单词 | key component |
释义 | 例句释义: 主要组份,关键组分,主要组分,关键零组件,主要组成部分,限界组分 1. The wind turbine is the key component in the variable-speed wind power generation system, whose performance influences the total system. 风力机作为变速风力发电机组的重要部分,其性能影响到风力发电机组的整体性能。 www.eriusst.com 2. Integrating this data is often a key component in allowing systems to work together in an organization. 集成此数据通常是使一个单位内的系统能够协同工作的关键部分。 www.kuenglish.info 3. In his hand, he holds the key component of his next generation chair, which he hopes will be even sturdier and smoother in its motion. 图中,他手中握着的,就是这种新一代椅子的关键部件,设计者希望它能更坚固,动作更平滑。 www.bing.com 4. Since the company still has a $20. 8 billion cash reserve, Jobs could acquire a few other key component vendors. 由于苹果还持有208亿美元的现金储备,Jobs能够收购一些其他的关键零部件供应商。 www.bing.com 5. Thoracic radiotherapy has been a key component of local treatment for the patients with non small cell lung cancer(NSCLC). 放疗仍是非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)重要的局部治疗手段。 www.dictall.com 6. Scaled and mass produced, something like the Nocera Lab's leaf could be the key component to shifting toward a hydrogen-based economy. 这样的装置如果能大规模批量生产,必将推动经济模式向以氢能源为基础的方向发展。 www.bing.com 7. for such a powerful performance of the product, as a key component of XBOX720 is not surprising. 对于如此强大性能的产品,将其作为XBOX720的关键部件也不足为奇了。 www.dw188.com 8. Very interesting. Another key component. There was no smoking gun in the case. 非常有意思的是,另一个关键问题是。 channie.mugou.com 9. Production of concrete's key component, cement, accounts for at least five percent of global carbon dioxide emissions. 生产混凝土主要成分—水泥的过程中,至少占全球二氧化碳排放量的百分之五。 www.tianya.cn 10. Most software is not delivered as a stand-alone product, but as a key component of a larger system (business or product). 大多数软件已经不再做成独立的产品了,而是作为较大系统(业务或产品)的关键组件。 www.ibm.com 1. The E-government is an informationalized key content, and a key component part of the information-intensive society too. 电子政务是信息化的核心内容,也是信息社会的核心构成部分。 www.fabiao.net 2. By balancing freedom and responsibility, Agile teams are able to achieve and sustain autonomy - a key component on self-organization. 通过实现自由与职责的平衡,敏捷团队可以实现并保持自治——这是自组织的关键因素。 www.infoq.com 3. Random numbers are a key component to making all this security happen. 随机数是确保安全性的重要组成部分。 www.ibm.com 4. This synergy, reflecting the multifaceted nature of today's media, is a key component of the school's class projects. 这样将当今媒介的方方面面作为一种协同作用展示如来是这个学校的班级项目最关键的一环。 www.bing.com 5. Retail sales are a key component of growth for a country where consumer spending makes up about two-thirds of total economic activity. 在美国这样一个消费者支出占整体经济活动约三分之二的国度,零售销售是重要的增长来源。 cn.reuters.com 6. Magnetic resonance imaging is an advanced technique for diagnosis. In an MRI system, the magnet is a key component. 核磁共振成像仪是先进的诊断仪器,磁场装置是该仪器的关键部分。 www.chemyq.com 7. A key component of this project would be the strategy development and backtesting facility. 该项目的一个关键组成部分将是战略开发刍议和回溯测试设施。 www.bing.com 8. The tag antenna is a key component of RFID systems. Dipole antenna and its modification types are widely used in UHF band. 标签天线是RFID系统的关键部件,UHF频段RFID系统多采用偶极子天线及其变形型式。 stae.com.cn 9. Seeker servo control system is a key component of the seeker and its performance directly determine the seeker's tracking accuracy. 导引头伺服控制系统是导引头的关键组成部分,其性能直接决定导引头的跟踪精度。 www.boshuo.net 10. Severe snow storms have also disrupted transport and pushed up the prices of food, a key component of the consumer price index. 强烈的暴风雪已经中断了交通,推高了食品价格,而食品价格是消费者价格指数(CPI)的一个关键组成部分。 c.wsj.com 1. As a key component of the human society heritage, the industrial heritage is paid more attention for its particular value. 工业遗产作为人类社会遗产的一个重要组成部分,因其特殊性的价值而受到重视。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. Research of evaluation on circular economy is a key component of research on circular economy and a bridge from theory to reality. 循环经济评价的研究是循环经济研究的重要组成部分,也是循环经济从理论走向实践的桥梁。 www.13191.com 3. Crop germplasm resources are a key component of biodiversity, and can serve as a material basis for crop breeding and agro production. 农作物种质资源是生物多样性的重要组成部分,是作物育种和农业生产的物质基础。 www.biodiversity-science.net 4. Signs of a sharp pickup in job creation would boost consumer confidence and drive retail sales higher, a key component of economic activity. 就业岗位急剧增加的迹象会提升消费者信心,带动零售额增加,是经济活动的主要组成部分。 www.bing.com 5. News lead is a key component of a news text, which gives a highly condensed summary of the news. 新闻导语是新闻报道的重要组成部分,是新闻内容的高度浓缩。 www.fabiao.net 6. Soft power of Chinese culture, as a key component of soft power, is playing an increasingly important role in the new situation. 文化软实力是软实力中的核心要素,在新形势下发挥着越来越重要的作用。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. As a key component of the National Defense Mobilization, War Material Scheduling and Conveying is a major content of modern war. 战时物资筹措与运送是国防动员的主要组成部分,是军事斗争准备的一项重要内容,也是影响战争进程及胜负的重要因素。 www.dictall.com 8. The Frenchman's dribbling skills, awareness and top-class finishing are a key component of this record-breaking team. 皮雷的带球技术,洞察力和顶级的射门能力是这支创造纪录的阿森纳队的关键部分。 bbs.arsenalcn.com 9. The jumping board is the key component used in the auto ferry. with the technological requisite for its system structure extremely high. 跳板是汽车渡船的关键构件,其系统设置结构的技术要求很高。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. The light guide plate is a key component of backlight units, which determines efficiency and uniformity of light emission. 导光板是背光模组的关键组件,决定了出光效率以及出光均匀性。 www.yjyxs.com 1. Panellists described talent as the key component of competition as well as a cost driver. 小组成员认为,人才既是关键的竞争力,同时也是成本推动器。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Vacuum Interrupter (VI) is the key component used in the switch electricity as vacuum circuit breaker, load switch, vacuum contactor. 真空灭弧室是用于真空断路器、负荷开关、真空接触器等开关电器的主要元件,即核心器件。 www.fabiao.net 3. There's one more key component of a REST application: RESTful applications should be stateless. REST应用程序存在一个更重要的组件:RESTful应用程序应该是无状态的。 www.ibm.com 4. The decision to set up a separate company was a key component, says Mr Van Den Berg. VandenBerg表示说成立独立公司的决定是非常关键的一步。 www.bing.com 5. The key component of a product design in the planning phase is the design to satisfying customers' needs and preferences. 当一个产品要上市量产前的企划构思阶段,其首要的关键就是满足消费者个人的偏好与需求。 www.teps.com.cn 6. North Korea balked at allowing intrusive international inspections of its nuclear sites, a key component in the disarmament pact. 朝鲜拒绝让国际机构核查其核设施,而这是核裁军协议的重要一环。 www.gjjy.com 7. Again, using the preceding analysis, it was laser composite texturing treatment to a key component of cone mold, and had deep drawing test. 再次,利用前面的分析,对锥形模具的关键部位进行了激光复合造型处理,并进行了拉深成形试验。 www.fabiao.net 8. As a key component in forest ecosystem, dynamic of fine root is important to understand the energy and nutrents cycles. 细根作为森林生态系统能量和物质循环的核心组分,研究其动态对了解地下生态学过程具有重要的意义。 www.fabiao.net 9. I mean, evolutionarily speaking, living and working in a group is a key component of how well humans have managed to survive. 我是指在进化论的角度上来说,生活和工作在一个群体中是人类学会生存最关键的一个环节。 bbs.putclub.com 10. The logistics of delivering and servicing medical equipment and devices are a key component in maintaining a quality healthcare system. 提供的后勤工作和服务的医疗设备和装置的一个重要组成部分在保持高质量的卫生保健体系。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. A key component of this guidance is the Composite Application Library, a library useful to create composite WPF applications. 该指导包中一个很重要的组成部分是CompositeApplicationLibrary,一个创建复合WPF应用程序非常有用的类库。 www.infoq.com 2. The Service Integration Bus can be used as a backbone for enterprise messaging, a key component to Service-Oriented Architecture. 服务集成总线可用作企业消息传递的主干和面向服务的体系结构的关键组件。 www-128.ibm.com 3. Lifestyle modification is clearly a key component for the improvement of reproductive function for overweight, anovulatory women with PCOS. 对超重、无排卵的多囊卵巢综合征患者而言,调整生活方式无疑是改善生殖机能的重要因素。 www.dxy.cn 4. Platelet activation was a key component of thrombosis surrounding stent implantation. 血小板激活是支架植入术后血栓形成过程中最关键的环节。 www.chemyq.com 5. And certainly a key component of this reciprocity is recognizing that each country being strong is good for the other. 当然这种互惠关系的一个重要组成是认识到每个国家的强大对另一方有利。 chinese.wsj.com 6. Therefore, systems for the production of pharmaceutical water constitute a key component in every manufacturing facility. 因此,制药用水的生产系统在所有制药企业中构成一个关键组份。 www.pharmst.cn 7. Traction transformer as a key component of traction power supply system undertakes the major role of transforming voltage. 牵引变压器作为牵引供电系统的关键组成部分,承担着变电的重要作用。 www.zidir.com 8. This time it will also be a key component of the global economic recovery. 这次,ICT行业将成为全球经济复苏的一个重要组成部分。 www.bing.com 9. The low cost automatic water valve without electrical power control is the key component used in irrigation system. 无电源控制阀门是低成本和高自动化节水灌溉系统中的关键元件。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. Tunable lasers with agile and multi-wavelength selective features will be a key component for the optical networks before long. 可调谐半导体激光器由于具有灵活的多波长选择性激射特性,将成为未来光网络中的重要器件。 www.13191.com 1. Sanitation is a human right and a key component of primary prevention to ensure better health. 卫生设施是一项人权,也是确保良好健康的一级预防的关键组成部分。 www.who.int 2. As a key component of service trade, China's higher education is undertaking fundamental and systematic reforms at present. 作为服务贸易的重要组成部分,中国的高等教育正在进行一场根本性的制度改革。 www.fabiao.net 3. With the mechanization level of Chinas coal industry improving, as a key component, hydraulic support will have broad market prospect. 随着我国煤炭行业机械化程度的提高,作为煤机设备关键组成部分的液压支架将拥有广阔的市场前景。 www.kunqubaotou.gov.cn 4. Social networking would be another key component, one of the people said. 其中一个知情人士说,社交网络将成为另一个关键组成部分。 c.wsj.com 5. Saturator is the key component in HAT cycle and its performance strongly influence on the whole HAT system performance. 饱各器是HAT循环中的关键部件,对其性能的认识关系到整个系统的性能分析。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Eg. The use of advertising banners makes up the key component of our marketing efforts to obtain more traffic to our web site . 标志广告是我们市场活动的重要组成部分,为我们的网站赢得了更多的业务。 www.bing.com 7. These instruments collect data on ocean color -- a key component of many studies of ocean ecology, plankton and coral reefs. 这些工具收集海洋的颜色数据——海洋生态、浮游生物和珊瑚礁的很多研究的关键部分。 www.dxy.cn 8. NC machine tool is a key component of the advanced manufacturing technology, and the important numerical control facilities, too. 数控机床是先进制造技术的关键组成部分,也是重要的数控装备设备。 www.chemyq.com 9. Fabregas has become a key component in the Arsenal midfield this season, and established himself as the Gunners primary playmaker. 法布雷加斯本赛季在阿森纳的中场起到了关键的作用,并且稳固了他自己在一线队的主力位置。 eriksson.blog.enorth.com.cn 10. The key component of the solar cell test instruments are the test light source (solar simulator). 太阳电池测试系统的关键部件是测试光源(太阳模拟器)。 www.juhe8.com 1. Dodd's comments were an important show of support for a key component in the administration's wide-ranging program. 多德的评论是一个重要的表态,表明他对奥巴马计划中这一关键部分的支持。 cn.reuters.com 2. Quain's work suggests that the cost of marketing a sale is a key component in setting room prices. 奎因的工作表明,营销成本的销售是一个关键组成部分设置房间价格。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 3. As the nerve central of smart grid, intelligent dispatch is the key component of the strong and smart grid. 智能调度是建设统一坚强智能电网的关键内容,是智能输电网的神经中枢。 www.dictall.com 4. Today such technologies are commonly viewed as a key component to the achievement of both goals. 今天,这些技术已被普遍认为是实现这两项目标的关键内容。 www.wipo.int 5. Professional values is a key component of college students' value system and may greatly influence students' career decision making. 职业价值观是大学生价值观体系的重要组成部分,它对大学生的择业具有重要影响。 nysk.njupt.edu.cn 6. Optical time division multiplexer is a key component in high-speed optical time division multiplexing communication system. 光时分复用器是光时分复用技术中很关键的一环。 www.fabiao.net 7. Electric filed sensor which has been widely used in many areas is a key component of electric field measurement. 电场传感器是电场测量的关键部件,在军事、大气、地质、医学等诸多领域都有着广泛的应用。 www.fabiao.net 8. Finance is the cornerstone of supporting governmental administration while taxation is a key component of fiscal revenue. 财政是支应政府施政的基石,而税收是浥注财政收入重要的一环。 www.cetd.com.tw 9. Product quality, as a key component of brand, was paid great attention by both governments and enterprises. 作为企业品牌形象的一个关键组成成分,质量管理得到了上至国务院下至大中型企业的相当重视。 www.fabiao.net 10. Picking seedling mechanism, which is the key component of the tobacco auto-transplanter, is focused on this dissertation. 本论文的研究对象是烟苗自动移栽机中的重要组成部分—取苗机构。 www.fabiao.net 1. This paper studies the vehicle monitoring system is a key component of the intelligent monitoring system. 本文研究的车辆监控系统是智能监控系统的一个关键组成部分。 m.baidu.com 2. When creating a HATS project, a key component in the projects settings is the definition of the connection to the backend host system. 在创建HATS项目时,项目设置中关键的一步是定义对后端主机系统的连接。 www-128.ibm.com 3. A key component of this measurement error comes from the quality of the VNA calibration. 测量误差的一个关键来源是失量网络分析仪的校准质量。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Antiviral drugs remain a key component of the public health response when used as recommended. 当按建议使用,抗病毒药物仍然是公共卫生反应的一个关键组成部分。 www.who.int 5. China's approach to intermediary liability is a key component of its larger system of online information control. 中国对待中介责任的方法是其更大的网上信息控制系统的关键组成部分。 www.america.gov 6. The system of the ultrasonic transducer is the key component of the bonding equipment in the thermosonic bonding system. 在热超声键合系统中,超声换能系统是键合装备的核心部分。 www.dictall.com 7. Commercial banks, as a key component of financial system of a country, always are the important aspect in China's financial reform. 商业银行作为一国金融体系的重要组成部分,一直是我国金融体制改革中的重要方面。 www.fabiao.net 8. A key component of this methodology is the use of blob representations in a relational database. 该方法的关键在于使用了关系数据库中的blob表示法。 www.ibm.com 9. I would also stress that student presentations form a key component of the course. 我要强调学生口头报告在这堂课佔很重要的部分。 www.myoops.org 10. The turbine disk is a key component of the aero engine and its work condition is severe. 涡轮盘是航空发动机关键件,其工作载荷复杂。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Hydraulic support is the key equipment of mechanized coal mining. The double-telescopic prop is the key component of hydraulic support. 液压支架是煤矿综合机械化采煤的关键设备,双伸缩立柱是液压支架的关键零部件。 www.fabiao.net 2. In the IBM SOA Reference Architecture an enterprise service bus (ESB) is a key component of the infrastructure. 在IBMSOA参考体系结构中,企业服务总线(EnterpriseServiceBus,ESB)是基础设施中的一个关键组件。 www.ibm.com 3. He has won 74 caps for Italy, and was a key component of the Azzurri's World Cup-winning squad. 他为意大利队攻入了74球,同时也是赢得世界杯的关键球员。 www.juvezone.com 4. The constant air pressure controller on air compressor testing platform is the key component for automatic examination. 空气压缩机检修试验台中的恒压控制器,是实现空气压缩机试验台自动试验的关键部件。 terms.shengwuquan.com 5. The new tax rule is crucial to slow export growth in a key component of food production, industry insiders said. 业内人士说,新的关税规定,旨在降低食品生产关键元素的出口。 yangyu99.ourtra.com 6. A particularly sticky issue is the safety of the Ares I rocket, a key component of the current Constellation program. 其中一个棘手的问题就是当前星座计划的关键组件战神一号火箭的安全性。 www.transcn.org 7. But in the near term, Chinese leaders won't want to see exports, a key component of both growth and employment in China, flag too much. 但在短期内,中国领导人不想看到出口这个对中国的增长和就业都有着重要意义的领域出现太大幅度的滑坡。 c.wsj.com 8. Why it's here to stay: As with locally grown food, freshness is a key component of the slow food trend. 在当地种植的食物中,新鲜是当今慢食趋势的一个关键元素。 www.bing.com 9. So the movie, the music is not an auxiliary tool, but a key component. 所以对电影来说,音乐已经不是一种辅助的工具,而是一个关键构成。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Music education remains a key component in a student's academic success and in positive social and emotional growth. 在学生的学习以及积极的社会和情感培养方面,音乐教育仍然是一个关键的组成部分。 www.bing.com 1. A key component of the trial is to decide on Breivik's sanity during the attack. 审判的一项主要程序,是确定布雷维克在攻击行动中,是否精神正常。 www.bing.com 2. Black carbon, a key component of soot, plays a much larger role in global warming than previously estimated, scientists have found. 科学家发现,烟灰的关键成分炭黑在全球变暖中发挥的作用比过去所认为的更大。 scitech.people.com.cn 3. A steering knuckle is the key component in cars, which needs high requirements in dimensional accuracy and product quality. 轿车转向节是轿车上的关键零件,对尺寸精度和产品质量要求很高。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Another key component of many functional containers is network access. 很多实用的容器的另一个关键部分是网络访问。 www.ibm.com 5. Dual-Mode combustion chamber , as the key component of the Scramjet, is the most difficult to design. 双模态燃烧室是双模态超燃冲压发动机中最关键的部件和设计难点。 www.fabiao.net 6. As the key component of the heavy-duty manipulator, the clamps are optimized based on the optimization design technology. 本文将钳臂作为关键构件,以优化设计技术为基础,对操作机钳臂进行结构优化设计。 www.fabiao.net 7. Computer Generated Forces(CGF)technology is a key component in distributed simulation system. 计算机生成兵力是分布交互仿真中的一个重要组成部分。 www.dictall.com 8. The existence of Bad data is a key component affecting the accuracy of bus load forecasting. 坏数据的存在对母线负荷预测的精度有较大影响。 www.dictall.com 9. The Audion became the key component of all radio, telephone, radar, television, and computer systems before the invention of the transistor. 在晶体管(transistor)发明以前,三极检波管是所有收音机、电话、电视机和计算机系统的基本组件。 chinafanyi.com 10. As the key component in this identification system, the design and research of the antenna is very important. 天线作为射频识别系统中的关键部件,它的设计和研究就变得十分重要。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. A key component of wisdom is fearlessness, which is not the absence of fear, but rather not letting our fears get in the way. 无畏是智慧一个关键的组成部分,它并不是指无所畏惧,而是不让畏惧阻碍你前行的脚步。 www.kekenet.com 2. Each presentation has a master for each key component: slides, title slides, speaker's notes, and audience handouts. 每个演示文稿的每个关键组件(幻灯片、标题幻灯片、演讲者备注和听众讲义)都有一个母版。 office.microsoft.com 3. Herrlich and colleagues have found that merlin is a key component of the mechanism by which a cell responds to contact inhibition. 郝里奇博士和同事们发现牟林在细胞对接触抑制作出反应的过程中起了关键作用。 www.100md.com 4. Bond yields are the key component of fixed mortgage rates, widely used by US consumers. 债券收益率是固定按揭利率的关键组成部分,与美国消费者密切相关。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Community sanitary service is a primary hygiene and one key component of public sanitation network. 社区卫生服务是一种初级卫生保健,是公共卫生网络的重要组成部分。 www.chemyq.com 6. The battery and the battery charger, the controller takes the electrically operated bicycle the key component. 电池及其充电器,控制器作为电动自行车的关键部件。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Oxygen sensor is a key component which affects the purification for three-way catalytic converter. 氧传感器是影响三元催化转化器催化净化效果的一个关键元件。 www.dictall.com 8. Maglev chopper is the key component of maglev, and the concentrative embodiment of modern power electronics. 悬浮斩波器是磁悬浮列车的关键组成,也是现代电力电子技术的集中体现。 www.lw23.com 9. This integration project will be a key component of the Spring Web family of technologies . . . 该集成项目将成为SpringWeb家族中的一个关键组件… www.infoq.com 10. Based on the determination of optimal process parameters, the agitator, the key component of the gravity separator, was optimized. 在确定了最佳的工艺参数基础上,对其中的关键部件搅拌器进行了优化设计。 www.jsks.net.cn 1. The Settings and Constraints Editor is a key component of Distributed System Designers . 设置和约束编辑器是分布式系统设计器的主要组件。 www.bing.com 2. To the sowing machine, the seeding unit is a key component, which plays a crucial role in sowing quality. 对播种机来说,排种器是它的核心部件,它对播种的质量起决定性作用。 www.dictall.com 3. 'TI's Gen 2 straps are a key component in Smurfit-Stone Container Corporation's RFID development and testing program. TI的第二代带是在斯默菲特重要组成部分,斯通集装箱公司的RFID开发和测试程序。 zdhyyjs.a1pak.com 4. The UN Millennium Summit in 2000 set clearly eradication of poverty as a key component of human development goals. 2000年联合国千年首脑会议明确提出,将消除贫困作为人类发展目标的核心内容。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. Iron is a key component of cars, trains, planes, ships, fridges, dishwashers and computers. 钢铁是各类汽车、火车、飞机、轮船、冰箱、洗碗机以及计算机的主要组件。 www.bing.com 6. Integration brokers form the key component of the WebSphere BI strategy. 集成代理形成了WebSphereBI策略的一个关键组件。 www.ibm.com 7. Three phase bridge rectifier for motor vehicle alternator is the key component of motor vehicle. 机动车交流发电机用三相桥式整流器是机动车电器工作的关键部件,它的工作环境恶劣。 www.aojauto.com 8. Power supply is the key component in micro piezoelectric actuator "s application. " 压电陶瓷驱动电源是压电陶瓷微位移器应用中关键部件。 www.magsci.org 9. Encryption algorithm from a weak cryptography on the function f and r sub r th iteration key component. 加密算法由一个密码学上的弱函数f与r个子密钥迭代r次组成。 www.pudn.com 10. Synaptic plasticity is a key component of the learning machinery in the brain. 突触可塑性是一个关键组成部分的学习机制在大脑中。 www.syyxw.com 1. Rotary valve is the key component of G-M type cryocooler which controls the intake and exhaust processes. 旋转阀是G-M型低温制冷机的核心部件,用以控制制冷机进排气时序。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. As the key component of extruder, the structure of screw rod has a great effect on the characters of puffed materials. 作为挤压膨化机关键部件的螺杆,其结构对膨化物料的性状有着十分重要的影响。 www.chemyq.com 3. A key component of those plans is a massive expansion of nuclear power. 这些计划的一个关键成分是和能源的大规模扩展。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. The missile is considered a key component of China's strategy of denying U. S. planes and ships access to waters off its coast. 东风21D被认为是中国阻挡美国飞机和船只进入其海岸附近水域这一战略的重要组成部分。 bbs.enfamily.cn 5. For these reasons, it will probably be a key component of future SOA applications. 基于以上原因,它可能会成为将来SOA应用程序的一个重要组件。 www.ibm.com 6. Soluble fiber binds bile acid, a key component in fat digestion that our bodies make from cholesterol. 这是一种我们的身体从胆固醇制造出的进行脂肪消化的关键组份。 www.foodmate.net 7. The Uncooled Infrared FPA is the key component of the microbolometer. 非制冷红外焦平面器件是微测热辐射计的核心部件。 www.fabiao.net 8. Post-processing is a key component of Chinese character recognition system. 后处理技术是汉字识别系统的重要组成部分。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. All glass vacuum tubes are the key component of solar collectors. 全玻璃真空管是太阳能集热器中的关键部分。 sijiking.com 10. See through head mounted display (HMD) is a key component in the augmented reality (AR) system. 穿透式双通道头盔显示器(HMD)是增强现实系统中的关键部件。 www.dictall.com 1. A rational allocation of water resources is a key component of water resources planning and management. 水资源合理配置研究是水资源规划与管理中的关键部分。 www.irrigate.com.cn 2. Of course, a key component of handling performance is the wheel and tyre combination. 当然要取得优异的运转性能,关键还要看车轮与车胎之间的组合。 www.eoezone.com 3. This is a key reason why SOA-based application transformation is a key component of a renewal approach. 之所以基于SOA的应用程序转换是更新方法中的一个重要组成部分,这是其中的一个主要原因。 www.ibm.com 4. A filtering flat bag is a key component of a cleaner. 过滤扁袋是除尘器的关键部件。 ip.com 5. Copper, however, is a key component of wire, switches, electromagnets and other industrial wares. 而铜则是电线、开关、电磁铁和其他工业制品的重要原材料。 c.wsj.com 6. One key component of the stem cell niche is cells of the osteoblastic lineage. 一个关键组成部分干细胞小生境的细胞的成骨细胞系。 www.syyxw.com 7. In these cases, history has become a key component in the tobacco attorneys' defense strategy. 在这类案件中,历史成了烟草公司辩护律师防御战略重要的一环。 www.bing.com 8. Chemistry is a key component in all the scientific disciplines. 化学是所有其他自然学科方向的重要组成。 xueshu.anxue.net 9. Its product of surfactant-calcium soap was key component and CTAB was main assistants. 其生成的表面活性剂-钙皂为关键组份,CTAB是主要助剂。 www.jchemindustry.com 10. Chemical sensing film is the key component of surface acoustic wave (SAW) gas sensor. 化学吸附敏感膜是声表面波(SAW)气体传感器的关键组成部分。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Optical switch is the key component in optical communications. It is the research focus in recent years. 光开关是光通信的关键部件,是近年来通信领域的研究热点。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Elevator traction machine is a key component of the product. 曳引机是电梯产品的关键部件。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Messaging is a key component to Service-Oriented Architecture. 消息传递是面向服务的体系结构的一个关键组件。 www.ibm.com 4. Forwarding engine is the key component of high performance core routers. 转发处理机是核心路由器中实现高性能转发的关键部件。 www.fabiao.net 5. Xinjiang Production & Construction Corps is also the key component of Xinjiang. 新疆生产建设兵团也是新疆的重要组成部分。 www.tianshannet.com.cn 6. The key component of intelligent instrument is single chip computer. 智能仪表的核心部件是单片机。 www.chemyq.com 7. Scoring the true positive rate and the false positive rate is a key component in IDS evaluation. 评分方法是判定IDS的检测率和误报率的重要环节,评分方法的准确性直接影响评估结果的有效性。 www.dictall.com 8. As a key component, connecting the domestic price and international price, its volatility will influence the development of foreign trade. 它把国际价格与国内价格联系起来,成为对外贸易价格体系的重要组成部分,其变动直接影响到一国涉外经济的发展。 www.fabiao.net 9. Their moves, in turn, have convinced key component makers to come too. 它们的举措反过来又促使其主要零部件制造商也来重庆设厂。 www.ftchinese.com 10. High Availability is a key component of business resiliency. 高可用性是实现业务弹性的关键因素之一。 www.ibm.com 1. It is also a key component for SOA governance, applied throughout the lifecycle of services. 它对于在服务的整个生命周期中应用SOA治理也很重要。 www.ibm.com 2. Storage system is a key component of telephone digital recording and monitor system (TDRMS). 数据存储系统是电话录音监控系统的重要组成部分之一。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. The new client infrastructure in DB2 9. 5 is a key component to lowering the personnel costs associated with an IBM data server solution. 而DB29.5中新的客户机基础结构对于降低IBM数据服务器解决方案涉及的人员成本起了非常重要的作用。 www.ibm.com 4. Party system is a key component of modern democratic politics. 政党制度是现代民主政治的重要组成部分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Taking corrective actions on non-compliant projects is a key component of the PPMS. 对不一致的项目采取校正措施是项目组合管理系统的一个关键的组件。 www.ibm.com 6. Optical switch is the key component in optical switching system. 光开关是光交换等系统中的关键器件。 www.fabiao.net 7. The SQL Remote Message Agent is a key component in SQL Remote replication. SQLRemote消息代理是SQLRemote复制系统中的重要组件。 www.ianywhere.com 8. So in the carbon-footprint equation, recycling is really a key component. 因此,在碳足迹的问题上,回收的确是关键的一环。 www.fortunechina.com 9. Rosicky was a key component of Arsenal's one-touch football that saw the team challenge for the title in the 2007-08 season. 阿森纳2007-08赛季曾险些夺得冠军,当时罗西基是球队“一脚出球”战术体系的关键。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 10. abstract: Olfactory bulb is a key component of olfaction. 嗅球是人体控制嗅觉的关键部位。 www.bing.com 1. The Van de Graaff generator later became a key component of the early particle accelerators. 范德格拉夫起电机后来成为了早期粒子加速器的关键器件。 news.xinhuanet.com 2. Ensure Governance Is a Key Component of the SOA. . SOA的关键组件之一是治理的保障。 www.infoq.com 3. The key component in question is the friction arm of the CTS. 问题的关键在于CTS的摩擦杆。 www.bing.com 4. High-voltage switch is a key component to discharge circuit. 对于高压放电回路,高压开关是一个关键器件。 lib.cqvip.com 5. The dispatcher is a DB2 process (db2disp), the key component of the connection concentrator. 分配器(dispatcher)是一个DB2进程(db2disp),即连接集中器的关键组件。 www.ibm.com 6. The first is that leading economic indicators usually include the stockmarket itself as a key component. 首先,主要的经济指数通常都将股市作为其一重要组成部分。 www.ecocn.org 7. The absorber that consists of absorption zone and slurry zone is the key component in WFGD system. 由同化区域和泥浆区域组成的吸收器是湿法脱硫的关键部分。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Cost is a key component in developing Africa 's oil resources. 开发非洲石油资源,成本是个关键因素。 www.voanews.cn 9. Proton exchange membrane is the key component of PEMFC. 质子交换膜是燃料电池的核心组件。 www.fabiao.net 10. Heave crankshaft is the key component of diesel engine. 大型曲轴是大型内燃机的关键部件。 www.fabiao.net 1. The performance of the key component of the novel modulator, that is the polymer micro-ring resonator, is studied in this thesis. 本论文重点研究了这种新型调制器的主要组成部分——聚合物微环谐振结构的性能。 www.lw23.com 2. The sonde body is the core of 70 type dim-density tools and the detector is the key component of well logging tools. 70型小密度测井仪探头是仪器的核心,探测器是仪器的关键部件。 www.chemyq.com 3. License plate location is the key component of LPR system. 车牌定位是车牌识别中的关键步骤。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Perhaps the key component involved in AR is the notion of praxis. 或许关键组件参与AR的观念的实践。 wenwen.soso.com 5. The price of lentils, a key component of most Indian meals, has surged in the past few months. 在过去几个月,小扁豆(多数印度膳食的一种重要成份)的价格猛涨。 www.stnn.cc 6. The key component of music that makes it beneficial is order. 那些得益的音乐关键音符是有序的。 www.bing.com 7. Natural gas is the other key component of Pickens' plan. 天然气是皮肯斯计划中另一个重要组成部份。 www.america.gov 8. Key Component for Datum Selection ? 基准选择的关键要素 wenku.baidu.com 9. Once you have downloaded and compiled, or separately installed the package, the key component is the ntpd daemon. 下载并编译或独立安装了相应程序包后,就可以得到关键组件ntpd后台程序。 www.ibm.com 10. Sth is a key component of sth and naturally passed down from one generation to another. 某事物是另一个事物不可分割的一个部分,所以能够代代流传,衍生不息。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. A key component of the Siberian character is rootlessness, Rozhansky added. 无根感是西伯利亚人性格的重要组成,罗赞斯基说。 www.tianya.cn 2. The cutter head is the key component of shield machine. 盾构刀盘是盾构机设计和制造的关键部件。 www.boshuo.net 3. "That was another key component to picking a co-packer, " Myers says. “这是另一个关键组成部分,以挑选一个共同封隔器,”迈尔斯说。 jgdmj.a1pak.com 4. The other key component is labor-market policy. 另外一个重要的政策使劳工市场政策。 www.bing.com 5. And exports constitute a key component of China's economy. 而出口仍然是中国经济的一个关键组成部分。 www.stnn.cc 6. The control of inflation is a key component of the government's economic policy. 有效控制通货膨胀是政府财务政策的主要组成目标之一。 www.englishtown.cn 7. In any case, a key component of getting people to notice your story is having a good Digg title. 无论是那种情况,只要你想让其他人注意你的文章,关键一步是给你的文章起一个具有魅力的博采标题。 www.elanso.com 8. The key component is a new generation of material know as Polysilazane. 该镀层的主要成分是一种全新的材料,称为聚硅氮烷Polysilazane。 vongcong.com 9. Freedom is a key component to happiness. 自由是幸福的关键因素。 www.ebigear.com 10. Exports - a key component in the economy - shrank 26 percent. 日本经济的关键行业出口业则收缩了百分之26。 www.voanews.cn 1. For example, Europe's future-oriented Lisbon Agenda includes both social and environmental sustainability as a key component. 例如,欧洲以未来为导向的里斯本议程(LisbonAgenda)把社会和环境持续性作为关键因素。 www.stnn.cc 2. A key component of MITE is the practicum. MITE的一个关键成份是实习科目。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Belt conveyor is the major transportation equipment in coalmine production, and driving drum is it's key component. 带式输送机是煤矿生产中的一种主要的运输设备,传动滚筒是其关键部件。 www.fabiao.net 4. Model base is the key component of DSS. 模型库是整个决议计划支持体系的核心部件。 www.starlunwen.com 5. "Sustained growth in China is a key component of Eaton's global business strategy, " said Cutler. 他表示:中国业务的持续增长是伊顿全球业务发展战略中非常重要的一环。 word.hcbus.com 6. Emotional exhaustion is a specific stress-related reaction, and it is considered a key component of burnout(Maslach, 1982). 情感枯竭是一种特定的和压力有关的反应,被认为是愤怒的关键组分(Maslach,1982)。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. It's also a key component in fuel cells. 它也是燃料电池的关键组成部分。 www.bing.com 8. MPEG 4 video pump is the key component of Video server. MPEG4视频泵是MPEG4视频服务器技术中的核心部件。 epub.cnki.net 9. For example, client object maps are not a key component of the performance testing model. 例如,客户对象映射并不是性能测试模型的关键构件。 www.ibm.com 10. The key component was having a position for me when I came back. 关键一点是在我回来后公司仍能有我一席之地。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. By contrast, the virtualization that is a key component of cloud computing makes it appear that one system is many individual servers. 相比之下,作为云计算关键组件的虚拟化使其表现为一个系统是许多单独的服务器。 www.ibm.com 2. The mouse, on the other hand, is a key component of the game. 另一方面,鼠标,是这个游戏的关键组成部分。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Advocates say that sharks are a key component to a healthy ecosystem, as the AP reports 保护者称鲨鱼是构成一个健康生态系统的关键组成部分。下面是美联社的报道。 www.bing.com 4. A key component to support performance related pay but requires significant education and skills development to engineer behavioural change 这是支援与表现挂鈎薪酬方式的要素,但需要大量教育及技能发展以促使行为上的改变 www.jsscs.gov.hk 5. Liquorice compounds could be a key component for liver cancer treatment 甘草中可能含有治疗肝癌的关键成份 feeds.feedburner.com 6. Case-based reasoning study of key component variant design for gantry crane 应用事例推理的门式起重机械关键零部件变型设计研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Application of Key Component Analysis Method in Coagulation Experiments on Dyeing Wastewater 主成分分析法在印染废水混凝试验中的应用 service.ilib.cn 8. Vocational Features-Key Component for Higher Vocational Colleges 高职院校要以特色求发展 ilib.com.cn 9. Performance Analysis of the Key Component--Humidifier 关键部件湿化器性能的分析 service.ilib.cn 10. Key component for forming continuous strand mats--airflow ejecting nozzle 连续毡成型工艺关键部件--气流抛丝嘴 www.ilib.cn 1. New Plant Species; Tort; Key component; Responsibility; 植物新品种权;侵权行为;构成要件;侵权责任; www.zidir.com 2. Key Component to Quality Control of Injection Molding Product--Non-return Valve 影响注射成型制品质量的重要部件--止逆环 www.ilib.cn 3. The analysis of heat reliability of the key component on PCB board 基于有限元的PCB板上关键元件热可靠性分析 ilib.cn 4. Application of Pour Point Reducer Used Polymer as Key Component in Diesel Oil 以聚合物为主要成分的降凝剂在柴油中的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Key component & part test & inspection 适用车型关键零部件检测 wenku.baidu.com 6. Processing and Production about the Key Component of Steel in Fenghua Bridge 海河奉化桥钢结构关键构件的加工制作 www.ilib.cn 7. Finite Element Analysis about Key Component of Tipper 自卸车关键部件的有限元分析 www.ilib.cn 8. TPM The key component of TPM on the trustable computing platform 可信计算平台中的关键部件 www.ilib.cn 9. The treatment of some key component in the sloping roof project of masonry building 住宅楼坡屋面工程中几个关键部位的处理 www.ilib.cn 10. Art Practice: a Key Component of Study for Music Majors 艺术实践是音乐教育专业学生学习的重要环节 www.ilib.cn 1. Development of the Chinese Mobile Phone Key Component Industry 中国行动电话用主要元件产业发展 www.giichinese.com.cn |
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