单词 | indecisive |
释义 |
例句释义: 无决断力的,优柔寡断的,模糊不清的,不明确的,非决定性的,犹豫不决,犹豫不决的 1. The underlying failing is weak and indecisive government across the region, which needs years of good government if it is to catch up. 整个地区潜在的问题是政府软弱,缺乏决策力。如果需要改变这个问题,则需要很多年的正确领导。 www.ecocn.org 2. Such a person is ultimately to be dominated by people, others want him to do what he can do anything, shopping is often indecisive. 这种人最终是被人支配的人,别人要他做什么,他就可能做什么,购物时常拿不定主意。 blog.cctv.com 3. The banking programme seems to be yet another child of the failed interventions of the past one and a half years: optimistic and indecisive. 银行业修复计划似乎是过去一年半失败的政府干预的又一个产物:乐观且优柔寡断。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The leading character franker as if is always in one indecisive condition. 主人公弗兰克似乎总是处于一种犹豫不决的状态之中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. He wasn't someone who would easily be troubled or indecisive in facing problems, at least not when it is of any important magnitude. 他不是那种很容易就感到烦恼或者遇到问题优柔寡断的人,至少当遇到重要的事情时他不会这样。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. He was an indecisive sort of person and always capricious. 他这个人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常。 www.gztrc.edu.cn:8080 7. May avoid two kind of shortcomings like this at least: Excessively hasty and indecisive. 这样至少可以免除两种缺点:过分仓促和犹豫不决。 blog.163.com 8. He said to himself emperor zhu yuanzhang, but a transfer, the emotional are indecisive to such a position of man can guide a dynasty? 他说是将皇帝之位让与朱元璋,可是,这位感情上都优柔寡断到如此境地的男人又能否指点一个王朝? www.aixxs.cn 9. Indeed, most criticism of his time in the army echoes that of his first term as president: that he was too indecisive. 他在军队时受到的大部分批评与在总统任期时的批评相似:他太优柔寡断了。 www.ecocn.org 10. You then become indecisive. Take in information, and then filter the good bits while synthesizing them to be a part of your overall plan. 这时,你会变得犹豫不决。所以,要吸收信息,然后取其精华,成为自己整体计划的一部分。 www.bing.com 1. Even if you resolve them you'll have left the impression that you're indecisive or unable to cope with pressure. 由于即使你曾经处理了问题,你还是会给人优柔寡断或无法面对压力的不良印象。 club.edu.sina.com.cn 2. we asked him a lot about this matter , but he only gave us an indecisive answer. 关于此事我们向他提出了许多问题,但他只给了我们一个无决定性的答案。 www.ichacha.net 3. Many investors in the event of loss, are accustomed to procrastination, indecisive; profit for the position is only taste it. 许多投资人在出现亏损时,习惯于拖拖拉拉,优柔寡断;对于获利的头寸又是浅尝则止。 www.brar.cn 4. Sun Quan is an indecisive man which even his sex life have to be depend on a tiger in the grass. 孙权则当断不断,优优柔柔地连壮阳也要靠一只草丛里的老虎来了断。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. But we are in precisely this sort of situation when we get stuck in the indecisive and dualistic aspect of the mind. 当我们陷住在无法决定或二分性的头脑时,我们所处的情况刚好就像这样。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The first four hours of fighting, much of it across farmer David Miller's thirty-acre cornfield, were indecisive. 战斗开始的四个小时主要发生在DavidMiller农场主30英亩的玉米地里,并没有决定性的战果。 www.bing.com 7. In normal times, Mr Brown often seems indecisive, gloomy and robotic. In normal times, Mr Bush seems chipper, decisive and a regular guy. 以布朗和美国总统布什(GeorgeW.Bush)为例:在平时,布朗常显得优柔寡断、阴沉、呆板;布什则显得爽朗、果断,像是一个随和的家伙。 www.ftchinese.com 8. It might be an attempt at cleverness, but it seems indecisive. 这种解释或许只是一个巧妙的尝试,但起不到决定作用。 www.bing.com 9. On October 1st newspapers in Moscow were idly speculating over who might be Ukraine's prime minister after yet another indecisive election. 十月一日,莫斯科的报纸还在不紧不慢地观望,在下一场非决定性的大选后,谁将成为乌克兰的总理。 www.ecocn.org 10. That the young guard took the initiative by breaking away has just made him look indecisive and foolish. 因此,这些年轻的政客替他动手做了这一切。这让他显得既优柔寡断又愚蠢不堪。 www.ecocn.org 1. a new experience. If you are indecisive you can choose the first option you see, you can flip a coin, you can go with your gut or whatever. 也许你不太果断,那么你可以选择你看见的第一件,或者投硬币,或者跟随直觉行动。 www.bing.com 2. Tired heart is always hovering between adhering to and giving up, indecisive. Trouble is. 心累,就是常常徘徊在坚持和放弃之间,举棋不定。烦恼,就是记性太好,该记的,不该记的都。 www.03964.com 3. They painted him to be indecisive, negative, and selfish. 他被描绘成一个优柔寡断、消极又自私的人。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. A test track, if it could even happen, would become my longest indecisive test drive decision. 一条试车跑道,如果真的是这样,我可能实现长久以来的试跑决定。 www.mychery.net 5. People around them and subordinates can sometimes consider this approach to be frustrating and indecisive. 而他们周围的人等有时却认为这种方法令人沮丧,优柔寡断。 www.bing.com 6. Libra: affectionate, tolerant, often indecisive, appreciates beauty, and seeks balance, relationship, and calmness. 天平:深情,能包容,优柔寡断,欣赏美,并寻求平衡,人际关系和冷静。 www.examda.com 7. To his enemies: indecisive, irascible, lacking the human touch. 对于他的敌人,他是优柔寡断、性情暴躁和难以相处。 www.ecocn.org 8. Cera is a superhero for an indecisive generation, which might work if the disjunction were played for satire. Cera是优柔寡断的一代人的超级英雄,而这种偏差如果以讽刺来处理会更好。 www.bing.com 9. Portugal has not been helped by its indecisive and bickering politicians. 优柔寡断爱争吵的政治家们并没有帮到葡萄牙。 www.ecocn.org 10. Scrupulously avoid impeding progress by changing goals autocratically, being indecisive, or holding up resources. 要小心避免独断专行地改变目标、优柔寡断或者不放手资源,这些都会阻碍进步。 www.infoq.com 1. He denounced Morgan Tsvangirai, the party's founder and head of the other faction, as "weak and indecisive" . 他谴责民运的创始人同时也是民运其他派系的领导人MorganTsvangirai,说他“虚弱并且优柔寡断”。 www.ecocn.org 2. I try not to blame someone for his being indecisive, he thinks much simply because he cares much. 我尽量不去因他人的不果断而责怪,他考虑多只因他在乎多。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Repeated indecisive man, is unflattering, in between right and wrong wandering person rather to from wrong to the right person positive. 反反复复优柔寡断的人,是不讨人喜欢的,在对与错之间徘徊的人不如从错到对的人正面。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. the S&P is now turned indecisive near key support area following last week's massive decline. 经过上周的大跌之后,标普目前在关键支撑区域附近转为犹豫。 www.capitalessence.com 5. Their 'indecisive' responses were to questions likely to stimulate debate, such as 'Is paint a tool? ' or 'Is a tomato a fruit? ' 她们对于一些容易引起争议的问题会做出“不确定”的反应,例如“颜料是一种工具吗?”,或“西红柿是一种水果吗?”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. These verbs mean to be uncertain , irresolute, or indecisive . 这些动词意为不肯定、优柔寡断或犹豫不决。 www.bing.com 7. Instead, the fund was willing to march in line with indecisive Brussels officials and their political masters. 然而,IMF却宁愿与优柔寡断的欧盟官员以及他们的政治老板共进退。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Neurotic worriers: overanxiety makes people indecisive and erodes confidence. 神经质:过度忧虑会让人优柔寡断,渐渐失去信心。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Sometimes we become indecisive because our mind is worrying over all the potential problems. 有时我们变得犹豫不决,是因为我们总是担忧所有的潜在的问题。 www.bing.com 10. I used to be indecisive . Now I'm not sure. 我曾是个怀疑论者,现在我很怀疑这一点。 tr.hjenglish.com 1. Your reactions to the spin were slow and indecisive. The canopy has gone through four rotations and risers have twisted. 你对这旋转的反应太慢且不够明快。这伞已经转过四圈而吊组绳已经纠缠不清了。 www.lenten.com.tw 2. It merely means you're indecisive and let others make decisions for you. 它仅仅代表你优柔寡断,让别人来给你做决定。 www.bing.com 3. an indecisive manager brought the enterprise to a standstill. 优柔寡断的经理使企业陷入停滞状态。 www.hotdic.com 4. But the flip-flopping over the Kitty Hawk made China seem both vindictive and indecisive. 但在小鹰号事件上的态度反复让中国看起来既有报复之心同时又举棋不定。 www.stnn.cc 5. Increasingly Mr Obama was portrayed overseas as weak, indecisive and ineffective. 渐渐地,奥巴马在海外被描绘成了软弱、优柔寡断和无能的形象。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Implementation of the wrong choice seems a poor option to accept, just to avoid being seen as indecisive. 只是为了避免看起来很犹豫,而执行错误的决定是一个很糟的选择。 www.elanso.com 7. We were indecisive when dealing with emergencies. 处理一些突发事件时显得进退失据。 www.for68.com 8. Without close fighting, the joint force loses or becomes indecisive and irrelevant. 没有近距离的战斗,联合作战力量会遭遇失败或者变得不再强势和不切实际。 blog.116.com.cn 9. Autocrats in Beijing are contemptuous of India for its messy, indecisive democracy. 北京的独裁者们由于其混乱而优柔寡断的民主而轻视印度。 www.bing.com 10. One of the girls'biggest turn-offs is guys who are indecisive. 女孩最不喜好的人便是那些老迟疑不决的男人。 www.sundaren.com 1. Plus, for the indecisive, Games. com's Game of the Day presents a different time waster every 24 hours. 除此以外,对于那些犹豫不决的人,Games.com的《每日游戏》会每隔24小时更新,每次都会有一款让你心甘情愿浪费人生的游戏上榜。 www.bing.com 2. Both parties make an agreement under negotiation for indecisive matters. 以上条款如有未尽事宜,双方可协商而定。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. Beneath his glibness and nocking with he was shallow, flippant, and indecisive. 他那油嘴滑舌和冷嘲热讽的机智掩盖着他的浅薄、轻率和优柔寡断。 4. I also am extremely indecisive when it comes to buying anything larger than a water-cooler. 另外,只要是买比饮水机大的东西,我都会变得极其优柔寡断。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Type AB people are indecisive and picky. They tend to be demanding and impatient, and they have trouble seeing things through. AB型的人犹豫不决、爱挑剔,他们比较苛求、没耐性,他们没办法坚持到底。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. Arrogantly Fox will head to toe in a cat looked a lot, a half-day is indecisive and it is not the words. 狐狸傲慢地将猫从头到脚地打量了一番,半天拿不定主意是不是该和它说话。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Indecisive students have careers mental confusion often maid that a number of career opportunities lost in vain. 寡断心理往往使女大学生产生择业困惑,以致白白失去一些择业良机。 www.xiami360.com 8. Last summer he lost many opportunities because of his indecisive character. 由于优柔寡断,他在去年夏天失去了很多机会。 wenku.baidu.com 9. In his first, three-year stint as DPJ leader from 1999, he was criticised for being indecisive. 在他1999年首次当选日本民主党党魁后的三年任期内,有人批评他优柔寡断。 www.docin.com 10. As well as seeming indecisive, Toyota's bosses went to ground as the story erupted in newspapers, on television and online. 当故事在报纸、电视和网络上爆发时,丰田的老板们除了看起来左右为难,同时也走下了神坛。 www.bing.com 1. Indecisive friends and even your partner just can't make up their minds how they want to be entertained. 优柔寡断的朋友甚至你的另一半只是没有决定下来如何娱乐。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Investors fear that an indecisive result will not produce the determined effort to mend the public finances that is needed. 投资者害怕不确定的结果将不会给需要信心的公共金融市场带来希望。 www.ecocn.org 3. There are no indecisive boundaries between the two opinions. 这两种意见界线分明。 kaoyan.hjenglish.com 4. But that indecisive result has helped the centrifugal cause. 但大选失败助长了离心原因。 www.ecocn.org 5. He is not indecisive and is a positive person. 他不是一个优柔寡断的人,是个很积极的人。 www.bing.com 6. Three-headed knight: The indecisive manager. 三个脑袋的骑士(Three-headedknight):没有决断力的管理者 www.bing.com 7. An indecisive contest; an indecisive battle. 非决定性的竞赛;非决定性的战役 dict.hjenglish.com 8. If you are indecisive, buying a car will take you to the brink. 如果你犹豫不决,那么买车对你来说真的会是件痛苦的事。 www.bing.com 9. Was it the civil thing to do to yell at the indecisive woman? 冲着这位优柔寡断的女士大声嚷嚷是有教养的行为吗? chinese.wsj.com 10. If you now are indecisive, you will possibly lose have this domain name the opportunity! 如果你现在犹豫不决,你可能将失去拥有此域名的机会! www.refei.com 1. Only recently the Japanese people and the government were seen as indecisive and selfish, muddled with complaints and bickering. 直到最近日本人和政府都被视作优柔寡断和自我中心,无何止地抱怨和争吵。 www.bing.com 2. Obama's handling of the Gulf oil spill has been weak-kneed and indecisive. 奥巴马对墨西哥湾漏油事件的处理态度过于软弱,缺乏决断力。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. My weakness is due to too cautious and indecisive. 我的缺点是因太过谨慎而不够果断。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 4. An indecisive mind will always pick up on drawbacks of decisions. 一位优柔寡断的思维总是留意决定的缺点。 www.bing.com 5. Bill is too indecisive to make a good leader. 比尔优柔寡断优柔寡断,当不好领导。优柔寡断? wenku.baidu.com 6. His treatment of Turgot made Louis look weak and indecisive. 路易对杜尔哥的处理看似软弱而优柔寡断 www.kekenet.com 7. In Prof. Schwartz's book, 'The Paradox of Choice, ' he offers a chapter of advice on how to control my indecisive tendencies. 施瓦茨在其著作《选择的自相矛盾之处》(TheParadoxofChoice)中,有一个章节谈到如何控制像我这样的优柔寡断倾向。 www.ebigear.com 8. You are more than one that do less, indecisive person. 你是一个多说少做、举棋不定的人。 zhishi.sohu.com 9. the S&P 500 index is now turned indecisive just below key resistance near 1130. 标普500指数目前在1130点附近的关键阻力下方转为犹豫。 www.capitalessence.com 10. Even Britain could suffer, especially if the May 6th election is indecisive. 甚至英国也可能难逃牵连,特别是若5月6日的选举不能产生决定性结果的话。 www.ecocn.org 1. Call it indecisive but you're also falling into one big mental trap. 把这称之为优柔寡断,但你同时也跌入了一个大的心理陷阱。 www.bing.com 2. Quit being so indecisive. Make a stand. 别举棋不定,表明你的立场吧。 www.tingclass.net 3. An indecisive man is not a mature man. 一个没有主见的人不是一个成熟的人。 blog.bandao.cn 4. He's too indecisive to make a good leader. 他优柔寡断,当不了好领导。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Those who say he was too cautious and indecisive are wrong, he now argues. 那些人认为他错误的过于谨慎和优柔寡断,对此他本人不这么看。 www.bing.com 6. If you are considered too weak and indecisive, you have to compromise and can't gain the maximum interests. 如果对方认为你太软弱,太没有决断,你就得妥协,拿不到最大利益了。 dict.bioon.com 7. People around you will be indecisive too, but in that regard, be patient and don't push. 你周围的人是非决定性的,但是从这个方面看来,你不要不耐心或者操之过急。 b.me.blog.163.com 8. Uncertainty can lead to paralysis. And if you become indecisive you're dead. 不确定性会导致瘫痪。而且如果你变得犹豫不决,就死定了。 www.ds444.cn 9. B, indecisive, failing to hesitate is satisfied, nor on the future planning. 优柔寡断,遇事犹豫不决,对现实不满,对末来也无规划。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. An indecisive man could never run the country. 一个优柔寡断的人不能治理国家。 www.kekenet.com 1. B, indecisive, failing to hesitate is satisfied, nor on the future planning. 优柔寡断,遇事犹豫不决,对现实不满,对末来也无规划。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. An indecisive man could never run the country. 一个优柔寡断的人不能治理国家。 www.kekenet.com 3. Feeling stuck in indecisive? Listen to your intuition, and make a decision! 觉得无法决断吗?倾听你的直觉,作出决定吧。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. They were confused and Indecisive for those first few seconds, and in that time dozens of them were wiped out. 最初的几秒钟里,他们先是困惑不解,接着迟疑不决,数十个因维人瞬时就被消灭。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. indecisive. Trouble is that memory is good, the mind should not mind will. 恼,就是记性太好,该记的,不该记的都会留在记忆里。 f.qqgexing.com 6. The indecisive man always sees a lion in the way. 这个优柔寡断的人经常有幻想的危险闪现在眼前。 dict.hjenglish.com 7. You don't want to appear indecisive. 你不想显得不明确的吧。 www.bing.com 8. They may have strong leanings one way or the other, but they remain indecisive about what's most important to them. 他们可能较强倾向于一端或另一端,但他们仍然没有明确什么对他们最重要。 www.elanso.com 9. You will always be my Tinger. Perhaps I'm too indecisive. Perhaps I think too much . My heart to have you. 也许是我太优柔寡断,我心里还有你,但是我的世界里不会再有你。 wenwen.soso.com 10. What an ugly, indecisive loser I am? 说我是个丑陋的优柔寡断的废物? www.kekenet.com 1. What an ugly, indecisive loser I am? 说我是个丑陋的优柔寡断的废物? www.kekenet.com 2. Maggie: Oh Jason, now that I have you alone I'm so worried about my mother she seems vague, indecisive , confused. 麦琪:杰森,哦,我只能跟你一个人说,我非常担心妈妈,她现在是糊涂,荒乱,迷茫。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The man always is sad to feel indecisive to the chemisette before have no woman; 男人在没有女人之前,总是对女人的伤心感到无所适从; www.bing.com 4. i might be a little bit indecisive at times 有时候我也许有点优柔寡断 www.ichacha.net 5. To act in an indecisive manner 犹豫:行为不果断 my.opera.com 6. you're indecisive when it comes to making any plans 每当到了订计划的时候,你就变得优柔寡断 wenwen.soso.com 7. You can kiss my indecisive ass crack maggots and the crackers ass 你可以来拍马屁亲我优柔寡断的屁股 wenwen.soso.com 8. Mr Cameron's offer of that plebiscite clinched the coalition deal after last year's indecisive general election; 卡梅伦先生提议举行这次全民投票,这就完成了去年那场非决定性的大选后联盟定下的交易; www.ecocn.org 9. Shes indecisive She can't decide 她是优柔寡断,她不会决定 zhidao.baidu.com |
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