单词 | ice age |
释义 |
复数:Ice Ages 例句释义: 冰期,冰河时代,冰河期,冰河世纪 1. If you thought Ice Age was just a movie, think again, because a team of scientists is now planning to clone a mammoth. 如果你以为《冰原历险记》只是一部电影,那麽请你再想一次,因为现在有一个科学团队打算复制猛玛象。 times.hinet.net 2. You might be able to see a mammoth, in addition to one from the movie Ice Age. 在电影《冰川世纪》中你可能会看见长毛象。 www.putclub.com 3. The CLIMAP team also estimated how much ice covered the land and seas during the Wisconsin ice age. CLIMAP小组还估算了在威斯康星冰期覆盖大陆和海面的冰量有多大。 dict.wenguo.com 4. Permafrost is basically dirt that's been permanently frozen for hundreds or thousands of years, much of it since the last ice age. 永久冻土层基本上是已经被持久冻结数百或数千年的泥土,其中大部分是自上一次冰河时期。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The elephant is the closest modern relative of the mammoth, a huge woolly mammal believed to have died out with the last Ice Age. 一般认为全身多毛的猛犸象灭绝于上一个冰河世纪,而大象是现存的与猛犸象亲缘关系最近的动物。 www.bing.com 6. The last humans on Earth may have survived an ice age by retreating to a small patch of land nicknamed 'the garden of Eden'. 地球上最后的人类或许避险于俗称为‘伊甸园’的一小片陆地,才得以度过冰河时代生存下来。 www.bing.com 7. This rise would be very dangerous indeed; it is equivalent to the change in average temperatures from the last ice age to today. 这种上升确实非常危险,相当于平均温度从上个冰川期到目前为止的整个变化。 www.uk.cn 8. During the last Ice Age, this range was scoured by glaciers until most of it was beneath the sea. 在上一个冰河时期,这些山脉被冰河冲刷侵蚀,直到大部分山脉被淹没在海中。 www.crazyenglish.org 9. The period leading up to the domestication of cereals was one of erratic climate change, as the last ice age ended. 第四纪冰河时代结束,人们开始耕种谷物之前的时期气候变化无常。 www.ecocn.org 10. T. rexes chasing woolly mammoths? "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs" ? What? Dawn of the dinosaurs? In the Ice Age? You've got to be kidding. 继续看下去,雷克斯猫追捕毛象?冰河世纪:恐龙的黎明?什么?恐龙的黎明?在冰河世纪?这是开玩笑吧?。 www.suiniyi.com 1. the Quaternary Period in which human beings began to appear on the earth went into Ice Age again, it was the last time. 在人类出现在地球上的第四纪再一次进入了冰河期,也就是最后一次。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Would you believe me if I told you that there's an animal that has been alive since the last Ice Age? 如果我告诉你,有只动物从上个冰河期活到现在,你会相信吗? udn.com 3. Since the era of industrialization, Fenner said, humans have had an effect on the planet rivaling any ice age or comet impact. Fenner说,自从工业化时代以来,人类活动对地球产生作用,其影响堪比冰河时代或彗星的破坏作用。 www.bing.com 4. As the last Ice Age came to an end, somebody picked a pebble out of a small river not far from Bethlehem. 随着最后一个冰河时代宣告结束,有人从伯利恒附近流水淙淙的小溪边,捡起了一枚鹅卵石。 www.bing.com 5. Since the end of the last ice age, we humans have spent 400 generations taking advantage of this stability to build our civilisation. 自从上次冰河时代末期以来,我们人类已有四百代人利用这种稳定性的优势建设我们的文明。 www.bing.com 6. Here's the give-away, a pair of tusks two metres long, the trademark of a Columbian mammoth, the biggest animal to roam the ice age plains. 这是赠品,一对两米长的象牙,一个哥伦比亚猛犸象的商标,冰河时代的平原上最大的动物。 www.kekenet.com 7. Excavators discovered this cache of Ice Age remains as an old parking garage was being demolished to make way for a new one. 发掘者发现这个一个像旧停车库样的冰河世纪的遗骨贮藏处为了发现新的东西而被破坏。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. At first, this was merely for function: to keep out the cold weather of the world only beginning to emerge from the great ice age. 一开始,这么做仅仅只是为了驱走天气的寒冷,那时世界刚刚进入大冰期时代。 www.bing.com 9. When man started farming at the end of the ice age was the moment his gods began farming too. 冰川时代末期,人类开始从事农业生产,那些神是否也在同一时刻开始了呢? blog.sina.com.cn 10. Sid: this whole ice age thing is getting old. You know what I could go for? Global warming. 西德:冰河世纪我都玩腻了。你知道我最喜欢什麽吗?全球温室效应。 www.seadvd.com 1. So it was a regional redistribution and not a global phenomenon like an ice age. 所以这是一种区域性的气候再分配,而非冰河时代那样的全球现象。 www.bing.com 2. Many of the larger animals that were hunted by the early Indians began to die off with the end of the ice age. 随著冰河时期末期到来,印第安人捕杀的许多大型动物开始绝种。 www.0760.com 3. The great lakes are estimated to have been created at the end of the last ice age (about 10000 years ago). 估计大湖是在最后一个冰河时代结束时(约十万年以前)形成的。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 4. Until the end of the last Ice Age[4] the lake was an arm of the sea. 最后一次冰期以前,尼斯湖一直是同海洋连为一体的。 learning.sohu.com 5. Forecasters also said the UK is experiencing this "little ice age" may also continue into next year in mid-March. 预报员还称,英国正在经历的这段“小冰河期”可能还将持续到明年3月中旬。 www.englishtang.com 6. In case you were wondering, they all survived this crazy stunt, which means they'll probably survive the next ice age. 如果你想知道他们为何有这种疯狂的举动,那是因为:可以在冰水中安然无恙意味着他们就有可能安然度过下一个冰期。 www.bing.com 7. This little ice age continued in the early years of the Eastern Han with very limited improvement, if any. 东汉初期的气候是西汉小冰期的延续,即使有所改善,也极为有限。 airiti.com 8. Set during the Ice Age, a sabertooth tiger, a sloth, and a wooly mammoth find a lost human infant, and they try to return him to his tribe. 故事围绕着三只冰河时期的史前动物和一个人类弃婴展开。冰河期使得动物们纷纷迁移寻找食物。心地善良的长毛象--曼菲德… www.showxiu.com 9. And I remember the covers of some of our news magazines, our weekly news magazines, that said that we were coming into an Ice Age. 我也还记得我们的一些新闻杂志,周刊新闻杂志,过去就在说我们将进入冰河时代。 www.yappr.cn 10. However, some of the sun's thermal energy will get trough so you won't have to experience an "Ice Age. " 然而,一些太阳的热能量得以通过,因此你将不必经历“冰河时期。” blog.sina.com.cn 1. The hole is the opening to what was a dry cave system during the Ice Age. 这洞开始是开放的当在冰河时代是一个干洞系统。 forum.home.news.cn 2. The summers were probably warmer if anything, rather than colder as they would be in an ice age. 不过与冰河时代的夏季会变得寒冷有所不同,处于蒙德极小期中的夏季反而可能会更加温暖。 bbs.soft666.s224.sureserver.com 3. any number of scenarios have been offered, ranging from the explosion of a nearby star to Ice Age cooling and greenhouse warming. 许多情节被提供,修正了冰河时代冷却和温室效应是由于邻近的星球爆炸所引起的。 bbs.esnai.com 4. This area was greatly depopulated during the period of the last major ice age as were other regions of the British Isles. 经过最后一个大冰河时代,像英国很多岛屿一样,这些地方因为战争或者疾病,而没有了人迹。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. She said that scientists still aren't sure why animals of the ice age died off, or why the world's climate might suddenly warm and cool. 吉尔表示,目前科学家还无法确定冰河时期动物灭绝的原因、以及为什么全球气候会发生骤变。 www.hjenglish.com 6. In what is now India and China, they've have changed abruptly several times since the Last Ice Age ended. 自上次冰河时代结束起,它们在印度和中国突然消失过多次。 www.bing.com 7. As the ice flows of the Ice Age began to melt, the sea level rose, isolating Austalia. 后来由于冰川时代冰河的溶化,海平面上升,把澳大利亚与其他地方隔离开来了。 www.kekenet.com 8. The solar activity and volcanic eruptions are the main factors of climatic changes during the Little Ice Age. 太阳活动和火山活动是小冰期气候变化的主要因素。 www.magsci.net 9. So you know, Blue Sky Studios who did Ice-Age, even Dreamworks who we have worked with in the past, our old partners. . . 你知道的,我们和做过冰河世纪的蓝天工作室,甚至梦工厂都曾经合作过,是老合作伙伴了… www.bing.com 10. Along with his brother, Eddie, and their mammoth, sister Ellie, Crash is up to no good, as usual, in the latest Ice Age adventure. 随着他的弟弟,埃迪,其庞大的,妹妹埃利,崩溃是没有好起来,像往常一样在最新的冰河时期的冒险。 wenwen.soso.com 1. This increase may not sound like much, but let me remind you that during the last ice age, the world was only 6 degrees colder. 这听起来似乎未几,但是让我来提醒你,上一次的冰河期,地球的气温也仅仅只下降了6度。 www.noforget.com 2. Preserved below the surface are bones dating all the way back to the ice age. 表面之下的骨头可以追溯到冰河世纪。 www.kekenet.com 3. BETH SHAPIRO: "I am interested to understand why some animals went extinct and others animals didn't at the end of the last Ice Age. " BETHSHAPIRO:“我感兴趣的是在上个冰河时代结束,为何有些动物灭绝而其他动物存活了下来。” www.qzmama.org 4. Just after the Ice Age, the growing population that the new foods allowed was of course not a problem but a positive advantage. 当初冰河时代后,新兴粮食的到来引起的人口增长,并非是个问题,而是一种优势。 www.bing.com 5. Some scientists have suggested that Toba caused the deep freeze and that perhaps such an event happening today could bring on a new ice age. 一些科学家们提出:是多巴火山引起了地球的深层冻结,如果当今有这样的火山爆发,或许会引起一个新的冰河时代。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 6. Dinosaurs are back in the news. Earlier this month, the computer-animated film, Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs, was released worldwide. 恐龙再次成为新闻焦点。这个月初,在全球范围内上映了电脑制作的动画片《冰河世纪3-恐龙的起源》。 bbs.24en.com 7. most topographic variation is the result of local erosion or, in the North, of glacial debris deposited during the Ice Age. 最地形的变化是由于局部糜烂或在北美洲,冰川碎片存放在冰河期。 it5658.cn 8. The result is that there is no systematic account of either the causes or course of The Little Ice Age. 此书并没有系统的解释小冰河时期的成因和过程。 www.bing.com 9. After about 1350, the climate grew colder during the period known as the Little Ice Age. 之后,大约在1350年,在我们所知的小冰河时期气候变冷。 www.bing.com 10. "It caught us by complete surprise that they are actually up in the high plateau well before the Ice Age has started, " Wang says. 王晓明表示:“事实就是是长毛犀早在冰河时期开始前就出现在青藏高原了,这一发现让我感到十分惊讶。” www.bing.com 1. In the few cases where an Ice Age figure is depicted holding something, it is mostly, though not always, in the right hand. 在冰河时期一些人画像中手上拿着东西,大多数,尽管不是全部,都是用的右手。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This eventually would have warmed the atmosphere enough to end the ice age, says Kump. 这最终使大气层达到一定温度来结束冰河期,Kump说到。 www.bing.com 3. Forget about the gulf stream changing direction and plunging Europe into a new ice age, Mr Parry reassured the conference. 忘记湾流改变方向并使欧洲陷入新冰川时代的说法吧,帕里先生如是安抚与会者说。 www.ftchinese.com 4. At the height of the most recent Ice Age, about 35, 000 years ago, much of the world's water was locked up in vast continental ice sheets. 在冰河时代晚期的鼎盛时期,大约3万5千年前,世界上很多的水在广袤的大陆冰原被冻结。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Disastrous consequences will follow, e. g. rises in the sea level and an ice-age as depicted in the sci-fi movie The Day after Tomorrow. 灾难性的后果紧随其后,比如海平面上升以及冰河时代的到来,正如科幻电影《后天》中描述的那样。 www.93576.com 6. The Ice Age may have hindered the cultural revolution in the north, but elsewhere it could have been instrumental in furthering it. 冰河时期可能已经阻碍了法国北部的人类文明进化,但它可能有助于其它地方的文明发展。 www.bing.com 7. The history of native art in Canada began sometime during the last ice age although the earliest surviving artifacts. 在加拿大本土艺术史的某个时候开始,在最后一个冰河时代,虽然最早的文物。 wenku.baidu.com 8. After nearly two centuries of dreaming, the island of Great Britain is connected to Continental Europe for the first time since the Ice Age. 经过了接近两个世纪的梦想,大不列颠岛自冰河时期以来首次和欧洲大陆连接起来了。 wenwen.soso.com 9. But the roots of skiing stretch back through time to the end of the last great ice age and quite possibly originate in central Asia. 但是,滑雪伸展的根很有可能起源于中亚地区,发生在最后一次大冰川结束期。 blog.163.com 10. The magnetic North and South poles have shifted before in the course of the planet's history - one result being the last Ice Age. 在地球的历史进程中地磁北极和磁南极已经转换过-一种结果就是最后的冰河时期。 dict.bioon.com 1. Researchers have already doubled the lifespan of mice and flies after defrosting Bacillus F frozen since the ice age. 在对冰河世纪以来一直处于冰冻状态的杆菌F进行解冻之后,研究者已经使老鼠与果蝇的寿命延长了一倍。 www.bing.com 2. During the last ice age our problem was too little carbon. Unlike today where too much carbon is causing global warming. 在上一个冰河期间我们的题目是二氧化碳太少。目前天过多的二氧化碳正在导致环球变暖。 yibar.com.cn 3. The current form of the Mississippi River basin was largely shaped by the Cordilleran Ice Sheet of the most recent Ice Age. 密西西比河目前的结构绝大部分是由最近的冰川时代的科迪拉山系的冰川形成的。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 4. Enthusiasts hint that flood stories date back much further, to the end of the last Ice Age. 狂热分子甚至认为洪水的故事可以追溯到更早的年代,直到最后一个冰河时代的末期。 www.bing.com 5. The universal global warming at the end of the Ice Age had dramatic effects on temperate regions of Asia, Europe, and North America. 冰河世纪末期全球变暖对亚洲温带地区,欧洲和北美都有巨大影响。第三句 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Twelve thousand years ago, as the earth emerged from the last ice age, vast armadas of Titanic-size icebergs invaded the North Atlantic. 远在1万2000年前,地表自末次冰期裸露出来,巨型冰山挥军入侵北大西洋; edba.ncl.edu.tw 7. "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs" could prove that the third time really is the charm by expanding on an already sizable , popular franchise. “冰河世纪:恐龙的黎明”第三次扩大并证明这已深受众人喜爱的动画的魅力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. However, recent studies have brought down the relative importance of this solar effect on the little ice age. 不过,最近的研究结果下调了太阳辐射因素对小冰河期的相对重要性。 www.bing.com 9. Well, we were going into the worst part of the last ice age. 那时候是最后一个冰河时期的最糟糕的一个时候。 www.ted.com 10. And during the last ice age when conditions were at their driest, this basin would've been at its largest. 在最干涸的最后冰川期,有可能是盆地面积最大的时期。 www.bing.com 1. Most of the lakes lie in U-shaped valleys that were carved by glaciers during the last ice age. 大多数些湖泊在山谷都呈U形,是上一个冰河时代冰川刻蚀的结果。 www.bing.com 2. During those decades Europe suffered frequent unusually harsh winters, and the time was later termed the Little Ice Age. 在这几十年间,欧洲频繁遭受了罕见的严酷寒冬,而这段时期后来就被称为小冰河时代。 www.bing.com 3. They also disagree about whether an impact or some other climate event caused the Younger Dryas at the end of the ice age. 他们对是否是撞击的影响还是其他的天气影响导致后冰河世纪的新仙女木事件也存在分歧。 www.bing.com 4. Before the Younger Dryas, the world had been warming up as the last ice age came to an end. 在新仙女木期之前。由于冰河时期的结束,地球正在逐渐变暖。 www.ecocn.org 5. By 2015, they could be gone altogether, plunging us into a new Maunder minimum - and perhaps a new Little Ice Age. 到2015年,太阳黑子可能会完全消失,带给我们一个新的蒙德极小期——以及可能一个新的小冰河世纪。 www.bing.com 6. Dr. Sigman is currently working to determine the role the ocean played in the global cooling that caused the last ice age. 西格曼博士目前致力于研究海洋在全球变冷及其造成的最近一次冰期中起到了什么作用。 www.hxen.com 7. Musk oxen are large mammals that have been around since well before the last ice age. 早在最后一次冰河时期之前,麝香牛这种大型动物就已经遍布世界各地了。 www.suiniyi.com 8. Okay, okay, yes, it is. (waves) How about I'll, uh, catch up with you in the Ice Age. 好了好了,是她。(摆摆手)在冰河世纪里,我将如何跟上你。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. I thought you were talking about global warming, not an ice age. 我还以为你是在讨论全球变暖问题而不是冰川时代 www.tingroom.com 10. An ice age here million years of mountain building there. 如果这里有一段冰河时期,百万年后,山脉就会在那里形成。 www.kekenet.com 1. And it was believed that the rebound effect following the Ice Age would result in our planet becoming more of a perfect sphere. 据信,由于在冰川时候之后的“反弹”的作用力,我们的地球正在向一个正规的球体逼近。 www.ebigear.com 2. Ice age data show that back in the 1970s and 1980s, old ice drifting into the Beaufort Sea would generally survive the summer melt season. 冰川时期的数据表明,早在20世纪70年代和80年代,老海冰一旦流入波弗特海,一般就能安然渡过当年夏天的冰融季节。 www.bing.com 3. After the passing of the Ice Age, rivers, landslides, wind and rain sculpted the valleys, leaving today's spectacular landscape behind. 经过冰河时代之后,河流,山体滑坡,风和雨雕刻成了峡谷,留下了今天的壮丽景观。 www.bing.com 4. Some 20 , 000 years ago , at the peak of the last ice age , the world lost much of its linguistic diversity, they argue . 大约20,000年前,在山顶上一个冰河时代,世界失去了很多的语言多样性,他们争辩。 www.bing.com 5. From the name of an "Ice Age" , a cartoon character. 来自一部名叫《冰河世纪》的动画片的一个人物。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The ice age arrives, the cold climate surpassed the biological survival to allow, the massive ancient times mammalia biology became extinct. 冰河时期来到,寒冷的气候超出了生物生存的容许度,大量古代哺乳类生物绝种。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Then 10, 000 years ago, exploiting a sudden change in global climate with the end of the last ice age, human's learned to farm. 然后一万年前,全球环境突然发生变化在冰河世纪晚期,人类学会耕种。 www.ted.com 8. During the last ice age though, salmon from Japan swam into rivers in Taiwan. 然而在上一次的冰河期中,来自日本的鲑鱼游入台湾的河流里。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It boasts a fearsome array of volcanoes, 33 of which have erupted once or more since the end of the last ice age, around 12, 000 years ago. 那里的火山多得吓人,而且自从上一次冰河时代(约12000年前)以后,其中有33座都爆发过至少一次。 www.ecocn.org 10. Take events during the final few centuries of the last ice age. 举上次冰河时代最后几个世纪发生的事件为例。 www.bing.com 1. Chilling new evidence from the Atlantic Ocean is raising fears that western Europe could soon be gripped by a mini ice age. 最新证据显示,大西洋的寒冷让人担忧:欧洲可能在不久的将来被微型冰河期控制。 www.hjenglish.com 2. Do we honour Newton rather than Mei simply because the west hung on to a 2000-year lead geography gave it at the end of the Ice Age? 我们推崇牛顿而不是梅文鼎,仅仅是因为西方的地域关系比东方结束冰河世纪早了2000多年? www.bing.com 3. Football-sized hail hammers Tokyo and tornadoes destroy Los Angeles International Airport as the world falls into anew Ice Age. 足球般大小的冰雹砸毁了东京,龙卷风席卷了洛杉矶的国际机场,全球进入了一个新的冰河时代。 www.360doc.com 4. Tells the story of a mammoth, a tree Rex, a saber-toothed tiger, composed of small groups in the Ice Age story. 讲述的是一只猛犸象、一只树獭、一只剑齿虎组成的小团体在冰河世纪的故事。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. They found that contamination was most likely in very young sediments, deposited before the last Ice Age. 他们发现污染最容易出现在非常年轻的、在上一个冰期之前沉积的沉积层中。 www.scidev.net 6. These blocking events are definitely a regional redistribution, and not like a global ice age. 这些阻塞事件毫无疑问是区域性的气候再分配,和全球性的冰河时代天差地远。 bbs.soft666.s224.sureserver.com 7. They also escaped the Ice Age glaciers that bulldozed much of the continent farther north. 同时,这里也免于在冰川期被冰川夷为平地,大陆北部多数地区都没能逃过此劫。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. During the great Ice Age, millions of tons of ice cut and shaped the cooled granite to form giant rocks. 在冰河时期,巨大的冰块将大地深深地切割,把冰冷的花岗岩变成了一个个巨大的岩石。 www.bing.com 9. In this animated movie from 'Ice Age' executive producer Chris Meledandri, Gru tries to pull off the biggest heist ever: stealing the moon. 在这部出自《冰河时代》(IceAge)执行制片克里斯?梅勒丹德利(ChrisMeledandri)之手的动画片中,格鲁试图实现有史以来最骇人的盗窃案:偷走月亮。 c.wsj.com 10. The extinction of the woolly mammoth and other large ice age animals can't be blamed on a 'human blitzkrieg', say researchers. 研究者表明:“长毛象以及其他一些大型的冰期动物的灭绝不应归咎于‘人类的袭击’。” www.bing.com 1. Recorded, do not let the years take away our ice age, at the same time, dilute our memories. 记录下来,别让岁月冰河带走我们年龄的同时,淡化我们的回忆。 www.tradeask.com 2. It's a fitting name for the glittering world, perennially locked in ice age and covered in crystallized glaciation. 对这个银光闪闪的世界来说,它再合适不过了,因为麦基托永远停留在冰河时期,表面永远被结晶冰川覆盖着。 starwarsfans.cn 3. Sudden slowdowns in the circuation occurred repeatedly during the last Ice Age. 然而,在最近的冰河时期,这股环流多次出现突然减速。 www.bing.com 4. It is the Tertiary Quaternary ice age animal and plant a refuge, which retained a large number of Tertiary relic of biological species. 它在第四纪冰川期是第三纪动植物的避难所,因而保留了大量第三纪生物残遗种。 www.showxiu.com 5. At the end of the Ice Age, patterns of human settlement changed in southwestern Asia. 冰河时期末期,人类居住的模式在西南亚有变化。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The Wyoming cave, appropriately christened natural trap, provides a unique window of the Ice Age. 被命名为自然陷阱的怀俄明洞穴,为探究冰河世纪打开一扇门。 www.kekenet.com 7. It is, I think, a masterpiece of Ice Age art, and it's also evidence of a huge change in the way in which the human brain was working. 我认为这是一件冰河时代的艺术杰作,同时它也是人类运转方式产生巨大变化的鲜明证据。 www.bing.com 8. Finally, we suggest that Sichuan Basin was a refugial area for Dendrolimus punctatus in Quaternary Ice Age. 最后,我们推测在第四纪冰期时期四川盆地是马尾松毛虫的避难所。 search.gucas.ac.cn 9. Your thoughts of an ice age are far from the events ahead. 你的冰河期的想法与即将来临的事件相距甚远。 hi.baidu.com 10. By comparing it to elephants in Africa today, can we shed light on how those ice age elephants lived and what they lived on? 和今天的非洲象相比,我们能够解释冰河时期的大象生活和它们如何生活的吗? www.kekenet.com 1. During the last ice age, average global temperatures were only about 5 Celsius degrees cooler than the present period. 在上一个冰河时期,全球平均气温只比现在低5摄氏度。 www.hjenglish.com 2. If true, this would mean that the Karoo ice age operated in much the same way as the current one. 如果那是事实,这就意味着Karoo冰河时期与现在冰川的运作方式基本相同。 www.bing.com 3. He saved like a lunatic squirrel for a new ice age. 他很象一只为防备新冰川期来临而积攒粮食的松鼠。 dict.veduchina.com 4. Description - portrays the history, cultures, geography and wildlife of southern Nevada from the Ice Age to the present . 介绍内华达从冰河时代到现今的历史文化的发展过程。 www.bing.com 5. And those plants may have caused the next great ice age. 那些植物可能导致了下一次大冰河期的到来。 www.bing.com 6. Some people are naturally graceful on the dance floor , while others seem burdened by two inept left feet . Blame it on the Ice Age . 一些人在舞场上,会天生舞姿优雅,而另一些人却步履沉重,一对舞伴的左脚都不听使唤。这一切都要归咎于冰河时代。 www.bing.com 7. Okay. Yes, it is. I'll catch up with you in the Ice Age. 好吧,是她我会到冰河期去找你 wenku.baidu.com 8. A relic of the last Ice Age, this is one of three great ice sheets in the world. 格陵兰冰盖是上个冰河世纪的遗迹,也是世界三大冰盖之一。 www.bing.com 9. It is after the last ice age, sea level rise to the present location after the thousand years to the formation. 它是上次冰河时期后,海面上升到现在位置之后一万年来形成的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The next Ice Age could take only weeks to engulf Britain. 下次冰期吞噬英国可能只需几个星期。 www.bing.com 1. There is no reliable way of dating much of the Ice Age. 目前还没有一个可靠的方法来测定冰川期的大部分年代。 www.fane.cn 2. Imagine the most profound Ice Age you can think of. Temperatures plummet to below zero even at the equator. 想象一下你能想到的最完全的冰河时代。即使赤道处的温度也猛降到零度以下。 www.yappr.cn 3. The effects of several factors on the ice age temperature have been analysed. 同时还模拟多个因子综合对冰河期的影响。 qk.cams.cma.gov.cn 4. The earliest items date from the end of the last Ice Age (about 8000 BC). 最早的物品可追溯到上个冰河时期(约公元前8000年底)。 arch.mr926.me 5. The Earth could enter a new 'Little Ice Age' in the coming years due to low solar activity, astronomers believe. 由于太阳活动性下降,天文学家们相信在未来的几年内,地球可能将进入新的小冰河时期。 www.bing.com 6. That puts the Transformers sequel narrowly ahead of Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. 这让“变形金刚”的续集比“冰河世纪:恐龙的黎明”稍稍略胜一筹。 www.yappr.cn 7. Scientists say an excavation site in western Colorado is revealing an entire Ice Age ecosystem. 据科学家称,美国科罗拉多州西部的一处发掘现场揭示了整个冰河时代的生态系统。 www.bing.com 8. In the past, plants have kept pace with the climate and after the last ice age thawed had lots of time to migrate. 过去,植物一直保持与气候同步,在上次冰河期解冻之后,给了它们许多时间让它们迁移。 www.bing.com 9. During the last ice age our problem was too little carbon. 在上一个冰河时代我们的问题是二氧化碳太少。 www.bing.com 10. Bubble Ice Age is a snowy puzzle game that will entertain and puzzle your whole family. 冰天雪地的泡泡游戏,可以娱乐你的所有家人。轻松凉爽的感觉。 xihalife.com 1. It survived the dinosaurs. It survived an ice age. But will the majestic greens ea turtle survive us? 恐龙灭绝后海龟仍存活下来,并且挺过了冰河时期的沧桑巨变。 learning.sohu.com 2. They settled lent hundreds of such layers, including some from the coldest period of earth history --The Ice Age. 他们分析了数百个这样的地层,包括一些在古代最冷时间(冰河期)的地层。 bbs.xiaoma.com 3. The dust is merely symptomatic of the solar reversal ice-age mechanism. 这些尘埃是太阳逆转只是冰年龄机制症状。 www.bing.com 4. One university professor of science of the weather thinks that we are entering a New Ice Age. 一位气候学的大学教授认为,我们正在进入一个新的冰河时期。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Read books about climbing Mount Everest, visiting Norway, or watch "Ice Age" , or "The Day After Tomorrow" . 去读读关于登珠峰、游挪威的书,看看《冰河世纪》、《后天》这样的电影。 www.kekenet.com 6. Again and again, though, the main ice age sheet recovered and the cold continued. 如此反复的,冰河时代恢复然后,寒冷继续。 www.bing.com 7. They also believe, when the Gulf Stream stops completely, a new Ice Age will begin in Europe. 同时,一旦墨西哥湾暖流完全停止活动,欧洲将进入新的冰河世纪。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. They analyse hundreds of ocean layers, including some from the coldest period in the earth history, ice age. 他们分析了成千上百种海洋层,包括一些从最冷的时期在地球的历史中,冰河时期。 space.xiaoma.com 9. In THE HISTORY OF THE SNOWMAN: From the Ice Age to the Flea Market (Simon Spotlight, $14. 95), Eckstein aims to rectify this injustice. 著作“雪人的历史:从冰川世纪到跳蚤市场”,Eckstein旨在纠正对雪人的不公平。 www.bing.com 10. Manny and Ellie are expecting a bouncing baby mammoth, and Diego is suffering from a feline identity crisis in Ice Age 3. 在《冰河世纪3》中,曼尼和艾丽期盼着生一个活泼可爱的宝宝;迪亚哥却正在遭受猫科动物身份危机。 www.xdf.cn 1. Over one hour I remained seated at the window like a stone from the ice age, my mind blank. 就这样呆呆地在窗前坐了一个多小时,仿佛冰川时代遗留下的一方顽石。 www.24en.com 2. In Ice Age 2, the mammoth couple showed off their power, with the male saving the female from a damaged cave. What a prehistoric romance! 一对猛犸配偶显示了它们的力量:公猛犸从即将塌陷的山洞里救出了母猛犸。多么浪漫的史前故事啊! www.360doc.com 3. The beginning of civilization in America occurred during the last ice age, some 15 to 40 thousand years ago. 美洲文明起源于上个冰河世纪,大约15000年到40000年以前。 www.bing.com 4. a species that became extinct at the end of the last Ice Age some 11, 000 years ago. 科学家们宣称他们已经重组了长毛象大约一半的基因组,长毛象是一种在一万一年前冰河末期灭绝的物种。 bbs.putclub.com 5. Ice Age skating is the downhill. Vibrant competition in accordance with the film from 20th Century Fox. 冰河时期溜冰者是下坡赛。比赛根据生气蓬勃的影片从20世纪Fox。 www.fishjava.com 6. Xaasaa was also confirmed as the second-youngest Ice Age child on the continent. Xaasaa也被确认是第二个在冰河世纪大陆上被发现的最小的孩子。 www.bing.com 7. Even at the depth of Japan's employment "Ice Age, " some 90 percent of university graduates had jobs when they left school. 即使在日本劳动力市场“冰河期”最低谷的那个阶段,也有大约90%的大学毕业生在离开学校时找到了工作。 cn.reuters.com 8. We were so excited to see the movie Ice Age 3. 我们很高兴看到这部电影冰河时代3。 wenwen.soso.com 9. But its harvest was once an annual feast for many ice age animals, including mammoths. 曾经每年桑橙树收获果实的季节,对冰河世纪许多动物来说是一场盛宴。 www.kekenet.com 10. Around 11, 000 years ago, the world underwent a violent and rapid period of climate change, leading to the end of the last Ice Age. 大约一万年前,这世界经历了剧烈而快速的气候巨变期,导致了最后一次冰河时代的终结。 www.bing.com 1. The programme, presented by Tony Robinson, charts the progress of early homo sapiens in Ethiopia 160, 000 years ago during a great ice age. 由托尼·罗宾迅提交的这项计划,描绘了16万年前大冰期期间埃塞俄比亚早期智人发展的图表。 www.bing.com 2. For homework over the holidays I am assigning a movie and character review of the movie Ice Age. 我指定了孩子们观看的《冰河世纪》这部电影,通过对人物角色的理解,完成这个十一假期的作业。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn 3. Now let's mention other problems before we continue talking about Ice Age. 现在,在我们继续谈冰河期之前,我们谈点别的问题。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. After 600 years, we'd be in the midst of a global ice age. 600年后,我们身处冰河纪的中期。 www.bing.com 5. Animal A: Why not call it the Big Chill or the Nippy era? I'm just saying-how do we know it's an ice age? 动物甲:为什么不叫大寒时代或干脆叫冷冰冰时代?我的的意思是,我们怎么知道这就是冰河时期? 07mx.com 6. Without the Gulf Stream, Europe would enter into another ice age. 而一旦墨西哥湾暖流完全停止活动,欧洲将进入新的冰河世纪。 www.china.org.cn 7. Earth had been 'slimming down' following the Ice Age, which finished about 20, 000 years ago. 早在20000年前,地球正值冰河时期,那时的“腰围”可以说是比较苗条。 www.ebigear.com 8. Animal A: Why not call it the Big Chill or the Nippy era? Im just saying-how do we know its an ice age? 动物甲:为什么不叫大寒时代或干脆叫冷冰冰时代?我的意思是,我们怎么知道这就是冰河时期? wvw.bt880.com 9. At that time, known as the last great Ice Age, Australia was joined to New Guinea. 当时正好是最后一次大冰川时代,澳大利亚和新几内亚还连在一起。 www.kekenet.com 10. Bello suspects that Ice Age Britons hoisted hollowed-out crania in rituals of some kind. 贝洛怀疑冰河时期的英国人会在某种仪式上高举这种镂空的头盖骨。 www.bing.com 1. But this does not mean a new ice age is coming, Hill said. 但是希尔说这并不意味着冰河时代会再度到来。 bilingual.huanqiu.com 2. indicates that runaway warming pushed Earth into an ice age. 显示出气候失控性的变暖把地球推向冰川时代。 www.tingclass.net 3. They find that, during the ice age, a mount of water in the ocean decreased. 他们发现的,在冰河时期,大量的水在海洋中减少了。 space.xiaoma.com 4. Most of the Ice Age spans a period of time for which no element has an appropriate decay rate. 冰川期的大部分期间都找不到具有合适衰变率的元素。 www.fane.cn 5. Most of the Ice Age spans a period of time for which no element has as appropriate decay rate. 冰川期中的绝大部分所跨越的是这样一个时期,对于这一时期,没有任何元素能拥有一种恰如其分的衰变率。 cn.wordmind.com 6. They have all been smash hits: Finding Nemo, Madagascar, Ice Age, Toy Story. 他们被火爆点击:海底总动员,马达加斯加,冰河时期,玩具总动员。 www.bing.com 7. The history of humanity may date back to the Ice Age. 人类历史可以追溯到冰川时代。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. An October 7, 1912 Los Angeles Times feature proclaimed "Fifth Ice Age is on the Way: Human Race Will Have to Fight for Existence in Cold" . 1912年10月7日《洛杉矶时报》一个专题报道宣称“第五冰河时代就要来到:人类将面临严寒的生存考验”。 www.bing.com 9. Today I want to talk about the Earth's last major climatic shift, at the end of (the) last ice age. 今天我想给大家讲述地球上处于冰河世纪末最后一次重大的气候变化。 bbs.xiaoma.com 10. "Ice Age" is an animated series. 《冰河时期》系列是一个动画片。 www.taobao-fengxiong.com 1. Ice Age's comedy is worthy of Bugs, but unless you're under 5, you'll be bored with everything else. 冰河时代的喜剧,是值得臭虫,但除非你喜欢下5,你会感到无聊与一切。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Today, I want to talk about the last earth climatic shift, at the end of the ice age. 今天我想主要讲一下地球最近一次的气候变化,发生在冰河世纪的末期。 bbs.xiaoma.com 3. If another Ice Age in front of us, the humanity will be caught unprepared? Human nature can conquer? 如果另个一冰河世纪在我们面前出现,人类最后会毫无准备,人类本性可以征服自然吗? zhidao.baidu.com 4. Today I want to talk about the earth last major climatic shift, at the end of the last ice age. 今天我想说一些在冰河世界末最后主要气候的转变。 space.xiaoma.com 5. It cavorted with woolly mammoths and giant sloths and other Ice Age behemoths in Europe and Asia, starting about 2. 5 million years ago. 在约二百五十万年前,长毛犀与长毛象、大树懒及其他冰河巨兽活跃在欧洲和亚洲的土地上。 www.bing.com 6. Earth has been increasing in vibration since your last ice age. 自你们的上一个冰世纪,地球就一直在提升振动。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Now, perhaps Ice Age will disappear on the earth forever. 现在,恐怕冰河期将永远在地球上消失了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The Ordovician ice age happened 444 million years ago, and records have suggested that CO2 levels were relatively high then. 奥陶纪冰河时期发生在4.44亿年前,有记录表明其CO2含量较高。 www.bing.com 9. lt also holds more evidence that will help us to reconstruct the ice age past. 很多证据表明,这将帮助我们重现过去的冰河世纪。 www.kekenet.com 10. Reverse super-large case why ice-age sixty years. 反特大案为何尘封六十年。 www.cntingshu.com 1. Creative ad column promotes Ice Age 2: The Meltdown animated movie. 富有创意的广告柱子用于宣传动画片冰河世纪2:消融。 www.bing.com 2. A series of cartoons were also being provided for children in the city, including "Ice Age 2" . 此外,影院还为儿童放映了一些动画片,其中包括《冰川时代2》。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. No new ice age is due for some millennia to come. 但新的冰河时期还不会在某个千年之年时到来。 www.ecocn.org 4. In the second they escape a flood caused by the end of the Ice Age. 第二部他们逃过了冰川纪后期的大洪水。 www.acsf.cn 5. To our surprise, Ice Age does have its own law. 令我们惊奇的是,冰河期竟然有自己的规律。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. That species disappeared in the Ice Age. 那个物种早在冰河时期就绝迹了。 article.51edu.com 7. 20th Century Fox says it will release the 3D version of "Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs" on Blu-ray. 福克斯称他们将推出蓝光光碟3D版《冰河世纪3:恐龙的黎明》。 voa.hjenglish.com 8. the Ice Age is the most memorable and the one which saw the demise of the woolly mammoth. 冰河时代最令人难忘,它见证了长毛象的灭绝。 www.foodmate.net 9. Riois a new animated film from the makers of the Ice Age movies. 该片是《冰河世纪》的制作方的最新动画大片。 www.yingyuzuowenwang.com 10. Today I want to talk about the Earch last major climatic shift, at the end of the last ice age. 今天我们讨论下地球上最后的气候大范围波动。 bbs.xiaoma.com 1. No fewer than 10, 000 years ago, Chan Hol filled with seawater as Ice Age ice caps melted, the researchers say. 研究者称,在至少10,000年前,随着冰河时代的结束,海面的冰盖融化,海水流入并注满了“小洞”。 ng.trends.com.cn 2. The Ice Age, for example, is thought to be a natural change in the global climate. 例如,冰河世纪,人们就认为是全球气候的自然演变。 www.elanso.com 3. The ice age had nearly destroyed them. 冰河时代几乎将他们毁灭。 www.bing.com 4. Software Description: About Ice Age, This is a theme of the movie Ice Age. 这是电影冰河世纪的主题。 www.softsea.net 5. That's about a million years before the Ice Age started, in fact. 实际上,长毛犀出现在青藏高原要早于冰河时期约一百万年。 www.bing.com 6. The term "Ice Age" may give a wrong impression. “冰川期”这个术语可能会让人产生错误的印象。 www.fane.cn 7. An array of stone points, knives, and bone spear parts date to Ice Age hunters roaming Montana 11, 000 years ago. 石器,刀,骨矛配件仿佛把我们带回了11000年前的蒙大拿冰河时代狩猎场景。 www.bing.com 8. By that time, Finland will probably have been through another ice age. 到那时,芬兰可能已经度过了另一个冰河时期。 www.bing.com 9. They arrived in the New York City region after ice age glaciers retreated 12, 000 years ago. 他们在一万二千年前冰河世纪消融后到达纽约地区。 dongxi.net 10. As a result, we modernised ourselves into this ice age. 结果,我们现代化了,现代化到落入当前这个冰河世纪。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Prepare for the ice age! 为冰川时代作准备! blog.sina.com.cn 2. How come a big ice age happened when carbon dioxide levels were high? 在大冰河期,二氧化碳含量水平怎么会高呢? www.bing.com 3. As a result CO2 levels fell and the greenhouse effect weakened, triggering an ice age. 其后果就是CO2含量下降,温室效应减弱并引发了冰河时代的到来。 www.bing.com 4. But also I think those Ice Age conditions were critical as well. 但我认为当时冰河时代的客观条件也是极为关键的。 www.bing.com 5. The last such ice age ended about 11, 000 years ago. 最后一个这样的冰期是在大约11,000年前结束的。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 6. How can global warming lead to an ice age? 全球变暖怎么能导致冰川时代呢?。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Today I want to talk about the earth late major climatic shift at the end of the ice age. 今天我想和你们探讨你下地球最近的一次在冰河世纪末的主要气候转变。 bbs.xiaoma.com 8. Today, I want to talk about the earth last major climate shift at the end of the ice age. 今天我们要来讨论地球最近一次气候转变,这次气候转变发生在冰河时代末期。 bbs.xiaoma.com 9. Now let's come back to the topic about Ice Age again. 现在让我们再回到冰河期的话题上吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. how do we know it's an ice age ? 我们怎么知道这是“冰川时代”? www.youni.com 1. This is our private stockpile for the ice age. 这是我们为冰川时代存下的储备。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Today I want to talk about the earth last major climatic shaft at the end of last ice age. 今天我想谈论有关地球在冰河世纪后的最后一个气候变化。 bbs.xiaoma.com 3. Software Description: About Ice Age, This is a desktop theme based on the movie Ice Age. 这是以电影冰河时代为依据的一个桌面主题。 www.softsea.net 4. Every 100, 000 years or so, the Earth swings into an ice age - but it wasn't always this way. 每10万年或更久,地球将进入一个冰河期-但并不总是这样。 www.bing.com 5. Mr Edwards expects ten-year Treasury-bond yields to fall to 1. 5% (they are currently 2. 1%) before the "ice age" is over. EDWARDS先生预期在冰时代结束之前十年期国债收益会下降到1。5%(现在是2。2%)。 www.bing.com 6. The Jomon people arrived in Japan before the end of the last ice age, via land bridges that joined Japan to Asia's mainland. 縄文人在上一个冰河时代结束前通过连接日本与亚洲大陆的大陆桥来到日本。 www.bing.com 7. His data come from the peak of the most recent ice age, between 19, 000 and 23, 000 years ago. 他的数据来自19000年前至23000年前的最近一次冰川世纪。 www.bing.com 8. The planet's youngest sea at less than 10, 000 years old, the Baltic is unique in that it formed after the last ice age. 地球上最年轻的海洋也至少生成于一万年前,波罗的海的特殊之处在于它在上一次冰期之后才形成。 www.bing.com 9. Puruogangri Ice Field and Its Variations Since the Little Ice Age of the Northern Tibetan Plateau 普若岗日冰原及其小冰期以来的冰川变化 www.ilib.cn 10. How long have you had this computer? It looks like it belongs in the ice age. 你这电脑什么时候买的?太老了,看起来就像来自冰河世纪。 www.kekenet.com 1. Glacier Variation since the Maximum of the Little Ice Age in the Western Qilian Mountains, Northwest China 祁连山西段小冰期以来的冰川变化研究 service.ilib.cn 2. Temporal and spatial changes of permafrost in Canada since the end of the Little Ice Age 自小冰川末期以来加拿大永冻带的时空变化 library.cma.gov.cn 3. Are You The One. Back to the Ice Age. 诡异的曲式带我们回到史前的冰河时期,。 search.tom.com 4. If you like Bubble Ice Age, here are some other games you should also try! 如果你喜欢冰河时期泡泡,这里有几个类似的游戏,也许你也想试试吧! xihalife.com 5. On the incidence of debris flows from the early Little Ice Age to a future greenhouse climate: A case study from the Swiss Alps 根据早期短暂冰期对未来温室气候碎片流动的影响范围:来自瑞士阿尔卑斯山的个例研究 library.cma.gov.cn 6. The Cold and Warm Events from the Barrow, Arctic since the Little Ice Age 北极巴罗地区小冰期以来的冷暖事件 www.ilib.cn 7. "Ice Age 2" The main stresses of global warming, glaciers began to melt; 《冰河时期2》首要讲全球变暖,冰川开端消融; www.taobao-fengxiong.com 8. Factors Affecting Climate Changes During Little Ice Age and Its Significance for Climate Changes in Future 小冰期气候变化的影响因素及其对未来气候变化的启示 www.ilib.cn 9. A comparative study of the impact of agriculture on July climate in China between the present and the Little Ice Age 农业对小冰期和现代我国七月气候的影响模拟 www.ilib.cn 10. So we can infer that the aim of the periodicity of Ice Age is to store up fresh water for all living things on the earth. 因此我们可以推断:冰河期产生的目的一定是为地球上的所有生物蓄积足够的淡水。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The caves along the South African coast where early man may have sheltered and survived the ice age 沿南非海岸的洞穴可能保护了早期人类从冰河时代幸存下来 www.bing.com 2. The Little Ice Age and Its Environmental Effects in the Tropical Zone of China 中国热带的小冰期及其环境效应 www.ilib.cn 3. Modelling Experiments of the Effects of Climatic Main Factors on the Climate Change of Little Ice Age 小冰期气候变化主控因子的模拟试验 www.ilib.cn 4. Global Climate Changes During the Little Ice Age 全球小冰期的气候变化 service.ilib.cn 5. A Research on the Relationship Between the Rotation of Galaxy and Ice Age 银河系自转与地球冰期变化的关系初探 www.ilib.cn 6. New Advances in Research on the Little Ice Age Climate Change 小冰期气候变化研究新进展 www.ilib.cn 7. Advances of Climate Research in the Little Ice Age 小冰期气候的研究进展 www.ilib.cn 8. where the final lumbering remnants of the ice age 冰河时期伐木业最后的遗迹 www.ichacha.net 9. Survival Dance: How Humans Waltzed Through the Ice Age 跳舞让人类度过冰河时期的劫难 diversity.blog.hexun.com 10. On Factors Affecting Climate Changes During Ice Age and Little Ice Age 对冰期和小冰期气候变化因素的探讨 www.ilib.cn 1. I feel lonely these occasions just like in ice age 这情形让我感觉孤独,就想到了冰河时代 zhidao.baidu.com 2. "Mini Ice Age" May Be Coming Soon, Sea Study Warns 海洋研究警告,“微型冰河期”不久将降临 www.hjenglish.com 3. The nomads who made these markings lived by hunting ad fishing during the last Ice Age which began about 35, 00 ended about 10, 000 作出这些刻记的游牧人,依托狩猎和打鱼糊口在冰河时代的晚期。这段时代大约始于公元前35,000年而竣事于公元前10,000年。 www.wffy.com.cn 4. Discussion on genesis of Great Ice Age 大冰期成因探讨 www.ilib.cn 5. Sandstorm, dust rain and climate course in post-ice age 沙尘暴雨土与冰后期古气候进程 ilib.com.cn 6. Study on Regional Climate Change during the Little Ice Age in China 中国小冰期区域气候演化研究 service.ilib.cn 7. Group Name Ice Age Group Leader Group Member 请先回复小组成员名单 blog.jscsedu.com 8. A new method to estimate ice age temperatures 估算冰期温度的一个新方法 edu.cma.gov.cn 9. Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs 冰河世纪3:恐龙的黎明 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Springtime of the ice age 冰川期的春天 |
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