你作决定之前有应该咨询一下。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Check out a few of these smart ideas and determine how they apply to your site, your customers, and your industry's niche. 这里有几个聪明的点子,有利于改善你的网站,吸引顾客和业内人士。 www.bing.com 6. By now you're probably beginning to realise that even the most disruptive of problems holds the potential for a value exchange of ideas. 到目前为止你可能已经意识到,即使是最有分裂性的问题也有能交换好主意的潜力。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Some of the things I'm going to tell you might sound like just'interesting' ideas, or unusual things to do. 我要告诉你的事情听起来会是有趣的想法或很少有人做的事。 paoxue.com 8. He outlined a number of future entrepreneurial ideas, but bureaucracy was such a problem over here, he said. 他罗列了很多关于将来的雄心大志,但是说这里的官僚衙门是个问题。 www.bing.com 9. "You can be in the black with green ideas, " he said in an interview shortly before the election. “你可以做一个持绿色观点的黑党。”他在选举即将开始前的采访中说道。 www.hxen.com 10. Dr. Haltzman links open-mindedness to a woman's ability to show respect for her mate's ideas, plans, and abilities. 霍斯曼博士将女人的开放性和对伴侣的观点,计划与能力的尊重相结合。 www.bing.com 1. But he said, so far, the president's ideas do not go far enough to cut costs and put those programs on a sustainable budgetary path. 但是他说,迄今为止,总统在削减开支并让这些项目进入一个可持续的预算轨道方面,想法还不够有力。 www.voanews.cn 2. It was the language that helped shape the way I saw things, expressed ideas, and made sense of the world. 这是语言,帮助塑造了我看到的东西,表达思想,赋予意义世界。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. A state of intensified attention and receptiveness , and an increased responsiveness to an idea or to a set of ideas. 一种加强了集中力以及接受能力的状态,对于一个意见或一套意见增强了反应能力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. It would be fine if we met with him to discuss ideas regarding a presentation and to work on preliminary drafts. 如果我们就初稿工作及演示与他会面讨论构思会不错。 www.bing.com 5. TV and mass media made it really easy to spread ideas in a certain way. 某种程度上电视和大众传媒使得我们传播想法变得更加容易。 www.ted.com 6. Yet doing so was just one of the ideas floating around at "A Celebration of DHA" in London this week. 然而,本周在伦敦召开的“DHA庆祝大会”上流行的一个观点正是这样。 www.24en.com 7. Pitanguy's ideas would have had little influence if it were not for his reputation as a skilled surgeon. 要不是皮坦基作为一个熟练外科医生的名声,他的思想一点影响也没有。 www.bing.com 8. He asked me to contribute a few ideas, and he graciously agreed to let me turn it into an article for Lifehack. org. 他让我提供一些想法,并谦和地地同意让我把它写成一片文章给Lifehack.org。 www.elanso.com 9. For a while we discussed Berlin, the President rattling off a series of ideas which might constitute part of a negotiating position. 有一段时间我们讨论了柏林问题,总统一口气讲了一连串可能成为谈判立场一部分的想法。 10. Gina : I try to always think about and experiment with new ideas, post spins, publishing formats, and coverage areas to stay out of a rut. 吉娜:我常常在尝试着去思考实验新的想法,编辑些新的东西,在出版格式和覆盖范围上做些调整来避免枯燥乏味。 www.elanso.com 1. The 10 below are just a few ideas, but I'm sure you can think of many more. 以下10种仅提供一些想法作参考,但我敢肯定,你们能想出更多。 www.bing.com 2. Perhaps you knew that what was falling apart was not your sense of self but some of your ideas. 或许你知道这些分崩离析的感觉(崩溃的感觉)不是你自身的感受,而是你的一些想法。 www.bing.com 3. One of the sketchy ideas I had at the beginning of all of this was a sort of "Seven Habits of Super Effective Geeks" . 我当初创立该网站的主要想法之一是有一群“有着七种习惯的并且超级有效率的Geeks”。 www.bing.com 4. This leaves me with some good ideas about contextual questions to ask in interviews for the case study part of the research. 我受此启发,想到一些不错的情景问题,可以在为研究的具体实例分析部分做准备的采访时用到。 dongxi.net 5. Some of the greatest inventors forced themselves to develop new ideas even when they were tired or did not feel inspired. 有些最伟大的发明家强迫他们自己去开发新思路,即使在他们感到疲惫或觉得没有灵感的时候。 360edu.com 6. His ideas are really out of date, and he sounds sort of silly to me. 他的想法太过时了,而且他看上去有点傻似的。 www.ycrtvu.com 7. As you get a hang of it, you'll realized that you can easily convert any ideas into Infographics presentation. 当你熟练掌握它之后,你会发现自己能轻而易举地将任何观念转化为信息图的表示。 www.bing.com 8. As you're working on your important tasks, and trying to focus, other ideas will come up, and other requests will come in. 在你努力集中注意力做着重要任务的时候,其他的点子会跑出来,其他的要求会冒出来。 www.bing.com 9. It is no bad thing to explore new ideas. The trouble is that none of these examples stands up to scrutiny. 有人提出新点子总不是坏事。问题在于,这些点子都经不起推敲。 club.topsage.com 10. Ok. We should be able to give you a briefing on what ideas we have come up with in a few days. 好的.过几天我们会给你一份我们想出的点子的汇报。 www.bing.com 1. Only his eyes glittered with a feverish brilliance, and his ideas followed one another with extreme rapidity and clearness. 只是他那对眼睛闪烁着狂热之光。他的心绪万千,接踵而至,思路极其敏捷而且清晰。 novel.tingroom.com 2. He thought out on by one ideas to help her escape from death. 他为了让她逃出死亡命运想出了一个又一个主意 zhidao.baidu.com 3. A good program manager will come with her own ideas for how the UI should work, which might be better, or worse, than the developer's idea. 一个好的程序经理应该对UI的工作方式有自己的主见,比开发人员的意见可能要好也可能要烂。 www.bing.com 4. The point is simply to do something, anything, with one of your ideas. 重点是用你的其中一个想法简单地去做某件事,任何事情。 www.bing.com 5. I have my own ideas, but you may rest assured that I have not caught him in a previous fatal openings. I will not hastily. 我有我自己的主意,不过你放心,在我没有抓到他的致命把柄一以前,我不会轻举妄动的。 bbs.renyu.net 6. Maximilian, Maximilian, " he said, " the ideas you yield to are unworthy of a Christian. “马西米兰,马西米兰,”他说,“你心里的念头不是一个基督徒所应有的。” dict.ebigear.com 7. Service representative to understand the extent to which customer needs, ideas, and this is called empathy degrees. 服务代表究竟能在多大程度上理解客户的需求、想法,这就叫做同理度。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Thus, in designing the body of the presentation, you develop what you want to say about each of these main points or ideas. 所以,在设计演讲正文时,你详细阐述任何你想说的有关每一个要点或要旨的内容。 www.1x1y.com.cn 9. Yet, with the vague ideas I conjured up from the rest, I spun out a variously coloured thread on which to string the illustrations. 我以十分之一的模糊的了解,纺织出一条彩色的线条,把插图给穿连了起来。 www.bing.com 10. " She needed to be " open-minded and let go of any pre-conceived ideas to help clients create something really special and customized. 她需要思想开明,摈弃任何先入为主之见,以达到客户要求的特别的定制。 bbs.enfamily.cn 1. And that process involved, you know, writing things at home, bringing them in, talking about ideas together. 过程是这样的,如你所知,在家写东西,作品拿出来,再一起讨论。 www.24en.com 2. He brings his ideas back to his studio to work up into water colors and then oils, with which he just started to experiment. 他把思路带回工作室,加以整理后画成水彩画,然后再画成他当时刚刚开始尝试的油画。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Investment of that nature is an indicator that market forces are ready to support and promote what might have begun as fringe ideas. 这样的投资表明,市场力量已作好准备,支持和促进使一些设想变为现实。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 4. But he did not reject the approach out of hand, saying that Wang Xiaolu had ideas and techniques that the NBS could learn from. 但是他没有对这种方式提出反对,说王小鲁的想法和方式也有可供统计局借鉴之处。 c.wsj.com 5. Ellen's acquiescent approval of her husband's ideas stemmed from her fear that he would beat her. 艾伦默默地同意她丈夫的意见,是因为害怕他会打她。 www2.17bdc.com 6. Concentrate on your writing style and your ideas, rather than trying to master HTML in two weeks. 专注在你的写作风格和想法,而不是在两星期内成为HTML高手。 www.myoops.org 7. If you own your own company, you will be the best spokesperson for yourself. No one will be able to sell your ideas better than you! 如果你拥有自己的公司,你将是你自己最好的代言人,没有人能够比你更好的兜售你的主意! www.douban.com 8. Or you could hold the baby: partner with him on a project, offer to prepare with him, or share ideas before the next meeting. 然而你也可以帮忙照看这个婴儿:在某个项目上与他搭伴,帮他一起准备,或在下一个会议前与他分享一些你的看法。 www.elanso.com 9. A symbol, indeed, assumes two planes, two worlds of ideas and sensations, and a dictionary of correspondences between them. 诚然,象征具备了两面,形成了两个由观念和情感组成的世界以及一本联系双方的字典。 www.bing.com 10. Tip: Don't oversell your ideas and push against the company's direction, which might risk losing ground in the long run. 小贴士:不要过分吹嘘你的主意而和背离公司的方向,那样长期下区你就会失去地位。 www.hxen.com 1. If you focus only on the design, while not a member of a unified design elements and ideas, the overall design is only a shell. 如果只注重这些的设计,而没有加入统一的设计元素与想法,整体设计也只是一个空壳。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Application of a keen eye to examine his own ideas, examine the concept of self-cultivation in the traditional education of various habits. 应用敏锐的眼光去审视自己的思想、审视在传统教育观中自身养成的各种习惯。 www.qikan.com.cn 3. The head of my office said he would consider my ideas for a more effective sales campaign. 我的办公室的头头说他将考虑我的一个更有效的促销活动的想法。 www.bing.com 4. When the mind is not creating, fabricating, caught up in ideas - only then is the heart alive. 当心意停止制造、停止编织、不再陷入观念里,这时我们的心才是活跃的。 www.douban.com 5. So one day last week I was trying to explain to her some of my ideas around mapping of consumability of assets. 因此,在上周的一天,我围绕资产可消费性映射向她解释了我的一些想法。 www.ibm.com 6. The "ideas of a lifetime" could appear at any given moment & could forgotten just as fast as it arrives. 终生的观念会出现在一些场合,而且忘记正如他到了那么快。 bbs.hxen.com 7. You may find this lecture I gave at my workplace (University College London) earlier this year helpful to expand on some of these ideas. 你可以在我今年年初在我工作的地方(伦敦大学)所做的演讲中找到更多对上述观点的阐述和解释。 www.bing.com 8. This work product is the beginning of the content taxonomy, and helps you to organize your ideas regarding content for your portal. 该工作产品是内容分类的开始,有助于组织关于门户内容的想法。 www.ibm.com 9. And this seems to be the fundamental point here a free market in goods and services requires a free market in innovation and ideas. 一个自由的货物和服务市场需要一个自由的市场及创新的观念和思想,这就是最基本的观点。 www.uk.cn 10. It's easy to come up with a task which is useful and original - just combine existing ideas in a new way, perhaps with some minor twists. 一般来讲,创造出一个有用的应用并非难事,只需要把已有的点子组合在一起,或许再来一点小的改动。 www.bing.com 1. If you own your own company, you will be the best spokesperson for yourself. No one will be able to sell your ideas better than you! 如果你拥有自己的公司,你将是你自己最好的代言人,没有人能够比你更好的兜售你的主意! www.douban.com 2. Or you could hold the baby: partner with him on a project, offer to prepare with him, or share ideas before the next meeting. 然而你也可以帮忙照看这个婴儿:在某个项目上与他搭伴,帮他一起准备,或在下一个会议前与他分享一些你的看法。 www.elanso.com 3. A symbol, indeed, assumes two planes, two worlds of ideas and sensations, and a dictionary of correspondences between them. 诚然,象征具备了两面,形成了两个由观念和情感组成的世界以及一本联系双方的字典。 www.bing.com 4. Tip: Don't oversell your ideas and push against the company's direction, which might risk losing ground in the long run. 小贴士:不要过分吹嘘你的主意而和背离公司的方向,那样长期下区你就会失去地位。 www.hxen.com 5. What? You want me to let a turtle go when it's only a step away from the kitchen? You woman sure have some weird ideas. 什么?都要到厨房了,你还要我放了这只乌龟?你们女人总是疑神疑鬼。 www.for68.com 6. Content for some of the images will be provided where necessary but the artist must be able to come up with the majority of their own ideas. 对于某些内容的图像将提供必要的,但在艺术家必须能够拿出自己的想法多数了。 www.bing.com 7. If you focus only on the design, while not a member of a unified design elements and ideas, the overall design is only a shell. 如果只注重这些的设计,而没有加入统一的设计元素与想法,整体设计也只是一个空壳。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Application of a keen eye to examine his own ideas, examine the concept of self-cultivation in the traditional education of various habits. 应用敏锐的眼光去审视自己的思想、审视在传统教育观中自身养成的各种习惯。 www.qikan.com.cn 9. The head of my office said he would consider my ideas for a more effective sales campaign. 我的办公室的头头说他将考虑我的一个更有效的促销活动的想法。 www.bing.com 10. When the mind is not creating, fabricating, caught up in ideas - only then is the heart alive. 当心意停止制造、停止编织、不再陷入观念里,这时我们的心才是活跃的。 www.douban.com 1. Tip: Don't oversell your ideas and push against the company's direction, which might risk losing ground in the long run. 小贴士:不要过分吹嘘你的主意而和背离公司的方向,那样长期下区你就会失去地位。 www.hxen.com 2. What? You want me to let a turtle go when it's only a step away from the kitchen? You woman sure have some weird ideas. 什么?都要到厨房了,你还要我放了这只乌龟?你们女人总是疑神疑鬼。 www.for68.com 3. Content for some of the images will be provided where necessary but the artist must be able to come up with the majority of their own ideas. 对于某些内容的图像将提供必要的,但在艺术家必须能够拿出自己的想法多数了。 www.bing.com 4. If he is the sort of traditional male who can only cope with ideas that are his own, you need to pander to that. 如果他是那种传统的男人,什么事都只能依他的主意,那么,你就需要迎合。 www.ftchinese.com 5. If you focus only on the design, while not a member of a unified design elements and ideas, the overall design is only a shell. 如果只注重这些的设计,而没有加入统一的设计元素与想法,整体设计也只是一个空壳。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Application of a keen eye to examine his own ideas, examine the concept of self-cultivation in the traditional education of various habits. 应用敏锐的眼光去审视自己的思想、审视在传统教育观中自身养成的各种习惯。 www.qikan.com.cn 7. The head of my office said he would consider my ideas for a more effective sales campaign. 我的办公室的头头说他将考虑我的一个更有效的促销活动的想法。 www.bing.com 8. When the mind is not creating, fabricating, caught up in ideas - only then is the heart alive. 当心意停止制造、停止编织、不再陷入观念里,这时我们的心才是活跃的。 www.douban.com 9. So one day last week I was trying to explain to her some of my ideas around mapping of consumability of assets. 因此,在上周的一天,我围绕资产可消费性映射向她解释了我的一些想法。 www.ibm.com 10. The "ideas of a lifetime" could appear at any given moment & could forgotten just as fast as it arrives. 终生的观念会出现在一些场合,而且忘记正如他到了那么快。 bbs.hxen.com 1. If he is the sort of traditional male who can only cope with ideas that are his own, you need to pander to that. 如果他是那种传统的男人,什么事都只能依他的主意,那么,你就需要迎合。 www.ftchinese.com 2. If you focus only on the design, while not a member of a unified design elements and ideas, the overall design is only a shell. 如果只注重这些的设计,而没有加入统一的设计元素与想法,整体设计也只是一个空壳。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Application of a keen eye to examine his own ideas, examine the concept of self-cultivation in the traditional education of various habits. 应用敏锐的眼光去审视自己的思想、审视在传统教育观中自身养成的各种习惯。 www.qikan.com.cn 4. The head of my office said he would consider my ideas for a more effective sales campaign. 我的办公室的头头说他将考虑我的一个更有效的促销活动的想法。 www.bing.com 5. When the mind is not creating, fabricating, caught up in ideas - only then is the heart alive. 当心意停止制造、停止编织、不再陷入观念里,这时我们的心才是活跃的。 www.douban.com 6. So one day last week I was trying to explain to her some of my ideas around mapping of consumability of assets. 因此,在上周的一天,我围绕资产可消费性映射向她解释了我的一些想法。 www.ibm.com 7. The "ideas of a lifetime" could appear at any given moment & could forgotten just as fast as it arrives. 终生的观念会出现在一些场合,而且忘记正如他到了那么快。 bbs.hxen.com 8. You may find this lecture I gave at my workplace (University College London) earlier this year helpful to expand on some of these ideas. 你可以在我今年年初在我工作的地方(伦敦大学)所做的演讲中找到更多对上述观点的阐述和解释。 www.bing.com 9. This work product is the beginning of the content taxonomy, and helps you to organize your ideas regarding content for your portal. 该工作产品是内容分类的开始,有助于组织关于门户内容的想法。 www.ibm.com 10. And this seems to be the fundamental point here a free market in goods and services requires a free market in innovation and ideas. 一个自由的货物和服务市场需要一个自由的市场及创新的观念和思想,这就是最基本的观点。 www.uk.cn 1. The head of my office said he would consider my ideas for a more effective sales campaign. 我的办公室的头头说他将考虑我的一个更有效的促销活动的想法。 www.bing.com 2. When the mind is not creating, fabricating, caught up in ideas - only then is the heart alive. 当心意停止制造、停止编织、不再陷入观念里,这时我们的心才是活跃的。 www.douban.com 3. So one day last week I was trying to explain to her some of my ideas around mapping of consumability of assets. 因此,在上周的一天,我围绕资产可消费性映射向她解释了我的一些想法。 www.ibm.com 4. The "ideas of a lifetime" could appear at any given moment & could forgotten just as fast as it arrives. 终生的观念会出现在一些场合,而且忘记正如他到了那么快。 bbs.hxen.com 5. You may find this lecture I gave at my workplace (University College London) earlier this year helpful to expand on some of these ideas. 你可以在我今年年初在我工作的地方(伦敦大学)所做的演讲中找到更多对上述观点的阐述和解释。 www.bing.com 6. This work product is the beginning of the content taxonomy, and helps you to organize your ideas regarding content for your portal. 该工作产品是内容分类的开始,有助于组织关于门户内容的想法。 www.ibm.com 7. And this seems to be the fundamental point here a free market in goods and services requires a free market in innovation and ideas. 一个自由的货物和服务市场需要一个自由的市场及创新的观念和思想,这就是最基本的观点。 www.uk.cn 8. It's easy to come up with a task which is useful and original - just combine existing ideas in a new way, perhaps with some minor twists. 一般来讲,创造出一个有用的应用并非难事,只需要把已有的点子组合在一起,或许再来一点小的改动。 www.bing.com 9. In this issue, we'll lead you to understand stress properly and try to offer several good stress relieving ideas. 这一期,我们将引导大家正确地了解压力,并试着提供几种释放压力的好方法。 qkzz.net 10. ZI starts with a clean slate- no preconceived ideas or solutions - and will work with you to build your vision for the future. ZI开始用干净的石板,没有先入为主的想法或解决方案-将与您共同建设未来的愿景。 www.bing.com 1. The "ideas of a lifetime" could appear at any given moment & could forgotten just as fast as it arrives. 终生的观念会出现在一些场合,而且忘记正如他到了那么快。 bbs.hxen.com 2. You may find this lecture I gave at my workplace (University College London) earlier this year helpful to expand on some of these ideas. 你可以在我今年年初在我工作的地方(伦敦大学)所做的演讲中找到更多对上述观点的阐述和解释。 www.bing.com 3. This work product is the beginning of the content taxonomy, and helps you to organize your ideas regarding content for your portal. 该工作产品是内容分类的开始,有助于组织关于门户内容的想法。 www.ibm.com 4. And this seems to be the fundamental point here a free market in goods and services requires a free market in innovation and ideas. 一个自由的货物和服务市场需要一个自由的市场及创新的观念和思想,这就是最基本的观点。 www.uk.cn 5. It's easy to come up with a task which is useful and original - just combine existing ideas in a new way, perhaps with some minor twists. 一般来讲,创造出一个有用的应用并非难事,只需要把已有的点子组合在一起,或许再来一点小的改动。 www.bing.com 6. In this issue, we'll lead you to understand stress properly and try to offer several good stress relieving ideas. 这一期,我们将引导大家正确地了解压力,并试着提供几种释放压力的好方法。 qkzz.net 7. ZI starts with a clean slate- no preconceived ideas or solutions - and will work with you to build your vision for the future. ZI开始用干净的石板,没有先入为主的想法或解决方案-将与您共同建设未来的愿景。 www.bing.com 8. Interestingly, the Tories seem to be flirting with rather similar ideas, at least when it comes to the question of housing. 有意思的是保守党人也在对类似的主意感兴趣,特别是在房屋的问题上。 www.ecocn.org 9. But when he did speak, he often came out with ideas that bordered on the fantastic. 而当他开口说话的时候,他经常会抛出许多异想天开的观点。 www.bing.com 10. Those are just a few ideas that I have come up with. Feel free to post some other ideas in the comment section of the ezine. 这些仅是自己所想的一些点子。我还在电子杂志的评论部分随意发表些其他的想法。 www.bing.com 1. And this seems to be the fundamental point here a free market in goods and services requires a free market in innovation and ideas. 一个自由的货物和服务市场需要一个自由的市场及创新的观念和思想,这就是最基本的观点。 www.uk.cn 2. It's easy to come up with a task which is useful and original - just combine existing ideas in a new way, perhaps with some minor twists. 一般来讲,创造出一个有用的应用并非难事,只需要把已有的点子组合在一起,或许再来一点小的改动。 www.bing.com 3. In this issue, we'll lead you to understand stress properly and try to offer several good stress relieving ideas. 这一期,我们将引导大家正确地了解压力,并试着提供几种释放压力的好方法。 qkzz.net 4. ZI starts with a clean slate- no preconceived ideas or solutions - and will work with you to build your vision for the future. ZI开始用干净的石板,没有先入为主的想法或解决方案-将与您共同建设未来的愿景。 www.bing.com 5. Interestingly, the Tories seem to be flirting with rather similar ideas, at least when it comes to the question of housing. 有意思的是保守党人也在对类似的主意感兴趣,特别是在房屋的问题上。 www.ecocn.org 6. But when he did speak, he often came out with ideas that bordered on the fantastic. 而当他开口说话的时候,他经常会抛出许多异想天开的观点。 www.bing.com 7. Those are just a few ideas that I have come up with. Feel free to post some other ideas in the comment section of the ezine. 这些仅是自己所想的一些点子。我还在电子杂志的评论部分随意发表些其他的想法。 www.bing.com 8. As for ideas, the Republicans seem to be reducing themselves into exactly what the Democrats say they are: the nasty party of No. 至于点子,共和党似乎把自己不断塑造成正像民主党所说的那样:一个只会说不的卑鄙政党。 www.ecocn.org 9. I also got to start this blog and open up a dialog for an interesting subject, a real look at job searching ideas and applications. 同时,我开通了这个博客,为这个有趣的话题提供一个交流空间,好好地审视一下职位搜索的思路和应用。 dongxi.net 10. At present none of the ideas being aired to deal with Japan's problems is anything like bold or concrete enough to sound convincing. 目前,任何关于处理日本问题想法缺乏勇气和具体措施,听起来都难以令人信服。 www.putclub.com 1. Interestingly, the Tories seem to be flirting with rather similar ideas, at least when it comes to the question of housing. 有意思的是保守党人也在对类似的主意感兴趣,特别是在房屋的问题上。 www.ecocn.org 2. But when he did speak, he often came out with ideas that bordered on the fantastic. 而当他开口说话的时候,他经常会抛出许多异想天开的观点。 www.bing.com 3. Those are just a few ideas that I have come up with. Feel free to post some other ideas in the comment section of the ezine. 这些仅是自己所想的一些点子。我还在电子杂志的评论部分随意发表些其他的想法。 www.bing.com 4. As for ideas, the Republicans seem to be reducing themselves into exactly what the Democrats say they are: the nasty party of No. 至于点子,共和党似乎把自己不断塑造成正像民主党所说的那样:一个只会说不的卑鄙政党。 www.ecocn.org 5. I also got to start this blog and open up a dialog for an interesting subject, a real look at job searching ideas and applications. 同时,我开通了这个博客,为这个有趣的话题提供一个交流空间,好好地审视一下职位搜索的思路和应用。 dongxi.net 6. We interchanged our ideas about education and hobbies, and I suggested her to listen to Jay Chow's and Jolin Tsai's pop songs. 我们也互相交换一些对于教育的想法还有谈论兴趣,他喜欢流行音乐,我也推荐了他周杰伦跟蔡依林的音乐给他听。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. At present none of the ideas being aired to deal with Japan's problems is anything like bold or concrete enough to sound convincing. 目前,任何关于处理日本问题想法缺乏勇气和具体措施,听起来都难以令人信服。 www.putclub.com 8. He never likes others' ideas and he never has any ideas of his own. 别人的点子他从来不喜欢,他也从来没有自己的点子。 www.ebigear.com 9. It would be forum for people's ideas about what they would like to see on a giant screen of this type. 还可以有个论坛,讨论人们希望在这个巨大的屏幕上看到什么。 www.ted.com 10. Any regime as palpably concerned about the free flow of information, knows well that ideas about freedom might be very popular. 任何顾虑信息的自由流通的政权都很清楚地知道自由思想将有可能很受欢迎。 forum.nationonline.com 1. We interchanged our ideas about education and hobbies, and I suggested her to listen to Jay Chow's and Jolin Tsai's pop songs. 我们也互相交换一些对于教育的想法还有谈论兴趣,他喜欢流行音乐,我也推荐了他周杰伦跟蔡依林的音乐给他听。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Simply providing a forum for people to ask questions and discuss ideas isn't going to help solve interoperability issues. 仅为人们提供询问问题和讨论想法的论坛无法解决互操作性问题。 www.ibm.com 3. At present none of the ideas being aired to deal with Japan's problems is anything like bold or concrete enough to sound convincing. 目前,任何关于处理日本问题想法缺乏勇气和具体措施,听起来都难以令人信服。 www.putclub.com 4. He never likes others' ideas and he never has any ideas of his own. 别人的点子他从来不喜欢,他也从来没有自己的点子。 www.ebigear.com 5. It would be forum for people's ideas about what they would like to see on a giant screen of this type. 还可以有个论坛,讨论人们希望在这个巨大的屏幕上看到什么。 www.ted.com 6. Any regime as palpably concerned about the free flow of information, knows well that ideas about freedom might be very popular. 任何顾虑信息的自由流通的政权都很清楚地知道自由思想将有可能很受欢迎。 forum.nationonline.com 7. He wasn't ever discouraged, and he had a seemingly unlimited supply of practical ideas that could use a bit of technology. 他从来没有放弃过,他看上去好像是永动机一样的工作,提供各种源源不断的技术上的好点子。 www.bing.com 8. but he had lived in a world in which, as he said, no one who loved ideas need hunger mentally. 然而正如他说的,在他生活的世界里,没有哪个爱思想的人精神上会感到饥饿。 novel.tingroom.com 9. Those are things that we can not know to be true or to be false just by thinking about our ideas of what the sun is. 这样的论题仅凭我们对于太阳为何物的意识,是无法知道对错的。 open.163.com 10. 'Surfing so much, I get ideas of things that I would like to see that don't yet exist, ' Mr. Arcangel explains. “由于经常在网上冲浪,我会对那些原以为不存在的事物有所领悟,”阿肯格尔解释说。 www.ebigear.com 1. Any regime as palpably concerned about the free flow of information, knows well that ideas about freedom might be very popular. 任何顾虑信息的自由流通的政权都很清楚地知道自由思想将有可能很受欢迎。 forum.nationonline.com 2. He wasn't ever discouraged, and he had a seemingly unlimited supply of practical ideas that could use a bit of technology. 他从来没有放弃过,他看上去好像是永动机一样的工作,提供各种源源不断的技术上的好点子。 www.bing.com 3. but he had lived in a world in which, as he said, no one who loved ideas need hunger mentally. 然而正如他说的,在他生活的世界里,没有哪个爱思想的人精神上会感到饥饿。 novel.tingroom.com 4. Those are things that we can not know to be true or to be false just by thinking about our ideas of what the sun is. 这样的论题仅凭我们对于太阳为何物的意识,是无法知道对错的。 open.163.com 5. 'Surfing so much, I get ideas of things that I would like to see that don't yet exist, ' Mr. Arcangel explains. “由于经常在网上冲浪,我会对那些原以为不存在的事物有所领悟,”阿肯格尔解释说。 www.ebigear.com 6. "It is strictly aimed at civilians, " he said. "This is all about education and about exchange of ideas with civilians. " 他说:“公民警校的招生对象严格限于普通百姓,其目的是对普通百姓讲解警察工作,并与他们交流思想。” www.america.gov 7. I'm going to keep trying to update it as much as possible, but if anyone has any ideas for what you want put up, let me know! 我要不断尝试更新它尽可能多,但如果任何人有任何的想法是什么你想提出,让我知道了! wenwen.soso.com 8. If you see that your partner is not quite ready for your ideas, deliberately hold yourself back. 如果你感到你的伙伴没有完全为你的计划作好准备,你要故意放慢自己的脚步。 www.douban.com 9. While these ideas may not work at least scientists, politicians and other innovators are beginning to explore alternatives. 科学家们自然对这些想法不感冒,所以那些政治家和其它发明家们就开始另辟蹊径。 www.bing.com 10. He loved people, and his ideas came from people, and he thought ideas existed for the benefit of people, " not the other way around. " 苏格拉底“把人民看得比思想更重要……他热爱人民,他的思想来自于人民,他认为的思想应当为人民利益而存在”,而不是其它别的什么东西。 www.bing.com 1. but he had lived in a world in which, as he said, no one who loved ideas need hunger mentally. 然而正如他说的,在他生活的世界里,没有哪个爱思想的人精神上会感到饥饿。 novel.tingroom.com 2. Those are things that we can not know to be true or to be false just by thinking about our ideas of what the sun is. 这样的论题仅凭我们对于太阳为何物的意识,是无法知道对错的。 open.163.com 3. 'Surfing so much, I get ideas of things that I would like to see that don't yet exist, ' Mr. Arcangel explains. “由于经常在网上冲浪,我会对那些原以为不存在的事物有所领悟,”阿肯格尔解释说。 www.ebigear.com 4. "It is strictly aimed at civilians, " he said. "This is all about education and about exchange of ideas with civilians. " 他说:“公民警校的招生对象严格限于普通百姓,其目的是对普通百姓讲解警察工作,并与他们交流思想。” www.america.gov 5. I'm going to keep trying to update it as much as possible, but if anyone has any ideas for what you want put up, let me know! 我要不断尝试更新它尽可能多,但如果任何人有任何的想法是什么你想提出,让我知道了! wenwen.soso.com 6. If you see that your partner is not quite ready for your ideas, deliberately hold yourself back. 如果你感到你的伙伴没有完全为你的计划作好准备,你要故意放慢自己的脚步。 www.douban.com 7. While these ideas may not work at least scientists, politicians and other innovators are beginning to explore alternatives. 科学家们自然对这些想法不感冒,所以那些政治家和其它发明家们就开始另辟蹊径。 www.bing.com 8. He loved people, and his ideas came from people, and he thought ideas existed for the benefit of people, " not the other way around. " 苏格拉底“把人民看得比思想更重要……他热爱人民,他的思想来自于人民,他认为的思想应当为人民利益而存在”,而不是其它别的什么东西。 www.bing.com 9. It's one of those ideas that's so simple, yet brilliant, you wonder why it's never been done before. 这就是那些简单,但最不可思议的想法之一,大家都会惊奇怎么以前从没想到呢。 www.ted.com 10. This extended cooperation must be intended not to limit hut to enhance mobility of ideas and freedom of the scientists within the system . 这种广泛的合作形式必须有助于而不是限制该系统内科学家进行思想交流和自由流动。 www.jukuu.com 1. While these ideas may not work at least scientists, politicians and other innovators are beginning to explore alternatives. 科学家们自然对这些想法不感冒,所以那些政治家和其它发明家们就开始另辟蹊径。 www.bing.com 2. He loved people, and his ideas came from people, and he thought ideas existed for the benefit of people, " not the other way around. " 苏格拉底“把人民看得比思想更重要……他热爱人民,他的思想来自于人民,他认为的思想应当为人民利益而存在”,而不是其它别的什么东西。 www.bing.com 3. It's one of those ideas that's so simple, yet brilliant, you wonder why it's never been done before. 这就是那些简单,但最不可思议的想法之一,大家都会惊奇怎么以前从没想到呢。 www.ted.com 4. This extended cooperation must be intended not to limit hut to enhance mobility of ideas and freedom of the scientists within the system . 这种广泛的合作形式必须有助于而不是限制该系统内科学家进行思想交流和自由流动。 www.jukuu.com 5. Action is what matters, not talk, or ideas, or even how much money you have. 行动它不是言谈、也不是想法、也不与你有多少钱相关。 www.bing.com 6. The advantages would be that the client would notbe overwhelmed: you will have provided just a few promising ideas. 这么做的好处就是客户将不会不知所措:你只需要提供一些有潜力的想法。 www.bing.com 7. How much you're trading - How much of your capital are you going to allocate to the trade idea versus other ideas? 你多少交易-你的资金多少,你要分配给该行业的想法与其他的想法? www.hotsino.com 8. But a report in the Wall Street Journal says the session promises to be even less of a free-flowing exchange of ideas than usual. 但《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)的一篇报道称,此次会议自由交换意见的氛围可能不如以往。 www.fortunechina.com 9. He must encourage them to help come up with sound ideas, while also not undermining the implementation of policies they do not like. 他要鼓励他们提出更有建设性的意见,同时又要让他们不要对不喜欢的政策的实施发难。 www.ecocn.org 10. One night he sat down and wrote the speech himself, with no help other than bouncing ideas off his wife. 一个晚上他坐下来自己写稿,只有老婆在旁边给出主意。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But a report in the Wall Street Journal says the session promises to be even less of a free-flowing exchange of ideas than usual. 但《华尔街日报》(WallStreetJournal)的一篇报道称,此次会议自由交换意见的氛围可能不如以往。 www.fortunechina.com 2. He must encourage them to help come up with sound ideas, while also not undermining the implementation of policies they do not like. 他要鼓励他们提出更有建设性的意见,同时又要让他们不要对不喜欢的政策的实施发难。 www.ecocn.org 3. One night he sat down and wrote the speech himself, with no help other than bouncing ideas off his wife. 一个晚上他坐下来自己写稿,只有老婆在旁边给出主意。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Although China is often said to lack "soft power" , many of its ideas on economics and governance are coming into ascendance. 尽管中国一向被认为缺乏“软实力”,但它在经济和管理上的许多理念却逐渐成为主流。 www.bing.com 5. In 2005, Bush invited Sharansky to the White House to discuss how the book's ideas could be applied to the war on terror. 2005年布什把Sharansky请到白宫共同讨论他书中的观点如何应用到反恐战争上面来。 www.bing.com 6. And the term "liberty" had been used to describe the ideas of the original leftists . 而“自由”一词一直用来描述最初左派人士的思想。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Buzzing with ideas, overflowing with wit, razor-sharp and ready to blow your mind: Channel 4 has always been fresh and intelligent. 新的观点四处流传,智慧满溢,尖锐锋利并准备让你无法思考:第四频道总是新鲜并富有才智。 www.bing.com 8. I've shown those off within the Samba team, and got approval from other core developers of Samba to say that they like the ideas. 我已经在Samba团队内演示了这些更改,并得到了其他Samba核心开发人员的赞同,他们说他们欣赏这些想法。 www.ibm.com 9. However, the style and ideas for the Wrapped series have been consistent with that of my previous works, even thought they don't look alike. 但是,前一批作品和现在的包裹系列还是延续了我一贯的风格和思想,虽然表面上看来他们不那么一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. So what? He never likes others' ideas and he never has any ideas of his own. 那又怎么样呢?别人的点子他从来不喜欢,他自己又想不出点子。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. However, the style and ideas for the Wrapped series have been consistent with that of my previous works, even thought they don't look alike. 但是,前一批作品和现在的包裹系列还是延续了我一贯的风格和思想,虽然表面上看来他们不那么一样。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. So what? He never likes others' ideas and he never has any ideas of his own. 那又怎么样呢?别人的点子他从来不喜欢,他自己又想不出点子。 edu.sina.com.cn 3. Come back refreshed and ready to go. Some of the greatest ideas in history have been arrived at on a zen-like stroll. 历史上很多伟大的想法都是在到处溜达的时候想出来的。 www.elanso.com 4. An ex-employee of a property firm said he was sacked for his ideas on climate change; the firm denied any such motive. 一位房产公司曾经的雇员说自己被解雇的原因在于他对气候变化的观点。而这家公司却否认存在这样的动机。 www.ecocn.org 5. He said he also wants to hear ideas from the governors on improving the nation's health-care system to improve access and affordability. 他同时表示,希望听取各州州长对于国家医疗改革的意见和建议,以改善医保的普及率和费用。 www.voanews.cn 6. Sure, you may only be able to be truly excellent at a few things, but the creative process is driven by disparate experiences and ideas. 当然,这样做可以让你在几件事上非常出色。但是,创造的过程是由实践和想法这两种完全不同的事物来驱动的。 www.bing.com 7. Schematron abstract patterns allow you to express such general ideas independently of the precise syntax used for the purchase order format. Schematron抽象范式可以独立于订单格式所用的具体语法描述这类一般性概念。 www.ibm.com 8. His ideas were based on a remarkable connection between waves and particles which had been discovered a little earlier by De Broglie. 他的想法是基于波和粒子之间的非凡关系,这个关系是在比当时稍早一点的时候由德布罗意发现的。 www.bing.com 9. has created some of the biggest superheroes of all time, but it seems to me that he has run out of good ideas. 我知道斯丹-李(见译者注)总是创造一些最伟大的英雄,但在我看来他已经才思枯竭。 www.elanso.com 10. At least it's an attack on ideas with which, by the way, I don't agree, but this course isn't about me. 至少攻击了,一些我不赞同的思想,但这节课不是在说我的看法。 open.163.com 1. has created some of the biggest superheroes of all time, but it seems to me that he has run out of good ideas. 我知道斯丹-李(见译者注)总是创造一些最伟大的英雄,但在我看来他已经才思枯竭。 www.elanso.com 2. At least it's an attack on ideas with which, by the way, I don't agree, but this course isn't about me. 至少攻击了,一些我不赞同的思想,但这节课不是在说我的看法。 open.163.com 3. Prior to the sixth edition, he had tried to stay out of that fray and rely on his network of friends to defend his ideas. 在第六版之前,他一直都在试图避免这些争论,依靠自己的朋友圈来捍卫自己的思想。 www.bing.com 4. Point this out, but stop there, since your ideas may not be as wise as you think. 指出问题,不过不要过多的举动。因为这些主意不像你想像的那麽好。 www.douban.com 5. I could not understand her ideas but I had a feeling she might be right. I looked at her in wonder. 我不能理解她的想法,但觉得她也许是对的。我疑惑地看着她。 www.chinaedu.com 6. Even if you think you ran out of ideas, you still have time left to continue your work. 即使你认为你用尽了办法,你仍然有时间能用来继续自己的工作。 www.elanso.com 7. To many, these ideas seemed to be making science out of a folk art, but Freud had still more controversial ideas to come. 这些想法似乎认为科学来自民间艺术,然而弗洛伊德仍然还有着更具争议性的想法。 www.bing.com 8. The pioneers are not the ones who have new ideas, because new ideas are so easy to have. 先驱者并不只是那些有新想法的人因为有新的想法是很容易的。 www.ted.com 9. Following are just a few ideas to get you thinking about appropriate outreach alternatives for your organization. 下面仅提供若干帮助贵组织思考开展适当外联活动的建议。 www.fao.org 10. Up to this point my ideas about love were very self centered. 在对爱情这一点上我总是以自己为中心。 www.suiniyi.com 1. Up to this point my ideas about love were very self centered. 在对爱情这一点上我总是以自己为中心。 www.suiniyi.com 2. As I continued to try more tips and ideas, my grocery bill just kept going down and my wallet kept expanding! 我继续尝试更多的技巧和想法,我食品账单只会不断的削减而我的钱包却不断的鼓起来! www.bing.com 3. Her only resource was to get out of the subject as fast as possible and turn the current of Sir Thomas's ideas into a happier channel. 她唯一的指望是尽快撇开这个话题,把托马斯的注意力纳入一个比较愉快的渠道中去。 www.jukuu.com 4. Many of them did not accept his scientific ideas. But Einstein stuck to his opinion and went on with his research. 许多科学家并不接受他这些科学的思想,但他坚持他的意见,继续不断地进行他的研究。 he.ah.vnet.cn 5. Gorbachev worked his way up the party ladder as a typical apparatchik; although touted as a reformer, he had few reform ideas. 戈尔巴乔夫像一个典型的苏联共产党官员那样爬上了权力的顶峰,尽管作为改革者极力宣扬改革,但他基本没有改革的理想。 www.bing.com 6. Professor Wang had not given a talk on management for a long time, so he had to brush up on some of the new ideas. 王教授很久没有讲授管理方面的课程了,他必须学习研究一下一些新的发展。 www.crazyenglish.org 7. In terms of the written content, Cult-ure a tour de force skim of ideas, if such a thing is possible. 说到书的内容,《邪?文化》是一本对各种观念进行凝练(如果可能的话)的力作。 dongxi.net 8. But European society is not given to divorce: Countess Olenska thought she would be conforming to American ideas in asking for her freedom. 但欧洲上流社会也不喜欢离婚的:奥兰斯卡伯爵夫人认为要求个人自由符合美国的思想。 www.bing.com 9. Some ideas are even borrowed from the Republicans, including at least one from his old foe, Newt Gingrich. 有些经验甚至是从共和党人那借鉴而来,其中不乏他的老对手,纽特·金里奇。 xiaozu.renren.com 10. He did not want his daughter to paint like him. He took her to parks and zoos to get ideas for her work. 他把她带到公园和动物园,让她自己寻找绘画灵感和创造的火花。 www.netfm.com.cn 1. He did not want his daughter to paint like him. He took her to parks and zoos to get ideas for her work. 他把她带到公园和动物园,让她自己寻找绘画灵感和创造的火花。 www.netfm.com.cn 2. When he is not capable of carrying out his ideas by himself, he may secure the help of others through his speech. 当他还没有能力独自实现他的想法的时候,他可能会通过他的谈话获得其他人的帮助。 www.bing.com 3. Really mastering the subtleties of touching is one of the best ways to really explode a woman's ideas of just how amazing sex can be. 真正的掌握爱抚的微妙之处可以爆炸式的改变女人的观念,让她们知道性爱可以有多么的奇妙,这是最好的方法之一。 www.bing.com 4. If I get good at reading hit books first, I'll end up paying close to nothing but be rewarded for my good taste and ability to sneeze ideas. 如果我独具慧眼最先开始读热门书,那么到最后,我需要付的钱几乎为零,而这是对我良好品味和心有灵犀的奖励。 www.bing.com 5. One of the fundamental ideas of scientific thinking can be summed up in the phrase: "Correlation does not imply causation. " 一条基本的科学思想可以概括如下:“相关性并不意味着因果联系”。 bbs.putclub.com 6. because of the transmission to the ideas of cartoon and advertisement, it is possible to produce a cartoon movie with a movie quality. 动画和广告的创作的观念的转变,对创作出电影品质的动画影片已不再是不能实现。 www.fabiao.net 7. He was really afraid to venture into entirely new ground, to question ideas which had been accepted from time immemorial. 他真的很害怕在全新的领域冒进,去质疑长期以来一直被接受的理念。 www.bing.com 8. He said underpinning all these innovations and ideas is what he sees as a major behavioral shift among the generation of "digital natives" . 他表示,在自己看来,巩固这些创新和构想正是发生在“数码人一代”身上的重大行为转变。 www.222fish.com 9. With these ideas in mind it is helpful to gain hands-on experience to see what looks good on you and what you feel confident wearing. 这些想法是有帮助的获得实际操作的经验,看看有什么好看就您和您的感受自信穿着。 www.aftjob.com 10. The third chapter of a sound social theory through the thorough research, trying to excavate the root of social theory ideas sound. 第四章经过对健全社会理论的深入研究,试图挖掘健全社会理论构想的根源。 www.zidir.com |
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