单词 | invade | ||||||||||||||||||
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第三人称单数:invades 现在分词:invading 过去式:invaded invade 显示所有例句
例句释义: 侵犯,侵略,侵袭,干扰,侵入,入侵,侵害 1. After a week or two, they invade red blood cells and reproduce thousands of times. 两个星期后,它们侵入红细胞并繁殖成千上百倍。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. He said Senator Clinton has still not taken responsibility for her vote to authorize President Bush to invade Iraq five years ago. 奥巴马说,克林顿参议员5年前投票支持授权布什总统出兵伊拉克,而至今都不肯对此承担责任。 www.kekenet.com 3. Cancer is a term used for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and are able to invade other tissues. 癌症是用来形容具有异常的失控的细胞分裂,并能侵入其他组织的疾病的一个术语。 www.medlive.cn 4. Never invade the domain of any other department without the knowledge and consent of the manager in charge. 别在其他部门主管不知情或不同意的情况下,干涉其部门的事务。 blog.163.com 5. In terms of the war on terror, who do you think should be the next to invade? 为了反恐战争,你认为下一个应该入侵的国家是哪一个?。 www.tianya.cn 6. How much longer it will be before they invade the rich uplands of the continental shelf is hard to say. 它们多久后会入侵富饶的大陆坡高地还不好说。 www.ecocn.org 7. Lying on the mattress in the hallway the odor of the germicide stifles me. A pungent, acrid odor that seems to invade every pore of my body. 躺在走廊里的床垫上,杀菌剂的气味叫我喘不过气来,这种刺鼻的辣味儿似乎钻进了我身上的每一个毛孔。 www.bing.com 8. Some people may be out of jealousy, or other for some reason, the idea began to constantly try to invade my personal space. 有一些人或许出于嫉妒,或者其他的某些原因,开始不断地想法设法地侵入我的私人空间。 www.dota123.com 9. In a worldwide radio broadcast Khrushchev said he would remove "offensive" weapons from Cuba in return for a U. S. pledge not to invade. 无线电广播在世界范围内赫鲁晓夫说他将可以移除“攻势”武器从古巴作为回报,而美国的承诺不是侵袭。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Also, the dog won't think you're trying to invade his territory if you're heading in the opposite direction. 同样的,如果你朝着相反的方向走的话,它也不会认为你想侵犯它的领土(也就不会伤害你)。 www.bing.com 1. To go off and invade and then occupy another country would have meant unity and that wasn't something many of the warlords were ready to do. 离开自己的国家,入侵其它国家,占领其它国家就意味着团结,而这在当时军阀根本不乐意这样做。 www.ltaaa.com 2. And Tryphon removed from Ptolemais with a great army, to invade the land of Juda, and Jonathan was with him in custody. 特黎丰离开仆托肋买,带著大军,要侵入犹太地,且押著约纳堂与他同去。 www.ccreadbible.org 3. Chinese do not have the capability to invade. All the military Chinese build up is only to ask for respect. The Chinese are not stupid. 中国没有能力入侵。所有的军事建设只要求被尊重。中国人不是傻瓜。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. And he still says that it was right to invade, because it scared other would-be proliferators and turned Iraq into a peaceful democracy. 布什仍然认为当时的入侵策略是正确的,因为它不仅威慑了潜在的核扩散国家,也将伊拉克改造成为一个和平的民主国家。 www.bing.com 5. If aphids, thrips or other insects invade your rose bushes, you may be able to force them off with just a strong spray of water. 如蚜虫,蓟马或其他昆虫入侵你的玫瑰花丛,你可以强制只一水之强喷它们赶走。 www.maynet.cn 6. The imaging examinations showed that the tumors did not invade the cavernous sinus or extracranial sites in all the patients. 岩斜坡区肿瘤12例,均为脑膜瘤;本组病例影像学显示肿瘤未侵犯到海绵窦或颅外。 lib.cqvip.com 7. In more calm breezes, though, spiders can drift just a few yards to invade new territory or surprise prey. 尽管如此,在和风中蜘蛛的活动范围只有几码,以开辟新疆域或突袭猎物。 big5.cri.cn 8. Father always told us not to invade others' privacy and that the owner would not like us playing on his property. 父亲总是告诉我们不要去探究别人的隐私,还说房主不会喜欢我们在他的地盘上玩。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. No one believes you, so they bomb the crap out of you and invade your country. 没人相信你,所以大家把你轰炸得屁滚尿流然后入侵你的国家。 bbs.jjxj.org 10. Wild, blatant sunshine rudely invade into the hall, seems to challenge the gloomy and outworn atmosphere there. . . 狂妄,嚣张阳光猛烈地侵入其中,好像在挑战大厅内陈腐的气氛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Obama was an early critic of the decision to invade Iraq. He has often noted that Senator Clinton had voted to authorize the war. 奥巴马最初反对入侵伊拉克的决定,他经常指出克林顿参议员曾投票赞同这场战争。 www.voanews.cn 2. Let Loose Some House Geckos: Think of cockroaches as enemy soldiers trying to invade your home. 释放一些壁虎:把小强想成是入侵你房子的敌军。 www.bing.com 3. Doctor: Just as what you have remembered , the clostridium tetanal must first invade into a wound . 医生:正像你所记得的那样。破伤风梭状芽胞杆菌必须首先侵入伤口。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The last time u met with President Bush and told him not to invade Afganistan and Iraq is when. . . ? 答:“你上次会见布什总统告诉他不要侵略阿富汗,伊拉克,是在什么时候…?” gsu.qtech.edu.cn 5. The new study showed similarities between some breast cancer tumors and cancer cells that invade other parts of the body. 这项新的研究显示了乳腺癌肿瘤和癌症细胞入侵身体其它部分的一些相似之处。 www.tingroom.com 6. One of the important biological characteristics of malignant tumor is that it was able to invade and transfer . 恶性肿瘤的重要的生物学特征之一是具有侵袭与转移的能力。 word.hcbus.com 7. If China were to slip into economic crisis, some military hotheads might be tempted to invade. 如果中国大陆陷入经济危机,大陆军方的一些冒进人士可能会想出兵台湾。 www.ftchinese.com 8. In Illinois, this species occurs in highly disturbed areas, and does not invade high quality natural areas to any significant degree. 在伊利诺伊州,该物种发生在高度干扰的地区,并没有侵犯高品质的天然地区,任何重大的程度。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. After a failed attempt to invade Athens, the entire island sank into the sea 'in a single day and night of misfortune'. 侵略雅典的企图失败后,整个岛“不幸地在一昼夜间”全部沉没入大海。 www.bing.com 10. The Japanese bombed Darwin and sent some small submarines into Sydney harbour but did not invade Australia. 日本轰炸达尔文和在悉尼海港进入一些小型潜艇,但没有入侵澳大利亚。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Each afraid to love woman, must have deep love. Looks like the poison not invade, actually had the poison assault body. 每一个不敢再爱的女人,一定很深的爱过。看起来好象百毒不侵,其实早已百毒侵身。 wenku.baidu.com 2. The open hands in front of you show that you want peace, as well as warning your opponent not invade to your personal space. 双手张开放到胸前说明你不想打架,也警告对手别侵犯你个人地盘。 www.bing.com 3. Still, civil libertarians raise concerns including in the U. S. that the technology can invade privacy and is poorly regulated. 尽管如此,主张公民自由的人士仍担心,包括美国在内,监控技术可能会侵犯隐私且出现监管不力的问题。 c.wsj.com 4. Back in May 1940, we in the UK awoke to find facing us across the Channel a wholly hostile continental force about to invade. 回退到1940年5月,身处英国的我们醒来发现正面对着跨过英吉利海峡入侵的敌对陆军。 www.bing.com 5. The larvae invade snails, develop to the next stage, emerge into the water, and invade mammals to feed and breed in the bloodstream. 其幼虫生长在螺类体内,在第二个阶段进入水中,后侵入哺乳动物体内,并在血液中繁殖生长。 dict.ebigear.com 6. He had to invade Manhattan in his Town Car for a white rose and a decent bottle of wine. 他不得不开着他的城市车来到曼哈顿,买了一朵白玫瑰和一瓶像样的红酒。 www.bing.com 7. These organisms are well-equipped to take advantage of any opportunity we give them to evolve, invade, and evade. 这些有机物已准备好利用我们给予的一切机会演变、侵袭和规避。 www.who.int 8. Invade the earth on a budget in this easy to make Space Invader costume. 花很少的钱装一套《空间侵入者》的服装来入侵地球。 www.kekenet.com 9. They received the information that the enemy is preparing to invade tonight. 他们收到线报今天晚上敌人要入侵。 www.360abc.net 10. The network trap system observes and records how the hacker scans and invades the system, by tempting the potential hacker to invade itself. 网络诱骗系统通过引诱潜在的黑客入侵自身系统,观测并记录黑客如何探测并侵入系统,捕获他们的踪迹。 epub.cnki.net 1. Having been reproached by his foster-mother, whom he dearly loved, Dermot mustered hosts and multitudes to invade Connacht. 在被他的寄养妈妈,责备人,他的爱,德莫纠集主机和众多入侵康诺特。 www.en400.com:8080 2. These three malignant properties of cancers differentiate them from benign tumors, which are self-limited, and do not invade or metastasize. 与癌症的三大危害性迥然不同的是,良性肿瘤具有自限性,不侵犯或不转移特征。 www.elanso.com 3. Britain also began to invade Central Asia after establishing firmly "matchless world hegemony" . 英国在牢固地确立了“举世无敌的世界霸权”以后,也把目光对准了中亚。 www.zidir.com 4. He does not feel that foreign troops will invade the U. S. due to lack of cash by the Cabal. 他不认为外国军队会入侵美国,因为阴谋集团缺乏现款 blog.sina.com.cn 5. i'm sorry, but they were not the reason japan tried to invade china. . . and japanese have not invaded china "many times' in history. . . " 对不起,说错了,那不是日本入侵中国的原因……还有日本在历史上也没有多次入侵中国。 www.ltaaa.com 6. It added, however, that any Chinese attempt to invade with ground troops could likely still be repelled by the Taiwanese army. 不过,该报告补充称,中国大陆用地面部队进攻台湾的任何企图,可能仍会被台湾陆军击退。 www.ftchinese.com 7. When the nighttime house creaks with its own age, Jim thinks of burglars and imagined violations and trembles in case they invade him. 当夜间房子因为年老实修而咯吱作响,吉姆会想象窃贼破门而入,害怕他们伤害他而浑身颤抖。 www.bing.com 8. So the Philistines were subdued and did not invade Israelite territory again. 从此,非利士人就被制伏,不敢再入以色列人的境内。 www.ebigear.com 9. He may genuinely believe, just as the Soviets did, that the USA intends to invade his country. 正像苏联那样,他可能打心底里认为美国有入侵的企图。 www.bing.com 10. Heaven there is road you not at, the perdition has no door to invade into, I use your fiesta Fan today. 天堂有路你不在,地狱无门闯进来,今天我就用你祭幡。 bbs.bnb.cq.cn 1. Father, invade our church and family. Build us into the kind of community that shares everything. 父啊,求祢进入我们的教会和家庭,在我们当中建立一个凡物公用的群体。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Their essays invade academic journals as well as little magazines, sometimes edging poetry and fiction out of sight. 他们的论文大量涌入学术刊物和一些小杂志,有时把诗和小说都挤没了。 www.kuenglish.info 3. I visited the crater as night fell, and I felt keenly aware that fragments of the solar system can invade our cozy realm of Earth and Moon. 夜幕降临的时候我参观了这个陨石坑,我深深地明白,太阳系的碎片随时可能侵入我们舒适的地球和月球构成的环境。 www.bing.com 4. Ugly aliens invade South Africa and are herded into a slum near Johannesburg, to the disgust of local residents. 丑陋的外星人入侵南非,聚集在约翰内斯堡附近,使当地居民感到非常厌烦。 www.bing.com 5. Sexual lumbago, dampness is mainly caused by the wind cold invade waist pain, pain for local, expression is cold sore, YinYuTian heavier. 寒湿性腰痛,主要是腰部受风寒侵袭引起,痛感为局部疼痛,表现为冷痛,阴雨天加重。 xiangtan.liebiao.com 6. Home and family are important to you at this time, and a brief but amazing period of activity is about to invade this part of you. 家庭事务是这一阶段的重点,也许会发生突然的惊人变化。 www.douban.com 7. U. S. troops remained in West Germany and Communist East Germany did not invade. 美国在西德驻军,东德就没有入侵。 www.bing.com 8. LWD, while sometimes risky and expensive, has the advantage of measuring properties of a formation before drilling fluids invade deeply. 随钻测井,尽管有些时候会存在风险,并且价格昂贵,具有在钻井液侵入到地层深部之前就能够测量地层性能的优点。 www.infopetro.com.cn 9. Russia began to invade the region of Turkmenistan and Pamirs after the conquest of three khanates of Central Asia. 在征服了中亚三个汗国之后,俄国接着就又开始了对土库曼和帕米尔地区的侵略。 word.hcbus.com 10. Just as few expected the Russians to invade Georgia, we remain unaware of precisely where our next crisis will erupt, or when. 就像很少有人预料到俄罗斯会入侵格鲁吉亚一样,我们也不确定下一次危机会在何时何地爆发。 www.ebigear.com 1. In December of 1941, just after successfully assaulted Pear Harbor, the Japanese army began to invade Hongkong from Southern China. 1941年12月,日本在偷袭珍珠港的同时,开始从中国华南向香港发动进攻。 www.1x1y.com.cn 2. Real-life footage from TV cameras, mobile phones and camcorders relives the moment when swarms invade our lives. 现实生活的电视摄像机,移动电话和摄像机镜头浮雕群的时刻入侵我们的生活。 www.jvcxp.com 3. Sounds like the Chinese want to invade the US. . . Americans, what in the US would the Chinese want? ? Answer is NOTHING. 听起来像中国人想侵略美国…美国人,美国有啥东西中国想要??答案是没有。 www.miltt.com 4. Get out of America Moses. No you can't use our army to invade Iran. 硕鼠们滚出美国。不准你们利用我们的军队侵略伊朗。 bbs.city.tianya.cn 5. China did not invade other countries and posed no threat to them, but other countries threatened China. 中国不侵略别人,对任何国家都不构成威胁,却受到外国的威胁。 www.jukuu.com 6. In return for their withdrawal, the Kennedy administration guaranteed that it would not again invade Cuba. 美国撤军之后,当时的肯尼迪政府保证,他们将不再侵略古巴。 www.ecocn.org 7. Afterward, the US imperialism interferes the North Korean internal affairs blatantly, starts to invade blatantly faces the war. 随后,美帝国主义公然干涉朝鲜内政,公然发动侵朝战争。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. And if one of the city's quarters acted rebellious the harafeesh would invade, smash its shops and deliver a good hiding to the inhabitants. 而当城市某区域发生叛乱时,这些“harafeesh”将侵袭、砸毁商店并很好地隐藏在民众中。 www.ecocn.org 9. Wear broken bone to invade when infection when reaching parenchyma, can be in mucous membrane or form cold abscess hypodermically . 当感染穿破骨质侵及软组织时,可在粘膜或皮下形成冷脓肿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Atom by atom, scientists have discovered the shape of a key part of a protein that malaria parasites use to invade human red blood cells. 科学家最近弄清了疟原虫入侵人类红细胞所使用的一个蛋白质的关键部分的结构,确定了这个部分每个原子的位置。 www.scidev.net 1. If you're standing, lean on a wall, elongate your body, and invade as much space as possible without appearing rude or inconsiderate . 如果你正站着,那就靠在墙上,伸直你的身体,并且在不显得粗鲁和不顾旁人的情况下尽可能地占用更多的空间。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The natural pathogen could invade human cells, hijack them to replicate billions of copies of itself, and evade the body's immune system. 而大自然的病原体能侵入人体细胞,并以正常细胞为载体,复制上十亿的病原体细胞,并能躲过人体免疫系统的检查。 www.bing.com 3. Following his victory at Chancellorsville in May, 1863, General Lee received approval from his government to invade the north. 1863年5月,李将军取得了钱瑟勒斯维尔战役的胜利,随后,南方联盟政府批准了他入侵北方的请求。 www.bing.com 4. If you notice warning signs of trouble, then you can invade your child's privacy until you get to the heart of the problem. 如果你注意到一些警告信号,你当然可以侵犯孩子的隐私直到查出问题的症结。 www.bing.com 5. Our national defence will be consolidated and no imperialists will ever again be allowed to invade our land. 我们的国防将获得巩固,不允许任何帝国主义者再来侵略我们的国土。 www.dictall.com 6. In fact, it is to be a hacker to invade a system to open convenient door greatly. 事实上,它是为黑客侵入系统大开方便之门。 www.nwpu.net 7. morphology of a human infant. Alien species that invade or attack the earth often resemble creatures that Western culture deems unpleasant. 入侵或进攻地球的外星人经常与西方文化中令人生厌的形象相类似。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. In this game you got to lead the green virus to invade the healthy cells. 在这个游戏中你需要带领绿色病毒侵入人体健康细胞。 www.cocoachina.com 9. She insisted that America has no plans to attack or invade the country. 她还强调,美国没有任何的攻击或侵略的计划。 bbs.hxen.com 10. With that money, she would pay taxes to her government, and they would fund a navy to invade our motherland and deeply hurt my feelings. 有了这笔钱,她将向她的政府缴纳税金,他们的海军就有资金入侵我们的祖国,极大地伤害我的感情。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Probably the biggest question Bush leaves behind is about the most consequential choice of his presidency: his decision to invade Iraq. 布什遗留下的最大问题也许是与其在任期内所做出的入侵伊拉克的决定有关。 www.bing.com 2. Now, though, they may be headed for a collision as the two groups start to invade each other's territory. 而如今,随着这两个群体都开始侵入对方的领地,一场遭遇战或将不可避免。 chinese.wsj.com 3. You look deep bite, the sweet smell of red jujube began to invade your skin, the viscera. 你再深咬一口,红枣那甜丝丝的味儿开始侵入你的皮肤里,五脏六腑里。 www.bing.com 4. TB bacteria invade the body, it will mobilize a number of specific genes to resist the body's immune system. 结核病菌入侵人体时,会调动一些特定的基因抵抗人体免疫系统。 www.chinavalue.net 5. The general's decision to invade WAS a costly mistake. 将军作出的入侵决定是个代价惨重的错误。 dict.ebigear.com 6. The last king of Koryo attempted to invade Manchuria to regain the rest of Koguryo territory. 高丽的最后一位国王企图进攻满州以夺回高句丽从前的领土。 blog.163.com 7. The logic of this position is to invade and indefinitely occupy all the world's most dangerous places -- bin Laden's plan to the letter. 这种担心的逻辑是入侵并无限期占领世界上所有最危险的地方——本?拉登的计划也就落到实处了。 www.bing.com 8. The truth, as China's history of the tang dynasty empire, indeed invade koryo namely now north Korea. 事实也确实如此,作为中国历史上的唐帝国,的确入侵过高丽即现在的朝鲜。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Pick a meeting place for your family to regroup in case zombies invade your home. . . or your town evacuates because of a hurricane. 选择一个聚会场所,为您的家人重组万一僵尸侵犯你的家…或者你的城镇,因为飓风中人员迅速指导。 www.douban.com 10. Legislative, administrating organ, judicial organ and citizen, social constitution may invade the basic rights of the citizen. 立法机关、行政机关、司法机关以及公民、社会组织都有可能侵犯公民的基本权利。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Loud conversations on mobile phones invade our thoughts or interrupt the pleasure of meeting friends for a quiet chat. 用移动电话大声交谈干扰我们的思路,破坏我们和朋友在一起轻声聊天所得到的乐趣。 www.24en.com 2. She had her privacy invade and I'm sorry I wasn't more understanding. 她的隐私被侵犯了我很抱歉之前不理解她 www.kekenet.com 3. So. . . you' re thinking NK will invade Taiwan as a form of collecting the vig? 所以……你认为日本海事协会会用侵略台湾作为收集免疫球蛋白的一种形式?? www.miltt.com 4. Rhizobia proliferate along the infection thread and eventually invade the cytoplasm of root cortical cells. 根瘤菌沿着侵入线增殖,最终侵入皮层细胞的细胞质。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. For the last few thousands years, China tried and tried and tried to invade Vietnam but still lose in the end. 在过去几千年里,中国不断地试图侵略越南,但终究失败。 txtant.com 6. And while it's true that Pakistan is a major part of the problem we face in South Asia, few are advocating that we invade Pakistan. 而巴基斯坦是我们在东南亚面临的一个主要问题,然而鼓吹入侵巴基斯坦的人寥寥可数。 dongxi.net 7. When you meet them, they lock into you, they look you in the eye, they invade your personal space, they massage the back of your head. 当他们见到你,他们用眼神锁定你,他们侵犯你的私人空间他们还会按摩你的后脑勺。 www.ted.com 8. China needs more room for its people. Why not let them invade while we sit on the side lines for this one. 中国这么多人,很需要多些空间,为什么不让中国往侵略朝鲜,咱们就坐在一旁看。 blog.jrj.com.cn 9. The metastasis and recurrence progress of the solid tumor are highly associated with the circulating tumor cell invade cascade. 肿瘤转移及复发的过程均是一个循环肿瘤细胞定植生长的级连放大的瀑布反应。 terms.shengwuquan.com 10. At a later stage of his reign, Artaxerxes II was forced to invade the country of the Cadusians again. 在后一阶段他的统治,阿尔塔薛西斯二世被迫入侵该国的Cadusians一次。 uzmart.com 1. The only thing the local people see is people coming with lots of tractors to invade their lands. 当地人看到的就只有外国人开着大量的拖拉机来侵占他们的土地。 dongxi.net 2. This octopus-like creature hasn't been able to invade our territory, should we be happy and content with this? 这个像八爪鱼一样的生物没能侵入我们的领土,我该感到欣慰吗? www.bing.com 3. He will also invade the Beautiful Land. Many countries will fall, but Edom, Moab and the leaders of Ammon will be delivered from his hand. 又必进入那荣美之地,有许多国就被倾覆,但以东人、摩押人,和一大半亚扪人必脱离他的手。 new.fuyinchina.com 4. Almost all metastatic lesions from thymomas invade adjacent organs or spread along the pleura or pericardium. 几乎从胸腺肿瘤转移来的病灶都会侵入邻近的器官或沿著肋膜或心包膜散布。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. In a worse case, operating system providers could invade a personal computer through the Internet. 更为糟糕的是,操作系统供应商可以通过互联网入侵个人电脑。 www.tingroom.com 6. Winter War begins: Soviet forces invade Finland and reach the Mannerheim Line, starting the war. 年,冬季战争开始:苏联军入侵芬兰直抵曼涅尔海姆线,开始其战争。 www.for68.com 7. If you go back to the history, I asked Saddam Hussein not to invade Kuwait, but I had to support the decision of the majority. 回顾历史,你会发现,我有叫萨达姆·侯赛因别侵略科威特,但我得服从多数派的决定。 www.bing.com 8. Labels that are too specific could also invade the privacy interests of communities (or even, conceivably, of individual sample donors). 过于专一的描述还可能会侵害社群(甚至是样品捐赠个人)的私有利益。 www.hapmap.org 9. Iraq, which they did invade, is much weaker and was well known to have minimal nuclear capacity. 伊拉克,他们也确实侵略了,伊拉克弱得多,而且据知只是拥有非常少的核能力。 www.miltt.com 10. Anyone who dared invade China would never get out again. 谁敢来打我们,他们进得来出不去。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. When Balrogs invade the ship, you better avoid them. The cabin is the safest place! 当蝙蝠魔侵入船的时候,你更好避开它船舱是最安全的地方! wenku.baidu.com 2. And adenoviruses that are designed to bind to receptors on the surfaces of tumor cells can still invade a small proportion of healthy cells. 同时,设计成能与肿瘤细胞表面受体结合的腺病毒,仍然可能侵犯小部份的正常细胞。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. This thesis developed an invade to examine the system according to the analytical network of the connection rule. 本论文开发了一个基于关联规则分析的网络入侵检测系统。 www.ksw123.com 4. Of late a terrible doubt had begun to invade his being. 最近以来,他常被一种可怕的怀疑折磨着。 dict.veduchina.com 5. China claims Taiwan is its own territory and has threatened to invade if Taiwan ever declares independence. 中国声称台湾是其领土,如果台湾宣布独立,中国威胁将入侵。 www.bing.com 6. But it was not until 1943 that the American and British forces would invade Italy. 但是一直要到1943年,美国与英国的军队才攻打义大利。 www.24en.com 7. They've now joined the ranks of many other social networking sites who have seen regular malware threats invade their platforms. 现在他们已经加入到那些自身平台被恶意软件入侵的社交网络站点的行伍之中。 www.bing.com 8. Disaster invade and attack motherland, every social individual should contribute their share to the sudden situation. 灾难侵袭祖国,每一个社会个体都应该在这种突发情形下献出自己的所能。 q.sohu.com 9. Cells from benign tumors do not invade the tissues around them. 良性肿瘤的细胞并不会侵犯周围的组织。 aahiinfo.org 10. Cold pathogens invade the exterior and bind up the defense qi, leading to exterior syndrome, which is characterized by aversion to cold. 表证是寒邪袭表,束缚卫气引起的证候,其特征性的表现是恶寒。 www3.chkd.cnki.net 1. Spanish Armada: Great fleet sent by Philip II of Spain in 1588 to invade England in conjunction with a Spanish army from Flanders. 西班牙无敌舰队:1588年西班牙国王腓力二世为会同西班牙陆军从法兰德斯入侵英国而派遣的庞大舰队。 dict.ebigear.com 2. First came the Turkish parliament's refusal in March 2003 to let American troops cross its soil to invade Iraq. 首先开始的是2003年土尔其国会拒绝了美国大兵从土尔其方向进攻伊拉克的要求。 www.ecocn.org 3. Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has denied striking a "covert" deal with George Bush to invade Iraq at a private meeting in 2002. 英国前首相布莱尔否认,在2002年与布什的私人会晤中,就入侵伊拉克问题达成“秘密”协议。 www.bing.com 4. But the administration offered few reasons why and no alternatives, allowing the oil to invade delicate marshlands. 对此政府给出的理由少之又少,而且对于如何保护脆弱的湿地,也未提供其它办法。 www.bing.com 5. But in 1995rising temperature, allowed Aedes a Egypt mosquitoes to breach the coastal barrier and invade the rest of the country. 1995年气温上升,使埃及斑蚊突破沿海的屏,侵入这个国家其他地区。 zhaoqi0210.blog.163.com 6. But all efforts were in vain. Army of Di was determinate to invade, no leeway to go. 然而,所有这些努力都失败了,狄军执意入侵,完全没有转圜的余地。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. How discusses disposes the personal computing, the website, the server security, Prevented the virus, the hacker invade. 讨论如何配置个人电脑、网站、服务器安全,防止病毒、黑客入侵。 www.flstx.com 8. Subsequently, an alliance with the forces of the aggressors will be formed, which will invade Scandinavia. 随后,与侵略者的势力结盟,将形成,这将入侵斯堪的纳维亚半岛。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. He flatly denies that he and Mr Blair used false intelligence as a pretext and intended to invade come what may. 他断然否认自己和布莱尔捏造情报借口发动战争,否认他们二人无论如何都要进犯伊拉克的事实。 www.ecocn.org 10. So the English politicians rejected James II, and appealed to a Protestant king, William of Orange, to invade and take the English throne. 英国政客反对詹姆斯二世,他们呼吁信奉新教的国王,奥兰治亲王威谦入侵英国夺取王位。 www.bing.com 1. Likewise, the various microbial pathogens that invade our bodies and cause infectious disease interact with this complex 3-D tissue milieu. 与之相似的是,侵入我们身体并引发传染病的各类病原微生物也是同这个复杂的三维组织环境发生作用的。 www.bing.com 2. Intrusive viruses Invade an existing program and actually insert a portion of themselves into the host program. 入侵型病毒侵入已有的程序,实际上是把病毒程序的一部分插入到主程序中。 www.jukuu.com 3. Three bloody days of fighting ended in the failure of the Confederate army, led by General Robert E. Lee, to invade the North. 血腥的战斗持续了三天,最后,罗伯特·E·李将军率领邦联军队进攻北部,以其失败结束了这场战役。 www.joyen.net 4. The tumor was found at autopsy to invade the tail of the pancreas, left kidney, transverse colon, and abdominal wall. 尸检时发现肿瘤侵犯胰腺尾部、左肾、横结肠、腹壁。 www.pathology.cn 5. Dr. Tomonaga and his colleagues suspect that borna viruses didn't actually invade mammal genomes. Instead, the genomes kidnapped them. Tomonaga博士及其同事怀疑事实上博纳病毒并非入侵哺乳动物基因组,相反是哺乳动物基因组绑架了它们。 www.bing.com 6. Israel did after all invade Lebanon and occupy bits of it for 22 years. 以色列毕竟入侵过黎巴嫩而且占据了一部分领土长达22年。 www.ecocn.org 7. In non-invasive breast cancer, cells grow too much but haven't started to invade normal surrounding healthy tissue. (在非侵袭式乳癌中,细胞过度生长但没有开始入侵周围的正常健康组织)。 www.bing.com 8. Heading the ball in Soweto: Approximately 483, 000 soccer fans are expected to invade. 索韦托少年在顶球:预计将有约483,000名球迷观战世界杯。 www.bing.com 9. As of March 1939, Hitler did not even have a border with Russia. How then could he invade Russia? 在1939年3月以前,德国与俄国两国的版图甚至没有接壤,那时候他怎么去侵犯俄国呀? www.bing.com 10. So I guess to follow this to it 's logical conclusion I say let's invade China . 所以我猜想,追随它的逻辑推论让我说的侵华行动。 www.bing.com 1. With such an array of ICBM's, any country wanting to invade China would only be foolish. 有这么一系列洲际弹道导弹,白痴才会去侵犯中国。 club.xilu.com 2. Those who 'con' you into believing that they really must invade another country: but only those which have oil and gold will be invaded. 那些迫使你们相信他们在确实的需要侵入其他的国家:而仅仅是那些拥有这石油和黄金的国家才会被入侵。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. Indeed, Wender said, "Arginine-rich sequences appear to figure in the mechanisms by which many pathogens invade cells. " Wender说:“实际上,富含精氨酸的序列也出现在许多病原体侵犯细胞的机制之中。” www.icchina.org.cn 4. So William led his army to invade England. In October 1066, during the important battle of Hastings, William defeated Harold and killed him. 公元1066年10月,在哈斯丁斯附近的激烈交锋中,威廉打败了哈罗德军队,同时哈罗德也在此战争中战死。 wumingyingxiong-zf.blog.163.com 5. When VEGF activity is impaired, tumor cells invade deep into the brain in the perivascular compartment. 当VEGF活性受到损坏,肿瘤细胞侵入大脑血管管腔的周围。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. This time God allowed the very cruel King Jabin and his General Sisera to invade their land. 神就把他们交在一个凶狠的国王耶宾和他的将军西西拉手中。 cclw.net 7. Electronic flaws, called noise, that invade an analog signal are sometimes nearly impossible to differentiate from the signal itself. 电子的缺点,也就是干扰模拟信号的杂音,有时几乎不可能同信号本身加以区分。 www.jukuu.com 8. As it happens, the opposition (and the generals) are keener to invade than Mr Erdogan. 碰巧,反对派(和那些将军们)比埃尔多安先生更热衷于侵略。 www.ecocn.org 9. No country should invade others in the name of anything. 任何国家都不应以任何名义侵略他国。 www.86ist.cn 10. The farmers also learned how to use the sun to kill insects that invade cowpeas before storage. 当地农民也学会了如何利用太阳来杀死昆虫入侵豇豆贮前。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. These animals mark the area with urine, roar threateningly to warn invaders, and chase off animals that invade their land. 这些动物用尿液来标记区域,威胁性地咆哮以警告入侵者,还会赶走那些入侵它们领土的动物。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. i conj i nc ed the Brotherhood of Steel to invade th is place if i was captured and not set free. 我说服钢铁兄弟会,假如我被俘并且没被释放,就攻打这里。 www.jukuu.com 3. Coworkers interrupt your work, invade your space, and help themselves to your files. 同事们打断你的工作,入侵你的空间,擅自动你的文件。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. China is going to buy up on the land in AFRICA and stash up their RARE-EARTH METALS and INVADE the WORLD. 中国将会买断非洲的土地,把稀土金属藏起来,然后侵略世界。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. OK, You can to do it in your country. But please don't like pirate. you cops invade to chinese consulate. 没问题,你可以在你的国家这样做,但请别像海盗一样。 ay18.blog.china.com 6. They burn down the city hall, they went to burn the governor's office, after that they tried to invade the Bangkok Bank. 他们烧毁了市政厅,他们去烧州长办公室,之后,他们试图入侵曼谷银行。 bbs.5i5i.cn 7. I convinced the Brotherhood of Steel to invade this place if I was captured and not set free. They will be here any moment. 我说服钢铁兄弟会,假如我被俘并且没被释放,就攻打这里。他们可能随时到达。 www.jukuu.com 8. These tumors are typically benign and rarely invade brain parenchyma or develop local recurrence. 这种肿瘤通常是良性的,很少会侵入脑实质或局部复发。 www.dxyer.cn 9. We must be ready at all times to wipe out any enemy that dares to invade China. 我们必须随时准备消灭一切敢于入侵之敌。 www.jukuu.com 10. But once we invade, we'd have the market cornered on four-leaf clovers, Lucky Charms cereal, and thick cable-knit sweaters. 一旦我们入侵了,我们就可以垄断四叶车轴草、幸运符麦片粥还有厚厚的十字绣毛衣的市场。 www.bing.com 1. In the modern, as the China is rising, those western countries find it impossible to invade by military force again. 3、到了现代,因为中国的崛起,那些西方国家发现武力侵略是再也行不通了。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Brown has always accepted responsibility for the cabinet decision to invade Iraq. 布朗一直以来也表示为内阁出兵伊拉克的决定承担责任。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Over time, the parasites invade the central nervous system. 随着时间的推移,寄生虫入侵中央神经系统。 voa.hjenglish.com 4. But when we allow this pressure to invade every aspect of our lives, we begin to lose touch, to have a feeling that we're missing something. 但是当我们允许这种压力侵入我们生活的每个方面时,我们就开始失去了触觉,开始有一种错过了什么的感觉。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. E. coli invade the urinary system can cause urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis. 大肠杆菌侵入泌尿系统时能引起尿道炎,膀胱炎,肾盂肾炎。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. However, a cold for a long time, the virus may invade the respiratory tract, heart, etc. 但是,感冒久了,病毒可侵犯呼吸道、心肌等。 www.bing.com 7. The hyphae of Aspergillus are seen more clearly here. Aspergillus has a propensity to invade into blood vessels. 高倍镜下曲霉菌菌丝清楚可见。曲霉菌有浸润血管的倾向。 www.binglixue.com 8. These people cannot afford to pay the rent, so they invade public and private areas and start a new favela. 这些人付不起房租,因此进入一些公共和私人地带,形成新的贫民区。 www.america.gov 9. After that, China would try to invade with airborne and amphibious forces. 在之后,中国大陆军队会试着以机载和水陆两栖兵力进攻。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Undoubtedly at some point this winter it will invade, spreading such symptoms as fever, vomiting and simple misery. 毫无疑问,这个冬天会有一定程度的侵入,伴随着发烧、呕吐、轻微疼痛等症状。 www.bing.com 1. Ecotourism is partially to blame -- hotels and tour vehicles invade precious habitat. 生态旅游应该负部分责任----旅游饭店和旅游交通破坏了宝贵的栖息地。 www.bing.com 2. Google is starting to invade the traditional terrain of book publishing, radio and television. 谷歌正开始进军图书出版、广播和电视等传统领域。 www.neworiental.org 3. In modern times, the shipping industry is the bridge and intermediary of Imperialism to invade China. 近代,航运业是帝国主义侵略中国的桥梁和中介。 www.fabiao.net 4. Under pressure, men drink alcohol and invade other countries; women eat chocolate and go shopping. 当压力很大时,男人开始饮酒,侵犯别的国家,而女人吃巧克力,逛街购物。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. New personality new pork, do not want invade and exploit! 新人新猪肉,不要宰割啊! www.google-web.org 6. It may be indolent or progress slowly, or invade rapidly. 临床病情进展可缓慢或快速转移。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Sceptics could well ask why the empire should rally to invade Europe just for Batu to take the profit. 怀疑论者可能会说,蒙古帝国为什么要团结一致侵略欧洲,只为了拔都的个人利益。 www.bing.com 8. But the more standard response to this situation is to invade a neighbour's turf. 但毒贩们对于这种情况的标准反应则是入侵邻近的地盘,10月17日就上演了这一幕。 www.ecocn.org 9. to foster a spirit of independence too just to invade the rights of others, too proud to surrender our own. 培养一种独立的精神,其之公正不会侵犯他人权利,其之自豪不会丢弃自身权利。 www.rrting.com 10. There's a way to get the benefits of coworkers without actually moving someone into your home office and having them invade your territory. 有一种方法,既可获得和同事一起工作的益处,又不需要别人来到家里,使自己受打扰。 dongxi.net 1. British officials predicted in 1976 that Argentina would invade the Falkland Islands, official documents show. 英国官员说,预料在1976年将阿根廷入侵福克兰群岛,公文表演。 www.2getnews.com 2. They want to know whether the crabs will invade and leave, or permanently colonize the shallow areas. 他们希望了解蟹类是否会在入侵后离开,或者是永久地在这片浅水区域殖民。 www.bing.com 3. Learn to say no to people that invade your privacy. 学会对侵犯你的隐私的人说不。 www.enread.com 4. This is, in part, a consequence of the industry's maturity: to keep growing, firms have to invade each other's markets. 部分意义上来说,这是行业成熟的结果:为了能持续增长,不同的公司开始侵入对方的领域。 www.ecocn.org 5. Political analyst Ann Coulter wrote in an oped: "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity. " 政治评论家安·可尔德在一篇文章里写道,“我们要侵略他们的国家,杀掉他们的领袖,把他们统统变为基督教教徒。” dictsearch.appspot.com 6. To China invade the Philippines and hang all the corrupt politicians. 愿中国入侵菲律宾,绞死那些腐败的政客 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The United States invade Iraq on 19 March, the holy, "Day of Purim, " in the Jewish calendar. 2003年:美国于3月19日——犹太人日历中神圣的“普林节”,入侵了伊拉克。 club.kdnet.net 8. Japanese exports continue to invade new markets the world over, provoking renewed cries for protection. 日本的出口商品不断涌入世界各地新的市场,迫使人们再次呼吁采取保护。 www.jukuu.com 9. In addition, once bone turns loose, noxious dampness will invade in it easily and will undermine marrow and cause rheumatism. 而且,骨质一旦发生疏松,风寒湿毒很容易侵袭入骨,破坏骨髓,造成风湿。 www.jalonusa.com 10. Almost all continental European politicians backed the euro. And in the US and UK, both main parties wanted to invade Iraq. 欧洲大陆几乎所有国家的领导人都支持欧元,而在美国和英国,主要党派都赞成入侵伊拉克。 www.ftchinese.com 1. North Korea decided the time was right to invade. 朝鲜认为这个时候正是大举入侵的好时机。 www.unsv.com 2. Americans have nothing to do but invade any countries if they don't like. 美国人没事可做,就去侵略他们不喜欢的任意一个国家。 www.ltaaa.com 3. New technologies make it much easier for the government to invade citizens' privacy. 新的科技使政府可以更容易的侵入公民的隐私。 www.bing.com 4. What you are doing now will undoubtedly invade the rights of others. 你现在的所为无疑将侵犯他人的权利。 www.okzhaosheng.com 5. Soldiers have largely allowed protests to continue, and at first stood aside to let citizens invade secret police offices. 士兵在很大程度上允许示威者继续抗议,并且第一次站到人民的一边,让他们进入秘密警察的办事处。 www.ecocn.org 6. Renal cell carcinomas may invade through the renal capsule. 肾细胞癌可转移到其它部位。 www.binglixue.com 7. Because complete oil path closes, can prevent dust to invade attaint bearing again. 由于全油路封闭,又可防止粉尘侵进损坏轴承。 www.medec.cn 8. Taiwan has reacted by denouncing the bill as a blank check to invade. 台湾方面则是谴责该项法案无异是为中国开出对台动武的空白支票。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. What! You dare to invade my lands. You will pay dearly for this. 什么!你胆敢进攻我的土地?你会为此付出昂贵的代价。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. they then invade the blood circulatory system and form metastatic tumors in lungs. 接着它们侵入血循环系统并且在肺脏形成转移瘤。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. He is going to invade the mighty Persian Empire. 他打算入侵强大的波斯王国。 www.booksfly.com 2. why most Japanese still dislike China today? Did China invade Japan islands ? 为什么大多数日本人至今仍然讨厌中国?中国侵略日本本土了吗?(引用) www.miltt.com 3. nourishing lamb very helpful, in case they invade watermelon phased. 羊肉滋补大有用,若遇西瓜定相侵。 www.qiyeku.com 4. As with Mongolia, the fear is not that the Chinese army will one day invade or formally annex the Russian Far East. 就像蒙古一样,恐惧不是源于害怕中国军队他日会侵略或吞并俄远东。 www.bing.com 5. It is main research work on pathogenic mechanism to explore gene expression after entomopathogenic fungi invade into insect body. 弄清病原真菌在侵入昆虫体内后的基因表达情况是致病机制研究的重要内容。 www.fabiao.net 6. Keep the ground control and try to invade your opponent's base from there. 保留地面控制权,从这开始消灭敌人得基地。 www.hgs521.com 7. Cells from malignant tumors can invade and damage nearby tissues and organs. 恶性肿瘤的细胞可侵犯并破坏邻近组织和器官。 aahiinfo.org 8. A dynasty, a country with a day once powerful economic prosperity, ego inflation, will go to invade others. 一个王朝,一个国家有一天一旦强大经济繁荣昌盛了,就自我膨胀了,就要去侵略别人。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Don't be loud. It's not just rude, it's intrusive. Keep quiet and you won't invade other people's personal space. 不要大声。这样不仅粗鲁,还会冒犯到别人。保持安静,你就不会侵犯别人的私人空间。 bbs.ebigear.com 10. A frequently had the virus to invade the computer, the computer hasbeen paralysed two. A经常有病毒侵入计算机,电脑瘫痪了两次。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. It is the kind of music you might want to invade Poland to. 这是那种可能让你想去侵略波兰的音乐。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Salmonella typhi, Shigella, by flies, dust, etc. delivered to the food, and then invade the digestive tract. 伤寒菌,痢疾杆菌,通过苍蝇,灰尘等传递到食物中,再侵入消化道。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Content Abstract: Three rabbits invade a young gardener's garden in the hopes of finding carrots to eat. 内容简介:为了找胡萝卜吃,三只兔子闯入了一个年轻园丁的园地。 www.xmst.org 4. The Argonians invade and conquer Morrowind after the eruption of Red Mountain. 当红山大爆发时,亚龙人入侵并且征服了晨风省。 game.shangdu.com 5. That also means, however, that it is costly for others to replicate or invade. 然而这也意味着,复制或入侵他人是成本昂贵的。 www.bing.com 6. And that helps the wasp shrink so small that it can avoid most predators and invade the eggs of other insects. 这使得黄蜂可以缩到如此之小以至于它可以避免大多数食肉动物和其他昆虫的卵入侵。 www.bing.com 7. When al Qaeda attacked New York, did the NYPD invade Afghanistan? 当基地组织袭击纽约,纽约警察局入侵阿富汗了吗? www.bing.com 8. Call their bluff; refuse to invade other countries; stop the killing. 认清他们的哄骗手段,拒绝去进攻其他的国家,停止杀戮。 bbs.awaker.net 9. A lot of enemies tried to invade Britain: the Saxons, the Jutes, the Pitts and others. 很多敌人入侵不列颠:撒克逊人、朱特人、匹兹人,还有其他。 blog.netat.net 10. Qin to invade, the small ones will be opened, the city will have. 秦以攻取之外,小则获邑,大则得城。 www.8bai.com.cn 1. NK would not invade a part of China. 日本海事协会不会侵略中国的领土。 www.miltt.com 2. The publicity helped Fujifilm's far cheaper film invade Kodak's home market. 在奥运会宣传的帮助下,富士胶片进入了柯达的本土市场。 www.bing.com 3. They begin gathering at bedtime, preparing to invade her dreams. 这些鬼在临睡时刻开始聚在一起,准备侵入她的梦中。 iipdigital.usembassy.gov 4. Since ancient times, China is a peace-loving, if there is an enemy to invade, we will resolutely crack down, not hesitate. 中国自古是爱好和平的,如果有敌人进犯,我们将坚决打击,绝不手软。 mainiti.com 5. Some 250 hacker groups are tolerated, and may even be encouraged, by Beijing to invade computer networks. 大约有250个黑客组织得到了中国政府的容忍。政府甚至对其中一部分持鼓励态度。 www.bing.com 6. The cells invade other organs and form new tumors that damage these organs. 这些细胞侵犯其他的器官并形成破坏这些器官的新肿瘤。 aahiinfo.org 7. The naval captain who defeat Napoleon in the battle of Trafalgar in1805, and so stop him from invade England. 他是一名海军将领,在1805年特拉法格海战中击败了拿破仑的军队,从而阻止了他入侵英国。 www.100zsk.com 8. China maintains a threat to invade Taiwan should the island formalise its de facto independence. 中国大陆威胁称,如果台湾将其实际上的独立地位正式化,将对台使用武力。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Do not try to invade their space because they are claustrophobic in nature. 不要试图插足他们的空间,因为他们先天有幽闭恐惧症。 www.bing.com 10. The signals they send prompt blood vessels to grow and invade the tumor to feed it. 它们发送的信号促进血管生长,并侵入肿瘤以提供营养。 news.dxy.cn 1. When viruses or microbes invade into Limulus, the king crab's blue blood will make a different response. 当病毒或微生物侵入鲎体内后,鲎的蓝色血液会作出不同的反应。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 2. When two viruses invade the same cell, they both begin to copy themselves. 当两种病毒侵入同一个细胞时,它们俩都开始复制自己。 www.bing.com 3. But, I ask, wouldn't Mr Right invade the privacy she enjoys? 我问,这个理想对象对她目前享有的个人空间难道不是一种侵犯吗? www.bing.com 4. Tibet is the territory of China who will never let any foreign countries to invade. 西藏是中国的领土,绝不容许任何外国侵略; club.topsage.com 5. They follow me, invade my sleep, scoff at The dream that turned to ashes in my hands! 他们跟着我,让我不能入眠,在梦里嘲笑我手里的尘土! www.ecocn.org 6. In the process of teaching, hospitals often invade patients privacy rights. 医院在教学中,常会侵害患者的隐私权。 www.dictall.com 7. The decision to invade North Africa necessitated a complete reversal in our thinking. 进攻北非的决定,要求我们在思想上完全转变。 8. You can invade someone else dreams tonight - just tell them to not think about you when they are heading off to dreamland. 今晚,你能侵入其他人的梦中----只要告诉他们,在睡觉前不要想你。 www.bing.com 9. mistake in policies and priorities. President Bush says he was right to invade Iraq because the world is a better place without S in power. 同时布什总统也称他了解伊拉克开展工作的难度,然而他强烈地感受到这对美国国家安全是至关重要的。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Ancient times, man and animals often suffer all kinds of natural disasters to invade, every attack is to the test of them survive. 远古的时候,猿人和动物们常会遭受各种天灾的侵袭,每一次的袭击都是对它们生存的考验。 bask2.pklei.com 1. If has the hoodlum to invade, the house-owner may also hide in the special security "the secret room" . 如果有暴徒入侵,房主还可以躲进特殊的安全“密室”。 www.12edu.cn 2. Tumours may not cause pain until they press on or invade nerves. 除非肿瘤已压迫或侵入神经,通常并不会造成疼痛。 www.jukuu.com 3. A small number may actually invade into the middle cranial fossa via the foramen rotundum or vidian canal. 少数可以通过圆孔和维杜斯管侵犯至中颅窝。 www.dxyer.cn 4. A decade ago the Turks had threatened to invade; now they can drive across the border without visas. 10年前,土耳其人扬言要入侵叙利亚;而现如今他们不用签证就能驾车通过土叙边境线。 www.ecocn.org 5. To destroy the human health, they gathered and learned how to quickly invade the human organs. 为了要毁灭人类的健康,他们聚集在一起,并学会了如何快速侵入人体器官。 www.cocoachina.com 6. Yeah, it's messed up. Although they are public figures, it's wrong to invade their privacy. 是啊,太不道德了。就算人家是公众人物,也不应该侵犯别人隐私啊。 m.nciku.com 7. Holiday makers invade the seaside towns in summer. 在夏季,度假者大批涌入海滨城市。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The Jellyfish From Space are coming to invade your planet! 来自太空的水母正要来入侵你们的星球! www.24en.com 9. And he will not take long to raise an army and invade my country. 不久他就会组建军队侵略我们的王国 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The law punishes people who invade the fights of others. 法律惩罚侵犯他人权利的人。 blog.hjenglish.com |
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