单词 | jacen | ||||||
释义 | jacen
例句释义: 杰森,杰肯,杰西 1. However, Ben began to grow distant as Jacen veered toward the dark side. 但是随着杰森渐渐滑向黑暗面,本开始对人冷淡疏远。 www.starwarsfans.cn 2. Luke's fears were heightened when he realized that Lumiya, the Dark Lady of the Sith, was the Sith Master corrupting Jacen. 卢克发现西斯黑暗女主卢米娅就是暗中腐化杰森的西斯大师,这更加深了他的担心。 www.starwarschina.com 3. Vergere took Jacen Solo as an apprentice of sorts, teaching him in her frustratingly indirect ways her unique philosophies. 维婕尔把杰森·索洛当成自己的徒弟,用隐晦艰涩的方式教授她自己独特的哲学。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Jacen's natural empathy for living creatures forged a strong bond with the, a sort of larval form of a World Brain. 杰森对生物具有天生的移情左右,这令他与“世界脑”的一种幼年形态——德亚姆产生了强大的联系。 www.starwarschina.com 5. Ben came to believe that Jacen had killed his mother, but Jacen instead implicated the former Galactic Alliance Chief of State, Cal Omas. 本逐渐相信是杰森杀了母亲,但杰森却暗示前银河同盟国家元首卡尔·奥马斯有嫌疑。 www.starwarschina.com 6. Ben met his mother on Coruscant to confess his crimes, filling Mara with rage over how Jacen had twisted and manipulated her son. 本在科洛桑向母亲忏悔自己的罪行,玛拉因杰森扭曲和操纵她儿子而满腔怒火。 www.starwarschina.com 7. That it fell to Jaina to kill Jacen was all the more appalling, but Jaina did her duty as a Jedi Knight. 更令人震惊的是杰娜受命去杀死杰森,好在她最终完成了作为绝地武士的使命。 starwarsfans.cn 8. Jacen suddenly appeared to offer comfort and a pledge to track down Mara's killer. 杰森突然出现,安慰本说一定要追查到杀害玛拉的凶手。 www.starwarsfans.cn 9. Over time, Ben began to tentatively touch the Force, and his connection was strengthened with Jacen's help. 在杰森的帮助下,他跟原力的联系逐步加强。 www.starwarschina.com 10. He failed to kill Jacen during the assault on Kashyyyk, but the bold action gave Jacen reason to believe that Ben might still become a Sith. 在攻击卡西克期间,他刺杀杰森未遂,但这一大胆的行为使杰森有理由相信本或许仍会成为西斯。 www.starwarsfans.cn 1. She and her twin brother Jacen were born on Coruscant, during the final days of Grand Admiral Thrawn's attempt to retake the Galactic Core. 她和双胞胎弟弟杰森生于科洛桑,当时正是索龙元帅准备重占银河系中心(GalacticCore)的最后时期。 www.starwarschina.com 2. The ships of the Galactic Alliance and Imperial Remnant refused to follow Jacen Solo's increasingly belligerent commands. 银河同盟和帝国残余的舰只拒绝服从杰森·索洛日益频繁的作战命令。 www.starwarsfans.cn 3. Jaina and her twin brother Jacen were born in the pages of The Last Command, the final book of Timothy Zahn's landmark Thrawn Trilogy. 杰娜和她的双胞胎弟弟杰森在《最终指令》中出现,那是蒂莫西·萨恩的代表作《索龙三部曲》的最后一本。 www.starwarschina.com 4. Luke guided Jacen to defend to his uncle's body from attacking predators, and the two-year old even wielded Luke's lightsaber. 卢克指引杰森保护自己的身体免收肉食动物的袭击,两个两岁小孩甚至挥起了卢克的光剑。 www.starwarschina.com 5. Mara soon died in a confrontation on Kavan, although Luke remained unaware that Jacen Solo was the murderer. 玛拉不久死于卡万的一场战斗,但卢克不知道凶手是杰森·索洛。 starwarsfans.cn 6. Vergere, seeking to save a struggling Jacen, commandeered an A-wing starfighter, and crashed her vessel into the barren moon. 为了解救被围的杰森,维婕尔征用的A翼星际战斗机坠毁在荒凉的卫星上。 tieba.baidu.com 7. In fact, Jacen lived a happy, adventure-filled childhood of privilege, being the son of the Chief of State of the New Republic. 作为新共和国国家元首的儿子,出身显赫的杰森童年曾经充满快乐与冒险。 www.starwarschina.com 8. Fett and Gev learned that Ailyn had been captured, tortured, and killed by Jacen Solo. 费特和盖夫得知杰森·索洛俘获,折磨,并杀死了艾琳。 www.starwarsfans.cn 9. Han clashed with the Jedi over who should be responsible for bringing Jacen -- now Darth Caedus -- to justice. 针对谁负责把杰森——现在是达斯·凯杜斯——绳之以法的问题,汉与绝地争执不下。 www.starwarschina.com 10. He used his Galactic Alliance Guard training to methodically piece together the evidence that ultimately pointed to Jacen. 他利用自己的银河同盟卫队训练来一点点拼串出最终指向杰森的罪证。 www.starwarschina.com 1. Nonetheless, several key Jedi -- including Corran Horn and Jacen Solo -- have scored important wins against the Yuuzhan Vong. 尽管如此,包括科兰·霍恩和杰森·索洛在内的一些绝地主力还是多次对遇战疯人取得重大胜利。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The durham, protective of Jacen, aided his efforts of escape, but Vergere foiled his larger plans of sabotage. 而德亚姆则保护着杰森,帮助他逃亡,但维婕尔挫败了他更大的破坏计划。 www.starwarsfans.cn 3. She was hired to assassinate Hapan Queen Mother Tenel Ka and her young daughter Allana, but was ultimately foiled by Jacen Solo. 她受雇去刺杀海皮斯女王特内尔·卡及其小女儿阿拉娜,但最终被杰森·索洛挫败。 starwarsfans.cn 4. Jacen and Ben next traveled to the Hapes Cluster to stop an assassination plot targeting Tenel Ka. 杰森和本的下一个目的地是海皮斯星团,去阻止刺杀特内尔·卡的阴谋。 www.starwarschina.com 5. This concerned Jacen's Sith adviser Lumiya, who questioned Ben's suitability as Jacen's apprentice. 这让杰森的西斯导师卢米娅很担心,怀疑本是否合适成为杰森的学徒。 www.starwarschina.com 6. Jacen applied his more passive talents in the Force in a daring mission to Myrkr. 在一次前往摩克尔的勇敢任务中,杰森运用了自己被动性的原力天赋。 www.starwarschina.com 7. Vergere removed the slave seed from Jacen, but he found he could still sense the Yuuzhan Vong. 维婕尔取出了杰森体内的奴隶种子,但是他发现自己依然可以感觉到遇战疯。 www.starwarschina.com 8. But Leia held onto her adamant belief that Jacen was still alive, even though he seemed undetectable through the Force. 尽管莱娅无法在原力中感到杰森的存在,但是她始终坚信,杰森还活着。 www.starwarschina.com 9. The twins, Jacen and Jaina Solo, and their younger brother, Anakin, all proved strong in the Force. 龙凤胎杰森和杰娜?索洛,以及他们的弟弟阿纳金都有很强的原力感应。 starwarsfans.cn 10. As Jacen studied, he developed an affinity and sensitivity towards nature and the living Force. 随着学习深入,杰森展现出了一种对自然和生命原力的敏感和密切的联系。 www.starwarschina.com 1. She gives birth to Jaina and Jacen in The Last Command (also by Zahn, Bantam Books, 1993). 在《最终指令》里(1993年,矮脚鸡图书公司,作者也是萨恩),她生下了杰娜和杰森。 www.starwarsfans.cn 2. Nom Anor intended to use Jacen to sacrifice his twin sister, Jaina, thus fulfilling an ancient Yuuzhan Vong prophecy. 农·阿诺意图利用杰森来牺牲他的双胞胎姐姐杰娜,实现一个古老的遇战疯人预言。 www.starwarsfans.cn 3. The two grappled, attacking each other with fists and the Force before Jacen jammed a poisoned dart into her leg. 两人扭打在一起,用拳头与原力互斗,最终杰森将一支毒镖刺进玛拉腿中。 tieba.baidu.com 4. In the wake of the Hapan action, Jacen gave Ben a secret assignment: recover the Amulet of Kalara. 海皮斯行动结束后,杰森给了本一个秘密任务:找到卡拉拉护身符。 www.starwarschina.com 5. Luke also made secret entreaties to Cha Niathal, admiral of the Galactic Alliance fleet who had grown wary of Jacen. 卢克还向银河同盟舰队的查·尼亚撒尔海军上将发出请求,尼亚撒尔已经对杰森怀有戒心了。 www.starwarschina.com 6. With the new Jedi order challenged from all fronts, Jacen was torn. 新绝地武士团在各条战线上都受到了挑战,杰森感到摇摆不定。 www.starwarschina.com 7. Jacen was held captive by the Yuuzhan Vong, and most in the New Republic believed him dead. 杰森被遇战疯人挟为人质,新共和国的大多数人都认为他死了。 www.starwarsfans.cn 8. Jacen felt that using the Force to wield a weapon so huge was tantamount to mass murder. 杰森认为用原力来操纵如此巨大的武器无异于一场大屠杀。 www.starwarschina.com 9. When in their early teens, Jacen and Jaina joined Luke's Jedi academy on Yavin 4. 十岁出头,杰森和杰娜加入了卢克舅舅设在雅文4号卫星的绝地学院。 www.starwarschina.com 10. Onimi perceived the divine glow of Yun-Shuno in Jacen Solo. 奥尼米认为杰森?索洛拥有云-舒诺的圣光。 www.starwarschina.com 1. During a test of Jacen's faith, the Yuuzhan Vong ordered Solo to sacrifice a captured Jedi, Ganner Rhysode. 为了考验杰森的诚意,遇战疯人命令杰森杀死一名被俘的绝地甘纳·赖索德。 www.starwarschina.com |
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