单词 | .jsp | ||||||
释义 | .jsp
例句释义: 视图,动态网页 1. Figure 3 displays the general concept of pulling the code from the JSP page and putting into a JSP tag. 图3显示了从JSP网页中抽取代码并将它们放入JSP标记中的一般概念。 www.ibm.com 2. To run any of them, you ll need to set up a JSP technology-compliant Web container, either on your local machine or on a test server. 要运行其中任何一个实践示例,需要在本地机器或测试服务器上安装符合JSP技术的Web容器。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Just as you've seen in previous articles with servlets, JSP pages make it trivial to link between VXML pages. 在之前关于servlet的文章中已经提到,JSP页面使VXML页面之间的链接变得轻而易举。 www.ibm.com 4. The client JSP files make up the front end for the client part of the Web application. 客户端JSP文件组成了Web应用程序客户端部分的前端。 www-128.ibm.com 5. The Tomcat server will now start up in Debug mode and bring up the Welcome. jsp page prompting for a user ID and password. TomcatServer现在将以Debug模式启动,并进入Welcome.jsp页面,该页面提示输入用户ID和密码。 www.ibm.com 6. One of the down sides to using JSF was the technology used for the rendering layer, which by default was provided by JavaServer Pages (JSP). 使用JSF的缺点之一是用于呈现层的技术,默认情况下由JavaServerPages?(JSP?)提供。 www.ibm.com 7. Here's a little trick to help you quickly see how attach mode works if you don't have a JSP to call one of your components. 下面是一些诀窍,以帮助您快速查看附加模式的工作方式(如果不让JSP调用您的组件之一)。 www.ibm.com 8. Mathematical formulae must be represented in plain text , which is the only format supported in the body of a JSP tag . 必须用纯文本表示数学公式,纯文本是JSP标记主体中唯一支持的格式。 www.bing.com 9. If you did not delete the cookie already set, you will be allowed to select a flight from Welcome. jsp without having to log in again. 如果您没有删除已经设置好的cookie,那么您不必再次登录,就可以在Welcome.jsp中选择航班。 www.ibm.com 10. For example, notice how much more interactive the grid is in backorderadminAjax. jsp. 例如,注意在backorderadminAjax.jsp中这个表格的互动性更强。 www.ibm.com 1. All you had to do was copy your VXML into a file, add a few directives at the top, and save the file with a . jsp extension. 需要做的只是将VXML复制到一个文件中,在顶端添加几条伪指令(directive),然后以.jsp扩展名保存文件。 www.ibm.com 2. In fact, a Faces Componet Library project is just a flavor of a Web project, and a custom component is developed as a regular JSP. 事实上,一个FacesComponetLibrary项目仅仅是Web项目的一个调味剂,创建一个自定义组件就像开发一个常规的JSP。 www.ibm.com 3. This article shows that it is possible to let the developer be in charge of the framework by creating JSP-based components. 本文将展示开发人员可以创建基于JSP的组件来管理框架。 www.ibm.com 4. To mimic this behavior, another logical mapping must take place in a test case -- JSP form names must be mapped to values. 要模拟这个行为,在测试用例中必须有另一个逻辑映射——JSP表单名称必须映射到值。 www.ibm.com 5. The admin JSP files make up the front end for the admin part of the Web application. 管理JSP文件组成了Web应用程序管理部分的前端。 www-128.ibm.com 6. All business logic should be in classes, and if you absolutely had to have code in your JSP page, you would wrap it up in a custom tag. 所有的商业逻辑都应该在类中,如果你确实需要在你的JSP页面中包含代码,你应该用自定义标签来包装它。 www.infoq.com 7. It is similar to a custom tag you might find in JSPs, at least in terms of its syntax. 它与JSP中的定制标记相似,至少在语法方面是相似的。 www.ibm.com 8. Second on the JSP technology's list of features is something that might raise a bit of concern. JSP技术特性列表上的第二项可能会出现一些问题。 www.ibm.com 9. The name of the product is also a link that takes the user to another page, product. jsp, to see product details. 商品名称为用户提供了进入其他页面的链接以了解商品详细信息——product.jsp。 www.ibm.com 10. Since this JSP code is used for testing and is not likely to be used in a production environment the effects of this are minimal. 由于该JSP代码用于测试并且不太可能用于生产环境中,因此,该问题的影响不大。 www.ibm.com 1. Up to this point in our discussion of JSP custom tags , we ve managed to sidestep the important detail of error handling . 在我们讨论JSP自定义标记的时候,我们一直都设法回避了错误处理的重要细节。 www.bing.com 2. Simply accessing such data, however, is often inadequate for implementing the presentation logic needed by many JSP applications. 但是,只是访问这些数据,通常不足以实现许多JSP应用程序所需的表示逻辑。 www-128.ibm.com 3. With a new report created (or an existing report imported into your workspace), you're ready to include the report in your JSP. 创建好新报表(或者将已有的报表导入到工作区)之后,就可以将这个报表包括到JSP中。 www.ibm.com 4. By default, the tag name matches the name of the JSP that you created, but the two do not have to be same. 默认情况下,这个标签名称与您创建的JSP名称是相匹配的,但是这两者不完全一样。 www.ibm.com 5. Still, choosing JSP technology forces you to use the Java language, at least for presentation and content. 然而,选择JSP技术将强制您使用Java语言,至少对于内容和表示是这样的。 www.ibm.com 6. The right pane prompts for the name of the virtual host on which to install the module and asks if the JSPs should be precompiled. 右边窗格提示输入要安装模块的虚拟主机的名称并询问是否应该对JSP预编译。 www.ibm.com 7. Many webmasters have turned a combination of scripts (JSP, ASP, or PHP) and a database to help them cope with an ever-growing site. 许多网站管理员都已转向脚本(JSP、ASP或PHP)和数据库的组合以帮助他们应付不断成长的站点。 www.ibm.com 8. Browse the URL for the user registration (NewUserRegistration. jsp) page as shown in Figure 2 (click here to see a larger image). 浏览此URL,寻找用户注册页面(NewUserRegistration.jsp),如图2所示(单击这里可以查看放大图)。 www.ibm.com 9. That said, the truth is that JSF is not bound to JSP technology inherently. 这就是说,JSF并不内在地绑定到JSP技术。 www.ibm.com 10. As you see, neither the instance of the Web page file nor the XML template definition file refers the JSP template file. 正如您所看到的,Web页面文件实例和XML模版定义文件都没有涉及到JSP模版文件。 www.ibm.com 1. JSP custom tags and JavaBeans make it possible for you to separate the user interface and workflow logic. JSP定制标签和JavaBeans使得将用户界面和业务逻辑分离成为可能。 www.ibm.com 2. The best option, though, is the Preview mode, which is built into the editor and shows the JSP just as it would look in production. 但是,最佳选择是Preview模式,该模式构建在编辑器内,可显示与生产中的JSP一样的外观。 www.ibm.com 3. In this article, I will begin with a JSP file that uses elements you may be familiar with and discuss the pros and cons of such a page. 在本文中,我将以一个JSP文件为起点讨论该网页的优缺点,该文件中使用的元素可能是您所熟悉的。 www.ibm.com 4. Notice that the Add Contact view is really just a direct forward to this JSP from the Main Edit view. 请注意添加联系人视图实际上只是从主编辑视图到这个JSP的直接转发。 www.ibm.com 5. Just like any other JSP in a Web application, this Web page displays the corresponding attributes associated with the passed-in ticket. 与Web应用程序中的任何其他JSP一样,这个Web页面将显示与传入罚单相关的相应属性。 www.ibm.com 6. Clearly, it's even easier to turn VXML into a JSP page than it is to embed VXML within a servlet. 显而易见,将VXML转换成JSP页面要比将VXML嵌入servlet简单得多。 www.ibm.com 7. Reloading: Checks to see if the JSP source file, from which the servlet was created, has been modified and needs to be re-translated. 重载:检查以确定用于创建Servlet的JSP源文件是否被修改而需要进行重新转换。 www.ibm.com 8. This allows you to put HTML in the table, and thus create a simple link to a new page "Albums. jsp" . 这让您能够将HTML置于表中,从而创建一个简单的指向新页面“Albums.jsp”的链接。 www.ibm.com 9. This section details some possible performance pitfalls with the set of JSP files that get combined into a theme. 这一部分详细讨论了使用组成主题的JSP文件集可能存在的性能缺陷。 www.ibm.com 10. Note that the Java code shown in Listing 4 could exist in a JSP page or in another bean contributing to a server-side Java application. 注意,清单4中显示的Java代码可位于JSP页面或位于服务器端Java应用程序的bean中。 www.ibm.com 1. In order for the ErrorMessage. jsp page to be able to act as an error page, this directive must appear somewhere in the page. 为了使用ErrorMessage.jsp页面能够作为一个错误页面,这个指令必须出现在页面的某个地方。 www.ibm.com 2. Each of these subdirectories contains both a sign-on screen JSP (login. jsp) and a data-confirmation JSP (confirm. jsp). 每个子目录都既包含登录屏幕的JSP(login.jsp),也包含数据确认JSP(confirm.jsp)。 www.ibm.com 3. The servlet passes the result of a command to the JSP page in the form of a bean. servlet将命令的结果以bean的形式传送到JSP页。 www.ibm.com 4. All three portlets use the same codebase; the only difference is the name of the JSP that each uses. 所有三个portlet都使用相同的代码基;惟一的区别是每个portlet使用的JSP的名称。 www.ibm.com 5. EJB components might be used, for example, to provide business logic for a Web service front end, as well as a servlet and JSP front end. 比如,EJB组件可能用来为Web服务前端提供业务逻辑,或者是servlet和JSP前端。 www.ibm.com 6. The JSP tags in a JSF application render the view and represent the component, but cannot change the state of a JSF component. JSF应用程序中的JSP标记呈现了视图,并表示组件,但无法更改JSF组件的状态。 www.ibm.com 7. This allows a single JSP class to be reloaded when necessary, without affecting any other loaded JSP classes. 这使得在必要时可重新加载单独的JSP类,而不会影响到任何其它加载的JSP类。 www.ibm.com 8. If all you're doing is providing a means of abstracting your file names from your JSP pages, then JavaBean classes are a great solution. 如果您只是要提供一种从JSP页面提取出文件名的方法,那么JavaBean类是最佳解决方案。 www.ibm.com 9. At this point, you do not need to preview the JSP page, so do not fill out the fields related to Preview. 至此,您不需要预览JSP页面,所以不要填写与Preview有关的域。 www.ibm.com 10. EJB components tend to be used for containing "back end" business logic, while servlets and JSPs generally provide a "front end" . EJB组件倾向于用来包含“后端”业务逻辑,然而servlet和JSP通常只提供了“前端”。 www.ibm.com 1. Plus, you'll still have to determine how the problem in the generated servlet code translates to a fix in the JSP itself. 另外,您还必须确定如何把生成的servlet代码中的问题转化为对JSP自身的修正。 www.ibm.com 2. If the value of the url attribute starts with a forward slash, however, it is interpreted as an absolute URL within the local JSP container. 但是,如果url属性的值以斜杠开始,那么它就被解释成本地JSP容器内的绝对URL。 www.ibm.com 3. They keep Java code out of our JSP, preserving it as a simple template for look and feel. 将Java代码放在JSP之外,将Java代码作为简单的外观和感觉模板。 www.ibm.com 4. In its purest form, JSPs do not contain any Java code, but only custom tags that are called to perform non-HTML operations. 其最简单的形式中,JSP不包含任何Java代码,但仅包含自定义标记,调用这些标记以执行非HTML操作。 www.ibm.com 5. And, as you'll see in the rest of this article, there are a number of important reasons to convert to JSP pages. 同时,在下文中您将看到,还有其他许多转换为JSP页面的重要原因。 www.ibm.com 6. And are the only mechanism built into the JSP specification for specifying attribute values dynamically. 这是构建到JSP规范中的用于动态指定属性值的唯一机制。 www-128.ibm.com 7. Because you did not specify any page for this view state, by convention admin. jsp will be served to the user. 通过使用admin.jsp,因为您不能为该视图状态指定任何页面。 www.ibm.com 8. The argument against JSP technology is not whether content and presentation can be separated, but whether they must be separated. 反对JSP技术的理由并不在于能否分离内容和表示,而是在于是否必须分离。 www.ibm.com 9. A theme is composed of a set of files that consist of a parent JSP file (Default. jsp) and subsequent fragments of the parent JSP. 一个主题是由组成父JSP文件(Default.jsp)的一组文件及父JSP的其余部分所组成。 www.ibm.com 10. Much like JSPs, template engines make it easier to separate the concerns of a view into a separate entity, such as a JSP or a template file. 与JSP类似,模板引擎会简化将视图关注的内容分隔成单独的实体,例如JSP或模板文件。 www.ibm.com 1. Because you did not specify any page for this View state, by convention viewOperatingSystemDetail. jsp will be served to the user. 因为您并没有为该View状态指定任何的页面,按照惯例用户将会被指向viewOperatingSystemDetail.jsp。 www.ibm.com 2. As mentioned previously, the XML Forms Generator allows you to use a WSDL document to create a JSP that serves as a response template. 如前所述,XMLFormsGenerator允许使用WSDL文档创建JSP响应模板。 www-128.ibm.com 3. The gateway servlet itself was a container as it stored all the references to the JSPs that it loaded. 网关servlet自身是一个容器,因为它将所有的引用存储到它所加载的JSP中。 www.ibm.com 4. The name of the markup version must match the name of the subdirectory created to hold the markup version's modified JSPs. 标记版本的名称必须与为保存标记版本的修改过的JSP而创建的子目录名称相匹配。 www.ibm.com 5. The previous section may be difficult to read, so Listing 2 shows some HTML that this JSP might generate. 上一节读起来可能有些困难,所以清单2显示了这个JSP可能生成的一些HTML。 www.ibm.com 6. Is a request-time action, and its basic task is to insert the content of some other Web resource into a JSP page. 也是一种请求时操作,它的基本任务就是将其它一些Web资源的内容插入JSP页面中。 www-128.ibm.com 7. The solution is to cache the code, possibly using JSTL to store the generated code within the JSP application scope as shown in Listing 5. 解决的方法就是缓存代码,比如用SJTL将生成的代码存储到JSPapplication作用域,如清单5所示。 www.ibm.com 8. Typically, a theme consists of many different JSP files, each delivering the content for a certain area of the screen. 通常,主题由很多不同的文件组成,每个文件提供屏幕的特定区域的内容。 www.ibm.com 9. A dynamic include -- known as the jsp: include standard action -- is performed during the request phase. 动态include(称为jsp:include标准操作)在请求阶段执行。 www.ibm.com 10. Additionally, the message is no longer hard coded, but instead is deferred to a JSP for rendering. 此外,消息也不再是硬编码的,而是委托给JSP去处理。 www.ibm.com 1. The executable form of a JSP page is a Java class that implements the javax. servlet. Servlet interface. JSP页的可执行形式是实现javax.servlet.Servlet接口的Java类。 www.ibm.com 2. A view bean keeps Java code out of the JSP, but still separate from the rest of the controller or business logic components. 视图bean将Java代码放在JSP之外,但与其它的控制器或业务逻辑组件仍是分开的。 www.ibm.com 3. If you ve followed along with each step so far , you should now be able to reference your new tag in a JSP page . 如果您已经按照上述步骤执行了,那么现在您应该能够在JSP页面中引用新标记了。 www.bing.com 4. The wizard creates an HTML input form, a JSP output page, a servlet, and a Java bean to hold the results data. 向导将创建一个HTML输入表单、一个JSP输出页、一个servlet和一个用来保存结果数据的Javabean。 www.ibm.com 5. JSP advocates are quick to let you know that JSP tag libraries can help you avoid this problem. JSP的拥护者会很快告诉您JSP标记库可以帮助您避免这个问题。 www.ibm.com 6. All users that are mapped to one of these roles are authorized to access the JSP. 映射到其中一个角色的所有用户都被授予了访问该JSP的权限。 www.ibm.com 7. Like WML, cHTML does not support detachable windows, so the only available window template is the default JSP. 与WML类似,cHTML不支持可拆离的窗口,所以唯一可用的窗口模板是缺省的JSP。 www.ibm.com 8. is transformed into a _Default. java Java Servlet file, which you'll find in the corresponding temporary directory above. jsp被转换成_Default.javaJavaServlet文件,在上面相应的临时目录中您会发现这个文件。 www.ibm.com 9. As mentioned in the JSP section, this trades performance for being able to compile the JSPs at all. 如JSP部分(LINK)提到的,这是用性能作为交换,以便能编译JSP。 www.ibm.com 10. The JSP syntax supports adding JavaBeans components to the page and accessing them like any other Java object. JSP语法支持将JavaBeans组件添加到页面中,并像访问任何其他Java对象一样访问它们。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Remember that the Tag class sets up the binding from the JSP to the Label component, as shown in Figure 4. 记住,Tag设置从JSP到Label组件的绑定,如图4所示。 www.ibm.com 2. The configurability of the JSP translation framework enables the JSP container to be modified more quickly in response to new requirements. JSP转换构架的可配置性使得JSP容器在响应新的请求时可以更快地被修改。 www.ibm.com 3. This article does not require you to preview the JSP page so the fields related to Preview don't need to be filled in. 本文不要求您预览JSP页面,因此与预览(Preview)有关的域不需要填写。 www.ibm.com 4. In a small JSP application, it is common to see the data, business logic, and the user interface combined into one module of code. 在小型JSP应用程序中,经常会看到数据、业务逻辑和用户界面被组合在一个代码模块中。 www.ibm.com 5. Now you are ready to save all of the files and run page1. jsp on the server again. 现在您需要保存所有文件并在服务器端运行page1.jsp。 www.ibm.com 6. As a practical matter, JSP pages allow you to separate tasks for which different developers will be responsible. 非常现实的一个问题是,JSP页面使您能够将不同开发人员负责的任务分开。 www-128.ibm.com 7. When the var attribute is specified, no change is made to the JSP environment with respect to what time zone is used by any other JSTL tags. 当指定var属性时,对于任何其它JSTL标记使用什么时区,不会对JSP环境作任何更改。 www.ibm.com 8. At this point, I already have enough information to propagate Kangchenjunga to the JSP as my preselected initial value. 现在,我已经有了足够的信息,可以把Kangchenjunga传递到JSP,作为preselected的初始值。 www.ibm.com 9. The JSTL core library contains a variety of general-purpose custom tags that should be of use to a wide spectrum of JSP developers. JSTLcore库含有多种通用的定制标记,广大的JSP开发人员都会使用这些标记。 www.ibm.com 10. When making the connection from the action to the output. jsp, you are prompted for a forward name; use the name OK. 在从callCobolAction动作连接到output.jsp时,系统会提示您输入一个转发名(forwardname);使用名称OK。 www.ibm.com 1. All of these users' requirements must be satisfied from the JSP application running on the San Francisco server. 所有这些用户的需求都必须通过运行在SanFrancisco服务器上的JSP应用程序来得到满足。 www.ibm.com 2. The company security guards to high school supplies mainly to the Palestinian-French operation. Delta. DuPont. North. JSP, and other brands. 公司主要以高中挡安全防护用品为主,以经营法国巴固。代尔塔。杜邦。诺斯。 www.tonke.cn 3. Is an abstract class, designed to be extended by JSP engine vendors to provide implementation-specific types. 是一个抽象类,设计用来供JSP引擎供应商加以扩展以提供特定于实现的类型。 www-128.ibm.com 4. More importantly, jsp bean to the Apache environment to run smoothly, this is one of its greatest strengths. 更重要的是,jsp bean能够在Apache环境下顺畅地运行,这也是其最大优点之一。 www.dgmini.com 5. A much better approach is to create a set of constants for all your JSP page file names, as shown in Listing 7. 更好的方法是为所有的JSP页面文件名创建一组常量,如清单7所示。 www.ibm.com 6. Try to run the download. jsp page to see the example results. 尝试运行download.jsp页面来查看实例结果。 www.ibm.com 7. At this point your application diagram should have all three JSP pages colored. 现在,应用程序图上的所有三个JSP页面都应当添加了色彩。 www-128.ibm.com 8. This article uses a simple dynamic web application with JSP pages to demonstrate how Selenium RC works and can be used in automated testing. 本文使用一个简单的动态web应用程序,借助一些JSP页面来展示SeleniumRC如何工作,以及如何用于自动化测试。 www.ibm.com 9. Since you created the JSP file in the WebContent folder, the alias portion of the URL is just the name of your JSP file (MyStocks. jsp). 由于您在WebContent文件夹中创建了JSP文件,所以URL的别名部分就是您的JSP文件的名称(MyStocks.jsp)。 www.ibm.com 10. In the bottom left, the GetFlights. jsp editor view will also appear, showing where you set the breakpoint. 在左下角,还将出现GetFlights.jsp编辑器视图,这个视图表明您设置断点的位置。 www.ibm.com 1. You may never implement a system with Struts, but looking at Struts may give you some ideas on your future Servlets and JSP implementations. 尽管您可能永远不会用Struts实现一个系统,但了解一下Struts或许使您能将其中的一些思想用于您以后的Servlet的JSP实现中。 www.ibm.com 2. The most common scenario involves using JSPs to display information from a simple query where the data is not needed beyond this query. 最常见的情形包括使用JSP显示来自简单查询的信息,简单查询不需要超越这次查询范围的数据。 www.ibm.com 3. This trend started with JSP technology, which was nice but made it too easy to mix Java code in with HTML (and HTML-like) pages. 这一趋势开始于JSP技术,这一技术很好,只是很容易在HTML(和类HTML)页面中混合Java代码。 www.ibm.com 4. The JSP tag handler first extracts the text string representing a mathematical formula from the body of the custom tag. JSP标记处理器首先从定制标记的主体中抽取表示数学公式的文本字符串。 www-128.ibm.com 5. This tag allows you to retrieve text messages from a locale-specific resource bundle and display it on a JSP page. 该标记允许您从特定于语言环境的资源束中检索文本消息并显示在JSP页面上。 www.ibm.com 6. These classes embodied business logic and ferried data, in the form of a JavaBean commonly called an ActionForm, to JSPs. 这些类包含业务逻辑,以JavaBean的形式(通常叫做ActionForm)把数据传送到JSP。 www.ibm.com 7. When the JSP's embedded Crystal Report is using JDBC at run time, the server's Console view shows an output similar to what follows. 当有水晶报表嵌入的JSP在运行期间使用JDBC时,服务器的Console视图显示了一个类似下列的输出。 www.ibm.com 8. One is to use a JSP-base administration application that lets you specify all of the required values through a user interface. 一种是使用基于JSP的管理应用程序,这一程序使您能够通过用户界面来指定所有所需的值。 www.ibm.com 9. A new expression icon should appear on the Design window and the jsp: expression editor should come up on the bottom left corner. Design窗口中将出现一个新的表达式图标,并在左下角出现jsp:expression编辑器。 www.ibm.com 10. We are now ready to add the Web service to the JSP using the page data panel and JSF controls. 我们现在已经准备好使用页面数据面板和JSF控件将Web服务添加到JSP中了。 www.ibm.com 1. This makes it easy to use the same JSP for edit and add mode. 这可以简化为编辑和添加模式使用相同的JSP。 www-128.ibm.com 2. In this last section, we create a JSP form with which users can create and modify Notes documents. 在这最后一节中,我们会创建一个JSP表单,用户可以使用这个表单来创建并修改Notes文档。 www.ibm.com 3. Shiro also provides a JSP tag library that allows you to control the output of your JSP pages based on the current Subject's state. Shiro还提供了JSP标签库,允许你根据当前Subject的状态控制JSP页面的输出。 www.infoq.com 4. Also, look at the JSP pages contained in the jsp directory of wfnm-sample. war to see how WFNM tags are used to define Webflows. 查看wfnm-sample.war的jsp目录中的JSP页面,看看如何用WFNM标记定义Webflow。 www.ibm.com 5. Template data is everything else; that is, anything that the JSP translator does not know about. 其他的都是模板数据,即所有JSP转换器不知道的内容。 www.ibm.com 6. All this data is then combined and prepared for final presentation by a JSP. 之后,所有这些数据被组合起来,准备好,以便由JSP将它们最终呈现出来。 www.ibm.com 7. Using JSP based templates enables tags of the document to be written in the JSP, with call backs to get element and attribute values. 使用以JSP为基础的模板能够以JSP撰写文件标签,而且该JSP具有取得要素和属性值的回调。 www.dianzi518.com 8. As you'll recall, the example application's cdForm. jsp page uses radio buttons to display a list of categories and subcategories. 回想一下,示例程序的cdForm.jsp页面使用单选按钮来显示一个目录和子目录清单。 www.ibm.com 9. Let's quickly run over what was required to get your VXML to work on a servlet, and then move from there to JSP pages. 让我们快速回顾一下,为了使VXML能在servlet上工作,您需要做哪些事情,然后再介绍从servlet到JSP页面的情况。 www.ibm.com 10. The locale-selection JSP, called index. jsp, directly links to one of the sets of language-specific JSPs. 地区选择JSP叫做index.jsp,它直接链接到特定于语言的一组JSP。 www.ibm.com 1. When the logic tag is with attribute "name" , it is to check for the existence of a JSP bean with the specified name, in any scope. 当逻辑标签具有属性“name”时,就应该检查是否存在这个指定名的JSPbean。 www.ibm.com 2. The moment the JSP is saved, the entire project gets redeployed to the Tomcat server automatically. 此JSP一旦保存,整个项目就会自动重新部署到Tomcat服务器。 www.ibm.com 3. If you re considering the SCWCD certification, you need to be aware that it takes more than just learning the servlet and JSP technologies. 如果您想要获得SCWCD证书,需要知道不仅仅要学习servlet和JSP技术,还要深入了解考试目标中指定的主题。 www-128.ibm.com 4. On the last page of the wizard, choose to test the generated proxy with a sample JSP page and press Finish (Figure 74). 在向导的最后一页,请选择使用示例JSP页面测试生成的代理,并按Finish(图74)。 www.ibm.com 5. Be aware that JSP source files can invoke non-portable classes, APIs, and constants, just as Java source files can. 要注意的是,JSP源文件可以像Java源文件那样,调用不可移植的类、APIs,以及常量。 www.ibm.com 6. Unlike the iconview, this JSP does not generate the navigation for child pages and URLs within the body (see PageBar. jsp below). 与iconview不同,此JSP不为主体中的子页面和URL生成导航(请看下面的PageBar.jsp)。 www.ibm.com 7. To get mathematical images onto the Web easily, we need to integrate those mathematical authoring tools into a JSP Web application. 要简便地将数学图像放到Web上,我们需要将那些进行数学编写的工具集成到JSPWeb应用程序中。 www-128.ibm.com 8. The JSP container will implicitly declare one for you and make it available through the out variable. JSP容器将会为您隐式地声明一个,并通过out变量提供给您。 www.ibm.com 9. The JSP container then compiles the JSP into a servlet and executes it, to create HTML. 然后JSP容器将JSP编译成servlet并执行它,从而创建HTML。 www.ibm.com 10. The goal of this article is to save JSP developers time setting up Eclipse to work with Tomcat. 本文的目的是节省JSP开发人员设置Eclipse与Tomcat一起工作环境的时间。 www.ibm.com 1. One thing that you might have noticed in the jrc_begin_here. jsp file is that it is using JSP scriptlets for most of the code. 有一件事情您可能在jrc_begin_here.jsp文件中已经注意到了,就是它的代码大多数使用了JSPscriptlets。 www.ibm.com 2. If your application is not already open in an editor, expand your application project and double-click on the JSP or servlet file. 如果应用程序在编辑器中还未打开,则展开应用程序项目并双击JSP或者Servlet文件。 www.ibm.com 3. AppFuse was originally developed as part of a sample application for a book I wrote for Apress, Pro JSP. AppFuse最初是作为我为Apress编写的书籍ProJSP中示例应用程序的一部分开发的。 www.ibm.com 4. Both of these JSP TagLib controls encapsulate all asynchronous communication, JavaScript code, CSS formatting, and HTML generation. 这两种JSPTagLib控件均封装了所有的异步通信、JavaScript代码、CSS格式化以及HTML生成。 www.ibm.com 5. JSP custom tags can be written by anyone and then supplied for use by JSP authors, in the form of tag libraries. 任何人都可以编写JSP自定义标记,然后以标记库的形式将其提供给JSP创建者使用。 www.ibm.com 6. WebSphere Process Server comes with a default standard set of JSPs to display and edit the data. WebSphereProcessServer提供了一组缺省JSP标准集,用于显示和编辑数据。 www.ibm.com 7. Your first script in JSP is going to display the date and is written entirely in Java language. 第一个JSP脚本将显示日期,而且完全是用Java语言编写的。 www.ibm.com 8. We'll test with a JavaServer Pages (JSP) client that accesses the service component through a standalone reference. 我们将使用JavaServerPages(JSP)客户机进行测试,此客户机通过独立引用访问该服务组件。 www.ibm.com 9. HDIV is integrated into a Java web application through the use of custom JSP tags which are substituted for the normal link and form tags. HDIV通过自定义JSP标签与JavaWeb应用集成,标签用来替换普通的链接和Form标签。 www.infoq.com 10. The response object lets you set HTTP response headers and provides a writer identified with out in the JSP code. response对象允许您设置HTTP响应头并提供一个写入程序,该程序使用JSP代码中的out标识。 www.ibm.com 1. Due to the special nature of JSP pages, however, you must not do this. 然而由于JSP页面的特殊性,您不能这样做。 www-128.ibm.com 2. By ostensibly breaking content from presentation, JSP technology creates a clearer distinction between the designer and developer. 通过在表面上分离内容和表示,JSP技术能够更加清晰地区分设计师和开发人员角色。 www.ibm.com 3. Expressions in Sitebricks templates are just as concise as JSP, but are statically type-checked using a type-inference algorithm. Sitebricks模板中的表达式就像JSP那样简洁,但却通过一个类型推断算法进行静态的类型检查。 www.infoq.com 4. This approach allows you to move the validation JavaScript to a file other than the JSP. 它让您能将此验证JavaScript移到另一个文件,而不是JSP。 www.ibm.com 5. Portal Server employs the concept of JSP tags to perform the task of dynamic field substitution. PortalServer使用了JSP标记的概念来执行动态字段替换的任务。 www.ibm.com 6. If a client is configured to use a particular view mode, the Default. jsp for that specific view mode must be touched. 如果一个客户端被配置为使用一种特定的视图模式,则对于该特定视图模式的Default.jsp就一定被改动过。 www.ibm.com 7. Action, allows data to be stored and retrieved from four different scopes within the JSP container. 操作允许从JSP容器内的四个不同作用域中存储和检索数据。 www-128.ibm.com 8. You can use normal JSP or HTML handling to get the portlet links and portlet content into a good looking design. 可以通过普通JSP或HTML处理来获得Portlet链接和Portlet内容,以实现良好的外观设计。 www.ibm.com 9. When the JSP container has determined that the JSP page's syntax is valid, it enters the next phase of processing: code generation. 当JSP容器确定JSP页的语法有效时,会进入下一个处理阶段:代码生成。 www.ibm.com 10. First, Struts recommends that you associate every JSP object with an ActionForm, which encapsulates data represented in the screen. 首先,Struts建议将每个JSP对象与一个ActionForm相关联,后者可以封装屏幕上显示的数据。 www.ibm.com 1. The coder of the JSP file must be both a page designer and a Java developer. JSP文件的编写者必须既是网页设计者,又是Java开发者。 www.ibm.com 2. Double-check that your JSP looks exactly like the source above to avoid having to debug later. 请再次检查,确保您的JSP与上面的源代码完全一样以避免以后必须进行调试。 www.ibm.com 3. First, in the init method, the name of the HTML and WML view JSPs from the portlet configuration are loaded. 首先,在init方法中,加载来自portlet配置的HTML和WML视图JSP的名称。 www.ibm.com 4. You can now deploy this JSP page to your servlet engine, and then set up that JSP page as the source for a VoiceXML application. 您现在可以将这个JSP页面部署到servlet引擎,然后将部署好的JSP页面设置为VoiceXML应用程序的源。 www.ibm.com 5. In this demo, we just simply write these queries into jsp directly, but a better solution would be to use localization pack. 在演示中,我们仅仅将三个查询直接写成jsp格式,但是一个更好的解决方案就是使用本地化软件包。 www.ibm.com 6. Each JSP request from the browser will generate a set of new reference codes and store them in the http session. 来自浏览器的每一个JSP请求都会生成一组新的引用代码并将它们存储到http会话中。 www-128.ibm.com 7. The performance gains from dynamic caching of servlets and JSPs can be substantial, depending on the application characteristics. 从Servet及JSP的动态缓存机制得到的性能的提高是显而易见的,这取决于应用程序的特性。 www.ibm.com 8. JSTL EL provides considerable flexibility in writing your JSP code, and is a great addition to the core JSP language. JSTLEL可以相当灵活地写入JSP代码,是对核心JSP语言的有力补充。 www-128.ibm.com 9. The name of the markup must match the name of the subdirectory that holds the markup's modified JSPs. 标记的名称必须与保存标记的修改过的JSP的子目录的名称相匹配。 www.ibm.com 10. Also, you'll notice that the JSP names match the region names to make it clear which region the JSP is responsible for rendering. 另外,您将注意到,JSP名称和区域名称是相匹配的,这使得JSP负责呈现哪个区域变得很清楚。 www.ibm.com 1. The locale specific JSPs used for content display are stored in the two asset stores, the Spanish Asset store and the English Asset store. 用于显示内容的区域特定的JSP存储在两个资产商店(西班牙语资产商店和英语资产商店)中。 www.ibm.com 2. Some opportunity usually presents itself to sneak some business logic into a JSP. 我们经常会有一些机会把一些业务逻辑混入到JSp中。 www.ibm.com 3. Using a state chart diagram (see Figure 2) can help to determine the interface (JSP) transitions for the portlet. 使用状态图表(statechartdiagram)(请参见图2)可以确定portlet的界面(JSP)转换。 www.ibm.com 4. However, you don't have to go and locate all the links pointing to account-information. jsp and change them over. 但您不必找到并定位所有指向account-information.jsp的链接并逐个修改。 www.ibm.com 5. For example, a JavaBean used in a JSP can represent the proxy settings and is shared across the project, as shown in Listing 10. 例如,JSP中使用的一个JavaBean可以表示代理设置,可以在整个项目中共享它,见清单10。 www.ibm.com 6. Of course, you can do a lot more than use simple file-to-file links with JSP pages, as you'll see in this section. 当然,使用JSP页面,您可以完成比简单的文件间链接更多的任务,这一部分将予以介绍。 www.ibm.com 7. The JSP container ensures that the syntax of the JSP page is correct, and generates informative error messages when it encounters errors. JSP容器确保JSP页的语法正确,当遇到错误时会生成提供相关信息的错误消息。 www.ibm.com 8. If the JSP batch compiler is executed on a pre-deployed application, then the web. xml file is in the Web module's WEB-INF directory. 如果在预部署应用程序中执行JSP批处理编译器,那么web.xml文件在Web模块的WEB-INF的目录中。 www.ibm.com 9. The UML modeler may have included JSP or HTML in the body of an opaque behavior. UML建模器可能包括一个不透明操作的主体中的JSP或者HTML。 www.ibm.com 10. This JSP defines the heart of the portal pages navigation. 此JSP定义门户页导航的核心内容。 www.ibm.com 1. For a client phone that does not support WML tables, the output will be the same as our previous JSP example. 对于不支持WML表的客户机电话,它的输出将与我们前面的JSP示例的输出一样。 www.ibm.com 2. The code contains a few Struts action classes and a couple of JSPs. 代码包含少量Struts动作类和两个JSP页面。 www.ibm.com 3. Before customizing the portal site, it helps to understand the underlying structure of the the JSPs that work together to form the portal. 在自定义门户站点前,了解一下一起形成门户的JSP的基础结构将很有帮助。 www.ibm.com 4. When the JSP container has finished generating the . java file, it enters the next phase of processing: Java code compilation. 当JSP容器完成.java文件生成后,将进入下一个处理阶段:Java编译。 www.ibm.com 5. This approach allows you to get the real location of the JSP file without having to include the context root of the project in the code. 这种方式允许您获得JSP文件的真实位置,而且不需要在代码中包含项目的上下文根。 www.ibm.com 6. These text fields don't require any logic to prefill, just a simple getProperty call from the JSP to the UserDataBean. 这些文本域不要求任何进行预先填充的逻辑,只要求一个从JSP到UserDataBean的简单getProperty调用。 www.ibm.com 7. The output resulting from the JSP code in Listing 5 is identical to that of Listing 3, which appears in Figure 1. 清单5中JSP程序代码的输出结果与清单3类似,它在图1中显示。 www.ibm.com 8. The system developed using JSP, MYSQL program combines tracking and management information. 本系统采用JSP进行开发,结合MYSQL程序跟踪与管理信息。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Since the portal administrator can manipulate the JSP files, this allows for easy customization. 这将简化定制,原因是门户管理员能够处理JSP文件。 www.ibm.com 10. Note: Change the name of the submit button from submit to tracking details and save TrackingDetailEntry. jsp. 注意:更改提交按钮的名字,以追踪细节信息并保存TrackingDetailEntry.jsp。 www.ibm.com 1. Instance provides access to all the namespaces associated with a JSP page. 实例可以访问与一个JSP页面相关的所有命名空间。 www-128.ibm.com 2. I have modified the JSP file and created two new classes: one to contain form data and one to call the business package. 我已修改了JSP文件,并创建了两个新类:一个类用来包含表单数据,一个类用来调用业务包。 www.ibm.com 3. This makes it possible to switch between a table layout and a frameset layout by only updating the JSP template layout. 这使只需更新JSP模板布局就可以在表布局与框架集布局之间转换。 www.ibm.com 4. JSP calls - The calls to JSP(s) in a use case are shown in the sequence diagrams. JSP调用——在用例中对JSP文件的调用也会显示在序列图中。 www.infoq.com 5. That bean creates a static file, and the JSP page incorporates it into the body of the page. 这个bean创建一个静态文件,JSP页面把它结合到页面中。 www.ibm.com 6. You'll use the standard tag library along with Spring data binding to bind your data objects to the JSP views that you're going to create. 您将使用标准标记库以及Spring数据绑定将数据对象绑定到将要创建的JSP视图。 www.ibm.com 7. The JSP login page and the login error page should be included in your WAR file with the rest of the files that constitute your Web module. JSP登录页面和登录错误页面应该和Web模块里的其余文件一起包括在WAR文件中。 www.ibm.com 8. Jakarta-Tomcat is an open source servlet container with a JSP environment available under the Apache license. Jakarta-Tomcat是一个开放源代码的servlet容器,带有经Apache许可的JSP环境。 www-128.ibm.com 9. Above all, JSP technology is about separating content from presentation, foremost in Sun's published set of goals for JSP pages. 首先,JSP技术与内容和表示的分离有关,是Sun发布的有关JSP页面的最主要目标。 www.ibm.com 10. Login with the server credentials, which will redirect you to settings. jsp page. 使用服务器凭证登录服务器,这会将您重定向到settings.jsp页面。 www.ibm.com 1. JSP pages allow you to easily generate any type of text, including JavaScript functions. JSP页面让您可以很方便地生成任何形式的文本,包括JavaScript函数。 www.ibm.com 2. The JSP container evaluates each custom tag during the execution of a JSP page that references it. 在执行引用自定义标记的JSP页面时,JSP容器判断每一个自定义标记。 www.ibm.com 3. Take a look at a server-side application that has a servlet, JSP page, and EJB component. 我们看看一个包含servlet、JSP页面和EJB组件的服务器端应用程序。 www.ibm.com 4. This reduces the amount of code that you need to add to your JSP and allows the viewer to automatically determine certain settings. 这就降低了您需要添加到JSP中的代码数量,并且允许阅读器自动决定可靠的设置。 www.ibm.com 5. The system uses JSP and SQL database as a development language and using the software engineering prototype design. 本系统使用了JSP与SQL作为开发语言与数据库,采用了软件工程的原型法进行设计。 www.kbbishe.com 6. However, it's in combining these techniques that you can really add flexibility to your VoiceXML application. 但JSP页面将这些能为VoiceXML应用程序增加灵活性的技术结合到了一起。 www.ibm.com 7. Finally, keep in mind that, despite all appearances to the contrary, this article isn't about recommending you use JSP or that you avoid it. 最后,请记住,本文并不是建议您使用JSP或避免使用它,尽管表面上像是这样。 www.ibm.com 8. The interface used for developing a JSP is much different from the one for Server development. 用于开发JSP的界面与用于服务器开发的界面有很大的不同。 www-128.ibm.com 9. You can have JSP files generated in a desired format by coding your own . xsl file and configuring the Easy Struts preference setting. 可以通过编写.xsl文件并配置EasyStruts的参数来按照需要的格式生成JSP文件。 www.ibm.com 10. As the next (and final) working example will show, non-determinism is an equally powerful concept-at-work in the JCSP library. 因为下一个(也是最后一个)实例将显示,非确定性在JSP中也是同样强大的实用概念。 www.ibm.com 1. Provide a name for your new JSP file and verify that the "Configure advanced options" box is checked. 提供新的JSP文件名,并验证已选中了“Configureadvancedoptions”复选框。 www.ibm.com 2. The JSP, named references. jsp, queries a table of Apache Geronimo references available in the database, as shown in Figure 1. 该JSP(名为references.jsp)将查询数据库中可用的ApacheGeronimo引用的表,如图1中所示。 www.ibm.com 3. The JSP container needs to discover the name of the class that implements the out tag. JSP容器需要发现实现out标记的类的名称。 www.ibm.com 4. Match the JavaBean property names, and coding the bean first ensures that you set these parameter names properly when coding your JSP page. 与JavaBean特性名相匹配,先对bean进行编码确保了您在对JSP页面进行编码时能正确设置这些参数名。 www-128.ibm.com 5. Such updates could include changes to a company logo, copyright statements, or even updates to JSP pages that provide feedback. 此类更新包括对公司徽标、版权声明的更改,抑或对提供反馈的JSP页面的更改。 www.ibm.com 6. This allows you to create separate JSP files for each supported meta or national language. 这可以让您为每种受支持的元语言或本地语言创建独立的JSp文件。 www.ibm.com 7. The Spring MVC framework is view agnostic, so does not push you to use only JSP technology. SpringMVC框架并不知道使用的视图,所以不会强迫您只使用JSP技术。 www-128.ibm.com 8. The controller examines the request and extracts the view ID, which is determined by the name of the JSP page. 控制器会对请求进行考查,并提取出视图的ID,这是由JSP页面的名字来确定的。 www.ibm.com 9. For the XDIME aggregator, the Control. jsp does not provide any border, except for possibly a title and horizontal rule. 对于XDIME聚合器,Control.jsp并不提供任何边框,除了可能提供标题和水平线外。 www.ibm.com 10. Now that all the information has been added to the input. jsp you want to see the new input pane. 现在所有您想要在新输入窗格中见到的信息都已添加到input.jsp中。 www.ibm.com 1. Also, using the JSP and a Java Bean provides a clean separation between the display of content and the content itself. 同样,使用JSP和JavaBean清晰划分了内容显示和内容本身。 www-128.ibm.com 2. During the render phase, the portlet fills a bean with all information required by the JSP to generate the markup. 在呈现阶段,Portlet将使用JSP生成标记所需的所有信息填充Bean。 www.ibm.com 3. Find and close your test JSP page if it is currently open in an editor. 如果测试JSP页面在编辑器中打开,找到并关闭它。 www.ibm.com 4. The Page Data view allows the Web developer to create scripting variables for any of the allowable JSP scope levels. PageData视图允许Web开发人员为任何容许的JSP作用域级别创建脚本变量。 www-128.ibm.com 5. The idea of custom JSP tags emerged and was standardized to minimize or even eliminate the need for Java programming. 于是出现了自定义JSP标记的思想并得到了标准化,以最小化甚至消除对Java编程的需要。 www.ibm.com 6. Since WML does not have detachable windows, you do not need a JSP template for this support. 因为WML没有可拆离的窗口,所以您不会需要用于这种支持的JSP模板。 www.ibm.com 7. This log service is deployed to the server together with the other services, as part of the code that exists in the welcome. jsp file. 该日志服务与其它服务一起被部署到服务器上并作为存在于welcome.jsp文件中的代码的一部分。 www.ibm.com 8. In previous versions of WebSphere Application Server, the JSP container's run time processor was implemented as a gateway servlet. 在先前的WebSphereApplicationServer版本中,JSP容器的运行时处理器是作为网关servlet实现的。 www.ibm.com 9. Thanks to the flexibility of JSP technology, the user interface to OpenNMS can be easily customized by Java developers. 这要感谢JSP技术的灵活性,Java开发人员可以很容易地定制OpenNMS的用户界面。 www.ibm.com 10. We'll start with a brief overview of the JSP architecture, including implicit objects. 我们首先简要概括JSP架构,其中包括了隐式对象。 www.ibm.com 1. If there were a plug-in installed to supply support for JSPs and servlets, we would see an additional option here for Web applications. 如果安装了插件来提供JSP和servlet支持,我们会从这里看到一个用于Web应用程序的附加选项。 www.ibm.com 2. Are Java code executed at the point they appear in the JSP file. 是当其在JSP文件中出现时执行的Java代码。 www-128.ibm.com 3. This shared responsibility for the code within a single file makes developing, debugging, and enhancing such JSP pages a cumbersome task. 这种状况将单个文件中代码的责任分担给多人,因而使得开发、调试和增强此类JSP页面成为很麻烦的任务。 www-128.ibm.com 4. Back in the test page (testPage. jsp), notice that the t: commandButton tag was automatically surrounded by a JSF form tag. 回到测试页面(testPage.jsp),注意t:commandButton标签会由一个JSF格式的标签所环绕。 www.ibm.com 5. The following three code listings demonstrate the call procedure for a localization pack manager in JSPs, servlets, and portlets. 以下三个代码清单分别演示了在JSP、servlet和portlet中调用本地化包管理器的过程。 www.ibm.com 6. Using full package names enables the configuration of a JSP as a servlet in web. xml. 在web.xml中使用全包名称将JSP配置为servlet。 www.ibm.com 7. JSP technology is part of the J2EE platform, which is the strongest show of support Sun can give one of its Java products. JSP技术是J2EE平台的一部分,这充分展示了Sun为其Java产品提供的强大支持。 www.ibm.com 8. The JSP debugger can be extremely useful when troubleshooting Web applications, and in particular in examining variables as shown here. 当为Web应用程序排除故障,特别是像这里那样查看变量时,JSP调试器极为有用。 www.ibm.com 9. To change the suffix of the page type used for the view from JSP to XHTML, you need to add the javax. faces. DEFAULT_SUFFIX parameter. 为了将视图所使用的页面类型前缀由JSP更改为XHTML,您必须添加javax.faces.DEFAULT_SUFFIX参数。 www.ibm.com 10. The key, though, is that many designers do not learn JSP coding, so it must also be workable in that environment. 但是,这里的关键问题是仍然有很多设计师没有学习JSP编码,他们也必须能够在这种环境下工作。 www.ibm.com 1. If you also interested in learning jsp friends can download and see, which route packets of the source code and therefore realize method. 如果又兴趣学习jsp的朋友可以下载看看,里面包航所以的源代码和实现方法。 www.dgmini.com 2. But more importantly, JSPs led to an architectural change to separate the concerns of rendering the view from that to get the data. 但更重要的是,JSP导致了一种体系结构变更,将呈现视图的关注点与获取数据的关注点分离。 www.ibm.com 3. jsp is displayed in the main edit panel by clicking on the correct tab, and that the Design view is selected. 点击正确的选项卡以确保CaliforniaHighwayTrafficConditionsView.jsp被显示在主编辑面板中,而且Design视图被选择。 www.ibm.com 4. All or some of these elements may be copied and pasted into the WEB-INF file in order to configure JSPs as servlets. 为了将JSP配置为servlet可复制粘贴所有或部分这些元素到WEB-INF文件中。 www.ibm.com 5. The JSP file is pre-processed into a . java file, then compiled into a . class. JSP文件首先被预处理为.java文件,然后再编译为.class文件。 www.ibm.com 6. After the JSP retrieves the data from the database, it presents this data back to the requesting client in a tabular format. 当JSP从数据库中获得数据之后,它将以制表形式将此数据展示给请求客户机。 www.ibm.com 7. Each generated function uses an XHR object whose prototype can be found in the xhr. js file that MonitorPage. jsp imports in its header. 每个生成的函数使用一个XHR对象,对象的原型可以在MonitorPage.jsp在其头部导入的xhr.js文件中找到。 www.ibm.com 8. My next thought was why not integrate my JSP development into my Eclipse environment as well? 然后我就考虑为什么不将JSP的开发环境也集成到Eclipse环境中呢? www-128.ibm.com 9. When customizing the XDIME aggregator, we recommend that you modify the MCS policies before attempting to modify the JSPs. 在自定义XDIME聚合器时,我们建议您在试图修改JSP之前先修改MCS策略。 www.ibm.com 10. Other changes in Listing 1 have to do with the code being a JSP tag rather than a scriptlet operating within a page. 清单1中其他的更改更多地与作为一个JSP标记的代码有关,而与在一个页面内运行的scriptlet没有多大关系。 www-128.ibm.com 1. Through analyzing benchmark of JSP and comparing with other algorithms, we verified the excellent performance of the algorithm. 通过实例分析和与其他算法对比,验证了算法的优秀性能。 www.13191.com 2. The following section from the codegen. jsp file checks for the existence of a request parameter called tableColor. jsp文件中下面的代码片段检查是否存在名为tableColor的请求参数。 www.ibm.com 3. The JSP container looks for character sequences that it recognizes; sequences that indicate there's some syntax that it needs to process. JSP容器将寻找其能识别的字符序列,此类序列指示其中存在需要进行处理的语法内容。 www.ibm.com 4. If you want to avoid the application restarts, you could place the messages and other text resources in JSP tag files. 如果想避免重启应用程序,可以将消息和其他文本资源放到JSP标记文件中。 www.ibm.com 5. Struts is a set of Java classes and JSP tag libraries that provide a framework for developing Web applications. Struts是Java类和JSP标记库的一个集合,它为开发Web应用程序提供了一个框架。 www-128.ibm.com 6. In portal terminology, themes are sets of JSPs that determine the look and feel of your portal application. 在门户术语中,主题是确定门户应用程序的外观和风格的若干JSP集。 www.ibm.com 7. Remember that data maps contain the values of the JSF components, which must be serializable according to the JSF specification. 注意:数据地图包含JSF组件的值,而根据JSP规范,它们必须是可序列化的。 www.ibm.com 8. Config allows initialization data to be passed to a JSP page's servlet. Config允许将初始化数据传递给一个JSP页面的servlet。 www.ibm.com 9. This section presents the JSP tag file that generates the JavaScript functions implementing the client-side portion of the RPC mechanism. 本节介绍生成JavaScript函数的JSP标记文件,这些JavaScript函数实现RPC机制的客户端部分。 www.ibm.com 10. Furthermore, the tooling which generates the JSP code is unable to handle the arrays. 此外,用于生成JSP代码的工具无法处理数组。 www.ibm.com |
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