单词 | injure |
释义 | injuring是injure的现在分词
第三人称单数:injures 现在分词:injuring 过去式:injured 例句释义: 损害,伤害,对古蹟的一种加害 1. The next day, a grenade was lobbed at the offices of an important television broadcaster, injuring several employees. 次日,一个重要电视广播公司的办公室被投掷了一枚手榴弹,造成数名员工受伤。 c.wsj.com 2. Amyloid beta itself might be injuring nerve cells or the plaques, made of accumulations of amyloid beta, could be the culprits. 淀粉样β蛋白本身可能损伤神经细胞或者有它聚集形成的老年斑才是罪魁祸首。 www.bing.com 3. Bibi lost her leg below the knee from a rocket attack 5 months ago that killed her sister and brother, injuring her mother as well. 5个月前,在一次火箭袭击事件中,比比的一条腿从膝盖以下被炸掉,她的姐姐和弟弟被炸死,母亲也受了伤。 www.bing.com 4. He pulled the door just as someone else pushed it in, injuring the tendons in his thumb. 他拉开门的时候正好某人在推门,导致了自己拇指的肌腱受伤。 www.bing.com 5. A wild bison strayed out of its habitat and went on the rampage in a village in West Bengal killing one man and injuring six others. 一头野牛溜达出了的栖息地,在孟加拉邦的村庄里横冲直撞,一人死亡,六人受伤。 www.ttxyy.com 6. That's wrong. That's evil. The greatest evil in rape is not in injuring the body of a non-willing woman. 那是错误的,是罪恶的,强奸的最大罪恶,不在于强迫伤害一个女人的身体。 open.163.com 7. The Reivers was Faulkner's last novel, published in the year that he died after injuring himself in a fall from a horse. 《掠夺者》是福克纳的绝笔之作,出版于他坠马受伤后去世的同一年。 tr.bab.la 8. At least three Katyusha rockets were fired from southern Lebanon, landing near the town of Nahariya and injuring two people. 至少有三枚喀秋莎火箭弹从黎巴嫩南部发射,落在纳哈里亚镇附近,造成2人受伤。以色列军方对火箭弹发射地点进行了回击。 www.bing.com 9. As if you could kill time without injuring eternity. 貌似你蹉跎岁月对于永恒无关痛痒。 www.bing.com 10. It prevents those still living from having to cross the stage in the dark, injuring themselves and leading to new ghosts for the theater. 这阻止了那些还活着人不得不在漆黑中穿过舞台,而伤到他们自己,搞不好还给剧院带来更多的新的鬼魂。 www.bing.com 1. Brennan refuses Booth's advice to stay down and back, and the suspect jumps through a window, injuring himself while running away. Brennan拒绝Booth待在原地的建议,而犯罪嫌疑人在跳窗逃跑的过程中受伤。 www.bing.com 2. In September, a speeding train plowed into two buses at a busy crossing in Dhaka, killing at least seven people and injuring dozens. 9月份时,一列快速行驶的火车在达卡一处繁忙的十字路口与两辆巴士相撞,令至少七人死亡,数十人受伤。 c.wsj.com 3. Acute pain is the body's most alarming, intense sensation, whose purpose is to stop us from further injuring ourselves. 急性疼痛是身体感官上最强烈的警示信号,以阻止我们继续让自己受到伤害。 edba.ncl.edu.tw 4. Within days, soldiers would be rioting in the capital as well, looting the houses of government officials and injuring the mayor. 用不了几天,士兵也会在首府暴动,抢夺政府官员的房屋,打伤市长。 www.bing.com 5. e. g. That gentleman managed not to hit the boy who ran across the street in front of his car, but only at the cost of injuring himself. 那位先生努力让他的车子避开了在他面前横穿马路的男孩,但代价是自己受了伤。 wenku.baidu.com 6. a scaffold near ground zero collapsed on top of firefighters and construction workers today , injuring at least two people. 世贸大厦遗志附近的一个脚手架今天突然倒塌,造成下面的消防队员和建筑工人中的至少两人受伤。 www.ichacha.net 7. The judge said the companies acted together with the common intention of injuring Apple. 法官称该这些公司一致行动,企图伤害苹果公司的利益。 www.bing.com 8. A remote-controlled bomb exploded outside a hotel near the town square yesterday, injuring at least 12 people. 昨天遥控炸弹在酒店外靠近城镇的广场爆炸,至少12人受伤。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Two days after the Moscow attacks, a pair of bombs exploded in Dagestan, which neighbours Chechnya, killing many and injuring scores. [size=10.5pt]莫斯科爆炸过后两天,毗邻车臣的达吉斯坦又发生了两起爆炸,并致多人死伤。 www.ecocn.org 10. An erupting volcano on Indonesia's Java island has sent ash and hot air onto surrounding villages, injuring at least six people. 印尼爪哇岛上一座正在喷发的火山使炽热的火山灰洒落到周围的村庄,造成至少6人受伤。 www.voa365.com 1. A powerful explosion has ripped through a village in southwestern China's Yunnan province, killing at least 11 people and injuring 43. 中国西南的云南省弥勒县一个村庄发生强烈爆炸,导致11人死亡,43人受伤。 dict.bioon.com 2. Two bombs have exploded in northwestern Pakistan, killing at least seven people and injuring many others. 巴基斯坦西北部两枚炸弹发生爆炸,造成至少7人死亡,另外有多人受伤。 www.hxen.com 3. It was a more civil encounter than occurred at Collum in October, when two managers opened fire at a group of angry workers, injuring 13. 这比10月份发生在科蓝煤矿的情景文明多了,当时两名经理对愤怒的工人开枪,打伤了13人。 www.ftchinese.com 4. One of Indonesia's most active volcanoes spewed out clouds of ash and jets of searing gas, killing at least 25 and injuring 14. 作为印尼最活跃的火山之一,这次喷发造成至少25人死亡,14人受伤。 www.bing.com 5. Purple cloud princess, this words is the heart of injuring the blue clothe, blue wear to princess deep love sea. 紫云郡主,这话未免伤了蓝衣的心,蓝衣对郡主情深似海。 www.fenyouwang.com 6. A gas tanker has exploded on a motorway in a suburb of Mexico City, killing at least 20 people and injuring 36, officials say. 一辆油罐车在墨西哥城郊区一条高速公路上爆炸,至少20人死亡、36人受伤。 www.enread.com 7. Two Chinese managers fired shotguns at a crowd, injuring at least a dozen. 两名中国经理朝人群开枪,造成至少12人受伤。 www.bing.com 8. Practice using the knife beforehand on a thick, tight rope so you know how to wield it without injuring yourself or your horse. 事先要在又粗又牢的绳子上练习,这样你就能知道如何在不伤害你或是你的马的情况下使用你的小刀。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Players choosing to compete in poor weather conditions risk being hit with the Frisbee and injuring themselves or other players. 运动员在恶劣的天气进行比赛时,有可能会被飞盘击中或者是打伤自己或其他伙伴。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Two packed commuter trains have crashed head-on outside Brussels, killing at least 18 people and injuring many others. 在比利时首都布鲁塞尔郊外,两辆载满乘客的通勤列车迎头相撞,导致至少18人丧生,多人受伤。 www.ept-xp.com 1. Indian police say a multi-story building has collapsed in Mumbai, killing at least 29 people and injuring scores of others. 印度警方说,孟买一座高层建筑倒塌,造成至少29人死亡,数十人受伤。 www.bing.com 2. A powerful earthquake struck southwest China Monday, killing at least 107 people and injuring dozens. 一场强地震袭击了中国的西南方,至少有107人死亡,数十人受伤。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Injuring the interests of the listed company by any other means. 采用其他方式损害上市公司利益的。 www.lawinfochina.com 4. Emmanuel Frimpong will be out for "six to nine months" after injuring his cruciate knee ligaments in training this week. 在本周的训练中膝盖十字韧带受伤后,艾曼努尔。弗林蓬将会缺阵“六到九个月”。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 5. According to the Hamas interior ministry, one of the suspects threw a grenade at the other two, killing one of them and injuring the other. 据哈马斯内政部称,其中一名嫌疑人向另外两人投掷了一枚手榴弹,造成其中一人死亡,另外一人受伤。 www.hxen.com 6. Local media reports said some of the protesters turned violent and soldiers fired on the crowd, injuring several people. 当地媒体报导,一些抗议者后来开始使用暴力,阿富汗部队向人群开枪,有几个人受伤。 www.ebigear.com 7. Two bombs have exploded in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, killing at least 15 people and injuring many others. 两颗炸弹在伊拉克首都巴格达爆炸,杀死至少15人,多人受伤。 bbs.koolearn.com 8. Moreover, there are the risks of injuring others if you just carry your Skis as you please. 而且如果你随心所欲的搬运你的雪板,雪板很有可能会伤害到别人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Two weeks later, two gunmen fired shots and lobbed an explosive device at a private television station in Athens, again injuring no one. 两周后,两名枪手向雅典一家私立电台开火,并投掷了一枚爆炸装置,但再次没有造成伤亡。 www.bing.com 10. Benefits given upon the evil increases their means of injuring you . 赠给恶人恩惠,只会令他们进一步伤害你。 www.bing.com 1. A day later baton-wielding police broke up the protesters' camp, injuring dozens of activists. 一天之后,动用警棍的警察粉碎了抗议者阵营,造成几十名抗议者受伤。 www.ecocn.org 2. On July 25, a Chinook was shot down in Kunar Province, injuring two people on board. 7月25日,在库纳尔省曾有一架支奴干直升机被击落,造成机上两人受伤。 dongxi.net 3. A suicide bomber has attacked a church in Bauchi, northern Nigeria, killing at least two people and injuring 48, according to the Red Cross. 尼日利亚北部包奇州一座教堂遭自杀式炸弹袭击,造成至少两人死亡、48人受伤。 www.enread.com 4. The civil servant right guarantee means prevent the right from injuring and guarantee the right realize, as to take the system design. 公务员权利保障是指为防止公务员权利受到侵害和确保公务员权利最终实现而采用的制度化设计。 www.qianluntianxia.com 5. The South Korea defender Kwak Tae-hwi has been ruled out of the finals after injuring a knee in the defeat by Belarus. 韩国后卫郭泰辉因在球队败给白俄罗斯的热身赛中膝盖受伤而退出了世界杯的比赛。 dongxi.net 6. The driver manages to save the girl from falling, but only at the cost of injuring himself. 司机费了好大劲不让那个女孩摔倒,但是自己却受了伤。 www.kekenet.com 7. On Dec. 20, a Continental Airlines plane veered off a runway and slid into a snowy field at the Denver airport, injuring 38 people. 10月20日,大陆航空还有一架飞机在丹佛机场滑出跑道,滑进雪地里,致使38人受伤。 www.bing.com 8. A passer-by raised the alarm and police fought a gun battle with the alleged robbers, injuring one of them. 一名过路者报了警,警方随后赶到,并与这些劫匪发生枪战,打伤了其中一人。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Even if Mcgrady can come back, I hope they'll limit his minutes. He's too important to risk injuring. The Rockets need him for the playoffs. 即使麦迪回来,我想也应该减少他的出场时间。他太重要了不应该冒险,火箭需要他季候赛的表现。 bbs.zol.com.cn 10. England captain Rio Ferdinand is out after injuring ligaments in his left knee during practice hours before Drogba was hurt. 就在德罗巴受伤前数小时,英格兰队队长费迪南德在训练中左膝受伤,告别南非。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 1. The plate must not project beyond this line to avoid coming into contact with, and injuring, the flexor tendons. 钢板无需映射超出该线,已避免接触并伤及屈肌腱。 www.ewqs.net 2. They always hated anybody who had the name of being careless, and injuring things. 他们很讨厌身负粗心大意、破坏财物之名的人。 login.sina.com.cn 3. During the process of thermal therapy, it have to transfer the power precisely to avoid injuring the normal tissue. 以超音波热治疗之过程,必须精确地将热剂量送至异常组织以避免造成对正常组织的伤害。 www.cetd.com.tw 4. A moderate earthquake rocked southwest China last night, injuring at least 336 people and collapsing 10, 000 homes, state media reported. 昨晚,中国西南部发生中度地震。官方媒体称,造成至少336人受伤,一万多间房屋倒塌。 www.bing.com 5. The friend, surely do not let deeply like your person injuring ! 朋友,千万别让深爱着你的人受伤害! dictsearch.appspot.com 6. A Jewish man jumps from a burning building, and he lands on a Palestinian, horribly injuring him. 一个犹太人跃身逃出一所燃烧的房子,来到巴勒斯坦土地,他满身创痛。 www.bing.com 7. Threats to Survival: Water conservancies, miss-catching, accidentally injuring and pollution. 威胁因素:水利工程建设、误捕和误伤以及污染。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The suicide attack was made using a Vehicle Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) killing three Afghans and injuring several others. 这起自杀性袭击使用了汽车炸弹,造成了3名阿富汗人死亡和多人受伤。 www.bing.com 9. Kenny Dalglish confirmed Lucas Leiva will undergo a scan after injuring his knee during the Carling Cup triumph at Chelsea. 肯尼达格利什确认卢卡斯将对联赛杯与切尔西一役中遭受到的膝盖伤势接受检查。 tieba.baidu.com 10. Ensure no cross construction above and around motor, no possibility of object falling down for avoiding injuring body or damaging equipment. 确认电机上端及周围无交叉作业,是否可能高空坠物,防止砸伤人或砸坏设备。 wenku.baidu.com 1. some people get stucked by the door, injuring their hands and feet. 有些人挤在车门口,脚,手都受伤。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. It is also necessary to find appropriate methods of preventing mentally handicapped people from injuring or mutilating themselves or others. 而为防止精神不健全人群伤损自己及他人,寻找因人而异的治疗方法来同样不可或缺。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Gunfire hits vehicles along a stretch of interstate in Virginia briefly closing the road, injuring two motorists. 在维吉尼亚州际公路路段上几辆汽车遭到枪击,使得该路段短暂关闭,并导致两名乘客受伤。 bbs.putclub.com 4. Terrorists assault Mumbai, India, killing 195 people and injuring at least 250. 恐怖分子袭击印度孟买,平民伤亡惨重。 ts.hjenglish.com 5. Fifthly, no sliding down the staircase handrails, you might slip and fall injuring yourself. 不要坐在楼梯扶手上往下滑,那样会摔下去的。 www.mapleleaf.net.cn 6. Objective: To investigate the effects of curcumin on intima hyperplasia of rabbits iliac artery after injuring by balloon. 目的:观察姜黄素对家兔髂动脉球囊损伤后血管内膜增生的影响。 www.dictall.com 7. Police beat villagers indiscriminately, injuring even children. 警方当时殴打了很多村民,包括小孩。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The explosion had ripped through a residential building, injuring hundreds of people. 炸弹炸毁了一个居民楼,数百人受伤。 www.24en.com 9. When jaguar knight tried to cross the river the bridge collapsed injuring badly jaguar knight's head. 当美洲虎骑士试图过河的桥塌了美洲虎骑士严重受伤的头部。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Killing and injuring of important aquatic wild animals protected by the State is prohibited. 禁止捕杀、伤害国家重点保护的水生野生动物。 www.bing.com 1. On the twenty-sixth, a bomb exploded at Manhattan's World Trade Center, killing six people and injuring more than one thousand. 26日,一枚炸弹在纽约曼哈顿的世界贸易中心爆炸,炸死6个人,炸伤1000多人。 www.bing.com 2. Witnesses said police units used tear gas against protesters and there were also reports of gunshots injuring a number of people. 目击者称,警方使用催泪弹驱散抗议者,也有报道称,警方开枪造成几人受伤。 www.voanews.com.cn 3. A powerful car bomb ripped through a suburb of the Syrian capital, Damascus yesterday, killing 17 people and injuring 17 more. 昨天,一个威力强劲的汽车炸弹在叙利亚首都大马士革城郊爆炸,导致17人死亡,超过17人受伤。 www.bing.com 4. A political extremist bombed in Oslo, the capital of Norway, on July 22 (local time), killing at least 7 people and injuring 15. 一名政治极端分子于当地时间7月22日对挪威首都奥斯陆实施炸弹袭击,造成至少7人死亡,15人受伤。 www.bing.com 5. And a grenade has been thrown at Saturday evening strollers in a square, injuring 12. 一枚手榴弹扔进周末傍晚在广场上游逛的人群中,致伤12人。 www.ecocn.org 6. A severe storm ripped through the Midwest in United States on Sunday, killing 22 people and injuring hundreds more. 美国中西部上个星期日,遭受强劲的暴风所侵袭,造成22人罹难数百人受伤。 www.newdaai.tv 7. A suicide car bomb exploded outside the Indian Embassy in central Kabul on Monday, killing at least 28 people and injuring 141. 当天上午,印度驻阿富汗大使馆附近发生自杀式汽车炸弹袭击事件,已造成至少28人死亡,141人受伤。 www.thefirst.cn 8. Odysseus immediately made a semi-circle with his plough to avoid injuring his son. 奥德赛立刻将他的犁转半圈,以避免伤害他的儿子。 www.bing.com 9. Li hit two female students while driving on a university campus in October, killing one and injuring the other. 李启铭10月在一所大学校园驾车撞上两名女学生,造成一死一伤。 kantianya.com 10. The young men had pleaded guilty to charges of illegally and deliberately injuring another person's dignity. 年轻人承认非法故意损害他人尊严的指控。 www.bing.com 1. A bus with 29 Taiwan tourists plunged into a roadside ditch in Heilongjiang Province Monday, killing 1 and injuring over 10 others. 一辆载有29名台湾游客的大巴16日早上在黑龙江省同江市遭遇车祸,车翻进路边深沟里,致1死10多人伤。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Two of China's new bullet trains collided, killing at least 39 people and injuring nearly 200. 中国两列新动车发生相撞,造成至少39人死亡,近200人受伤。 www.ecocn.org 3. Several doctors suspected Nick was intentionally injuring himself. 几个医生都怀疑耐克是故意地伤害自己。 bbs.putclub.com 4. A hard landing for a U. S. army helicopter in Iraq, injuring both crew members. 一架美军直升机在伊拉克迫降,机上人员都受伤。 www.biodic.cn 5. Chapter Four expounds the injuring performance from the angle of China's legislation on its legal remedy. 第四部分从我国立法对加害给付的法律救济这一方面对其作了一个论述。 www.fabiao.net 6. Wayne Rooney is doubtful for United's trip to Blackburn on Saturday after injuring his ankle against Aalborg on Tuesday. 鲁尼在星期二对阿尔堡时脚踝受伤,可能缺席曼联星期六的布莱克本之行。 www.mufans.org 7. You don't want your glasses breaking, flying off your head or injuring your eyes in a hard crash. 你不会希望你的眼镜从你的头上飞出去摔破,或者在猛烈的碰撞中弄伤你的眼睛。 www.bing.com 8. While, Israeli helicopters have launched an attack on the northern part of Gaza city, killing one Palestinian and injuring 26 others. 与此同时,以色列直升机在北部加沙城发动了导弹攻击,致使一名巴勒斯坦民众身亡,26人受伤。 tonyzn.8.forumer.com 9. A cooking oil sale offer provoked a stampede at a supermarket in western China on the weekend, killing three people and injuring 31. 上周末,中国重庆一家超市的食用油促销活动引发踩踏事件,导致3人死亡,31人受伤。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In Los Angeles in September, a commuter train collided with a freight train, killing 25 people and injuring more than 130. 今年9月在洛杉矶,一列运送上下班人员的客运列车撞上一列货运列车,造成25人死亡130多人受伤。 www.bing.com 1. Italy's playmaker Andrea Pirlo is a doubt for the World Cup after injuring his left calf muscle in Thursday's defeat by Mexico. 意大利的进攻组织者安德里亚·皮尔洛在周四球队败给墨西哥的热身赛中左小腿肌肉受伤,能否出战世界杯已成疑问。 dongxi.net 2. Wong blamed the crew for injuring Tse Kwan-Ho, another cast member whose face was burned during a fire scene. 黄秋生批评说,因为剧组外行导致演员谢君豪在拍摄一场火戏中脸部被烧伤。 www.bing.com 3. This indicates that intent is a calculated, purposeful act aimed at injuring or harming another. 这说明意图是一种仔细考虑的、有目的性的,旨在伤害另一个人的行为。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. A terrorist bomb explodes in Centennial Olympic park, killing one woman and injuring hundreds. 恐怖分子在百年奥运体育馆的停车场引爆炸弹,造成一名妇女死亡、数百人受伤。 www.englishtide.com 5. In Texas, a charter bus passenger is dead after a bus veered off a highway and flipped onto its side, injuring dozens of others . 在德克萨斯州,一辆客运大巴不甚冲出了高速公路并翻车,造成一名旅客死亡,数十人受伤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The French midfielder has been missing since injuring his hamstring against Huddersfield a fortnight ago. 自从两星期前在对阵哈德斯菲尔德的比赛中腿腱受伤开始,法国中场一直缺席比赛。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. Apart from injuring America, the Republicans say, the Democrats have scored the mother of own goals. 共和党人士称除了伤害国家利益,民主党也必定会自食恶果。 club.topsage.com 8. And last week it shelled a South Korean island, killing two civilians and two marines and injuring many more. 一周之前,它又向韩国岛屿开炮,杀死两名平民和两名士兵。 www.bing.com 9. In Jerusalem, a construction truck slams into vehicles, injuring four people. 在耶路撒冷,一辆建筑卡车猛烈的装上一辆汽车,造成四人受伤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Taliban suicide-bomber attacked an army recruiting camp in Mardan in north-west Pakistan, killing and injuring dozens of people. 一名塔利班成员在巴基斯坦西北部的马尔丹的一处军营发动自杀式袭击,伤亡者众多。 www.bing.com 1. Norwegian police said a gunman dressed as a policeman shot and killed 10 people and injuring people. 挪威警方说,一名装扮成警察的枪手开枪打死10人,打伤多人。 www.englishtang.com 2. On Saturday, a bomb exploded at an American fast food restaurant in Jakarta, injuring one person. 周六,在雅加达美国的一家快餐店发生一起炸弹爆炸事故,有一人受伤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The man was not caught by other revelers and fell directly to the ground seriously injuring himself. 这名男子没有被其他狂欢者抓住,然后直接落到地上,把自己摔成重伤。 www.bing.com 4. Earlier this month, an escalator at a new subway station in Beijing collapsed, killing one person and injuring 28. 本月早些时候,北京一座新建成地铁站中的扶梯倒塌,造成1人死亡,28人受伤。 www.ecocn.org 5. The pilots of US F-16s used precise co-ordinates to target bombs at the snipers without killing or injuring civilians. F-16的飞行员投掷了精确制导炸弹,准确击中了目标。没有平民受到伤害。 tieba.baidu.com 6. China's traditional theory and the Contract Law use the method ofliabilities' concurrence to relief injuring performance. 我国传统理论学说以及《合同法》对加害给付采用的是请求权竞合救济方式。 www.13191.com 7. Only hours later, a footbridge leading to the Jawaharlal Nehru Stadium collapsed, injuring 19 workers. 几个小时后,一行人天桥通往尼赫鲁体育场倒塌,19名工人受伤。 www.lkong.net 8. This time at a vehicle licensing agency injuring three. 这次是在一所汽车执照办事处,有三人受伤。 bbs.putclub.com 9. Severe turbulence jolted a Tokyo-bound Northwest Airlines flight from Manila Friday, injuring 47 people. 20日,一架由菲律宾马尼拉飞往东京的美国西北航空公司班机在空中遭遇强气流,导致47名乘客受伤。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Note: please ensure that all operators on the site are notified to prevent the master driving chain from injuring the operators. 注意:请确定知会现场所有操作人员,以附止主传动链条损伤操作人员; www.showxiu.com 1. A coal truck has collided head-on with a bus in northwestern China, killing 21 people and injuring 12 others. 中国西北地区的一辆运煤卡车与一辆大巴士迎面相撞,造成21人死亡,12人受伤。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Tornadoes ripped through villages in southeastern Guangdong, killing 13 people, injuring 51 and destroying or damaging hundreds of houses. 广东省西南的乡村遭受龙卷风吹袭,造成十三人死亡、五十一人受伤及数百间房屋倒塌。 www.ebigear.com 3. Maiming and injuring little children and then working them to death, just so the republicans can get richer than rich. 使儿童残疾,受伤,然后让他们干活到死,只有这样共和党才会更富裕。 bbs.ltaaa.com 4. At Honda's plant in Tochigi, north of Tokyo, a factory ceiling collapsed, crushing a worker to death and injuring 30 others. 丰田关闭两座整车工厂。本田位于东京以北枥木县的一座工厂屋顶坍塌,压死一名工人,另有30人受伤。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Hamas did its best to poison Mr Bush's visit with a rare rocket launch at the town of Ashkelon, injuring 90 people in a shopping centre. 哈马斯尽其所能的破坏布什的访问,一枚火箭弹袭击了Ashkelon(以色列地名),造成一个购物中心内90人受伤。 www.ecocn.org 6. A bomb exploded at the embassy, injuring several people. 一颗炸弹在使馆爆炸,数人受伤。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. Tommy: It will stop you from injuring yourself and you won't wake up tomorrow morning with sore muscles. 汤米︰那可以防止你受到运动伤害,而且明天早上起床的时候才不会肌肉痛。 www.nce200.com 8. A series of strong aftershocks have rattled New Zealand's quake-devastated city of Christchurch, injuring scores of people. 一系列余震使得新西兰地震灾区基督城咯咯作响,数十人在余震中受伤。 home.i21st.cn 9. Last September terrorists detonated a bomb in the capital Male's Sultan Park, injuring 12 tourists. 去年9月,恐怖分子首都马累的苏丹公园引爆了一枚炸弹,使12名游客受伤。 www.ecocn.org 10. But in combatives, you really can't hit your partner for fear of injuring him. 但是在格斗术中,你确实不能随意打击你的训练伙伴,因为害怕伤了他。 www.wubei.com 1. If you don't warm up before taking exercise, you risk injuring yourself. 假如运动前不做准备活动,你就有受伤的可能。 www.59edu.com 2. You cannot kill time without injuring eternity. 消磨时间不可能不伤害永恒。 book.qq.com 3. The elastic around your knees can prevent you from injuring. 你膝盖上的松紧带能防止你受伤。 www.eol.cn 4. A major explosion occurred in an isomerization unit at the site on March 23, 2005, killing 15 workers and injuring more than 170 others. 2005年3月23日它的一个异构化区发生了严重爆炸,炸死15名员工,炸伤170多人。 www.bing.com 5. On Tuesday a train on one of Shanghai's newer subway lines slammed into another, injuring more than 200 people. 本周二上海新建的一条地铁线路一列地铁装上了另一辆列车,200多人受伤。 m.yeeyan.org 6. She tells how a rocket hit the house, injuring Fida with shrapnel. She quickly bled to death. 一枚火箭击中了她们家,Fida被火箭弹片击伤,很快就流血而死。 www.bing.com 7. Injuring performance is a kind of severe action of breach of contract resulting in loss of performing benefit as well as inherent benefit. 加害给付是一种既造成履行利益损害,又造成固有利益损害的严重违约行为。 www.fabiao.net 8. In 2003, New York City claims examiner Cedrick Makara won a $3 million jury verdict after injuring his hand in the building where he works. 2003年,纽约市宣布,在所工作的大楼被弄伤手指之后,塞德里克·马卡拉(CedrickMakara)考官赢得了一笔300万美元的受伤裁决。 www.bing.com 9. Road traffic injuries are a major public health problem, killing nearly 1. 3 million people each year and injuring as many as 50 million. 道路交通伤害是一个严重的公共卫生问题,每年造成近130万人死亡,多达5千万人受伤。 www.who.int 10. Wounded patients include 20 cases who have several soft tissue injuring or four-limb fractures. 创伤病人包括全身多处软组织挫伤,四肢骨折共20粒。 terms.shengwuquan.com 1. NATO UAE QATAR bomb with F16 etc #Sirte farm and City killing tens of civilians and injuring many. 北约、阿联酋、卡塔尔用F16对苏尔特的城市和农场进行了轰炸,数十平民死亡,多人受伤。 www.1911.cn 2. He started with the aim of injuring others only to end up by ruining himself. 他本想损害别人,结果只害了自己。 www.jxenglish.com 3. People usually start self-injuring in early adolescence, between the ages of 11 and 15. 人们经常在青春期开始自我伤害行为,也就是11到15岁期间。 www.bing.com 4. A suicide bomber blew himself up outside the Kamra air weapons complex near Gadwal in December 2007, injuring several people. 一枚自杀式炸弹于2007年12月曾经对邻近加德瓦尔的卡马拉航空武器集团进行袭击,造成多人伤亡。 www.bing.com 5. A pipe has burst, releasing gas and injuring two workers. 管道爆炸,泄露气体,两名工人受伤。 www.kekenet.com 6. He claimed that working too hard was injuring his health. 他声称工作过度辛劳损害了他的健康。 wlzx.jpu.edu.cn 7. A suicide-bomber detonated a device in central Istanbul, injuring 32 people. 一架自杀式袭击者在伊斯坦布尔市中心引爆一件设备,造成32人受伤。 www.ecocn.org 8. A rocket exploded on its launch pad in Brazil during tests, killing 21 people and injuring 20 others. 巴西的一枚测试火箭在测试期间于发射台上发生爆炸,导致21人死亡,20人受伤。 learning.sohu.com 9. Witnesses who called 911 have described a chaotic scene after a charter bus crashed Friday in Texas, fatally injuring 17 people. 拨打911的目击者称,在周五的德克萨斯的包车撞车,现场陷入一片混乱,最终共17人受伤。 bbs.putclub.com 10. We hoped to last the season without injuring her leg again. 我们希望她能够挺过这个季节,不要再弄伤腿了。 en.ruiwen.com 1. Ledley King is less sure after injuring his foot last week. 莱德利-金上周脚受伤之后情况不很确定。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Last weekend, two high speed trains collided off a bridge in Zhejiang province, killing 40 and injuring nearly 200. 上周末,两列动车在浙江温州相撞,四节车厢从高架桥上坠落,致40人死亡,近200人受伤。 www.forbeschina.com 3. How does he do it without injuring the other actor? 他要怎样做才不会伤到另一个演员? www.iliyu.com 4. Punitive compensation is that the injuring person pays the injured one more compensation than the value being damaged. 惩罚性赔偿是加害人向被害人支付的,超过其财产损害范围的一种金钱赔偿。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Firecrackers often cause fire and explosion, killing and injuring many people. 鞭炮经常发生爆炸事故,造成大量人员死伤。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. A bomb exploded on the metro in Minsk, the capital of Belarus , killing 12 people and injuring more than 200. 白俄罗斯首都明斯克的一个地铁发生了炸弹爆炸事件,造成了12人死亡和超过200人受伤。 www.ecocn.org 7. In April, a Congolese aircraft crashed near Goma killing nearly 50 people and injuring more than 100. 今年4月,一架刚果飞机在戈马附近坠毁,导致近50人死亡,100多人受伤。 www.voanews.cn 8. Soviet troops opened fire on unarmed civilians in Vilnius, killing 13 people and injuring 100 others. 苏联军队向手无寸铁的市民开火,造成了13人死亡100多人受伤。 www.bing.com 9. The collision, just before 10. 30 pm on Monday, caused a pile-up that involved two other cars, injuring four people. 该交通事故发生在晚上10:30,导致另外两辆车追尾,使四人受伤。 www.bing.com 10. The dual injuria exhibits injuring to person and the legal right and interests. “双危性”表现在对法益与人身的双重危害; www.13191.com 1. How can you keep from injuring yourself on this job? 如何能避免在工作上受到伤害? wenku.baidu.com 2. A man detonated the explosives at 2: 10 p. m. , killing himself and injuring two others, police said. 一男子在当天下午2:10引发炸弹,自己当场炸死,并炸伤了另外两名在场人员。 www.ourtra.com 3. In 2008 a London house collapsed during a dig- down , injuring a builder . 2008年伦敦的一处房屋在挖掘中倒塌,一位施工人员受伤。 www.bing.com 4. According to preliminary statistics, the provinces death tolls five people and injuring 36. 据初步统计,全省因灾死亡5人,受伤36人。 www.sea3000.net 5. This can cause people in REM sleep to twitch and groan, sometimes flailing about and injuring their bedmates. 这些能引起位于快速动眼睡眠的人们抽搐,呻吟,甚至有些时候会伤害与之同床的人。 www.ecocn.org 6. School bus collides with van, injuring 19 in Xinjiang . 新疆一接送幼儿校车与面包车相撞19人受伤。 www.17tx.com 7. The gang set acres he, injuring he badly. 匪徒对他大打出手,打得他浑身是伤。 www.ffenglish.com 8. A 6. 7 magnitude quake struck near the Los Angeles suburb of Northridge in 1994, killing 57 people and injuring thousands. 一个6.7级地震发生在洛杉矶附近的北岭郊区于1994年,造成57人受伤数千人。 www.maynet.cn 9. some containers were toppled by strong gales on the 18th of last month , injuring 4 people. 上月18日,有货柜遭强风吹倒并从高处塌下,引致4人受伤。 www.ichacha.net 10. Pardoning the Bad, is injuring the Good. 宽宥恶人,就是伤害善人。 udn.com 1. A car bomb struck on Saturday night the Haret Hreik neighborhood in South Dahiyeh, killing three and injuring five others. 周六晚,汽车炸弹袭击了与dahiyeh毗邻的哈雷特.胡赖克,造成三人死亡五人受伤。 www.elanso.com 2. Playing soccer and fell, injuring his legs 2. 踢足球和下降,他的腿受伤2。 zhishi.sohu.com 3. The time bomb went off, killing and injuring a lot of people. 定时炸弹爆炸,造成多人伤亡。 www.fgs.org.tw:81 4. A section of road on Lingyin Road in Hangzhou caved in at 6pm Monday, killing 1 and injuring 3 after a taxi fell into the hole. 14日下午6点,杭州灵隐路发生坍塌,一辆出租车随路面坍方陷入基坑,致1人遇难3人受伤。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. Moxa burning is not only producing air pollutions but also injuring skin without good temperature controlling. 但是艾条燃烧时产生大量的烟雾,污染空气,而且温度难以控制易造成皮肤损伤。 www.fabiao.net 6. I am injuring myself, you undecisive actually injure many people, you might once change positions the ponder? 我真的很受伤,你自己的犹疑不决实际伤害很多人,你可能曾经改变立场思考吗?。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 7. In 2007, a blast derailed a Nevski Express train, injuring 27. 2007年发生的一次爆炸事件使得涅夫斯基特快列车脱轨,造成27人受伤。 www.24en.com 8. When fighting in Kokang broke out last year, three shells landed on the Chinese side, killing one person and injuring two others. 去年果敢地区爆发武装冲突的时候,有三枚炮弹落在了中国境内,有一个人因此丧生,两人受伤。 www.ecocn.org 9. Experimental study of the injuring effect on tumour-bearing mice by photodynamic therapy in tectology 光动力疗法对荷瘤鼠杀伤作用的组织形态学实验研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Illustrating the reality of China with the doctrinaire Marxism, injuring the ruling resources and the ruling foundation of the Party; 用教条化的马克思主义图解中国的现实,损害了党的执政资源和执政基础; dictsearch.appspot.com 1. A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another 明智而节俭的政府会阻止人们彼此间的伤害 dict.ebigear.com 2. On injuring benefit of the farmer in the urbanized advancement and the system analysis 城市化进程中失地农民利益受损及其制度分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Probe into the Affirmation of Injuring Responsibility by Highly Dangerous Operation and Punishment 高度危险作业致害责任认定及惩处探讨 www.ilib.cn 4. Briefly analysis on the accidents of students injuring and its legal responsibility 浅析学生伤害事故及其法律责任 ilib.cn 5. Anatomical basis on the necrosis of medial superior part of gluteal region due to injuring the vessel via suprapiriformis foramen 梨状肌上孔内血管损伤致臀内上部坏死的解剖学基础 www.ilib.cn 6. Observation of injuring effect of energy controllable steep pulses on tumor tissues cut from the hosts'body 能量可控陡脉冲对离体肿瘤组织杀伤作用的观察 www.ilib.cn 7. Functional evaluation and management of lower cranial nerve injuring after jugular foramen tumor surgery 颈静脉孔区肿瘤术后后组脑神经损伤的评估和处理 www.ilib.cn 8. Effects of Apoptosis of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells Induced by Curcumin on Intima Hyperplasia after Injuring by Balloon 姜黄素诱导的平滑肌细胞凋亡在球囊损伤后内膜增生中的作用 www.ilib.cn 9. The Elements Causing the Injuring Accident and the Precautions of the Injuring Accident in Sports Teaching 体育教学中影响伤害事故产生因素及其防范 ilib.cn 10. Injuring Effects of Repeated Seizures Induced by Pentylenetetrazol on the Hippocampus of Neonatal Rats and the Mechanism 戊四氮反复致痫对新生鼠海马的损伤及其机制 www.ilib.cn 1. Relationship between CIDE-B change and neuronal apoptosis under various injuring conditions 不同损伤条件下CIDE-B的变化与神经元凋亡的关系 www.ilib.cn 2. The legal problem of civil compensation of the athletes injuring maliciously in competitive sports 竞技体育运动员恶意伤害民事赔偿法律问题研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Liability for Breach of Contract and Liability for Infringement of Rights under Injuring Performance 论加害给付下的违约责任与侵权责任的承担 www.ilib.cn 4. Looking on the College Students Quality Education from the Viewpoint of the Injuring Bear Event 从伤熊事件看大学生素质教育 service.ilib.cn 5. Legal Remedy of Damage to People Caused by Fallen Objects from Upstairs with an Unidentified Injuring Person 楼上落下物致人损害加害人不明的法律救济 service.ilib.cn 6. The Occurrence Species and Damage Status of the Injuring Flower and Fruit Pest on Apple in West of Henan 豫西地区苹果花果害虫发生种类与为害情况 www.ilib.cn 7. Study on Behavior Genetics of First Offspring With Kidney Deficiency After Horror Injuring Parent 恐伤母研究子代肾虚的行为遗传 www.ilib.cn 8. selfish is the reflection in humans mind of social connection of injuring others and benefiting oneself; 自私是损人利己的社会关系在人的头脑中的反映; www.dictall.com 9. The Responsibility of Intentional Injuring Behaviors in the Sports Activities 竞技体育中故意伤害行为的法律评价 www.ilib.cn 10. The nursing after the cervical vertebra pre-way operation to treat external injuring paraplegic patients 颈椎前路手术治疗外伤性截瘫患者术后的护理 www.ilib.cn 1. Injuring or capable of injuring the feelings of others: 伤害或能伤害他人感情的: blog.hjenglish.com 2. In the past week, Islamist terrorists claimed credit for injuring two Taiwanese tourists in a drive-by shooting; 在过去的几周中连续发生了中国台湾游客被伊斯兰教徒驾车射击; www.bing.com 3. On the Duty for and Guard against the Injuring Accident Among the Students 试论学生伤害事故的责任及防范 www.ichacha.net 4. a pedestrian bridge near the event's flagship stadium collapsed, injuring 23 workers; 一座中心体育场附近的人行天桥发生倒塌造成23名工人受伤; www.bing.com 5. The protective function and injuring effects of seat belt during high velocity impact 高速碰撞时安全带的防护及致伤效应研究 6. Tourism Contracts and Compensation for Mental Injuring of Tourists 旅游合同与旅游者的精神损害赔偿 www.ilib.cn 7. Establishment of Alzheimer disease rat models by injuring amygdala 损伤杏仁核制备阳虚阿尔茨海默病大鼠模型 www.ilib.cn 8. Probe into the Relative Issues of Injuring and Compensation System 加害给付制度相关问题探讨 www.ilib.cn 9. A Primary Talk about Legal Responsibility of Students'Injuring Events 浅谈高校学生伤害事故的法律责任 ilib.cn 10. Low Injuring his knee in the first minute of the game against Sweden at the 2008 World Cup, ending his tournament 2008年的世界杯预选赛对阵瑞典的比赛中,第一分钟就因为膝盖受伤下场,就此结束了他的国家队之旅。 www.bing.com 1. The Improving Piston Design of Avoiding Injuring Cylinder 避免活塞划伤缸壁的改进设计 service.ilib.cn 2. Psychological Health Status of the External Injuring Paraplegic Patients and the Nursing for Them 外伤性截瘫患者的心理健康状况及护理 www.ilib.cn 3. On Accident Injuring Student and Legal Obligation 学生伤害事故法理分析 ilib.cn 4. Computer simulation of seed-injuring on wheat precision seedmeter 小麦精密排种器伤种的计算机模拟 www.ilib.cn 5. Statistical Analysing on 225 Cases of Human Identification of Living for Injuring 225例法医学活体损伤检验鉴定分析 scholar.ilib.cn 6. The recovered nursing care of early phase is interposed injuring the effect that sufferer is recovered to the skull brain 早期康复护理干预对颅脑损伤患者康复的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Athletic injuring characteristics of youth badminton athletes: Data of 120 players from 23 badminton teams 青少年羽毛球运动员的运动损伤特征:23支球队120名队员资料 www.zglckf.com 8. For the power of injuring would, I am fearful, awake the desire of doing so; 因为,我担心有了伤害别人的能力(Ability),就会引发动那样赴做的念头。 www.waiyulm.com 9. Injuring the reputation of state organs; (八)损害国家机关信誉的; www.bing.com 10. On Liability Fixation of the Students'Injuring Accident 论学生伤害事故的归责 ilib.cn 1. Hoped to last the season without injuring her leg again 希望能坚持到这季结束而不再使她的脚受伤 dict.aiedu.com 2. prevent sb. from injuring himself 预防某人弄伤自己。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. To make bleed, as by injuring or wounding 使出血:使出血,如因受伤 ks.cn.yahoo.com 4. killing two passengers and injuring 208 others on board 造成机上两死二百一十三人受伤 www.crazyenglish.org 5. we are but preventing her from injuring another 我们不过是不让她伤害别人罢了。 www.ichacha.net 6. 1060 Cases of Osteoarticular Swollen Pain after Injuring Treated by Xiaozhongsan 消肿散治疗骨关节损伤后肿痛1060例 service.ilib.cn 7. On the Act of Injuring Embryo 也谈残害胎儿行为的定性 www.ilib.cn 8. Study on the Chinese herbs with effect of injuring kidney 中草药肾损害的研究与展望 service.ilib.cn |
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