单词 | central bank |
释义 |
复数:central banks 例句释义: 〔金〕中央银行 1. But if action needs to be immediate, as it does, the only entity able to supply the needed funds is the central bank. 但是,如果立刻就需要采取行动(事实情况也的确如此),那么有能力提供所需资金的实体也就只有欧洲央行了。 www.ftchinese.com 2. He said China's central bank has grown more independent over the last 30 years, and would likely continue to do so. 他说过去30年中国央行越来越独立,未来其独立性还会继续加大。 chinese.wsj.com 3. other kind of bank -the Bank of the United States was simultaneously a commercial bank and a quasi-public central bank. 另外一种银行为美利坚银行,它既是商业银行又是准公共性质的中央银行。 gb.cri.cn 4. A euro zone central bank source told Reuters last week that the ECB would like to see its resources at least doubled. 上周一位央行消息人士告诉路透,欧央行希望资金资源至少翻倍。 cn.reuters.com 5. This is what India's central bank has been trying to do for a while and with very limited success. 印度央行一直以来就力图达成此目标,但收效有限。 chinese.wsj.com 6. If the poll results prove correct, banks would be required to put 19 percent of deposits at the central bank by the end of this year. 若果真如此,各商业银行将被要求在年底,将存款总额的19%存到央行 www.bing.com 7. Though the central bank now seems to suggest the status quo will continue, it would be odd for China to flag any move on the yuan. 尽管央行现在看来暗示将继续保持现状,但对中国而言,表明任何人民币汇率方面的举动均不寻常。 c.wsj.com 8. Such steps had been taken in the US and UK, where the central bank had seen deflation risks, he said. 斯马吉表示,在英国和美国,央行发现存在通胀风险时,都曾采取量化宽松举措。 www.ftchinese.com 9. When Thailand's central bank ran out of foreign exchange and had to let the baht plunge, other currencies fell as investors lost confidence. 当泰国央行的外汇储备用謦而不得不令泰铢跳水时,投资者也对其它的货币失去了信心。 www.stnn.cc 10. "The politicians are tied up . . . I don't think they have time to think about [central bank policy], " said the person close to the BoJ. 那位熟悉日本央行的人士表示:“政客们正忙的不可开交……我认为,他们没有时间考虑(央行的政策)。” www.ftchinese.com 1. But Tuesday's report came the same day the central bank said the economy is not growing fast enough to reduce unemployment. 但本周二这份报告出台的同一天,美国央行表示,经济增速不足以减少失业。 wenku.baidu.com 2. they suggest that the central bank prefers to fudge the recognition of losses in the system if it thinks stability is at risk. 显示出中央政府在认为金融稳定处于危险之时更倾向于在系统内部消化损失。 www.bing.com 3. Similarly Jean Claude Trichet, head of the European Central Bank, spoke about how the dust had begun to settle on the crisis. 同样,欧洲央行(ECB)行长让-克洛德?特里谢(Jean-ClaudeTrichet)阐述了此次危机已开始要尘埃落定。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Banks have been able make up for some of that lost liquidity by borrowing at the European Central Bank. 银行从欧洲中央银行(EuropeanCentralBank)借款,部分地弥补了由此带来的流动性减少。 chinese.wsj.com 5. He said the central bank will make a decision on its subordinated loan plan as soon as possible. 他说,日本央行将尽快确定其后偿贷款发放计划。 www.bing.com 6. Without it, dysfunctional bond markets would not be able to transmit the central bank's interest-rate stance to the euro zone's economy. 如果没有该政策,不健康的债券市场将不能把欧洲央行的利率政策立场传递到欧元区的经济中。 www.ecocn.org 7. Last night they merely recorded that this is still the view of the European Central Bank, but did not endorse it. 昨晚他们仅记录这仍是欧洲央行的观点,但是他们没有认可该观点。 www.ecocn.org 8. The central bank has not published such an estimate before, and did not comment any further on the implications of the figure. 央行此前从未公布这种估算,也未就该数据的意义做进一步的说明。 chinese.wsj.com 9. This fuelled speculation that the bank will take a more hawkish stance ahead of the European Central Bank's meeting later this week. 这引发央行将在本周晚些时候货币政策会议召开前采取更强硬立场的猜测。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Prior to its restructuring, it had no experience providing credit. Indeed, even its clients' deposits were kept by China's central bank. 在重组之前,它并无任何提供信贷方面的经验,甚至连客户的存款都是由央行保管的。 woaijiatanchun.blog.sohu.com 1. The central bank's inaction is owed to a particular set of Japanese circumstances as the economy moves out of a decade of deflation. 日本央行之所以按兵不动,是因为日本经济在摆脱10年通缩之际的一系列特殊环境。 www.ftchinese.com 2. So just how much bond buying would the U. S. central bank have to do to get reticent consumers spending again? 美联储得购买多少公债,才能让消费者支出回暖呢? cn.reuters.com 3. The crisis that began a year ago may yet mark another turning-point in the relationship between America's politicians and its central bank. 一年前爆发的次贷危机可能标志着美国政客们与其中央银行关系的转折点。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Analysts said the central bank initiatives were likely to help conditions, but warned that credit markets remained jittery. 分析师称,央行的上述措施可能有助于改善环境,但他们同时警告称,信贷市场仍紧张不安。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Some 65 years later, the governor of the Chinese central bank issued a public statement lamenting the fact that Keynes had not got his way. 约65年后,中国央行行长发表了一篇公开声明,对当时凯恩斯的计划未能胜出表示哀叹。 www.ftchinese.com 6. To hear him tell it, his hawkish views disqualified him from getting the top job at the European Central Bank later this year. 据他说,他的鹰派强硬作风使他不适合今年晚些时候出任欧洲央行总裁。 www.bing.com 7. He said the central bank is ready to inject a massive amount of funds into the markets from early Monday morning if needed. 他说如有需要,日本央行已准备好在周一清晨向市场注入大量资金。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Central bank is able to control monetary multiplier indirectly by means of using monetary instruments to affect various factors. 中央银行可以运用货币政策工具来影响各因素的变动,从而实现间接调控货币乘数的目的。 www.sinoss.net 9. He said the May central bank data showed that the focus remains on inflation. 他说央行公布的5月份数据表明,防通胀仍然是政府工作的重点。 cn.wsj.com 10. As the central bank has tightened monetary policy, this has made it harder for the bank to win the business of ordinary savers. 随着中国央行收紧货币政策,该行赢得普通储户的难度增大了。 www.ftchinese.com 1. But the euro was an incomplete currency: it had a central bank but no treasury. 然而,欧元并非完整的货币:欧元区设有央行却没有金库。 dongxi.net 2. Fan said the central bank could continue to loosen monetary policy if loan growth turns out to be sluggish next year. 范称如果明年银行惜贷、货币供应量持续低迷,央行将继续推行适度宽松的货币政策。 www.elanso.com 3. As if in a mini-Europe, the central bank has to set a single rate for parts of the economy that are performing very differently. 澳大利亚央行必须为表现大相径庭的各个经济部门设定单一的利率,好似一个微型欧洲。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In Brazil, the central bank governor, Henrique Meirelles, said he welcomed the Chinese announcement, but wanted to see results. 巴西央行行长HenriqueMeirelles说,他欢迎中国的声明,但希望看到成果。 www.voa365.com 5. "Even the European Central Bank has somewhat bowed to international pressure with its purchase of covered bonds, " she said. “甚至连欧洲央行在购买有担保债券问题上,也多少有点屈从于国际压力,”她表示。 www.ftchinese.com 6. One reason to think not is that the central bank has not been able to raise interest rates anything like as quickly as it would like. 有人认为不会改变,一个原因是中央银行不会按照利率应该变化的速度来提高利率。 www.ecocn.org 7. Only if the IMF evolved into a global central bank able to issue them at speed could SDRs truly become a central reserve asset. 只有国际货币基金发展成有能力迅速发行特别提款权的全球中央银行,特别提款权才能真正变成中央储备资金。 www.ecocn.org 8. CDB spokeswoman said the bank had no comment on the injection beyond the central bank's statement. 国家开发银行发言人表示,对注资一事不发表央行声明内容以外的任何评论。 www.shinewrite.com 9. The U. S. central bank in its monetary policy pushes interest rates up or down by moving money in and out of the financial system. 美联储在制定货币政策的时候,通过增加或减少金融体系中货币的数量来降低或提高利率。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The European Central Bank (ECB) is reluctant to go down that path, partly for fear that it might be seen to be bowing to political pressure. 欧洲中央银行(ECB)不愿步入其后尘,部分是因为怕人们认为这是屈服于政治压力。 www.ecocn.org 1. Another important determinant of a currency's value is the credibility of the manager of that currency--the central bank. 货币价值的另一个重要的决定因素是该货币的管理者--中央银行的可信度。 2. He said the strengthening of the Norwegian krone would keep the central bank from raising rates by more. 他说,挪威克朗的升值,将让央行无法以更大幅度加息。 www.voa365.com 3. They soon realised that this was not clever and got together to hammer out an agreement to limit central-bank sales to 400 tonnes a year. 伹不久,他们意识到这是不明智的。于是,这些银行联合制定了一个限制央行一年只能出售400斤黄金的协议。 www.ecocn.org 4. Mr. Yunus has remained at work since the central bank's ruling, but he appears to be running out of legal options to stay. 孟加拉央行做出裁决后尤努斯一直在坚持工作,但为了留下尤努斯所能选择的法律途径似乎所剩无几了。 c.wsj.com 5. Other analysts said the central bank did not always publicly signal measures. 其他分析师表示,中国央行并不总是会公开宣布它的措施。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Zeti Akhtar Aziz, Malaysia's central-bank governor, said the swap agreement would facilitate trade and investment between the two countries. 马来西亚央行行长泽提(ZetiAkhtarAziz)说,货币互换协议将有利于两国的贸易和投资。 www.bing.com 7. By then Britain had already adopted the German model of a central bank free from political influence and determined to fight inflation. 那时英国已经采用了不受政治影响的德国央行模式,并决定对抗通胀。 www.bing.com 8. The primary task of deepening reform of the financial structure is to turn the People's Bank of China into a central bank true to its name. 深化金融体制改革,首要的任务是把中国人民银行办成真正的中央银行。 www.lawyee.com 9. Instead, the central bank has been trying to make sure commercial banks keep within their lending targets, which banks habitually exceed. 相反,央行一直在确保商业银行能够按造央行制定的目标控制借贷总量,不过商业银行一向是超额放贷。 www.bing.com 10. Investors seem to prefer the monetary approach of the European Central Bank and the Bank of Japan. 看来投资者们似乎更倾向于欧洲央行与日本央行的货币政策。 bbs.ecocn.org 1. The Bank of Korea, the central bank, may miss its inflation target as higher import prices drive up the cost of living. 随着进口价格升高,生活成本被抬高,韩国央行韩国银行也许难以达成通胀指标。 www.ecocn.org 2. But the United States central bank says it is trying to be more clear and timely in communicating its policies. 但是美国中央银行称,他们尝试与公众沟通的相关政策将会更加清晰,更加及时。 www.hxen.com 3. Sarrazin, who had been one of the German central bank's six chairmen, resigned after publishing a provocative book about integration. 萨拉兹,德国中央银行六任主席中的一任,在出版了一本极富争议、关于移民难以融入德国社会的书籍之后就辞去了银行的工作。 kk.dongxi.net 4. Bonds of a country with its own central bank are simply a promise to repay one government obligation (ie, debt) with another (ie, currency). 一国央行发行的国债其实就是一个设有央行的国家发行的债券其实就只是承诺用一种政府负债(货币)来偿还另一种政府负债(债务)。 club.topsage.com 5. The German central bank compiles the statistics all to pass the silver bank draft to leave the fund the data (time, amount and use). 德国央行汇总统计所有通过银行汇出资金的数据(时间、数额及用途)。 money.zhishi.sohu.com 6. The United States central bank is prepared to take further actions to support the economy if conditions get a lot worse. 如果形势继续恶化,美国中央银行准备采取进一步的行动,支持经济发展。 bbs.kekenet.com 7. It was the failure of these efforts that convinced him a central bank should not try to burst bubbles. 正是这些努力的失败,让他确信,央行不应该试图戳破泡沫。 www.ftchinese.com 8. How much longer before the European Central Bank acts? 欧洲央行(ECB)还要等多久才会采取行动? www.letou.cn 9. He said the central bank will also propose easing restrictions to allow micro lending firms to borrow money. 他说中央银行还要提议放宽限制允许小额借贷公司举债经营。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 10. He said he expected the European Central Bank would soon need to take some type of emergency action. 高盛首席欧洲经济学家ErikNielsen表示.他预计欧洲央行(ECB)将很快需要采取某种紧急举措。 cn.reuters.com 1. But with the year winding down, the central bank also has to decide how much it should tighten lending quotas for next year. 但随着年底的临近,中国央行还得决定明年收紧信贷配额的力度。 c.wsj.com 2. For the moment, the central bank's actions seem to have calmed the money markets, where rates fell below 7% on November 5th. 11月5日利率下降了7%,目前,央行的行动似乎已经稳定了资金市场。 www.ecocn.org 3. Although the spending report showed core inflation moving higher, analysts did not think this would tie the U. S. central bank's hands. 尽管支出报告显示核心通胀率走高,但分析师认为,这并不会牵制美联储。 cn.reuters.com 4. Even the "third-year effect" can largely be explained by the central bank's reluctance to rock the boat towards the end of a presidency. 甚至“第三年效应”在很大程度上也可以解释为,央行不愿在总统任职后期惹麻烦。 www.ftchinese.com 5. That's why I'd be worried if he were to disappear from [the central bank] and was replaced by Shang Fulin. That would be awful. 这就是我担心他(从央行)卸任并由尚福林接替的原因,那将十分糟糕。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The German central bank's president, Jens Weidmann, is one of the strongest opponents of such measures on the ECB's governing council. 德国央行行长魏德曼(JensWeidmann)是欧洲央行管理委员会当中最强烈反对这类措施的人之一。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The Saudi response contrasts with that of the Central Bank of Bahrain, where banks owned by the two groups first defaulted. 沙特的反应与巴林央行的反应正好相反,这两家集团拥有的银行首先在巴林央行所在地违约。 www.ecocn.org 8. Athens would need to have an alternative currency and a strong candidate for central bank governor lined up with a hotline to the ECB. 希腊政府将需要一种货币来替代欧元,还需要一个强有力的央行行长人选(这个人需要一部连接欧洲央行的热线电话)。 www.ftchinese.com 9. No central bank anywhere is free from suspicion that it is trying to hold its currency down to bolster its economy. 世界各国央行都有通过让本币贬值来支持本国经济增长的嫌疑。 chinese.wsj.com 10. The conflict, which has broken into rare public view, seems to be mainly between China's central bank and its Commerce Ministry. 这种分歧,——罕见地出现在了公众的视野,看起来集中体现在中国央行与商务部之间。 www.bing.com 1. She refuses to call on the European Central Bank to be the lender of last resort to stop contagion in the bond markets. 她拒绝让欧洲央行(ECB)充当最后借款人来停止危机在债券市场的蔓延。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But as long as Beijing maintains its current exchange-rate regime, the central bank has no control over the size of its reserves. 可只要中国政府继续维持现行的汇率制度,中国央行就无法控制其外汇储备的规模。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The aim also was "to help make broader financial conditions more accommodative, " which the U. S. central bank missed by a mile. 这样做为了“有助于使金融条件在广义上更为宽松,”而这一目标正是这个美国央行远没有做到的。 www.bing.com 4. Under any of these alternatives, the central bank would be behaving like any other bank, creating money in the act of lending. 在以上任何一种情形下,中央银行的行为方式都会像其他银行一样,通过发放贷款制造货币。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The metal prices are highly volatile at the moment, but the Central Bank has not imposed any limits on gold acquisition, he said. 金属价格现时波动很大,但央行不会因此而限制吸纳黄金。 www.mw801.com 6. The central bank recently referred to its "extremely favourable labour market developments" . 近期,中央银行将其归因为“极其顺利的劳动力市场发展”。 bbs.ecocn.org 7. The assault followed the storming a week earlier of the country's central bank, leaving at least 18 dead. 一周前中央银行的袭击事件已使至少18人丧生。 www.ecocn.org 8. Therefore, he said, the moves by India's central bank to try to lift the nation's market can't be looked at in isolation. 因此,不能孤立地看待印度央行提振国内市场的举措。 www.ebigear.com 9. The country's media pack is now hounding the central-bank governor as if he were another celebrity rogue. 现今,全国的媒体都聚焦到了这为央行行长身上,仿佛其将是又一个欺世名人。 www.ecocn.org 10. It has no common treasury, no tax-raising powers, no joint bonds and no central bank acting as lender of last resort. 欧元在各国之间没有共同的准备金,不具有提高税收的能力,欧元区没有可以互相流通的债券,也没有可以充当最后债权人的中央银行。 www.ecocn.org 1. It says it was warned by China's central bank that Alipay would not be allowed to operate if it was, in effect, partly foreign-owned. 它表示中国央行曾警告它,如果支付宝事实上是一家中外合资企业,将不被允许经营。 www.bing.com 2. The U. S. approach contrasts with a growing likelihood of rate hikes by the European Central Bank and the Bank of England. 欧洲央行和英国央行与美联储不同,升息的可能性越来越大。 cn.reuters.com 3. But since the central bank crackdown, new applicants have come up with no more than six at a time. 但自从台湾央行进行限制之后,新申请的数量每次都不超过6只。 www.ftchinese.com 4. China's central bank, which makes its own estimates of seasonally adjusted growth rates, also seems to agree with private-sector economists. 中国央行对季调增速也有自己的估计,它和民间经济学家的估计似乎是一致的。 chinese.wsj.com 5. The company is still in its early days and faces obstacles, despite the powerful backing of the central bank. 虽然得到央行强力支持,中债资信仍旧处于早期阶段,面临着诸多障碍。 c.wsj.com 6. If he does, Brazil faces the prospect of having three different Central Bank governors in a year. 假若他果真如此,巴西将面对一年内出现三位不同中央银行行长的可能性。 www.ecocn.org 7. He speculates that market reformers at the central bank may be trying to shake up the domestic financial markets. 他猜测,央行的市场改革派或许在试图提振本国金融市场。 www.ftchinese.com 8. It has now fallen nearly 7% since the start of the year as investors fret that the central bank has failed to address inflation. 今年以来该指数已经下跌了近7%,因为投资者担心印尼央行无力解决通胀问题。 c.wsj.com 9. Mr Wellink, president of the Dutch central bank, said the effects would be manageable and well worth the risk. 身兼荷兰央行行长一职的魏霖克表示,改革的影响将是可控的,非常值得冒险。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Never before has the central bank made such a policy declaration for as long a period as two years. 美联储过去从未宣布过延续时间长达两年的此类政策。 www.forbeschina.com 1. They have also appointed a head of the petroleum industry and the central bank just a few days ago. 就在几天前,他们也任命了一个石油工业和中央银行的头领。 www.bing.com 2. An analogy is often drawn between an independent judiciary and an independent central bank. 中央银行的独立可以和司法独立作这样一个类比。 www.bing.com 3. He said the modest price gains give the central bank time to breathe before hiking interest rates this fall. 他还说,在这个秋天之前加息,这个最适度的价格收益给了中央银行喘息的时间。 www.bing.com 4. The Conservatives would also give the central bank powers to force lenders to spell out how they would be wound up in case of failure. 保守党也是给了中央银行的力量来迫使借款人拼出他们如何将在失败的情况。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The Fed isn't the only central bank that seems to be putting inflation worries on the back burner while fighting slow growth. 美联储并不是唯一一家为了对抗经济放缓而把通胀担忧置之脑后的中央银行。 www.bing.com 6. The US central bank said the pace of economic activity had "slowed markedly, owing importantly to a decline in consumer expenditures" . 美联储表示,经济活动步伐“显著放缓,这在很大程度上是由于消费者支出下降”。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Clearly, inflation is important and maintaining price stability is an important task of the central bank. It is not the only task, though. 当然,通胀是很重要,保持物价稳定也是央行一项重要任务。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In other words, a central bank trying to prop up its currency must allow its sales of foreign exchange to reduce the domestic money supply. 换一句话说,央行要如果要支持它的汇率,必须容许出售外汇以降低国内的货币供应。 www.ecocn.org 9. He'll still be around for a year and a half to attack the central bank. 在剩下的一年半任期内,他依然会继续攻击中央银行。 www.bing.com 10. But mostly the structural weakness was that the central bank was not designed to keep up with the pace of financial innovation. 但是,结构性弱点主要在于中央银行机制设计跟不上金融创新的步伐。 www.bing.com 1. As well as raising rates, the central bank has increased the ratio of deposits banks must place in reserve with the central bank. 除了加息外,中国央行还提高了商业银行的存款准备金率。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In times of such peril, even a small cut in interest rates by the European Central Bank and the Bank of England would send a helpful signal. 在如此困难时期,即使是欧洲央行(ECB)和英国央行(BOE)一次微小的减息,都会发出有用的信号。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The Panic galvanized the big bankers to put on a concerted putsch for a Lender of Last Resort in the shape of a central bank. 危机促使银行巨头们齐心协力发动一场“政变”,联手建立一个中央银行来作为他们的守护天使。 www.bing.com 4. The central bank said the rumors could affect the normal circulation of the Renminbi and jeopardize financial security. 央行强调说,这种谣言会影响人民币的正常流通,危害金融秩序。 www.china.org.cn 5. No details, but for those who think the central bank bears much of the responsibility for Japan's economic fills, it would be a good start. 没有更多细节,更是对于那些想让央行为日本经济问题承担更多责任的人,这是一个好的开始。 www.bing.com 6. Only through a comprehensive range of the Central Bank's payment processes " " products before they can be referred to as " " money. 只有经过央行发放等一系列流程,这些“产品”才可以被称作“钱”。 www.bing.com 7. China's central bank says it has expanded the number of Chinese exporters allowed to use the yuan to settle international transactions. 中国的中央银行说,它扩大了获准使用人民币进行国际交易结算的中国出口企业数目。 www.360abc.com 8. The central bank decided to cut interest rates back to record lows to avert a recession and took big steps to help cash-strapped banks. 欧洲央行决定将利率下调至历史低位,以避免经济衰退,并采取重大举措帮助资金不足的银行。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Still, he said it does suggest that the European Central Bank soon will be moving more aggressively to deal with the crisis. 但他说,这确实表明,欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)将很快开始更大力度地应对危机。 chinese.wsj.com 10. Japan's central bank seems to have stilled talk of financial panic with huge injections of liquidity. 日本央行似乎通过注入大量流动性消除了金融恐慌的说法。 www.ecocn.org 1. That would at least let private citizens accumulate foreign assets as well as the central bank. 这种做法至少会让中国公民像央行那样,积累外国资产。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Others may feel the Canadian approach would be ineffective as it may not be seen as credibly binding the central bank's future decisions. 其他人可能觉得,加拿大的方式可能不会被视为对美联储未来的决策产程可信的约束,因而不会产生效果。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The IMF said the scrapping of the dollar peg would increase the central bank's flexibility to tighten monetary conditions. IMF表示,不再钉住美元会增加中国央行收紧货币状况的灵活度。 cn.reuters.com 4. One team of gunmen exchanged fire with police in an attempt to attack government ministries and the central bank before they were shot down. 一伙武装分子试图袭击政府各部及央行大楼,警方随即与其发生交火,并将其击毙。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 5. The writer was governor of Argentina's central bank and director of the Centre for Central Banking Studies at the Bank of England. 作者是前阿根廷央行行长,现任英国央行(BankofEngland)中央银行研究中心(CentreforCentralBankingStudies)主任。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The central bank this month told six banks to temporarily set aside larger reserves, according to three people with knowledge of the matter. 据三位业内人士透露,本月央行指示六大银行暂时留出跟多的储备金。 www.bing.com 7. The European Central Bank sets interest across the 16-member euro zone but has no direct power over members states' fiscal policies. 欧洲央行为由16个成员组成的欧元区设定利率,但却没有对成员国财政政策进行干预的直接权力。 c.wsj.com 8. "They [the central bank] can only fight against the economics for so long, " says one foreign exchange strategist. “他们(央行)抵制经济发展趋势的努力只能持续有限的时间,”某外汇策略师表示。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The central bank could examine everything from the company's domestic parent to its smallest foreign subsidiary. 美联储既可以审查这家公司的国内母公司,也可以调查其最小的国外子公司。 www.bing.com 10. As it is she may have turned the Central Bank chief into a martyr for the cause of integrity in public policy. 目前情况看来,为了健全公共政策,她可能会让中央银行行长成为牺牲祭品。 www.ecocn.org 1. Over the next two days, the European Central Bank will host a conference to discuss the role of money in monetary policymaking. 目前,欧洲央行(ECB)正主持会议,讨论货币在货币政策制定过程中的作用。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In raising rates, even at a time of such uncertainty, the European Central Bank has opted for the latter. 尽管不确定因素很多,但欧洲央行加息的举动表明了选择后者的立场。 www.elanso.com 3. Monetary policy is usually administrated by a Government appointed "Central Bank" . 货币政策通常由国家指定的中央银行来实施。 xiatian.123465.blog.163.com 4. memories remain of how the German central bank's hardline stance on inflation exacerbated Europe's exchange rate turmoil of the early 1990s. 人们仍然记得,上世纪90年代初,德国央行在通胀问题上的强硬立场加剧了欧洲的汇率动荡。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The country's central bank said the move was necessary to combat persistently high inflation. 印度中央银行声称此举对于打压持续的高通货膨胀是有必要的。 www.ecocn.org 6. The rate increase will be a disappointment to Indian business lobby groups that had been pushing the central bank to hold fire. 加息将令印度企业游说团体感到失望,他们曾力图说服印度央行按兵不动。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Monetary policy is usually administered by a Government appointed "central bank" . 经常是由政府所创立的“中央银行”来执行这些货币政策。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Said Li Daokui , an academic economist who sits on the central bank's monetary-policy committee: 'This marks the beginning of a new era. ' 担任中国央行货币政策委员会委员的经济学家李稻葵说,这标志着一个新时期的开始。 chinese.wsj.com 9. President Obama has nominated Ben Bernanke for a second term as chairmen of the Federal Reserve, the United States central bank. 美国总统奥巴马提名本·伯南克担任美国中央银行美联储主席第二次任期。 www.51toefl.com 10. This tends to dampen movement in the IPCA, and encourages the Central Bank to be cautious. 这种趋势抑制了在IPCA的行动,鼓励巴西央行小心谨慎。 www.ecocn.org 1. Consequently, out of basis points and true to its dual mandate, the central bank has shifted from conventional to unconventional easing. 于是,出于基点和对双重使命的忠实,美联储从常规宽松转向了非常规宽松。 www.ftchinese.com 2. As the central bank of the appreciating currency, it is in a strong position to do so. 作为升值货币的央行,欧洲央行在干预汇市时将处于强有力地位。 finance.sina.com.cn 3. The person said the European Central Bank had indicated it would continue flying cash to the country as needed. 此人说,欧洲中央银行已经表示,如果需要,它将继续空运现金到塞浦路斯。 cn.nytimes.com 4. With inflation continuing to rise, it is hard to see how the central bank governor can avoid another interest rate rise. 随着通货膨胀不断抬升,中央银行官员对利率的再次上涨似乎无能为力。 www.ecocn.org 5. The Bank of England and the European Central Bank are also set to hold policy meetings during the week. 英国央行和欧洲央行会将在下周举行政策会议。 cn.reuters.com 6. The central bank said it would buy up to an additional seven hundred fifty billion dollars in mortgage-related securities. 中央银行(美联储)说,将再次收购高达7500亿美元的抵押相关证券。 www.unsv.com 7. The central bank is also sensitive to criticism that this summer it prematurely announced the end of Japan's debilitating era of deflation. 日本央行对外界的批评也同样非常敏感,今年夏天,它曾迫不及待地宣告日本经济衰退的紧缩时代的结束。 www.ecocn.org 8. Central-bank 'independence is lost when monetary policy is tied to the wagon of fiscal policy and then loses control over prices, ' he said. 他说,当货币政策被绑上财政政策的花车,央行就会丧失独立性,然后丧失对物价的控制。 chinese.wsj.com 9. But China's central bank has other options available if it has decided that greater foreign exchange diversification is desirable. 但是中国央行有其他可能的选择,如果其决定增加外汇的多样性。 www.tianya.cn 10. The central bank, he said, could also buy more state bonds issued by other major economies and decrease holdings of US Treasury bills. 他说,中央银行可以多买一些由其它主要经济大国发行的国库券以减少美元的持有量。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. A senior Chinese central bank official held out little prospect of a more rapid appreciation of the Chinese currency against the U. 国人民银行一位高级官员未能给人民币兑美元更快速升值带来希望。 www.bing.com 2. The increase in production was "to meet the needs of collectors" , the central bank said in a statement posted on its website. 央行网站贴出的公告表示,增加发行是“为满足贵金属纪念币收藏者集藏需要”。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Six years ago, China's central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan said the country's corporate bond market was in a "deep coma" . 6年前,中国央行(PBoC)行长周小川表示,中国的企业债市场处于“深度昏迷”中。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Sales of those instruments boomed, and the central bank eventually took over the regulation of bonds with longer maturities as well. 市场上出现了这种债券的销售热潮,央行最终也得到了一年期以上债券的监管权。 chinese.wsj.com 5. China's central bank was worried about soaring prices, which are the result of a rapidly growing economy. 中国经济的高速增长导致物价飞涨,这使得央行忧心忡忡。 www.bing.com 6. The US Federal Reserve, the European Central Bank and the Bank of England are currently doing much more than working out this lesson. 美联储(Fed),欧洲央行(ECB)和英国央行(BankofEngland)目前远不止是在汲取这个教训。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The central bank played down the threat from deflation, a threat it had emphasised earlier this year. 央行淡化了通货紧缩的威胁,这种威胁在今年早些时候被强调过。 www.bing.com 8. There is no doubt that the central bank plays vital roles in assuring financial steadiness . 中央银行在维护金融稳定方面具有毋庸置疑的天然职能。 www.jukuu.com 9. With the big exception of the European Central Bank, most have repeatedly postponed the moment at which monetary policy is tightened. 随着欧洲中央银行的一大例外,很多银行也不断拖延了货币政策缩紧的时间。 www.bing.com 10. He said, Sihong has attracted attention of usury trend of central bank, has ordered the investigation group Jiangsu branch was. 他透露,泗洪的高利贷风潮已引起央行关注,已责令江苏省分行下派调查组。 www.268r.com 1. The news that the Malaysian central bank has been quietly acquiring renminbi bonds is an important one of those steps. 有消息称,马来西亚央行一直在悄然买进人民币债券。此举正是其中重要的一步。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Building up a fund at the European Central Bank, that can be drawn in the event of a Greek default, would be one option. 一种做法是在欧洲央行(ECB)建立一个基金,可在希腊违约时提取。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Any Central Bank, before issuing a certain note, takes a small quantity to be sent to other Central Banks around the globe. 在发行某种纸币之前,每个中央银行都会将一定量的票样发送给世界其他央行。 space.taobao.com 4. The Bank of England and European Central Bank hold separate meetings, but both are likely to keep interest rates on hold. 英国央行和欧洲央行将各自召开货币政策会议,都可能维持利率不变。 cn.reuters.com 5. In practice the central bank creates the money by crediting the accounts that banks hold with it, thus raising their reserves. 实际操作上,中央银行向商业银行的账户注入资金,从而增加他们的准备金。 www.ecocn.org 6. Just last month the Bank for International Settlements-the central bank of the world's central banks-weighed in with precisely this advice. 就在上个月,央行中的央行——国际清算银行——也做了同样的忠告。 infos.edulife.com.cn 7. The central bank is trying to develop tools to prevent sharp currency appreciation, which could damage non-mining sectors. 蒙古央行正设法开发相关工具,防止本币大幅升值,以免损害到非矿业部门。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Over the years, he said, 'we have become, I think, a very transparent central bank. 他说,多年之后,我认为我们已经成为一家非常透明的央行; c.wsj.com 9. For the reasons discussed earlier, however, the challenge to the banking regulatory side of the central bank is likely to be rather greater. 不过,基于前述的原因,中央银行监管银行业的工作可能要面对更重大的挑战。 www.info.gov.hk 10. King Abdullah has also changed the head of the Saudi central bank and made a string of appointments elsewhere in the judiciary. 阿卜杜拉国王还撤换了沙特中央银行的领导人,并对司法机构的其他岗位做出了一系列任命。 www.bing.com 1. The forint is not quite back to where it was before the financial crisis but the central bank has felt able to start cutting interest rates. 银行利息尚未完全恢复到危机前时的水平,但匈牙利中央银行已认为有具备减息的能力。 www.ecocn.org 2. In fact, a deputy chief executive of the HKMA earns even more than a bureau secretary and a central bank governor of a major country. 事实上,现在金管局连一名副总裁的薪酬都高过特区政府的司长,以及其他主要国家的央行行长。 edu.sina.com.hk 3. But the European Central Bank is adamantly opposed to any form of restructuring; others are nervous, too. 但欧洲央行坚决反对任何形式的债务重组;其它银行对此也十分紧张。 www.kekenet.com 4. The central bank "may need data announced that will support an increase in deposit rates, " he said. 央行“需要数据支持,来提高存款利率”他说。 www.bing.com 5. The central bank is tightening regulation of loan-to-value ratios and trying to end easy credit. 中国央行正收紧对贷款与估值比率的监管,并试图结束信贷宽松政策。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In a sense, of course, only the central bank has enough firepower definitively to end the run on eurozone sovereign debt. 当然,在某种意义上,只有欧洲央行才有足够火力,能够一步到位地结束欧元区主权债务所遭遇的抛售。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Other high-profile plans, such as labour-market reform and central-bank autonomy, seem to be off the agenda. 其他的一些涉及高额利润的计划,比如劳动力市场改革和中央银行自主权问题,并没有被提及。 www.ecocn.org 8. The Bank of Canada is Canada's central bank. The Bank of Canada is responsible for monetary policy, issuing bank notes, regulating etc. 加拿大中央银行,发行货币,制定货币政策等。 www.chinasmile.net 9. That would make it easier for the central bank to reduce the money supply and control inflation. 允许人民币升值,有助于央行减少货币供应并控制通胀。 www.bing.com 10. NHK, the public broadcaster, said the central bank will decide on new measures at its meeting. 公共广播公司NHK表示,日本央行将在会议上就一些新举措作出决定。 www.ftchinese.com 1. He said that central bank officials are sympathetic to his ideas and Mr. Yu's, but that they don't make the final call. 他说,央行官员赞同他和余永定的观点,但他们不是最后决定人。 c.wsj.com 2. But with its move on Monday the central bank sent an ambiguous message, and then let the market take its own direction. 但周一中国央行的举措发出的信号不明,而后让市场自行决定方向。 chinese.wsj.com 3. Last week the central bank kept its economic assessment unchanged and did not announce any further easing measures. 上一星期,中央银行保持其经济评估不变,并且没有发表任何措施。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Without swift action from the European Central Bank, this will prove to be a contagion process with a disastrous end. 如果欧洲央行(ECB)不迅速采取行动,这将会成为一个带来灾难性后果的蔓延过程。 www.okread.net 5. The central bank relaxed those quotas somewhat at the beginning of August but has now moved much more decisively to an easier policy. 8月初,央行放宽了这类贷款配额限制,但现在则是更为果断地转向更宽松的经济政策。 www.ebigear.com 6. No central bank wants to be put in that position, of course, and institutional arrangements have sprung up to prevent it. 当然,没有一家中央银行愿意被逼到这个地步,于是出现了各种各样的制度安排以防止出现这种情况。 www.bing.com 7. It bears repeating: a central bank "is not a natural product of banking development, " as Vera Smith concluded in her well-known study. 人们不得不忍受这样一种重复的现实:中央银行“并不是银行业发展的自然产物。” www.bing.com 8. As growth weakens across the world, the Bank of England and the European Central Bank must start loosening. 随着全球经济增长走软,英国央行(BankofEngland)和欧洲央行(EuropeanCentralBank)必须开始放松货币政策。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But this activity is financed by an increase in commercial-bank reserves, or liabilities, created by the central bank. 但是这种干涉是通过中央银行创造的商业银行储蓄或负债的增加得以融资的。 www.ecocn.org 10. The idea of a stateless central bank running a currency beyond the bounds of a state has never looked stranger, or harder to sustain. 一个不属于国家的央行,管理超出国家边界的货币,这种想法在当前看来是何等的不可思议,难以实现。 www.ecocn.org 1. Even China's central bank seems to be incapable of influencing the market in the way it wants. 中国的央行似乎也无法以自己期望的方式来影响市场。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Although the central bank continues to cut interest rates and statutory reserve ratio, but the bank's capital has remained unmoved . 虽然央行持续大幅下调利率和法定准备金率,但银行的资金却不为所动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. One of the primary responsibilities of a central bank is to maintain stability in the currency. 中央银行其中一项主要职责是维持货币稳定。 www.info.gov.hk 4. Yet Britain is now close to recession and unemployment is rising, suggesting limits to what a central bank can do. 而如今,英国已经接近衰退,失业率正在上升,这意味着央行能起的作用是有限的。 www.bing.com 5. Protecting central-bank capital is especially important in the euro area, which has no central fiscal authority. 对中央银行的资金进行保护在欧元区显得尤为重要,因为该区域没有中央财政机构。 www.ecocn.org 6. A few weeks later, China's central bank called for a replacement to the US dollar as the international reserve currency. 几个星期以后,中国央行呼吁寻找美元的替代品来作为储蓄货币。 www.bing.com 7. When did the Bank of England become the official central bank of the United Kingdom? 英格兰银行什么时候成为联合王国的官方中央银行的呢? www.putclub.com 8. They have been replaced by a central bank official as fears grew that the bank, which is dangerously short of cash, could fail. 一名央行官员取代了他们的职位。民众对该银行遭遇现金流将倒闭的担心加重。 www.ecocn.org 9. The Chinese central bank governor had a good analogy. He said: 'Western medicine is different from Chinese medicine. ' 中国人民银行行长打了一个很好的比喻.他说:“西药不同于中药”。 cn.reuters.com 10. The United States central bank, the Federal Reserves says it will keep interest rates close to zero for an extended period. 美国中央银行美联储称将继续提供接近零利率贷款更长时间。 club.topsage.com 1. The central bank uses monetary policy including reserve requirement system to regulate the money supply of a country. 央行使用包括存款准备金制度在内的货币政策,以调节一个国家的货币供应量。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. But better no ratings at all, perhaps, than those of a discredited oligopoly supported by a short-sighted central bank. 但是也许任何评级都没有,也要好过一个由目光短浅的央行所支持的信誉尽失的寡头垄断。 www.ecocn.org 3. The central bank of Canada, another major commodity exporter, followed with its own increase in interest rates in June. 加拿大央行也在6月调升了利率,加拿大是另一大宗商品重要出口国。 www.voa365.com 4. Both force the banks to hand the cash over to the Central Bank rather than lending it out. 两种办法都强制要求银行把现金交给央行,而不是贷出去。 chinese.wsj.com 5. In his unassuming whitewashed offices near the central bank, Geir Haarde, the prime minister, appears sympathetic to some of these concerns. 在其朴素的四墙徒壁的办公室里,冰岛总理盖尔?哈尔德显得对这些担心甚为同情。 club.topsage.com 6. Creating a credible financial firewall has been a key demand by Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank. 建立一个令人信服的金融防火墙一直是欧洲央行(ECB)行长马里奥?德拉吉(MarioDraghi)的一项关键要求。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Chinese central bank adviser Xia Bin said the plan amounted to "uncontrolled" money printing. 中国央行顾问夏斌说,此项计划无异于宣布“不受控”印钞。 www.bing.com 8. The central bank, with the backing of the U. S. Treasury, said it would make loans directly to companies in this market. 在财政部的支持下,Fed称将直接向商业票据市场中的企业放贷。 www.bing.com 9. The Bank of Japan will announce its rate decision on Tuesday, while Norway's central bank will end a policy meeting on Wednesday. 日本央行周二将宣布利率决策,挪威央行也将在周三结束货币政策会议.(完) cn.reuters.com 10. "It's going to be a very messy legal situation, " the governor of the central bank said in November. 中央银行行长十一月说:“这将是非常混乱的法律局面。” www.ecocn.org 1. I would not be surprised if the central bank even made a profit from such an operation. 即使欧洲央行从中获利,也不会让我感到意外。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Arguably, the CIPS survey highlighted the central bank's dilemma, since it also showed a pick-up in price pressures. 让人疑惑的是这份CIPS调查同时显示价格压力的上升,这突出了中央银行的困境。 www.ecocn.org 3. Participating states established a common central bank but refused to surrender the right to tax their citizens to a common authority. 欧元区成员国成立了一家共同的央行,但拒绝将对本国公民的征税权交予一个共同的机构。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Until now, the only body to have kept Mr Orban at bay was the central bank. 目前为止,使Orban先生处于困境的唯一机构是中央银行。 www.ecocn.org 5. The Bank of England, Britain's central bank, is responsible for the design and production of bank notes . 英格兰银行,英国的中央银行,负责设计和印制钞票。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The financial regulator, the Central Bank, insists that routine audits showed the bank was in rude health. 财政监管——中央银行,声称常规审计显示银行健康状况良好。 www.ecocn.org 7. The US central bank had discussed the possibility of buying Treasuries before, but had appeared to back away from the idea in recent weeks. 美联储此前曾讨论过购买国债的可能性,但最近几周似乎放弃了这一想法。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Central-bank independence and (supposedly) prudent budgetary management helped produce a vintage period of steady and rapid expansion. 独立的中央银行和谨慎的预算管理使英国经济驶入稳定快速扩张的最佳时期。 www.ecocn.org 9. Officer: Yes, actually from 1883, long before the Bank of England was the official central bank for Britain. 是的,实际上从1833年开始,英格兰银行早已成为英国的官方中央银行了, www.putclub.com 10. The central bank's monetary policy analysis group in a report that more funds have begun to flow to the central and western regions. 央行货币政策分析小组的一份报告显示,目前我国的资金已经开始更多地流向中西部地区。 www.fabiao.net 1. While the fund increase came as a surprise to some economists, some said the central bank could have done more. 虽然央行决定扩大资产购买资金规模让一些分析师感到意外,但有人认为央行本应采取更多措施。 cn.reuters.com 2. To date, the British Government and the Central Bank's solvingmeasures cannot be used to explain the economics textbooks. 到目前为止,英国政府和央行的应对措施无法用经济学教科书来解释。 www.bing.com 3. All this raises the possibility that the US central bank may have drawn the wrong lessons from Japan's lost decade. 所有这些都提出了一种可能,美国央行可能从日本失落的10年中所汲取了错误的教训。 www.ftchinese.com 4. On Nov. 23, Russia's central bank announced that it had bought 15. 6 metric tons of gold in October to add to its monetary assets. 11月23日,俄罗斯央行宣布10月份已购买15.6吨黄金用以增加自己的货币性资产。 www.bing.com 5. The U. S. central bank is widely expected to announce a new program of quantitative easing, intended to prop up the economy. 市场广泛预计美联储将公布新一轮量化宽松计划以支撑经济。 cn.reuters.com 6. Roisin O'Sullivan is an economics professor at Smith College in Massachusetts and a former economist at the Central Bank of Ireland. 罗西。沙奥利文是马萨诸塞州史密斯大学的经济学教授,也是前爱尔兰中央银行经济学家。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. China's central bank is likely to make more use of the existing trading band than it has in the past, she said. 她说,中国央行可能会比以往更多地利用现有的交易区间。 chinese.wsj.com 8. European leaders, in particular, need to increase cooperation beyond the central-bank level, he said. 他表示,欧洲领导人尤其需要增强央行级别之上的合作。 www.bing.com 9. Short of that, the European Central Bank will have to continue buying Italian bonds. 如果这实现不了,欧洲央行(ECB)就必须继续购买意大利债券。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Pressure on the central bank to revalue the yuan? Obviously part of an attempt to inflict a "Japan malaise" on China. 对中国央行施加压力以造成人民币升值,显然所有的尝试都是给中国造成一个“日本式的衰退”。 dongxi.net 1. But by the day's end, the central bank had not followed up by raising lending rates. 但最终中国央行没有采取上调贷款利率的跟进措施。 www.ftchinese.com 2. the rate for the Vietnamese dong and the U. S. dollar in the inter-bank market, ' the central bank said in a statement. 越南央行在声明中说,为了帮助抑制贸易逆差,越南国家银行将在银行间市场调整越南盾兑美元汇率。 www.qeto.com 3. India's central bank has raised interest rates six times since January in an attempt to tame double-digit inflation. 印度中央银行已经六次提高利率以抑制双位数的通货膨胀率。 ecocn.org 4. That was the first formal indication from the central bank that some Fed officials have begun to raise the prospect of new easing measures. 这是美联储第一次有正式的迹象显示部分官员已经开始提到出台新宽松措施的可能性。 c.wsj.com 5. He believes the recent actions of the Fed, the European Central Bank and the Bank of England endorse his view. 他相信联储会最近的动作,欧洲中央银行及英国银行都同意他的看法。 www.ecocn.org 6. It was then time to move on to the next task: a Central Bank for the United States. 此时,是时候朝下一步迈进了:在美利坚合众国重建一个中央银行。 www.bing.com 7. He said that the central bank would maintain the "basic stability" of the currency. 他说央行会保持货币的“基本稳定”。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 8. The moves in the banking sector came ahead Thursday's interest rate decisions from the European Central Bank and the Bank of England. 银行业出台这些举措后,欧洲中央银行和英格兰央行将于周四作出利率决定。 www.bing.com 9. Zhou Xiaochuan, China's central bank governor, told the IMF meeting the focus on currencies was one-sided. 中国央行行长周小川在IMF会议上表示,对汇率的关注是片面的。 www.ftchinese.com 10. He only insists that the central bank will "continue to let mutual funds raise money in an orderly manner" . 他只是坚称,台湾央行将“继续让共同基金以有序的方式筹集资金。” www.ftchinese.com 1. Fhe regulators from the eastern Caribbean central bank said there're actions which prevent the bank's collapse. 来自加勒比海东部中央银行的调解员说他们这么做是为了避免银行破产。 www.bing.com 2. This was only partially reversed the next day after the central-bank effort. 第二天,在中央银行的努力之下,这个局面仅仅出现了部分的扭转。 www.ecocn.org 3. Jan Lambregts, global head of financial markets research at Rabobank, says the central bank is also trying to slow lending. 荷兰合作银行金融市场研究部全球总监林伯仁说,中国央行也在试图减缓借贷。 www.voanews.com.cn 4. But does his previous career, mostly as a government bureaucrat in the central bank, really equip him for the job? 但他之前主要作为中央银行中的政府官僚的职业生涯,真的够他担任这个位置么? www.bing.com 5. In this system, the central bank must be able to convert all the currencies issued into gold. 在金本位制下,中央银行必须有能力以黄金兑换已发行的全部本国货币。 www.treasurer.org.cn 6. However, under fixed XR, a bank run turns into a currency run if the Central Bank acts as a lender of last resort. 然而,在固定汇率体制下,如果中央银行作为最后贷款人,银行挤提就会演变为货币挤提 wenku.baidu.com 7. But in congressional testimony on Wednesday, central bank chairman Ben Bernanke played down the possibility of a government takeover. 但是美联储主席伯南克星期三在国会作证时降低了政府接管的可能性。 www.ebigear.com 8. Every quarter the EU, the IMF and the European Central Bank (ECB) scrutinise Greece before releasing the next chunk of money. 每个季度希腊发行货币之前,欧盟、国际货币基金组织和欧洲中央银行都要对希腊进行仔细审查。 www.bing.com 9. The European Central Bank's purchases of Spanish and Italian sovereign debt continue to take the air out of inflated bond yields. 欧洲中央银行购买西班牙和意大利政府债券的行动持续地降低了人们对公债利息过度膨胀的担忧。 club.topsage.com 10. Henceforth a foreign pension fund or central bank that once mindlessly ploughed his spare cash into Treasurys will have to think twice. 因此,过去曾经不加考虑将其现金投入美国债券的国外养老基金或中央银行就不得不三思而行。 www.bing.com 1. Additionally, Australia's central bank left interest rates steady for a fifth month, thwarting expectations of a hike. 另外,澳大利亚央行连续第五个月保持利率不变,市场预期为升息。 cn.reuters.com 2. When the economy overheated, the central bank was compelled to jack up interest rates higher than it would otherwise have had to. 随着经济开始过热,巴西央行只得把利率上调至本无必要调至的水平。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The head of the Dutch central bank now regrets what he calls the "artificial stimulus" provided to the economy by the housing boom. 现在,荷兰央行总裁开始为房地产繁荣带给经济的“人为刺激”(按照他的说法)感到遗憾。 www.ebigear.com 4. The U. S. central bank has cut the key interest rate in an effort to boost the troubled U. S. economy and stop a global sell-off of stocks. 美国中央银行已经降低了关键的利率,试图推动陷入困境的美国经济,并止住全球抛售股票的风潮。 www.voanews.cn 5. S. central bank would make when it decides to drain some of the liquidity it pumped into the economy during the financial crisis. 当美联储决定部分回收金融危机期间向经济体注入的大量流动性时,就会采取这一措施。 hi.baidu.com 6. The source of recessions turns out to be the alleged "protector" of the economy: the central bank itself. 经济衰退的来源原来是所谓的经济的“保护者”:中央银行本身。 www.bing.com 7. He insisted it was not a bribe and that we could get a receipt from the Central Bank for the payment. 他坚持说这个钱不是贿赂,我们交了钱可以拿到中央银行开具的收据。 www.ecocn.org 8. For that reason, many analysts dismiss the central bank's talk of a currency basket as, in fact, just talk. 因为这个原因,很多分析师都表示中国央行所谓一篮子货币的说法实际上只是托辞。 c.wsj.com 9. One of the most frequently asked questions is whether the European Central Bank should follow the Fed into quantitative easing. 人们问得最多的一个问题,是欧洲央行(ECB)是否应效仿美联储采取定量宽松举措。 www.ftchinese.com 10. When financial markets break down completely a central bank has no choice but to take their place. 当金融市场完全崩溃时,央行别无选择,只能取而代之。 www.ftchinese.com |
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