单词 | insert | ||||||||||||
释义 |
第三人称单数:inserts 现在分词:inserting 过去式:inserted insert 显示所有例句
例句释义: 插入,嵌入,添加,插入物,插页,添加物,插入块,插入记录,插入键 1. As you can see, it looks like any other DB2 INSERT statement and uses parameter markers for your four input column values. 如您所见,它看起来与任何其他DB2INSERT语句一样,并对四个输入列值使用参数标志符(marker)。 www.ibm.com 2. An update to a key column operates like a delete of the old key value followed by an insert of the new key value. 对键列进行更新与删除旧键值然后插入新键值作用相同。 technet.microsoft.com 3. Its smooth surface makes it easy to insert and the hint of a phallic symbol excites incredibly as well. 其表面光滑,便于插入和一个阳具象征暗示,以及令人难以置信的兴奋。 www.ttbuy168.com 4. This simple test page allows you to insert, update, delete, and query XML data of your own database through the Universal Services. 在这个简单的测试页面中,可以通过UniversalServices插入、更新、删除和查询数据库中的XML数据。 www.ibm.com 5. If the box were unchecked, then the template would be inactive, so it would not be offered as an option in the Insert JavaBeans wizard. 如果复选框没有选中,那么模板就是未激活的,这样它就不会作为InsertJavaBeans向导中的选项提供。 www.ibm.com 6. As you saw, when you insert a gadget into a wave, all participants in that wave share access to the gadget and can interact with it. 如你所见,当你把小工具插入一个wave会话时,这个wave会话的所有参与者能共享使用这个小工具,并能通过它进行互动。 www.bing.com 7. If the test image is inserted correctly, there may be an issue with the graphics image that you are trying to insert. 如果正确插入了测试图像,则尝试插入的图形图像可能有问题。 office.microsoft.com 8. The only operations allowed on LONG BINARY columns are to insert, update, or delete them, or to include them in the select-list of a query. 允许对LONGBINARY列执行的操作只有插入、更新或删除,或将其包含在查询的select-list中。 www.ianywhere.com 9. You insert one of the balls in your vagina, and it has a string attached to it with a little hook at the very end. 你将一个球插入阴道,球上连着一根绳子,绳子的另一端有个小钩。 www.bing.com 10. There was an error while reading this disk; it appears to be unusable. Please insert a different disk and try again. 读取磁盘时出错。该磁盘似乎不可用。请另外插入一张磁盘,然后重试。 www.jukuu.com 1. It is possible to insert a plug into a socket with a lower rating. 这是一个可以插入到低一等级插头插座一个。 blog.china.alibaba.com 2. We use the same ratio you see on the outside of the box or on your insert card, to produce the correct number of each figure. 我们用跟你所看到的外盒或内卡相同的比率,来生产正确数量的每个塑像。 www.ebainet.com 3. Now that you know how to insert XML data into DB2 using a Java program, you're ready to query XML data. 既然知道了如何使用Java程序将XML数据插入DB2中,就可以开始查询XML数据了。 www.ibm.com 4. Sorrowful however insert attentive the dagger, drawing out down to person, splashes others with blood all over the body also only. 悲伤只是把插在心口的匕首,拔下来给人看,也只不过溅别人一身血罢了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. The example stored procedure is used to insert data into a set of tables that are used to partition sales data for a year. 该示例中的存储过程用于向一组表中插入数据,这些表用于划分一年的销售数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Viruses and various polymer materials have been used in efforts to insert therapeutic genes into diseased cells. 病毒和多种聚合物材料曾被用作将治疗性基因插入患病细胞的载体。 news.dxy.cn 7. Under the current system, it is not difficult to insert false information into a Wikipedia entry, at least for a short time. 在现行制度下,向维基百科条目插入虚假信息并不难,至少在很短的时间内是如此。 www.bing.com 8. Programming bacteria is not new, but there's a limit to how much DNA you can insert into their genome. 对细菌遗传物质编码,现在也并不算新鲜事儿,然而细菌基因组里能插入多少DNA,这是有限度的。 www.bing.com 9. If you don't check to see if the record exists before you insert it, you could end up with duplicates in the database. 如果在插入之前没有检查记录是否存在,可能会在数据库中得到重复项。 www.ibm.com 10. Note: The transaction issued by this INSERT statement might be so large that your server won't be able to handle it. 注意:这条INSERT语句所涉及的事务可能会相当大,以致于您的服务器无法加以处理。 www.ibm.com 1. Some of the polymer materials, for instance, insert genes into only a small percentage of cells and do not degrade in the body. 例如,一些多聚物材料只能将基因转入一小部分细胞,而且不能在人体内降解。 news.dxy.cn 2. If you attempt to insert multiple clips in one of these applications, it will insert only the last selected clip. 如果在一个这种应用程序中插入多个剪辑,则只会插入最后选定的剪辑。 office.microsoft.com 3. Insert it in the front to block on-coming cold air, and in the back to conserve core body heat and act as an insulator. 它插入前阻止即将到来的冷空气,并在后面保护核心体温和作为绝缘体。 0769bike.com 4. You know that it has at least one sentence, so create your command element and insert all of the text before the first period. 您知道最少要有一个句子,因此将创建command元素,并把第一个句号之前的内容放进去。 www-128.ibm.com 5. spu_insert is used to put a scalar value into a specific element of a vector. spu_insert用来将一个标量值放入向量的某个特定元素中。 www.ibm.com 6. The joint of perpendicular flanging insert and slanting flanging insert was one of the difficulties in automobile panel die design. 垂直翻边凹模镶块和倾斜翻边凹模镶块的交接是汽车覆盖件模具设计的难点之一。 www.dictall.com 7. The insole (EVA sock liner) that the PT-03 comes with is a standard foam insert that provides a bit of cushion but no support. 附带的鞋垫(EVA鞋垫)是标准的泡沫鞋垫,提供了一点减震性,但没有提供支撑性。 www.tadgear.net 8. When selecting the domestic charging mode, just insert the special plug at the front of car into a common 220V domestic power socket. 使用家用充电模式时,只需将车辆前端的专用插头插入普通的220V民用电源即可。 cn.globalimporter.net 9. In particular, there are only a few places that we may not insert whitespace . One of these is in the middle of a word. 特别是有一些地方不能插入空格,其中之一是在单词中间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Also, you will not be able to insert or modify XML values in an XML column on which an XML index has been created. 而且,将不能在已对其创建XML索引的XML列中插入或修改XML值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. However, you can put something just a bit more interesting there: Insert the code shown in Listing 1 into the body section of the HTML file. 但是,您可以在其中放入更丰富的内容:将清单1中显示的代码插入HTML文件的body部分。 www.ibm.com 2. You might have to insert the same CD multiple times; this is due to inter-related packages that have been spread out over the CDs. 可能必须多次插入同一CD,这取决于分布于CD中的软件包内部关系。 www.debian.org 3. Jessica Hart, a 24-year-old Australian model, used to oblige when clients asked her to wear a prosthetic insert to cover up her wide gap. 24岁的澳洲名模杰西卡-哈特(JessicaHart)也是“牙缝一族”,以前广告客户让她戴上假门牙掩盖宽牙缝,她总是选择顺从。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Much of the code to start and run your game has already been written for you, and all have places for you to insert your code. 运行它的代码大部分已经写好,并且都留出了添加你自己代码的地方。 hi.baidu.com 5. Any attempt to insert records into a child table that violate this rule will result in an error. 任何操作想要违背此规则将数据插入一个子表中,将会导致产生一个错误。 www.ibm.com 6. These limitations are a few rules to make sure that you can insert the EPS file to a separate file, it does not damage the file. 这些限制主要就是一些规则,以保证EpS文件可以插入到不同的文件中,而不会损伤该文件。 www.bing.com 7. Take a look at "Rows inserted" in consecutive snapshots to see if the rate of inserts varies during the course of a bulk insert. 请注意连续快照中的“Rowsinserted”,看看在批量插入期间插入的速率是否有变化。 www.ibm.com 8. This event is often used to check the results of the insert operation. 此事件通常用于检查插入操作的结果。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Next, you created a Profile Badge generator in PHP that creates neat HTML code ready to insert into a blog or Web page. 其次,用PHP创建了一个ProfileBadge生成器,它生成可以立即插入到博客或Web页面中的HTML代码。 www.ibm.com 10. After selecting a boot device for each HBA or HBA port, you're ready to insert the Linux installation media and start the OS installation. 为每个HBA或HBA端口选择根设备之后,可以插入Linux安装媒体并开始安装操作系统了。 www.ibm.com 1. The task is to be executed every two days as specified by the Frequency, and the task does a simple insert operation into a table. Frequency参数指定此任务每两天执行一次,此任务对一个表执行一个简单的插入操作。 www.ibm.com 2. To take advantage of any HTML not known to the editor, you'll have to insert it by hand (or wait for the next version of the editor). 为了充分使用编辑器所不知道的HTML,将不得不手工插入它(或是等待下一版本的编辑器)。 bbs.5d.cn 3. commercial bar code cannot be placed in the package insert for easy-to-wear surface. 商品条码不能放置在包装的易磨损面上。 www.bing.com 4. Insert details of any books, newspapers, journals or websites referred to in your report. 任何书、报纸、日记或网站的插入物细节在你的报告中提及。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Allows you to specify the table to which rows of data will be added as the result of an Insert Results query. 让您指定资料表,让[插入结果]查询的结果资料列加入至其中。 msdn.microsoft.com 6. The inserts themselves could be very fast, but there may be an access plan problem for the SELECT which slows down the whole statement. insert本身是非常快的,但是SELECT可能存在一个访问计划问题,这个问题会拖慢整个语句。 www.ibm.com 7. Hold the bird in one hand, breast upward and with its rear end toward you. Insert the point of a sharp knife into the throat. 一只手抓住鸟,鸟的胸部朝上,尾部朝向自己,将刀从鸟的喉咙处插入。 www.doyouhike.net 8. In the previous illustration, you can see in the Folder List that this folder is available for you to insert images from. 从上图中可以看到,“文件夹列表”中该文件夹的图像是可以插入的。 office.microsoft.com 9. Query Designer allows you to design SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE DML statements, while views can only contain SELECT statements. 查询设计器允许设计SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE和DELETEDML语句,而视图只能包含SELECT语句。 technet.microsoft.com 10. You can insert printk's at the beginning of a routine or at any offset in the function (the offset must be at the instruction boundary). 您可以在例程的开头或者函数中的任意偏移位置插入printk(偏移量必须在指令范围之内)。 www.ibm.com 1. Since the desired behavior is to toggle it on and off, we only have to remove it if it is present; otherwise, insert it. 因为所希望的行为就是插入和除去这个修饰符,所以如果它存在,我们除去它;否则就插入它。 www.ibm.com 2. Just insert your phone card into the label of the smooth, tight silk dress and you're ready to hit the streets. 只要把你的手机卡插入这件光滑紧身的丝质裙标签处,你就可以成为街头潮人了。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. once in a while , if a late story is so important it cannot be passed up , an attempt is made to insert it during the broadcast. 有时如果一条晚到的新闻很重要,不容忽略,那就要设法在播送节目时安插进去。 www.ichacha.net 4. Select Folder and insert the name folder in the input box on the bottom. Finalize the addition by clicking the Add button. 选择文件夹并在底部的输入框中输入文件夹名,点击“Add”按钮完成添加。 wiki.ubuntu.org.cn 5. The stored procedure sp_MSgetmetadata is called to determine whether a change should be applied as an insert, update, or delete. 调用存储过程sp_MSgetmetadata,从而确定是否应该通过插入、更新或删除操作应用更改。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Insert the bare conductor (without insulating layer) into the terminal socket until the conductor reaches the bottom of the socket. 将裸导线(无绝缘层)插入端子插孔,直至触到底部。 www.en-ch.com 7. Indexes do not require that the page free space be tracked , because the point at which to insert a new row is set by the index key values . 索引不要求跟踪页的可用空间,因为插入新行的点是由索引键值设置的。 www.bing.com 8. It is not an attempt to insert several disjointed , thesaurus-sounding keywords into the copy just to make it rank high in search engines. 插入不是一种尝试一些脱节,辞典-探通术牛鼻子字进入副本之内只是在搜寻引擎中使它成为繁茂的高度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Steel industry lobbyists seem to have persuaded the House to insert a "Buy American" provision in the stimulus bill it passed last week. 来自钢铁行业的说客们似乎说服了白宫在新的经济刺激方案中加入一条“购买美国货”的规定。 www.6eng.com 10. After you prepare the CAD drawing, you are ready to insert it into Visio Professional and situate it appropriately on the drawing page. 准备好CAD绘图后,将其插入VisioProfessional2002,并将其置于绘图页中的适当位置。 office.microsoft.com 1. So I told her to get a paper clip, straighten and insert it to the pin hole. 所以我告诉她得到了一份文件夹,整顿和插入到针孔。 never.1sthotwomen.com 2. All that's left is to add content or attributes to this element, and then insert it into the Web page. 剩下的就是向该元素增加内容或属性,然后将其插入到网页中。 www.ibm.com 3. You could also insert the disc into the DVD player so that the next time she uses it, your apology plays across the TV. 也可以将光盘插入DVD播放器,这样下次ta用的时候,你的道歉就会在电视上播放啦。 www.bing.com 4. You create a knowledge base, then known as the sub-pages (to be known as page size) to insert the scope of the information. 你创造一个知识库,然后在被称为亚页(被细称为页)的范围中插入信息。 www.jisuxz.com 5. The AC did not work properly, the bathroom plumbing was very tacky, holes drilled to the side to insert fixtures. 空调运作不正常,卫生间管道很破烂,在墙面上钻很多洞用来安装卫生间固定设施。 www.6m.com 6. At this point, you've explored the API used to insert log messages into the kernel ring buffer. 至此,您已经了解用于将日志消息插入到内核环缓冲区的API。 www.ibm.com 7. The next few sections demonstrate how you can use the JDBC API to selectively update, delete, or insert new data into a ResultSet. 接下来的几个部分将演示如何使用JDBCAPI有选择性地更新、删除数据或把新数据插入ResultSet中。 www.ibm.com 8. If the Match Fields dialog box appears, Microsoft Word may have been unable to find some of the information it needs to insert the field. 如果显示“匹配域”对话框,则MicrosoftWord可能无法查找插入域所需的部分信息。 office.microsoft.com 9. Control uses reflection to call methods of a business object to select, update, insert, and delete data. 控件使用反射调用业务对象的方法,以对数据执行选择、更新、插入和删除操作。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. Boys to be ashamed of their performance, when doctors insert a needle to his arm and blood when he had fainted. 男孩为自己的表现感到羞愧,当医生将针管插入他的胳膊抽血的时候他晕倒了。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. If it weren't, we would expect the first insert in the anonymous block to be preserved by the commit statement in the LOG_ERRORS procedure. 如果不是,我们可以期待在自治块插入的第一个数据被LOG_ERRORS存储过程的提交语句后保留。 fogang.net 2. If it is the last placeholder on a slide , this will insert a new slide with the same slide layout as the original slide . 如果这是幻灯片上的最后一个占位符,则将插入一个与原始幻灯片版式相同的新幻灯片。 www.bing.com 3. When you type on the command line now, think of it as you're now in insert mode in the vi editor. 现在,当您在命令行上键入时,将其视为处于vi编辑器中的插入模式。 www.ibm.com 4. Click the place in your document where you want to insert a section break for your cover letter. 在文档中单击要插入求职信分节符的位置。 office.microsoft.com 5. This way you can insert the data into a Web page, and dual-purpose it to be a syndication feed with little or no additional effort. 可以以这种方式将数据插入Web页面,而且只需稍做努力,就可以将它转换为联合feed。 www.ibm.com 6. To hold the hub in place, insert a spoke through the cassette-side flange in the opposite direction of the first set of spokes. 以固定的枢纽,通过插入一个发言,在对第一组相反的方向辐条卡带端法兰。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Simply remove, add data and then re-insert and you're ready to conduct secret missions to building B on the other side of campus. 简单的删除,添加数据,然后重新插入,你已经准备好进行秘密任务,在校园的另一侧大厦B。 www.wujinggou.com 8. The error described above occurred when trying to insert or update this data at the other server. 当试图在其他服务器上插入或更新此数据时,将发生上述描述的错误。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. If the Match Fields dialog box appears, Word may have been unable to find some of the required information to insert the field. 如果出现“匹配域”对话框,则Word可能未找到插入域所需的某些信息。 office.microsoft.com 10. When you know the name of the snippet you want to insert, you can do so by typing its shortcut followed by the TAB key. 如果您知道要插入的代码段的名称,则可以通过在键入其快捷键后按Tab键来完成插入。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The above access plan is for an insert into the child table of a foreign key relationship. 上述访问计划是针对将行插入到拥有外键关系的子表的insert的。 www.ibm.com 2. It takes a special skill to be able to leverage the available tools to insert the appropriate breakpoints and debug trace messages. 利用可用工具插入合适的断点和分析追踪信息都需要很特殊的技巧。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. These plugs would be safer if you could insert some kind of insulating material between the wires. 如果在这些插头之间加些绝缘材料就会更安全些。 www.bing.com 4. Your library unit is almost full . You will not be able to insert the maximum number of pieces of media that your inject port can accept . 您的库单元快满了。您不能插入端口可接收的媒体的最大块数。 www.bing.com 5. The bcp command and BULK INSERT statement allow you to specify that constraints are to be enforced during a bulk-import operation. bcp命令和BULKINSERT语句允许您指定在大容量导入操作过程中强制执行约束。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Upon insertion of the highlighted record in table "wells" , the insert trigger calls the point constructor and the transform function. 在“wells”表中插入突出显示的记录时,插入触发器调用点构造函数和转换函数。 www.ibm.com 7. IntelliSense Code Snippets provide a way for you to insert ready-made snippets of code into your projects. IntelliSense代码段为您提供了将现成的代码段插入到项目中的方法。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. Enter values for the Name and GroupName fields in the bottom of the page and click Insert to insert a new record. 在页面底部的“Name”和“GroupName”字段中输入值,再单击“插入”插入新记录。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Furthermore, the invention also relates to a basic body of a cutting tool, as well as a cutting insert as such. 另外,本发明还涉及切削工具的基体以及切削工具的切削刀片。 www.hgpf114.com 10. For the purposes of this clause, an UPDATE is treated as a delete followed by an insert. 在此子句中,UPDATE处理为删除后插入。 www.ianywhere.com 1. Insert the handle's pin through the elastic loop following the illustrations given. The cords must be removed at the end of this stage. 7按照给定的例证从弹性圈处插入手柄的别针,必须移动绳子以牢固松口。 paracn.net 2. All but one design use some form of grippers , fingers, or other mechanism to pull the plug form the tray and insert it into the tray. 除了一种设计,其余全部使用一些像钳子,钩子或者其它机械装置,来把托架上塞子拔出或塞进。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Once the book was a hole, the plastic spiral can be wound through the hole, you need to insert it at the end of plastic to avoid spiral. 一旦书籍被打了孔后,塑料螺旋就可以卷绕穿过孔,同时需要将塑料末端弄弯以避免螺旋被展开。 www.bing.com 4. PLUGS : Tooling used to insert into the inner diameter of larger size cups and cones to hold the correct size during the quenching process. 芯棒:用于塞入大尺寸内外圈孔中的芯棒,用来在淬硬过程中保持住正确的尺寸。 www.chuangjiyuan.com 5. Although it may be overkill, the event monitor output will show the elapsed time of each insert statement. 虽然有点过分,但是事件监视器的输出会显示每条insert语句的耗时。 www.ibm.com 6. The disc that you are trying to play is not inserted in the CD-ROM drive. Please insert the correct disc and try again. CD-ROM驱动器中没有插入您想放的唱片。请插入正确的唱片后再试。 www.fan6.net 7. INSERT statements must specify values for any columns in the underlying table that do not allow null values and have no DEFAULT definitions. INSERT语句必须为不允许空值并且没有DEFAULT定义的基础表中的所有列指定值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The behavior of the Bulk Insert task, as it relates to transactions, depends on whether the task joins the package transaction. 由于大容量插入任务与事务相关,所以其行为取决于任务是否加入了包事务。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. It's easy to insert a picture from a digital camera or scanner in a Publisher 2000 publication. 在Publisher2000出版物中插入数字相机或扫描仪的图片是很容易的。 office.microsoft.com 10. Also, if you're riding without a windbreaker and find that you need one, insert sections of a newspaper inside your cycling jersey. 此外,如果你骑没有一件风衣,发现你需要一个骑自行车的球衣内的报纸,插入部分。 0769bike.com 1. The creation of a junction table in a database diagram does not insert data from the related tables into the junction table. 在数据库关系图中创建联接表并不会将数据从相关表插入联接表中。 technet.microsoft.com 2. Displays the Insert File dialog box, which allows you to paste the contents of a file into the current document. 显示“插入文件”对话框,该对话框允许您将文件的内容粘贴到当前文档中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The disabled virus, known as an adenovirus, can then be used as a vector, or carrier, of other genes that researchers insert into the virus. 这种缺陷病毒是大家熟知的腺病毒,它可以被用作载体,帮助运送研究人员插入病毒中的其他基因。 news.dxy.cn 4. Designer by the name of Leo Yiu Chun Pong's whipped up a nicely done concept and execution for a wall timepiece called the "Insert Clock. " 由利奥耀振邦名设计师的刮起了很好完成的概念,而且墙上钟表执行所谓的“插入时钟。” www.yoho.cn 5. As the elapse of time, I use this kind of tool gradually no longer, insert the statement that print directly however, run a program afresh. 随着时间的推移,我渐渐地不再使用这类工具,而是直接插入打印语句,重新运行程序。 pjprimer.com 6. In the following example, we create another PHP module and a script that displays an HTML form to help us insert data into the AUTHOR table. 在下列例子中,我们创建另一个PHP模块和脚本,用它们显示HTML表单,帮助我们向AUTHOR表插入数据。 www.ibm.com 7. Making a deposit at the bank? Why talk to a clerk who might live in the neighborhood when you can just insert your card into the ATM? 到银行去存款吗?你只要把磁卡插入自动柜员机就行了,何必还要跟某个也许就是邻居的职员说点什么呢? www.zftrans.com 8. The macros enable you to insert probes within your code by calling the appropriate macro for the arguments that you want to include. 根据希望包含的参数数量,通过调用适当的宏,在代码中插入探测。 www.ibm.com 9. As long as its spell lasts, the only in-between which can insert itself between two lovers is the child, love's own product. 只要爱情魔力不减,恋人之间唯一能够插入的中介就是孩子,爱情自身的产物。 www.100yingyu.com 10. part of the plastic piece wraps the insert, and a bulged part is formed on the plastic piece at a side opposite to the protruding part. 该塑料件部分包覆该嵌件,且该塑料件相对于该突出部的一侧形成一凸起部。 ip.com 1. Displays one record at a time in a tabular layout and enables you to edit, delete, and insert records. 以表格布局一次显示一个记录,并允许您编辑、删除和插入记录。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. The next step is to insert the artificial genome into an empty cell and "boot it up" , creating the world's first fully synthetic microbe. 下一步是将人造基因组注入一个空的细胞中,并“启动它”,创造出世界上第一个完全合成的微生物。 www.ftchinese.com 3. A simpler solution uses XSLT to insert a probe task at the beginning or end of each target. 还有一种简单点儿的方法,我们可以用XSLT在每一个目标开始或者结束的时候插入一项探测任务(probetask)。 www.ibm.com 4. Call syntax for the insert stored procedure, and can be one of these values. 用于插入存储过程的调用语法,可以为以下值之一。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. You can nest comments within a DMX statement, include them at the end of a line of code, or insert them on a separate line. 您可以在DMX语句中嵌入注释,将其加在代码行末尾,或者单独插入一行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. As shown in Listing 7, to insert data into a table, you first need to start the ij tool and connect to your database. 如清单7所示,要将数据插入表中,首先需要启动ij工具并连接数据库。 www.ibm.com 7. This dialog box allows you to correctly insert fields and functions into the formula and check whether the formula is correct. 使用该对话框,您可以正确地在公式中插入域和函数,并检查公式是否正确。 office.microsoft.com 8. If the Bulk Insert task does not join the package transaction, each error-free batch is committed as a unit before the next batch is tried. 如果大容量插入任务未加入包事务,则在尝试处理下一个批之前,将每个未出错的批作为一个单元提交。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. European peasants in the ancient time would insert a wooden drill into a round hole in a stone and rotate it briskly to make fire. 古时,欧洲的农民将木钻插入石头的圆孔中,通过快速旋转木钻来取火。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The customer form enables you to insert UTF characters in a field as data, as shown in Listing 4. customer表单支持您在字段中插入UTF字符作为数据,如清单4所示。 www.ibm.com 1. At the kiosk, the traveler will insert into a reader either their machine-readable passport or machine-readable permanent-resident card. 在亭子里,旅客将把其机器可读护照或机器可读永久居民卡插入读卡机。 www.etiri.com.cn 2. pump: To propel, eject, or insert with or as if with a pump. 汲取用或像用泵推进、喷出或插入 eee.tsinghua.edu.cn 3. Double-click the cell in which you want to overtype text, and then press INSERT or INS to turn on or off the overtype mode. 双击要改写文本的单元格,然后按Insert或Ins来打开或关闭改写模式。 office.microsoft.com 4. The handle consists of two major assemblies, an internal handle tube with an cam insert, and an external handle holding the firing pin clip. 在处理两个主要组件,内部处理的凸轮插入管组成,处理和外部举行撞针剪辑。 www.360doc.com 5. The notes were in French and appeared to be ideas outlining how best to insert listening device into the knight. 这些注解是用法语写的,大意是如何正确地将窃听装置插在这位骑士的身上。 novel.tingroom.com 6. When you click Finish, the wizard creates a backup of your system files. Then, Backup will prompt you to insert a floppy disk. 单击“完成”时,向导将为您的系统创建备份。然后,备份将提示您插入软盘。 tr.bab.la 7. This will cause block-level locking to occur during INSERT operations, and row-level locking to be used for all other operations. 这将导致在INSERT操作期间发生块级的锁,行级的锁则被用于所有其他操作。 www.ibm.com 8. Easy to insert molding , and also insert moding with automatic . 容易实现嵌件成型,也可以实现全自动嵌件成型。 www.qianyan.biz 9. An after-insert trigger on the IWH. EDITION table is not useful, as only rows with a status value of start would be intercepted. EDITION表上的after-insert触发器并非很有用,因为它只能截获其status值为start的记录行。 www.ibm.com 10. The perimeter seat is locked into the body dove tail groove and is further retained by a metal wire insert. 周长阀座锁定在阀体内的下部尾槽上,并且采用金属线嵌入件进行进一步的加固。 www.h6688.com 1. For a well optimized bulk insert, the CPU cost of obtaining and later freeing an X lock on every row can be significant. 对于经过良好优化的批量插入,由获得每一行之上的一个X锁以及后来释放该锁引起的CPU开销是比较可观的。 www.ibm.com 2. method merges all elements of an array into a string and accepts a separator string to insert between each element. join方法将数组的所有元素合并成一个字符串,并在每个元素之间插入一个分隔符字符串。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. One popular method is to insert long, thin, flexible tubes called catheters into the body and administer treatment through them. 很常用的一种方法,就是将一根薄而长的灵活的管子,即所谓的导管,插入人体进行治疗。 www.bing.com 4. For an alien to insert themselves into human society is a breach of these rules, and would simply not be allowed. 至于外星人将自己插入人类社会是对这些规则的违反,而且根本不会被允许。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. One compromise method I have used is to insert a new record for a change only once a year or at specific time periods. 有个折中的办法是在每年或者某个特定的时间区间,插入变更新记录。 www.ibm.com 6. As you build the new architecture, this time presents an ideal opportunity to insert redundancy and increase efficiency. 在构建新的架构时,此时提供了引入冗余和提高效率的理想机会。 www.ibm.com 7. Click on this blank paragraph and insert a page break, specifying the First Page style, but do not select the Change page number checkbox. 点空白段插入分页,指定首页样式,但不要勾选修改页码复选框。 ooo.pingju.org 8. In SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements, columns in remote tables cannot be qualified with a single-part or four-part table name. 在SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE和DELETE语句中,不能用单个部分或四个部分组成的表名限制远程表中的列。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. We are now ready to insert data into the ENGINEER and SALESPERSON tables. 我们现在准备把数据插入到ENGINEER和SALESPERSON表中。 www.ibm.com 10. Is a request-time action, and its basic task is to insert the content of some other Web resource into a JSP page. 也是一种请求时操作,它的基本任务就是将其它一些Web资源的内容插入JSP页面中。 www-128.ibm.com 1. One ceramic insert design, with its addition of a protective metal sleeve, has eliminated that risk. 含金属保护套管的陶瓷嵌入物设计降低了这种风险。尽管如此,断裂的低风险会长期存在吗? www.oaopdoc.com 2. When a node is inserted into a red-black tree, it follows the standard BST node insert algorithm, and the new node is marked as red. 将节点插入红黑树时,它遵守标准BST节点插入算法,新节点被标记为红。 www.ibm.com 3. a man's detachable insert (usually starched) to simulate the front of a shirt. 人的可以分开的假冒衬衣前部的插入物(通常是浆硬的)。 www.jukuu.com 4. All cam slides to be adjustable in the press either by an insert on the cam slide or on the driver . 在冲床中可通过在凸轮或驱动装置上的镶件调节凸轮滑块。 www.bing.com 5. In MySQL, if you try to execute an INSERT statement that does not provide a value for a NOT NULL column, the command is successful. 在MySQL中,如果要执行一个不提供NOTNULL列值的INSERT语句,此命令没有问题。 www.ibm.com 6. Now that we have our listing of cities as an XML document, let's insert this document back in to the database. 现在已经获得了XML文档形式的城市列表,我们要将这个文档插入数据库中。 www.ibm.com 7. Insert key in lock, open door. Drive away, secrets open to the wind, everything blown to hell and gone. 插入钥匙,开门。一路驶离,所有的秘密向狂风敞开大门,一切都吹入地狱,消失不见。 www.douban.com 8. You are now ready to insert printk's and collect debugging information dynamically and unobtrusively by writing simple Kprobes modules. 您现在就已经准备就绪,可以插入printk并通过编写简单的Kprobes模块来动态而且无干扰地收集调试信息。 www.ibm.com 9. The code then looks at the method parameter to see which of the five actions (get, getAll, delete, insert, or update) to invoke. 代码然后检查这个方法参数,确定调用5个动作(get、getAll、delete、insert和update)中的哪一个。 www.ibm.com 10. Embedded expressions enable you to evaluate an expression and insert the results of the expression into the XML tree. 内嵌的运算式可让您评估运算式,并将运算式的结果插入到XML树状结构中。 technet.microsoft.com 1. I asked her to locate some and insert them at this point in our message. 我要求她列举了一些,插入到我们的信息中,在下面。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. When using the phone , you have to turn off the phone and remove the charger and then insert or pull out a SIM card. 在您可以使用您的电话您需要注意,总是关掉手机和充电器分离,然后再插入或删除一个SIM卡。 www2.nkfust.edu.tw 3. A language used to insert, retrieve, modify, and delete data in a relational database, designed specifically for database queries. 用于在关系数据库中插入、检索、修改和删除数据的一种语言,专为数据库查询设计。 technet.microsoft.com 4. I knew where to insert my dime. I had seen it done before and had fantasized about this moment many times. 我知道该往哪儿插硬币,我曾看人做过并曾多次幻想有一天我也能亲身试一试。 www.ebigear.com 5. you need to insert a picture into a more complex product, customer calls for immediate shipment, shorter production cycles. 必给不兵图片组分解更驳杂的产物时;客户给求当即不入货,不入产周期较长时。 www.bing.com 6. The ITSORecruit. bnd file identifies how the XML document data maps into the EMPLOYEE table and is represented as a JDBC insert statement. bnd文件确定XML文档数据映射到EMPLOYEE表的方式,它是以JDBC插入语句表示的。 www.ibm.com 7. Instead, you could load the 1M rows into a staging table, then run eight concurrent insert . . . 相反,您可以将1M的行装载到一个staging表中,然后运行8条并发的insert… www.ibm.com 8. The application will be able to know what value is put into the primary key column, and continue to insert rows in the child tables. 应用程序就可以知道放入主键列中的是什么值,从而继续向子表插入一个行。 www.ibm.com 9. YouTube has refused to insert adverts that cannot be skipped at the beginning of clips as that risks annoying or driving away users. YouTube已经拒绝在视频片断开头插入不能跳过的广告,那将冒惹恼或赶走用户的风险。 www.ecocn.org 10. Medical examiners found a knife-like insert inside the victim's stomach. 法医在受害者的体内发现了一把刀状的插入物。 www.8875.org 1. In this method, a threaded metal insert is anchored into the concrete by means of a high strength adhesive. 在此方法中,螺纹金属插入是固定在混凝土用高强度粘合剂手段。 www.medsci.cn 2. For instance, you may not be able to insert clips, but you may be able to copy and paste clips instead. 例如,您可能不能插入剪辑,但可以改为复制并粘贴剪辑。 office.microsoft.com 3. The obvious answer was to insert a moving graticule into a reflector sight, as suggested by Sholto Douglas. 显而易见的答案是把活动环塞进反射瞄准具,这是SholtoDouglas先生的建议。 top.jschina.com.cn 4. Removing the initially placed intramedullary nail and reaming the canal to insert a larger nail is called exchange nailing. 取出原先的髓内钉、扩髓并插入更粗的髓内钉,称之为更换髓内钉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. a smile is like a sim card and life is like a mobile phone. whenever you insert the sim card of a smile, a beautiful day is activated. 微笑就如sim卡,而生活好比手机。把微笑的sim卡插入生活的手机,美好的一天就激活了。 www.diyifanwen.com 6. But how to insert a new building able to do both, act as a tribute to this urban context and represent fashion as displayed in Omotesando? 新建筑如何既能融入到现有的城市文脉中,又屹立于表参道大街代表一种时尚? www.archgo.com 7. Quickly insert a range of empty cells by holding down SHIFT while you drag the fill handle at the corner of a selection. 要快速插入空白的单元格区域,请按住Shift,同时拖动选择区域右下角的填充柄。 office.microsoft.com 8. The subscriber cannot insert rows that do not belong to its partition ID. 订阅服务器不能插入不属于其分区ID的行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. You'll also learn lots of useful words and expressions such as "print, insert, copy, cut, paste" and "page layout" (to name just a few). 你也会学到很多有用的单词和表达方式,如“打印、插入、复制、剪切、粘贴”和“页面布局”(仅举几例)。 www.eoezone.com 10. Instead, it creates a clone of the source node and its descendents that you can then insert into the destination document. 相反,它先创建源节点及其下属节点的一个克隆版本,再将这个克隆版本插入到目标文档中。 www.ibm.com 1. After the execution of the UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements, an additional variable is available to check the result of the statement. 执行完UPDATE、INSERT和DELETE语句后,将使用额外的一个变量来检查语句的结果。 www.ibm.com 2. The Universal Services are a set of database operations, including insert, update, delete, and query, exposed as Web service operations. UniversalServices是一组数据库操作,包括插入、更新、删除、查询和公开为Web服务操作。 www.ibm.com 3. Do not insert too many plugs in a connection panel, as it is not safe. 不要在一个接线板上插满插头,那样做不安全。 www.nciku.cn 4. The OUTPUT INTO clause cannot be used to insert into a view, or rowset function. 不能将OUTPUTINTO子句插入视图或行集函数。 technet.microsoft.com 5. You then insert the value of the title and description into a prompt block, separating the two using a break block. 然后将标题和描述的值插入一个提示块,并用break块将它们分隔开。 www.ibm.com 6. I often insert meaningless sex scenes in the middle of a story when I have to fill up a few pages and can't think of anything else. 我经常在故事中间插入无意义的性爱画面,有时经常有几页,你该知道那是我什么也想不出的时候。 hi.baidu.com 7. And that Customer object would allow you to insert, update or delete the corresponding record in the database. 而且Customer对象应当允许插入、更新或删除数据库中对应的记录。 www.ibm.com 8. The rest of the bodywork is made up of new side skirts, a front spoiler insert, fender inserts and a rear apron. 其余的车体是由新的侧裙,前扰流器插入,插入挡泥板和后挡板。 usa.315che.com 9. Labels and insert sheets cannot be printed, dispatched and used until they are checked by the quality control department of the enterprise. 标签、使用说明书须经企业质量管理部门校对无误后印制、发放、使用。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Sometimes, the term update refers to any data modification, including insert, update, and delete operations. 有时,术语“更新”是指任意一种数据修改操作,包括插入、更新和删除操作。 technet.microsoft.com 1. The next task is to get the latitude and longitude of each city and insert it into the above document tree (see Listing 14). 下一个任务是获取每个城市的经纬度并将其插入到上面的文档树中(参见清单14)。 www.ibm.com 2. The number of spaces to insert before displaying or printing the next expression in a list. 在显示或打印列表中的下一个表达式之前插入的空格数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The oil giant then tried to shoot heavy drilling mud into the hole to hold down the flow so it could then insert a cement plug. 这个石油巨头后来尝试向裂口中喷入比重高的钻探泥浆,企图堵住外流的原油,然后用一个水泥塞子堵住缺口。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Word stores the address so that you can use it whenever you want to insert your return address in an envelope, label, or other document. Word将存储该地址,以便以后每当您希望在信封、标签或其他文档中插入寄信人地址时,都可以使用它。 office.microsoft.com 5. Under Custom in the Insert controls list, click the name of the template part that you want to insert. 在“插入控件”列表中的“自定义”下面,单击要插入的模板部件的名称。 office.microsoft.com 6. on the database to insert new data, modify and retrieve the original data were in accordance with a common and controlled manner. 对数据库插入新数据,修改和检索原有数据均能按一种公用的和可控制的方式进行。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Fortunately for the girls to insert a soft rose ----, all thought lofty arrogance of a woman jealous! You are happy to accept it? 给幸运的女孩插入一只温柔的玫瑰花----,让所有自以为清高傲慢的女人忌妒!谁要开心的接受呢? y.qiju.com 8. If the performance of your inserts is not as good as expected, it may be because there is "hidden" processing taking place. 如果insert的性能不像预期的那么好,则有可能是因为有“隐藏”的处理发生。 www.ibm.com 9. Another tip is to insert an embarrassing picture into the middle of his PowerPoint slides on the Korean economy. 另一个建议是,在他关于韩国经济的幻灯片中,插入一张令人尴尬的图片。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Use load to get the data into a staging table very quickly, then use INSERT . . . SELECT to populate the main table. 使用load将数据快速地装入到一个staging表中,然后使用INSERT… www.ibm.com 1. Like DWG, the DXF format can contain inserts, which represent offsets to be applied to geometric features encountered after the insert. 与DWG相似,DXF格式也可以包含insert,它代表的是要应用到插入后所遇到的几何特性中的偏移量。 www.ibm.com 2. To replace data in a table , the DELETE statement must be used to clear existing data before loading new data with INSERT . 若要替换表中的数据,在使用INSERT加载新数据之前,必须使用DELETE语句清除现有的数据。 www.bing.com 3. We also must be able to insert meta tags through the cms for individual pages. 我们还必须能够通过元标记插入个人网页厘米。 www.bing.com 4. Insert the drilling line from the spool through the snatch block up to the rig floor and secure. 把大绳从储备筒上拉出来,穿过开口滑轮,引上钻台,绑住。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Insert the control into a control container like ActiveX Control Test Container and test its properties and events. 将控件插入到控件容器(如ActiveX控件测试容器)中,并测试其属性和事件。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Insert a pencil or stick into the bottom of the apple, and use beads or beans for the eyes. 插入铅笔还是坚持到底的苹果,用珠或豆类为眼睛。 www.zgpgxx.com 7. Specify that you want to clean the target table before performing insert operations by selecting Delete all rows, as shown in Figure 18. 选择Deleteallrows,指定在执行插入操作前需要清空目标表,如图18所示。 www.ibm.com 8. The DBMS ensures that the index is always consistent with the data in the table by updating it during INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations. 通过使用INSERT、UPDATE和DELETE操作对索引进行更新,DBMS能够确保索引始终与表数据一致。 www.ibm.com 9. Despite the small overhead for copies, there are situations when its necessary to insert a lot of elements into a data structure. 虽然复制副本的开销很小,但是也会有需要插入大量元素的情况出现。 www.infoq.com 10. Avoid exposing the UPS to contact with water or any liquids generally. Do not insert foreign objects into the cabinet. 请勿将UPS与水或任何液体接触。禁止在UPS箱体内插入异物。 www.mrtranslator.cn 1. To monitor an application using ARM, a software developer must insert snippets of application code, known as probes, into the ARM code. 为了使用ARM监控应用程序,软件开发人员必须把ARM代码插入到应用程序代码中,这些代码片段称为探针(probe)。 www.ibm.com 2. Insert a comment in your Web test as you would with any other code editing. 像在任何其他代码编辑中一样,在Web测试中插入注释。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Since the RDBMS supported a Java API to insert and retrieve CLOBs, this was a very easy task. 因为RDBMS支持JavaAPI插入和检索CLOB,所以这是一项非常轻松的任务。 www.ibm.com 4. You will have access to various images from the game that you will be able to insert into the trailer if you wish. 您将有机会从游戏的各个图像,你将进入拖车能够插入如果你的愿望。 www.bing.com 5. An application can insert values into a column that has this attribute, but the application cannot update the values in the column. 应用程序可以将值插入具有该属性的列中,但应用程序不能更新列中的值。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. If you choose to Insert spaces, enter the number of space characters used to represent each tab and indent in Tab size and Indent size. 如果您选择“插入空格”,请在“制表符大小”和“缩进大小”中输入用于表示每个制表符和缩进的空格字符数。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The Insert method enables you to create a new StatusBarPanel and insert it at a specific location within the collection. Insert方法使您能够创建新的StatusBarPanel并将其插入集合中的指定位置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. The updates may be in any order, but the insert is always put ahead of the updates. 这些更新可以是任意顺序,但插入总是要放在更新的前面。 www.ibm.com 9. This invention relates to an reinforced insert part of suction passageway for fiber bundling device , especially used in weave machine. 本发明涉及一种用于纤维集束装置的抽吸通道的加强嵌件,尤其用在纺织机中。 ip.com 10. This knowledge may motivate you to insert a low-noise amplifier between the external reference and the ADC. 这个认识也许引发了在外部基准电压和ADC之间插入低噪声放大器的设计。 group.ednchina.com 1. Do not execute insert triggers defined on the destination table during the bulk load operation. 在大容量加载操作过程中,不要执行在目标表上定义的插入触发器。 msdn2.microsoft.com 2. Function and now requires your notification generation rules to insert data into a notification view. 函数,现在需要用通知生成规则向通知视图中插入数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. The metal shell defines a space for accepting the electronic card and a insert port, and on its upper wall installs a through hole. 所述金属壳体定义有一用于容纳电子卡的收容空间及一插入端口,其顶壁上设有一通孔。 ip.com 4. Similarly, you could insert the new phone element right after the customer name, as shown in Update 13. 同样,可以把新的“phone”元素插入到客户名后面,见更新13。 www.ibm.com 5. Go ahead and populate the EMPLOYEE table with the rest of the rows shown in Table 1 using insert syntax like that above. 按照表1给出的数据,继续使用和上面类似的insert语法填充EMPLOYEE表中剩下的行。 www.ibm.com 6. Subscription rules insert notifications into a notification view. 订阅规则将通知插入通知视图。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. For the purchase order XML data, the insert statement does not change at all for calls from within an application. 对于购买订单XML数据,从应用程序调用的insert语句根本不需要修改。 www.ibm.com 8. If the IDSSECURITYLABEL column is one of the columns in the insert column list, an explicit label is inserted into the target table. 如果IDSSECURITYLABEL列包含在插入列清单中,那么将向目标表插入显式标签。 www.ibm.com 9. Mr Paulson, who did after all insert a clause in the bail-out plan allowing himself to switch course, may have been ruled by realpolitik . 毕竟,保尔森没有在纾困计划中加上允许自己改变主意的条款,他可能不得不采取务实的做法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Select the text or item to which you want to assign a bookmark, or click where you want to insert a bookmark. 选择要为其分配书签的文本或项,或者单击要插入书签的位置。 office.microsoft.com 1. Ability to remove Employee from a group of assets and insert a new employee in their place rather than doing it one at a time. 能删除的资产,并插入一个新员工在自己的位置,而不是去做组,让他随时一名雇员。 www.bing.com 2. There are two HTML elements that enable you to insert Flash content into a web page. 有两个标签可以让你在网页上嵌入flash。 www.bing.com 3. On the Insert menu, click Hyperlink, and then under Link to click Place in This Document. 在“插入”菜单中单击“超级链接”,然后在“链接到”下面,单击“本文档中的位置”。 office.microsoft.com 4. As you can see, the definition of the $INSERT environment variable varies, depending on whether we're running in "on" or "off" mode. 可以看到,$INSERT环境变量的定义随着运行方式是“on”还是“off”而变化。 www.ibm.com 5. If the document was large or complex, it would be impractical to type the XML data into the INSERT statement as shown. 如果文档非常大或者复杂,那么像示例那样将XML数据输入到INSERT语句是非常不切实际的。 www.ibm.com 6. Maxim used the energy of each bullet's recoil force to eject the spent cartridge and insert the next bullet. 马克沁利用每枚子弹的后座力弹出废弹并压进新弹。 www.showxiu.com 7. However, each time you insert the password, the system remembers it for 15 minutes so that you do not have to type it again. 然而,你每次输入密码后,系统会用15分钟记忆密码,因此你无需重新输入。 translations.launchpad.net 8. Drag the file from Windows Explorer to the place in your code where you want to insert it. 将文件从“Windows资源管理器”拖到代码中要插入该文件的位置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. The Insert Object dialog box allows the user to insert newly created or existing objects into a compound document. “插入对象”对话框允许用户将新创建或现有的对象插入到复合文档中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. The proper place for the translator to insert his own clarification is footnotes, translator's explanatory notes or commentary. 说明或澄清原文意思的适当地方,是注解、翻译札记、或评语。 www.tsoidug.org 1. The REFERENCING NEW clause allows you to modify the new row in a BEFORE trigger before the insert or update operation takes place. REFERENCINGNEW子句允许在插入或更新操作发生之前在BEFORE触发器中修改新行。 www.ianywhere.com 2. After you insert a check box for each item that you want , click the top right cell and type the text for the first item . 在为需要的所有项目插入复选框后,请单击右上方的单元格并为第一项键入文本。 www.bing.com 3. Me: "How many times do I have to tell you to (insert just about any parental directive here)? ! ! " Child: "Three. " 我:“我要跟你说多少遍你才去……(适于几乎任何父母教导用语)?!!” bbs.iyaya.com 4. OUTFLOW VALVE IS MOTOR OPERATED. DO NOT INSERT HAND OR TOOLS IN OUTLET DURING ANY GROUND OPERATION OR INJURY TO PERSONS CAN OCCUR. 外溢流活门是马达操作的.在任何地面操作期间都不要把手和工具伸进去,否则会发生人身伤亡 wenku.baidu.com 5. Contention on latches of this class can occur when multiple connections try to insert rows into a heap or BLOB at the same time. 如果多个连接试图同时将行插入堆或BLOB中,则会发生对此类闩锁的争用。 msdn2.microsoft.com 6. Insert code for retrieving the result of your operation in the RunWorkerCompleted event handler. 在RunWorkerCompleted事件处理程序中,插入用来检索操作结果的代码。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. The disclosure further relates to an insert adapted to form a part of a package of the above kind. 本发明还涉及一种适于形成上述类型包装的一部分的插入件。 ip.com 8. Ability for outside web admins to insert server side includes(or similar) to insert code etc. directly into a page. 网络管理员以外的服务器端插入能力包括(或类似)等直接插入代码到一个页面。 www.bing.com 9. This value is only used when an INSERT statement does not specify a value for the column. 仅在INSERT语句没有指定列值时才使用该值。 www.ianywhere.com 10. After establishing a database connection, create a simple string for your INSERT statement. 在建立数据库连接之后,为INSERT语句创建一个简单的字符串。 www.ibm.com 1. However, you might not always want to highlight the row, only when the data that you insert into the table contains something important. 但是,您可能不会总是需要将行突出显示出来,只有当插入表格的数据比较重要时才会这样做。 www.ibm.com 2. I can't imagine Twitter would insert all the media shared on Twitter into your actual stream, that would be ridiculous. 我是不能想象Twitter会把所有推友们分享的多媒体全部插入你的日常推讯中,那真是太可笑了。 www.bing.com 3. Insert your code between user code begin and user code end to add the business logic for the specific activity, as shown in Listing 3. 在usercodebegin和usercodeend之间插入您的代码,为特定的活动添加业务逻辑,如清单3所示。 www.ibm.com 4. A DEFAULT constraint or trigger to supply a value in case one is not specified by an INSERT. DEFAULT约束或触发器中,以在INSERT语句未指定值的情况下提供一个值。 technet.microsoft.com 5. You can insert IF-THEN logic around portions of a test to run portions only if those parts meet a specific condition. 您可以在测试的部分中插入IF-THEN逻辑,从而只在满足具体条件时运行那些部分。 www.ibm.com 6. To understand that you have read this mail completely insert the fifth listed product above in the subject line. 要完全明白你已阅读此邮件主题行中插入第五上面列出的产品。 www.wmtag.cn 7. Insert a blank piece of paper, turn the knob, and a dollar slips out the other side. 插入一张空白一张纸,打开旋钮,以及美元下滑了对方。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. For more information about this statement, see BULK INSERT (Transact-SQL). 有关此语句的详细信息,请参阅BULKINSERT(Transact-SQL)。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Connect your device to your computer via USB, or insert the memory card into a card reader. 使用USB把你的手机连线到电脑上,或者把记忆卡放到读卡机中。 5i01.com 10. However, they can be resolved if you embed the INSERT statements above in an SQL stored procedure with a little extra logic. 但是,如果将上述INSERT语句嵌入到一个包含一点额外逻辑的SQL存储过程中,就可以解决这个问题。 www.ibm.com |
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