单词 | i see you | ||||||||||||||||
释义 | i see you
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 我看见你,我懂你,我都能看见你 1. Ok, I see you have come to see me not so much to complaIn and get thIng straIghten out In a reasonable fashIon. 我明白了,你来找我并不是真心提意见并且理智地解决问题。 dict.ebigear.com 2. Xiaoli Dear: I think you at all times, since the first time I see you have been in love with you, Do not you know? 亲爱的小丽:我每时每刻都在想你,自从第一次见到你我就已经喜欢上你了,你难道不知道? blog.163.com 3. If I knew it would be the last time that I see you walk out the door, I would give you a hug and kiss and call you back for one more. 如果我知道这是我最后一次,我会抽出一两分钟的时间停下来,对你说我爱你。你知道的我一定会说,而不是再那儿装模作样。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. To tell you the truth, I feel so shy each time when I see you and I just act as never mind. 其实每次看到你自己都会害羞,只是在你面前顾作不在意。 game.156x.com 5. Mr. Lin smiled back at her. "I see you brought your umbrella and a warm sweater, " he said. 林先生对他回笑了。“我看到你带了雨伞和一件暖和的毛线衣,”他说。 www.bing.com 6. I see you as very responsible, competent and mature enough to assist me to direct my life to a positive direction in life. 我看见您如非常负责任,能干和足够成熟协助我指挥我的生活到正向在生活中。 wenwen.soso.com 7. "Never mind it, for I see you once more, " said the old man; "and now it's all over--everything is all right again. " “这没什么,孩子。”老人说,“我一看到你,就什么都忘了,现在一切都好了。” www.xdf.cn 8. "Every morning I see you sitting here with a smile on your face. " he said. "You seem to content. What is your secret? " “每天早晨我都看见您面带微笑的坐在这里,您看起来好像很满足,您保持快乐的秘密是什么呢?”他问。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. come , barrois , " said the young girl , " take some of this lemonade ; i see you are coveting a good draught of it . “来,巴罗斯,”那位年轻女郎说,“喝点儿柠檬水吧,我看你很想痛饮一番呢。” www.ichacha.net 10. Now, I see you've been hanging out with that other girl in town, looking like a pair of clowns. 现在,我看见你竟然去城里散步了,但却是和另外一个女孩一起,就像一对可笑的小丑。 www.kekenet.com 1. Lucidique put her hand up to kreiger's face. "Now the moment's here, I see you don't want it, " she said. "You're afraid. " 露辛迪克抬起手放在克里奇的脸上。“此时此刻,我发现你并不想要它,”她说,“你害怕了。” www.toysir.com 2. Liu Yuan : Yes , I can see you . In the darkness of the night, I see you looking at me. You look as transparent as ice in a crystal glass . 刘元:不,我看得见。黑夜给了我黑色的眼睛。我看见你望着我。你象玻璃杯里冰块一样透明。 www.bing.com 3. "Ah, my dearest Axel, " she said, "I see you're feeling better, you look more calm than you were yesterday. " “啊,亲爱的阿克塞尔,”她说,“我看你感觉好些了,你看上去比昨天平静了。” bbs.tingroom.com 4. The dense mist slow dissipates as the sun rises . I see you are gazing at me , smiling softly at dawn . 太阳慢慢升起,浓雾渐渐散去。我看见你深情地凝视着我,晨曦中梨涡浅笑。 www.bing.com 5. Stop annoying my sister. If I see you near her again, I'll knock the living daylights out of you. 别打搅我妹妹。要是我再看到你靠近她,我就要狠狠地揍你一顿了。 www.hotdic.com 6. I am ashamed of my emptiness, said the Word to the Work. I know how poor I am when I see you, said the Work to the Word. 文字对工作说道:“我惭愧我的空虚。”工作对文字说道:“当我看见你的时,我便知道我是怎样地贫乏了。” blog.163.com 7. I know you're a good tennis player. Hot shot, you don't have to remind me that you won the championship every time I see you. 我知道你网球不错,可你也不必要每一次见到,都提醒我你得过冠军吧。 www.waiyulm.com 8. I know you're a good tennis player, hotshot. You don't have to remind me that you won the championship every time I see you. 我知道你是个好网球手。但你可别太傲,每次见到我时没必要总提醒我你曾获过冠军杯吧! wske.spaces.live.com 9. I see you don't have any carry-on luggage. Probably you could pick some brochures out of your luggage and take them with you. 我看你也没有手提行李,也许你可以拿出一些小册子来拎在手里。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Not clearly indicated in the group of an individual : any ; general. as a : three people look at me, i see you, no one spoke. 不明确指明的集团中的某一个体:任何一个;一般的一个。如:三个人你看看我,我看看你,谁也没说话。 wenku.baidu.com 1. Before I decide I see you standing by the door. Just 5 feet away, with a great smile on your face. 就在我下定决心来看你的那一刻,你站在门口,离我仅五步之遥,我看见你笑容非常的灿烂迷人。 www.wmmenglish.com 2. In other words, he said, "I see you gaining weight, so it's OK for me to gain weight. " 换句话说,他说:“我看你变胖了,所以我变胖没问题。” bbs.tnbz.com 3. when i see you, the world stops as if the only purpose in life was for me to please you. 当我见到你,世界就停了下来,仿佛我活着的唯一目的就是愉悦你 www.diyifanwen.com 4. 'Where can I see you, which restaurant? I itch to be with you immediately. ' He sounds extremely anxious. ‘你在哪儿,哪一家餐馆?我要马上见到你。’他已经急不可待了。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I see you are in Pakistan. I've spent some time there, only a couple of weeks, but it was a very interesting place. 我看到你来自巴基斯坦,我在那儿待过,虽然只有几周时间,不过确实非常有意思。 dongxi.net 6. Sincere, I see you aimin at my pedastal, I better let you know. 说实话,我知道你们都盯着我,我最好让你知道。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Oh I see, you're trying to be nice to me, right? 哦,我知道了,你先会对我好,是吗? memoryofalessa.forums-free.com 8. but generally I see you as an important part of the team and I' m sure Kate goes along with that. 不过总起来我认为你是整个团队重要的一部分,我确信凯特也同意这一点。 www.examw.com 9. "So I see you have your bikini on, " he glanced over his shoulder scanning me with his eyes. “所以我看你有你的比基尼,”他扫视了他的肩膀,他的眼睛扫描我。 www.fnovel.com 10. "I see you're very busy, " he said. "You want me to come back when it's less crowded? " “我看你很忙,”亚伯拉罕说。“要不然等会人不多的时候我再来?” www.bing.com 1. Baroness: You know, you're much less of a riddle when I see you here, George. 男爵夫人:乔治,你知道吗,在这儿看你,你就已经不再是个难解的迷了。 q.sohu.com 2. When you were alive, you were all my joy. Now you are dead, I see you only in my dreams. 当你还活着时,你是我快乐的一切。现在你死了,我只在梦里面才看得见你。 www.odyguild.net 3. I would pretend to be silent when i see you, but i can't escape from the flabbiness of keeping thinking of you. 见到你时我可以学会沉默,什么也不说,却逃不出想你的种种软弱。 www.showxiu.com 4. I cannot think of leaving you here, sir, until I see you're able to mount the horse. 在我清楚你能登上马之前,我不能考虑走开把你丢在这里,先生。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. I can't leave you, sir, so late on this lonely road, till I see you are fit enough to get on your horse, ' I insisted. “先生,我不能离开,让你孤零零这么晚待在路上,除非我看到你还能骑上马去。”我坚持着。 www.chinaedu.com 6. Girlfriend: Oh, I see. You know everything has a beginning and an end. 我明白。你知道有始必有终。 www.hxen.com 7. Peste, I thought you somewhat Corsican, a great deal smuggler, and an excellent steward; but I see you have other strings to your bow. 我以为你多少总有点科西嘉人的气质,是一个经验丰富的走私贩子,一个出色的管家,但我现在看出你原来还有别的名堂。 www.ebigear.com 8. I see. You mean that this imbalance and almost one-way traffic in understanding is the most difficult point. 我明白了,你的意思是说最大的难点在于这种理解上的不平衡以及近乎单行线的状况。 www.chinaedu.com 9. I see you've sold Milky White-and a good price you must have got for her or you wouldn't be back so soon. 你准是把“乳白”卖掉了,准是卖了个好价钱,要不,怎么会回来得那么早呢。 www.jukuu.com 10. Next time I see you, I'll do nothing but look away from you. 当我下次再看到你的时候,什么都不做,只想把脸转向你 bbs.ebigear.com 1. Can I see you a moment? I've an important matter to talk over with you. 我可以见见你吗?有件要紧的事和你商量。 www.cnxts.com 2. May I see you again? Once you say yes, I'll give up everything to be with you. 多想见你一面,只要你答应,我会立刻赶到你身边,放下所有的事。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. You make me really happy and even though we are apart so much of the time, it's made up each time I see you again. 你让我真的很高兴,虽然我们相隔这么多的时间,这是由每次我再次见到你。 tieba.baidu.com 4. But I see you was the right sort. I says to myself: You stand by Hawkins, John, and Hawkins'll stand by you. 但是我觉得你说得有道理,所以我在心中对自己说:‘约翰,只要你站在霍金斯一边,霍金斯将来也会站在你这边。 www.jukuu.com 5. But every time I see you. . . It's like they just fly out of your mouth. Yes. 每一次我一见到你…那些侮辱人的话就会脱口而出.是的。 www.hxen.com 6. "Finally I see you, " she said angrily, but he didn't even listen to her. “终于回来了啊!”明美很恼火,但是他根本没听她说话。 mansioushi.blogcn.com 7. When I see you I did not hate you , not even close, not even a little bit . Not even at all. 但是当你靠近我的时候我竟然不恨你,一点也不。 www.bing.com 8. Every time i see you you're even lovelier than i remember. 当每次再见你时,你总是比上一回更美丽动人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. But after all these years, I thought we'd still hold on But when I reach for you and search your eyes I see you've already gone. 但是这些年一晃而过,我却一直认为我们可以坚持而当我想要寻找你的时候,你却已经不知去向…… bbs.njupt.edu.cn 10. I wish you have a great life ever. if someday I see you and find you very happy then I'll think my wish comes true then I'll be very happy. 我祝你有一个美好的生活。如果有一天我看到你,并发现你很快乐,那我会觉得我的希望成真,那我以后会非常快乐。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Wife: Oh, I see. You just don't want to admit that we're lost. You know, sometimes you're too proud. 妻子:我知道了。你就是不想承认我们迷路了。知道吗,有时你太自以为是了。 hi.baidu.com 2. Lloyd: Now I see you. I don't even pick it up who was that? 现在看见你了!我居然没过脑子,这个人到底是在这儿干吗的? www.eminem.cn 3. Doctor, can I see you for just a moment? 对,医生我可以单独跟你谈谈吗? www.bing.com 4. Bill: Oh, I see. You know, we spend time doing different sports. 噢,我懂。你知道,我们把时间花在做不同的运动上。 www.bing.com 5. I see you heed my words, and you work with tobacco as I taught you to work with this sacred plant. 我看到你留意了我的话语,你从事于烟草的工作,因为我教会你如何与这种神圣的植物工作。 apps.hi.baidu.com 6. "I see you, " Bryant said to Nowitzki in both admiration and warning after Nowtizki hit a jumper in overtime. "I ain't done with you yet. " 在诺维茨基投中拖入加时赛的关键球后,布莱恩特用一种敬佩和警告的语气对诺维茨基说道:“我看着你呢,小样,我好像还没有对你做个这种事。” blog.sina.com.cn 7. A week is so long, I don't know how to act, Promise me when I see you, You do me like that. 一周这麽长,我不知道怎麽办,答应我再见我的时候,你告诉我我该怎麽办。 www.yoho.cn 8. Now I see you've all been enjoying the water that's been provided for you here at the conference, over the past couple of days. 我可以看到大家都十分享受由大会所提供的饮用水,在过去的几天里。 www.ted.com 9. Like what? ! Yeah, yeah, I see you. You're making a little check sign in the air, I got it. Just hold you horses. 我看到了,你对着空气划了一个勾,知道了,耐心点! www.hjenglish.com 10. Rachel, sweetheart, could I see you for a minute? 瑞秋,亲爱的麻烦你过来一下好吗? www.bing.com 1. The really having not seen you is so stupid, is still that the tiger wing assist a god, I see you eating dung. 真没见过你这么笨的,还是虎翼帮帮主,我看你吃屎得了。 www.swty.net 2. I see you've got a little friend with you today. 我知道你今天交了个新朋友。 bbs.tingroom.com 3. I teach you a little each time I see you and eventually you will acquire an education. 我每次见到你,总要教给你一点道理,有朝一日你会完成你的教育的。 4. You'd be so much happier if you could see yourself the way I see you. 如果你能像我这样看到你自己,你会更加高兴。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Any, there are times when it hurt me a lot, but I see you all there is to me, you want to inspire my power. 有的话有的时候也伤了我很多,但是我明白你一切一切也都是为了我,你想激发我的动力。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Next time I see you, I'll do nothing but marry you. 当我看到你时我想做的一件事就是和你结婚。 wenwen.soso.com 7. "Oh, I see. You have good reasons to weep over the death of such a partner, " exclaimed the elderly gentleman. 长者听了,叹着气,说:“你为这样的同伴哀悼哭得有理!” my.oralpractice.com 8. "I see you need help. " He said, "I'm here just at the right time. " “我看你需要帮助,”他说,“我来的正是时候。” mysearch.100e.com 9. If I see you in here again, I will break your cheekbone with a small hammer. And then I will kill you. 假如再让我在这儿看见你,我会用小锤子敲碎你的面颊骨,然后杀了你。 baike.soso.com 10. Para-Medic: I see you've found a Russian False Mango. 我看见你采到一个苏联类芒果。 www.a9vg.com 1. Carl Fredricksen: But I told him no. I told you no. No! I see you, back there. 我说不行,我有说不行。不行。我知道你在后面。 www.rongshuxia.com 2. Steven: Connie, can I see you for a minute? 史蒂文:康妮,我能见你一下吗? www.ebigear.com 3. The temple carried it with him dying, I see you smile, childlike. 圣殿的神火奄奄一息,我看见你孩童般的笑容。 www.qqniux.com 4. Wow, this is a long "now. " Yesterday I saw you were eating "now, " and I see you are still eating "now" today. . . 哇,这个“现在”也太长了;昨天我看到你“现在”在吃,今天我又看到你“现在”在吃… chinesewang.myfreeforum.org 5. Don't you know how my heart starts jumping when I see you smile. 难道你不知道我的心开始跳时,我看见你的微笑。 tieba.baidu.com 6. Miss Wexler, could I see you for a minute? 韦克斯勒小姐,我能和你说几句话么? blog.sina.com.cn 7. I see you and all yours sons happy together, four of your stand in. 我看到你和你的儿子们幸福的生活在一起,你们四个站在一起。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. "I was middling well till I see you, young fellow, " said the old woman. “不看见你我倒是挺好的,小伙子。”老妪说道。 9. May I see you at your office to tell you more about myself and show you just how well I can do the work you require. 不知本人是否有荣幸与您在办公室详谈,以便让你知道我对于此工作的胜任情况。 dict.ebigear.com 10. Steven: Jake, can I see you for a minute? 史蒂文:杰克,我能见你一下吗? www.ebigear.com 1. Yet as I see you now, son, crumpled and weary in your cot, I see that you are still a baby. 但当我现在看你的时候,孩子,蜷缩在你的床上,我看见你还是一个婴孩。 hi.baidu.com 2. Which Park: It's a play on words. I'll tell you next time I see you. It's actually pretty boring. 是一个文字游戏。下次去了见面告诉你。其实还挺无聊的。 pangbianr.com 3. I hear your voice on the line, But it doesn't stop the pain . If I see you next to never, How can we say forever. 话筒传来你的声音,但这不能停止我心中的伤痛,倘若此生再也不能与你相见,又怎能说和你到永远。 www.rongshuxia.com 4. Clouds filled with stars cover your skies, I see you crying at my grave. 天空布满星云,我只能看着你在我坟前落泪。 www.94493.com 5. Whoa, Mama ! -I see you know your horses. 啊,妈妈.我看你知道你的马 www.crazyenglish.org 6. "Tommy, " he said, "I see you haven't changed an atom. " “汤米,”他说,“我看得出你一点儿没变。” www.kuenglish.info 7. Hey loser! I see you're still leaving your stuff all over the place. 嘿废柴!我发现你又在把自个儿的东西到处乱丢。 www.anetcity.com 8. Candice : Every time I see you gossiping about someone, I know it's about me ! What was he saying ? 坎迪斯:每次我看到你们窃窃细语谈论某人时,我都知道是关于我的!他刚在说什么? blog.sina.com.cn 9. A limo? I see you're trying to butter me up! 豪华轿车?我看你们是想讨好我吧! www.hxen.com 10. Today, it was my first day at work after maternity leave. The first thing my boss says to me is: "I see you haven't been exercising. " 今天我休完产假第一天上班,老板见到我就说:你好像都没怎么锻炼身体吧。 bucter.com 1. Next time I see you, I shall give you a black eye. 下次我看见你,我会打你一顿。 www.exam8.com 2. I see you've already have quite a lot of experience in secretary work , could you tell me something about your talent with that company ? 我知道你已经有很多秘书工作的经验,你可以告诉我一些你在那间公司的才能吗? www.hxen.com 3. And i see you, In a moment, everything around falls away. 我看见你的那一瞬间,周围的一切都消失了 zhidao.baidu.com 4. If I die young, I will smile in the heaven if I see you live with a new life, happy forever. 如果我过早死去了,我会因为看见你拥有新的生活,永远开心下去而在天堂微笑。 tieba.baidu.com 5. How can I be angry I don't know why, probably because you are my baby bar, I see you and she really quite uncomfortable. 怎么可能I恼怒我为什么不知道,大概,因为您是我的婴孩酒吧,我看见您和她真正地相当难受。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. And every time I see you in the football field, I get the feeling that I, myself is sweating with the Olympic spirit. 而且,每次我看到运动场上的你,我都有这样的感觉,我自己也在跟着奥运精神一起出汗。 sports.zhishi.sohu.com 7. You for giving me a tear, I see you on the hearts of all the marine. 你给我一滴眼泪,我就看到了你心中全部的海洋 zhidao.baidu.com 8. I see you did not buy it, I deliberately bought a gas you. 我看你没买,我才故意买了气你的。 tieba.baidu.com 9. I see you're a man of your word. 【翻译】我觉得你是个言而有信的人。 www.hjenglish.com 10. "That will do, Natasha, " Sonya said to her. "I see you are quite right, but take out just the top one. " “行了嘛,娜塔莎,”索尼娅对她说,“我知道你是对的,就把面上的一个拿掉吧。” www.okread.net 1. all at once i see you pass through the barrier with a groom , a tilbury , and fine new clothes. 当我突然看见你经过城门口,带着一个马夫,坐着双轮马车,穿着崭新的漂亮衣服时。 www.ichacha.net 2. So cold the fall, I see you wearing thin, just want you to hold me tight. 那样清冷的秋天,我穿的薄薄的去见你,只是想让你紧紧的抱着我。 enwaimao.cn 3. I see you three times a week. You're not improving. 我每周见你三次都没有进步 www.kekenet.com 4. "Yes, yes, " answered Baba Mustapha, "I see you want to have me speak out, but you shall know no more. " “是的,是的,”巴巴木沙发回答,“我看你想让我说出来,但是我就知道这么多了。” www.bing.com 5. But when I see you and hear people talking about you, I feel you don't seem so great. 可是见了你的面,听这里的人谈起你,我又觉得你似乎不是真的那么了不起。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. And when she got home she was nobody's wife. well I see you there with a rose in your teeth, one more thin gypsy thief. 而当她们回到家,她们仍然不是任何人的妻子。我仿佛看见,你是个在嘴角间衔着玫瑰,专门窃取爱情的手法拙劣的流浪小偷。 www.uctube.cn 7. every time I see you , you leave me out in the cold . 每次见到你,你都不理睬我。 eee.tsinghua.edu.cn 8. I see, you're right. This isn't clean. I'm sorry. I'll send a housekeeper to your room to take care of it again. 我明白了,您说的没错。房间收拾得不干净,非常对不起,我马上派服务员到您房间再整理一下。 anne7739.blog.163.com 9. and I see you, and somehow you're better. 我看到你,你似乎好多了 www.tingroom.com 10. "I see you want to rub it in, " he said. “我看你是要触人痛处。”他说。 www.kuenglish.info 1. Sorry. But I just do not understand. You say you are body less and mindless , while I see you very much alive and articulate. 对不起。我实在不理解。你说自己身心俱泯,但我看你相当活泼善谈。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. I see you're livin' large with your crib and your cars and that's just great but. 我看到你住在大房子里还有车,这挺好的,但。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. stickman , I see you, so I thank you for really making me feel so, I love it up here! 讲时先生,我看到你了,谢谢你们让我感觉…这个时刻站在这儿真是太兴奋了! dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Since I see you later, I originally thought that we were not a condemnation of my regrets the distress. 自从我见到你以后,我才为一种原以为不会再谴责我的悔恨所苦恼。 iask.sina.com.cn 5. Where I see you , And that's not an invitation , That's all I get. 我在哪可以看见你,这并不是一次约会,这是我仅有的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Rosie: Come here to me. Sophie Sheridan, you get more gorgeous every time I see you. You do. 罗茜:到我这里来。索菲谢尔丹,每次我看到你你更美了,真的。 www.tianya.cn 7. why is it every time I see you, you're causing some sort of commotion? 为什么我每次见你你会制造一些骚乱? blog.hjenglish.com 8. I see you have a coffee bar and a water cooler. The staff here must be very comfortable. 我看到你们有一个咖啡吧和一台冷水机。员工在这儿一定很舒服吧! blog.sina.com.cn 9. 'What a wonderful story! 'she said. 'I'm very pleased to hear it Now, tell me about your reading. I see you have a lot of books here. 多么精彩的故事,我非常想听,请把你读到的讲给我听,我发现你这儿有许多书。 www.kekenet.com 10. So back to today: why do I see you still say : ' I do or do not belief this or that. ', and wonder and merely guess? 那就回到今天的话题吧:为何我看到你依旧说:“我确实相信或是不相信这或那”,你依旧是感到疑惑,仅是猜测? apps.hi.baidu.com 1. Can I see you for a minute? 我可以看一看你吗? blog.sina.com.cn 2. Yes, I'd like to see the receipt. Oh! I see you bought the watch last week. 是的,我想看一下发票。噢,我明白了,你上周买了这手表。 www.hxen.com 3. However, I can talk about it with you when I see you this afternoon. 今天下午我们见面时,我可以和你讨论那个问题。 www.yeworld.net 4. Oh I see, you found him first? Finders keepers? You know I respect that, I do. But, I think we can work somethin'out. 我知道,你先发现他的?谁先发现就归谁?我同意,真的。可是,我看我们可以商量商量。 sfile.ydy.com 5. I couldn't see you when you were here. And now that you're gone, I see you everywhere. 你在身边的时候,我不懂得珍惜,如今你已离去,我却时常把你想起。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Oh, I see, you can choose a high position near the line to determine the reference position. 我知道,你可以选择一个测线附近一个较高的点定参考点。 wenku.baidu.com 7. Oh, I see. You're going to wear one and pretend you're married to try to attract guys. 我懂了。你是想带着戒指,装成有夫之妇来吸引男人。 talk.oralpractice.com 8. But mostly I see you, with my eyes i see you standing there, without a care. 但我心无旁骛,只专注的看着你站在那里 zhidao.baidu.com 9. I see you don't understand, and I must explain it to you. 我知道,你听不明白,让我给你解释。 www.bing.com 10. Tom: ok, I see . you donot love me a bit . 好吧,我明白了,其实你一点都不喜欢我。 www.youtheme.cn 1. I see you met Mrs. Cobb. She's his wife? 我看你是见过柯布太太了那是他妻子? wenku.baidu.com 2. When I see you in the twilight, deeply attracted by you. Probably because you played the role of a vampire. 当我在暮光中看见你的时候,就深深的被你吸引住了。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. I have seen Him more tangibly than I see you. I have talked to Him more intimately than I am talking to you. 我看见他比看见你更加可触摸,我与他交谈比与你交谈更为密切。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. I'll see you in Hell before I see you in Reno. Those were the words you used, Mr. Dufresne, according to the testimony of your neighbors. “去雷诺前,先下地狱吧!”这是你说过的话,杜方先生,依据你邻居的证词。 bbs.pdafans.com 5. I see, you're the cute and personable guy I can hardly imagine how handsome you looked like when you had only one layer of chin. 我知道了,你就是那个如果象我这样今天才认识你的人都不敢想象当年只有一层下巴的你会是多么的风流倜傥风情万种。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. My heart leaps and I feel dizzy whenever I see you. 每次见到妳,我就小鹿乱撞外加头晕目眩。 www.hicoo.net 7. Rita : You are such a groupie. I see you every time he plays. 莉达:你只懂追随偶像,每次他表演我都见到你。 www.wwenglish.com 8. When I see you, I'll run up to you with a big hug! 等我看到你,我会跑上前去用力抱住你! www.360abc.com 9. I see you are gazing at me, smiling softly at dawn. 我看见你深情凝视着我,晨曦中梨涡浅笑。 www.97bg.com 10. I see you again, unexpectedly, here, in a place thousand miles away from our home. 千里之外,在想象不到的地方,又让我见了你一面! www.tianya.cn 1. I wish you take care of themselves do not overwork the New Year I see you. . . 祝您保重身体不要过度劳累过年我去看你… wenwen.soso.com 2. "You are a lion, " hu Wolf leisurely answer, "but in accordance with the law, I see you is a donkey! " “你是狮子,”胡狼慢条斯理地回答,“但依照法律,我看你是一头驴!” zhidao.baidu.com 3. Mr. Gardner, may I see you for a moment? 葛德纳先生,我可不可以见你一会儿? www.kekenet.com 4. I see you've already taken six credits of your breadth requirements . 我看到你已经获得了注册课程要求之外的6个学分。 www.webi.com.cn 5. I see you accept PayPal, will payment arrangements via this vehicle be acceptable to you? 我看你接受贝宝,将付款安排车辆通过这可以接受吗? wenwen.soso.com 6. You know what I will say first when I see you? 你知道我见到你会先说什么吗? blog.sina.com.cn 7. Every time I see you dancing on the dance floor, waving the ribbons with ease, the more I admire you. 每次我看到你跳的舞蹈地板,挥舞着轻松的缎带,我越佩服你。 tieba.baidu.com 8. I fallin love with you. When I see you at first sight. Youare not the most beautiful one. 我来一句一句给你翻一下哈,哈哈,我爱上了你,自从我看到你的第一次(一见钟情)。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Every time I see you, I have to say the obligatory "You need to lose some weight. " 每次我看见你,我都要负责地说“你要减下肥了”。 www.bing.com 10. Every time I see you ohI feel I'm fading like a flower. 每次我见到你哦觉得我像花一样凋谢。 wenwen.soso.com 1. Every time I see you because of dissatisfaction with the I call you Yan Er, would argue, look at you so lively as well. 每次看到妳因为不满我叫你颜儿,都会反驳,看着妳如此活泼就好了。 www.bing.com 2. You may need a contingency plan or alternate source of income, and when I show you what I see, you will know why. 你也许会需要一项应急计划或是改变收入来源——当我告诉你我所知的,你就会明白为什么了。 hi.baidu.com 3. In my dearest memories, I see you reaching out to me. 在我的最亲爱的记忆的,我看见你伸出到我。 www.tianya.cn 4. I sat in silence in that corner, watching you fight to the last moment, as I see you in the first time. 我默默的坐在那个角落,看着你拼到了最后一刻,一如我在第一次看到你的时候。 349ez.blog.163.com 5. everytime i see you in my dreams, it is the only way i see clear . i may have it rain! 每次我在梦中见到你。那是我唯一可以清晰看到你的方式。我的天空在下雨。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Porter: Oh, I see You said that you are going to Nepal after Bangladesh , right? 噢,我明白了,你刚才说到孟加拉之后,你们还要去尼泊尔,对不对? dict.ebigear.com 7. If I see you next to never, how can we say forever. 若你我今生无法再见,又怎说相约到永远。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. If I see you next to never , how can I say forever. 如果今生再也不相见,要我怎么说到永远。 wenwen.soso.com 9. If this legal case and break don't relate to, I see you serve as to also have no interesting. 要是这案子和断指没有关系,我看你担任了也没有意思。 www.wzgem.com 10. Also, if it is convenient, it can point you pictures of a child and now I see you! 另外,如果方便的话,可以发点你小时候和现在的照片我看看吗! zhidao.baidu.com 1. We 're not even "love at third sight" . Love at first sight doesn't mean I fall for you when I see you or that you fall for me. 舒淇:咱们三见也钟不了情。一见钟情不是你一眼看上了我或者是我一眼看上了你。 hi.baidu.com 2. Just for you and me? Every night in my dreams I see you . I fell you. That is how you go on! 仅仅你和我?在每个夜里我都能梦见你,我能感觉到你。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. I see you are the representative from the Manchester Branch. How's business in your neck of the woods just now? 我知道你是曼彻斯特分部的代表,你那个地区现在生意怎么样? dict.veduchina.com 4. If i see you next to neve , How can i say forever? 如果我看不到你的身影,又怎能说天长地久? dictsearch.appspot.com 5. when i see you and what you're all about? 当i见到你和你全都是什么的时候? zhidao.baidu.com 6. I see you, and you see me. If you can see me, I will be a fatty. 你能看到我,我能看到你,你能看到我的话,我就是胖子。 bbs.sumisora.com 7. They'll just get stronger if I see you again. 当我再次看到你,那些感觉就愈加强烈 wenwen.soso.com 8. but now I see you actually like this guy. 但现在你真的喜欢这家伙 www.kekenet.com 9. I see you look at me; Like I'm some kind of freak. 我发现你看我的时候就像我是一个怪物。 bbshuang.22ab.com 10. "Well, here we are, " said Drouet, leading the way to the door. "Good-bye, till I see you Monday. " “嘿,我们到了。”杜洛埃说着领先向门口走去。“再见,星期一见。” www.bing.com 1. I stumbled into your arms, just that moment, I see you smile pulling smile so beautiful, so brilliant, so pleased. 我跌跌撞撞地投入您的怀抱,就在那一瞬间,我看到您笑拉,笑得那么美丽,那么灿烂,那么欣慰。 www.tradeask.com 2. I see you two all the time , you're thick as thieves , you are ! He must'a said something ! 我知道你俩天天在一起,亲密无比,狼狈为奸!他一定说了什么! www.bing.com 3. ok , I see. you can go back to your bed because today is not busy. 我明白了,因为今天不忙,我想你可以回家休息一下。 www.xdf.cn 4. I see you were smart enough not to bring your friend. 你真够聪明的,没有带上你的朋友。 myterminator.cn 5. Why can't you see yourself as beautiful as I see you? 你怎么看不到我眼里的你的美丽呢 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I see you just graduate from college. What was your GPA? 我知道你刚从大学毕业,你的总成绩如何? am774.rbc.cn 7. It's a start, but I'll be happy when I see you stick to your promise! 那只是个开始,当我看到你能坚持许诺时才会高兴。 talk.oralpractice.com 8. It's enough as long as I see you are online, I feel I'm not alone though we don't talk. 只要看到你在线就够了,即使不说话也觉得有人陪伴。 glendasworldaround.spaces.live.com 9. I see. You ' re renting one of the rooms, right? 我知道了!你租住其中一间房,是不是? bbs.cenet.org.cn 10. I see you every day, I talk to you every day, I help you with your problems and you help me with mine too. 我每天都会见到你,会和你交谈,我帮忙解决你的问题而你也帮忙解决我的。 www.elanso.com 1. David is a very good man, a lucky man, and when I see you two together, arms draped over neck and around waist, we see happiness. 大卫是一个非常好的人,一个幸运的人,看到你们俩在一起,手臂环绕,相拥而行,我们看到了幸福。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. When I see you with all your grandchildren, I know you've given them the finest gift a grandparent can give. You've given them yourself. 当我看见您和您的外孙在一起的时候,我知道您都已经给了他们最好的礼物,您把心都掏给他们了。 www.kekenet.com 3. "I see you're the father of two, " says the seer, gazing into her crystal ball. “我看你是两个孩子的父亲。”算命先生盯着水晶球说。 hi.nciku.cn 4. In everything I see you appear with me, how come? How come? 我所看到的所有东西都伴随着你出现。怎么会?怎么会? zhidao.baidu.com 5. I see you riding a shotting star and hear you calling my name out side of my window. 我看见你骑着一个流星,听见你在窗外唤着我的名字。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Once I see you again I do not see you and also tells Bettis! 有一次,我再次见到你,我不看你,也告诉贝蒂斯! word.hcbus.com 7. declare oneself to me naked on a photo, and when will I see you naked? 我声明自己裸体照片,何时才能见到你赤裸? tieba.baidu.com 8. You're my best vitamin. As soon as I see you, I'm filled with excitement and all of my weariness is gone. 你就是我最好的维生素。一看到你,我就充满兴奋,所有的辛苦都没了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. BILLY: Oh, I see. You were great, but the team wasn't. 哦,我懂了,你练得非常好,而全队不怎麽好。 myqn4b.blog.163.com 10. I see you are a thorough good fellow, and will detain you no longer. 我看你是一个十全十美的好汉,别再让我耽误你。 tr.bab.la 1. I see you were unemployed for a period of time. Tell me about it. 在你的简历上,我看到你有相当一段时间处于失业状态,能跟我说一下吗? www.ef.com.cn 2. I see you. Beth, you are there. Always, with your soft smile and sentimentalization. 我正看见你。小青,你就在那里。永永远远,温情微笑,愁绪满怀。 blog.163.com 3. I see you lookin' at me. 我知道你在关注我。 31329448.qzone.qq.com 4. You take off for the powder room. That's the last I see you. 你去了女厕接着我就见不到你。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Eg. Every time I see you, you leave me in the cold. 每次我见到你,你都不睬我。 www.hxen.com 6. What for? Oh, I see, you mean next year our company will expand business to the South Korea market. 为何?噢,我明白了,你是指下一年我们公司要把业务扩大到南韩市场。 www.hxen.com 7. I see you are a sailor by the cut of your jib. 我从外表上能看得出来你是个水手。 www.enread.com 8. May I see you for a moment? 我能见你一会吗? group.mop.com 9. I see, You and I! 这不就是你和我放到一起 www.tingroom.com 10. "I see you love flowers, " she said. "And so you have come to take a closer look at my father's rare collection. " “看得出你喜欢花,”她说,“所以你才会走近观察我父亲的典藏珍品。” www.unsv.com 1. You come, I will not delete you, but every time I see you, I would strongly curse you! 你来我不会删除你,但我每次看到你的时候,我会强烈的诅咒你丑陋的灵魂!!! blog.sina.com.cn 2. don ' t act hastily , and above all , don ' t talk to anyone outside of smillie or got boy until i see you. 在我看见你以前,先别鲁莽行事,顶要紧的是别跟任何人谈起,除了斯密里或是哥特博。 www.ichacha.net 3. Of course I know , I recognize that you are the contemporary film as soon as I see you . 当然知道,你一来我就认出你是当代影帝阿列克斯·洛依德。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I'll wait for as long as it takes. I'm not leaving until I see you again. 要多久我就等多久。不见不散。 www.tingroom.com 5. As the light sinks low, will I see you any more? 光潜藏了,我还能看到您吗? www.shuiyunjian.com 6. If I see you all together, then I start seeing more and more of God right among the people I'm living with. 如果我看到你们聚集在一起,那么我也将越来越多地看到:上帝就在与我生活在一起的人们中间。 www.321ww.net 7. when i see you in the sun you're as pretty as swastika. 当我看到你在阳光下,你美得就像万字饰。 music.douban.com 8. I see you reaching out to me. 我看见你向我展开双臂 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Krauser: Huh. . . Umbrella. (or alternative) I see you hold your skills. 克劳萨:哼…安布雷拉吗…(或“我看得出你掌握了你的技能”) tieba.baidu.com 10. Molly : Whatever. When I see you begging on the streets, I'm not going to give you any money. 莫莉:不管怎么说,当我看到你在街上乞讨的时候,我不会给你一分钱。 www.xianzai.cn 1. Doctor: I see you have had several attacks of influenza. Anything else? 医生:我明白了,你患了几次严重感冒。还有别的情况吗? zhidao.baidu.com 2. Welcome to China. May I see you passport . customs and health declaration forms? 欢迎来到中国。能出示你的护照,海关申报表和健康申报表吗? www.tingclass.net 3. Around Christmas, he said, "Carnie, I see you're a little heavier. Are you okay? " 在圣诞快要来临的时候,他说‘卡妮,我发现你重了一点,你还好吗?’ www.elanso.com 4. but, the moment i see you, i dare not. 但是看到您我又不敢了 zhidao.baidu.com 5. When I see you, I see all of your lives together and the potentials of all of your own futures. 当我看到你时,我看到你在一起的所有生命,以及你自身所有未来的可能性。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Wings! Flap, flap, flap! Oh, I see you out there, you're doing great! Feet! Pick 'em up! Pick 'em up! 翅膀!扇啊,扇啊,扇啊!哦,我看见你了,你做的很好!脚!抬起来!抬起来! qac.yappr.cn 7. Boring, very dry skin you see, you call boring, I see you in bed is very strong to large. 没劲,看你皮干得很,你叫没劲,我看你在床上劲到大的很。 tieba.baidu.com 8. theyll just get stronger if i see you again. 他们就变得更强壮,如果我再见到你。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Every time I see you oh I try to hide away But when we meet it seems I can't let go. 每次我看到你哦,我尽量把自己藏起来消失,但我们见面时,似乎我无法放手。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Listen to the words that you say, It's getting harder to stay When I see you. 倾听你说的每句话,它变得愈加难保留,当我看见你的时候; wenwen.soso.com 1. You look more beautiful every (each) time I see you. 我每次看到你,你都比以往更漂亮。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Agent Simmons Former Agent Simmons, so. I see you survived Washington. 西蒙斯探员,我看你在华盛顿生存。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. You look more beautiful each (or every) time I see you. 我每次看到你,你都显得更漂亮。 enews.tacocity.com.tw 4. Oh, I see. You are a real smooth operator. 噢!我知道了。你可真会见风转舵啊。 www.fgs.org.tw:81 5. Next time I see you, giving you a high five. It's just so overrated, just FYI. 下次见到你,给你一次胜利的击掌。只是高估了,仅供参考。 www.yappr.cn 6. I see you slipping away, but I don't wanna lose you. 看见你渐渐远离的背影,但是我不想失去你。 www.kekenet.com 7. The day until i see you, you have to be strong and be careful and DONT BE ILL! ! 直到我见到你的那一天,你要健康强壮,小心不要生病! goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. ay, when I am working in my office, one of my colleagues tells me "I see you on the website " . 今天,在办公室埋头工作时,一位同事过来对我说,我在网上看到了你的照片。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Oh, I see. You just show me where to put it. 哦,我明白。你只要告诉我把它放在哪儿就行了。 www.bing.com 10. I am fond of a diffident way which I see you to exhibit. 我喜欢您表现出来的谦卑。 1. You don't need guidance, Anakin. I see you're becoming the greatest of all Jedis. 你不需要任何指导,阿纳金,我看你将成为最伟大的绝地武士。 www.wwenglish.com 2. Each day I see you pass by me. Your broad shoulders are all my dream. 你存在我生活里的每一天,你宽大的肩膀是我梦想依托的地方。 www.jukuu.com 3. Daniel: Yeah, I see. You are just doing your job. But I wanna know what the advantages it has. 丹尼尔:嗯,我知道。你只是在履行你的职责。但是我想知道它的益处。 www.bing.com 4. Hey son, i see you have been very busy being adorable the whole afternoon; in fact, that's how you spend your day, aren't you? 嗨,儿子!我看到你整个下午都(忙着)非常可爱;事实上,你整天都是在忙这个不是? blog.sina.com.cn 5. Farhana : I see. You mean interfaces should contain only the necessary methods and not anything else? 你的意思是接口应该仅包含必要的方法,而不该包含其它的.我明白了。 blog.163.com 6. Every time I see you, always in the hearts full of joy. 每当我看见你,心中总是充满着喜悦。 wenwen.soso.com 7. If I see you sleeping at work again, I will fire you. 如果我再看到你上班睡觉,我就解雇你。 bbs.diandian.net 8. I: We have been looking over your application. I see you have got several years experience in secretarial work. 我们已经仔细看过你的申请表了,我知道你已经有几年的文秘工作经验。 www.hjenglish.com 9. I see you've written up the taxi driver case. 你把血腥的哥那起案子写进了博客 wenku.baidu.com 10. I see you've had a very productive day. 你今天很忙。 blog.hjenglish.com 1. I see you in the moonlight. . . We've both been here before. . . nevermore . 我在月光中看到你……我们都曾在这里……永远不再。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. If I see you next to never. 如果我再也不能把你相见。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I see you're in a good mood. Why don't you tell us about your day? 我看得出你现在情绪很好,你何不把你今天的事给我们谈一谈呢? ts.hjenglish.com 4. I see you are not to be distracted. 看来没法子分散你的注意力。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Brother, I see. you pick me up here in order to let your grand-daughter to the Star Road. 老哥我弄明白了,你接我在这里,就是为了让孙女上《星光大道》。 dipan.kekenet.com 6. Kelly: Hi, there. I see you're standing here all alone. Could you use some company. 嗨,你好。我看到你一个人站在这里。要人陪伴吗? times.hinet.net 7. You say namely I see you immediately this appearance, how can don't feel amused? 你说,我看到你现在这个样子,怎么会不感到愉快呢? nanhai.hinews.cn 8. Yeah, but I see you changed your ways. 但我看到了你的改变 www.tingroom.com 9. Hey! Friends okay? I see you, I hope that the commission could bring you happiness! 嘿!朋友好吗?我又来看你了,希望我的到来能给你带来快乐! cn.dada.net 10. If I see you next never. 如果我看不到你的身影。 hi.baidu.com |
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