单词 | internal cause |
释义 | 例句释义: 内因,内在原因,内应,内部原因 1. The internal cause and external conditions of the quality problems in cement concrete pavement construction are very complex. 水泥砼路面施工时出现的质量问题,其内因与外部条件,非常复杂。 m.qikan.com.cn 2. Great masters are the internal cause and decisive factor of the university development. 三者之间,大师是办好高校的软件,是内因,是决定性条件; www.ceps.com.tw 3. Thirdly, the article makes a full detail of the lack of enterprise "s credit, analyzes the internal cause and external cause. " 再次,本文列举了道路运输企业资信缺失的种种表现,并分析了其内外原因。 www.lw23.com 4. Consequently the authors explain the curvilinear characteristic from internal cause that shear strength is affected by water content. 从而从内因上解释曲线变化特征及阐述抗剪强度受含水量的影响。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. These led to internal cause of physics of shift of reflection and refraction electromagnetic waves in layers. 由这些性质导出了反射和折射电磁波在介质层中移动的物理机制。 www.juyy.net 6. Internal cause of acne is excessive heat, external cause is clean enough, the pores are sluggish, and is also associated with thicker skin. 痘痘的内因是内热过重,外因是洁净不够、毛孔不畅,与角质较厚也相联系。 99mrw.5d6d.com 7. It is first start from the internal cause, set out the proposal to improve the civil law protect of the network fictitious property. 文章的第四部分是重点,文章首先从内因出发,阐述完善网络虚拟财产民事法律保护的建议。 www.fabiao.net 8. But the trunk system that is the same as especially to Japan internal cause did not produce how old effect. 但对日本国内因特同的主干系统并未产生多大的影响。 terms.shengwuquan.com 9. This kind of composition is excretive of gastric mucous membrane albumen of a kind of candy, call " internal cause child " . 这种成分是胃黏膜分泌的一种糖蛋白,称为“内因子”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Can choose batten, still have among them counteract the tension that lily-white of room internal cause creates completely. 之所以会选择木条,其中还有中和室内因纯白的干净所造成的紧张。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. This article discusses the internal cause permeability and unity of Cauchy inequality in different fields. 讨论了柯西不等式在不同领域的内通性、渗透性和统一性。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The Character of the Process of Modernization and the Historic View--An Reflection on the analytic model of "internal cause-external cause" 现代化进程的性质及历史视野--对“内因-外因”分析模式的反思 www.ilib.cn 3. The law and internal cause of aid-grinding and dispersion effect of water-reducing agents on gypsum have been found out. 揭示了减水剂对石膏的助磨、分散作用的规律和本质。 www.keyanjijin.cn 4. As depressed as internal cause sex disease is similar, also expression is angst sex depressed with covet sex depressed. 与内因性抑郁症相似,也有表现为焦虑性抑郁和妄想性抑郁。 terms.shengwuquan.com 5. Those whose school achievements are bad must find out your own internal cause, don't just blame the external cause. 学习成绩差的人,要多找一点内因,而不能全怪外因。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 6. The students from the poor family have bearing on the psychological predicament, and it has the external cause and the internal cause. 贫困家庭学生产生心理困境既有外因的影响,也有内因的影响。 www.594wm.com 7. External cause can function only through internal cause , thus internal cause is decisive. 外因是通过内因才起作用的,内因是决定的因素; iask.sina.com.cn 8. This paper presents the importance of undergraduates' shaping-up class viewed from dialectic relation of internal cause and external cause. 本文以内因和外因的辩证关系来审视大学生形体塑造课程。 www.qikan.com 9. Internal cause including hereditary factors, energetic factor, organism immunity factor, metabolism factor and so on. 内因包括遗传因素、精神因素、机体的免疫因素、代谢因素等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. As for the condition, the writer considers that if you want to grasp the essence, you must catch the internal cause. 针对这种状况,笔者认为,认识事物的本质就要抓住导致事件产生的根本原因(内因)。 www.lw23.com 1. External cause and Internal cause explanation. The external cause is the main form (48. 43%). 43%的幼儿主要采取外部原因形式进行解释。 2. Meanwhile, the young teachers should fully develop their internal cause action and strive for their individual growth as soon as possible. 与此同时,青年教师也应该充分发挥内因的作用,争取获得尽可能好的个人成长。 lib.cqvip.com 3. The development of anything is without external cause and internal cause. 任何事物的发展都是离不开外因和内因的。 www.bing.com 4. That is the biggest internal cause in my eyes. 就我个人而言,这是最大的内在原因。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 5. This is the internal cause. 这个就是内因。 www.bing.com 6. To Ascertain the Internal Cause that Einstein be a Great Century Man of Last Century 爱因斯坦成为世纪伟人的内因探析 www.ilib.cn 7. External cause results of the society, and internal cause results of the business. 外在动因来自于社会方面,而内在动因则源自于企业自身。 www.lw23.com 8. The Internal Cause of Rural Nongovernmental Finance Operation Mechanism: Based on an Informal Institutional Perspective 农村民间金融运行机理的内因——基于非正式制度视角 www.ilib.cn 9. Analysis of the Curative Effect of Internal Cause Staphylokeratitis and Cataract Treated with Ultrasonic Emulsifying Therapy 内因性葡萄膜炎并发白内障超声乳化术疗效分析 service.ilib.cn 10. In the common actions of internal cause and external cause, prominent the subjective initiative of internal cause; 在内因、外因的共同作用中,突出内因的主观能动性。 www.zidir.com 1. Environmental-Protection Dredging in Treatment of Lake Pollution Internal Cause 湖泊污染内源治理中的环保疏浚 www.ilib.cn 2. The Internal Cause for Academic Corruption and Its Social Control 论学术腐败的内在根源及社会控制 scholar.ilib.cn 3. The Internal Cause of the Deficits in the State-owned Enterprises and the Countermeasures 国有企业亏损的内在原因与对策 www.ilib.cn 4. An Analysis of the Internal Cause in Affecting Foreign Investment in Vietnam 影响越南外资投入的内因分析 www.ilib.cn 5. On Internal Cause and Achievement Analysing of Government Investment 政府投资的内源性及绩效分析 www.ilib.cn 6. Internal cause for formation of enterprise group's competitiveness 企业集群竞争力形成基础的内因 service.ilib.cn 7. This kind of history phenomenon is rare and caused by many varied reasons, including both the internal cause and the external factor; 这种历史上罕见的现象,隐藏在其背后的原因是多种多样的,既有内因,又有外因; www.fabiao.net 8. An Analysis of the Internal Cause of the Decline of Mohism 墨学中衰内因探微 ilib.cn 9. yield increase is internal cause of farmer adoption; 增产是农户采用的内因; www.fabiao.net 10. On the internal cause of production force 生产力内因论 www.ilib.cn 1. Efforts Level: Analysis on Funds Manager Key Behaviors Because of Internal Cause 努力水平:基金管理人内因核心行为分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Middle and Small Enterprise Can Not Make Themselves Big and Strong Internal Cause and Countermeasures 中小企业难以做大做强存在的原因与对策 www.ilib.cn |
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