单词 | ISI |
释义 |
例句释义: 印度标准学会,码间干扰 1. He said the ISI faces many questions that need answers. 他说,三军情报局有许多问题需要回答。 www.hxen.com 2. But, ISI also notes, every dollar of stimulus extended now will add a dollar to the extent of the fiscal contraction felt a year later. 但同时ISI指出,未来一年对美元的刺激加深将会增加财政紧缩的程度。 www.bing.com 3. Equalizer is usually used for removing the intersymbol interference (ISI) in digital communication. 均衡器通常用于解决数字通信中的码间串扰问题。 www.fabiao.net 4. He said the ISI also supported an attack on the American Embassy in Kabul two days later. 他说,三军情报局还支持了随后两天美国驻喀布尔大使馆遭遇的袭击。 www.bing.com 5. S. officials. Even in public, Gen. David Petraeus, the top commander in Kabul, has said the ISI retains ties with the Taliban. 喀布尔的最高指控官彼得雷乌斯(DavidPetraeus)将军甚至曾在公开场合表示三军情报局与塔利班保持着联系。 www.voa365.com 6. Admiral Mike Mullen said the Haqqani Network is a "veritable arm" of the ISI, Pakistan's military intelligence agency. 马伦上将星期四表示,哈卡尼网络实际上就是巴基斯坦军事情报机构ISI的一个分支。 www.hxen.com 7. One of these deep cover ISI units may have been keeping the retired Osama on ice, pending a US withdrawal from Afghanistan. 其中一个ISI的秘密机构也许一直让退后的本-拉登无法与外界联系,直到美国撤出阿富汗。 www.bing.com 8. "That was the first time [the journalist] carried both sides of the argument, " said the ISI official. "I think we are getting there. " 情报局感到满意,一位官员说:“这是第一次(记者们)考虑到了争论中的双方,我想我们达到目的了。” www.bing.com 9. Worse, suspicions that the ISI, or at least some of its officers, are still in cahoots with their jihadist enemies persist. 更糟糕的是,有关巴三军情报部门(或至少它的一些官员)同圣战分子合谋的怀疑一直没消除。 www.ecocn.org 10. Meanwhile, the appearance of multiple carriers communicate method makes the data transmit rate of each sub-carrier and reduces the ISI. 同时,多载波通信方案的出现,使得每个子载波上的数据传输速率相对较低,从而减小了码间串扰。 www.fabiao.net 1. Pakistan's Information Minister Sherry Rehman says routing-out militant sympathizers from ISI ranks has been a clear government policy. 巴基斯坦新闻和广播部长拉赫曼说,巴基斯坦政府明确的政策就是从三军情报局清除那些同情激进分子的官员。 www.ebigear.com 2. "The ISI was the only girl at the dance, " said a senior CIA official later transferred to the FBI. “三军情报局就是舞会上那个唯一的女孩!”一名之后调派到联邦调查局任职的中情局高级官员说。 www.bing.com 3. In other words, it's all but certain that the ISI greenlit the case brought by the tribesman for the death of his brother and son. 换句话说,它的所有,但可以肯定的是三军情报局开拍由他的弟弟和儿子提起的案件中死亡的部落。 www.englishtang.com 4. Influencing the local press has always been part of ISI operations, usually through bribes, blandishments or intimidation. 给当地媒体施压也是情报局经常做的事,通常通过行贿、哄骗或胁迫影响媒体。 www.bing.com 5. He said India remained a threat but confirmed that it is the ISI's role to draw up security assessments. 他说,印度依然是一个威胁,不过确认拟定安全评估报告是ISI的责任。 www.voa365.com 6. We don't want to have to specify the length of the string in Python code, so we change the isi to is#. 我们不想必须在Python代码中指定字符串长度,所以将isi更改为is#。 www.ibm.com 7. ISI is by far, superior to all other agencies for it has had the best past record. 迄今为止ISI优于其他情报组织,因它有最佳的记录。 bbs.voc.com.cn 8. 'There's no doubt he was protected by some in the ISI, ' the European official said of bin Laden. 上述欧洲官员在谈到本-拉登时说,毫无疑问,他受到了三军情报局中一些人的保护。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Some leading Taliban even suspect that Mullah Mohammed Omar, the leader and symbol of their jihad, may also be in ISI custody. 一些塔利班首领甚至怀疑他们圣战的领导人和象征,穆拉?穆罕默德?奥马尔,也可能遭到了ISI的囚禁。 www.bing.com 10. After past terrorist attacks Indian authorities have been quick to blame Pakistan and its shadowy Inter Services Intelligence agency (ISI). 过去当发生恐怖攻击后,印度当局很快指明罪魁祸首是巴基斯坦及其幽灵般神出鬼没的三军情报局。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. It's effective against multi-path effects and frequency selective fading, eliminating the ISI, and with high channel utilization. 它能有效对抗多径效应,消除符号间干扰,对抗频率选择性衰落,而且信道利用率高。 www.fabiao.net 2. Most strikingly, the ISI is now rumoured to be behind efforts to arrest more Americans. 最引人注目的是,ISI现在据传背后正努力逮捕更多的美国人。 www.ecocn.org 3. Mr Zardari angered the army when, at America's urging, he tried to tame its influential Inter-Services Intelligence agency, or ISI. 在美国敦促下,扎尔达里试图拉拢军方有影响力的三军情报局(ISI),此举激怒了军方。 www.ecocn.org 4. Analysts at ISI Group, a stockbroker, put the odds that those last two measures will be extended again at a bit above 50%. 券商国际策略暨投资集团(ISIGroup)分析师认为,最后两项措施再次延期的可能性略高于50%。 www.ecocn.org 5. Equalization, as a solution to reduce the ISI and the distortion of channel, is wildly used in modern digital communications. 均衡技术作为一项解决码间干扰,补偿失真信道的措施,在现代数字通信系统中应用非常普遍。 www.fabiao.net 6. However, a few independent deep cover units of ISI remained, notably those that had long run the secret anti-Soviet war in Afghanistan. 但是,还有一些隐藏很深的ISI机构仍然独立存在着,显然这些机构过去经营过阿富汗的反苏战争。 www.bing.com 7. Gen. Athar Abbas, the chief Pakistan military spokesman, said he hadn't seen the ISI report. 巴基斯坦军方首席发言人阿巴斯(AtharAbbas)说,他不曾见到过这份ISI报告。 www.voa365.com 8. The poor, hungry, and homeless are not an ISI conspiracy to bilk you of your cash. 这些贫穷、饥饿和无家可归的人不是什么ISI阴谋用以骗取你的金钱的。 www.bing.com 9. After all, he observes, some of the Taliban commanders arrested by the Pakistanis were once favorites of the ISI. 尽管如此,他说,一些被巴基斯坦扣捕的塔利班指挥官曾经一度是ISI的亲信。 www.bing.com 10. Simulation shows that optimal algorithm obtains the optimal coding gain for it fully utilizing the encoding constraints formed by ISI. 仿真结果表明,本算法充分利用了符号干扰信道自然形成的编码约束关系,获得了最大编码增益。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Traditionally, the MLE algorithm is an effective method of symbol timing estimation, but it has very low performance when there is ISI. 传统的MLE算法虽对符号定时估计很有效,但在ISI干扰情况下性能不高。 www.dictall.com 2. Senior ISI officers attribute most of their troubles in the tribal areas to anger over the American strikes. 国家情报处将他们在部落区遭遇的大部分困难都归咎于美军的攻击。 www.ecocn.org 3. The annual ISI report describes the ability of nations to access and effectively take advantage of information and information technology. ISI的年度报告描述各个国家取得和有效利用信息及信息技术的能力。 cn.wordmind.com 4. In a recent WikiLeak, a US diplomat actually branded Pakistan's intelligence service, ISI, "a terrorist organization. " 根据最近的维基解密,美国外交官员实际上对巴基斯坦的情报部门ISII贴上了“恐怖组织”的标签。 www.bing.com 5. Indian troops on Afghan soil is going to draw the Taleban ire encouraged by the ISI. 巴基斯坦情报组织会鼓动塔利班,对在阿富汗的土地上印度军队的注意。 www.ltaaa.com 6. And Mr Zardari, as a conciliatory gesture, offered to send the head of the ISI, Lieut-General Ahmed Shuja Pasha, to Delhi. 作为一个调和性姿态,扎尔达里主动提出派三军情报部门首脑帕夏中将到德里。 www.ecocn.org 7. But more than anything the briefings reveal how the ISI's world view is framed by its decades-old enmity with India. 但是简报中暴露得最多的,还是情报局对世界的观点如何受到其与印度之间的数十年来的敌意所影响。 www.bing.com 8. The Error ID shown in the case of code 300 dump is DSI_PROC, or ISI_PROC in the case of code 400 dump. 代码300转储中显示的ErrorID是DSI_PROC,而在代码400转储中为ISI_PROC。 www.ibm.com 9. But the future of Afghanistan is the most pressing topic, and in Pakistan that issue is always controlled by the powerful army and the ISI. 但是,最紧迫的议题还是关于阿富汗的前途问题。在巴基斯坦,这类事情一直归强大的军队和国内情报局(ISI)掌管。 www.ecocn.org 10. The ISI is an integral part of the Pakistan military, and the current head, Lt. Gen. Ahmad Shuja Pasha, is a close confidant of Kayani. ISI是巴基斯坦军方不可分离的一部分,而其现任负责人艾哈迈德·舒贾·帕夏中将与卡亚尼私交甚笃。 dongxi.net 1. Pakistan's main military-intelligence body, the ISI (Inter-Services Intelligence), kept the public mood simmering. 巴基斯坦的主要军事情报基地ISI情报局,竭力控制住了民众不满的情绪。 www.ecocn.org 2. The S wing and its partner the R wing (which manages operations) are the tail that wags the ISI dog. 的S翼和其合作伙伴的R翼(负责管理操作)三军情报局认为狗摇摆尾巴。 www.englishtang.com 3. Whatever the outcome, the increased scrutiny has unpleasant implications for the Fed, argues Tom Gallagher of ISI Group, a broking firm. (经纪人公司)的汤姆·洛瑞盖乐许说,不论结果如何,不断增加的检查对于美联储来说都是不愉快的暗示。 blog.163.com 4. An obvious next target would be Mullah Omar, the ageing Afghan Taliban leader, whom the ISI is also accused of protecting. 显而易见,下一个目标将会是上了年纪的阿富汗塔利班领导人毛拉奥马尔,ISI也被指控在庇护他。 www.ecocn.org 5. The links built up during the two insurgencies between the ISI, the army and the militants go deep. 巴基斯坦三军情报局、军队与伊斯兰武装分子在两场起义期间建立了牢固的关系。 www.ecocn.org 6. 32pm: Pakistan's spy agency, the Inter-Services Intelligence agency (ISI), denies that it has been supporting the Taliban. 晚上7点32分:巴基斯坦情报机构,三军情报局(ISI)否认他正在支持塔利班。 www.bing.com 7. ISI can be eliminated with blind equalization algorithms that need no training sequence. 由于盲均衡算法不需要训练序列,可有效去除码间干扰(ISI)。 www.fabiao.net 8. He wants to avenge his father, a renegade war hero, who he believes was murdered by the army's Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI). 他的目的是为死去的父亲复仇,父亲是一位变节的战争英雄,阿里相信他父亲是被军队的三军情报局秘密谋杀的。 www.ecocn.org 9. Many suspect that Punjabi groups are still accorded some kind of protection by the ISI, though the agency denies it. 然而很多人怀疑ISI仍然庇护着旁遮普的各类恐怖组织,尽管情报局对此矢口否认。 www.ecocn.org 10. Admiral Mullen went further, describing the network as a veritable arm of the ISI. 马伦上将进一步形容该网络为ISI名副其实的左膀右臂。 www.hxen.com 1. In the Chinese class, the ISI model can reflect the spirit of the new curriculum standard better than the transmissive teaching style. 在语文课堂教学中,活动式教学法相比传统的“灌输”式教学更能体现新课标的精神。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. "They're enjoying the hospitality of the 'black legs' [derogatory slang for the ISI], " he says. “他们非常享受黑腿子们(当地人对ISI的称呼)的殷勤好客,”他说道。 www.bing.com 3. In wireless communication system, ISI and ICI are two factor of restraining communication capability and data speed. 在无线通信系统中,同信道干扰和码间干扰是限制通信容量和数据率的两个主要因素。 www.fabiao.net 4. The method of overcoming ICI is equilibrium, and ISI can be restrained by using multi-user detection technology. 克服码间干扰常用均衡的方法,而同信道干扰则可利用多用户检测加以抑制。 www.fabiao.net 5. Pakistan's shadowy Inter-Services Intelligence directorate, or ISI, has been accused before of planning attacks in India and Afghanistan. 巴基斯坦神秘的三军情报局以前就曾被指控策划过在印度和阿富汗的袭击。 www.voanews.cn 6. At the receiver, a transformed matrix was constructed and the time variable channel matrix was multiplied. 在接收端构造一变换矩阵,作用该矩阵于时变信道矩阵,使之对角化而达到消除ISI影响的目的。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. In particular, Kemp suggested that the revelations about the ISI could prompt US and UK diplomats to confront the issue directly. 尤其重要的是,Kemp认为材料中披露的有关(巴基斯坦)三军情报局的材料将有助于推动美国和英国的外交人员直接面对这个问题。 www.bing.com 8. The systolic blood pressure, body weight and insulin sensitivity index(ISI)of MS rats were analyzed and compared among groups. 分析比较两种药物单用及合用,对MS大鼠收缩压、体重等的影响。 www.bing.com 9. During the interview liveried servants ferry in trays of tea and fried snacks, served on ISI crockery. 采访过程中,身穿制服的服务员端来了很多盘油炸小吃和茶——都用有ISI标志的陶器盛着。 www.bing.com 10. Relations with America were already chilled, especially between spy agencies, and have turned icy as criticism of the ISI grows. 同美国的关系之前就已经冷却,尤其是同间谍机构间,现在随着对ISI批评的不断增多两者的关系更是降到了冰点以下。 www.ecocn.org 1. The Afghan mujahideen, via Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency, received large amounts of both. 但这位阿富汗圣战者却在巴基斯坦中央情报局两者并获,且收获甚多。 www.bing.com 2. In broadband wireless communication, ISI caused by multi-path affect the performance of the communication system seriously. 在宽带无线通信中,多径引起的符号间干扰严重影响了通信系统的性能。 www.fabiao.net 3. Intersymbol interference (ISI) and multiaccess interference (MAI) are two major impairments on the performance of CDMA systems. 符号间干扰和多用户干扰是影响码分多址系统性能的两个主要因素。 www.dictall.com 4. Still, the ISI official acknowledged that Pakistanis are embarrassed by the raid. 该官员也承认,巴基斯坦人被这次突然袭击弄得很尴尬。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 5. A senior Pakistani general on Tuesday repeated his government's formal denials that the military or the ISI knew of Bin Laden's location. 周二一位巴基斯坦将军重申其政府正式否认军事部门或巴基斯坦三军情报局知道本拉登的下落。 www.bing.com 6. The ISI of potential spike showed bifurcation when increasing the stimulation intensity. 随着外界刺激强度的增强,电位发放的峰峰间距(ISI)显示分岔现象。 epub.cnki.net 7. OFDM transforms high bit-rate into low symbol-rate with serial-to-parallel, by which enlarger the symbol interval and to eliminate ISI. OFDM技术通过串并转换将高比特率变换成低符号率,增大符号间隔,消除码间干扰影响。 www.fabiao.net 8. Another social side effect of ISI is its impact on the degree of income inequality within developing nations. 进口替代工业化的另一个社会副作用就是它对发展中国家内收入不平等程度的影响。 www.kuenglish.info 9. The CIA and the ISI appear to be at odds over the nature of LeT's activities. 美国中央情报局和三军情报局似乎是超过了,让我们活动的性质不符。 www.englishtang.com 10. On Tuesday, General Kayani named General Ahmed Shujaa Pasha as the new ISI chief. 星期二,基亚尼任命帕夏将军为三军情报局局长。 www.voanews.cn 1. I wonder why they were involved in bomb blasts against own country. Tie up with ISI? 我不明白他们为什么参与针对自己国家的爆炸事情,与情报局有关吗? jingwaluntan.blog.163.com 2. It is an essential technique when the channel is noisy, fading and has inter-symbol interference (ISI). 在严重杂讯与有限频宽的无线衰减通道中传输,通道编码为必要的技术。 3. A government witness has already said that an ISI officer, a "Major Iqbal" , helped to fund and guide the Mumbai attackers. 一名政府方面的证人已经称巴基斯坦三军情报局官、“伊克巴尔上校(MajorIqbal)”帮助资助并指导了孟买袭击案。 ecocn.org 4. ISI analysts figure the odds are low but rising that U. S. gross domestic product will come in positive in the second quarter. 国际统计学会分析师计算出美国的GDP在第二季度会活跃起来尽管可能性很小但正在变大。 www.bing.com 5. Seen from Kabul, Pakistan's ISI is behind the growing activity of Afghan insurgents. 从喀布尔的角度看,巴基斯坦三军情报军是阿富汗日益增多暴动的幕后黑手。 ecocn.org 6. Essentially, eliminating the ISI by OFDM and SC-FDE is frequency domain signal processing. 进一步分析了OFDM和SC-FDE都通过频域信号处理来消除ISI的实质。 www.fabiao.net 7. In 2009 the ISI kidnapped 11 suspected terrorists from a jail in Punjab, because it feared that the courts were about to set them free. 2009年ISI(三军情报局)从Punjab监狱里劫持了11名恐怖嫌疑犯,因为它担心法庭会释放他们。 www.ecocn.org 8. The MMSE-RISIC equalizer used decisions, acquired from MMSE equalization, to estimate and remove the residual ISI. MMSE-RISIC均衡器采用传统MMSE均衡后的判决数据,对残留码间干扰进行估计并消除。 www.matlab-download.cn 9. 4 . the sampling system designed can completely view and record action potential , firing frequency and isi in real time. 4编制的实验采集系统适用子观察记录实验波形、频率和峰峰间期信号。 www.ichacha.net 10. CHALK up one point to Pakistan's military-intelligence service, the ISI, and none to America's. 将这一点全归咎于巴基斯坦的军事情报部门三军情报局,而没有美国的关系。 www.ecocn.org 1. The assessment reflects the thinking in the mainstream of the ISI. 评估报告反映出ISI主流人士的想法。 c.wsj.com 2. Furious, the ISI targeted the CIA, leaking the name of the station chief to the Pakistani press in December and so forcing him out. 在愤怒之下,三军情报局开始针对中央情报局,在十二月份将该站站长的名字泄露给了巴基斯坦媒体来迫使他出局。 www.ecocn.org 3. But an ISI officer this week happily suggested that "sanity is prevailing" . 但本周一三军情报局官员高兴地提出,“理智是占主导的”。 www.ecocn.org 4. Every year I could consult the ISI Citation Index and get a list of all those authors who cited my work in their work. 每年我都能查阅ISI的引文索引并得到所有在其著作中引用过此文的作者清单。 www.bing.com 5. The insurgents refer contemptuously to the ISI as "blacklegs, " for their supposedly darker skin. 叛军轻蔑地称ISI为黑腿骗子,因为据称ISI的人全是黑皮肤。 www.bing.com 6. But this growth could not be sustained because the ISI strategy includes no mechanism for keeping pace with advances in global technology. 这些国家有时候能够维持相对高速增长达十年以上,但是增长无法长久,因为ISI战略没有任何机制确保与全球最新技术升级接轨。 dongxi.net 7. And what was it "our spy" was discovering about the ISI's black ops that Pakistan didn't want him to learn? 还有“我们的间谍”究竟发现了什么巴基斯坦政府不想让他知道的关于ISI的“黑色行动”? www.bing.com 8. The margin of safety isi the excess of expected sales over breakeven sales. 安全边际是预计销售量(销售额)保本销售量(销售额)差。 www.dictall.com 9. They are waiting for a kidney donor and time isi running out fast. 他们等待着肾脏捐献者,但剩下的时间已经不多了。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Last May suicide bombers hit an ISI office in Lahore, killing a colonel; in the tribal areas militants have killed 57 agents and wounded 86. 去年5月,位于拉合尔的情报局大楼遭受了自杀式炸弹袭击,一名上校死亡;在部族地区,武装分子杀死57名情报员,打伤86人。 www.bing.com 1. All told, the ISI has picked up some 300 Taliban commanders and officials, the sources say. 消息人士称,所有人都知道,ISI已经抓捕了约300名塔利班指挥官和其他官员。 www.bing.com 2. Some suspect the ISI may even know where Osama bin Laden is hiding. 一些人怀疑ISI甚至可能知晓本拉登的藏身之处。 www.bing.com 3. The heads of the CIA and ISI spoke recently by phone. 最近,美中情局与巴情报局的首脑互通了电话。 www.ecocn.org 4. "I wouldn't be surprised if the ISI arrested us all in one day, " says a former cabinet minister. 要是ISI有一天把我们全抓起来,我不会感觉意外。 www.bing.com 5. Above all, they want the names of all the ISI men who worked on al-Qaeda. 而首要的,他们想要所有那些为基地组织服务的三军情报局人员的名单。 www.ecocn.org 6. Second, make more use of citation and journal "impact factors, " from Thomson ISI. 其次,利用汤姆森ISI的统计,更多的使用引用和期刊“影响因子”。 www.bing.com 7. President Barack Obama talked again on May 8th of bin Laden's "support network" in Pakistan, a sign he has not yet ruled out ISI complicity. 奥巴马总统五月八日又一次谈到了拉登在巴基斯坦的“支持网络。”这一表述说明了奥巴马总统还没有排除三军情报局与拉登的同谋嫌疑。 www.ecocn.org 8. Briefly introduced the edit and the publishment of ISI database. 对ISI数据库的编辑、出版情况作了简要介绍。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Regarding samples to ISI for test, we are arranging now. 我们已经安排提供需要送往ISI检验的样品。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. The ISI was responsible in large part for creating the Taliban in the 1990s in order to influence events in neighboring Afghanistan. 从一定意义上说,三军情报局在上个世纪90年代创立了塔利班组织以影响邻国阿富汗的局势。 www.voanews.cn 1. The illustration shows the development of the ISI impact factor, which reflects the increasing importance of the journal. 下图显示科学信息研究所(ISI)影响因子的发展,反映杂志的重要性日增。 docs.google.com 2. All these estimates are based on data from the Institute for Scientific Information. 以上所有预测都是基于美国科学信息研究所(ISI)的数据。 www.ftchinese.com 3. The problem, according to Gevers, is that these journals do not have the same visibility or credibility as ISI-indexed ones. Gevers说,这个问题在于这些期刊没有和ISI收录的期刊相同的知名度或信誉。 www.scidev.net 4. The Americans say they act alone because the ISI fails to co-operate. 美国人说他们要单独行动,因为三军情报局未能进行合作。 www.ecocn.org 5. In the field of wireless communications, the most problem is intersymbol interference(ISI) because of multipath transmission. 在无线通信领域中,面临的主要问题是由于多径传输而产生的码间干扰。 www.dictall.com 6. The ISI's core problem is that it created paramilitary forces it can't control. 巴基斯坦三军情报局的核心问题是,它创造了准军事部队无法控制它。 www.englishtang.com 7. Indices Analysis and Paper Distribution of Agricultural Engineering Journals accepted by ISI ISI收录农业工程类期刊的指标分析及中国论文分布 service.ilib.cn 8. The Retrieval and Utilization of ISI Essential Science Indicators Database 数据库的检索和利用 www.ilib.cn 9. How sci-tech periodicals to be selected by ISI database 科技期刊如何入选ISI数据库 service.ilib.cn 10. Filtering Technology in Surveying ISI of Biological Nerve Discharge 滤波技术在测量生物神经放电信号峰峰间期的应用 service.ilib.cn 1. The way to go for Chinese university academic journals comparing to the standards selecting journals of ISI 从ISI选刊标准看我国高校学报的差距 ilib.cn 2. Bibliographic Analysis of Technological Innovation Based on Citation Index of ISI-database 基于ISI数据库的技术创新文献分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Open Access Journals Covered by ISI Citation Database ISI引文数据库收录的开放存取期刊 service.ilib.cn 4. Design of Anti-ISI matched Receiving Filter for GMSK Signal GMSK信号抗码间干扰匹配接收滤波器的设计 service.ilib.cn 5. A New Method for Timing Recovery in ISI Channels 一种ISI信道的联合定时恢复算法 www.ilib.cn 6. Cited Reference Retrieval Methods of the Three ISI Citation Databases Based on Web 基于Web的ISI三大引文索引数据库引文检索方法 service.ilib.cn |
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