单词 | investment company |
释义 | 例句释义: 投资信托公司,投资公司,投资性公司,指的是投资公司 1. Then, with Hyatt and the City in his corner, he made deals with banks and a prestigious private investment company, to give him hefty loans. 有了凯悦和纽约当局的支持,他和银行及一家著名的私人投资公司进行接洽,获得可观的贷款。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Apart from his university commitments, he works for a small hedge fund and runs his own investment company on the side. 除在大学继续他的学业外,他也为一家小的证券交易所工作同时也在经营着自己开办的一家投资公司。 www.tigtag.com 3. But for that kind of investment in binding with little or no investment company, they can only get a small increase in yield and price. 但是对于那种在装订方面投资很少或没有投资的公司,他们只能得到很小的产量并且价格增加。 www.bing.com 4. At least 3 years of HR management experience in foreign investment company, 2 years experience as manager level. 至少3年以上外资生产性企业人力资源管理工作经验,2年以上为经理级别; www.lietou.com 5. Bernard was an aspiring writer, with "a good but rather boring job" at an investment company. 伯纳德是一个有抱负的作家,在一个“很好但很单调”的投资公司工作。 www.bing.com 6. Confident that this would change, Ms Mavuso Mbatha created her own investment company, Dema, with a partner. 但玛芙索.姆巴莎相信这种情况会改变,她与人合伙创建了自己的投资公司Dema。 www.ecocn.org 7. Welcome the man of insight and investment company coming to investigate, enhance mutual understanding, and negotiate the cooperation. 欢迎有识之士和投资公司,惠顾考察,增进了解,互利合作,共同发展。 www.tianya.cn 8. Mutual Funds An investment company that combines and invests the money of a large number of investors. 共同基金把大量投资者的资金联合起来从事投资的公司。 www.edu114.cn 9. I used to be an interpreter&assistant in a foreign investment company. 我曾经在外企从事翻译&助理的工作。 www.kz15.com 10. Born in Kuwait, where he trained as an air-force pilot, Mr Sanea now heads the Saad group, an investment company based in Saudi Arabia. 身为萨阿德集团(沙特阿拉伯的一家投资公司)主席的赛尼出身于科威特,并在那接受过空军飞行员的训练。 www.ecocn.org 1. Having worked previously at the Bank of China and British Investment Company for thirteen years. 先后在中国银行、英国投资公司工作十三年。 art.china.cn 2. Last week, Dubai's largest investment company called for a six-month delay in paying some of its debts. 上周,迪拜最大的投资公司要求延期6个月支付其债务。 wantme1314.spaces.live.com 3. They have already drained U. S. stock funds of nearly $80 billion since the beginning of May, according to the Investment Company Institute. 根据美国投资公司协会(InvestmentCompanyInstitute)的统计,这些投资者从五月初开始已经使美国股票基金流失了近800亿美元。 chinese.wsj.com 4. A fund managed by an investment company in which investors pool their capital. 由投资公司管理并由投资人共同投入资本之基金。 www.wzksw.com 5. While Richemont was intended to be an investment company, the luxury unit now is bigger than its holdings in the cigarette industry. 历峰意欲成为一家投资公司,目前这家奢侈品公司的规模比它持有卷烟业务的时候要大。 www.tobaccochina.com 6. A bit like a Chinese private equity funds or private investment company. 有点像中国的私募基金或私人投资公司。 www.bing.com 7. Peter Wallenberg, Jacob's father, became Investor's chairman in the 1980s and transformed it into a diversified investment company. 彼得?瓦伦堡(PeterWallenberg),雅各布的父亲,在二十世纪80年代成为投资人集团主席并把它转化为多元化的投资公司。 www.ecocn.org 8. Experienced in finance field, at least 3 years for middle or high level in bank, credit guarantee or investment company. 丰富的金融机构工作经验,至少3年以上银行、担保、信贷或投资公司中高层管理经验; www.workws.com 9. Renowned companies from the creation of an investment company, with extraordinary Internet, high-tech business venture experience. 公司由著名的投资公司创立,具备非凡互联网、高新企业创业经验。 wenwen.soso.com 10. At least 1 years concerned work experiences in foreign investment company for Medical or food industry. 至少1年以上医药,食品等外企相关工作经验; www.chinagmp.net 1. Trust &Investment Company is facing innovation dilemma. The key to break through is choosing applicable innovation model. 当前,信托投资公司正面临着创新困境,选择合适的创新模式是突破这一困境的关键所在。 www.magsci.net 2. in the case of an investment company, it may do so within five years. 其中,投资公司可以在五年内缴足。 lingzhiqiang.blogbus.com 3. Last week, Dubai's largest investment company called for a 6-month delay in paying some of its debts. 上周,迪拜最大的投资公司要求推迟六个月偿还他的部分债务。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. Sunshine Empire is NOT a Financial Investment Company and it does NOT promote any investment product or any investment scheme. 阳光大帝不是投资公司,也不销售任何投资产品或投资计划。 hi.baidu.com 5. Preemptive right of shareholders should not be exercised by part, unless the investor and the investment company have accepted it. 股东优先购买权不得部分行使,除非转让股东与被投资公司同意。 www.fabiao.net 6. If all of that effort is followed by a good period of performance, the investment company will thrive. 若基金公司在努力销售基金之外,又能保持亮丽投资绩效一段时间,则基金公司将成长茁壮。 irp.com.tw 7. At no time has it been held out to me by any representative or associate of EmMax that EmMax is an investment company. 本人郑重声明「帝无限」的职员、代表或业务伙伴在任何时间均没有对本人述说或暗示「帝无限」是一间投资公司。 hi.baidu.com 8. Our reference to American investment company internal control legal system should focus on its legislative ideas and value orientation. 借鉴美国投资公司内部控制的法律制度,更多的是借鉴其立法的理念和价值取向。 www.13191.com 9. Americans have at least $3 trillion invested in bond funds, according to the Investment Company Institute. 根据美国投资公司协会(InvestmentCompanyInstitute)的资料,美国人在债券基金中至少投资了3万亿美元。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Charles Schwab is an investment company, and in an unstable market, they need to make consumers feel peaceful on their site. 嘉信理财是一家投资公司,在一个不稳定的市场,他们需要使消费者感到他们的网站上的和平。 www.bing.com 1. This is only part of the story, however: The Investment Company Institute data show lower risk tolerance among younger people, too. 但这只是其中一部分的原因,另一方面:美国投资公司学会的数据显示,年纪较轻的人对风险的承受力较低。 c.wsj.com 2. As an agency general of overseas pharmaceutical companies, CyberPharm Investment Company is focused on meeting the needs of customers. 公司选择适合中国医药市场的国外药物,并作为中国的总代理来满足客户的需求。 www.gongsi001.com 3. The first fraud I uncovered was at a private investment company in California called MX Factors. 我揭发的第一起诈骗案是加州一个名为MXFactors的私人投资公司。 www.ftchinese.com 4. He also served as a well-known management consulting firm Bain & CEO, and investment company founded Bain Capital. 他还曾担任著名咨询公司贝恩管理公司首席执行官,并创立贝恩资本投资公司。 www.englishtang.com 5. His announcement came as a shock, not least to the China Power Investment Company, which suggested it might sue. 尤其对中国电力投资公司来说,声明内容令人震惊,称称可能对该公司提出控告。 www.ecocn.org 6. But turning an investment company into a mining one will be tricky. 但要把投资公司改造成矿业公司可不会是件容易事。 www.ecocn.org 7. Beijing Energy Investment Company is the subsidiary company of Beijing Comprehensive Investment company. 北京市能源公司是北京市综合投资公司的全资子公司。 cdm.ccchina.gov.cn 8. Upon expiry date, the Foreign Investment Company should deregister the representative offices or establish branch if needed. 期限届满以后,应当办理登出登记或根据需要申请设立分公司。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. that uses its capital to invest in other companies. The two kinds are open-end investment company and closed-end investment company . 投资公司,投资基金:用其资本投资于其他公司的公司。这种公司分为两类,即开放型投资公司和封闭型投资公司。 dict.kekenet.com 10. Private investment company Legatum has pledged US$50 million for the centre and its fellowships. 私营投资公司Legatum承诺为该中心及其成员提供5000万美元。 www.scidev.net 1. And has arisen at the historic moment the very many culture investment company, the cultural broker company. 并应运而生了很多文化投资公司,文化经纪公司。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 2. But for most investors, picking the right country is less important than choosing the right investment company, says Young. 但扬表示,对于多数投资者而言,选择正确的国家不如选择正确的投资公司那么重要。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Business areas: Private owned investment company. Main investments are profitable real estate in Israel. 私有的投资公司。主要投资是在以色列的盈利的房地产业。 www.incc.com.cn 4. He is in a trust and investment company, responsible for trust product release. 他所在的是一家信托投资公司,负责信托产品发行。 www.aixxs.cn 5. Poore the Puller investment management Limited company is a synthesis large-scale Investment company. 普尔普勒投资管理有限公司是一家综合型的大型投资公司。 www.19zhan.com 6. Kiu Hung is a toy manufacturer and investment company which recently diversified by buying coal mines in Inner Mongolia. 侨雄本是一家玩具制造商和投资公司,最近正通过收购内蒙古煤矿实现业务多元化。 www.ftchinese.com 7. I understand that any claim that EmMax is an investment company that provides returns for investment is inaccurate and wrong. 本人更明白若有人声称「帝无限」是一间投资公司并会提供投资回报,那绝对是错误和不真实的。 hi.baidu.com 8. The single biggest shareholder in both ICBC and CCB is Central Huijin Investment Company, a government holding company. 中国工商银行和中国建设银行的单一最大股东,都是国有资产控股公司——中央汇金投资公司(CentralHuijinInvestmentCompany)。 www.ftchinese.com 9. It registers an investment company overseas, holding Chinese enterprise in the main land. 在海外注册一家投资公司,控股国内的中国企业 wenku.baidu.com 10. Hyatt Hotels held talks with Citic Group, the state-owned investment company, to manage a Park Hyatt in Lhasa but could not reach agreement. 凯悦酒店(HyattRegency)曾与国有投资公司中信集团(CiticGroup)商讨过在拉萨管理一家柏悦酒店(ParkHyatt)的相关事宜,但未能达成协议。 www.ftchinese.com 1. George P. Bush (born 1976), son of Jeb Bush, works for Charter Holdings, a real estate investment company. 作者GeorgeP。布什(生于1976年),杰布布什的儿子,工程宪章控股,以房地产投资公司。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. "We act more like a consultancy than an investment company, " he says. 他表示:“我们的做法更像是一家咨询公司,而不是投资公司。” www.ftchinese.com 3. Regulation on non-taxable Investment company representative. 投资公司代表机构征免税规定。 cxw713.bokee.com 4. Company and Investment Company intends to purchase issued shares held after the reform of the power companies 100% equity. 公司拟向国投公司发行股份购买其持有的改制后的电力公司100%的股权。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. well-known multinational companies high-tech enterprises joint investment company, the price of land for more than 10 percent. 著名跨国公司高新技术企业集团公司联合投资,土地价格优惠10%以上。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. I had always hoped to have my own investment company. 我一直希望拥有自己的投资公司。 cn.reuters.com 7. The investment company represented that such information was inaccurate. 投资公司说这样的信息不准确。 bbs.dec.lzu.cn 8. The investment company mission of Lin to bankruptcy met borrowing do business "phoenix breeding male" shi jie. 在投资公司任务的林菲相逢了公司破产欲借款做养殖生意的“凤凰男”丁伟。 tv.360mp3.com 9. Jeffrey Fang, a spokesman at Temasek, Singapore's state-owned investment company, declined to comment. 而新加坡国有投资公司淡马锡新闻发言人杰弗里方,则拒绝对此事发表任何评论。 www.bing.com 10. Evaluating and selecting the high-tech program is the important task for the investment company. 对高科技项目进行评价和筛选是管理部门和投资公司的重要工作。 www.dictall.com 1. I've worked in bank, investment company, insurance company, securities company. My job is advertiser. 我曾经在银行、投资公司、保险公司、证券公司谋生。现在是一名职业广告商人。 www.jiayuan.com 2. Assets Under Management In general, the market value of assets an investment company manages on behalf of investors. 管理资产额一般为一家投资公司代表投资者管理资产的市场价值。 sh.netsh.com 3. Wanda Harbin Sofitel Wanda Harbin Hotel, under the Commercial Investment Company invites people with lofty ideals to join our growing team. 哈尔滨万达索菲特大酒店隶属哈尔滨万达商业投资有限公司,诚邀有志之士加入我们这个不断发展的团队。 www.alsox.com 4. Lu Qing - business card title is the new Guangzhou Investment Company chairman and chief executive. 陆青的名片的头衔是广州新辉投资有限公司董事长兼总裁。 bbs.renyu.net 5. Investers lost thousands of pounds in the wreck of the investment company. 投资者因该投资公司的破产而损失了数以千计的英镑。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. 'I think he probably wants to keep up, ' says Mr. Haviland, who works for an investment company. “我觉得他会不甘落后,”供职于一家投资公司的蒂莫西说。 www.ebigear.com 7. In addition, given Google and the cia and its investment company contact, some people itself is "double character" . 此外,鉴于谷歌与中情局及其投资公司的联系,有些人本身就是“双面人物”。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. What are the requirements for setting up an investment company? 申请设立投资性公司应当具备哪些条件? www.investjs.com 9. More than 2 years working experience in purchase, production planning or logistic in foreign investment company. 2年以上外资企业采购、物流管理方面的经验。 www.job592.com 10. High school with minimum 2 years related working experience in a foreign investment company. 具有高中文凭,至少两年的外企工作经验。 www.pdhr.com 1. Temasek, the Singapore state-owned investment company, is selling its shares in two of China's biggest banks to raise as much as $3. 6bn. 新加坡国有投资公司淡马锡(Temasek)将出售所持中国两家大银行的股票,以筹资至多36亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 2. At Fannie, Herb Allison, who has served for the past eight years as chairman of the investment company TIAA-CREF, succeeds Daniel Mudd. 在房利美,曾担任投资公司TIAA-CREF董事长八年的赫伯特?阿里森(HerbAllison)将接替丹尼尔?马德(DanielMudd)。 www.bing.com 3. investment company, fund: Company that uses its capital to invest in other companies. 限额型投资公司,限额基金[美国]; it.bab.la 4. Temasek, the Singaporean investment company has a credit guarantee business in Nanjing which it started from scratch in 2008. 新加坡投资机构淡马锡(Temasek)2008年在南京成立了一家信贷担保公司。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Two years ago, the Chinese authorities also launched a probe into an investment company controlled by Mr Huang. 两年前,中国当局也对黄光裕控制的一家投资公司进行了调查。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Minimum 5 years relevant work experience in Multinational company or foreign investment company. 在合资或外商独资企业具有至少五年的相关工作经验。 lfjob.inhe.net 7. The Temasek model appeals to China: a state-controlled investment company that is nevertheless run on for-profit lines. 淡马锡模式对中国颇具吸引力:一家政府控制的投资公司,却以追求盈利的模式运营。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Today my investment company invests in South America, Asia, Norway and Russia. 现在我的投资公司在南美、亚洲、挪威和俄罗斯等地都拥有投资。 dict.ebigear.com 9. The spring of 1956 Buffett returned home business founded his own investment company. 1956年春天,巴菲特回乡创业,创办了自己的投资公司。 www.bing.com 10. Viva's investors include MKW Capital, a private investment company, and the family of Edmund Ho, Macao's former chief executive. 非凡的股东包括私人投资公司创裕资本管理(MKWCapital),以及澳门前行政长官何厚铧(EdmundHo)家族。 www.ftchinese.com 1. It is an pioneer consequential type investment company in line with the new process in the Chinese pharmaceutical market. 是配合中国医药市场新进程中相应而生的先锋型投资企业。 www.jobmd.cn 2. Almost one-third of Americans with personal pensions have assets in such funds, according to the Investment Company Institute. 根据投资公司机构的统计,几乎三分之一的美国个人养老金持有此类基金。 www.showxiu.com 3. Hello, my name is Christine. I am the human resources manager of an investment company. 你好,我叫克里斯丁,是一间投资公司的人资经理。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Jerry Webman is chief economist for OppenheimerFunds, an investment company. 杰瑞·韦伯曼(JerryWebman)是一家名为奥本海默基金的投资公司的首席经济学家。 www.ebigear.com 5. Third, the investment company shares rather than vote. 投股票而不是投公司。 www.xiami360.com 6. American equity mutual funds have seen net outflows this year of $7 billion, according to the Investment Company Institute, a trade group. 今年美国的股票共同基金已经出现了70亿美元的净资本流出,一家行业协会的调查显示。 www.ecocn.org 7. Temasek, the Singapore state-owned investment company, sold shares in two of China's big banks for $3. 6bn. 新加坡国有投资公司淡马锡(Temasek)以36亿美元的价格,出售了所持中国两家大银行的股份。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In addition, Facebook is getting a $500 million infusion from Goldman and Russian investment company Digital Sky Technologies. 此外,Facebook还从高盛和俄罗斯投资商数字天空技术(DigitalSkyTechnologies,以下简称DST)那里获得了总计5亿美元的注资。 c.wsj.com 9. And there were only a handful of mutual funds in operation: 98 in 1950, according to the Investment Company Institute. 可供选择的共同基金也屈指可数:据美国投资公司协会记载,到1950年仅有98支。 www.bing.com 10. The past co-productions are mostly Hongkong investment company, issued in the mainland. 过去合拍片大部分都是香港公司投资,在内地发行。 www.bing.com 1. In the three periods, investment company laws have changed from looseness to strictness and to looseness again. 投资公司的法律制度在三个时期经历了从严格到宽松再到严格的发展过程。 www.13191.com 2. College or above, major in German, 1 or 2 years' working experience in foreign investment company or outstanding graduate. 本科以上学历,德语专业,一到两年外企工作经验或资质很好的应届毕业生。 www.xyzp.net 3. Mr Agnelli will be replaced by Murilo Ferreira, who returns to Vale after a three-year stint at an investment company. 而穆里洛?费雷拉(MuriloFerreira)结束在一家投资公司三年的工作后,将重返回淡水河谷,接替阿涅利的职务。 www.ecocn.org 4. Or into a seconde-Stone, a huge investment in the future to buy Shi Yuzhu of the giant investment company? 或成为第二个四通电子,将来出巨资买下史玉柱的巨人投资公司? dict.kekenet.com 5. Singapore Airlines and the government-owned investment company Temasek Holdings Pte. 新加坡航空公司和新加坡国有投资公司淡马锡控股(TemasekHoldingsPte。 www.shinewrite.com 6. P. Morgan to take over that investment company. 摩根接管这家投资公司(贝尔斯登)。 www.ecocn.org 7. College or above, 1 or 2 years' working experience in foreign investment company or outstanding graduate. 本科以上学历,一到两年外企工作经验或资质很好的应届毕业生。 www.haoqiantu.cn 8. During the first four months of 2011, $18 billion shifted into U. S. stock funds, according to the Investment Company Institute. 据研究机构InvestmentCompanyInstitute透露,在2011年头四个月内,共有180亿美元的资金被转移到美国的股票型基金中。 c.wsj.com 9. Mr Elkann is also chairman of Exor, the Agnellis' listed investment company which holds a 30% stake in Fiat. 埃尔康先生还是Agnelli旗下上市投资公司Exor的主席,该公司持有菲亚特30%的股份。 ecocn.org 10. About $185 billion was sent to bond funds through July 31, the most on record, according to the Investment Company Institute. 据美国投资公司学会(InvestmentCompanyInstitute)统计,截止到7月31日,有1850亿美元流入债券市场,多数记录在案 www.bing.com 1. Some $62 billion has left money market funds in the past two weeks, according to the Investment Company Institute. 据美国投资公司协会(InvestmentCompanyInstitute)称,过去两周约有620亿美元被撤出货币市场基金。 cn.wsj.com 2. It is a wholly own foreign investment company (WOFI). In February 2008 Huisman China proudly presented its first 800 tons crane. 2008年2月,豪氏威马中国自豪地完成了其在国内生产制造的第一台800吨起重机。 www.yingjiesheng.com 3. Second 708 institute should established investment company, so that it can concentrate its resources to strive its non ship business. 二是要成立投资公司,集中力量做好我所的非船产业; www.juhe8.com 4. These are simple, is the national investment company, I hope that friends from various circles throughout. 以上是简单的介绍,现我公司全国招商,希望各界朋友惠顾。 www.tonke.cn 5. In 2000 there were 80 exchange-traded funds that held roughly $45 billion in assets, according to the Investment Company Institute. 2000年有80支交易所基金,资产大概有450亿美元,根据投资公司协会的数据。 www.bing.com 6. He has put out$10, 000in the Oversea Chinese Investment Company. 他在华侨公司投资了1万美元。 dict.ebigear.com 7. One risk investment company said, at present, emerging enterprise only needs USD 250, 000 to USD 750, 000 to operate. 一家风险投资公司称,目前新兴企业仅需25~75万美元就可开始运营。 www.elanso.com 8. For example, in Guangdong province there are many large domestic investment company. 例如在广东就有许多大型的港资公司。 www.bing.com 9. We are a well-established financial institution and investment company based in Hong Kong for more than 3 years. 我们是一家独资而有良好发展的金融信息与投资公司。 www.jobif.com 10. Taxpayer : yes , I am a general director of s foreign investment company . I want to know how to pay tax on my income ? 纳税人:我是ABC公司的董事长,想咨询一下我的所得如何纳税。 www.24en.com 1. The Epitome of a Operator of a City --Hunan Futai Realty & Investment Company Establishing in and serving Zhuzhou 一个城市运营者的剪影——湖南福泰房地产投资有限公司湖南福泰房地产投资有限公司立足株洲,立足株洲,服务株洲 wenku.baidu.com 2. Medicine electronic commerce; Investment company; Balanced Scorecard; Performance Management; Key Performance Index; 医药电子商务;投资公司;平衡积分卡;绩效管理;关键业绩指标; www.zidir.com 3. Citic Pacific, the Hong Kong-listed arm of China's biggest investment company, said yesterday it would offload some non-core assets. 中国最大的投资公司旗下的香港上市公司中信泰富(CiticPacific)昨日表示,将剥离一些非核心资产。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Gloria Hotels & Resorts, which was formed in 1992, is a Hong Kong registered Hotel Consultancy, Management and Investment Company. 1992年在香港成立的专业从事酒店投资、管理及顾问咨询的有限公司。 job.veryeast.cn 5. The creativity of hospital state-owned property rights management mechanism-hospital investment company 医院国有资产管理体制创新--医院投资公司 ilib.cn 6. State-owned investment company; Equity investment efficiency; Factor analysis; 国有投资公司;股权投资效率;因素浅析浅析; www.zidir.com 7. Overseas Chinese International Investment Company v. Changjiang Films Company 国际华侨公司诉长江影业公司影片发行权许可合同纠纷案 www.lawinfochina.com 8. Probe into System about the External- Appointing Supervisory Committee in the State- Owned Exclusive Investment Company 对国有独资公司实行外派监事会制度的探讨 www.ilib.cn 9. State-owned Investment Company; "Impression of the Three Gorges" cultural tourism project; Project Selection policy; 国有投资公司;“印象三峡”文化旅游项目;项目选择对策; www.zidir.com 10. Investment Fund; Investment Company; Diversification of Funds; 投资基金;投资公司;品种多元化; www.zidir.com 1. Cooperative Mechanism: Security Company and Trust Investment Company 证券公司与信托投资公司业务合作机制的探讨 www.ilib.cn 2. Essentials and Methods of Construction Investment Control for Investment Company 浅析投资公司对工程投资的控制要点及方法 www.ilib.cn 3. National Investment Company Service Association, NICSA 及全国投资公司服务协会 hardman121.blog.hexun.com 4. Exhibition Producer: Beijing HuosaiZhiku Cultural Investment Company 展览出品:北京活塞智库文化投资 bbs.ent.tom.com 5. Feasibility of Establishing Ningbo Risk Investment Company 构建宁波风险投资公司的可行性研究 ilib.cn 6. Optimizing the Foundation Pattern of State Investment Company of China with Foreign Experience 借鉴国外经验优化我国外汇投资公司模式 www.ilib.cn 7. Kowloon Investment Company Limited Factory Building 九龙企业有限公司大厦 hongkong.9om.com 8. Nantong Urban-Rural Construction Investment Company 南通城乡建设投资公司 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 9. Yum! Restaurants (China) Investment Company Limited 百胜(中国)投资有限公司 www.qiyeku.com 10. Verification of the paid-in capital of foreign investment company 外商投资企业实收资本的验证 www.tj-guangxin.com 1. Wonders Overseas Education and Investment Company 加拿大华通海外教育投资服务公司 www.chuguo123.com 2. Research of the theory of the stock choice of China's investment company 我国投资公司股票选择理论研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Speaker: Ping Xie, Central Huijin Investment Company Limited 讲演人:谢平:中央汇金投资有限责任公司董事长 www.em.tsinghua.edu.cn 4. The organization design of hospital investment company 医院投资公司的组织设计 ilib.cn 5. Tianjin Harvest Investment Company Limited 天津华维斯特投资有限公司 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 6. two investment company--- Guangzhou Orient Huaqiang Investment Co. Ltd and Zhejiang Jinqiang Investment & Development Co. Ltd; 二家投资公司----广州市东方华强投资有限公司、浙江金强投资发展有限公司; blog.sina.com.cn 7. Have internship experience in foreign investment company is a plus; 曾有外资公司实习经验者优先考虑; www.job001.cn 8. On the adjustment system of difficult position of obligatory right in state investment company 试论国有投资公司不良债权的调整机制 www.ilib.cn 9. The Risk Management of Trust and Investment Company: Study from the Annual Report 信托投资公司风险管理:透过年报的思考 ilib.cn 10. Analysis on Orientation of State-owned Investment Company in New Period 新时期国有投资公司发展定位探析 www.ilib.cn 1. Thip Industry Investment Company Limited 天津新技术产业园区工业投资公司 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 2. Risk Precautions In the Risk Investment Company Operation 风险投资公司操作中的风险防范 www.ichacha.net 3. China Access Paper Investment Company Limited 凯士华纸业投资有限 irm.p5w.net 4. Xiamen Union Trust Investment Company Limited 厦门联合信托投资有限责任公司 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 5. Cooperation with Wenzhou Developemt and Investment Company 温州市开发投资公司对外合作 www.wzren.com 6. Necessary skills: Male, be willing to work in a foreign investment company; 男,愿意在外资公司上班; www.siphrd.com 7. Register application for setup of foreign investment company 外资企业注册申请 www.juruchina.com 8. Investment Policy of Risk Investment Company 试论风险投资公司的投资决策 www.ilib.cn 9. American Funds Investment Company of America 基金家族:美国基金 archpei.blog.hexun.com 10. Intension and Status of State-owned Investment Company 国有投资公司的内涵及地位 ilib.cn 1. Shenzhen Kangdayi Investment Company Limited 深圳康达溢投资公司 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 2. Beijing Huafang Investment Company Limited 北京华方投资经营公司 mycapital.blog.hexun.com 3. A Study of Constructing Small Business Investment Company Program in China 我国实施小企业投资公司计划探析 www.ilib.cn 4. On the Present Condition and Development of State-Owned Risk Investment Company 论国有风险投资公司的现状及发展 ilib.cn 5. Attracting foreign strategic investment and push forward the development of trust investment company 引进境外战略投资者推动信托投资公司的发展 www.ilib.cn 6. Prof. Y. Mirkin Director, Institute of Financial Markets, Finance Academy Chairman, Board of Directors, Eurofinance Investment Company 米尔金,财政学院金融市场研究所所长,欧洲金融投资公司董事长 blog.sina.com.cn 7. 1----2006. 2 Pohang China Investment company enhances the surveillant to supervise ability training; 1----2006.2浦项中国投资公司的提高监督者监督能力的培训; baike.china.alibaba.com 8. Development Strategies and Task Target of Our Country's State-owned Investment Company 我国国有投资公司的发展战略及其任务目标 www.ilib.cn 9. Hong Kong Dawn International ring Business Investment company primary service demonstration chart 香港曙光国际集团商贸投资公司主要业务展示 ok51.wangzhan8.com |
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