单词 | island |
释义 | islands是island的复数
复数:islands 例句释义: 岛屿,岛,脑岛,胰岛,使成岛状,使孤立,像岛屿一样分布,岛的,离岛,离岛区,群岛 1. Seoul believes accepting such a line would endanger fishing around five South Korean islands and hamper access to its port at Incheon. 韩国当局则相信,接受北方的界线会危及南方五座岛屿周围的渔业作业并且会妨碍通往自己仁川港的航道安全。 www.bing.com 2. In case of a continuous surf islands are surrounded with a wide band of sea foam saturated with green algae that are so loved by the birds. 海浪不断的冲刷在岸边形成了丰富的混合着海藻的泡沫,是鸟儿最爱的泡沫浴。 www.bing.com 3. The water surrounding these islands is often referred to as the Danish Archipelago. 这些岛屿附近的水域通常被认为属于丹麦群岛的范围。 www.ebigear.com 4. Kuril Islands, including the Russo-Japanese territorial dispute between the four northern islands (Russia, said the South Kuril Islands). 千岛群岛包括日俄间存在领土争议的北方四岛(俄称南千岛群岛)。 www.englishtang.com 5. Whatever you jot down on your itinerary, a voyage through Indonesia's 17, 508 islands is an epic experience, never just a journey. 无论你在游记中匆匆写下的是什么样的内容,游遍印尼17,508个岛屿都将是一场如史诗般波澜壮阔的人生探险之旅,而这绝不会是一次简单的旅行。 www.1x1y.com.cn 6. During World War II, the islands and people had been exploited by the Japanese Military to the point of impoverishment. 二战期间,各岛和人民都被日本军事所剥削而变为贫困。 www.ebigear.com 7. Relations between the two countries have been strained by their growing dispute over a group of islands that lies between them. 中日最近因两国之间的一片群岛问题,争端不断升级,关系持续紧张。 www.bing.com 8. Mr Sengoku said Japan did not consider its ownership of the islands to be in question. Sengoku表示日本不认为该岛的所有权是个问题。 www.bing.com 9. Powerful whirlpools are known as maelstroms. One of the most famous is found near the Lofoten Islands off the coast of Norway. 威力最强大的漩涡实在在挪威海岸是罗弗敦群岛附近所发现的名为maelstrom的大漩涡。 www.ebigear.com 10. This summer first Iceland and then the Faroe Islands unilaterally jacked up the amount of the fish they intend to let their fishermen catch. 今年夏天,先是冰岛后是法罗群岛单方面作出决定,要求渔民增加捕鱼的数量。 www.ecocn.org 1. He prefers a hybrid approach where there are "islands of purity" in an otherwise imperative language with a clear delineation between them. 他更倾向采用混合的策略,比如命令行语言中的“纯洁之岛”之间都能有一个清晰的描述。 www.infoq.com 2. Spanish police Friday said they had foiled a plot to use a zeppelin airship to help a prisoner break out of a jail on the Canary Islands. 西班牙警方3日表示,他们挫败了一起企图利用遥控齐柏林飞艇帮助囚犯从加那利群岛的一所监狱越狱的阴谋。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 3. Central location makes it a great hub from which one can explore other even more beautiful neighbouring islands. 因为坐落于中心地段,从这里可以方便造访邻近更美的海岛。 weike.taskcn.com 4. The Court has applied the general principle of estoppel in a number of cases, including disputes over islands. 国际法院已经采取不得反悔的一般性原则处理了大量案件,包括对争议岛屿的处理。 cn.nytimes.com 5. Recruiting outsiders is something of a last-ditch attempt to shake up the islands' inward-looking policing culture. 招募外国人,有几分像是动摇岛国封闭警察文化的最后一招。 www.ecocn.org 6. How much have Britain's far-flung islands to fear in the long run from tougher rules? 在长期来看,面对严格的规定,离英国遥远的这些岛屿会作何感想呢? www.ecocn.org 7. Mr Woodford suggests that his offence was to ask questions about large payments to a firm in the Cayman Islands. 伍德福德认为其被辞退原因是对公司支付大额款项给一家位于开曼群岛的公司提出质疑; club.topsage.com 8. On top of it, China did not claim the islands up until the early 1970s. 除此以外,在20世纪70年代早期以前,中国并没有宣称拥有这片岛屿的主权。 c.wsj.com 9. Where the islands of capitalism met the sea of subsistence labour, there was not a "beach" , but a "cliff" . 在经济特区吸引到足够的劳动力之前,横梗于路上的不是一个“沙滩”,而是一个“悬崖”。 www.bing.com 10. Kukui nut oil is from the Kukui nuts in Hawaii and has been used as an anti-viral treatment in the islands for thousands of years. 夏威夷核果油来自于夏威夷核果树,已经在夏威夷岛上用来做抗病毒治疗千万年的时间了。 cqly186.blog.163.com 1. While I was visiting the British Virgin Islands, a local man invited me to be in a picture with him on the beach. 有一次我到英属维尔京群岛,一名当地人邀请我和他在海滩上一起拍照。 blog.163.com 2. "Hammerhead sharks are not evenly dispersed throughout the seas, but concentrated at seamounts and offshore islands, " he said. 锤头鲨在海里分布不均,它们多聚集于海底山和离岸海岛。 www.bing.com 3. Photo Gallery: Marine Marvels It's hard to tell which end is up in this close-up of a bearded scorpionfish in the Fiji Islands. 奇特的海生物图片画廊。它是很难辨别那一个目标是向上的在这个特写镜头的有胡须的蚰鱼在斐济群岛。 www.danganj.net 4. Sky-watchers flocked by the thousands to Polynesian islands or booked passage on cruise ships to see the total solar eclipse. 数以千计的天文观测者们聚集到波利尼西亚群岛(Polynesianislands)或预定游艇观看日全食。 www.bing.com 5. Given the size of these islands, a hurricane can in the space of a few hours, obliterate the entire economy. 由于这些岛屿的面积很小,一场飓风可以在几个小时之内摧毁整个经济。 web.worldbank.org 6. The mayor of Sansha City, the new Chinese city in the Paracel Islands, said the disputed waters would make for an ideal holiday destination. 中国在西沙群岛新设立的城市——三沙市的市长表示,有争议的南海将是理想的度假目的地。 www.putclub.com 7. The scorching-hot lava also carved teardrop-shaped islands into the surface, which are visible near the edges of these plains. 很明显的是在这些平原的边缘附近,灼热的岩浆会在地表“雕刻”出泪珠状岛屿。 www.bing.com 8. It has been cold but I'm from the Faroe Islands, so I'm used to it. It should not be a problem for me. 虽然很冷但我从法罗群岛来,适应起来没啥问题。 www.bing.com 9. At times Columbus became reconciled to the truth that this new land was not China, not Japan, not the spice Islands. 有时,哥伦布不承认事实:这块新陆地,日本,也香料群岛。 www.yxtvg.com 10. It describes the system as an "archipelago" , a large number of "innovative islands" with insufficient links between them. 它把中国的创新系统描述为“群岛”,一大批“创新型岛屿”彼此没有充分联系。 www.scidev.net 1. But that day I flew low over the islands -- it was a family trip to the Caribbean, and I flew in a small plane low over the islands. 但那天我乘飞机飞过一些岛--那是和家人前往加勒比海度假,我坐小型飞机从低空飞过这些岛。 www.ted.com 2. The British Museum, by contrast, was from the beginning intended to be not the story of these islands but a way of thinking about the world. 相反,大英博物馆从一开始就无意讲述英伦诸岛的故事,而是要成为一种思考世界的方式。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Perhaps Greece could lease a few of its islands to help with its debt crisis in lieu of repayment of its foreign debt. 也许希腊可以将一些岛屿租借出去,这样有助于偿还外债。 www.ltaaa.com 4. It is known to all that these islands have always been under Chinese jurisdiction. 众所周知,这些岛屿向来归中国管辖。 cywk061.blog.163.com 5. Artificial Islands have been a conceptual idea for ecological power generation for over a decade. 在近十年里,一直是生态发电的一个概念。 www.bing.com 6. When they bombed those islands, when they attacked the boat off the coast, that sort of thing? 类似之前轰炸岛屿,袭击渔船等事件? www.bing.com 7. Taiwan says the islands were ceded to it after the second world war by Japan, which used to occupy much of the land now known as Taiwan. 台湾表示,这些海岛是二战结束后日本让与它的。在那之前日本占据着目前被称为台湾的大部分土地。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Anybody can sail across the ocean, and anybody can coast along the islands on the other side, just as you have done. 谁都能横渡大西洋,谁都能沿着大洋彼岸的岛屿航行,就像你做的那样。 www.jukuu.com 9. Javanese and other peoples from the great islands to the west seem to run the local economy, far beyond Jayapura's airport. 从西部其它大岛迁移来的爪哇人和其他种族的人似乎控制了当地的经济命脉,而且远远不只是查亚普拉机场。 www.24en.com 10. A group of Germans living in Samoa forced the islands' ruler from power. They replaced him with a ruler who was more friendly to Germany. 在萨摩亚居住的一些德国人逼迫岛国的统治者交出政权。他们换上了一个对德国友好的人当统治者。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. A fine yarn made from the wool of sheep raised in the Shetland Islands and used for knitting and weaving. 设得兰毛线系由在设得兰群岛饲养的羊的羊毛制成的精制毛线,用于针织和编织衣物 zhidao.baidu.com 2. species is apparently confined to the eastern coast of Taiwan and a few offshore islands, where it is locally abundant and used for forage. 这差不多特有的种是限制在台湾和一些近海岛屿的东方的海岸上的表面上,在那里它当地丰富并且用于饲料。 dict.kekenet.com 3. Each country considers the islands to be a part of its own sovereign territory, and both countries' claims go back hundreds of years. 两国均认为该岛是其神圣不可侵犯领土的一部分,都声称可追溯至几百年前。 www.bing.com 4. Wrested the book out of his hands; wrested the islands from the settlers. 从他手里夺过来那本书;从原殖民者手中夺过那座岛。 cb.kingsoft.com 5. But he said he was pleased about the publicity his find had generated for the islands where he lives. 但他表示,他很高兴他的发现能让他居住的奥兰岛受到世人瞩目。 www.kekenet.com 6. The two men found themselves in the Marquesas Islands, where they accidentally wandered into the company of a tribe of cannibals. 这两名男子发现自己的马克萨斯群岛,在那里他们无意中闯入该公司的一个部落的食人族。 lwdx123.com 7. Appearing as flowers of the sea, the tentacles of an orange cup coral reach out in the waters of the Caroline Islands in Micronesia. 珊瑚王国图片画廊。现身像海洋的花朵,其橙色杯形珊瑚触须伸出水域在密克罗尼西亚的加罗林群岛。 bbs.tiexue.net 8. Was "empire" itself a matter of land and settlement or, as he thought, of ports and islands and trading opportunities? “帝国”本身是关于国土的问题还是如他所想的关于港口、岛屿和贸易机会的问题? www.ecocn.org 9. The tectonic framework of North Qilian in Early Ordovician should be similar to that of the Bafin Bay and the Queen Elizabeth Islands. 北祁连早奥陶世海域与现在加拿大北部巴芬湾及伊丽莎白女王群岛的构造格局相似。 www.dictall.com 10. However, he expects the flow of tourist will increase, and hopes that this does not destroy theses islands. 无论如何,他期望观光客的数量能够随之增加,也希望这样的改变不会破坏岛屿原本的自然环境。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 1. No matter how much the price is, we will defend our islands. 无论代价多么大,我们都将保卫我们的岛屿。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. If they refused to give back these small islands, the two countries would not be able to normalize their diplomatic relations completely. 如果他们拒绝归还这些小岛,他们两国的关系就不能完全正常化。 wenku.baidu.com 3. The inner islands are the remains of a submerged mountain range and are on a shallow plateau with a great amount of marine life. 内群岛是一个水下山脉的遗迹,在一个有着大量海洋生物的浅层高原上。 www.bing.com 4. This may seem like an oxymoron as the economy is declining as more humans upon the mainland go into fear and cease to travel to the islands. 这看似一个矛盾,因为经济正由于美国大陆上有更多人们变得害怕而不再来夏威夷群岛旅行而正在萎缩。 www.showxiu.com 5. Her mother's war was all to do with the family's evacuation from the Channel Islands, where she had grown up. 她母亲的经历则完全是她一家从她成长的海峡群岛撤离的事。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The British Isles are made up of two large islands-Great Britain (the larger one) and I reland, and hundreds of small ones. 不列颠群岛由两个大岛—大不列颠岛(较大的一个)和爱尔兰岛,及成千上万个小岛组成。 wenku.baidu.com 7. And if I DID not, I knew not what course I had to take, but to seek out for the islands, or perish there among the Negroes. 万一遇不到的话,我就不知道该往哪儿去了。那就只好去找找那些群岛,或者死在黑人手里了。 dict.ebigear.com 8. It was now too late to destroy the convoy, which had turned back and scattered in all directions among numerous islands. 现在要消灭这次运兵船队为时已晚。因为它已折回,并且分头向星罗棋布的岛屿散开了。 9. Over the years, the four islands between Japan and Russia refused to budge on the question of attribution. 长期以来,日俄两国在四岛归属问题上互不让步。 www.englishtang.com 10. Another part of the holographic presentation that seems to have started involves the Andes and islands in the Caribbean. 全息演示会的另外一部分似乎是从加勒比地区安第斯山脉和岛屿问题谈起的。 gb666666666.blog.163.com 1. that and I'd marry into one of the other long-established Chinese clans on the islands and settle down, as he and my mother had. 嫁一位久居当地的华裔望族,像他和母亲一样,定居在夏威夷。 wenku.baidu.com 2. Let me go straight to the point: China has undeniable historical claim over the Nansha Islands (Spratlys). 请恕我直言:中国在历史上不可争辩的拥有南沙群岛主权。 www.ltaaa.com 3. With alphabetic intent, this branching coral near the Turks and Caicos Islands in the Caribbean Sea seems to be spelling out a message. 随着字母的意图,这一分支的珊瑚靠近特克斯和凯科斯群岛,加勒比海似乎拼写了一条消息。 word.hcbus.com 4. Cruising in the Whitsundays, besides the fringing coral reefs is all about beautiful islands with sandy beaches. 游圣灵岛,除了随处可见的珊瑚礁外,便是美丽的岛屿、沙滩和海洋。 cn.qikan.com 5. "Boa's loss is a bleak reminder that we must not allow this to happen to the other tribes of the Andaman Islands, " he said in a statement. 他在一份声明中说:“波阿的去世让我们认识到,不能让悲剧在安达曼岛屿的其它部落重演。” www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. Criminals began to bring liquor across the long, unprotected border with Canada or on fast boats from the Caribbean islands. 罪犯们开始把整个漫长的,无保护的边界与加拿大或从加勒比群岛快艇酒。 www.englishtang.com 7. He said the film had driven up tourism on the islands featured in the films but conceded locals were "probably getting a bit sick of it" . 他说这部电影让里面那些岛上的旅游业热了起来,但是他也承认当地的居民“对此很可能感到有些厌烦”。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. He thought of other chains of men on other islands of the Earth, and he thought how since there have been men there have been prisoners. 他想到地球的其他岛上其他那些带着镣铐的人,怎么自从有了人类就有了囚犯了呢。 www.bing.com 9. Naisha: Mistress, we followed Illidan's course due east as you asked, but these strange islands do not appear on any of our maps. 娜萨:女主人,我们按你的吩咐,沿著伊利丹的航向来到了东方,但我们的地图上并没有标识这些陌生的岛屿。 www.799.com.tw 10. Such museums are opened in Cancun, in Grenada Islands, in Lesser Antilles Islands but also on the bottom of a river in London . 这类展览馆曾在坎昆、格林纳达群岛和小安的列斯群岛开放,也在伦敦的河底开放过。 www.bing.com 1. The only places lacking indigenous ants are Antarctica and a few remote or inhospitable islands. 土著蚂蚁唯一的地方缺乏的是南极洲和一些偏远或荒凉的岛屿。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. At any rate, magical practices seem to have assumed a more malignant form in Nevis than in some of the other islands. 无论如何,在奈利斯岛上,魔法的习俗比在一些其他岛屿上似乎采取了一种更为有害的方式。 3. Smaller canoes were used for traveling around the islands, while larger canoes were used for long-distance traveling or warfare. 小型独木舟可用来做为岛与岛之间的运输工具,而大型独木舟则适合用来进行长途旅行及打仗用。 www.24en.com 4. He and his wife and another couple were going to Florida for a cruise in the Virgin Islands. 他与太太和另一对夫妇相约去佛罗里达参加维尔京群岛邮轮游。 c.wsj.com 5. It will be as if the third photon has teleported across the sea, without traversing the space between the islands. 这就好像第三光子穿过了大海,而没有穿越两岛之间的空间。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. the northern most islands of Tonga, said he had not felt the earthquake . 汤加最北部岛屿中的纽阿托普塔普岛上,一个气象人员表示他没有感觉到地震。 www.bing.com 7. Since then Chinese ships have been sailing in and out of waters around the islands, prompting warnings fromJapan. 从此以后,中国船只在岛屿附近海域进进出出,也引起日方的多次提示和警告。 info.china.alibaba.com 8. The South China Sea is scattered with many islands, reefs and submerged shoals to which the general name South China Sea Islands is given. 在中国的南海海面上,散布众多的岛礁暗沙,总称为南海诸岛。 www.hwjyw.com 9. At the moment, land-grabbing foreigners seem to be creating islands for themselves, cut off from the poverty-stricken countryside. 与此同时,掠夺土地的外国人似乎将他们自己孤立了起来,切断了与贫穷农村的联系。 www.ecocn.org 10. The islands trees are covered in numerous signs, left by crews of ships that are trying to get in and out and had to wait for the tides. 这些岛屿的树木覆盖许多迹象,船舶正在试图让进出,并等待潮汐船员离开。 bbs.godeyes.cn 1. Much of the Sea of Okhotsk visible in the image is covered with low clouds that often form around the islands in the Kuril chain. 画面中可见,鄂霍次克海的大部分都被经常形成于千岛岛链周围的低层云所覆盖。 www.bing.com 2. The very existence of that woman is a scandal and it does not help matters to shift it to another of the islands. 那个女人的存在本身就是丢人现眼的事;让她搬到另一个岛上去,根本无济于事。 3. 'The Senkaku islands are our unique territory. It 's our natural right to defend its sovereignty, ' he said . 他说,尖阁列岛是只属于日本的领土,保护它的主权是我们的应有权力。 www.bing.com 4. For nearly 2 years he wandered about Greece and the Aegean Islands. This was the shaping time of his imagination. 将近两年当中,他漫游了希腊和爱琴海群岛。这是他的想象力形成的时期。 www.juyy.net 5. Divers and fish hover over the remains of a ship that broke up on one of the many shallow reefs around the Cayman Islands, West Indies. 水下沉船残骸图片。潜水员和鱼类徘徊在一艘遗骸的船舶解体之上,在其中的许多浅层岛礁周围,开曼群岛,西印度群岛。 www.xici.net 6. "At the moment it is higher than some islands and could go right over them, " he said. 他说,“此刻海浪比部分岛屿还高,这会完全冲毁他们。” www.bing.com 7. The East Canary Islands block is an example of an island inlier with a morphologically well defined relation to its adjacent continent. 东加那利群岛地块是内围层的一个例子已完全确实,它在地形上与相邻的大陆有关。 8. Hunting for morsels of plankton, a school of spadefish hovers near the surface off Japan's subtropical Bonin Islands. 一大群白鲟徘徊在日本亚热带小笠原群岛的近旁,追捕着少量的浮游生物。 zxpyyyzwy.blog.163.com 9. The names are that of the historical figures, provinces, cities, counties, peaks, lakes, islands, and birds. 的名称是,对历史人物,省,市,县,山峰,湖泊,岛屿,和鸟类。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Before 1909, Vietnamese sovereignty over the Paracel and Spratly islands had not been violated by China and other countries. 1909年之前,在西沙群岛和南沙群岛的主权没有被越南侵犯中国和其他国家。 www.panoramio.com 1. Diaoyu islands protest group was quick to deny a Japanese report that it had received official permission to demonstrate. 一个钓鱼岛抗议组织很迅速的否决了一份日本报告,说他们的游行示威并没有得到官方允许。 www.ecocn.org 2. Islands and their beaches are generally more "in the sun" than "in the shade" places to hang out. In other words, wrinkle city. 而小岛、沙滩则是偏“阳光”而非“荫凉”的场所,也就是说是会催生皱纹的去处。 app.fortunechina.com 3. Washington quickly reaffirmed its stance that the disputed islands are covered by the terms of the U. S. -Japan Security Treaty. 美国当局随即重申了自己的立场:中日之间有争议的领土问题是包含在美日安全条约之内的。 www.bing.com 4. Columbus discovered a string of islands: he did not discover the American Continent. 哥伦布发现了一系列岛屿,他并未发现美洲大陆。 blog.cersp.com 5. So, long islands dispute deadlocked Island, why it continues to heat up in the most recent period? 那么,长期僵持不下的岛屿争岛,为何会在最近一段时间持续升温呢? www.englishtang.com 6. What he did not trouble the island who had been turned into the islands of despair, he called the "master. " 他从一个什么都没有的荒岛落难者,变成了这个原本被他称作绝望岛的“主人”。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Hunting for morsels of plank ton, a school of spadefish hovers near the surface off Japan's sub tropical Bonin Islands. 为捕食浮游生物,一群铲形鱼徘徊在日本副热带小笠原群岛海面附近。 www.bing.com 8. During a major confrontation over the islands in the fall of 2010, China sent in a bigger patrol vessel, able to carry helicopters. 2010年秋季两国就该岛陷入严重对峙期间,中国曾派出了一艘可载直升机的大型巡逻舰。 www.bing.com 9. The last speaker of an ancient language in India's Andaman Islands has died at the age of about 85, a leading linguist has told the BBC. 一位杰出的语言学家告诉BBC,印度安大曼(Andaman)群岛上一种古老语言的最后一位使用者去世了,终年约85岁。 www.bing.com 10. Medvedev also said that the South Kuril Islands, is of strategic significance to Russia, the Russian territory "indivisible" part of it. 梅德韦杰夫还表示,南千岛群岛对俄罗斯具有战略意义,是俄领土“不可分割”的一部分。 www.englishtang.com 1. Most organizations do not wish to have small isolated islands of computing facilities. 大多数机构都不希望计算设施成为一个个小小的孤岛。 cs.jnu.edu.cn:8080 2. If it manages a yield of 10% a year, the $400m fund stands to boost the islands'GDP by a sixth. 如果每年的回报率为10%,那么这个4亿美元的基金能为国家的GDP带来六分之一的增长。 www.ecocn.org 3. Because glpsol said the dual problem is not feasible, the primal problem is unbounded (the Caribbean Islands situation I mentioned above). 由于glpsol断言对偶问题不可行,因此原始问题就是无界的(这就是我们前面谈到的加勒比海岛的情况)。 www.ibm.com 4. As Japan's Mr Maehara puts it, its behaviour over the disputed islands gave "quite a few countries a glimpse of the essence of China" . 日本外相前原诚司指出,其在该项争议岛屿的行为将使“大批国家看到中国的本质”。 english.51ielts.com 5. The Caribbean is unlike any other place in the world. It is home to some of the most beautiful islands and waters you will find anywhere. 加勒比与这个世界上的任何地方都不一样,这里是岛屿和波浪的天堂。 www.bing.com 6. Argentina's government said it would take measures to stop a rig hired by a British company from exploring for oil off the Falkland Islands. 阿根廷政府称,他们将采取措施阻止英国公司雇用的钻机开采福克兰群岛的石油。 club.topsage.com 7. With so many islands to choose from, it should be easy to find an accessible, budget-friendly tropical getaway in the Bahamas. 在巴哈马群岛的众多岛屿中选择一个交通便利,价格适中热带度假地并不难。 www.nn5566.com 8. On natural islands, biodiversity tends to increase with the size of the islands. 在自然岛屿上,生物多样性随着岛的大小而增加。 dongxi.net 9. Japanese media said the Russian government several senior officials will again visit boarded the South Kuril Islands. 日本媒体称,俄政府数名高官将会再次登上南千岛群岛进行访问。 www.englishtang.com 10. The dispute over the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands demonstrates the conflict between international realism and a nation's interests. 福克蘭群岛的主权的争夺显示出,国际现实主义与国家利益之间的冲突。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. He carried a small paper cone of zinnias, the sort of bouquet young drug addicts sell now from traffic islands. 手里还握著一小束百日菊,那种时下年轻吸毒者在安全岛上卖的花束。 www.showxiu.com 2. The boat was taking a statue of a sea goddess to the islands, with the four ships guarding it. 该船只准备将妈祖神龛送到钓鱼岛,有四只舰艇随行戒护。 www.kekenet.com 3. Then the Dreamtime of Divine Union connects to the heart dreamtime that lies over the Hawaiian Islands and Pacific Ocean. 然后,神性联盟的梦想层连接到覆盖夏威夷群岛和太平洋的心脏梦想层。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. The incident shocked Jersey, one of the British Channel islands, where crime rates are normally extremely low. 该事故震惊了英国的海峡群的泽西岛,这里的犯罪率一直非常低。 www.hxen.com 5. On arrival there were approximately 8 members of staff waving to us from the jetty as the boat pulled into the islands private marina. 当快艇靠近岛上的私人码头时,大约有8个员工在码头向我们挥手。 www.taskcn.com 6. As the Philippine and Mariana plates fold, any islands carried on the top edges of these plates will find themselves carried to the west. 由于菲律宾和马里亚纳板块的折叠,任何位于这些板块顶边的群岛都会向西移动。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Battle it out the new Space Lab and Sky Islands maps, or classic Office, Construction Yard and Sewers settings. 作战它新的空间实验室和Sky群岛地图,或经典的办公室,建筑场和下水道的设置。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. These planes were held back to protect the enemy's home islands instead of being used where they were badly needed. 这些飞机被留在后方保卫敌人本岛,未用于其它急需的地方。 bbs.englishcn.com 9. The British isles refer to the main islands and several thousand small ones as well, which you can see on the map. 不列颠群岛指的是能在地图上看到的主要岛屿和几千个小岛屿。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. The length of track connected mainland Florida to the southernmost settlement in the United States and the keys (islands) in between. 铁轨的长度必须要连接佛罗里达本土,美国最南端的西礁岛,及其间的岛屿。 www.24en.com 1. Born on the islands of Samos or, some say, at Argos, she was brought up in Arcadia by Temenns, son of Pelasgus. 她出生于萨摩斯群岛,也有人说是在阿尔戈斯,但她是由珀拉斯戈斯的儿子特米诺斯在阿卡迪亚抚养长大的。 www.studioclassroom.net 2. Two entirely separate islands, or worlds, might have different languages, and most likely have nothing in common. 两个完全相隔的岛或者世界之间,会有不同的语言,并且很有可能毫无相通之处。 www.bing.com 3. Ma said the Diaoyu Islands are, and have been since ancient times, an integral part of Chinese territory. 马朝旭说钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿自古以来就是中国的固有领土。 www.putclub.com 4. Distance between islands is small, making travel by ferry pleasant and logistically straightforward (at least in principle). 各个岛之间的距离很短,乘渡船跨岛既愉快又无须绕路(至少在原则上是这样)。 blog.163.com 5. The other day in the White Sea they found a modern Robinson on one of the islands, where he had spent more than two weeks. 前几天,在白海上的某个岛屿上他们发现了现代的鲁宾逊,他已经在那个岛上呆了两周多了。 www.bing.com 6. Argentina and Great Britain have been at loggerheads over the sovereignty of the Malvinas (Falklands) Islands since the 17th century. 自17世纪以来阿根廷和英国围绕马尔维纳斯(福克兰)群岛主权问题一直争执不下。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Pleasure boats flow at a slow pace across the vastness, carrying smiling tea drinking parties among the islands. 游船在浩瀚的湖面上缓缓划动,在岛屿之间运载着笑容满面的茶客们。 www.bing.com 8. The former Soviet Union occupied Heixiazi and Yinlong Islands in 1929, and this had not been accepted by China. 1929年前苏联占领了黑瞎子岛和银龙岛,对此,中国一直没有承认。 www.rr365.com 9. The remains were found not far from where the last signal from the plane was received, and taken to the islands of Fernando de Noronha. 这些遗物于离接收到飞机最后发出信号不远的地方被找到,并被带回了费尔南多-迪诺罗尼亚。 zwhwhy123.blog.163.com 10. Oil exploration around the Falklands has angered Argentina which challenges British sovereignty over the islands it calls the Malvinas. 福克兰群岛的石油勘探激怒了阿根廷,他们一直在这个自称为马尔维纳斯群岛的地方挑战英国主权。 www.tingclass.com 1. The corals were discovered at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean, near the Hawaiian Islands. 珊瑚礁是在夏威夷群岛附近的太平洋洋底发现的。 online.cumt.edu.cn 2. Lost Temple - Added more shallow water to the islands. Center creep camp is a bit harder. Added Ogre Magi to the corner Ogre creep camps. 岛上增加了很多浅水区域,对地图中央地区的怪物进行猎杀稍微难了点。在角上的食人魔营地增加了食人魔法师。 www.pcgames.com.cn 3. It's built on a whole series of islands that really gives you a great sense of serenity because you're surrounded always by water. 它建造在一系列群岛上,周围由水环绕,给人一种幽美之感。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. He said: "Most likely, we are in the country after the island of Etorofu Island and the deployment of two islands, the two camps. " 他说:“最有可能的是,我们在国后岛和择捉岛两个岛屿部署两个军营”。 www.englishtang.com 5. When you think of the islands, you probably picture beaches and palm trees and green golf courses. 提起海岛,你脑海中也许会浮现出一幅海滩、棕榈树和翠绿的高尔夫球场的画面。 www.crazyenglish.org 6. With its sea-covered surface speckled with small tropical beach islands, it could have been the most desired tourist location in the galaxy. 其表面基本被海洋所覆盖,星星点点地散落着一些热带沙滩小岛。它本可以成为银河系最炙手可热的旅游景点。 starwarsfans.cn 7. More than 20% of the nation's sea lions can be found on tiny islands like this one, off south Australia's west coast. 我们发现,在像这样远离南澳大利亚西海岸的小岛上,聚集了该国20%的海狮。 www.bing.com 8. Since the death of Kunyak, the Orc nation has lost its unity and is now divided into countless small tribes scattered on the Pao islands. 随着库恩亚克之死,兽人们失去了他们的团结,时至今日,他们已分裂为散落在咆岛之上的无数小部落。 bbs.gamersky.com 9. The last speaker of the ancient Bo language, Boa Senior, has died in her native Andaman Islands (part of India) in February 2010. 最后一位能说古博语的人BoaSenior,在2010年2月于其家乡安达曼群岛(印度领土)过世。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. But a partial eclipse phase could be enjoyed over a broader region, including many southern Pacific islands and wide swath of South America. 但日偏食会发生在更宽的区域,包括南太平洋许多岛屿和南美洲多数地区。 www.bing.com 1. Thus those islands in the chain close to S America will lose in elevation, while those islands at the top of the chain will not. 因此岛链上的那些接近南美版块的岛屿将会损失海拔,同时岛链上方不会下降。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Hawaii is a chain of volcanic islands, part of a great chain of islands which stretch across the Pacific. 夏威夷由一连串火山岛组成,是横亘太平洋的一系列大岛的一部分。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. Over the next couple of days we fanned out across four more Scottish islands, a straggle of Gore-Tex meeting little or no resistance. 在接下来的几天里我们还要经过四个苏格兰岛屿,它们像戈尔特斯冲锋衣那样对我们毫无阻碍。 www.bing.com 4. If populations aren't controlled on these islands, the rabbits have the power to wipe out every last bit of vegetation. 如果这些岛上的野兔种群得不到控制,它们完全有能力扫除岛上的最后一点植被。 dongxi.net 5. Islands in literature have long been used by authors to create an aura of mystery: The Odyssey, The Tempest, The Island of Dr. 在文学作品中,小岛常常被作者拿来制造神秘:奥德赛,暴风雨,人魔岛,神秘岛。 blog.163.com 6. Considering the serious consequences of HDV infection, we suggest that the tribes of these islands should be monitored for HDV infection. 考虑到严重后果HDV感染,我们建议各部落的这些岛屿应监测的HDV感染。 www.syyxw.com 7. Man. . . has written one of his blackest records as a destroyer on the oceanic islands. 人类……作为海岛的破坏者,在自己最黑暗的记录之中又增添了一笔。 www.nciku.com 8. Q: Some activists in Xiamen hope to sail out to the Diaoyu Islands at present. Is China unwilling to let them do so? 问:目前厦门有民间保钓人士想出海前往钓鱼岛,中方是不是不愿意让他们这么做? www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. If you plan to visit any of the above-mentioned islands for any purpose, do not worry about your language skills. 如果你计划去拜访上列提到的任何国家,不必担心你的语言能力。 www.ivyenglish.com.cn 10. Fragments remained as Indonesia and the Pacific islands, and a few survivors reached India, where they became the elite Brahman caste. 碎片仍然在印度尼西亚和太平洋岛屿,少数生还者到达了印度,他们成为了婆罗门精英阶层。 www.chinaufo.com 1. (8)Columbus discovered a string of islands: he did not discover the American Continent. 哥伦布发现了一列岛屿,他并未发现美洲大陆。(表反意) www.ebigear.com 2. China's sovereignty over the islands is "beyond question" , she said. 姜俞称:“中国对钓鱼岛群岛的主权是毋庸置疑的。” www.elanso.com 3. of many islands, now buried beneath the sea, which may have served as halting places for plants and for many animals during their migration. 我直率地承认,从前曾存在过许多岛屿可作为植物和许多动物迁移中歇足之地,现在都已埋在海下了。 www.jukuu.com 4. For a long time, Japan and Russia in the four islands not make any compromise on the question of attribution. 长期以来,日俄两国在上述四岛的归属问题上互不让步。 www.englishtang.com 5. For a long time, Russia and Japan in the four islands not make any compromise on the question of attribution. 长期以来,俄日两国在四岛归属问题上互不让步。 www.englishtang.com 6. Q: You said the Diaoyu Islands have been China's territory since ancient times. 问:你提到钓鱼岛自古以来就是中国的领土。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. Currently, a storm system is a few hundred miles southwest of the Cape Verde Islands, which are off the coast of Africa. 比来,一个暴风雨系统在佛得角群岛西南几百米四周呈现,在非洲海岸四周。 www.suiniyi.com 8. I frequent a few exotic fantasy islands. One of my favorite islands holds the Miss Universe crown. 我经常去一些有异国情调的、让人充满幻想的岛屿,我最喜欢的一个岛拥有环球小姐的桂冠。 www.bing.com 9. Some of the lowest islands could be allowed to flood, providing habitat and food for smelt, salmon, and other native species. 海拔最低的一些岛屿如果适当泛滥的话,还可以为胡瓜鱼、鲑鱼和其他本地物种提供栖息地和食物。 www.bing.com 10. Last September, a Chinese fishing boat collided with a Japanese coast-guard vessel in waters around the islands. 去年9月,一艘中国渔船在该群岛附近水域与一艘日本海岸自卫队巡逻船相撞。 chinese.wsj.com 1. The latter approach is sometimes referred to as "adding islands of richness" to your pages. 有时将后一种方法称为在页面上“添加丰富多彩的岛屿”。 msdn.microsoft.com 2. Lisa : You know all the Hawaiian islands are volcanic, right? 莉莎:你知道所有夏威夷岛屿都是火山岛,对吧? www.hjenglish.com 3. The boat will be cruising around the Greek is islands this weekend. 这艘船周末会在希腊群岛漫游。 hi.baidu.com 4. Business & pleasure for a four long weekends. It was nice. Visiting all the islands and monuments. Its average hotel for my self. 我来这里进行四周的出差加旅游,挺好的,参观了各个岛屿和纪念碑。 www.bing.com 5. We have the question of Diaoyu Island and the question of the Nansha Islands. 我们有个钓鱼岛问题,还有个南沙群岛问题。 www.hotdic.com 6. Breadfruit has long been a staple in Pacific islands, from where it spread to the Caribbean and Africa. 长期以来,面包果一直是太平洋岛屿上的主食,并从那里传播到了加勒比海和非洲。 chinese.wsj.com 7. At the time of the Gaelic revival, Synge explored the soul of Ireland, using the islands' legends and way of speaking in his plays. 在盖尔语复兴时期,辛格发掘了爱尔兰的灵魂,在自己的戏剧中用到了阿伦群岛的传说故事和讲话方式。 www.ell.com.cn 8. These have the characteristic islands presently to open are the tourist areas respectively, every year can attract the innumerable tourists. 这些各有特色的岛屿现都已开辟为旅游区,每年都会吸引无数的游客。 wenku.baidu.com 9. It was during a June cycling trip to the islands that the couple decided to get married and bought engagement rings. 这对恋人从决定结婚到买订婚戒指,这一切都发生在六月份的自行车郊游中。 www.bing.com 10. Her Earthsea Cycle takes place in a world of uncharted sea that contains a huge archipelago of islands. 她的陆海循环发生在一个地图上未标明的海洋,这里包含了庞大的岛群。 www.bing.com 1. The islands on the lake are like falling pearls where egrets fly and ducks swim, pleasing to both eyes and minds. 湖中岛屿如散落着的珠玉,白鹭飞翔,鸳鸯戏水,令人赏心悦目。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Now shall the ships be astonished in the day of thy terror: and the islands in the sea shall be troubled because no one cometh out of thee. 现今,群岛在你倾覆之日大为震动,海中岛屿为了你的结局,甚为恐惧。 www.ccreadbible.org 3. "Sell your islands, you bankrupt Greeks. And the Acropolis while you're at it, " demanded Bild, a popular tabloid. 流行性小报《Bild》这样评价:“破产了的希腊人,趁你还对你们的岛屿和雅典卫城拥有所有权,赶紧卖掉它们把。” www.ecocn.org 4. Maugham, who was an author interested in Oriental and Chinese culture, travelled the Far East and South Sea Islands twice. 毛姆是一位对东方及中国文化颇感兴趣的作家。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Moreover, the strategic value of these islands counted only against the United States. 再说,这些海岛只是对美国才有战略价值。 www.jukuu.com 6. The Channel Islands are an archipelago off the coast of Southern California home to a variety of plants and animals found nowhere else. 海峡群岛群是南加利福尼亚州海岸不远的群岛,它是别地方所没有的、多种多样动植物的产地。 www.bing.com 7. British parliamentary committee visited the islands in 2008 and found a "palpable climate of fear" . 一个字2008年参观该岛的英国议会委员会发现一种“显而易见的恐惧气氛”。 club.topsage.com 8. Zhan's release isn't likely to lessen the anger between the two Asian powers, as the fundamental issue of the islands remains. 鉴于岛屿到底归谁所有这个根本问题的存在,释放詹其雄并没有缓解这亚洲两强的怒气。 www.bing.com 9. I would like to reiterate that Huangyan Island and Nansha Islands have always been parts of China's territory. 我愿再次重申,黄岩岛和南沙群岛历来都是中国领土之一部分。 www.wzksw.com 10. A governor of the Galapagos Islands told Darwin that he could tell from which one of the various islands each tortoise came. 加拉帕戈斯群岛的一位长官告诉达尔文,他能识别每只海龟是哪个岛的。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Parts of Palm Jumeirah are currently open for development, with the remaining islands to be completed in the next 10-15 years. 朱美拉棕榈岛已经开始开发了,剩下的将在10到15内内完成。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Among the coastal ecosystems threatened by the spill are the Chandeleur Islands (image right center). 钱德拉岛(图像右中部)的沿海生态系统处于浮油的威胁之列。 www.bing.com 3. The notion of a string of idyllic desert islands off the coast of northern Spain is an unlikely one. 一连串西班牙北部海岸田园诗般的沙漠岛屿的概念是不太可能的。 www.bing.com 4. Dr. Sallenger and his colleagues concluded that the barrier islands might be the most "manageable place to start" their research. 萨兰格博士和他的同事们得出结论,屏障小岛们也许是他们研究“最好管理的开始”。 www.bing.com 5. Latin American and Caribbean leaders have come to an agreement supporting Argentina over sovereignty of the Falkland Islands, reports say. 报道称,拉丁美洲和加勒比海地区的领导人一致支持阿根廷对福克兰群岛的拥有权。 www.enread.com 6. You do not have to turn in the I-94 if your are visiting Canada, Mexico, OR adjacent islands other than Cuba for less than 30 days. 如果你是去加拿大、墨西哥或者毗邻的岛屿除古巴外的国家并且在30天内返美,则不需要上缴I-94卡。 iask.sina.com.cn 7. Local ferries and small commuter planes ply frequently between the islands, and getting around by public bus or rental car is no challenge . 当地通勤飞机和小型渡轮航行频繁的岛屿而规避了公共汽车或出租轿车没有挑战。 www.bing.com 8. We had no maps, no GPS and no knowledge of the dozens of identical-looking islands around us, but I had to go somewhere. 我们没有地图,没有GPS,也不了解我们周围那一群看起来一样的岛屿,但是我必须去某个地方。 www.bing.com 9. One of the most famous eruptions in history, of the volcano Krakatoa, occurred in the Sunda Strait between the two islands. 历史上一次最有名的火山喷发——喀拉喀托(Krakatoa)火山爆发,就发生在这两个群岛之间的巽他海峡(SundaStrait)。 www.bing.com 10. Most of the children are brought to the capital by ship, the main mode of transport in this nation of more than 7, 100 islands. 大部份孩子是乘船抵达菲律宾首都的。菲律宾共有7千1百多个岛屿,乘船是那里的主要交通工具。 www.voanews.cn 1. It lies far out where the fabled South Sea Islands are scattered over the huge ocean likes stars in the sky. 它就在南海诸岛,这些岛屿分散在广阔的海洋里,就像天空中的星星。 wenwen.soso.com 2. Though still in the fray, he has just taken time out for a cruise of the Greek islands with Callista, his (third) wife. 尽管选情不容乐观,他依然有时间和他的(第三任)妻子佳丽斯塔去希腊群岛巡游。 www.hxen.com 3. The United States agreed to help the South Pacific islands settle any differences with other nations. 美国同意帮助南太平洋岛国处理与别国的纠纷。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Quite a number of birds breed either within the area of the trails or on the islands that are in the bay. 相当数量的鸟类在这个海湾的小径区内或在岛屿上繁殖后代。 www.xitek.com 5. The International Red Cross has suggested the waves generated by the quake could be higher than some of the Pacific islands in their path. 国际红十字会提醒,这些地方的海浪可能会高过太平洋一些岛屿出现的海浪。 www.voanews.com.cn 6. A final decision would be made by a majority vote of the Assembly, subject to the assent of the Governor of the Islands, Lucy Black. 参议会会经过多数表决做最后决定,此决定并需通过温茨凯尔群岛省长露希布莱克的核可。 www.ilsa.org 7. The British Isles are made up of two large islands and hundreds of small ones. The two large islands are Great Britain and Irelnad. 大不列颠群岛是由大不列颠岛与艾尔兰岛这两个大岛屿以及数百个小岛所组成。 www.tianya.cn 8. During all his trips, Columbus explored islands and waterways, searching for a passage to the Indies. 在他的各次航海旅行中,为了找到通往印度的通路,哥伦布探索的岛屿和水路。 www.0760.com 9. The Hawaiian Islands were formed by volcanoes , so I travel to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park to see one for myself. 夏威夷群岛是火山群岛,因此我决定到夏威夷火山国家公园一探究竟。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Specifics might be uncertain, but the Beach Boy Industry operates on the islands of the Caribbean as do Car Rental agencies. 其具体情况虽不确定,但如同租车中介一样,在加勒比海域的岛屿上,的确有人从事着“海滩男孩”这一行业。 www.elanso.com 1. On August 6, Ms Kwan froze shares worth the same amount and held by the couple by means of two British Virgin Islands-registered companies. 今年8月6日,关淑馨法官冻结了黄光裕夫妇通过两家在英属维尔京群岛注册的公司所持有、与上述损失额等值的股份。 www.ftchinese.com 2. There were two smaller islands a few miles away, and after that , only the sea. just the sea, for mile after mile after mile. 几英里外有两个更小的岛,更远的地方,只剩下了大海。延绵数英里的大海。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Maehara then responded that the South Kuril Islands (Japan said that "the four northern islands" ) has always been Japanese territory. 前原诚司则回应称,南千岛群岛(日本称“北方四岛”)历来是日本的领土。 www.englishtang.com 4. The action, and there's plenty of it, ranges from Siberia's Lake Baikal and the wilds of Mongolia to the Hawaiian islands. 从西伯利亚的贝加尔湖,蒙古的荒野,再到夏威夷海岛,书中展示了丰富的场景。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. But like shoals in a storm, these islands seem to attract trouble. 然而就像风暴中的浅滩,这群岛屿似乎在吸引着麻烦。 www.bing.com 6. They live on Komodo Island and a few neighbouring islands in Indonesia. Driven almost to extinction, they are now protected. 它们生活在印尼的科莫多岛以及邻近的几个岛上,濒于绝种,现已列为保护对象。 www.tdict.com 7. Oujiang hanging in the middle of the river among the islands, beautiful scenery, is one of China's four isolated yu. 悬于瓯江之中的江心屿,景色秀美,是中国四大孤屿之一。 www.elycn.com 8. Some day, a strong earthquake invaded one of the Oceanic islands. 某天,一场强烈的地震袭击了一个大洋洲的群岛。 www.gmly.info 9. Then we have what is going on at the opposite side of the Indo-Australia Plate, where islands off the coast of Bangladesh are sinking. 然后我们看见了印度---澳大利亚模块对面发生的情况------孟加拉国沿海的诸岛屿正鄙人沉。 www.17moshu.cn 10. Oftentimes mainland men who the course of history proves to have been rather moderate labor organizer were refused entrance to the islands. 大陆去的人,即使历史证明其中许多人是稳健的工会活动家,被拒绝进入群岛。 www.bing.com 1. They put this down in part to the longer period these islands spent under colonial rule. 他们认为,这些变化应部分的归因于殖民者的长期统治。 www.ecocn.org 2. And just like many Greek islands, that bit of China has a long memory of sending its brightest sons overseas to seek their fortunes. 该地区跟很多希腊岛屿地区一样,其充满活力的人民越洋过海去寻找他们人生财富的情况已有一段相当长的历史。 club.topsage.com 3. Halong Bay in Vietnam is made up of three thousand islands spread out in the clear green waters of the sea. 越南的九龙湾由三千个岛屿构成,这些岛屿散布在蔚蓝清澈的大海中。 en.ruiwen.com 4. What made the research possible was that many of the explorers who colonized the islands included naturalists on their boats. 是包括那些在船上的博物学家在内的众多定居到岛屿上的探险者使这个研究成为可能。 www.bing.com 5. The chain of islands from Barbados to Tobago is expected to be the most gravely affected by the sinking of the Caribbean Plate. 从巴巴多斯到多巴哥岛的岛链预期受到加勒比板块下沉的影响最严重。 cnufo.com 6. Some drifted west to India's Andaman islands. Others washed up in Indonesia's Aceh province. 一些人向西漂到印度的安达曼群岛,另外的人被海流带到印尼的亚齐省。 www.ecocn.org 7. Groups and individuals are both allowed to apply the islands' ownership, an official of Liaoning Marine Fisheries Office said yesterday. 昨日,辽宁海洋渔业厅的相关人士表示,单位和个人都可以有偿申请做“岛主”。 epaper.lnd.com.cn 8. Even the coastal islands are the remains of a mountain range that existed thousands of years ago. 甚至那些沿海的岛屿都是那些存在于千万年前的山脉的遗迹。 www.putclub.com 9. Nobody knows how people first came to these islands. They might have sailed from South America. 到这些岛上的。他们也许从南美洲航海过来。没人知道人们最初是怎么来 wenku.baidu.com 10. Three weeks later, on 17 August, a Russian naval frigate found and intercepted the boat some 300 miles off the Cape Verde Islands. 三周之后的8月17日,一艘俄罗斯海军护卫舰在离佛得角群岛约300英里的海面发现并拦截了一艘船只。 www.bing.com 1. Slowly the sail will lose sight of islands; into a mist will go the belief in harbours of an entire race. 慢慢的,群岛自帆的视野消失;一个种族对港口的信仰也驶入了迷雾。 www.dzlawyer.com.cn 2. This "secret" wartime project became the civilian Falkland Islands Dependencies Survey and later the British Antarctic Survey (BAS). 这项“秘密”的战时项目就演变成后民间的福克兰群岛属地调查局即后来的英国南极调查局(BAS)。 instapedia.com 3. hurricane warnings for haiti , dominica republic and jamaica , as hurricane dean bears down on the caribbean islands. 飓风迪安袭击了加勒比海岛屿,海地;多米尼加共和国以及牙买加都发出了飓风警报。 www.ichacha.net 4. Walking on the islands is like walking on a giant gummy bear, and if it's not patched well, a foot can go all the way through. 走在岛上的感觉就像踩着一只巨大的橡皮熊,而且如果脚下的芦苇没补好的话,一脚就能把岛踩穿。 www.bing.com 5. The Lofoten islands make up an Arctic archipelago where mountains tower directly out of the sea. 罗浮敦群岛位于北极圈内,峻峭的山峰直接从海中拔地而起。 www.bing.com 6. It was the islands that seemed chiefly to fascinate Melville-or rather-the whole tropical ambience of the area. 主要还是那些岛屿,或者不如说是那个地方的整个热带风光。 tr.bab.la 7. The Boat plies Between the islands on a weekly schedule. 这艘船每周的进度都定期地往返这些岛屿之间。 www.hxen.com 8. The Company is incorporated in the Cayman Islands and is exempt from taxation in the Cayman Islands. 本公司于开曼群岛注册成立,并获豁免缴纳开曼群岛税项。 www.zftrans.com 9. A way to circumvent the problem is to fabricate devices in small islands of silicon on an insulating substrate as shown in Fig. 32. 消除这个问题的一个方法是把器件制造在绝缘衬底的硅岛上,如图32所示。 dict.veduchina.com 10. Dean knocked out power on the islands of St. Lucia and Martinique. At least three deaths are being blamed on the storm. 迪恩切断了圣卢西卡岛和马丁尼克岛上的供电,风暴已造成至少3人死亡。 bbs.putclub.com 1. On the remote Orkney Islands, North Ronaldsay sheep can live on nothing but seaweed. 在偏远的奥克尼群岛,北罗纳德赛羊可以仅吃海藻为生。 www.bing.com 2. W1: I think it's got to be a unique place, it has 116 islands, 150 canals, and 409 bridges, this city is an intricate maze. 我认为威尼斯是个非常独特的地方,它由116个岛屿,150条运河和409座桥组成,整个城市就是一个复杂的迷宫。 hua3374621.blog.163.com 3. Was it possible that the reefs of the Phoenix Islands, like their mythical namesake, were rising from the ashes of a terrible warming? 难道说凤凰群岛的珊瑚礁真的像神话传说中的不死鸟那样,能从海水暖化的灰烬中涅磐重生吗? home.xdf.cn 4. The analysis also suggests the pink iguana is one of the earliest examples of species diversification on the islands. 分析还表明,粉红色鬣蜥是这一群岛上物种多样化的最早标本之一。 www.bing.com 5. Charles Darwin's historic voyage to these islands forever changed our view of the world, yet he only scratched the surface. 查尔斯达尔文的历史性远航这些岛屿永远改变了我们对世界的看法,但他只触及表面。 zh.lyricside.altervista.org 6. Hurricane warnings for Haiti , the Dominican Republic and Jamaica as Hurricane Dean bears down on the Caribbean islands. 飓风迪恩逼近加勒比群岛,海地,多米尼加共和国,牙买加拉响了飓风警报。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Singing in church is an evocative icon of the Cook Islands and a Sunday church service is well worth a visit. 在教堂里唱歌是库克岛的标志,周日,教堂会提供良好的服务,值得一游。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. Integrity of the atolls , including the reefs around the ring, the middle of the lagoon and diving in the lagoon of several coral islands. 发育完整的环礁,包括四周的礁环、中间的潜水泻湖和泻湖里的几个珊瑚岛组成。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The British Isles are a group of islands that lies off the west coast of Europe . 不列颠群岛是位于欧洲西海岸外面的一群岛屿。 www.jukuu.com 10. The US has pledged to defend the Senkaku islands as part of its treaty relations with Tokyo. It has troops stationed in South Korea. 作为与日本条约关系的内容之一,美国承诺保卫尖阁列岛,美国在韩国也有驻军。 www.ftchinese.com 1. A Chinese marine surveillance fleet has continued patrolling national territorial waters around the Diaoyu Islands on Monday. 周一,中国海监编队继续在钓鱼岛领海内巡航。 www.bing.com 2. In China took the Paracel Islands by military force from then-South Vietnam, and Hanoi has continued to claim sovereignty over the islands. 年,中国以武力从南越政权手中收复了帕拉塞尔群岛(西沙群岛),河内继续声称对这些群岛拥有主权。 www.jdzj.com 3. OFCs in balmy climates or close to onshore economies do better than tiny islands floating in the middle of the South Pacific. 离岸金融中心如果位于气候优越或是靠近在岸金融中心比起那些地处南太平洋中间的小岛要好得多。 www.ecocn.org 4. The presence of sea ice and of permafrost helps protect Arctic barrier islands for much of the year. 海冰和冻土层的出现很多年来帮助保护了北极障壁岛。 www.bing.com 5. One man married a woman from the Mauritius Islands that he met through a French pen-pal organization. 一个男人娶了一位来自毛里求斯群岛的女人,他们是通过法国一个笔友组织认识的。 mymti.blogbus.com 6. Kansai International Airport is an early exemplar of what is now a handful of East Asian airports built on artificial islands. 现在东亚有很多机场都建在人工岛上,关西国际机场就是一个早期范例。 www.bing.com 7. There are too many countries that claim for spratly islands! Mongolia and Laos the land lock countries would need as well those islands. 太多国家宣称斯普拉特立群岛的主权了。蒙古和老挝也应该来分一杯羹。 txtant.com 8. "You know, their marriage customs when we first settled in the islands were so shocking that I couldn't possibly describe them to you. " 你知道,我们刚刚在岛上定居的时候,他们的婚姻习惯简直太不象话了,我都没法对你讲。 9. Boating1 has long been a part of Taiwan and its surrounding islands. 长久以来,船业一直是台湾及其周围岛屿的一部分。 www.tingroom.com 10. Tonga islands in the direction of the north and south are roughly, can be divided into east and west two columns. 汤加群岛大致按南北的方向排列,可分为东、西两列。 zhidao.baidu.com |
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