单词 | jail |
释义 |
复数:jails 过去分词:jailed 现在分词:jailing 例句释义: 监狱,监禁,牢,关入监狱,把…下牢,监牢,班房,大牢 1. A convict broke out of jail in Washington DC, then a few days later accompanied his girlfriend to her trial for robbery. 华盛顿一家监狱的一名犯人越狱,几天后他女朋友上庭受审,他陪着一起去了。 www.bing.com 2. Fortunately, by courtesy of it, he had not been put into jail. Instead, he was imposed a fine of 1O thousand dollars. 幸运的是,蒙它的好意,他没被关入监狱,而是被罚了1万美元的罚款。 www.ebigear.com 3. She said that it was her son's name, and that her boyfriend is in jail for attempted murder. 她说哦那是我儿子的名字,我男朋友杀人未遂蹲监狱去了。 www.bucter.com 4. In the UK, bosses face fines, and a new law will introduce jail terms of up to two years. 在英国,雇主会面临罚款,而一项新法律将引入长达两年的监禁措施。 www.ftchinese.com 5. "Damn you! " he said, "I cracked that box, and it was easy like you said. But I got busted by the FBI and thrown in jail" . “你混蛋!”他说,“我黑掉了那台机器,你说的没错,太容易了。但是我被FBI抓起来扔进监狱了。” dictsearch.appspot.com 6. "Don't delay, put him in jail! " said the constable. “不要耽搁,把他关进监狱!”警官说道, www.kekenet.com 7. Mr Davis is such a figure of hate as he languishes in a Lahore jail that even his guards are kept unarmed for fear they might kill him. 戴维斯先生就是这样一个遭人痛恨的人物以至于他在拉合尔的监狱的警卫都没有配备武器,因为怕对方杀了手无寸铁的他。 www.ecocn.org 8. His attempt to overthrow the chairman and run the company from his jail cell was not successful. 当时,黄光裕试图将他赶下台并从狱中遥控管理公司的尝试以失败告终。 chinese.wsj.com 9. I agree with you that many laws are unjust, but if you make every law a matter of conscience you will end up in jail. 我同意你说的很多法律都不公平,但如果每一种法律都依良心而行,那你最后就进监狱。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. But he did not pull any punches when talking about the prosecutors who put him in jail. 在谈到把自己送入监狱的检察官时,他也毫不手下留情。 www.ecocn.org 1. Stop and think what you might have done had you been there in jail for Christ's sake. 试想,若你因基督的缘故被下在监中,你会在监中做些甚麽呢? www.seewant.org 2. Before putting him in jail, he begged the police to meet his mother. 在被送进监狱之前,他请求警察让他见见他母亲。 www.chnxs.com 3. Mr McKay said he was mentally prepared for the possibility of jail, although anticipated conditions would be "foul" . 麦凯说他精神上已经准备好入狱的可能了,尽管他想到监狱条件会很恶劣。 www.bing.com 4. When Daddy got out of jail he had sobered up in more ways than one and was so ashamed that nothing bad happened for some time. 老爸出狱后在很多方面都清醒了起来,很为自己感到羞愧。有一段时间,他再没有犯下什么恶迹。 www.bing.com 5. For some of his shows, he would ask local policemen to tie him up and lock him in jail. 在他的一些演出中,他会请当地的警员将他绑起来锁在牢房里。 www.360abc.com 6. Six months after turning myself into the police, the court let me go free with no charges, no record or jail sentence. 在我自首6个月后,法庭释放了我,没有任何控告,记录或是判决。 www.bing.com 7. Her hair had been cropped like a Marine's, she'd gained weight, and she was wearing glasses so ugly her parents deserved jail time. 她的头发已经出现像海军陆战队的,她会体重增加,她戴着眼镜,使她的父母应有的丑陋牢狱之灾。 www.good2.com 8. If convicted on these charges, the four face a fine and up to seven years in jail. 如果这些指控的罪名被证实,四人将面临罚款和至多7年的监禁。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Ordinarily, I would say that the boy and his parents ought to be put in jail for at least 10 years. 在通常情况下,我想说的是,那个男孩和他的父母应该被关进牢里,至少10年。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Of course, a corporation cannot be jailed; if a corporation is found to be guilty a fine will be imposed in lieu of a jail term. 当然法人不能去坐牢,如果一个法人被查明有犯罪行为时,它将被处以罚金来代替牢狱之期。 www.zhengfa.sdnu.edu.cn 1. Without space to run, as is its habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top. 这是它的习惯,如果没有了足够的助跑空间,它甚至不会尝试去飞,只会终身困囿于一个无顶的小囚笼中。 www.ebigear.com 2. As it is, Verone said he thinks he chose the best of a bunch of bad options. "I picked jail. " 正因为如此,Verone说,他认为他从一堆糟糕的选择中选择了最好的一个。“我选择了监狱。” www.bing.com 3. You end up dropping out of high school all the while unhappy with this path that will leave you destined to be broke or end up in jail. 你读完高中就辍学了,一直对这条路感到不开心,这会导致你命中住地地成为破坏者或者在监狱终此一生。 www.bing.com 4. That's five years in jail. You're gonna get busted with him for tax fraud. 坐五年的牢你跟他会被判税务诈欺 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In the North, a magistrate might have imposed a fine or a brief jail sentence for aiding those escaping. 在北方,治安官会对帮助逃亡的人课以罚金,或判以短期监禁。 www.ebigear.com 6. And, you know, you can't fault him for accuracy, but, actually, Frankie, at that time, was a heroin addict, and he was in jail. 而且,你知道,他这句话你挑不出一点毛病,但是Frankie那时,是个瘾君子,而且他被关在监狱。 www.ted.com 7. I told him that now the only way I'd visit him in jail is if Barcelona wins and he makes an unbelievable party. 偶告诉他现在唯一可能让偶去探监的是巴萨赢了他开了个很不像话的派对。 serenazt.pkm.cn 8. But it continued to turn a blind eye to the practice even after making it a crime in 2003, with a penalty of up to 30 years in jail. 但甚至在2003年将奴役行为定为犯罪,且刑罚为30年的监禁之后,尼日尔对奴役行为仍是视而不见。 www.ecocn.org 9. A few days later Baida was transferred back to the jail in Baquba after doctors determined that she had no psychological disorder. 几天以后,拜妲被送回巴库巴的监狱,医生认定她没有精神错乱。 www.bing.com 10. She had also said there had been irregularities in the jail where she was kept with a series of high-profile Brazilian inmates. 她还说,在她和监狱高级管理人员的一系列接触过程中,存在一些不规范的现象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. CONTRARY to expectations, Jeffrey Skilling did not receive America's longest-ever jail term for a white-collar crime this week. 本周,杰夫瑞?斯基林(JeffreySkilling)并未受到美国史上针对白领犯罪刑期最长的判决,这与预期相反。 www.ecocn.org 2. It would not surprise me if he ends up in jail. 如果他有朝一日被捕入狱,我也不会感到吃惊的。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Prison officials in Colombia say they've caught an 11-year-old girl trying to smuggle dozens of mobile phones and a gun into a jail. 哥伦比亚监狱官员表示,他们逮捕了一名11岁的女孩,她试图向监狱中偷运数十部手机和一支手枪。 www.voanews.cn 4. I was not quite sure whether they had locked the door; and when I dared move, I got up and went to see. Alas! no jail was ever more secure. 我不敢肯定他们是不是把门锁上了;等到我敢走动的时候,我站起身来走过去看看。天啊!没有一所监狱更加牢固。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. And Boosaaso's main jail may be proof of that. The other day, a dozen pirates were hanging out in the yard under a basketball hoop. 布萨阿索的主要监狱可能就是这些举措的证据,前几天,几名海盗被绞死在监狱院子中的篮球架下。 www.bing.com 6. But witnesses often lie in court. Potential penalties of a fine or jail time do not completely suppress false testimony. 但证人却常常在庭上说谎话,即使会被罚款或入狱,仍不能完全杜绝假见证。 www.chinesetodays.org 7. He said the long jail terms were not appropriate for people who had drug and alcohol problems unless these issues were tackled. 除非毒品和酒精问题得以解决,那么长期的关押并不适用于被这些问题困扰的人。 www.bing.com 8. "The day we found her in the jail, we walked in and the first we saw was one of the poachers sneezed on her, " Ramer recalled. 加恩说:“我们到监狱看它那天,我们走进去时,看到一名偷猎者朝着大猩猩打喷嚏。” www.bing.com 9. After all that trouble he got into during that protest at Custer when the courthouse was burned, he was in jail for a year. 他在卡司特抗议时,因为法院被烧,惹了麻烦,被判入狱1年。 www.ebigear.com 10. Yet if it wouldn't be for surfing Bobby would now probably be in jail or would be the head of a Latino gang. 如果不是因为冲浪,Bobby现在也许正在监狱服刑或已成为拉美裔犯罪团伙的头子。 www.swatch.com 1. Many snake charmers have continued to work clandestinely since the ban, despite the threat of up to three years in jail. 许多耍蛇人自禁令颁布以来,不顾蹲三年监狱的危险,继续秘密地工作着。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. In the jail, Tao Lan behaves well and is allowed to go home for the spring festival after 17 years of departure from home. 17年后﹐在监狱里服刑的陶兰﹐由于表现好﹐被允许回家过年。 www.yesasia.com 3. He could face up to a year in jail if convicted. 如果被判有罪,他将可能被监禁一年。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. He wanted to know if I'd been honest about what love was. He said he would one day get out of jail. 他想知道我对爱情的描述是否诚实无讹。 www.bing.com 5. "I would absolutely have ended up in jail, " he said. (注)“我最终绝对会进监狱,”他说道。 www.bing.com 6. It turned out that she had smuggled a mobile phone into the jail, and kept the sim card hidden in her underwear. 原来她之前将一部手机偷偷带入了监狱,并把sim卡藏在自己的内衣里。 www.bing.com 7. If it passes an anti-corruption law, many of its own lawmakers may end up in jail. 如果它通过了一个反腐法案,那么它的很多立法人员都要被关进监狱。 www.bing.com 8. They picked him up for breaking the conditions of his parole and they put him in jail and . . . they shot him. 他们说他违反了假释条件把他抓走了,关进监狱后就枪杀了他。 www.bing.com 9. The "Get Out of Jail Free" card is one of the most prized acquisitions in the game Monopoly. 在“强手”游戏中,“出狱证”可是最为珍贵的奖励。 hi.baidu.com 10. He squares his shoulders and warns the nervous looking inmate in front of him to put on his jail face. 他厌恶地看着排在他前面的一个紧张不安的犯人,告诫他要装得强硬点。 www.bing.com 1. Yes, Severus. I, I think you are the only one who can help me, I have nowhere else to turn. Lucius is in jail and . 是的,西弗勒斯。我——我想,也只有你能够帮助我了,我现在是走投无路了。卢修斯在监狱里,而且…… blog.hjenglish.com 2. Police checked out his claims, discovered that he was indeed wanted, and took him to jail ------his preferred jail. 警方对他的说法进行了调查,发现他的确是在逃的通缉犯,于是把他送进了监狱——他喜欢的那一座。 www.24en.com 3. Occasionally she visited him in jail. He always seemed surprised that his "little schoolgirl" had become a sturdy member of the proletariat. 偶尔李玉琴也会去监狱探望溥仪,这时的溥仪惊奇地发现曾经的“小女生”已经转变成一个坚定的无产阶级战士。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. So the embarrassed smile helps us get out of jail free(ish). Once again, the power of a smile. 尴尬一笑能帮我们迅速脱囧。微笑的气力再次施展作用。 shequ.gtxh.com 5. I've got to formulate a plot or end up in jail or shot . . . 我必须要想出个计划了,否则我将在监狱里结束自己一生… blog.sina.com.cn 6. On Friday, Mr. Singh's parents visited him in jail, the brother said, and he appeared to be calm. 他表示,辛格的父母上周五曾去监狱探望,他那时表现平静。 cn.nytimes.com 7. He said he would one day get out of jail. He said it was important that I write back to him. 他说他有一天会出狱,希望我能给他写回信,这对他很重要。 www.bing.com 8. A man claiming to be a vampire was in the Galveston County jail today after attacking a woman over the weekend. 美国维斯顿县一名被指一周前袭击妇女而入狱的男子自称是吸血鬼。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. They want the abuse to stop but they might be scared that the person abusing them will end up in jail. 他们不想继续遭受虐待,但可能更害怕虐待他们的人会坐牢。 www.bing.com 10. The 29-year-old faces up to a year in jail and a $2, 000 fine if he is convicted. 如果罪名成立,29岁的威廉森将面临一年监禁和2000美元罚款。 www.bing.com 1. Remember when your father caught us in the barn, he said if I didn't marry you, he'd send me to jail for 50 years. 我们在谷仓里被你父亲抓到时,她说如果我不娶你,他就会把我送进监牢关上50年。 bbs.enfamily.cn 2. Well, I was in jail for a night and before I made the deal I used to think about it a lot. 对,我被囚禁了一个晚上,在我支付罚金之前,我曾经想到许多。 www.eoezone.com 3. Don't get distracted by how much you are or aren't getting done. I put myself in jail. 不要因为自己完成了多少,没有完成多少而分心。将自己放入牢房中。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. If they worked for a private business and made choices to spend the " companies" money on personal agenda deals they would be in jail. 如果政府的工作是为私人利益和花费在“公司”在议程交易上,那么他们都应该在监狱里呆着。 labs.chinamobile.com 5. It seems that no matter how suspicious or slighted spouses are, they'd rather see their partner pay out of their pocket than end up in jail. 不管他们多么怀疑或受冷落,与其看到配偶最后被关进牢里,他们似乎更想看到配偶把钱拿出来。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. He could either take a fine, or risk, according to the police, a jail term of six months to two years. 交罚款,或者可能面临(警察称)6个月至两年的拘留。 www.huiduworld.com 7. Spanish police Friday said they had foiled a plot to use a zeppelin airship to help a prisoner break out of a jail on the Canary Islands. 西班牙警方3日表示,他们挫败了一起企图利用遥控齐柏林飞艇帮助囚犯从加那利群岛的一所监狱越狱的阴谋。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Then prosecutors warned them that if they did not stop that day, they would be sent to jail, possibly for the rest of their lives. 检察官警告他们若不令行禁止会被关进监狱,甚至余生都要在铁窗里渡过。 www.ecocn.org 9. He could face up to a year in jail but he's expected to get a lighter sentence. 他会被判一年徒刑,但预计他会获得减刑。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. She was hushed from her first days, as her mother suckled her in the jail to which she had been sent for illegally brewing and selling beer. 出生的第一天,刚吃奶时她就被身陷囹圄的母亲嘘唬禁声。母亲因非法酿造和销售啤酒而被关押。 www.ecocn.org 1. Mr. Graham was sentenced to a year in jail and three years' probation for that crime. 那年格雷厄姆先生16岁,他被判处一年监禁,缓期三年执行。 dongxi.net 2. Gordon Gekko, who famously said "greed is good, " is just getting out of jail with a gigantic cell phone and no one to meet him. 十三年来世界已经变了。上一集《华尔街》里大喊“贪婪是美德”(greedisgood)这句名言的戈登盖柯出狱了,他手上拿著笨重手机,没人理会。 blog.roodo.com 3. and paris hilton is back in an all - women ' s jail . the socialite was transferred after spending nearly a week in a medical ward. 帕丽斯。希尔顿现已回到女子监狱。这位豪女在病房呆了近一个周后被遣送回监狱。 www.ichacha.net 4. He said he had been reduced to a "human wreck" by torture he had undergone in a Cairo jail. 四年后他被无罪释放。他说他在开罗的一家监狱里被酷刑折磨成了一具行尸走肉。 www.bing.com 5. Ranya's mother was also in the jail because she was believed to be connected to those involved in trying to organise Ranya's death. 兰娅的母亲也被关在监狱,因为警方认为她与那些参与策划兰娅自杀式死亡的人们串通一气。 www.bing.com 6. The hooliganism law to which Mr. Usmanov alluded provides up to 15 days in jail for 'uncensored abuse in public places. ' 根据奥斯曼诺夫提到的反流氓法律,公共场合“未经审查的辱骂行为”可能导致最多15天的监禁。 chinese.wsj.com 7. If I don't stay out of the way of their patrols, I might be looking at some jail time. . . or worse. 如果我不躲开他们的巡逻路线,我可能被关进监牢一些日子……或更糟。 hi.baidu.com 8. Was not strong enough, enough to put him in jail. 不够有力,不足以把他送进监狱。 wenwen.soso.com 9. He'll definitely be going to jail. They caught him red-handed trying to take the jewelry out of the shop. 他肯定要进监狱了,这回肯定进去了,因为警察在他试图把珠宝偷出去的时候当场将他擒获。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. He said that he was captured by the enemy and thrown into a jail cell. 故事的前段大意是作者被敌军俘虏,并进监牢。 leezhiqi.blog.tianya.cn 1. Misdemeanors are offenses of a less serious nature and are punishable by a fine or imprisonment in a county or local jail. 轻罪从本质上讲是不严重的犯罪,通过罚款或只在小市或当地监狱关押。 dict.ebigear.com 2. We were taken to the Chickasha jail, over my repeated protests that I was just a hitchhiker. 我们被带到切克沙镇监狱。我一遍遍抗议说我仅仅是个搭便车的旅行者。 www.24en.com 3. You know, it's worth being in jail just to hear you say that. It's well worth it? 能听你说这话就是坐牢也值得。绝对值得…… www.kekenet.com 4. "I applied for work at a jail facility, and they were naturally fingerprinting people who were going to be employees, " she said. 我申请过一家监狱里的工作,他们对求职者会很自然留下指纹。 baike.baidu.com 5. But internal factors also count, Iceland has no standing army and among the lowest proportion of its citizens in jail. 但其它内部因素也起到了作用:冰岛没有常规军队,而且是监狱在押人数比例最低的国家之一。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A third offense would be charged as a misdemeanor punishable by a maximum $1, 000 fine and a year's jail time. 第三次违反规定将面临轻刑罪的指控,被处以最高1000美元罚款以及一年监禁。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. Without space to run, as is its habit, it will not even attempt to fly, but will remain a prisoner for life in a small jail with no top. 习惯上,没有足够的助跑空间,根本不试图去飞,而会终生呆在一个没有顶的小监狱里。 gb.cri.cn 8. Accounts of a VIP's life in an Indonesian jail anyway make it sound more like a four-star hotel chain than a chain-gang. 无论怎样,在印尼监狱里贵宾般的生活,使得监狱听起来更像是一个四星级的连锁酒店而不是一个囚牢。 www.ecocn.org 9. Instead, she said, minor offenders might be given the option of mandatory volunteer work in a nursery or farm instead of a jail sentence. 所以,她说,未成年人受刑人应该给予选择,以强制性在托儿所或农场的义务工作替代监禁。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The FBI can jail him but the IRS will hound him for the rest of his life, in fact, even after he is dead they will hound him. 联邦调查局可以坐牢他,但国税局将猎犬他余生,事实上,即使是在他死时,他们就会猎犬他。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Because it was a misdemeanor, Cardoza said the man would not be taken to jail and his name not disclosed. 由于只是轻罪,Cardoza警官表示此人并不会因此入狱,其名字也不会被公布。 www.bing.com 2. Cut up the cards, and live like a pauper till you get out of credit-card jail. 把信用卡剪掉,过着穷人的生活,直到你逃出信用卡债务的囚笼。 c.wsj.com 3. Chinese notebooks record the case of a scholar who was refused new off shoots from a plant and was sentenced to jail for stealing it. 中国古书中有一段记载说,一位学者因为朋友不愿把一种植物的新枝送给他,便实行偷窃,结果被捕入狱。 bhygz2008.blog.163.com 4. And a jury in Miami has ordered more than 250 million dollars to the children of one of Fidel Casto's opponents who died in a Cuban jail. 一名在迈阿密的法官下令拨出2千五百万美圆给卡斯特罗的一个死于古巴监狱的对手的孩子。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 5. The judge did not jail the young man, but put him on probation for a year. 法官没有把那个年轻人关进监狱,而且将他缓刑察看一年。 www.hxen.com 6. Immediately, a huge plank in the door beneath rises from the front door and winks to block up the sanctuary front door jail jail! 随即,一个巨大的门板从大门下面升起,眨眼间就将神殿大门牢牢堵住! wester.com.cn 7. If convicted, the four face a fine and a maximum jail term of seven years on each charge, subject to a total of 20 years. 若被判有罪,这四人将面对罚款和每项罪名最高7年的刑期;若数罪并罚,总刑期最高可达20年。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But after she fled and married a man of her own choice, she was charged with bigamy and sentenced to six months in jail. 但在她最终逃走并嫁给了她所爱的男人之后,她却被指控犯有重婚罪,并被判下6个月的牢狱之灾。 www.ecocn.org 9. The breach was reported on the front pages of newspapers the next day, and several jail officials were reprimanded. 于是监狱违规行为的报道第二天成为各家报纸的头条,监狱的数位官员遭到斥责。 dongxi.net 10. He said he would one day get out of jail. 信中说,总有一天他会走出监狱,重新做人。 www.bing.com 1. Meanwhile, the policeman at the jail offers Mahone a deal if he trades the name of his accomplice at the racetrack. 与此同时,拘留所的警察想与马宏做个交易,要他交待出在马场的其它同伙。 www.bing.com 2. I always said he would wind up in jail. 我常说到头来他非进监狱不可。 www.tingroom.com 3. Other similar events would follow in a life of in and out of country, in and out of jail, in and out of professional service. 后来又发生了许多类似的事件,使得我回国又出国、入狱又出狱、就业又失业。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. After Mr. B got out of jail, we wonder if he could hold his head up. 先生出狱后,我们怀疑他是否还能抬起头来。 bbs.pep.com.cn 5. Indian police say one of the men accused in the gang rape of a female student on a New Delhi bus has committed suicide in jail. 印度警方说,被控在新德里轮奸一名女学生的男被告之一在监狱中自杀。 www.bing.com 6. An image more painful than anything else came into focus as he visualized a life in jail. 当他浮想起监狱生活时,一个比任何其他事情都要更痛苦的景象在他心中显现了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He tried to blame someone else for the deficits. His lie did not work, however. He ended up in jail. 他试图指责别人造成逆差。然而他的谎话没有起作用。他最后进了监狱。 bbs.putclub.com 8. While in custody in a Yangon jail during his trial, he had a seizure and was hospitalized for a week. 在他审讯期间,他被关在仰光的监狱,在那里他得并被保释就医一周。 www.bing.com 9. My parents felt bad for her when she said she didn't like jail, so they bailed her out. . . using my money I've been saving for college. 她说爸爸妈妈这里感觉好糟糕哦。爸妈心一软就把她保出来了。于是我没有钱上大学了喂。 www.bucter.com 10. A few hours later Ranya was in jail along with her mother. 几个小时以后,兰娅和她的母亲被捕入狱。 www.bing.com 1. His lie did not work, however. He ended up in jail. 然而,他的谎言没起作用,最后还是被关进了监狱。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. It was a Sunday afternoon, when several hundred Birmingham Negroes had determined to hold a prayer meeting near the city jail. 那是一个礼拜日下午,几白名伯明翰的黑人决定要在市立监狱旁组织一场祷告会。 www.bing.com 3. Landis, who was tried in his absence, was given a suspended sentence of a year in jail. 兰迪斯试图不出庭,但仍被判处了一年有期徒刑,缓期执行。 www.putclub.com 4. Under Turkey's draconian penal code, anyone who dares to describe the Armenian tragedy as a genocide can end up in jail or even dead. 并且根据土耳其刑法的严厉规定,任何胆敢将“亚美尼亚悲剧”描述成“种族灭绝”的人都会面临牢狱之灾,甚至死刑。 club.topsage.com 5. Well now I've been thrown in jail, been divorced and had more troubles with that dog than I ever foresaw. 唉,现在我被关在牢房里,老婆和我离婚了,这条狗给我带来的麻烦简直前所未闻。 hi.baidu.com 6. Tianjin court sentenced two men to long jail terms for robbing a woman while threatening to stab her with an HIV-infected needle. 天津两男子行劫一妇女,并威胁要注射爱滋病毒。两人被捕后判处长期监禁。 www.prayforchina.com 7. In Florida, technology is giving some pretrial defendants a "get out of jail free" card, but it's not exactly free. 在佛罗里达州,科技可以让一些还没有被审理的被告得到一个“出狱自由卡”,当然它并不是真正的“自由”。 www.24en.com 8. making a false statement prior to entering the U. S. , which carries a sentence of up to five years in jail. 他被指控在进入美国前作了一项不实的申报,这可判高达五年的监禁。 jpkc.hfut.edu.cn 9. One of its citizens, who represents a Swiss engineering giant, ABB, is still stuck in a Libyan jail. 它的一个代表瑞士电气行业巨头---ABB(阿西布朗勃法瑞)的市民被囚禁在利比亚监狱。 www.ecocn.org 10. Under China's criminal law, the distribution of obscene content for non-commercial purposes carries a jail term of up to two years. 根据中国刑法,非商业用途的色情内容传播,最高可获刑2年。 www.bing.com 1. It was also used too much as "a get out of jail free card" with people shrugging "that's the way it is over there" . 腐败经常被当作“免交罚款出狱卡”(agetoutofjailfreecard),人们只是耸耸肩“那儿就这样”。 www.bing.com 2. Last month, two activists were held in a secret "black jail" here in Beijing for more than a week, rights advocates say. 维权人士透露,上个月,两名活动人士在北京一处秘密的“黑监狱”中被关押了超过一周的时间。 cn.nytimes.com 3. Yasmeen Bibi, her mother, convicted of kidnapping, says Muskan is better off with her in jail. 她的母亲雅思敏?碧比,犯有绑架罪行,她称穆萨肯与自己在监狱最好。 www.kekenet.com 4. He's just grasping at straws trying to stay out of jail. 他只不过是不想坐牢而要捞救命稻草罢了。 www.yxtvg.com 5. Ferguson noted that three years after the crisis, not a single financial executive has gone to jail, "and that's wrong, " he said. 弗格森指出,经济危机之后三年,一个金融高官都没有被判入狱,“而这是不对的,”他说。 www.bing.com 6. Hanna Leos went to jail after she was caught writing her own prescriptions. But she is still alive and recovering from her addiction. 药物成瘾的汉娜·雷奥斯后来因为伪造处方而入狱。但是她至少还活着,现在正在戒除药瘾。 www.tingroom.com 7. Had a head-on-collision in my auto; fortunately, both vehicles were traveling slowly, so no injuries occurred. I ended up in jail. 在汽车上撞击我的头部,很幸运,车走得很慢,没有遭到伤害,最终进了监狱。 www.tnb110.com 8. A bigger problem may be the fear among political elites, some of whom will stick at nothing to stay in power and out of jail. 政治精英间的恐惧是一个更大的问题。他们中有些人为了掌权和不入狱什么都能做。 www.ecocn.org 9. Had I the authority, I would send you to jail for no more than one year. . . and a [treatment] programme after that. 如果我有权利,我会让你们刑期不超过一年…然后送去接受相应的[治疗]。 blog.163.com 10. TOWARDS the end of his 27 years in jail, Nelson Mandela began to yearn for a hotplate. 就在尼尔森曼德勒27年牢狱生涯行将结束之时,他特别想能有一个电炉。 www.ecocn.org 1. Frank was abducted from his jail cell and taken to one of the South's innumerable lynching trees. 弗兰克被绑架,从他的牢房,并被带到一个南方的无数私刑树木。 word.hcbus.com 2. The two men emerged from a wooded area and said they called for a cab . They were immediately arrested and driven to jail . 两人从一片林中出来后称自己他们打电话叫了出租车。随后立即被捕并投入监狱。 www.bing.com 3. In return for his cooperation, Luciano was permitted to run his crime empire unhindered from his jail cell. 卢恰诺得到的报酬,是可以在囚室里继续经营其罪恶王国,不受干扰。 forum.bomoo.com 4. His father was a maths teacher who went off the rails: young Roland once had to borrow money to bail him out of jail. 原为数学教师的父亲走上了歧途。小小年纪的弗莱尔就必须靠借债去监狱赎父。 www.ecocn.org 5. Once you develop the passion to get out of the jail, knowing it is the jail and life is mediocre, the inner lock opens up. 一旦你热切地想出狱,了解到头脑是一个监狱、生活是平庸的,那么这个内锁就打开了。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The officer said he'd have to put me in jail. 那个警官说他只能把我关到拘留所里。 www.bing.com 7. Failure to meet some of these obligations can be an offence attracting substantial fines or jail. 未能满足这些义务的一些可以吸引巨额罚款或监禁的罪行。 www.nzchinese.com 8. A 108-year-old prisoner has been freed from jail in India on the grounds of ill health after serving two years of a life sentence. 印度一名108岁的囚犯被判无期徒刑,在监狱服刑两年后,基于健康状况不佳被释放。 www.bing.com 9. He knew since he was little that she had killed Sagar and Vidya and that she had put his dad in jail. 他知道,因为他小时候,她杀死了萨加尔和维迪亚,她已经把他的爸爸在监狱里。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. They were sentenced to a year in jail and ordered to pay $3. 56 million to the movie and music industry plaintiffs. 他们被判入狱一年,并需向原告缴纳356万美元罚金。 www.cnbeta.com 1. Some European officials have said Ukraine's leader will not be welcome in Brussels if Tymoshenko is still in jail when he visits. 有些欧盟官员说,如果乌克兰领导人前来布鲁塞尔访问时,季莫申科还在狱中的话,他将不会受到欢迎。 www.24en.com 2. The mayor could have been elected forever. But he's finished now and may end up in jail. 那个市长原来可能一直会当选,但是他现在可完蛋了,甚至还可能坐牢。 www.crazyenglish.org 3. For, like my lawyer, I believe that the case against me is thin; I do not think I will end up in jail. 因为我像我的律师一样,我相信起诉我的这起案件站不住脚,我认为我最终不会锒铛入狱。 www.bing.com 4. I heard that they have taken the big Sadhu who predicted the end of the world and put him in the jail in Hanuman Dhoka. 我听说他们已把那个预言世界的末日大萨杜抓了起来,关进哈努曼多卡监狱。 www.bing.com 5. It's probably the only such profile where (a) the author is writing from jail and (b) he confesses to the attempted rape of his subject. 也许只有这种专题报道才是他想要的——1.作者从监狱中发来稿件;2.他对自己企图强奸采访对象供认不讳。 dongxi.net 6. Think about it: Here was a pastor, sitting in jail, yet he wasn't thinking of his own comfort, his own hard situation. 请想一想:这牧师坐在监里,然而他并不会为自己的安逸,自己的困境而著想。 www.yage51.cn 7. Stephen Wong, founder of Skyworth electrical jail after there have been between the company and the management battle. 创维电器创始人黄宏生锒铛入狱后,与管理层之间出现过公司争夺战。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 8. Four people including Qian himself were sentenced to 18 months in jail, with a two-year reprieve, said the comment. 包括钱自己的四民村民被判处18个月的监禁,缓刑两年。 kk.dongxi.net 9. There was a new wave of arrests of opposition campaigners, especially journalists, at least 65 of whom are in jail. 反对党运动者遭到了新一轮的逮捕,尤其是记者,其中至少65人已被捕入狱。 www.ecocn.org 10. However a charge of larceny, rather than armed robbery, will probably only keep him in jail for one year at the most. 然而韦罗内被控犯有盗窃罪,而不是持械抢劫,可能最多只能在监狱里待一年时间。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 1. Prostitution is illegal in Taiwan, and the cops have several times hauled her in for three days in jail, or a fine up to $1, 000. 在台湾卖淫是不合法的,她有好几次被警察拖到监狱关了三天,或者处以高达1000美金的罚款。 bbs.internet.org.cn 2. Princess Leia got out of jail and out in the spaceship. And they got the big thing that blowed up stuff, we blowed it up together. 丽娅公主从监狱里出来,然后坐飞船离开。他们拿到那个能把东西炸没了的大大的家伙,我们一起把它炸了。 www.yappr.cn 3. It gradually turned Chile into a proper democracy, in which dozens of the dictatorship's army officers are now in jail for murder. 这逐渐将智利变成一个严格意义上的民主国家。以至于数十名独裁者的军队官员现因谋杀而入狱。 www.ecocn.org 4. An armed gang has broken into a jail in northern Mexico and freed more than 50 prisoners, thought to be members of the powerful drug cartel. 一群武装分子闯入墨西哥北部监狱,释放了50多名犯人。相关部门认为这些歹徒是势力强大的毒品卡特尔成员。 www.bing.com 5. Goodger referred to this as a "jail cell for web content" , preventing people from exploiting security issues in the browser. Goodger称这好比给网页内容开设了单独牢房,让用户从浏览器的安全问题中解放出来。 www.bing.com 6. She fled to Europe to avoid going to jail, and her husband was imprisoned for passing out one of her pamphlets. 为了避免锒铛入狱,她逃到欧洲,她的丈夫却因为散发她写的小册子被关进了监狱。最后,他被判处一个月监禁。 dongxi.net 7. One night in December, Bob Reich said it seemed foolish for Frank to risk jail when there was so much he could do out of the country. 12月的一个晚上,鲍勃.赖克说,弗兰克其实在国外可以做很多事情,可他却要冒着蹲监狱的风险回来,这似乎有点愚蠢。 www.bing.com 8. The best thing you can say about him is that so far he's stayed out of jail. 要说得好听一点的话,那到为止他还没进监狱。 www.yxtvg.com 9. The last of these limitations ruled out 2, 000-odd opposition members banged up in jail. 最后一条限制措施是将2000顽固的反对派人士投进监狱。 www.ecocn.org 10. Gonzalez was being held in a Brooklyn jail. Prosecutors would not comment on the whereabouts of the two Russians. 冈萨雷斯现被拘于布鲁克林监狱,另两名俄罗斯人的拘押地点则没有透漏。 www.bing.com 1. And do they ever, you know, first of all, I was struck by what you said me going to jail for printing money. 而他们就可以这样做,你知道,首先,你说的我会因为印钱被关监狱的话让人绝倒。 www.bing.com 2. It's believed many of those who died were prison officers trying to evacuate inmates from a nearby jail. 据信,许多遇难者是附近监狱中企图越狱的逃犯。 www.tingclass.com 3. Pictures of the building said to be the former CIA jail show a bland-looking two-storey house surrounded by a fence and CCTV cameras. 一些据说是前中情局监狱的照片显示了一栋看起来平淡无奇的两层楼建筑,周围有一道栅栏和一些监控摄像头。 www.bing.com 4. She survived the bandits and the Scourge, but was caught and thrown in jail after trying to steal a shaman's talisman. 她躲过了匪徒和天灾,但却因为偷走一个萨满的护符而被抓住丢进了牢狱。 t19.yyyma.com 5. In the same vein, recyclable packaging is not a get out of jail free card. 同样道理,可回收利用包装也不是环保的无敌通行证。 www.bing.com 6. Captives who give in, admit the error of their political ways and beg forgiveness sometimes can get out of jail. 被抓进去的人,如果承认自己犯了政治的错误,乞求宽恕,可以获得释放。 www.ecocn.org 7. By no means does the US just give China a get out of jail free card. 决不是美国给予中国刚刚走出了监狱免费卡。 cn.bbs.yahoo.com 8. In a Missouri jail, prisoners in one cell wanted to help a female inmate visit a male prisoner in the next cell. 在密苏里州一个监狱中,一个囚室中的犯人们帮助一位女狱友同另一个囚室中的男狱友见面。 www.chinasmile.net 9. In so doing, Skip to My Lou just skipped right off the fantasy radar (and possibly right into a jail cell). 这样作,跳对我的楼跳了幻想雷达(和可能入牢房)。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. But his enemies want him to serve two years in jail for his conviction on abuse of power, a charge that he has dismissed as "Mickey Mouse" . 但他的敌对势力意欲以其滥用职权的罪名成立为由判处他入狱两年,这是一项他已经用“米老鼠”的比喻加以驳斥的指控。 www.ecocn.org 1. Would he still sit in jail for a year and a half? 还是得入狱一年半吗? zh.globalvoicesonline.org 2. Mr Madoff is in jail after pleading guilty to one of the biggest incidents of fraud in American history. Andy Gallacher reports. 麦道夫涉嫌的一起诈骗案是美国历史上最大金融诈骗案之一。他在认罪后锒铛入狱。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. The Judge said, he should spend the rest of his life in jail. 在宣判的时候,法官说,他应该在监狱中度过他的余生。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. It is an interesting fact, however, that some of the best of this poetry has been produced in jail. 非常有趣的是,一些极好的诗作竟是在监狱中诞生的。 www.jukuu.com 5. Little Eric: The guy's a total screw-up . I mean we spent our wedding night in jail because of him, remember. 小艾力克:这家伙是个彻底的失败者。因为他我们才在监狱里渡过我们的新婚夜。 www.tingclass.net 6. That bodes badly for Mr Khodorkovsky's acquittal chances in a new trial that could leave him in jail for 20 more years. 这意味着,在一场新的审判中,无罪开释霍多尔科夫斯基的概率很小,他可能还得再坐20年牢。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Now that you've got the lumber mill and Frank's money, you won't come to me as you did to the jail. 现在你为了弗兰克的钱去了他的木材厂,而我在监狱里的时候你却不肯为了钱嫁给我。 www.1363.cn 8. The four face jail terms of at least five years for bribery, and the maximum penalty for industrial espionage is seven years. 这四人的受贿行为将面临至少五年的刑期,而商业间谍罪的最高刑期可达七年。 www.yuloo.com 9. after breaking out of jail, he had hidden out in a deserted farmhouse. 他越狱后,藏在一个荒废的农场住房里。 www.jukuu.com 10. An Irish woman is in a jail in Africa for coming to the rescue of a fellow church member that claimed he was having visa problems. 一位爱尔兰女士因前去援救一名声称自己的签证有问题的随同教堂人员而在非洲被关入狱。 www.elanso.com 1. After breaking out of jail, the prisoner hid out in a deserted farmhouse. 这个囚犯越狱后,在一幢无人居住的农舍里躲藏。 www.hotdic.com 2. Las Vegas has put federal, county and city courts a few blocks to the south of the original Glitter Gulch, together with a jail. 拉斯维加斯已经把联邦、郡以及市法院连同一所监狱南迁了几个街区到最开始的GlitterGulch。 www.ecocn.org 3. So really and truly it was you who forced him to break out of jail. 他越狱杀人,都是给官府逼出来的。 bhygz2008.blog.163.com 4. He was in jail in Philippi. It was in that jail that Paul continued to rejoice and praise the Lord. 官长把他关进牢里,他在腓立比的监狱里,继续欢欣赞美上主。 hourofpower.org.hk 5. Tootle does not have a listed phone number, and jail and sheriff's records do not list an attorney for her. 电话本上没有屠特的电话号码,监狱和艾斯坎比亚县也找不到她的律师纪录。 www.tianya.cn 6. We were having lunch, and he was telling me about when he was in jail in Bali for a drug injection. 我们一起吃午餐,他跟我讲他在巴里岛监狱里注射毒品的经历。 www.ted.com 7. They can become Billionaires the honest way but then they get greedy and like this guy, end up in jail or get beheaded. 他们以最诚实的方式成为了亿万富翁,但随后就像这家伙一样贪得无厌,最终进了监狱或被枪毙。 blog.eastmoney.com 8. After many years of working at the jail, the prison guard had become a hard rock that could not be moved . 在监狱工作了多年后,这位监狱看守变成了一块轻易不会被打动的顽石。 www.bing.com 9. Lu Jian Chong, others did not sue you in jail, does not mean you are not guilty, you killed your son, ignoble. 陆建冲,别人没告你坐牢,不代表你没罪,你打死自己儿子,畜生不如,卑鄙无耻。也不代表你不被告。 tieba.baidu.com 10. The military retaliated by sentencing her to 18 months in jail for "insulting and disrupting a government official on duty. " 军人政权采取了报复手段,以“侮辱和扰乱政府官员执行公务”的罪名判处她18个月的监禁。 www.america.gov 1. Over lunch he told their story -- of a meeting at a prayer breakfast which led to an invitation for Dr Perkins to visit the jail. 就餐期间,他给我讲述了他们的故事——在一次祈祷早餐会上,他邀请帕金斯博士来参观监狱。 www.bing.com 2. A Michigan woman is being charged with a misdemeanor offense and is facing up to 93 days in jail. 密歇根州一名妇女被控犯有可判入狱93天的轻罪。 www.bing.com 3. He could face up to four years in jail and permanently lose his doctor's license if he is convicted. 如果莫里被判有罪,他可能面临最多四年的监禁,并永远失去他的行医执照。 www.mjjclub.com 4. When he awoke, he found himself in a jail. 他一觉醒来,发现自己竟进了监狱里了。 blog.csdn.net 5. Mr. Lei, 27, spent a year in the same jail as Mr. Li in Hubei province on similar charges for the Panda attack and was released in 2008. 现年27岁的雷磊因“熊猫烧香”案受到和李俊类似的指控,在湖北省关押李俊的同一座监狱呆了一年,2008年释放。 cn.wsj.com 6. Mann was pardoned by Obiang and released from a jail in Malabo earlier this month, after serving five years of a 34-year jail term. 曼恩是奥比昂赦免,从监狱中释放马拉博本月早些时候,服后五年的34年监禁十年。 word.hcbus.com 7. Polish King Jan III took the castle over, then Prussia seized control, using it as an army barracks, a wheat warehouse and a jail. 波兰国王简三世接管了城堡,之后普鲁士又将其夺走,并在此安营扎寨,并把它当作粮库和监狱。 www.chinaedu.com 8. For Buck, the main story is no longer about his quest for freedom from jail; it's a quest to find answers and, eventually, find his friend. 对于Buck,现在主要的事情已经不是他自己从监狱获得自由了,而是一个想知道答案的请求,最终,找到他的朋友。 www.bing.com 9. ASBOs are dished out to children for nuisance behaviour that would not ordinarily be jail-worthy, but can lead to custody if breached. 反社会行为指的是青少年令人困扰的行为,一般不会招来牢狱之灾,但是若有违反可以拘留。 www.showxiu.com 10. Pruning without a permit could earn you a fine; felling a tree could get you jail time. 不经允许修剪树木会被罚款,砍伐树木则会带来牢狱之灾。 www.bing.com 1. Even if I could I wouldn't go, because the last time I went to a festival to get a prize I ended up in jail. 就算我能出席,我也不会来。我上次就是因为去参加影展,却进了监狱。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. and i said to keep quiet ! you ' re going to jail ! 我说了,少废话!你要进监狱! www.ichacha.net 3. Sajjad Ashtiani told CNN that he visits his mother every Monday in jail, never knowing whether that meeting will be their last. 萨贾德对CNN说,他每周一探访监狱中的妈妈,每次探访都可能是他们的最后一面。 www.bing.com 4. Eg. She worried he might end up in jail or worse. 她担心,他可能会落到坐牢或更糟的地步。 www.hxen.com 5. He said he expected the appeal process to take from four to five years, but was confident that he wouldn't go to jail. 他会所他认为上诉过程将会持续四到五年,但是他有信心不会入狱的。 www.bing.com 6. She was released from jail in 2005 and allowed to leave China to live in the US. 热比娅于2005年出狱,并获准离开中国前往美国居住。 www.ftchinese.com 7. But unfortunately, the girl did not want the boy go to jail, she did not report to the police. 但是不幸的是,那个女孩不想男孩去监狱,她没有报告给警察。 bbs.yuloo.com 8. The U. S. ambassador to Vietnam is calling on Vietnam to open up its single-party political system and release dissidents from jail. 美国驻越南大使敦促越南开放一党政治体制并从监牢中释放持不同政见者。 www.taiyang888.com 9. One or two nights she phoned and I had to bail her out of jail for drunkenness and fighting. 还有一两个晚上她打来电话,我要把醉酒滋事入狱的她保释出来。 www.bing.com 10. He's now in jail as he wished and had an appointment with a doctor this Friday. 现在他如愿以偿地进了监狱,并且被安排在本周五见了医生。 www.bing.com 1. Payet was initially sentenced to a 30 year jail term for a murder committed during the robbery of a security van. 最初,佩埃特因为抢劫押款车时犯下谋杀罪而被判处30年监禁。 www.bing.com 2. Under a deal with prosecutors , Christine Beatty will be sentenced to four months in jail and five years of probation. 根据与检方达成的认罪协议,克莉丝汀·贝蒂将判处四个月监禁,缓刑五年。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. What can you do with a building that used to contain, among other things, jail cells and a fire station? 您会怎么处理一栋曾设有牢房、消防局及其他东西的建筑物? www.24en.com 4. At least six of Tenzin Delek's supporters were sentenced to jail; two received harsh sentences for associating with the lama. 至少有6名丹增德勒的支持者被判入狱服刑;其中两名因与喇嘛的交往而遭受到严厉的徒刑。 www.hrw.org 5. Speaking of his time in jail, Mr. He said his treatment was "strict, " but "safe. " 说到服刑期间的待遇,何军令认为很“严格”,但是“安全”。 cn.nytimes.com 6. If I have to come back here and I find out someone underage is drinking , I have to take you to jail. 如果我还过来且找出有人不够年龄在喝酒的话,我就要把你抓进监狱 blog.sina.com.cn 7. An extra 2 points of inflation for five years is not a "get out of jail free card" . 在为期五年的时间里目标通胀率多增加两个百分点的货币政策并不是一张“刑满释放证”。 www.bing.com 8. He was a reformer in the tradition of his father, and jail reform and penal legislation became an absorbing interest in his life. 他是他父亲传统思想的改革者,而监狱改革与刑事立法变成他生活中令他乐此不疲的兴趣。 www.showxiu.com 9. others, it was a get-out-of-jail-free card. That is why the fall of the Berlin Wall. 其他者,它是一个逃走--无监牢卡片。那是为什么柏林围墙的倒下。 www.lzcdl.com 10. I remember in Iraq, a good friend of mine stayed behind and stopped reporting so he could try to get his colleagues out of jail. 我记得在伊拉克,我的一位好朋友掉队了,停止了报道去救他的一位同事出狱。 www.bing.com 1. After serving a jail sentence for the deadly crash, she lives at her parents' house, closed-off from the world, unable to forgive herself. 提供一个致命的车祸被判入狱后,她住在她父母的房子,封闭的世界,无法原谅自己。 www.englishtang.com 2. 29 year-old Linghua Wong decided the only way to escape his wife's hen-pecking was by going to jail. 29岁男子凌华望(音)认定躲避老婆唠叨的唯一方法去坐牢。 www.ttxyy.com 3. He killed himself in a Berlin jail in 1987 at the age of 93. 1987年,他在柏林狱中自杀,终年93岁。 www.bing.com 4. In a hopeful sign, Mr Gul has complained that "people outside Turkey think you can be thrown into jail for opening your mouth. " 就像外交部长居尔报怨的“外国人总是觉得如果你张嘴说点什么就会被关进大牢”,如果这句话还能让我们看到希望的话。 club.topsage.com 5. Some of these activists, including a former university professor and several syndicate and student activists, are in jail. 这些运动者中,包括了前大学教授,联合阵线以及学生,目前正身陷囹圄。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 6. A woman who helped Wu track down the girls and several other accomplices were also given jail terms in connection with the case. 同案的一名帮助吴天喜寻找这些女孩的妇女和其他几名同谋也都被判处了有期徒刑。 www.taiyang888.com 7. The juvenile defendant, who was also interrogated and beaten by police, now faces up to five years in jail. 这名少年被告受到警察的审问和殴打,他目前面临长达5年的刑期。 www.bing.com 8. In a jail or prison environment, the kitchen staff may be inmates of the institution; this calls for careful attention to security as well. 在监狱里,厨房工作人员可能是该关押的犯人,这需要认真注意安全。 college.strong-study.com 9. Mr. Katsav was to serve no jail time, but would receive a one-year suspended sentence, and he agreed to pay compensation to two women. 卡察夫不再被监禁,只领一年的缓刑,同时他同意向两位妇女予以赔偿。 www.bing.com 10. He tried to make sure that Jill would go to jail instead of him. 他试图确信,吉尔将替他进监狱 wenwen.soso.com 1. And it is all thanks to him vowing to turn his life round and studying drama while in jail. 所有这些都得益于他立誓改变命运的决心以及他在狱中坚持学习戏剧的恒心。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 2. After his release from jail, Mr. Li spent a few days at his parent's red tiled three-floor house outside Wuhan. 李俊获释后,在他父母于武汉郊区的三层楼房内住了几天。 cn.wsj.com 3. For the next five years, until he went to jail, her pimp trafficked her all over the Western United States. 接下来的五年,到他入狱为止,这个皮条客几乎把她卖遍了整个美国西部。 www.bing.com 4. A two-year jail term awaits him in Thailand, passed in absentia for corruption. 在泰国他信还有一项为期为两年的监禁没有执行,原因是腐败。 www.ecocn.org 5. A deplorable incident gave the state a chance to silence him by throwing him in jail. 一场不幸的事故给了政府一个将他扔进监狱让他沉默下来的机会。 www.ecocn.org 6. sadly no. they just get a long-term sentence in jail. and i guess they finally can find way to get out. 悲剧的是,他们只会被判比较长的徒刑,我猜他们会想办法出来的。 ltaaa.com 7. Sometimes they help Salafist prisoners of Hamas to get out of jail. 有时,他们协助那些被哈马斯关押的萨拉菲斯特囚徒出狱。 www.ecocn.org 8. Those criminals deserve to be locked up in jail . 这些罪犯被关到坚牢是罪有应得。 www.bing.com 9. People were calling me to say prisoners were being shot in the jail after they started a riot over Evan's death. 人们打电话告诉我,因为埃文的死,监狱里发生了骚乱,犯人们遭到了枪击。 www.ftchinese.com 10. A weak dollar is not, however, a get out-of- jail free card. 然而,疲软的美元并非一张“消灾免难卡”。 www.ftchinese.com 1. If both confess, they both get jail but not a fine as well. 如果他们彼此告发则全部入狱,不会被罚款。 www.yniarevoli.com 2. In the twelfth grade, he passed his high school examination with a very high score, and in the same year, his father was released from jail. 就在十二年级时,他以相当优异的成绩通过了高中的结业测验。同年,他的父亲获释出狱。 sm2000.org 3. If I shop you, then you'll shop me, and then we'll both end up in jail. 如果我告发你那你也会告发我那最后我们只能都进监狱了 www.tingroom.com 4. Serving time in jail did not stop West from writing more plays or causing new disputes over their sexually suggestive subject matter. 在监狱期间,并没有阻止韦斯特创作更多的歌剧,这些新作由于它们以性为主题而引起新的议论。 www.bing.com 5. When the boss discovered that the clerk used to be a jail bird he dismissed him at once. 上司发现那位职员以前曾是囚犯,就立即把他解雇了。 www.hjenglish.com 6. It is the mandatory stipulation of the criminal laws of the country that the primary purpose of a jail enterprise is to transform prisoners. 刑事法律的强制性规定,决定了监狱企业是一个以改造罪犯的社会效益为主要目标的特殊企业。 www.dictall.com 7. He's out of jail, he's getting all this attention. We are fulfilling his every fantasy. 他出了监狱,他得到了所有的关注。我们满足了他的每个幻想。 www.kekenet.com 8. The trial, which is being heard by a single judge, is taking place in the heavily fortified Arthur Road jail complex in central Mumbai. 这次审判由一名法官审理,在孟买中心戒备森严的亚瑟路(ArthurRoad)监狱中心举行。 www.bing.com 9. At the end of the movie the villain got what was coming to him and was put in jail. 电影的结尾,坏人被关进监狱,得到了他应有地下场。 dict.netat.net 10. At the end of the movie the traitor got what was coming to him and was put in jail. 影片结束时,那个叛徒得到了应有的惩罚,被关进了监狱。 www.bing.com |
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