释义 |
jittered是jitter的过去分词 - v.烦燥不安;战战兢兢
- n.〈美俚〉极度的紧张不安
- 网络抖动
第三人称单数:jitters 现在分词:jittering 过去分词:jittered v. | 1. to behave in a nervous or restless way | n. | 1. an undesired rapid movement of electrical signals or images, e.g. on a television or oscilloscope screen, because of circuit instability or faulty components 2. a distortion in digitally transmitted or recorded sound or images, caused when two devices such as the recording and playback devices of audio recordings are not perfectly synchronized | np. | 1. feelings of nervousness or agitation |
1. | 抖动 Doc:ZH/2.6/Manual/Physics/Particles/Emissi... ... 均匀分布( Even Distribution) 抖动( Jittered) 栅格( Grid) ... wiki.blender.org |
释义: 烦燥不安,战战兢兢,〈美俚〉极度的紧张不安,抖动