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复数:J's 复数:Js 例句释义: 第十的,爱思妮,珠宝店,少淑女装 1. J's board in the air strike had a nice circle off the post By Mei on the bottom. J先生的板子在空中滑了漂亮的一个圆圈后落到了梅的屁股上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. A spokeswoman for J&J's McNeil unit said the company has halted production at one plant. 强生公司麦克尼尔部的一名发言人称公司已经停止了下属一家工厂的生产。 www.bing.com 3. The changing of his jersey number as a nod to M. J. 's basketball career is a purely fictional cover story. 作为对飞人篮球生涯的肯定而改变自己的球衣号码只是一个纯粹的封面故事。 www.bing.com 4. Any potential deal is thought to be worth around $20 billion, which would be J&J's biggest acquisition to date. 这起潜在的交易价值大概有200亿美元,这将会成为强生史上最大的并购案。 www.ecocn.org 5. He swats away any suggestion he might retire and let someone else lead the fight to restore J& J's name. 他拒绝任何劝他退休,并让其他人来领导这场重建强生声誉的战斗的建议。 www.bing.com 6. "The majority of everything we do is technical, " said Randy Arnett of A&B Precision, B&J's longest competitor. “我们做的大多数事情都是技术性的,”B&J最长期的竞争对手、A&B精密公司的兰迪·阿内特说。 www.bing.com 7. In 2011, Mr. Weldon must revive J&J's squeaky-clean image of corporate responsibility as he looks to preserve his legacy. 2011年,维尔登要想保住自己由来已久的威名,就必须重振强生无可指摘的公司责任形像。 c.wsj.com 8. He wanted to tear into me, but this was F. J. 's interrogation, and he wanted no distraction. 他本想狠狠训我一顿,但是现在是琼斯在问话,而他不愿让别人打搅的。 9. Rational Choice Theory is an important theory in sociology with J S Coleman as the authority. 理性选择理论是社会学的重要理论之一。科尔曼是公认的这一理论的权威人物。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. And the quality issues, despite recent progress, are far from resolved: J&J's most recent recall was on April 14th. 尽管在处理质量问题方面,强生近来取得些许进展,但是离完全解决还差得远。强生最近的一次召回事件发生在4月14日。 www.ecocn.org 1. Similarly, focusing on the patient rather than on any single product is the mission of J&J's recently formed comprehensive care group. 与此类似,最近组建的强生综合护理部门的使命是关注病人而不是关注某一种产品。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The deal, said to be worth about $20 billion, would be the biggest in J&J's 125-year history. 据说这笔交易价值200亿美元,为强生125年历史之最。 www.ecocn.org 3. To be modest and treat everyone with respect could be Mr. J's long suit. 为人谦逊和尊敬他人,是J先生的优点。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. That term was meted out this week to J. S. Tissainayagam on terrorism charges, after he criticised the army's treatment of Tamil civilians. 本周,J.S.Tissainayagam在批评了军队对泰米尔人的所作所为后,被以恐怖主义的罪名而判刑。 www.ecocn.org 5. Dr Claude J S Mosha (Tanzania) was re-elected as the Chairperson of the Commission. ClaudeJSMosha博士(坦桑尼亚)再次当选为委员会主席。 www.who.int 6. M. Wright and J. S. Clark were the very first Champions of US National Mixed Double Championship. 莱特和J.S.克拉克是美国国家混合双打冠军的首对冠军。 www.bing.com 7. M. J. 's laugh was the sweetest and purest laugh of anyone's I had ever known. MJ的笑声是我所见过的最甜美、最纯真的笑声。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com 8. J&J's brands, including Tylenol, No More Tears shampoo and Band-Aid, are among America's most trusted. 强生旗下的品牌包括Tylenol泰诺医药,强生婴儿无泪洗发精和邦迪,这些都是美国最受信任的品牌。 www.ecocn.org 9. It is not (quite) clear to us what you had in mind. J S我们不清楚您到底是怎么想的。 www.bing.com 10. E& J's other goal is to help American manufacturers to source industrial components in China. 的另一目标是帮助美国的一些大型生产商在中国采购工业配件。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Ever since, J&J's decisive action has been held up as the model of corporate crisis management. 自那时起,强生的果断行动,就一直被奉为企业危机公关的典范。 www.ftchinese.com 2. At J& J's headquarters, Weldon insists things are back on track. 在强生公司的总部,韦尔登坚称一切已经重回轨道。 www.bing.com 3. J. S. MACHINE products have been sold in 50 countries and regions. 京山轻机产品已销往中国和海外近50个国家和地区。 luyin.com 4. Now we'll go on to J's library. 现在,我们继续,去参观杰弗逊图书馆。 bbs.xiaoma.com 5. And "BeatJazzers" become as common as D. J. 's But mostly. . . to MAKE the future rather than wait for it. 和“节拍爵士音乐家”和DJ一样变得普通常见但主要是…改变未来而非等待未来。 www.ted.com 6. Doctor J's dunks were wondrous to the eye. 博士的扣篮让人叹为观止。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Writing articles and books is Mr. J's favorite way to spend his retirement. 写文章和写书,是J先生退休的好排遣。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Now we will go on to J's library. 让我们继续了解J的图书馆。 bbs.xiaoma.com 9. But the stone-face J. S didn't react to the sensitive matter. 但是板上钉钉一样的罗伯特没有回应这一敏感问题。 www.kekenet.com 10. Net Present Value of Firm j's Cash Flow NPV j ? 企业j现金流的净现值 wenku.baidu.com 1. Much baroque music, such as J. S. Bach's, was of this type. 很多巴洛克式音乐,如J.S.Bachs的音乐就是这种类型的。 www.ibm.com 2. J&J's products for the China market are made in China. 强生公司供应中国市场的产品是在本地生产的。 www.bing.com 3. Today is my daughter J. 's wedding day. 今天是我的女儿J。的大喜日子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. J&J's stock fell by 4% last year, as the S&P 500 index rose by 11%. 强生股价较去年下跌4%,标准普尔指数上升11%。 www.ecocn.org 5. as the conference opened , j . s . of family care international , a non - governmental organization , said progress has been slow 随着会议的召开,非政府组织家庭安全世界性的成员j.s.称进步减缓了。 www.ichacha.net 6. Competence and Individuality: J. S. Mill--on Bureaucracy and Representative Government 治理能力与个性自由--密尔论官僚制与代议制政府 service.ilib.cn 7. Approach Application of J. S. Bruner's Educational Psychology Theory in Electrician Practicing 布鲁纳的认知结构论在电工实习中的运用探讨 www.ilib.cn 8. Translated! Papers on Literary Translation and Translation Studies J. S. Holmes 译稿杀青!文学翻译与翻译研究文集 wenku.baidu.com 9. adopted a degage pose on the arm of the easy chair- J. S. Perelman; 以从容的姿势坐在安乐椅的扶手上——j·s·皮瑞曼; www.ayste.com 10. J S Bach from Psalm 51 巴赫赞美诗第51首选段 www.q.sohu.com |
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