单词 | in season |
释义 |
例句释义: 正旺,当令,应时,时机正好的,季中训练,季中期,比赛季节 1. Well, you know how certain dresses are in season and out of season, in fashion or out of fashion? 你知道某些服装是怎样得时不得时的,流行或不流行的对吗? www.hec-edu.com.cn 2. Sometimes it is only sensible to interfere. A word in season might have saved Paterson from his own folly. 有时只有干预才是明智的。及时的劝告本来可以挽救帕特森不干蠢事。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In closing, I know it's a shot in the dark but I have to ask. Can you tell us something juicy that we can expect to see in Season 5? 最后,其实我只是碰碰运气而已,不过我还是得问:能否告诉我们,在第五季里我们可以期待看到什么火辣场面吗? shiningrain.com 4. Proclaim the word; be ready in season and out of season; convict, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and teaching. 务要传道;无论得时不得时,都要预备好,用全般的恒忍和教训,叫人知罪自责,谴责人,劝勉人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Those who moved first into a new region lived for months at a time on wild meat, Indian maize, and native fruits in season. 那些新到一个地区的人们一连数月靠野味、印第安玉米和季节性野果维持生活。 www.bing.com 6. Do not invite in season so the sun with the skin torrid contact of perfume, or convert nonalcoholic perfume. 所以别让喷了香水的肌肤接触酷热的太阳,或改用不含酒精的香水。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. It leaves much to be desired. Watermelons are now in season. Let me sleep on it. 有待改进.现在是西瓜的盛产期.让我好好考虑考虑。 dict.bioon.com 8. The lazy person does not plow in season; harvest comes, and there is nothing to be found. 懒惰人因冬寒不肯耕种,到收割的时候,他必讨饭而无所得。 xiaowenzi104.blog.163.com 9. Love is a fruit in season at all times, and within reach of every hand. 爱是一年四季都不会过时的果实,每个人伸手皆可触及。 epaper.yangtse.com 10. Fred's father told him that he was not old enough yet but that he would learn to drive in season. 弗莱德的父亲告诉他。现在他还没长大。到时候自然可以学开车。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 1. No matter what time of the year, you can find a beach that is in season and just waiting to welcome you to its warm sands. 无论什么时候,你都可以找到一个应季的海滩,那儿随时恭候您的光临。 iphone.unisk.cn 2. The apples that come in season this year seem to have an especially great variety. 今年赶上时令的苹果似乎特别多种类。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. Preach the word in season, out of season, anytime, every time. 要传讲这道,无论得时,不得时,任何时间,所有时间。 www.hec-edu.com.cn 4. It is our duty to proclaim the Gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in its fullness, both in season and out of season. 无论得时不得时,我们的责任都是,要宣扬关乎我们的主和救主耶稣基督的完备福音。 agsd2000.wordpress.com 5. m afraid that this vegetable is not in season. 抱歉,现在不是这种菜的季节。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I'm afraid that this vegetable is not in season. 抱歉,这种蔬菜过了季节。二、点菜用语 wenku.baidu.com 7. These flowers, when in season, were sent me weekly by Northern Rose Company at my request. 那是北方玫瑰花公司应我之请,按着时节,每星期送来的。 www.bing.com 8. A word in season might have saved Patersonfrom his own folly. 的劝告本来可以挽救帕特森不干蠢事。 wendang.yxtvg.com 9. Locavore lets you know what's in season and where the closest farmers market is. 本地膳食者让你懂得在什么季节吃什么食物和在哪里有最近的农贸市场。 www.bing.com 10. These fruits and vegetables are in season now (which means off-the-charts deliciousness) and deliver maximum health benefits. 以下都是时令蔬菜和水果,它们代表着唾手可得的美味,以及最大化的健康。 www.hjenglish.com 1. In fact, the male jaguar joins the female for only a few days, and that's when she is in season. 实际上雄豹和雌豹在一起只有几天时间,而那只是在雌兽的发情期。 2. Flowers in bloom in season constantly before, life in the winding paths of the road constantly enriched. 季节在花开花落中不断地前行,生命在峰回路转的道路上不断地丰富。 www.bing.com 3. Spring in the valley has already dried up in season of drought. 山间的小溪在旱季时已经干涸。 dict.bioon.com 4. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. 他像一棵树,栽在溪水旁,按时结果子,叶子总不枯乾;他所作的一切,尽都顺利。 porntheusa.com 5. Gatiss also added that Watson's reaction to the return of his friend Holmes in season three would differ from that in the original story. 加蒂斯补充道,在第三季中华生对他老朋友回归所作出的反应将与原著本身有所出入。 www.bing.com 6. Because of the chrysanthemum 's sake, is deeply like autumn, like the turning cold, some profound and full of tenderness in season. 因为菊花的缘故,就是深深地喜欢秋季,喜欢这个寒意渐浓,有些深邃的且蘸满了柔情的季节。 www.bing.com 7. Conclusion: Infection rate of Aeromonas varied in season, having close relationship with diarrhea in summer and autumn. 结论:气单胞菌感染存在季节性差异,与夏秋季腹泻关系密切。 www.bing.com 8. Plus, it's updated on an in-season basis, bringing the latest facts and figures to your computer. 另外它还在当前赛季的基础上进行更新,让你可以获得最新的赛况和数据。 www.bing.com 9. It does n't have to be amazing or gourmet or even in season ; it just needs to be, well, cooked. 不需要做的很华丽很丰盛,更不需要特地做当季的菜肴,只要不是生的就好。 www.bing.com 10. Nothing says summer quite like the taste of fresh, in-season produce. 习惯上,夏天是品尝新鲜和当令食品的季节。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. Per warning by the the fruit businessman, consumers should always buy fruits in season and avoid off-season fruits whenever possible. 这位水果商告诫消费者,如果可能最好少买非季水果,应当多买时令水果。 www.docin.com 2. In Season mode, users are now able to sign players from the free agent list. 赛季模式下,玩家将可以签约自由球员。 wenwen.soso.com 3. It is now late in season and our clients are in dire need of this fertilizer. 现在施肥季节已经快过去了,我们的客户迫切需要这批化肥。 4. When are strawberries going to be in season? 什么时候是草莓当今期? www.8875.org 5. Their friendship is one of my favorite new pairings in season 2. 他们的友情是我第二季中最喜欢的一对朋友。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Dooku's escape hatch concealed in his quarters was previously seen in Season One, "Dooku Captured. " 隐藏在杜库住处里的逃脱舱舱口之前在第一季的“杜库被俘”里就出现过。 www.starwarsfans.cn 7. m afraid that this vegetable is not in season. Would you like to try something else? 抱歉,恐怕现在不是生长这种菜的季节,您是不是吃点别的什么? www.kekenet.com 8. The shaved fruit ices feature fresh fruit in season. In fall, for instance, persimmons are all the go. 水果冰主角为当季水果,如秋季时就以柿子为主秀。 www.gio.gov.tw 9. Some foods are in season only at certain times of the year, or their price and quality may vary. 有些食物只在一年中某些时候上市,或者它们的价格和质量可能变化。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Beginning in season one, ten characters received star billing, with one being written out and another being promoted. 第一季一开始敲定了十个角色,剩下的有待确定。 wenwen.soso.com 1. And everything which is useful to the universal is always good and in season. 对于宇宙有用的一切始终是好的和合乎时宜的。 suzbbs.soufun.com 2. Local is best when products are in season as greenhouses may be more energy-intensive than some transportation. 当产品像温室种植一样入季时,在当地是最好的,或许比一些通过运输更能源密集。 www.bing.com 3. Eat fresh, organic, leafy greens, veggies, and fruits in season. Give your body good, nontoxic fuel. 食用当季的新鲜,有机,绿叶蔬菜和水果。为身体提供良好的无毒燃料。 www.kekenet.com 4. Organic can sometimes be more expensive, but by taking advantage of what is currently in season often lowers the cost. 有时候有机食物会稍贵一点,但是在旺季的时候购买常常会便宜很多。 www.elanso.com 5. chlorophyll meter is a practical tool for real time diagnosis of crop nitrogen (N) status and in-season N management. 叶绿素丈量仪是一个有效丈量作物含氮量以及停止时节性含氮量控制的仪器。 www.dj9797.com 6. in season Available or ready for eating or other use. 现成的或准备食用或其它用途的 wenwen.soso.com 7. No. I don't want watermelons. They are not in season yet. Just give me a dozen lemons. 不,我不要西瓜。它们还不应时。只给我一打柠檬就好了。 www.hxen.com 8. It is also rumoured that Schumacher may attempt some testing miles prior to Valencia, despite the official ban on in-season circuit testing. 虽然官方禁止赛季中的赛道测试,仍有传言说舒马赫可能会尝试在巴伦西亚站之前先做一些测试。 ferrari-china.com 9. This had resulted in season ticket prices being frozen for the current season. 最终结果就是赛季套票的价格在本赛季没有涨价。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 10. B. They are very sweet, they must be in season. 它们很甜,一定是应时的。 edu.beelink.com.cn 1. In Season You Can Also Visit The Hotel's Botanic Garden, Winner Of Several International Awards. 您还可以到酒店获奖的花园里参观。 hotels-zh.csbest.cn 2. Elderflowers, redcurrants, cherries and strawberries are also in season. 接骨木花,红浆果,梅子和草莓也都正应季。 www.for68.com 3. The LORD will open the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land in season and to bless all the work of your hands. 耶和华必为你打开他天上的宝库,按时降雨在你的地上,在你手里所作的一切事上赐福给你; blog.sina.com.cn 4. Reynolds suggests that people should buy local food in season or grow their own fruit and vegetables. 雷诺兹建议人们购买当地当季的或是自己栽种的水果蔬菜。 en.cnxianzai.com 5. He gave me a word in season. 他适时的给了我忠告。 www.wwenglish.com 6. Now is the time to get acquainted with them: although they're in season from January to August, mangoes peak in May and June. 现在是时候让我们熟悉一下这种水果了:尽管从一月到八月都是芒果的出产旺季,但数量最多的时候还是5月和6月。 dongxi.net 7. The monster will definitely be back in season 3. 怪物在第3季再度归来。 bbs.flyine.net 8. Everyone chips in monthly to the food budget, and we usually join a Community Supported Agriculture farm in season. 每个人每个月都要为食物预算投入一定的资金,通常我们还季节性的加入社区支持农业农场。 www.di2jiayuan.com 9. Cap: Well, how about a persimmon? It is in season now, sir? 哦,吃个柿子怎样?现在正是季节,先生? rrting.com 10. You can certainly experiment with whatever vegetables are in season where you are. 当然你可以尝试用其他各种当令蔬菜。 www.bing.com 1. A man without reason is an animals in season. 人无明智就像是一头发情的野兽。 www.callun.com 2. She's still feisty though, like she was in season one, which is fun. 但是她还和第一季里一样脾气暴躁,这一点很有意思。 www.douban.com 3. When tomatoes are in season, share members eat tomatoes. 西红柿当季,社区成员们就吃西红柿。 video.2u4u.com.cn 4. Hotel rooms are more expensive in season. 旅游旺季时,旅馆的房费很贵。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The supermarket sells watermelon and other fresh varieties in season. 这家超市出售西瓜和其他各色的鲜货。 liu-jing.lj.blog.163.com 6. Fl. and fr. same as for autonym variety but slightly earlier in season. 花期而果期与原变种相同,但稍早一些。 www.flora.ac.cn 7. There are many natural antioxidants in season vegetables, they are bio-activity substances. 调味蔬菜中存在不少具有生理活性作用的天然抗氧化物质。 www.dictall.com 8. Buy fresh fruit in season, when prices can drop DRASTICALLY. 购买新鲜水果的季节,当价格大幅下降。 actuafreearticles.com 9. What you said to him yesterday was really a word in season. 你昨天对他说的话真是及时的忠告。 cindybeijing1.blog.sohu.com 10. We don't have strawberries now, they're not in season. 目前没有,现在不是草莓的季节。 www.netfriendsbbs.com 1. The Cerean Jedi Master does appear later in Season Two, though. 但这个锡里亚族绝地大师出现在了第二季靠后的剧集里。 www.starwarschina.com 2. Native watermelons will be in season soon. 地产西瓜就要上市了。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 3. Hotels are often full in season. 在度假旺季,旅馆经常客满。 www.hotdic.com 4. Strawberry is in season now. 草莓现在已上市了。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 5. Carrots, bean sprout, and green peas are in season. 时季蔬菜有红萝卜、豆芽菜、豌豆。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Vodafone McLaren Mercedes expect a much more stable year in season 08. 沃达丰-迈凯轮-梅赛德斯希望08年更加平稳。 www.deliriousf1.com 7. I will bless them and the places surrounding my hill. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing. 我必使他们与我山的四围成为福源,我也必叫时雨落下,必有福如甘霖而降。 new.fuyinchina.com 8. But surely peaches were not in season then? 当时桃子肯定还没有到上市季节。 www.8875.org 9. You will come to the grave in full vigor, like sheaves gathered in season. 你必寿高年迈才归坟墓,好像禾捆到时收藏。 new.fuyinchina.com 10. In Season Two, it appears in flames and the "A" becomes a pentagram. 第二季的时候,Supernatural这些字从火焰中出现,而且其中的“A”还变成了五角星形。 www.bing.com 1. In September, the millet is ripe. It is regarded as the food just in season, which is offered to ancestors as sacrifices. 在九月,栗米成熟,是当季的食物,通常会献给祖先作为祭品。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Wants to do a butterfly, Piaofei full of flowers in season. 很想做一只蝴蝶,飘飞在开满鲜花的季节。 www.tradeask.com 3. Survival will always be in season. 生存店永远不会过时。 www.suiniyi.com 4. We should learn to say things in season and do things in moderation. 我们应当学会说话合时宜,做事多考虑。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Potato is in season in August. 土豆八月份上市了。 bbs.chinabroadcast.cn 6. Pears are just in season, and taste crispy and sweet. 现在正是产梨的季节,梨又脆又甜。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Grouse will soon be in season again. 允许捕猎松鸡的时期又快到了。 wenwen.soso.com 8. There is lots of speculation about whether the ghost of Dana will reappear in Season 6. 坊间有很多关于Dana的鬼魂会不会重现第六季的揣测。 shiningrain.com 9. Cherries are not in season yet. 还不到樱桃的季候。 jstshirt.com 10. Strawberries are in season now. 草莓正当时令。 www.fane.cn 1. Saving in season, spending with reason, make the good household. 及时储蓄,合理开销,家庭安康。 www.mfyyw.com 2. Low hooks are handy holders for in-season hats. 较低的挂钩可以使挂当季的帽子更为方便。 www.dltcedu.org 3. What fruit is in season now? 现在什么水果正当时令? zhishi.sohu.com 4. The supermarket sells watermellon and other fresh vareties in season. 这家超市出信西瓜和其他各色时鲜货。 www.bing.com 5. I buy fruit in season on sale and freeze in this manner. 我买的季节销售,以这种方式冻结水果。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. watermelons are just in season. 现在是伏天,西瓜正当令。 dict.veduchina.com 7. Peaches are cheaper when in season. 旺季时桃子更便宜。 bbs8.ruiwen.com 8. Hotels cost much more in season. 旺季的时候旅馆收费都比较高。 bbs.mmzj.net 9. Mangos are not in season now. 芒果现在时令不对。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Buy fruits and vegetables when they're in season. 要买正当盛产季节的水果或蔬菜。 www.elanso.com 1. Have a 10 game win streak in Season or Franchise mode vs. the CPU. Simulating or Fast Forwarding will restart the streak. 在季赛模式中或是经营模式中,你对电脑连续赢得10胜。如果你使用模拟比赛这个选项,你的连胜将要重新起算。 forum.gamer.com.tw 2. My guess is when (the regular season) kicks off, we will be down modestly in season ticket sales. 我估计(常规赛)开始后,我们季票的销售额将有所下降。 cn.reuters.com 3. Find out if the places you are visiting have an "in" season and "off" season. 弄清楚你要参观的地方是否有旺季和淡季的区别。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 4. Yes, it is now in season. 是的,现在正是季节。 www.tingroom.com 5. Oranges are in season in winter. 冬天桔子是时令水果。 ts.hjenglish.com 6. There aren't any. Peaches aren't in season. 没有。桃子还不到季节呢。 www.ebigear.com 7. Apples will be in season soon. 苹果很快就要上市了。 www.51share.net 8. They are just in season, and taste crispy and sweet. 现在正是产梨的季节,吃起来又脆又甜。 www.kekenet.com 9. In season 1, sooner or later, year after year without him. - each of the season's time is endless and same, change. 时季有早晚,逐年无相看。----每年各季出现的时间不尽相同,有变化。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Werner had told BBC Sport: "Pre-season matches are great but why not have an actual match in season? " 沃纳告诉BBC:“虽然季前赛非常棒,但是为什么不能在一个赛季内(在海外)举办一场正式比赛呢?” www.lfc.org.cn 1. Fruit is cheapest in season. 水果在上市季节最便宜。 www.yygrammar.com 2. Tomatoes are now in season. 西红柿上市了。 www.jukuu.com 3. eg: A word in season makes everybody happy. 一句合时宜的话使大家愉快。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Crab is cheapest in season. 螃蟹在盛产季节最便宜。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. How can we improve in-season sales forecasting and develop a logistics system that is more responsive to demand and sales? 我们如何才能改善季节销售预测和发展物流体系,更好地适应需求和销售? wenwen.soso.com 6. This is a yellow leaves falling in season, look up, full Shuqing chung. 本该是个黄叶纷飞的季节,仰头,满树青舂。 www.bing.com 7. Ask for them in season at farmers' markets, and at better and specialty grocers . 还要注意选择西红柿成熟的季节,到农贸市场和专门的杂货店购买。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Guest stars in season six? 第六季的友情客串? tw.myblog.yahoo.com 9. He spoke a word in season to me. 他及时地劝导了我。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 10. This is another feature where plans were never dropped and this add-on will surely be available in season 5. 从来没有放弃过这个想法,我保证这一点新赛季将会实施。 www.dsws.cn 1. A word in season makes every human body hsoftwarey. 一句合时宜的话使众人愉快。 www.19msc.info 2. A word in season is most precious. 及时是最宝贵的。 hi.baidu.com 3. You will learn it in season, but not now. 到时候你会知道的,可不是现在。 www.bing.com 4. There's a lull over the summer months where my son doesn't have any organized sports in season, and we both miss it terribly. 暑假他有段日子没参加任何组织的运动了,为此我们想得发疯。 www.elanso.com 5. Upon my word, sir, you are in luck; you have arrived in season. 真的,先生。您正赶上,您运气好。 www.ebigear.com 6. You can buy many green vegetables in summer easily, because they are in season. 在夏天你很容易能买到绿色蔬菜,因为它们是(夏天的)时令蔬菜。 www.tiantianbt.com 7. Bananas are always in season; they're harvested every day of the year. 香蕉一年四季都有,几乎每天都能收获香蕉。 www.bing.com 8. What kinds of fruit are in season now? 现在有什么当季的水果? blog.sina.com.cn 9. B&TF: Why are there only 8 episodes in season 6? Is it enough? 为什么第六季只有8集呢?这足够吗? blog.sina.com.cn 10. Would you like some fresh fruit after your main dish? We have fresh fruit in season, such as strawberry, pineapple, banana, and so on. 您在主菜后要来点新鲜水果吗?我们有许多时令水果,如草莓、菠萝、香蕉等等。 jpkc05.sdts.net.cn 1. Combining Chlorophyll Meter Readings and Remote Sensing Images for In-season Site-specific Nitrogen Management of Corn 叶绿素仪和遥感影像的结合在玉米精准氮素管理中的应用 isiita.nercita.org.cn 2. Replace and spend the synthetic research of the ammonium type cation starch in season high 高取代度季铵型阳离子淀粉的合成研究 scholar.ilib.cn 3. The best gourmet restaurants serve only fresh foods in season; 最好的美食家餐馆也只在新鲜食品上市时提供(此种食品)服务; blog.sina.com.cn 4. Discussion on the Training Program in Season Preparing Time for CBA Home- Away Match Season CBA联赛主客场赛季制准备期训练计划制定探讨 ilib.cn 5. Study on the In-Season Training for CBA Home-Away Match Season CBA主客场赛季制竞赛期训练安排的研究 service.ilib.cn 6. Stewed pigeon with vegetables in season 时菜扒鸽 shbbs.soufun.com 7. Talking about the Feeding Management of Female Pig in Season 浅谈适龄母猪的饲养管理 www.ilib.cn 8. in season out of season 不当令的,不在旺季的 wenku.baidu.com 9. James Clark Dynamics of in season trading 当季销售的动力 wenku.baidu.com 10. Fried Green Vegetable in season 时令绿叶菜 www.gudumami.cn 1. Cherries are not in season yet. h p~E 还不到樱桃的季节。 www.foodmate.net 2. When game is in season, 在狩猎时节 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Looks like witches are in season 似乎是女巫当道的时节 myshangri-la.blogbus.com 4. Mixed fresh fruit in season 当季综合水果 zhidao.baidu.com 5. World leading 13. 14 for Liu in season opener 刘翔用13秒14开始赛季征程 bbs.sports.cn |
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