单词 | investment bankers | ||||
释义 | investment bankers
例句释义: 投资银行家,投资银行员 1. Investment bankers are losing their jobs or at least seeing their bonuses cut, and hedge-fund managers are going out of business. 投资银行家们丢了他们的饭碗,或者至少看到他们的奖金在减少,对冲基金经理没了生意。 www.ecocn.org 2. But all of this noise and fury, it seems to me, is dancing around the same question: are London's investment bankers paid too much? 所有这些反对的噪音和愤慨,在我看来,它围绕着同一个问题:是否支付给了伦敦投资银行家们太高的薪水? www.bing.com 3. We have entrepreneurs and investment bankers but the attitude is all the same: He's fashion-conscious but he's not a fashionista. 我们的顾客里有企业家,有投资银行家,不过他们的消费态度都是一致的:讲究时尚,但又并非时尚狂人。 c.wsj.com 4. But they also count on investment bankers to structure financial deals in the best interest of the company and its shareholders. 但他们同样也关注投资银行家按公司和它的股东的最大利益来安排财务交易。 www.esnai.com 5. Credit Suisse is also trying to cast a wider net by hiring former investment bankers or retail bankers, who want to make a career change. 瑞士信贷也在努力把招聘之网撒大一点,把目标对准那些曾经担任投资银行家或零售银行家、希望进行职业转型的人。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In equities, pay is expected to shrink 29% from a year earlier, while investment bankers are expected to take a 14% haircut. 股票业务方面,薪酬预计将同比下滑29%,而投资银行家的薪酬预计将减少14%。 chinese.wsj.com 7. All this has been swept away along with the $10m bonuses that Wall Street investment bankers had come to regard as a birthright. 所有这一切,连同华尔街投行家视为与生俱来权利的上千万美元红利,均已荡然无存。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Investment bankers in London, for instance, often work with bankers in Jersey on mergers and acquisitions. 比如,伦敦的投资银行家们就经常就收购和并购等业务和泽西岛到进行合作。 www.ecocn.org 9. By September, all investment bankers have started to lobby as if their lives depended on it. 到了9月份,所有投行人士则全力以赴,展开各自的游说活动。 www.ftchinese.com 10. couple of years ago, publicly quoted Chinese mega-banks were just a glimmer in investment bankers' eyes. 两年前,在投资银行家眼中,中国的大型上市银行还不足为虑。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Regardless of their fates, the moral of the story is obvious. Listen a little more to shareholders, and a little less to investment bankers. 不管他们的命运如何,整个事件的教育意义都是显而易见的:多听一点股东的意见,少听一点投资银行家的话。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The report into Lehman's failure will no doubt prompt much snorting about swindling investment bankers. 雷曼(Lehman)破产调查报告,无疑会让人们对坑蒙拐骗的投资银行家嗤之以鼻。 www.ftchinese.com 3. We've seen you with vomit in your hair, making out with investment bankers in the men's room at P. J. Clarke's. 我们看见醉酒后的你,头发沾着呕吐物,在P.JClarke’s的男厕所里与投资银行家乱来。 www.bing.com 4. Investment bankers in New York are looking at a wide range of alternatives, including changing careers and changing locations. 纽约的银行投资家正在考虑大范围的选择性,包括换行和换场所。 www.hjenglish.com 5. There are of course different views on Mr. Diamond, considered to be one of Britain's best known and most controversial investment bankers. 当然,大家对戴蒙德看法各异。他是英国最著名,也是最具争议性的投资银行家之一。 cn.nytimes.com 6. "We heard investment bankers had been exploring the opportunities, " Dickens said in an interview. 狄更斯在一次采访中说:“我们听说投资银行家们一直在探索这样的机会。” www.bing.com 7. Firm Commitment An arrangement whereby investment bankers purchase the new issue shares of a company outright for resale to the public. 投资银行购买某公司的全部新股向公众出售的安排。 www.putclub.com 8. Of investment bankers, he says disdainfully: "Since they lost all their clients' money, they have been pestering me to give them mine. " 谈及投资银行家,他轻蔑地说:“自打把客户所有的钱都赔光后,他们就一直缠着我把钱给他们管理。” www.ftchinese.com 9. american investment bankers brought a brash new style to its financial markets , including breathtaking bonuses and early starts. 美国投资银行家们带来了一整套金融市场新的管理方式,包括那令人咋舌的奖金和先进的管理思想。 www.ichacha.net 10. Inside Wall Street firms, some traders and investment bankers are grousing about a second year in a row of disappointing compensation. 在华尔街各家公司内部,由于薪酬连续两年让人失望,一些交易员和投资银行家牢骚满腹。 c.wsj.com 1. Indeed, investment bankers transformed stock markets into a surreal circus. 确实,投资银行把股票市场变成了一个超现实的马戏团。 www.bing.com 2. That, and a phalanx of under-employed investment bankers, appears to have turned its head. 这些因素加上一帮业务不足的投资银行家,似乎推动了该公司把目光投向海外。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Analysts, investment bankers and MF Global employees say the company likely needs to finalize a deal by Monday. 分析师、投资银行家以及全球曼氏金融的雇员表示,该公司可能必须要在周一前敲定一笔交易。 cn.wsj.com 4. Investment bankers, CEOs and other high paid types would be thrown out of their jobs or see they paychecks cut. 投资银行家,总裁还有其他高薪人士最后要不丢了工作,要不就是收入缩水。 www.bing.com 5. Few investment bankers would stand around chatting to all-comers as he does at functions and parties. 很少有投资银行家会在社交宴会及派对上像他那样与所有人都侃侃而谈。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Like other professionals, investment bankers tend not to compete on price lest customers interpret low fees as a sign of poor quality. 和其他的投资领域一样,投资银行家一般不愿意参与降价战,生怕客户把低价服务解读成劣等产品。 www.putclub.com 7. Oyu Tolgoi is the poster project for a national mining boom that sees Ulaanbaatar crawling with foreign miners and their investment bankers. 奥尤陶勒盖是国家矿业兴隆的一个招牌式项目,它让外国矿业公司和他们的投资银行一起涌入乌兰巴托。 www.kekenet.com 8. CAR salesmen, real estate agents and investment bankers are among the most likely to lose their jobs this year, a new study says. 一份新的调查显示,汽车销售人员,房地产代理商,以及投资银行家是最可能在新年丢饭碗的人。 www.bing.com 9. They say investment bankers often raise the prospect of a shadowy Chinese bidder in order to push up the price of an asset. 他们表示,投资银行家常常会杜撰一个中国竞购者,以推高一项资产的价格。 www.ftchinese.com 10. LIKE the bloke in a bar who methodically offers to buy each of the single women a drink, investment bankers are optimists at heart. 如同在酒吧里不紧不慢请每一位单身女士喝一杯的家伙一样,这帮投资银行家们打心眼儿里都是乐天派。 xiaozu.renren.com 1. Variable compensation in cash for investment bankers will be 95 per cent down on the previous year, and 80 per cent lower across the group. 投资银行家的现金可变薪酬将较前一年减少95%,整个集团的薪酬也将较前一年减少80%。 www.ftchinese.com 2. This frenzy of mergers has been a rare bright spot for investment bankers of late. 这个并购狂潮已经成为近期投资银行家眼中罕见的亮点。 www.ecocn.org 3. Most of this profit has historically gone to investment bankers, notes Philipp Hildebrand, chairman of the Swiss National Bank. 瑞士国家银行主席PhilippHildebran指出,历史上,这些利润中的大部分都流进了投资银行家的口袋。 xiaozu.renren.com 4. Bonuses and league-table standings tend to dominate investment bankers' minds as the year draws to a close. 着年底临近,投资银行家脑子里想的往往是奖金和排行榜排名。 c.wsj.com 5. Investment bankers like nothing better than the challenge of creating products to get around rules designed to restrain their clients. 投资银行家就是喜欢挑战建立各种产品,去规避用于限制他们客户的法令规章。 www.ecocn.org 6. In addition, some investment bankers were hired with "guaranteed bonuses" , which have to be paid even if the employee has generated a loss. 此外,一些投资银行家在接受聘用时签订了“保底奖金”协议,即便该雇员造成损失,投行也必须向他支付奖金。 www.ftchinese.com 7. These exits have added to concerns that investment bankers are losing influence to those who have come up through the trading operations. 这些人的离去,使人们更加担忧:在与那些交易业务出身的人的竞争中,投资银行家们的影响力正在丧失。 forum.chasedream.com 8. Generates business opportunities through alliance program, relationship with investment bankers, law firms, venture capitals, etc. 通过联合计划及与投资银行、律师事务所、风险资金等的关系发展业务机会; www.renhe.cn 9. Still, the fantasy of the strategic visionary is vigorously promoted by management consultants, investment bankers and analysts. 尽管如此,战略空想家的幻想得到了管理顾问、投资银行家和分析师的推波助澜。 www.ftchinese.com 10. But there is nothing like alternative investors sitting on piles of idle cash to get investment bankers excited. 但是没有什么像拥有大量闲散资金的其他投资者使投资银行家们更加兴奋的了。 www.ecocn.org 1. Will investment bankers be plummeting from the windows down on Wall Street? 会有投资银行家头冲下从华尔街的某个窗口蹦出来吗? www.bing.com 2. When I was a student here at the business school most people wanted to become consultants or investment bankers. Those were the hot jobs. 在我还是商业学院一名学生的时候,绝大多数人都希望日后成为咨询师或者投行家。 hi.baidu.com 3. The firm replies that its investment bankers approved the deal, and that it thinks the offer price was fair. 电讯盈科回应称,其投资银行批准了这一交易并认为报价是合理的。 www.bing.com 4. Investment bankers have more opportunities to spot potential targets before they go on the block. 投资银行家们有更多的机会在开始招标之前发掘出潜在的收购对象。 www.ecocn.org 5. Investment bankers have been making proposals to Groupon about a potential IPO since January. 自1月以来,投资银行一直在就可能的IPO向Groupon提供建议。 c.wsj.com 6. Investment bankers say the rise in outbound M&A is the culmination of US dollar weakness as well as structural factors. 投资银行家表示,海外并购数量的上升,是美元疲软和一些结构性因素的最终结果。 www.ftchinese.com 7. No prizes for guessing what US investment bankers would be telling Chinese companies. 不用猜也知道美国投资银行家会跟中国企业说些什么。 www.ftchinese.com 8. That move helped destroy investment bankers' credibility with the public and many politicians. 这样的举动只会帮助破坏投资银行家们在公众和政府面前的信誉。 www.ecocn.org 9. The game of large, financially strong miners picking off small, distressed competitors is slowing, analysts and investment bankers say. 多位分析师和投资银行人士表示,财务稳健的大型矿企收购陷入困境的小型竞争对手的步伐正在放缓。 cn.reuters.com 10. Investment bankers are scrambling to work out what is happening to China's markets even as they prepare more companies for flotation. 投资银行家们正在争先恐后地想搞清中国市场发生了什么,正如他们在为更多公司准备挂盘上市。 www.bing.com 1. Investment bankers worldwide have every reason to look back on 2006 with a warm glow of affection. 世界各地的投资银行家完全有理由带着兴奋的心情来回顾2006年。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Second, investment bankers should strengthen training professional personnel, establish the brand, and form feature of M & A. 其次,要加强专业人才培育,树立并购品牌,形成并购特色; www.zidir.com 3. An arrangement giving the investment bankers the right to cancel the agreement if a new issue is not fully subscribed. 整批委托赋予投资银行在新股没有完全被认购时取消协议的安排。 www.gzu521.com 4. In July it hired investment bankers, signalling that it is willing to divest assets to gain regulatory approval. 七月,它雇佣了投资银行,意味着它愿意剥离资产以获得调查机构的准许。 www.kekenet.com 5. In the 19th century, countries were prone to dispatch navies to secure a flow of goods. Today, they send investment bankers. 在十九世纪,列强是靠坚船利炮来抢占资源,而如今取而代之的则是投资银行家。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It is not just investment bankers and top executives whose pay structures need to be rethought. 这不光是投行银行家和高管的薪酬结构需要重构。 www.ecocn.org 7. Underwriters A group of investment bankers that agree to purchase new issue stock from the issuer for resale to the investing public. 同意向发行人购买新股,向社会分销的投资银行团体。 www.scientrans.com 8. That argument is correct, but more compelling to investment bankers than to depositors or taxpayers. 这种论调是正确的,可惜对储户和纳税人的说服力不像对投资银行家那么大。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Maybe he had the wrong vision or got talked into something by investment bankers. everyone errs. 可能他们会有一些错误的观点或者陷入投资银行家的圈套当中。 www.docin.com 10. The track for investment bankers goes from analyst, to associate, to vice president, to director, to managing director. 投资银行业者的发展路径是分析师、银行家、副总裁、董事和董事总经理。 c.wsj.com 1. Moreover, investment bankers are oriented towards doing deals, not building companies. 而且,投资银行家总是倾向于完成交易,而不是建立公司。 www.bing.com 2. This had engendered among all those highly paid investment bankers and traders an insouciant indifference to risk. 这导致所有那些高收入的投资银行家和交易员对风险漠不关心。 www.ftchinese.com 3. They will also fuel concerns among investment bankers about widespread job losses if activity does not pick up. 这些数据还使投行人士更加担心,如果交易水平不能回升,将造成大量人员失业。 www.ftchinese.com 4. But below boardroom level, RBS and other groups are preparing to pay bonuses to investment bankers who continue to generate profits. 但对于董事级别以下的员工,苏格兰皇家银行和其他集团仍准备向继续产生利润的投资银行家们支付奖金。 www.bing.com 5. Jobless investment bankers are legion, though few are willing to admit to being "unemployed" . 失业投资银行家多如牛毛,举不胜举,虽然他们中几乎无人愿意承认自己“失业”。 edu.sina.com.cn 6. The banks' annual reports prefer to trumpet their investment bankers' passionate focus on clients' needs. 银行的年报更乐于大肆宣扬投资银行家们对客户需求的热切关注。 www.ftchinese.com 7. But as one Thai government adviser noted, it can be hard to distinguish between the felons and the investment bankers on vacation. 但是一位泰国政府顾问说,在假期就很难区分逃犯和投资银行家。 dongxi.net 8. And, he could add, supporting the investment bankers. 他还可以加上一句:支持投资银行家。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Deutsche declined to confirm reports that bonuses for its investment bankers would be cut by 60 per cent. 有报道称,德意志银行投资银行家的奖金将减少60%。该银行拒绝证实这一报道。 www.ftchinese.com 10. U. S. officials also are examining hedge funds, mutual funds, research firms, investment bankers and others in the probe. 美国官员同时也在调查对冲基金、共同基金、研究公司以及投资银行家等。 chinese.wsj.com 1. They argue that the financial crisis is caused by greedy American investment bankers and China should not help to bail them out. 质疑者认为贪婪的美国投资银行家导致了此次金融危机,中国不应该救助他们。 www.bing.com 2. Some investment bankers believe that Chinese companies could act before the global economy stabilises. 一些投资银行家认为,中国企业可能在全球经济企稳之前出手。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Wasn't it the fault of barely legal mortgage underwriting, overpaid investment bankers and the intoxication of easy credit? 贷款保险钻法律空子、投资银行家暴利经营、宽松的借贷条件让人们沉醉其中,错误不都是他们造成的吗? www.bing.com 4. To invert Karl Marx, investment bankers may have nothing to gain but their chains. 将马克思的理论颠倒一下,这些投行也许除了锁链外什么也得不到。 www.ecocn.org 5. Fee-hungry investment bankers will always be on hand to explain why a giant takeover provides the strategic solution. 渴望赚取费用的投资银行家,总会愿意解释一宗庞大收购交易为何提供了战略解决方案。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Investment bankers on Wall Street and rating agencies suffered from similar infirmities. 在华尔街的银行投资者和机构都拥有同样的缺点。 dongxi.net 7. The mergers-and-acquisitions craze is good news for lawyers, accountants, and investment bankers. 公司的重组和并购热对于律师,会计还有投资银行家们总是好事情。摩根大通和摩根士丹利都在高调的进行竞标。 www.bing.com 8. Their occupants are investment bankers and corporate executives. 它们的使用者是投资银行家和企业高管。 545418512.qzone.qq.com 9. Former Merrill Lynch investment bankers such as Mr. Horowitz have contributed mightily to Bank of America's profits since the merger. 霍洛维茨等前美林投资银行部门员工在公司合并后,给美国银行利润带来了重要贡献。 c.wsj.com 10. However, investment bankers say that deals in the pipeline are set to push the full-year total above the 2010 level. 不过,投行人士表示,从目前正在筹备的交易看,今年全年交易总值势必高于2010年水平。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Investment bankers have structured some newer securities in highly complex ways. 投资银行用极为复杂的方式组织了一些新的有价证券。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. For now, though, capital generation is the preserve of their investment bankers. 不过目前,创造资本仍然是投资银行部门的专职。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Investment bankers are specialists who assist in the issue and sale of new securities. 投资银行家是协助事务发展和销售新债权的专家。 www.douban.com 4. The last refuge for investment bankers is under siege. 投资银行家们的最后一个避难所如今也遭到了围攻。 bbs.enfamily.cn 5. Some investment bankers evacuated their families or left themselves. 一些投资银行家要么送走了家人,要么本人也已拔脚离开。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Some banks have moved investment bankers into these less glamorous but more promising areas. 一些银行已经将投资银行家调入这些不那么刺激但更有前途的领域。 www.ecocn.org 7. There are plenty of wanna-be engineers, doctors, scientists, lawyers, investment bankers, etc. 这里有很多未来的工程师,医生,科学家,律师以及投资银行家等。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. So someone has to defend investment bankers before laws and regulations are passed and unintended consequences follow. 所以,在法令法规出台并带来不良后果之前,必须有人站出来为投行人士辩护。 www.ftchinese.com 9. These include 70, 000 civil disturbances each year that are not factored into the linear growth forecasts beloved of investment bankers. 这包括每年发生的7万起骚乱,而投资银行家钟爱的直线增长预测,并未将这些因素纳入考虑范围。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Investment bankers said that overseas retailers in the US and Europe have long coveted Gome's footprint on the mainland. 投资银行家表示,美欧的海外零售商向来垂涎国美在中国内地的业务版图。 www.ftchinese.com 1. However, investment bankers remained confident M&A activity would pick up again next year. 然而,投资银行家仍然相信,并购活动在明年将再度活跃起来。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But putting together a team of investment bankers to cover China is not cheap. 然而,组建投资银行家团队开展中国业务的成本并不低廉。 www.ftchinese.com 3. It is likely that many of those top earners were either top hedge-fund managers, private-equity chiefs or investment bankers. 这些高收入者中,很多人是顶级对冲基金经理或是私募股权公司老板或投资银行家。 www.putclub.com 4. Investment bankers for media, health care and consumer industries. 为媒介,护理和消费者工业的投资银行家。 www.lawyercn.com 5. In the pecking order at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. , traders trounced investment bankers for most of the past decade. 过去十年的大部分时间里,就高盛集团(GoldmanSachsGroupInc.)的业绩排名来看,交易员远远强过投资银行家。 c.wsj.com 6. IT IS not just investment bankers who face extinction: more animals are now at risk too. 濒临灭绝的并不只有投资银行,越来越多的动物现在也处境堪忧。 www.bing.com 7. Fishermen, in other words, are a lot like American investment bankers. 换句话说,渔民在很多方面像美国投资银行家。 www.bing.com 8. investment bankers and the women who hate them, classmates from Steiner, Dalton and Brown. 投资银行家、讨厌银行家的女人,从斯泰纳来的同学,道尔顿和布朗。 www.kekenet.com 9. In India and South Korea, fees generally are about 1%, or even lower for government deals, investment bankers say. 投资银行家说,印度和韩国一般是1%左右,如遇政府交易则更低。 c.wsj.com 10. Investment bankers have other advantages. 投资银行家还有其他的优势。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Traders, and investment bankers, and others in the financial world, tend to gossip. 交易员、投资银行家以及金融业其他人士往往会传播小道消息。 www.ftchinese.com 2. It is the uncompromising, compelling voice of dharma. This is an answer that the investment bankers might ponder. 这就是既不可迁就又引人注目的原则,也是值得投资银行家们需要深思的一个结论。 dongxi.net 3. A crisis created by investment bankers will be paid for by shop assistants and office cleaners. 投资银行家引发的危机最终却要店员及办公室清洁工来承担。 www.ecocn.org 4. Today , as NPC's head of research, I still cross paths with the same investment bankers, traders and hedge fund executives I did at Goldman. 如今,作为NPC的研究主管,我仍然像在高盛一样,往来穿梭于那些相同的投资银行家、交易员和对冲基金高管之间。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Investment bankers also underwrite new issues of bonds or stocks. 投资银行家们同时也是认购新股票的人。 www.douban.com 6. But that limit doesn't count 'deferred cash' awards, which some investment bankers and traders are getting. 但这一限制并不涉及一些投行员工和交易员获得的“延期支付现金”。 cn.wsj.com 7. Credit Suisse's One Bank initiative largely depends on incentivising private and investment bankers to bring each other their clients. 瑞信的OneBank举措在很大程度上取决于激励私人银行经理和投行经理相互介绍客户。 www.ftchinese.com 8. I'm a contaminator for all those children of investment bankers -- wankers. 我是有感染力的,对那些投资银行家的小孩而言--那些瘪三。 www.ted.com 9. Ideal candidates for this position are seasoned investment bankers in China with demonstrated M&A execution and origination experience. 本职位理想的人选为资深的中国投资银行家,须有丰富的并购交易发起与执行经验。 www.gao8dou.com 10. Traders, investment bankers, and even some bank tellers will be told details about the new rules as they get their bonuses for 2009. 交易员、投资银行家甚至是银行柜员都会在领取09年奖金的时候被告知这一新规细则。 c.wsj.com 1. Some say they struggle to rein in their investment bankers. 有些受访者说他们很难驾驭他们的投资银行家。 www.bing.com 2. It is appropriate for burnt-out investment bankers, not for hungry families. 只适合疲劳的投资银行家,不适合穷人家。 www.bing.com 3. British investment bankers are doing best of all, with pay in some banks increasing by as much as 20%. 英国投资者做得最好,一些银行给他们高涨了20%的工资。 www.ecocn.org 4. I asked him how he felt about his fellow regulars, the investment bankers. 我问起他如何看待与他一样常来本酒吧的老主雇---投资银行的人。 www.ecocn.org 5. With their 15-hour days and enormous incomes, investment bankers have limited grasp of cultures beyond investment banking. 每天工作15个小时、收入丰厚的投资银行家们,对投资银行业以外的文化知之甚少。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Become investment bankers moving around non-existent money in theform of paper? 在一个没钱的地方当投资银行家? www.bing.com 7. It is possible to imagine that one day investment bankers may again be welcome at dinner parties. 可以想象,终有一天,投资银行家可能再次成为晚宴的宠儿。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Subsidiary of one company started 1989 which operates as investment bankers. 一家公司的子公司1989年作为该公司的银行投资开始运作。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 9. Investment bankers now await the film's 2010 version with eager anticipation. 投资银行家们现在正热切期待着该片2010年版的上映。 www.ftchinese.com 10. When even investment bankers fret, it is a pretty good signal to the rest of us to order a stiff drink3. 如果连投行家们都开始担忧了,那么其他人也应该做好十足准备来应对了。 www.ecocn.org 1. [E]xecutives under Mr. Blankfein changed the way investment bankers were measured. 布兰克费恩的领导团队的改变了衡量投资银行家的方式。 www.bing.com 2. The incentive pool from which investment bankers' bonuses are paid will be down by about 20 per cent. 激励投资银行家的奖金池规模将收缩20%左右。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Investment bankers say they are working on several deals that mirror the Xugong transaction. 投资银行家们表示,他们正在从事几笔与徐工交易完全类似的交易。 www.ftchinese.com 4. With their spreadsheets and teams of math geeks, investment bankers like to show their deal work as a kind of deep science. 资银行家们喜欢用电子表格和由数学高人组成的团队来显示自己的交易工作是一门深奥的科学。 www.bing.com 5. The working day began at 8am, the crack of dawn for investment bankers in those days. 工作日8点上班,对于投行家来说此时正是破晓时分。 www.ecocn.org 6. At issue is whether investment bankers have a fiduciary duty to the clients they advise. 问题是,是否有投资银行家有一个受讬责任向他们的客户提供谘询意见。 www.uzmart.com 7. He thinks the investment bankers who filled the Playwright at lunchtime (and at 5pm on good days) were honest, hard-working people. 他认为,午饭时(包括下午5时后的好时光)把小酒馆坐满的那些投资银行雇员们是忠诚可靠、工作努力的人。 www.ecocn.org 8. No burning investment bankers in the street. 没有当街焚烧投资银行家。 www.bing.com 9. Yet for most investment bankers who work silly hours there is a deal. 但是对大多数超时工作的投资银行家来说,他们的做法本身就是宗交易。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Investment bankers have not only bounced back from the 2008 financial crisis but are more powerful than ever. 投资银行家不仅摆脱了2008年的金融危机卷土重来,而且变得空前强大。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Patrick Jane: They're called investment bankers, and they don't live around here. 简:那叫投资银行家,他们不住这附近。 www.douban.com 2. Investment bankers there are now sure to dial Chinese clients if they hear that a firm is a possible bid target. 那里的投资银行家现在一得知某个公司可能成为收购目标,肯定会联系中国的客户。 www.ecocn.org 3. Investment bankers, to the extent there are any left, will see the odd million or five lopped from their salaries and bonuses. 投资银行家(如果还有幸存的话)将会发现他们的工资和奖金会被去掉5个零。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Mr Serratt claims that "a high percentage" of investment bankers are addicted to work. 塞拉特先生宣称,投资银行家中有“相当高比例”的人对工作上瘾。 www.ftchinese.com 5. When investment bankers start pontificating on Hong Kong's housing and income inequality problems, you know it's a serious problem. 当投资银行家都开始以权威身份谈论香港的住房和收入不平等问题时,你就知道问题有多严重了。 chinese.wsj.com 6. The half-share of Daewoo Shipbuilding could fetch as much as won8, 000bn ($8. 7bn), investment bankers said. 投资银行家们表示,大宇造船一半的股权售价可能高达8兆韩元(合87亿美元)。 www.ftchinese.com 7. A record number of deals were cancelled in 2008 leading to a sharp fall in fees for investment bankers . 8年被取消的交易数量创出历史记录,导致投资银行手续费收入急剧下降。 www.bing.com 8. On the other hand, if investment bankers' bonuses dry up, so will their lavish spending. 同理,如果投资银行家的薪酬枯竭了,他们奢侈的消费方式也会戛然而止。 www.ecocn.org 9. GE is hiring a team of 20 inhouse investment bankers for its Shanghai office to find companies to buy in China and negotiate the deals. 通用电气上海办公室聘用了由20名内部投资银行家组成的团队,以物色在华收购目标,并进行交易谈判。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Goldman last year poached a team of real estate investment bankers from UBS Asia. 高盛去年就从瑞银亚洲(UBSAsia)挖来了一个房地产投行团队。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Kennelly reports that there was some give-and-take with the investment bankers over the benchmarks and the offering price 狗舍报告和投资银行业者在基点和提供价格之上有一些互让。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. The investment bankers, in turn, investigate the company to determine if they want to handle the deal 如果他们想要处理交易,在旋转的投资银行业者调查公司决定。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Investment bankers say the valuation process is as much an art as a science 投资银行业者说评价程序是像一个科学一样的很多一种艺术。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. You make projections and the investment bankers discount what you say by some factor that they believe is appropriate 你作发射和投资银行业者打折你所藉着一些因素说他们相信的很适当。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The investment bankers also consider "comparables, " which are publicly traded companies in the same industry as the IPO candidate 投资银行业者也考虑在如同IPO候选人一般的工业中公然地被交易公司的“可比较的,”。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. On Our National Investment Bankers And Their Cultivation Under The Financial Globalization 论金融全球化中我国投资银行家及其培育 www.ilib.cn 7. The investment bankers canvassed their institutional brokers to assess interest in your stock 投资银行业者彻底检查他们的制度经纪人估定对你的存货的兴趣。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The risk is that the recalibration will go too far: that innovators and entrepreneurs will be put in the stocks with investment bankers; 风险在于,这种调整可能会走得太远:改革者和创业者将与投资银行家一起被市场抛弃; www.wtokj.com |
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