单词 | CDOS |
释义 | 例句释义: 债务抵押债券,担保债务凭证,抵押债务债券 1. Deutsche Bank was an aggressive dealer in CDOs in the period when the market was beginning to crack. 在市场开始破裂时,德意志银行是担保债务凭证的积极经销商。 kk.dongxi.net 2. He told me with a straight face that these CDOs were the only way to get rid of the riskiest tranches of Subprime debt. 他诚实地告诉我,这些夹层CDO是从可转换次级债中剔除风险最高的债券的唯一出路。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Defaults haven't been a major problem, but the market values of these CDOs fell sharply over the past year or so. 违约还不是很严重的问题,但这类CDO的市值在过去一年左右的时间里急剧缩水。 www.ebigear.com 4. For much of the mortgage boom, Merrill was able to sell the bulk of the CDOs it underwrote to investors all over the world. 在抵押贷款业务繁荣兴旺的那段日子,美林能够将它承销的大部分CDO顺利出售给世界各地的投资者。 smilelyspring.spaces.live.com 5. Modern finance is supposed to be all about measuring risks, yet corporate and mortgage-backed CDOs were a leap in the dark. 归根结底,现代金融应关乎风险测量。然而,企业与按揭支持CDO却是一次鲁莽的冒险行动。 bbs.yeeu.org 6. Shockingly, two-thirds of that stemmed from supposedly triple-A CDOs, which by then were deemed to be worth only half of their face value. 令人震惊的是,其中三分之二是由所谓的“AAA”级CDO造成的——当时,人们认定这种工具的估值仅为其票面价值的一半。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Goldman has even referred to the investors who bought its CDOs as "among the most sophisticated mortgage investors in the world" . 高盛甚至将购买其发行的CDO的投资者称为“世界上最成熟的抵押贷款投资者”。 www.ftchinese.com 8. CDOs were so complex that they had to be assessed using specially designed models, which had various faults. CODs太过复杂,以至于评级机构不得不用特殊设计的模型对其进行评价,然而这些模型中有各种各样的误差。 www.ecocn.org 9. (On occasion, each of a pair of CDOs would buy a tranche of the other, creating a "loop" that slowed analysis). 有时,一对CDO还会相互购买对方的部分,从而导致了“循环”,延缓了分析过程。 www.ftchinese.com 10. CDOs were one of the main vehicles through which risky US mortgages were repackaged and sold to investors around the world . CDO是美国风险抵押贷款重新打包、然后出售给世界各地投资者的主要工具之一。 www.bing.com 1. Still, selling complex CDOs is not the equivalent to making a market in stocks or other widely traded securities. 尽管如此,销售复合担保债务凭证不同于对股票或其他广泛交易的证券做市。 kk.dongxi.net 2. The bottom tiers of these CDOs have been called "toxic waste" . 这些抵押债权的最低层一直被称为“有毒废气”。 www.ecocn.org 3. It definitely embraced them with Abacus, keeping IKB in the dark both about Paulson and its own view of mortgage CDOs. 它显然用Abacus来迎接挑战,既没有让IKB知晓保尔森在该交易中的角色,也没让其知道自己对抵押贷款CDO产品的看法。 www.ftchinese.com 4. So far, Morgan Stanley estimates that about $123bn of these defaulted CDOs have been liquidated. 摩根士丹利估计,迄今已有约1230亿美元这类违约CDO进行了清算。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Hundreds of billions of dollars of CDOs have defaulted, but the structures can only be liquidated if the underlying collateral can be sold. 数千亿美元的债务抵押债券已经违约,但只有在基础抵押品能够出售时,这一结构性产品才能进行清算。 www.ftchinese.com 6. But faith in the financial alchemy of this single currency has spectacularly crumbled, just as faith in those CDOs fell apart. 但人们对这一单一货币金融魔力的信仰已经惊人地崩溃了,正如对CDO的信仰也已土崩瓦解一样。 www.ftchinese.com 7. They would never have taken such a punt on high- yield securities or equity tranches of collateralized debt obligations (CDOs ) . 他们可不会在高收益证券或债务抵押债券(CDO)的股本部分上进行这样的押注。 www.bing.com 8. They also lent buyers much of the money to bid for CDOs, certain that the securities were a sound investment. 他们同样借了大笔金钱给其他投资者去购买CDO。无疑,这些证券曾是良好的投资。 bbs.yeeu.org 9. These were precursors to CDOs, the pools of mortgage-backed securities that were to wreak havoc on the global financial system years later . 这些人是经营担保债务凭证(CDO)的先行者,这种产品即一批抵押贷款支持证券的集合,在此后几年对全球金融体系造成了大破坏。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Now, the estimated market value of the CDOs is at least $45bn, according to several people with direct knowledge of the portfolio. 据了解该资产组合第一手资料的几位人士称,如今,这些CDO的市场价值估计至少有450亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 1. At the time of the Fed intervention, the value of the CDOs insured by AIG was falling dramatically and AIG was facing a credit downgrade. 美联储当初进行干预时,这些由AIG承保的CDO正在急剧贬值,AIG也正面临着信用降级。 www.ftchinese.com 2. We know John Paulson made $1 billion betting against mortgages using one of these CDOs. 我们知道约翰鲍尔森利用这种债务抵押债券中一种赌房贷违约赚了10亿美元。 www.bing.com 3. The losses the banks began to take against their holdings of CDOs were staggering. 银行开始承受持有CDO带来的损失,数目令人难以置信。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It could promote the interests of favoured investors, use CDOs to hedge its own loan book or even take a trading position. 它可以照顾“最惠投资者”的利益、利用CDO对冲其贷款账簿,甚至占据交易头寸。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Merrill has suffered heavy losses on its holdings of CDOs as a result of the credit market turmoil. 由于信贷市场风暴,美林持有的债务抵押债券遭受到严重亏损。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Lord knows, the Obama Administration is not going to bail out hedge funds, CDOs, private equity firms (Cerberus? ), or Donald Trump. 奥巴马政府不会救助对冲基金,债务抵押债券,私人股票公司(Cerberus?),或是唐纳德.特朗普。 www.bing.com 7. Analysts believe AIG originally valued these contracts by looking to prices supplied for a pool of CDOs, among other factors. 分析师们相信,AIG原来是参考一组CDO的价格等因素给这些保险产品估价的。 www.newpower.org.cn 8. After all, "exotic" ETFs are still a small proportion of the overall market, and the instrument is not as inherently risky as, say, CDOs. 毕竟,“标新立异”的ETF仍只占据整体市场的一小部分,而且这一工具本身也没有CDO等那么大的风险。 www.ftchinese.com 9. CDOs offer higher yields than similarly rated mortgage-backed bonds, but are more susceptible to losses if the underlying loans decay. 与类似等级的其他抵押支持证券相比,CODs收益率更高,但是在主贷款恶化时,其面临的损失也更大。 www.ecocn.org 10. Derivatives known as collateralized debt obligations (CDOs)are a clever way to satisfy every taste. 被称为抵押债权的衍生品(CDO)就是一个满足各种需求的好办法。 www.ecocn.org 1. To make matters worse, bond insurers, which rate America's $2. 5 trillion municipal-bond market, are also up to their necks in CDOs. 雪上加霜的是,债券保险人也在抵押债权凭证中泥足深陷,而它们还担当着为价值25000亿美元的美国市政债券市场进行评级的重任。 www.ecocn.org 2. As the CDOs declined in value, AIG had to pay out cash to the CDO owners, including investment banks. 随着这些债权抵押证券的价值出现下降,AIG不得不向包括投资银行在内的债券持有人支付现金。 c.wsj.com 3. Paulson was able to exert the influence it did because of the informal way in which Goldman and other investment banks put CDOs together. 保尔森之所以能够施加影响,原因在于高盛和其它投行设计CDO的非正式方式。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Structured credit bankers specialising in cash CDOs will be the hardest hit this year as the impact of market turmoil takes its toll . 今年,由于市场动荡的影响,专门从事现金债务抵押债券(CDO)业务的结构性信贷银行家遭受的打击将最为沉重。 www.bing.com 5. AIG came to specialise in insuring holders of what it believed were the safest CDOs, known as "super-senior" tranches (see below). 美国国际集团逐渐专事为那些称为“最高等级”层次(见下)债券的持有人提供保险,这种产品被认为是最安全的担保债务凭证。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Traditional CDOs bundled bonds into portfolios and then split those portfolios into tranches, depending on investors' appetite for risk. 传统的CDO将债券打包成投资组合,再根据投资者的风险偏好程度分割成若干份(tranche)。 www.ecocn.org 7. Often, CDOs included not just mortgage-backed securities, but tranches of other CDOs, each maybe incorporating further CDOs. CDO往往不仅包含抵押贷款支持证券,还包含其它CDO的某些部分,而这些CDO有可能进而又包含了其它的CDO。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In presentations to investors this year, it emphasised how thoroughly its AIG Financial Products arm assessed the risks of insuring CDOs. 在今年给投资者做的演示报告中,该集团强调,美国国际集团金融产品部门对承保CDO的风险评估十分彻底。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Hence the decision to move into the complex business of insuring CDOs and playing a role in their construction. 于是该公司决定转而从事复杂的CDO业务,并在参与其构建工作。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Bear Stearns last month revealed large losses at two hedge funds that owned subprime-related CDOs - but had trouble quantifying the losses. 贝尔斯登(BearStearns)上月透露,它旗下两只对冲基金蒙受了巨大损失——它们持有与次级抵押贷款相关的CDO证券,,但却难以判断损失的数量。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Hedge funds could short financial stocks and then bid down the prices of CDOs stuck on Wall Street's balance sheets. 对冲基金可以在股价大跌时抛光股票,然后压低华尔街资产负债表上的债务抵押债券价格。 www.ecocn.org 2. The Magnetar controversy centres on how it financed its bet against the triple-A tranches of CDOs that Citi trusted. 围绕迈格尼塔的争议,主要集中在它如何为其做空花旗委托的AAA级CDO融资。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Joseph Mason, co-author of the critical study on structured ratings, thinks losses on recently assembled CDOs could top $100 billion. 结构化评级的批评研究的共同发起人约瑟夫?梅森(JosephMason)认为最近整个债务抵押债券上的亏损超过了1000亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 4. If the funds lost most of their money in May and June, they must have held positions other than highly rated CDOs. 如果这两只基金大部分损失出现在5月和6月,它们持有的头寸肯定不仅仅是高评级CDO。 www.ftchinese.com 5. As long as these CDOs are not liquidated, they typically allow for payments to service providers, including ratings agencies. 只要这些CDO不清盘,包括评级机构在内的服务提供商一般都会得到费用支付。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Instead, Goldman would have been exposed to further declines in the value of the CDOs. 相反,高盛可能还会面临那些债权抵押证券价值进一步缩水的风险。 www.bing.com 7. The order had "come down from on high that it was a good thing to buy CDOs" . “从高层传达”的命令是“购买CDO是件好事”。 www.ftchinese.com 8. CDOs built solely out of subprime mortgage debt became the rage. 单单由次级抵押贷款组成的CDO风行一时。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I got an offer, ironically from Linman Brothers to go work in CDOs, so it will pay six-figure salary, real job and I actually have money. 我得到了一个机会,讽刺的是来自雷曼兄弟,作为首席开发官,有六位数的薪水,真实工作,事实上我就有钱了。 open.163.com 10. Yet the idea behind modelling got garbled when pools of mortgages were bundled up into collateralized-debt obligations (CDOs). 然而,当人们将按揭资产池捆绑转化为债务抵押证券(CDOs)时,金融建模背后的理念开始变得面目全非。 bbs.yeeu.org 1. According to a recent report from ProPublica, there were 26 deals in which Magnetar, a hedge fund, both sponsored CDOs and bet against them. ProPublica最近发布的报告显示,对冲基金迈格尼塔(Magnetar)在26宗交易中,既赞助了CDO,也对它们做空。 www.ftchinese.com 2. AIG had assumed that the insurance would be valued more highly than the CDOs. 美国国际集团假设,保险将比担保债务凭证价值更高。 www.ftchinese.com 3. At worst, Moody's says, the vast majority of tranches insuch CDOs would be downgraded to junk-bond status. Moody’s称,在最差的情况下,那些抵押债权各种主流的资金层将被降级到垃圾债券的状况。 www.ecocn.org 4. The ratings agencies may move shortly to reassess CDOs, but the investment banks have seen no deterioration in their own ratings. 评级机构可能不久就会重新评估CDO,但投行自己的投资级别并没有恶化。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Overall, commercial-real-estate write-downs in the first quarter are expected to rival those for CDOs and leveraged loans. 总体来说﹐商业地产第一季度的冲销规模可能与CDO和杠杆贷款的冲销额大致相当。 www.ecocn.org 6. Of more complex products, collateralised-debt obligations (CDOs) downgrades have affected just 1% of securities by value. 对于复杂的金融产品,CDO评级的下降已然对1%的证券价值产生了影响。 www.ecocn.org 7. Worse, some of Wall Street's most lucrative recent creations, such as conduits and CDOs, are suddenly out of favour. 更糟糕的是,华尔街上一些新兴的创新,例如conduits和CDOs,突然间十分受欢迎。 www.ecocn.org 8. The rating agencies that gave CDOs such absurdly high ratings, though not named in the ABACUS case, should also worry. 那些给CDO的评级高得如此荒谬的信誉评级机构,尽管不在阿巴卡斯诉案里同列为被告,也应当坐立不安了。 www.putclub.com 9. CDOs are pools of debt that are sliced into tranches of varying risk and return that sold onto investors. 债务担保债券被分割为不同风险和回报等级、并出售给投资者的一批债务。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The one bank I've found that did analyse CDOs based on mortgages from the bottom up was Goldman Sachs. 我所发现的一家确实遵循了自下而上做法的银行,是高盛(GoldmanSachs)。 www.ftchinese.com 1. At first blush, this might seem surprising. After all, during the boom years for CDOs, the two products were closely intertwined. 乍一看,这似乎有点令人吃惊,毕竟在CDO的繁荣时期,两者不相上下。 www.ecocn.org 2. Not least because ETF's (unlike CDOs) are often sold to retail investors. 特别是由于ETF(不同于CDO)的销售对象常常是散户投资者。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Just weeks earlier, the CDOs had been valued at $11bn on Merrill's balance sheet. 就在几个星期前,这些资产在美林的资产负债表上还价值110亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Decoded: Goldman would sell CDOs stuffed with other investment banks' toxic waste, allowing them to short it. 换句话说:高盛将出售塞满了其它投行有毒垃圾的CDO,让这些投行做空。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Banks also structured CDOs that were seemingly designed to incur losses for long investors. 银行也设计了似乎意在让做多投资者遭受亏损的CDO。 www.ftchinese.com 6. "The CDOs were the source of the vast majority of losses at Merrill, " Thain told us in December. “CDOs是美林绝大部分亏损的根源,”塞恩在12月的采访中告诉我们。 www.ftchinese.com 7. bility of using CDOs to offload the toxic risks in rivals' balance sheets on to clients. 投行显然对利用CDO、将同行资产负债表上的有毒风险转移给客户的可能性有兴趣。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The potential damages are huge: on average, these CDOs lost more than a billion dollars each. 潜在的破坏是巨大的:这些CDO产品的平均损失逾10亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Would Mr Greenberg, whose nose for risk was legendary, have limited the exposure to CDOs? 格林伯格对危险的嗅觉极为敏感,他会限制接触债务抵押债券吗? www.ecocn.org 10. One incentive has been the higher yield on top-rated CDOs, compared with similarly rated bonds or loans. 投资动机其一在于:比之同类债券或债务,最高等级信贷资产证券带来的收益更高。 www.ecocn.org 1. Investors in the CDOs are said to have lost more than $1 billion. 而CDOs的投资者表示,他们的损失已经超过十亿美元。 www.bing.com 2. By late 2006 the cost of default swaps on subprime CDOs had jumped sharply. 在2006年后期,对于次级贷款的债务抵押债券的违约互换的成本开始急速增长。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. The recent rally has been particularly marked for CDOs backed by corporate bonds and loans. 近来,由企业债券和贷款支持的CDO反弹尤为显著。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The issuers of CDOs asked rating agencies to assess their quality. CDO的发行者会请评级机构对债券质量进行评估。 bbs.yeeu.org 5. Likewise, it was hard to gauge the exposures to "tail" risks built up by sellers of swaps on CDOs such as AIG and bond insurers. 同样,例如AIG和其他债券保险商所发行的CDO互换的“尾部”风险的暴露也很难估计。 www.ecocn.org 6. I am figuring Mr. Paulson could wind up buying more than $2 trillion in notional value loans and home equity and CDOs for his $700 billion. 我猜想保尔森先生可能会以7000亿美元来购买名义上2万亿美元的借款家庭资产和债务抵押债券。 www.ecocn.org 7. Through the alchemy of Mezzanine-CDOs. 通过夹层CDO的炼丹术。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Both Citiand Merrill, for instance, held on to the senior tranches of CDOs, which havesince gone bad. 比如,花旗和美林都持有了大比例的CDOs(债务抵押债券),这些都变成了坏账。 www.ecocn.org 9. The people familiar with the portfolio said that it would be difficult to sell all the CDOs because they are generally illiquid. 熟悉该组合的人士表示,全盘出售这些CDO会很困难,因为它们普遍流动性不佳。 www.ftchinese.com 10. One reason why large banks crumbled last year was that many were carrying vast quantities of highly-rated CDOs and other toxic paper. 去年大型银行倒闭的原因之一,是许多银行持有数量惊人的高信用评级CDO及其它不良证券。 www.ftchinese.com 1. We know Goldman made money selling synthetic CDOs. 我们知道高盛通过卖抵押债务债券赚钱。 www.bing.com 2. CDOs aren't standardized products, and their values can differ based on a host of factors. CDO不是标准化产品,它们的价值会因各种各样的因素而有所差异。 recklessboy.blog.163.com 3. Merrill recorded $9. 4 billion of write-downs from exposure to CDOs, residential mortgages, bond insurers and other investments. 美林因CDO、住宅抵押贷款、债券保险商和其它投资风险敞口而减记94亿美元资产。 cn.reuters.com 4. Gemstone 7 is a nasty story of deception at the fourth-largest issuer of CDOs in the US. 宝石7号是美国第四大担保债务凭证发行人制造的龌龊骗人故事。 kk.dongxi.net 5. There are hundreds of non-Goldman CDOs that no one has yet investigated. 高盛没有参与的CDO交易数以百计,但迄今为止都没有受到调查。 www.ftchinese.com 6. That $5. 6 billion represents the difference between collateral Goldman already held and the CDOs' par value. 这56亿美元是高盛已经持有的抵押品和债权抵押证券面值之间的差价。 www.bing.com 7. But, as with CDOs, this growth has come at a cost. 但和CDO一样,ETF的增长也是有代价的。 www.ftchinese.com 8. By comparison, he foresees first-quarter write-downs of $10 billion in CDOs and $5. 8 billion in leveraged-loan commitments. 此外﹐他还预测一季度CDO和杠杆贷款承诺的冲销额分别为100亿美元和58亿美元。 www.ecocn.org 9. A rapid sale of CDOs could also depress their prices. 快速出售可能也会压低它们的价格。 www.ftchinese.com 10. it is shared with those who own structured products, such as collateralized-debt obligations (CDOs) that might buy mortgage-backed loans. 而且这个问题也是拥有组合金融产品的投资者所面对的,比如债务担保债券(CDOs)的投资者也可能购买抵押贷款证券。 www.ecocn.org 1. Between 2004 and 2007, the world of CDOs and credit derivatives exploded at a stunning pace, creating fat profits for some banks. 在2004年至2007年期间,CDO和信用衍生品领域以惊人的速度扩张,为不少银行创造了丰厚的利润。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Better mortgages and CDOs are selling for 70 cents on the dollar. 更好的抵押贷款和债务抵押债券都是按70美分卖的。 ecocn.org 3. Where to CDOs make their returns? 产品的回报从哪里来? www.ftcchina.com 4. Monday, AIG said it provided protection on $13. 98 billion of 'multisector' CDOs with Goldman. AIG周一表示,其为高盛涉及各个行业价值139.8亿美元的债权抵押证券提供了保护。 www.bing.com 5. So structured products such as CDOs looked a promising diversification. 因此,CDO等结构性产品就成了看似前途远大的多元化方向。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The banks so liked CDOs that they held on to a lot of their own issues, even when the idea behind the business had been to sell them on. 这些银行如此喜欢CDO,以至于他们保留了大量的自发债券,即便该业务背后的理念注定要将其出卖。 bbs.yeeu.org 7. On July 29, Merrill announced the sale of $31bn in CDOs to Lone Star Funds for $6. 7bn. 7月29日,美林宣布以67亿美元的价格将价值310亿美元的CDOs资产出售给孤星基金(LoneStarFunds)。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Between 2005 and 2007, investment banks issued about $1, 100bn of CDOs. 2005年至2007年,投行总计发行了1.1万亿美元的CDO。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Most investors were happy to buy products such as CDOs because they trusted the value of credit ratings. 多数投资者曾很乐于购买CDO等产品,因为他们信任信用评级的价值。 www.ftchinese.com 10. CDOS Concurrent Disk Operating System 并行磁盘操作系统 bbs.translators.com.cn |
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