单词 | bad idea | ||||||||||||||
释义 | bad idea
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 馊主意,坏主意,歪点子 1. Investors have no idea how to value sweat equity, and I now believe it's a bad idea to let them tell you how to do it. 投资者也不知道如何给劳动定价,而且我相信让他们定价也是不明智的。 www.bing.com 2. "I knew this was a bad idea, " she says, "trying to drink soup while talking. " “我知道,试图在说话时喝汤是个糟糕的主意,”她说。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Anything that degrades the experience of paying customers has to be a bad idea , especially when it's so easy to be a non-paying customer . 任何给付费用户带来负面体验的举动都是糟糕的点子,尤其当摇身一变成为免费用户是如此轻松的时候。 www.bing.com 4. You raise a valid point but I'll propose some of my own thoughts on why I think limiting random attributes can be a bad idea. 你的想法很有说服力,但我坚持认为限制随机属性不是一个好主意。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Counting on even a reasonable percentage of your users' machines to have the same fonts as you do is a bad idea. 别指望用户机器当中有“相当比例的机器”使用与您相同的字体。 www.ibm.com 6. VOICE: If atheism has produced such bad results, that would make it a bad idea. 如果无神论造成一个如此不好的下场,那麽这并不是一件好事。 www.ktwr.net 7. I'm trying to learn skateboard at the moment. I tried to skate in bare feet, bad idea. I completely cut up my toes. 我现在正在学滑板。我曾经试着光脚滑,这主意太糟了。我的脚趾头都被滑没了。 bhn.meibu.com 8. Which brings us back to the initial point: it would have been a bad idea for Mr Cameron to tell the nation to stop spending, wouldn't it? 这就又把我们带回了起点:卡梅伦首相叮嘱全英国人民都停止花钱,这是一个坏主意,对么? www.ftchinese.com 9. Come to think of it, a little prayer might not be such a bad idea after all. 只要找到一个愿意娶你的人就行了不过仔细想想,也许祈祷并不是个坏主意。 sfile.ydy.com 10. He never taught me about why it was a bad idea to date loony, but that's one I learned for myself fairly effectively later on. 他从没告诉我为什么不能和一个疯子约会,但是这一点这是我很快就自己弄明白了。 www.qieerxi.com 1. Jake may have had a concussion, and it was actually a bad idea for him to stay in the game. 杰克可能已经得了脑震荡,而且对他来说,留在赛场上实在是一个糟糕的主意。 www.bing.com 2. And that's why extending the high-end tax cuts is such a bad idea: it would deliver very little bang for a very large number of bucks. 这就是为什么扩展高收入端税收减免是如此糟糕的主意:用巨量的美元却砸不出来多少动静。 www.bing.com 3. Well, it did happen, but right now it does seem to have been a bad idea for exactly the reasons the skeptics cited. 嗨,事情却的确发生了。不过,现在看来,正因为怀疑论者列举的理由,当时想法就是错的。 www.bing.com 4. The assignment for tomorrow was to write a memo telling me why you think it is a good or bad idea for me to give a final exam in exam week. 明天的作业是写一写你的看法,告诉我为什么你认为在考试周进行期末考是好主意还是坏主意。 www.torontobbs.com 5. Now if he jumped with just a condom on, that would be a bad idea. 现在他如果只带着一个避孕套就跳下去的话,那才是一个坏主意。 www.bing.com 6. Third bad idea: You could have entered the amounts in chronological order. At the end of each month you could have made a sum. 第三个糟糕想法:你按时间顺序输入了数据,在每个月末你还做了累计。 ooo.pingju.org 7. Again , let us remind you that using proprietary cryptographic algorithms , including hash functions, is usually a bad idea . 再次提醒您,使用专用密码演算法,包括杂凑函数,通常是一个坏主意。 www.bing.com 8. If you participate in the Water Festival, it might not be a bad idea to leave the camera at home. 如果你要参加泼水节,把照相机留在家里可能不是个坏主意。 edu.beelink.com.cn 9. But just in case we are observing yet another expedient shift, it might be a good idea to understand precisely why socialism is a bad idea. 但是为了以防万一,我们有必要谈一下另一种转变,那就是准确理解社会主义的荒诞可能是一个好主意。 www.bing.com 10. Unfortunately, this turns out to be a bad idea: It ties the reference to a specific file, on a specific file system, in a specific location. 遗憾的是,事实证明这是一个坏主意:它将引用连接到特定位置中特定文件系统上的特定文件。 www-128.ibm.com 1. That's my choice, but it's still not a bad idea to live as if the end is near: our mortality is certainly not vaporware. 这是我的选择,不过,好像末日临近一样地活着也不是一个坏主意,毕竟死亡一定不是“雾件”。 www.elanso.com 2. Almost all the leaders who will turn up in London know protectionism is a bad idea. 几乎所有将出席伦敦会议的领导人都明白,保护主义不是好事。 www.ftchinese.com 3. For a president who insists it's a bad idea to get "caught up in the news cycle, " Obama has just shown a knack for controlling it. 对于坚称那是个馊主意而被“卷入新闻系列报道”的总统,奥巴马仅仅显示了克制的能力。 www.bing.com 4. Hector: Well, I suppose. . . To stay here with you, Julia. . . It's not a bad idea. 赫:噢,我想…和你生活在一起,朱丽娅…这是个不坏的主意。 bbs.konamicn.com 5. Despite their rowdy reputation, it would be a bad idea to think of the Fianna as merely drunken sots who can spout stories. 因为他们喜欢吵闹的坏名声就把芬尼安看成是只会讲故事的酒鬼,这是不合适的。 blog.donews.com 6. To say that the Internet Kill Switch is a bad idea is only scratching the surface of how wrongheaded the proposal is. 说设置“互联网死亡开关”是个馊主意,那还只是触及了这项错误而愚蠢的举措的表面。 www.cnw.com.cn 7. In my opinion, code has no place in configuration files anyway, and allowing users to execute arbitrary code is a bad idea. 在我看来,配置文件中无论如何都不应该存在代码,并且允许用户执行任意代码是个坏主意。 www.ibm.com 8. Stock quotes are a great example of when you might use a marquee display. But for static text, it is just a bad idea for the most part. 证券交易行情网站可能就是一个很好的例子,但是对于静态文章,在很大程度上就不利于浏览了。 www.redlinux.org 9. I don't like the sound of that. Open-ended invitations are a bad idea. 我不喜欢这样。不加限制地邀请人来不是个好主意。 www.kekenet.com 10. Damon: "I had an hour to realize what a bad idea it was to leave you here alone, process it, and move on. " 我一个小时后才知道丢下你是个坏主意好吧,现在事已如此我们要继续往前走! tieba.baidu.com 1. Bad idea, it blocks physical damage, provides no regen, and maybe a bit of base damage. 坏的主意,这个格挡了物理伤害,但是不能提供回复,虽然可能有一些的基础攻击力的加成。 www.bing.com 2. It would be a bad idea to continue with energy subsidies on the assumption that commodities prices will not rebound after crisis. 若假定大宗商品价格在危机后不会反弹,因而继续提供能源补贴,那是一个糟糕的主意。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Electronic surveillance would be a bad idea. Cloaks of invisibility work for Harry Potter, but are not available to the rest of us. 安装电子监视器是个坏主意,哈里?波特(HarryPotter)的隐形衣挺好用,但我们这些人又没有。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Now that I think about it, it's not a bad idea to get some work experience , and earn some extra cash while we're at it. 既然你想这么做,那去获得一些工作经验,也赚点外快确实是个好主意。阿曼达,帮我个忙好吗? bbs.putclub.com 5. Science text books tell us how to create a nuclear reaction, and yet they contain no chapter asking if it is a good or bad idea. 科学的教科书里讲解怎么制造核反应堆,但没有一个章节讲这是不是一个好的事情。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Now, you've said elsewhere that you think it's a bad idea for humans to make contact with other forms of life. 现在,你曾在别的地方表示,你认为与其他生命形式的接触联系并不是一个好主意。 dongxi.net 7. People have already written why such a hype is generally a bad idea and in the case of Quora particularly. 已经有人写过为什么说这样的疯狂不是个好现象,对于Quora来说更是如此。 www.bing.com 8. Dr. Freedhoff said he doesn't think giving milk to children is a bad idea - but he questions the idea it should be considered "essential. " Freedhoff博士说他认为给孩子喝牛奶是个不错的主意——但他质疑将其作为“必需品的”概念。 www.bing.com 9. "If someone has a bad idea, we'll probably figure out a way not to do it, " says Steele. “如果某人有一个不好的主意,我们很可能马上就意识到一个办法,不去制作,”斯蒂尔说。 www.bing.com 10. Even some of China's regulators have come round to believing that putting their faith in the capital markets might not be a bad idea. 中国有些监管者的脑子甚至也转过弯儿来,开始相信对资本市场抱有信心也许不是坏事。 www.ecocn.org 1. This shifting of risk from bondholders was a bad idea in Ireland and generalizing it across the euro zone will not improve it. 这种把风险从债券持有人身上移走的做法在爱尔兰就收效不佳,推广到整个欧元区收效也不会改善。 www.ftchinese.com 2. All this does not mean better regulation and more transparency for the commodities markets is a bad idea. 所有这些,并不意味着大宗商品市场更好的监管和更大的透明度是件坏事。 www.ftchinese.com 3. If you want to be above the majority then following the crowd is always a bad idea. 如果你想要居于大多数人之上,那么跟随大众的脚印肯定是个糟糕的主意。 www.bing.com 4. Multi-tasking (or switch-tasking as the new buzz word goes) is usually a bad idea. 毫无疑问,多重任务(或者有新名词叫做“切换任务”)通常情况下并不是一个好主意。 www.elanso.com 5. It is not a bad idea, to say the least of it. 至少可以这样说,这不是一个坏主意。(划线部分为插入语) blog.hjenglish.com 6. You wanted to be a musician (a writer, astronaut, whatever) but everyone told you it was a bad idea, and you didn't even try. 你想要成为一个音乐家(作家,太空人或是什么的)但是大家都不赞成你的想法,所以你也不试着去实现。 www.bing.com 7. "That's not a bad idea, " said Granddad gently, " I don't need so much of a blanket. " “这想法倒不错,”爷爷和气地说,“我用不着这么大的毯子。” jpkc.xafy.edu.cn 8. It's not a bad idea to keep the garage door shut during the day too. An unanswered knock is as good as a sign saying no one is home. 白天锁上车库的门其实也不错,但是如果有人敲门却无人应答就给了小偷很好的信号,说明这家现在没人。 www.elanso.com 9. Moving somebody out of his home quickly may sound heartless; but stretching the process out is a bad idea. 将屋主赶出房屋听起来是无情的,但是延长过程不是一个好的主意。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The figures seem to suggest that might not be a bad idea. 数字统计表明,成小姐的打算可能确实有道理。 www.bing.com 1. and ripping up contracts between borrowers and private lenders is usually a bad idea. 撕毁借款人和私人贷款人之间的合约通常不是明智之举。 club.topsage.com 2. As for using the touch screen for controlling the driving experience, we all felt that would've been a bad idea. 至于使用触摸屏控制的驾驶体验,我们都认为,将一直在一个坏主意。 game.ali213.net 3. While these projects are clearly unfortunate, you want to avoid burning up too much money before realizing that the project was a bad idea. 虽然这些项目是明显不幸的,但是您希望在发现这些项目是糟糕的想法之前避免浪费太多的金钱。 www.ibm.com 4. Paul hesitated , thinking that it might be a bad idea to take the new job. 保罗迟疑了一下,因为他觉得接受新工作可能会是坏主意。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. I ve stated in the past that trying to avoid synchronization is generally a bad idea. 我过去曾经说过试图避免同步一般是个坏主意。 www-128.ibm.com 6. first I thought it was a bad idea, but upon reflection I realized she was right. 最初我认为那是个坏主意,但考虑之后我认识到她是对的。 www.yuloo.com 7. I thought this was a bad idea, because the "hedonic treadmill" would mean that they'd quickly get used to the new bed. 我觉得这是一个糟糕的决定,因为“快乐水车”理论告诉我,他们很快就会适应新的床,失去原有的兴奋。 www.bing.com 8. While it's not necessarily a bad idea as a ploy to make money, it's just a biiiiit offensive. 尽管作为盈利策略这种做法不一定是个坏主意,但就是有那么一点点令人不快。 www.bing.com 9. Fiscal tightening for America is a bad idea in its own right, but it's particularly ill advised given that stuff happens. Like Europe. 财政紧缩对于美国来说本身就是个馊主意,在面临欧洲政治经济双重危机的时候尤其如此。 www.ecocn.org 10. That would be a bad idea at any time; in a period when the state must tighten its belt it is an extraordinary proposal. 无论处于哪个时代,这都不是一个好主意,尤其在国家应该勒紧裤腰带过日子的时候,这更是一个离奇的提案。 www.bing.com 1. Using Maven WAR plugin for overriding classes, configuration or other resources in general sounds like a really bad idea. 用Maven的WAR插件替换类、配置或其他资源听起来是个很糟糕的主意。 www.infoq.com 2. Striving for perfection is always a bad idea, because life is messy and unpredictable and full of surprises. 追求完美永远是一个坏主意,因为生活是混乱的、不可预知的、充满惊喜的。 www.bing.com 3. Suffice it to say, it is a very bad idea to be using the sa (or any high-privileged account) for application database access. 可以确切地讲,将sa(或任何高权限帐户)用于应用程序数据库访问是一个很糟糕的主意。 www.cnblogs.com 4. It surely cannot be a bad idea for the world's two biggest emitters of greenhouse gases to discuss energy security and the environment. 毕竟世界两大温室气体制造国能坐在一起探讨能源节约和环境保护并不是什么坏事。 www.ecocn.org 5. Overloading your spouse with what you consider to be perfectly valid information is a bad idea. 你可能觉得很多信息跟配偶说说理所当然,但其实不然。 c.wsj.com 6. It's not a bad idea, actually, to ask yourself variations on that question often. 确实,经常问问你自己类似这样的问题是一个不坏的主意。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. But now it looks like a 'bad idea, ' he said. 他说,但现在看来这不是个好主意。 c.wsj.com 8. At those rates, Citi shareholders might decide lending out their stock isn't such a bad idea after all. 按照这样的利率,花旗的股东可能会认为借出他们手中的股票的确不是一个坏主意。 www.bing.com 9. It needs to appear to have been delivered with care, so to send it from the beach house in the Caribbean via BlackBerry is a bad idea. 它必须看上去是在用心发送,因此,选择在加勒比海滩别墅里通过黑莓(BlackBerry)发送感谢信,实在是个糟糕的创意。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Shunt it may not be a bad idea, reform, what final people cares still is reform " social cost and social effect " . 在俄罗斯,转轨伴随着一场革命。转轨也好,改革也罢,最终人们关心的还是改革的“社会代价和社会效果”。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 1. If there's any doubt at all, check the data before you send it to the component (in fact, it's not a bad idea to check anyway). 如果有任何疑问,请在将数据发送给组件之前对数据进行检查(实际上,不管怎样都检查一次是一个不错的主意)。 www.ibm.com 2. In other words , it was a bad idea for Houston forward Ron Artest to start trash -talking to him during Wednesday night 's game. 换句话说,在星期三晚上休斯顿前锋阿泰开始对科比说垃圾话实在不是什么好主意。六级单词 wenku.baidu.com 3. When a central bank communicates that it doesn't want its currency to strengthen, it's generally a bad idea to go against that central bank. 当一家央行表达了不希望其货币强势的意愿,同该央行唱反调一般不会是个好主意.今日就是个提醒。 cn.reuters.com 4. It's a bad idea to give your girlfriend a toad for her birthday. It's better to give her nothing. Yet it is best to buy her a necklace. 你女朋友生日的时候送她一只蛤蟆是糟透了的想法。什么都不送还稍微好一点。但是送她项链的话当然最好 zhidao.baidu.com 5. It could be put in place if enough governments really wanted to, but this would be a bad idea. 如果足够多的国家政府真的想征收托宾税的话,是可以开征的,但这将是一个糟糕的主意。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Now, given that, it might seem tempting in retrospect to conclude that the Plaza Accord was a bad idea. 鉴于以上事实,现在回顾历史时,很容易得出《广场协议》是一个坏主意的结论。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The bathroom or a corner of the office is always a bad idea! 洗手间或是办公室的角落总是有被偷听到的危险! www.ebigear.com 8. So in maddening situations in which anger or indignation are justified, anger is not a bad idea, the thinking goes. 所以以此类推,在一个令人气愤的场合,生气和愤怒的情绪是可以理解的,发脾气并不是不好的事情。 www.bing.com 9. In the words of Forrester Senior Analyst David Johnson, it's a bad idea for corporate IT to take a teetotaler attitude toward the Apple. 用Forrester公司高级分析师大卫·约翰逊的话说,IT企业对苹果采取滴酒不沾的态度是个坏主意。 dongxi.net 10. Likewise, it's a bad idea to annoy an escort who couldreveal what you're up to. 同样,惹恼一个可能揭露你那点糗事的三陪女,也是不明智的。 www.bing.com 1. Maybe the cruel old Christian notion of original sin wasn't such a bad idea after all. 这么看来,也许原罪--那老旧残酷的基督教观念,也并不是什么坏主意。 www.bing.com 2. But delaying that visit to stick with a sportscast is a bad idea, especially for people with a history of heart trouble, he says. 但是为了看比赛而故意拖延不去看病,这样的意识是不好的。特别是对那些有心脏病史的病人来说。 www.suiniyi.com 3. "I think it's a really bad idea to have blood work unless something is wrong, " she said. 她说:“我认为进行血液检查实在是一个坏主意,除非有什么不对劲。” news.dxy.cn 4. I-I-I know that I said I thought this was a bad idea. 我知道我说了领养这个主意很糟糕 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Because SIGKILL cannot be handled, stopping a process with SIGKILL is generally considered a bad idea. 因为sigkill不能处理,制止过程中与sigkill被普遍认为是一个坏主意。 www.javaeye.com 6. I told you this was a bad idea! -All right, all right! I'll get rid of the trampoline. 我告诉过你这不是个好主意!-停止!我会把弹跳床处理掉。 www.yappr.cn 7. The new Princess Huanzhu is not the exception which proves the rule: as a general thing, remaking classic TV shows is a truly bad idea. 新版《还珠格格》毫无例外地证明了一条定律:一般来说,翻拍经典电视剧是个彻头彻尾的坏主意。 www.i21st.cn 8. 'Everybody thought it is not a bad idea, and it is workable, ' he said. 他说,大家都认为这不是个坏主意,是可行的。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Indeed this subtlety is precisely why run-time exceptions are a bad idea for external conditions that should be handled by code. 正是由于这个微妙的原因,让运行时异常成为代码要处理的外部状况是一个坏主意。 www.ibm.com 10. It's not a bad idea, I suppose, but it may cost a lot of money. 我想这主意不坏,不过那可能要花很多钱。 1. As you can see by Dr. Nielsen's accreditation, his mentioning that using password masking is a bad idea isn't something to be taken lightly. 从对尼尔森博士的认定中我们可以看出,他的使用密码屏蔽是个坏主意的提法不容忽视。 www.bing.com 2. Whether it turns out to be a good idea or bad idea, we'll find out. 无论它非常终会是好主意还是坏主意,我们都会赴找到。 www.waiyulm.com 3. "Most people [at Facebook] thought it was a bad idea and was going to ruin the site. " “Facebook的很多人觉得这是个坏念头,觉得这样做会毁掉Facebook。” www.bing.com 4. Some of the super-rich will run for office, but this can be a bad idea. 有些超级大富豪想竞选公职,这可不好。 www.ecocn.org 5. Note that it's a bad idea to 'get in character' with this -- rolling your d20 like a bowling ball will only cause problems. 要注意的是不要『太入戏』了—真的拿一个20面骰像保龄球似的滚过去只会造成麻烦的。 6. I knew you were a bad idea, but I had to have you anyway. 我知道你是个坏主意可是我无论如何只要你 zhidao.baidu.com 7. That would be a bad idea, agree all of the analysts who have posted notes tonight. 周三晚就乔布斯辞职一事发表研究报告的分析人士一致认为,这是个坏主意。 chinese.wsj.com 8. As always, trying to write hybrid code is a bad idea. 无论何时,试图去编写混合的代码都不是好主意。 www.ibm.com 9. That's why you see so many "experts" proclaiming that long distance relationships are a bad idea and don't work. 这就是为什么你会发现很多“专家”宣称异地恋不是好主意,行不通。 www.bing.com 10. Tom: Not a bad idea. Let's first write out a shopping list. That will save a lot of time. 汤姆:好主意。我们先写一个采购清单吧。那样可以节约很多时间。 touch-life.blog.163.com 1. Stutesman also advises that sometimes "avoidance is actually not such a bad idea. " 他还建议说,有时“躲避其实也不是一个坏主意”。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. If you feel that your baby's fussiness is not normal, it's never a bad idea to get baby checked by the doctor to rule out any illness. 如果你感觉到宝宝的哭闹有些异常的话,带他去看医生以排除可能的疾病绝对是个好主意。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. If you feel that your babys fussiness is not normal, its never a bad idea to get baby checked by the doctor to rule out any illness. 要是你感觉到宝宝的哭闹有些异常的话,带他去看大夫以排除可能的疾病肯定是个好主张。 www.iloveyoubb.com 4. "And of course valuations are depressed, so it's not a bad idea to buy at these levels for a long-term strategic investor. " “当然,目前银行股的估值正处于低水平,因此对长线的策略投资者来说,在这样的价位买进并不是坏主意。” www.ftchinese.com 5. Ignoring the fact that allocating a single buffer for the entire file is a bad idea, what could go wrong in this method? 忽略为整个文件分配一个缓冲区是一个不好的想法,但是在这个方法中哪里错了呢? www.ibm.com 6. It may turn out that Flash on mobiles is a bad idea, but at least now you'll have a choice. 可能Flash并不适合于移动设备,但至少现在你可以选择使用它了。 www.bing.com 7. In fact, doing so gives you the advantage of a slightly more optimized system and may not be a bad idea either way. 事实上,这样做的优点是提供了稍微优化了的系统并且不管怎么说都不是个坏主意。 www.ibm.com 8. In this case, it's pretty clear that adding the directory these are in to the system-wide search path would be a bad idea. 在这种情况下,将这些程序库所在的目录添加到系统级搜索路径中显然不是一个好办法。 www.ibm.com 9. Publicly recognize that rewarding outcomes is a bad idea, particularly for companies that deal in complex and unpredictable environments. 公开承认基于结果进行奖励不是个好方法,特别是对处于复杂且不可预知环境中的公司来讲。 www.bing.com 10. So in maddening situations in which anger is proved, anger is not a bad idea, the thinking goes. 所以,这种思想认为:在愤怒被证实了的那种发狂的情形下,愤怒不是个坏主意。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com 1. These patterns show that statistically it has been a bad idea to buy Baidu shares ahead of Q3 earnings releases. 这些模型说明在Q3的报表公开之前,买百度的股票不是一个明智的做法。 www.bing.com 2. Translation memories are valuable assets, and being tied to a proprietary database format is a bad idea. 翻译存储是很有价值的资产,将其捆绑到私有数据库格式上是不好的做法。 www.ibm.com 3. There is no one but me and a few of my friends who go to both graves. Some people think it's a bad idea. Some people think it's heroic. 我和我的几个朋友会去看望那些墓,不管是红,还是蓝。有人觉得这不是个好注意。也有人觉得这很侠肝义胆。 www.bing.com 4. Bad: It is a bad idea to abbreviate enumerations; the user will have no idea which value to use. 不好的方法:用缩写表示枚举数据不是个好办法,因为这样用户就无法判断该用哪一个值了。 www.ibm.com 5. And I assure you, imitating Matz is not a bad idea for most of us. 并且我向你保证,效仿Matz对于我们大多数人来说不是坏主意。 www.infoq.com 6. Managing multiple configurations just for the sake of having different command-line arguments is a bad idea in most situations. 在大多数情况下,为了使用不同的命令行参数管理多个配置是一种不好的方法。 www.ibm.com 7. As a matter of fact, in future shootouts it wouldn't be a bad idea even to test popular frameworks like Rails or Merb. 事实上,在将来的评测中,测试诸如Rails或者Merb这样的流行框架可不是个坏主意。 www.infoq.com 8. But putting it in your pocket would be a bad idea - it's full of molten metal. 但将它放在在你的口袋将是一个坏主意-它充满了熔融金属。 www.bing.com 9. though on second thought perhaps that's not such a bad idea. 尽管转念一想,这个主意倒也不错。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Long term, the move may not be such a bad idea. 长期而言,这或许并不是一个那么糟的点子。 www.fortunechina.com 1. Maybe dating and dumping Serena wasn 't such a bad idea. 也许和Serena交往再甩了她也没那么糟糕 www.tingclass.net 2. In contrast, the term "anti-pattern, " is now often used to represent anything that is a bad idea, or, if you will, a "bad practice" . 与之相反,术语“反模式”现在常用来表示一个不好的想法或“不好的实践”。 www.ibm.com 3. Unfortunately, many designers have still not learnt that the special NULL pointer or null object is an equally bad idea. 遗憾的是,许多设计者并没有认识到空指针或空对象带来的危害。 www.infoq.com 4. It won't work; to start with, it's a bad idea, and secondly, it'll cost too much. 这件事行不通;首先,这个想法不好,其次,花钱太多。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Hey, that's not such a bad idea. I think I might just do that! 嗯.好主意.我想不如就这样做! www.bing.com 6. Hayes continued. "And that it's a really bad idea to walk around with all your cash there at night? " Hayes接着说,“不过整晚都带着你所有的盘缠在街上晃悠,这主意算不算糟?” www.bing.com 7. While it's still a bad idea to go too crazy with images, it seems like using image-based text (or graphical text) is the wave of the future. 虽然过度沉迷于图像不是一个好主意,但基于图像的文本似乎要成为未来的潮流。 www.ibm.com 8. I think it may not be a bad idea. . . Let the misunderstanding ends here. 我想这样也好…就让误会到这里结束… answers.yahoo.com 9. It wouldn't be a bad idea to be second-choice behind Buffon. Though his dream remains Brazil. 作为布冯的替补也是个不错的选择,尽管他的梦想仍在巴西。 blog.163.com 10. No, it was a bad idea, as Wynn had acted without consulting a physician. 不,这么做可不妙,因为韦恩没有咨询医生就自行其是。 www.bing.com 1. Google has finally realized that it's a bad idea to automatically add to the list of Gmail contacts all the people you've sent an email. Google终于认识到把所有你曾经发过邮件的地址自动添加到联系人里不是一个好主意了。 hi.baidu.com 2. It's not a bad idea but it doesn't explain why these objects have the same spherical shape and are located so close to each other. 虽然这不是个坏消息,但是它没办法解释为什么物体都是相同的球形,以及彼此之间的距离又很近。 www.bing.com 3. Sure, there are a million reasons why this might sound like a bad idea in regards to long term debt. 当然,有无数的理由来相信这相应的长期的债务听上去像是一个糟透的主意。 xianguo.com 4. Even the Soviets learned what a bad idea it was to allow this to happen. 实际上苏联人也知道让这样的事情发生是个多么糟糕的主意。 www.bing.com 5. I go up dawn a bad idea to which question. 对于这个疑难我有一个好主意。 www.ffenglish.com 6. But going private would be a bad idea for Dow, he believes. 但是他相信私有股本化是个馊主意。 www.ecocn.org 7. I knew this vest was a bad idea, but the gay guy in my office told me they're back. 我就知道这件马甲穿上很傻,但是我办公室的那个同性恋告诉我说这个又流行起来了 www.kekenet.com 8. This is why it may not be a bad idea to try changing your pillowcase every night and see if that helps. 所以,每晚更换你的枕套或许不是个坏建议。 www.bing.com 9. Bottom line: Multivitamins aren't a bad idea if "you're on the go, " Anderson says. "But don't expect major lifesaving benefits. " 忠告:如果你的身体已“衰败垂危”,进补复合维生素是一个好主意,安德森说。“但可别把它当成你的救命稻草。” www.foodmate.net 10. Who said that? Who said it? - I knew this was a bad idea. 谁说的?谁说的?-我就知道这是个坏主意 www.tingroom.com 1. It's not a bad idea to put motion detectors up there too. 在那里装一个运动监测器肯定不会是一个馊主意。 www.bing.com 2. The attribute portion-unit now modifies portion-size, which as I've mentioned is a bad idea. 现在属性portion-unit修正了portion-size,而我已经提到这不是一种好主意。 www.ibm.com 3. For this reason, excessive function calls in a loop are generally a bad idea. 由于这个原因,在一个循环中使用太多函数调用不是个好主意。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Unless the company faces bankruptcy, it is a bad idea to do much in the first 100 days. 除非企业面临破产,否则在头100天做很多事情并非良策。 www.ftchinese.com 5. With antibiotic resistance on the rise, having more weapons in our antibacterial arsenal is not a bad idea. 随着不断增加的抗药性,在我们抗击细菌的兵工厂中能多一些武器还是不错的。 www.bing.com 6. It is generally a bad idea to break something that already exists, especially in this case. 破坏已经存在的东西通常不是一个好做法,尤其是在这种情况下。 www.ibm.com 7. Even so, Mr. Altman says he thinks pay limits are a bad idea, even if his company stands to benefit. 即使如此,Altma先生说他认为薪水限制是个坏主意,即使会是他的公司受益。 www.bing.com 8. You can hear this distribution under that complaint. And you can see why, from Ballmer's point of view, that's a bad idea, right? 你可以从他的抱怨中听到这个函数图形你还可以从Ballmer的角度出发而明白这为什么Linux的办法是不可取的。 www.ted.com 9. The idea that you shouldn't wake a sleepwalker up is a myth, but it's probably also a bad idea to startle him or her. 所谓不应该叫醒梦游者是一个荒诞的说法,但是让他们受惊也是个糟糕的主意。 www.bing.com 10. That does not mean that the Shareholder Executive is a bad idea. 这并不意味着,成立国有股东事务管理局是一个糟糕的想法。 www.ftchinese.com 1. What you might imagine as the most obvious way to convert relational database data to XML is also generally a bad idea. 对于将关系数据库数据转换成XML,您能想像到的最明显的方式通常也不是什么好的想法。 www.ibm.com 2. But extending unemployment benefits beyond the standard six-month limit is a bad idea. 但把失业救济延长到超过六个月这一标准长度,则是一个馊主意。 www.bing.com 3. Work tips S: Don't be too stubborn. Sometimes listening to others is not a bad idea. 工作:别太固执了。有时候听听其他人的意见也未尝不可。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. But 12seconds co-founder Sol Lipman doesn't think the Skittles campaign was a bad idea at all. 但是12秒合作创立人SolLipman并不觉得Skittles的活动是一个坏主意。 www.elanso.com 5. i know it's a bad idea. but i can't stop myself something from bringing up past relationship. 我知道这样不好,可有时候我还是忍不住要提起以往的感情。 bbs.ebigear.com 6. Perhaps it's a bad idea to cultivate or strengnow it here ratIT dawn to wait to the time of we're on we deathbed to lament. 也许从目前开端,咱们就因该悉心照顾好她,而否则等到临终之际才悔恨不已。 www.ffenglish.com 7. Programming experience: Learning a language with OS development is considered a bad idea. 编程经验:通过进行操作系统开发来学习一门编程语言,这是一个很差的想法。 www.bing.com 8. The bad idea within the proposals is that banks should have to pay a further tax on their profits before pay. It is not clear why. 这个计划的缺点是银行必须在为利润正式纳税之前就支付一笔附加税,而没有明确的理由。 www.ecocn.org 9. When we have a bad idea, the response to a bad idea is not no ideas, it's not to stop thinking. 当我们有一个坏主意,对这坏主意的反应不是这主意,也不是要停下来思考。 www.ted.com 10. Damming the Delaware is a poignant story about the demise of a bad idea. 筑坝特拉华河是一个令人动容的故事,坏主意逐渐被打消掉。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. But it should not take a volcanic eruption to show what a bad idea it is for so many to go on holiday at the same time. 但人们不应在火山爆发时才发现,这么多人同时度假是一个多么糟糕的主意。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Ordinarily it is a bad idea to give a class conversions to or from two built-in types. We do so here to illustrate the pitfalls involved. 一般而言,给出一个类与两个内置类型之间的转换是不好的做法,在这里这样做是为了举例说明所包含的缺陷。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. If your vehicle starts running away then by all means feather the brakes, but stomping on them is a bad idea. 如果你的车辆开始快跑,自然要浅踩刹车来将车辆控制住,不过大脚猛踩无论如何都不是什么好事。 www.bing.com 4. But even for rich countries, systematically overpaying for foreign assets is a bad idea. 但即使是富有的国家,一直买贵了外国的资产也不是好事。 www.bing.com 5. It's a bad idea for an application, rather than the user, to move the mouse cursor. 移动鼠标光标对应用程序而不是用户来说是一个糟糕的主意。 www.ibm.com 6. Um, yeah. Let me tell you why this is a bad idea. 恩,让我来告诉你这为什么也不是个好主意呢? www.bing.com 7. "So, frankly I think staying that course is not a bad idea. I would say it's a good idea. " 因此,坦率地讲,我认为坚持这条战争路线不是坏主意。 www.voanews.cn 8. As a result, it is a bad idea to use floating point to try to represent exact quantities like monetary amounts. 因此,使用浮点数来试图表示象货币量这样的精确数量不是一个好的想法。 www.ibm.com 9. First and foremost, working on interaction to the exclusion of information design, or the converse, is a bad idea. 首先,只关注交互性而不顾信息性设计,或者反过来,都是不足取的。 www.ibm.com 10. Was it something you ate? 'Cause I toId Shrek those rats was a bad idea. 是因为你吃的东西吗?我知道不该吃那些东西 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Now that he had seen and heard the man himself, that struck him as a very bad idea. 鉴于现在他已经亲自见识了这个人所言所行,他坚信那会使个坏主意。 www.cndkc.net 2. That's not a bad idea, but I can't afford the time. 这是个好主意,但是我没有时间。 www.hxen.com 3. I'm giving her the A shit. Nothing. She thought our web page was a bad idea. 我给她讲了我们的成人网站她觉得那是个坏主意 www.tingroom.com 4. Yeah this probably was a bad idea; yeah this probably was a bad idea. 这大概是个很坏的注意,是的,这个主意大概很坏 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Critics of cloud computing argue that it is a bad idea to lose total control of information. 但批评云端运算的人士则反驳说,失去对资讯的完全掌控,是很糟糕的构想; hi.baidu.com 6. I guess Dad thought it was a bad idea. - [Ella] Why? 我猜是因为爸爸觉得不好吧-为什么? www.engxue.com 7. It doesn't strike me as a bad idea to put one outside the kitchen. 要我说,在厨房外面放一个篮子并不是坏主意。 www.bing.com 8. Taking carry-on food on an airline flight isn't a bad idea, either. 随身携带食物上飞机也不失为一个好主意。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 9. PUTTING something aside for a rainy day is rarely a bad idea. 把东西存起来以备不时之需往往是个好主意。 www.ecocn.org 10. Counseling couples on the virtues of marriage isn't a bad idea -- as long as their participation isn't coerced in any way. 姻美德方面的咨询也许不失为一个好主意--如果这些夫妇自愿参加的话。 ezitong.com 1. At first I thought it was a bad idea, but upon reflection I realized she. 最初我认为那是个坏主意,但考虑之后我认识到她是。 search.tom.com 2. instigating a morning fitness regime is not a bad idea. 建立早锻炼制度倒不是个坏主意 blog.sina.com.cn 3. In general, it is a bad idea to declare a function locally . Function declarations should go in header files. 一般来说,局部地声明函数是一种不明智的选择。函数的声明应放在头文件中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. I've been taught that's a bad idea, but it makes people feel excited and gets them involved. 我曾被告诫某个主意不行,但它却让人们感到振奋并吸引他们加入。 www.bing.com 5. Given the current economic gloom perhaps renaming the whole stock exchange wouldn't be a bad idea. 为了摆脱经济危机,也许将整个股票交易重新命名也是个不错的主意。 www.bing.com 6. The Lesson: Undergarments are our friends, and graceful car exits aren't a bad idea, either. 教训:内衣是我们的好朋友,车震也不是什么坏事。 www.bing.com 7. Yet despite our love of science fiction, this coming trend in robo-aesthetics is a bad idea. 尽管我们喜欢看科幻小说,机器人美学的潮流却是个糟糕的念头。 dongxi.net 8. One way of looking at the issue is that modularity is powerful because it makes it easier to replace a bad idea with a good one. 一个办法是观察模块的强度,这会让你及早的把一些坏的方法排除掉,而用好的方法代替。 www.bing.com 9. Floating a bad idea does not instill confidence. 一个坏点子再怎么添油加醋也无法重振信心。 www.bing.com 10. Then we discovered it was a bad idea because we couldn't use each other's terminals . 然后我们发现这个主意很糟糕,因为我们不能交互使用别人的终端。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. McKinley convinced the people that the Free Silver Movement was a bad idea. 麦金利说服选民相信自由铸造银币运动是一个坏点子。 www.24en.com 2. Though I'm focusing on change here, it's never a bad idea to recognize and embrace the positive, too. 虽然我在这儿关注的是变化,但是发掘并接受积极的方面也不失为个好主意。 www.elanso.com 3. It should be clear by now that turning off buffering is a really bad idea for most applications. 现在我们应该清楚了,关闭缓冲区对于多数应用程序而言并不是什么好主意。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Today, I learnt that eating McDonald's, Twisties, Chocolate and popcorn, then regretting it and going to the gym is a bad idea. 今天我发现刚刚吃过麦当劳Twisties(一种奶酪零食)巧克力和爆米花以后心怀愧疚地跑去健身实在不是什么好主意。 www.bucter.com 5. If it's not already obvious, getting cosmetic surgery that a US doctor wouldn't do in Brazil is a really bad idea. 如果还没有明显好转,那么,实施美国医生不愿在巴西做的整容手术,就真是一个坏主意。 www.bing.com 6. There are many reasons why tattoos are a bad idea, and at the top of the list is regret. 这里有很多理由说明为什么纹身是一种坏的想法。对纹身的不同看法,后悔是第一个理由。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Drinking coffee late at night to stay up and watch the Olympics is bad idea. 绝对不赞成靠喝咖啡来熬到很晚看奥运会。 news.dxy.cn 8. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea if you passed that certification test before trying this one! 在尝试本教程介绍的考试之前,最好首先通过这个认证考试! www.ibm.com 9. Resolving the internal imbalances by worsening global ones is a bad idea. 通过恶化全球失衡状况、来解决内部失衡问题,并不是一个好主意。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Presenting too many choices to a client is a bad idea. 给得太多选择是一个坏主意。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. As much as I hated to miss work, editing in that condition is a bad idea. 我并不喜欢耽误工作,但也不愿意不遵医嘱。 chinese.wsj.com 2. On hindsight , being up there was probably a bad idea. 事后人们才发现,呆在那上头或许是个错误的想法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. It's probably not a bad idea for Microsoft to work on Vista's image. 微软若想为借此Vista树立一个正面形象,这并不是个坏主意。 www.bing.com 4. On reflection, perhaps that is not such a bad idea. 仔细想一下,或许这不是什么太糟糕的主意。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The response to a bad idea, like, say, a tungsten light bulb , is a better idea. Okay ? 而是对此反应就像这个钨灯泡的例子,它会变成一个好主意,对吧?。 www.bing.com 6. Sometimes listening to others is not a bad idea. 有时听其他不是一个坏想法。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. I told you it was a bad idea to have a king. 我给你说过吧,选什么国王,这本来就是一个馊主意。 www.english88.com 8. While in theory we could have retrofitted the kinds of features we wanted on fakeroot, it seemed like a bad idea. 尽管从理论上说,我们可以通过改进fakeroot得到想要的特性,但这似乎不是一个好主意。 www.ibm.com 9. If you're still unsure what to do, then changing the values to the root user and root group isn't a bad idea, either. 如果仍然不确定该怎么做,则更改根用户和根组的值也不失为一个好办法。 www.ibm.com 10. The federal government thinks that's a bad idea, but that's not stopping the milk-sharing. 联邦政府认为这个主意糟糕透了,但是这并不能阻止妈妈们分享自己的母乳。 www.bing.com 1. Does this imply that European bonds are a bad idea in general? 这是否暗示着欧洲债券整体上就是一个糟糕的想法呢? www.bing.com 2. That's absolutely indispensable, and it's a bad idea to sacrifice it in pursuit of something else. 这个本质就是不可或缺的,牺牲它而去追求其它的东西不是明智之举。 www.bing.com 3. Setting an attribute named xmlns through this DTD mechanism is a bad idea. 通过这个DTD机制设置名为xmlns的属性不是一个好主意。 www.ibm.com 4. Legal or regulatory barriers to drug tests are a bad idea. 药物试验的法律或法规的障碍不是一个好主意。 www.englishtang.com 5. It's not a bad idea to do some sanity checking on input fields. 对输入字段进行某种检查,这是一个不错的主意。 www.ibm.com 6. Damrning the Delaware is a poignant story about the demise of a bad idea. 筑坝特拉华河是一个坏主意逐渐消逝的令人动容的故事。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Not everyone needs, wants or can afford a coach or trainer, but if you really want to find your potential it's not a bad idea. 不是每个人都需要、希望或能承受得起请一个教练,但如果你真的希望找到自己的运动潜力,这是个办法。 www.bing.com 8. The world's trade economists are as close to unanimous as they get: this is a bad idea. 全球的贸易经济学家近乎一致地认为:这是一个糟糕的主意。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Maybe the elevated highway was a bad idea. 可能高架公路是个坏的主意。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Impudent , open , arrogant, which I do not belong, so please do not arbitrary your bad idea to harass me . 张狂,开放,傲慢,这些都不属于我,所以请不要随意的将你不良的思想来骚扰我。 www.bing.com 1. So for a power hitter to cork his bat is a bad idea. 所以对于一个击球手来说,用软木填充球棒可不是一个好主意。 www.bing.com 2. You could try to use mkdtemp(3), but this is generally a bad idea because temp cleaners may decide to erase them. 您可以尝试使用mkdtemp(3),但这通常不是一个好主意,因为临时文件清除器(tempcleaners)可能会决定清除它们。 www.ibm.com 3. You are willing to speak out if customer has bad idea and you know what works and what fails, your experience should have you at this level. 你愿意说出来,如果客户有不错的主意,你知道什么可行,什么失败,您的经验应该在这个级别。 www.bing.com 4. Inreality we never got aspect-oriented programming because the academics could not agree on whether this was a good idea or bad idea. 在现实中,我们从来没有面向方面编程,因为学者不能同意这是否是一个好主意或坏主意。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. and this no-faces thing might not be a bad idea. 所以不打脸这码子事倒是满好的主意 www.bing.com 6. A strange illness killed Isaksen's pets, and she now thinks that keeping foreign pets is a bad idea. 一种奇怪的疾病杀死了伊萨森的宠物,她现在认为饲养外国宠物不是个好主意。 winliuxq.com 7. Many people are allergic to colognes, so skipping it altogether might not be a bad idea. 还有一些人会对古龙水过敏,所以彻底放弃也不是个坏主意。 www.bing.com 8. It's usually a bad idea to personally attack someone to get your point across. 用人身攻击的方式来传达自己的观点,这通常都不是好办法。 c.wsj.com 9. But, before the cash starts flowing to Detroit, here are three reasons this bail-out is a bad idea. 然而,在资金开始流入底特律之前,这里有三条理由,说明此次纾困是一个糟糕的主意。 www.ftchinese.com 10. There is an obvious lesson here: unless you are childless, going into politics is a bad idea. 此中有一个显而易见的教训:除非没有子女,否则从政并不是一个好主意。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Some people say reading in bed is a bad idea. . . that you should only sleep in bed. 有些人会说,在床上看书是个非常糟糕的主意。因为他们认为,床仅仅是用来给你睡觉用的。 www.bing.com 2. Mixing these two approaches is an especially bad idea. 将这两种方法混合使用是非常糟糕的。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Diversified financial conglomerates are a bad idea for customers because they are riddled with conflicts of interest. 对客户来说,多元化的金融集团也是个坏主意,因为其中充斥着利益冲突。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Such conversation assures even if the most muddleheaded husband, also won't meet of bad idea. 这样的说话保证即使是最糊涂的丈夫,也不会会错意的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Now, after the marriage ceremony Slue-foot Sue got a really bad idea. 现在,经过婚礼极多米休了一个非常糟糕的主意。 www.maynet.cn 6. And this isn't a bad idea, even if you are still pushing CSPs away from your door. 这并不是什么坏主意,甚至即使你还在将CSP拒之门外。 www.bing.com 7. Simply removing them may be legal, but it is a demonstrably bad idea. 把他们遣送出国也许是合法的,但显然这是个坏主意。 www.ecocn.org 8. But I think it is a bad idea to miss payments, whether you are a homeowner, a company or a government. 不过我认为,不按期付款是个烂主意,不论你是置房屋主、企业或是一国政府。 cn.reuters.com 9. Therefore, if we concentrate boys in PE class, and girls in Fine Arts class, it is not a bad idea. 所以说,让男生集中到一同上体育课,女生更多的集中在一同学习艺术不失为一个好的方法。 www.19gd.com 10. You don't have to necessarily bring money or food for them (although that wouldn't be a bad idea). 你不需要给他们带钱或食物(虽然那不是一个坏主意)。 home.gounahaozi.org 1. If you follow the advice of the study I mentioned previously, then telling other people your goals is a bad idea. 如果你认同上述提出的建议,那么你把目标告诉别人就是一个坏主意了。 www.bing.com 2. Yeah. . . bad idea. Help organize political events in your own country instead. 啊……糟糕的想法。拜托在你自己国家发起政治集会吧。 bbs.ruian.com 3. When that happens, a similarly bad idea is born in the mind of another producer, and the cycle continues. 这样的话,类似的馊主意就会在另一个制片人的脑子里面诞生,然后这样的循环周而复始。 www.bing.com 4. This is done in the hopes that it will impress people, but it's a terribly bad idea and does not work. 这么做是希望能够加深人们的印象,但这是一个可怕的坏主意而且并不能达到目的。 www.websnap123.com 5. If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea. 如果按照困难的解释去执行,那会是个坏想法。 mathbox.lupaworld.com 6. But, in general, helping a specific industry is a bad idea. 不过总体来说,帮助单一特定的行业不是一个好主意。 www.ecocn.org 7. That's not a bad idea. I've always wanted to go to New Zealand, or Thailand or the U. K. 不错啊。我一直想去新西兰,或者泰国和英国。 learning.sohu.com 8. If not a mad idea, however, partition is a bad idea. 这个点子的确不疯狂,但也算不上好点子。 www.ecocn.org 9. This is a bad idea for an overcentralised country like Turkey, and no other party is likely to accept it. 对于一个像土耳其这样过于集权的国家来说,这并不是一个好主意,没有任何政党愿望接受。 www.ecocn.org 10. When one person says the change is a bad idea, others say the same. 当有一个人说这种改变是一个坏主意时,其他人通常会随声附和。 www.kekenet.com |
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