单词 | bolt-on |
释义 | 例句释义: 可上栓锁的,博尔顿,波尔顿大学,保顿 1. Mr Bolton speaks no Mandarin or Cantonese and by his own admission has always been terrible at foreign languages. 波顿不会讲普通话或广东话,他自己也承认,外语一直是他的老大难问题。 www.ftchinese.com 2. John Bolton, U. S. ambassador to the United Nations, said he was "strongly encouraged by the mood of the council. " 美国驻联合国大使约翰。博尔顿说:“我被目前安理会的气氛所感染,甚至没有任何人为朝鲜进行辩护”。 bbs.ly.shangdu.com 3. It is a great honour for me to hear any manager slagging Bolton off, particularly when it is one of the big boys. 对我来说听到别的主教练批评我们,是一种荣誉。尤其是这种批评来自强队时。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. To go to a place like Bolton and pull out that performance showed just how much confidence is running through the team. 来到博尔顿这种地方拿出这样的体现能给球队提升信心。 www.chinareman.com 5. I could go always with Patrick to Sheffield, to Bolton, and he would be ready to die. 我可以一直都与帕特里克一起去谢菲尔德、博尔顿,他会准备好战死沙场。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. But that all changed against Bolton as Fabregas - after so many near-misses - scored his first Premiership goal in a little under a year. 但是这一切都为对博尔顿时的法布雷加斯所改变,在错过如此多的近在咫尺的进球机会后,他打入了本赛季的首粒联赛入球。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. Mr. Bolton: You know, I'm just saying never be ashamed of attention, as long as you've earned it. 这个嘛,我认为只要是你应得的荣耀,就没什么好惭愧的。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Those hopes died when a key Republican moderate, Senator Lincoln Chafee, said he would not back Mr Bolton. 然而这些希望灰飞烟灭了,因为一位关键性人物,共和党的温和派力量、参议院LincolnChafee说他不会再支持博尔顿担任此职了。 www.ecocn.org 9. Bolton were one of the first clubs to openly declare their interest, and are thought to be the only Premier League side who have made a bid. 博尔顿是最早公开表达他们对这位前锋感兴趣的俱乐部之一,而且他们也被认为是英超球队中目前唯一提出正式报价的球队。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 10. Mr Bolton has been criticised for his gruff manner, which some suggest has hampered him in his goal of internal reform at the UN. 波尔顿的粗暴态度遭致批评,有些人认为这将阻碍他推行联合国内部改革的目标。 www.ecocn.org 1. Mrs. Bolton's account of the transaction was not , it may be imagined , entirely an impartial narrative . 可以想象,包尔顿太太对这件事的叙述,不是毫无偏心的。 www.bing.com 2. Mr Bolton is trying to force various management reforms through the UN's glass palace in New York. 在联合国位于纽约的玻璃宫里,毫无劝说理念的博尔顿正以其一贯的霸道作派试图强行通过不同的管理改革方案。 www.ecocn.org 3. Bolton lost more balls and after that it was a question of when we would score the second goal. We had plenty of opportunities. 博尔顿丢掉了更多的球权,此后的问题就在于我们什么时候能够打入第二球。 dx.arsenal.com.cn 4. Bolton appeal for a goal, claiming the ball had crossed the line but referee Phil Dowd is not interested. 博尔顿呼吁的目标,声称球已越过球门线,但主裁判多德菲尔是不感兴趣。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. John Bolton, US ambassador to the UN, said he was "impressed by the unanimity of the council" . 美国驻联合国大使约翰?博尔顿(JohnBolton)表示,“安理会意见之统一”给他“留下了深刻印象”。 www.ftchinese.com 6. It was an excellent cross by Cesc Fabregas to create the chance [against Bolton], and fortunately my heading is a good attribute. 法布在与博尔顿的比赛的传球很舒服,机会就出来了,很幸运的是我的头球也不错。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. Jamie Carragher insists he wasn't surprised to see Steven Gerrard bounce back to top form with the winning goal at Bolton on Saturday. 卡拉格强调他并不对杰拉德恢复到最佳状态在星期六打进制胜一球而感到吃惊。 engbbs.fans1.com 8. Coyle brings his Bolton Wanderers side to Emirates Stadium on Saturday as they hunt for the points to take them out of the relegation zone. 柯伊尔本周六将率队造访酋长体育场,他们急需得分来走出降级区。 dx.arsenal.com.cn 9. The new manager has told his top scouts he wants the Bolton centre half, 25, to partner John Terry at the heart of his defence. 这位新教练告诉他的首席球探他需要25岁的博尔顿中卫卡希尔在后卫线上搭档约翰。特里。 tieba.baidu.com.cn 10. "They're not all frauds, " Mr Bolton said. "I think this will turn out in hindsight to be a fantastic opportunity. " “它们不全是骗子。”波顿表示,“我认为,事后来看,这将成为一个绝好的良机。” www.ftchinese.com 1. He would be a tremendous signing for Bolton and I'm very excited about the prospect. 一想到这样的前景,我现在就激动不已。 www.chinaedunet.com 2. Mr Bolton notes that there has been a UN "interim" force in southern Lebanon for 28 years. Would a new force be any more effective? 波顿先生指出,联合国“临时”部队在黎巴嫩南部驻扎了28年之久,难道一直新部队将起到更大的效果? www.ecocn.org 3. But Bolton does not play with the tense terror, is only endures ability to the audience to tease contentedly leisurely and carefree. 而波顿也不去玩弄紧张恐怖,只是悠闲自得地向观众的忍受能力挑逗着。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com 4. It was a sunny day, and Connie was working in the garden, and Mrs Bolton was helping her. 那是太阳光耀的一天,康妮在花园里工作着,波太太帮着她。 word.hcbus.com 5. It was a moment of invention that set the Reds on the road to League Cup glory, as they went on to beat Bolton Wanderers 2-1 in the final. 那个进球十分有创意,使红军踏上了赢得联赛杯之路,因为他们在最后的决赛中2-1击败了博尔顿。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Avi's son Tamir plays for Bolton and he has been given compassionate leave to be by his father's bedside in Israel. 阿维的儿子塔米尔为博尔顿效力,而他也被给予了照顾性的准假,去回到以色列的父亲病床前。 www.ept-team.com 7. However, Mr Bolton said on Tuesday that he was "as convinced as ever" by the long-term case for investing in China. 然而,波顿周二表示,他对投资中国的长期理由“坚信不移”。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But Nasri is back in training, looking sharp and is hoping to be fit for Arsenal's next game against Bolton on September 11. 但是纳斯里已经重返训练场,看上去很锐利,非常有希望能够赶上枪手九月十一号对阵博尔顿队的下场比赛。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 9. On other matters, the president once again stressed his support for his nominee to be U. N. Ambassador, John Bolton. 在其它问题上,布什总统重申了他对美国驻联合国大使提名人约翰·博尔顿的支持。 www.xuexiziliao.org 10. Allardyce, the Bolton Wanderers manager, said last night that he thought he was still a contender for the England job. 博尔顿经理阿勒代斯昨晚说他想他还是英格兰国家队帅位的竞争者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Mr Bolton is now using an independent company to help him do due diligence on potential and existing investments. 目前,波顿已聘用一家独立公司帮助自己对潜在的及现有的投资项目作尽职调查。 www.ftchinese.com 2. One organisation trying to apply such lean methods is Bolton NHS Trust. 试图运用这种精益法的一家机构是BoltonNHSTrust。 www.ftchinese.com 3. I think Michael Owen had a chance, Berbatov's had a few volleys and gone close, but full credit to Bolton for hanging in there. 我想欧文有个机会,贝巴有几个抽射也该进。但我们得赞扬博尔顿。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 4. The Reds skipper lasted less than ten minutes of the match after rolling his ankle in a challenge with Bolton midfielder Gary Speed. 红魔队长在同博尔顿的比赛进行不到十分钟时,在一次和对方中场加里斯皮德的拼抢中,扭伤了脚踝。 bbs.xwsi.net 5. Ben Haim is a strong player with lots of experience in the Premiership and of course he has played for Sam at Bolton. 本哈伊姆效力过萨姆执教过的博尔顿,他是一个很强壮的球员,在英超富有经验。 post.baidu.com 6. Leslie set up a lunch with Keith Bolton, vice president of Applied Digital Solutions, the company behind VeriChip. 莱斯琳邀请基思,博尔顿一起共进午餐。博尔顿是拥有绝对芯片技术的“应用数码解决方案”公司的副总裁。 www.hzfanyi.net 7. New signing Sotirios Kyrgiakos played for the reserves on Thursday and is in line for his league debut at Bolton. 新签约的基里亚科斯已经在星期二代表预备队出场,他有可能在博尔顿的比赛中出场。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 8. In some areas, such as Salford and Bolton, CEOs wear head cameras to deter aggressive behaviour, or to record it if it occurs. 在某些地区,如索尔福德和博尔顿,交通管理员头上戴着摄像头,以阻止侵犯行为,或是记录下被侵犯的过程。 www.ecocn.org 9. The arrival of John Bolton as America's ambassador to the UN in August 2005 did not help matters; the two men never got on. 美国驻联合国大使约翰?伯尔顿在2005年8月到任,但他对问题的改善毫无助益;安南与他二人从不投契。 www.ecocn.org 10. Some investors were wary of the fact Mr Bolton has refused to commit to more than two years at the helm. 一些投资者对波顿拒绝掌管该基金超过两年的事实很是谨慎。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Mrs Bolton ate with Mrs Betts in the housekeeper's room, since they were all agreeable. 波太太同白蒂斯太太在女管家的房子里吃饭,这种办法是大家都方便的。 word.hcbus.com 2. Adam showed against Bolton what he is all about. 亚当在对博尔顿那场比赛展现出了他的全部。 www.bing.com 3. But on weapons, Mr Bolton, an old counter-proliferation hand, is in his element. 然而,拿武器做文章是波尔顿这位防核扩散老手的拿手好戏。 www.ecocn.org 4. The win against Bolton saw all three of our attacking trio find the net, as well as Ramires, who scored his maiden goal for the Blues. 对阵博尔顿我们的三个前锋都找着了球网,拉米雷斯也打入了加盟蓝军以来的处子球。 www.qieerxi.com 5. Bolton said that "some of the outcomes were really striking" in terms of their ranking order. 博尔顿说,就轻重缓急的顺序来说,“有些结果很引人注目”。 www.america.gov 6. Roose Bolton entered, pale-eyed and yawning, accompanied by his plump and pregnant wife, Fat Walda. 卢斯·波顿睁着浅色的眼睛打着哈欠和他滚圆的孕妇老婆——胖薇尔达——走了进来。 www.cndkc.net 7. But the substance may be little changed: Mr Bolton had been pushing for sensible resolutions on matters including Iran and Sudan. 但事实本身不会改变:博尔顿先生被推举参与合理解决伊朗与苏丹问题。 www.ecocn.org 8. John Bolton, the US ambassador to the UN, emphasised that China had a "heavy responsibility" to influence Pyongyang. 美国驻联合国大使约翰?博尔顿(JohnBolton)强调指出,中国有“重大责任”对平壤施加影响。 www.ftchinese.com 9. U. S. Ambassador to the U. N. John Bolton has been circulating a draft resolution that would impose tough new sanctions against Pyongyang. 美国驻联合国大使博尔顿已经在散发对平壤实施制裁的一项决议草案。 ept-cn.com 10. John Bolton, among others, argues that the North's actions prove that the country is not interested in a negotiated settlement. 和其他人一样,约翰博尔顿认为朝鲜的举动证明了这个国家对协商解决问题不感兴趣。 www.bing.com 1. However, he is now making good progress and believes he could be available for selection in time for the trip to Bolton later this month. 不过,他现在的伤势恢复进展良好,并认为自己可能会复出赛场赶上本月晚些时候客场挑战博尔顿的比赛。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 2. The engagement ring Soros gave Bolton, according to a person close to him, is a Graff diamond in a platinum setting on a rose gold band. 据索罗斯身边的人传出消息,订婚戒指是一枚格拉夫钻戒,钻石镶在白金戒托上,戒圈为玫瑰金。 gb.cri.cn 3. It's imperative that we beat Bolton, Burnley, West Ham and Hull just to ease that pressure a bit before facing Chelsea. 我们击败了博尔顿、伯恩利,战平西汉姆以及胡尔城给我们缓解不少的压力。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 4. Very likely Mrs. Bolton, in her wisdom, had speculated upon these matters during the night. 包尔顿太太是个聪明人,很可能她夜里躺在床上,已把这些事合计过了。 www.jukuu.com 5. Fulham have scored three times in each of the last three home league games - beating Bolton, Blackpool and Blackburn. 富勒姆在上三场主场联赛中都有进球——分别击败了博尔顿、布莱克浦和布莱克本。 www.lfcbbs.com 6. Wenger wants his players to regain their confidence with a string of victories, starting when Bolton visit Emirates Stadium on Saturday. 温格需要他的球员们通过一连串的胜利来重获信心,就从周六酋长球场对阵博尔顿的比赛开始。 bbs1.arsenal.com.cn 7. Both of Bolton's fullbacks, South African Quinton Fortune and Nicky Hunt, suffered injuries against Arsenal and are struggling to be fit. 博尔顿的两个后卫福琼和布特都在对阿森纳的比赛中受伤,现在正在努力恢复。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. What they will end up with: Newcastle insist they are not prepared to sell Carroll, while Bolton have taken a similar stance over Cahill. 结果:纽卡坚称卡罗尔非卖,波尔顿对于卡西尔也是同样的态度。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. The France defender will be a free agent and a significantly cheaper alternative to Bolton's Gary Cahill. 这名法国籍后卫将成为一名自由球员,和博尔顿的盖里*卡希尔相比有着明显的价格优势。 www.lfc.org.cn 10. Unfortunately we have lost Fran Merida who got kicked straight away when he came on [at Bolton] and his ankle was very bad today. 不幸的是,我们失去了梅里达,他(在客场对博尔顿时)一上场就挨踢,今天他的脚踝情况很糟糕。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 1. Chelsea were struggling to make any real impact in the final third with Bolton's midfield and defence swarming all over them. 切尔西始终拼尽全力来获得他们最想要得的三分,他们始终向博尔顿的中场和后防施压。 bbs.qieerxi.com 2. A source close to the club said a deal is close for Adam, while Liverpool are also still in the hunt for Bolton centre back Gary Cahill. 一位和利物浦关系密切的人士声称球队已经接近于签下亚当,而红军同时还把目光投向了博尔顿中卫加里。卡希尔。 www.lfcbbs.com 3. He was in the youth team at Bolton and then played semi-professional football for the Calgary Kickers when he moved to Canada. 他出自博尔顿青年队,在搬到加拿大后,他在卡尔加里足球联盟踢半职业足球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Meanwhile, Glen Johnson is a doubt for Sunday's trip to Bolton with a muscle injury which has seen him miss our last three fixtures. 同时,壮神也缺席了最近的三场比赛,由于肌肉的受伤,周日能否客战博尔顿也成为了疑问。 www.ept-team.com 5. Our dreams of the quadruple took a severe dent when we surprisingly squandered two points at home to a depleted Bolton side. 在主场,我们意外的在疲软的博尔顿身上丢掉两分时,我们的四冠王梦想受到了沉痛的打击。 bbs.qieerxi.com 6. Similarly, Bolton and Drew found that value is an important determinant of consumers' loyalty intention toward telephone services. 类似地,Bolton和Drew发现价值是决定消费者对电话服务忠诚意愿的关键因素。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 7. I experienced that when I was managing Bolton. It was always harder to get a result but Liverpool have been doing it for years and years. 当我执教博尔顿的时候,我经历这种情况,这是非常难以保持成绩的,但是利物浦已经有过日积月累的经验。 www.jczqw.com 8. I hope to be able to make my comeback against Bolton on January 17th, the day after my birthday. 我希望能够在1月17日,我的生日之后那天复出对阵博尔顿。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 9. MANCHESTER United have been linked with a swoop for Bolton striker Nicolas Anelka. 曼联已经突然联系了博尔顿前锋阿内尔卡。 hi.baidu.com 10. For once Roose Bolton's voice was loud enough to carry. 这一次卢斯·波顿的声音足够响亮。 www.cndkc.net 1. If Pulis will not budge on Shawcross, 23, Dalglish is expected to look for a compromise with Bolton over Gary Cahill's asking price instead. 如果普利斯不就23岁的肖克罗斯做出让步,达格利什可能会转而与博尔顿就加里·卡荷尔要价。 www.fanyitie.com 2. Evans, 20, can play in either defence or midfield and turned out for United in Thursday night's Reserves game against Bolton Wanderers. 20岁的埃文斯能打后卫或中场,周二晚上还参加了预备队与博尔顿的比赛。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 3. Tempting Mr Bolton out of retirement to run the China fund was a big coup for Fidelity. 劝波顿出山掌管这只中国基金,是富达的一项重大举措。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Mr Bolton, like most investors across the world, expects that China's economy will continue to boom for the foreseeable future. 与世界各地的多数投资者一样,波顿预计,在可预见的未来,中国经济将继续蓬勃发展。 www.ftchinese.com 5. It could have been more but a 2-0 win away to Bolton, who have been doing well in the last two games, is good. 本来比分能再高一些,但是能2:0战胜近两场风头正劲的博尔顿已经很不错了。 www.lfcbbs.com 6. Washington's ambassador to the U. N. John Bolton says Russia and China reacted favorably to the draft. 美国驻联合国大使博尔顿说,俄罗斯和中国对建议草案反应积极。 www.edu114.cn 7. Another hallmark of Mr Bolton's investing style is a focus on the fundamental long-term valuation of a company. 波顿投资风格的另一个特点是,关注于一家公司的基础长期估值。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. I said after the Bolton game if Gallas has injured the player, we are sorry. 我在博尔顿比赛之后说如果加拉弄伤了那位球员,我们感到抱歉。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 9. saying that she couldn't meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to. 说明天早上她有一个重要的事要参加所以不能和你在Bolton咖啡馆见面 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Tonight's big - band version of that last tune put Michael Bolton's to shame . 今晚大乐团演奏的最后一曲可把迈克尔·波顿比下去了。 www.bing.com 1. Founder Neil Bolton says: "Members tell their wives that they're taking the dog for a walk, then come round here. " 俱乐部的创立者NeilBolton说:“我们的会员告诉他们的妻子他们去溜溜狗,随后便跑到这里来。” www.bing.com 2. Bolton hard over at State and the rest of us wanting to talk to these guys to resolve the issue. 国务院的博尔顿一方和我们当中其他希望与这些人交谈以解决这个问题的人。再没有其他人参与了。 www.zftrans.com 3. She boasted to classmates about her relationship with then Bolton footballer El Hadji Diouf. 她甚至向同班同学吹嘘,她和当时身为博尔顿球员的迪乌夫关系不同寻常。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. Mister Bolton noted that he and Mister Ban had worked together on the plan that led to U. N membership for both North and South Korea. 博尔顿先生强调他和潘先生曾在领导南北朝鲜的联合国成员计划中并肩合作。 www.zftrans.com 5. Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez met over winter break after they were forced to sing together at a party. 特洛伊博尔顿和嘉比瑞拉在寒假记得后见面,他们被迫一起唱歌是在一个聚会上。 www.ok06.com 6. Archie Knox, the Bolton caretaker manager, will remain in charge for this evening's Uefa Cup tie against SC Braga at the Reebok Stadium. 博尔顿看守经理阿奇。诺克斯将继续执掌球队今晚主场对阵布拉加的联盟杯赛。 dict.ebigear.com 7. So I'm sure he is delighted to have put that behind him by scoring a very, very important winning goal against Bolton. 所以我很确信,当他打进那一球的时候他就可以把所以的担心置之脑后了,那真是一个至关重要的进球。 www.lfcbbs.com 8. Mr Bolton said he was confident that last year's lending binge by Chinese banks would not lead to a dangerous rise in bad debts. 波顿表示,他相信,去年中资银行的放贷热潮不会导致不良债务出现危险性的增加。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Last season, Arsenal allowed leads to slip in important Premiership games during the run-in - most memorably at Bolton and Aston Villa. 上赛季,阿森纳在夺冠的关键比赛中丢掉了比分领先的优势,最让人记忆犹新的是对博尔顿和阿斯顿维拉的比赛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Mr Bolton appears energised by his decision. 波顿的决定似乎让他精神焕发。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Mr Bolton said at the time that he believed talk of a China bubble was "overstated" . 当时波顿表示,他认为有关中国泡沫的说法“夸大其辞”。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Cole followed it up by again scoring the winner the following week, in a home game against Bolton. 科尔在接下的一周用行动证明自己,在主场对博尔顿的比赛再次得分。本段后一句请教高手翻译… bbs.qieerxi.com 3. Mr Bolton's decision to risk his reputation in this unpredictable market is being watched closely throughout the investing world. 波顿拿自己的声誉在这个无法预知的市场上进行冒险的决定,正受到整个投资界的密切关注。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Mr Bolton's fund had suffered losses from investments in two small US-listed Chinese companies accused of fraud. 由于所投资的两家在美上市的中国小型企业被指控存在欺诈行为,该基金因此蒙受了损失。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Gael Clichy is fit despite limping off just before half-time at Bolton last Saturday with a bruised shin. 尽管上周六在博尔顿比赛半场结束前因为一个小腿挫伤一瘸一拐的离开球场,但盖尔·克里希已适合出战。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. Bolton were initially unwilling to sell for less than £ 17 million, but they now appear to be more willing. 博尔顿之前希望能以不低于1700万英镑的价格出售,但现在他们有所妥协。 www.arsenalchina.com 7. The bold move speaks to Mr Bolton's restless intellect and his excitement about investment opportunities across China. 这一大胆的举措展示了波顿如火花迸发般的才智和他对中国投资机会的兴奋。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Some investors said they would have preferred Mr Bolton to commit to a five-year stint at the fund. 一些投资者表示,他们更希望波顿能够在该基金的帅位上呆上5年。 www.ftchinese.com 9. What can be said for sure is that Mr Bolton is staying true to his own principles. 可以肯定的是,波顿将忠实于自己的原则。 www.ftchinese.com 10. West Ham face Everton and Bolton at home and Wigan away before they meet Manchester United in the final game of the season . 在赛季末迎战曼联之前,西汉姆联还要出场出阵埃弗顿和博尔顿,客场挑战维甘。 www.bing.com 1. Bolton Council in the United Kingdom may soon see the construction of its first zero-carbon underground home. 英国博尔顿郡将很快见证其第一个零碳排放的地下住宅。 arch.mr926.me 2. The only thing I think about Bolton what gives me confidence in them is the manager and the assistant manager. 博尔顿给我信心的唯一因素是他们的主帅和副帅。 mufans.org 3. It was a good result against Bolton, especially after we conceded a goal early in the second half. 完胜博尔顿的比赛是一个好的结果,尤其是在我们下半场开场丢了一球的情况下。 www.bing.com 4. Against Bolton in March, United found itself down to 10 men after Jonny Evans was sent off for a reckless challenge on Stuart Holden. 又是三月与博尔顿之战,曼联发现在埃文斯因对斯图亚特-霍尔顿恶意犯规被罚出场之后只能10人应战。 www.bing.com 5. Mr. Bolton: This time last r, I was in the unusual position of having a strong view on the market. 博尔顿:去年这个时候,我非常看好这个市场,这在当时是少数派观点。 bbs.51ielts.com 6. That period should end once Chelsea reach an agreement with the Bolton chairman, allowing Forde to take up his new position in west London. 这种生活即将结束,因为切尔西和博尔顿主席达成了协议,福德将被允许到西伦敦重新担任其新的职位。 bbs.qieerxi.com 7. Resolution 1701 specifically says that the council would consider changes and enhancements to an expanded UNIFIL, Bolton pointed out. 博尔顿指出,安理会1701号决议具体规定安理会将考虑改组和加强扩大的联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队。 www.america.gov 8. Ravel Morrison settled a dour encounter with Bolton in the Manchester Senior Cup with a jet-propelled strike in the 94th minute. 拉威尔。莫里森在曼彻斯特高级杯上用一脚94分钟的火箭球绝杀博尔顿。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 9. The Reds lost two of their opening three Premier League matches but they have responded well with back-to-back wins over Bolton and Burnley. 利物浦在他们开赛的三场英超比赛中输掉两场,但是他们马上战胜伯恩利和博尔顿宣誓他们的反弹。 engbbs.fans1.com 10. While the holdings of Bolton's funds weren't disclosed in the annual report, he did say that about 15% of the fund is in U. 尽管年报没有披露波顿管理的这只基金的持仓详情,但波顿说大约15%的仓位投资在美国上市的公司股票。 www.bing.com 1. Mr Bolton's nomination looks doomed, though the administration is reportedly toying with letting him carry on as "acting" ambassador. 博尔顿的提名前途渺茫,尽管有报道说行政部门戏称让他继续做“代理”大使。 club.topsage.com 2. Bolton are a very difficult team to play against and in a local derby you're always happy to win the match but we left it very, very late. 博尔顿是一支很难应付的球队,在同城德比中获胜总是值得高兴的,但我们把这份喜悦留到了最后。 www.manutd.com.cn 3. So, let's get out there and knock them dead , Troy Bolton! 那么,我们就出去给他们好看吧,特洛伊·伯顿。 www.01ielts.com 4. The big problem with Bolton is not what he has tried to achieve, but his style. 博尔顿最大的问题不是他的行事目的,而是他的做事风格。 www.ecocn.org 5. Buying stocks overlooked by most investors was a strategy that served Mr Bolton well in the west. 在西方国家,购入大多数投资者所忽视的股票,曾让波顿收益颇丰。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Bolton said that "it is perfectly appropriate" for the Arab League delegation to meet with the council. 博尔顿认为阿盟代表团同安理会举行会谈是“极其恰当”的。 www.america.gov 7. Bolton Wanderers forward Anelka and Tottenham Hotspur ace Berbatov have both been linked with January moves to Stamford Bridge. 博尔顿前锋阿内尔卡和热刺的贝尔巴托夫都被认为极有可能在今年一月前往斯坦福桥。 www.chelsea.net.cn 8. "It's important we get results and the most pleasing thing about the Bolton game was the clean sheet, " he added. “最重要就是我们取得胜利,最值得高兴的事就是零失球记录,”他补充道。 www.jczqw.com 9. Gary Neville also paid tribute to the former Leeds, Everton, Newcastle, Bolton and Sheffield United midfielder. 内维尔也对这位曾效力利兹、埃弗顿、纽卡、博尔顿和谢联的中场球员表达了尊敬。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 10. President Bush has accepted the resignation of John Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations. 布什总统已经批准了约翰-博士顿辞去美国驻联合国大使的职务。 bbs.putclub.com 1. And the Bolton striker reckons he should play for France ahead of the Arsenal superstar if he's in better form. 这名博尔顿前锋觉得如果在他状态好的时候,为法国队上阵他应该排在阿森纳超级巨星(亨利)前面。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 2. Jonny Evans is determined to get back out onto the pitch and help United return to winning ways against Bolton Wanderers on Saturday. 乔尼。埃文斯决心重返球场帮助曼联回到胜利的道路上来。首先就从周末的博尔顿开始。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 3. Bolton are a physical and strong team so it will be a tough match for us, but we are focused on making improvements in every area. 博尔顿是一支很讲究身体对抗的球队,所以这场比赛一定会很激烈,因此我们在每一处都要做好充分准备。 tieba.baidu.com 4. Tottenham fans will launch a massive protest calling for chairman Daniel Levy to resign at their next home game against Bolton on Sunday. 报导,在下次主场迎战博尔顿(在周日),热刺球迷将发动大规模活动,要求主席丹尼尔-利维辞职。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. He confirmed Blackburn have been told his old club Bolton are not looking to sell Kevin Davies this summer. 他被告知他的老东家博尔顿不打算在今夏出售凯文-戴维斯。 www.bing.com 6. Mrs. Bolton: It's the last night of vacation, The party, remember? 今晚是假期最后一晚,有派对啊,记不记得? blog.hjenglish.com 7. Mr Bolton has been concentrating on value stocks, buying companies exposed to consumption, services and pharmaceuticals. 波顿一直关注于价值型股票,买进从事消费、服务和制药业务的公司股票。 www.ftchinese.com 8. John Bolton, former US ambassador to the United Nations, a leading Bush-era hawk, was scathing. 美国前任驻联合国大使约翰-博尔顿(JohnBolton)的批评十分尖锐,他是布什时期的主要鹰派人士。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Juventus have agreed terms with Bolton Wanderers over the sale of defender Igor Tudor. 尤文在卖出图多尔上已经和博尔顿达成诸多共识。 bbs.juvezone.com 10. Gudjohnsen, formerly of Bolton before Chelsea, would relish a move back to Britain and the chance to regularly compete at the top level. 古德约翰森,在切尔西之前他效力于博尔顿,这将意味着他回归英国,然后在巅峰完成习惯性的进球。 www.manutdsky.com 1. Dujarric confirmed that Annan held an unscheduled meeting Thursday morning with U. S. Ambassador John Bolton. 发言人证实安南于周四早晨同美国大使JB进行了一次临时会晤。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. That has uncovered further issues with some of Fidelity China's other holdings in the US, Mr Bolton admitted. 波顿承认,这些调查发现了富达中国在美国持有的一些股票存在的其他问题。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Roose Bolton had posted guards at the kitchen door. With so many mouths to feed, every scrap of food was precious. 卢斯·波顿派人看守着厨房的们,有这么多张口,没一点食物都显得尤其珍贵。 www.cndkc.net 4. Arsenal can reduce that further by winning their match in hand against struggling Bolton at Emirates Stadium next week. 如果阿森纳在下周酋长球场举行的对阵博尔顿的补赛中获胜的话,差距将进一步缩小。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 5. Getting through in the FA Cup at a place like Bolton has given us an enormous amount of confidence. 在足总杯中能够扳倒象博尔顿这样的对手,那将给我们以巨大的信心,让我们倍受鼓舞。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. After all, they beat Inter Milan but then went and lost at Bolton, and Harry won't want any more slip ups. 毕竟,他们打败国际米兰但接着竟然输给了博尔顿,而哈里不会想要更多失误的。 www.ept-team.com 7. Republican efforts to confirm Bolton as ambassador to the United Nations hit a snag. 共和党想通过议会任命Bolton为驻联合国大使但是受到阻挠。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Bolton Wanderers have made an official offer to Arsenal to take striker Carlos Vela on loan. 博尔顿已经向阿森纳提出了正式报价求租墨西哥前锋贝拉。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 9. Mr Bolton is a talented stock-picker, but he does not speak Chinese. Good luck to him. 波顿是一位天才的基金经理,但他不会说汉语。祝他好运! www.e-say.com.cn 10. Thenext morning Sewart, of Bolton, confessed to her solicitor that she hadbeen contacted by Fraill and the judge stopped the case. 第二天早上,Sewart就跟她的律师坦白说,她在网络上联系了Fraill。随后法官停止了对案件的审理。 dongxi.net 1. The most prominent over the weekend involved Bolton defender Gary Cahill. 周末最引人瞩目的是博尔顿后卫加里卡希尔。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 2. The Gunners made it four consecutive league wins with a 3-1 victory at Bolton Wanderers yesterday. 昨天,随着3-1击败博尔顿,枪手们取得了联赛的第四场胜利。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. The visitors withstood significant Bolton pressure at the Reebok Stadium on Sunday before coming away with a 2-0 win. 周日在锐步球场,客队经受住了博尔顿的巨大压力,取得了一场2:0胜利。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 4. However, the second-ranking Senate Democrat, Dick Durbin, said Thursday he expects Mr. Bolton will ultimately be confirmed. 不过,参议院第二号民主党人、助理少数党领袖迪克。德宾星期四说,他预计博尔顿将最终将能过关。 www.for68.com 5. Writing for FT. com, Mr Bolton revealed that a recent tour of China had rekindled his desire to manage money. 波顿为FT.com撰文透露,最近的一次中国之行,重新点燃了他管理资金的渴望。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Mr Bolton's portfolio selection will be closely analysed by other investors seeking to emulate his previous success. 其他投资者将认真分析波顿的资产组合选择,以追赶他的往日胜绩。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Wenlock and Mandeville are animated figures depicting steel from a steelworks in Bolton. 文洛克和曼德维尔是描绘博尔顿一间炼钢厂的钢铁的卡通人物。 www.hxen.com 8. Mr Bolton remains "optimistic" . I, however, remain pessimistic. 波顿仍然感到“乐观”,而我则悲观依旧。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But if you're in Kuala Lumpur there isn't anyone subscribing to Astro, or ESPN to watch Bolton, or if they are it's a very small number. 但是,在吉隆坡是没有人愿意通过预订:星空体育或者ESPN,去看博尔顿的比赛的。如果这只是个少数群体的问题就好办了。 www.lfc.org.cn 10. Liverpool will give full-back Glen Johnson a fitness test prior to Sunday's Barclays Premier League trip to Bolton. 利物浦将为边后卫格伦·约翰逊再次进行身体测试用以准备周日的与博尔顿的比赛。 www.ept-team.com 1. Dellas, formerly of Perugia, has also been linked with Rangers, Celtic and Bolton amongst many others. 德拉斯,前佩鲁贾球员,同时和包括流浪者,凯尔特人和博尔顿等球会联系在一起。 www.laziofly.com 2. New Arsenal defender Sebastien Squillaci has told Arsene Wenger he is ready for his Premier League bow against Bolton this weekend. 阿森纳后防新援塞巴斯蒂安·斯奎拉齐已经告诉阿尔塞纳·温格他准备好出战本周对阵博尔顿的比赛。 www.bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. Lucas Leiva believes that Liverpool can get back to winning ways against Bolton Wanderers on Boxing Day. 卢卡斯相信利物浦可以在节礼日与博尔顿的大战中返回胜利轨道。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Bolton said that there is no reason why the second resolution should hold up UNIFIL deployment. 博尔顿说,没有理由让第二个决议拖延联合国驻黎临时部队的部署。 www.america.gov 5. Denilson is back in the squad and he will be available for Bolton. 德尼尔森回到了球队,他将可以在博尔顿比赛上场。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 6. The strategy and size of Mr Bolton's fund is yet to be decided. 波顿的基金尚未确定的战略和规模。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Bolton haven't progressed as a club since Sammy Lee left and if anything they have gone backwards. 自从萨米-李离开之后,博尔顿就再也没有当日的雄风,而他们战术也一直都往后移。 lfcbbs.fans1.com 8. The Spanish striker was stretchered off after32 minutes of Saturday's draw with Bolton at Highbury following a tackle from Abdoulaye Faye. 这位西班牙射手在周六与博尔顿平局的比赛三十二分钟法耶的阻截抢球后被担架抬下场。 www.jukuu.com 9. Ancelotti is already looking ahead to our next game away at Bolton in nine days, but knows there is still room to improve. 安切洛蒂已经开始展望8天之后的客战博尔顿之旅,但是他知道切尔西还有继续上升的空间(需要继续提升状态)。 bbs.qieerxi.com 10. Nobody who knows him will assume that Mr Bolton is taking on his new venture lightly. 了解他的人都知道,他并不是随随便便就接受了这项新的挑战。 www.ftchinese.com 1. A China fund taking a long-term view of the risks and rewards related to climate change run by Mr Bolton would be even better. 一只由波顿管理、着眼于和气候问题相关的长远风险与回报的中国基金,将会是一个更好的选择。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Bolton Wanderers boss Sam Allardyce says this season's title will be between Chelsea and Manchester United. 博尔顿主帅萨姆?阿勒代斯说:本赛季的冠军将在切尔西和曼联两支队伍中产生。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Bolton initially did academic work studying the symbolism of clothing in Thailand. 波顿最初曾做过学术研究,研究泰国服饰的象征主义。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Anthony Bolton's epic move east to manage a new investment trust focused on China has prompted much excitement and even more pontification. 安东尼?波顿(AnthonyBolton)移师东方去管理一只聚焦中国的投资信托基金,这一壮举令人们兴奋不已,更是大发议论。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Owen has sustained a thigh strain and, like Given, will be sidelined for Newcastle's first game at Bolton on Saturday. 欧文经受了大腿的伤势,就像吉文一样,他也将缺席纽卡对阵博尔顿的比赛。 post.baidu.com 6. Bolton are unbeaten in the league at home this season - winning one and drawing three. 本赛季博尔顿依然保持着主场不败——一胜三平。 www.ept-team.com 7. True, Bolton need a proven striker at the Reebok Stadium to lessen the burden on Kevin Davies. 事实上,博尔顿需要一个有能力的前锋来缓解凯文·戴维斯的压力。 cnc.arsenal.com.cn 8. Mr Bolton: Sounds like a winner. Good luck on Broadway! 听起来会得奖啊。百老汇好运哦! blog.hjenglish.com 9. And then [at the end of January] it got very bad and we lost three matches [consecutive defeats to Everton, Bolton and West Ham]. 现在(一月底)我们的成绩很糟糕,我们丢掉了三场比赛(埃弗顿、博尔顿和西汉姆联)。 www.thefa.cn 10. Liverpool got back to winning ways at the Reebok on Saturday with a 3-2 victory over Bolton. 上周六在锐步球场利物浦3-2击败博尔顿,重新找回胜利的感觉。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Bolton boss Owen Coyle does not have enough players to fill his bench for the clash with Chelsea after a new double blow. 波尔顿在对切尔西的比赛中甚至没有办法填满替补席,经历队中的双重打击后。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. You have seen today that Bolton made life difficult for us so we have to be completely focused. 今天你可以看到博尔顿给我们制造了困难,因此我们必需要集中全部的注意力。 word.hcbus.com 3. the UK of south KaiSha and will secco van Clive bolton couples are British tallest married couples. 英国达格南的凯莎和威尔科·凡·克莱夫-博尔顿夫妇是英国身高最高的已婚夫妇。 en.cnxianzai.com 4. There are a lot of people seems to Bolton . . . 看来这里有很多人博尔顿… word.hcbus.com 5. Sammy Lee admits Liverpool must stop striker Kevin Davies if they are to claim a crucial three points against Bolton on Saturday. 萨米-李承认如果周六要在博尔顿身上全取三分,利物浦一定看住前锋凯文-戴维斯。 www.jczqw.com 6. Bolton Wanderers boss Sam Allardyce admits hopes of signing Rivaldo are fading. 博尔顿老板山姆承认,和里瓦尔多签约的可能性正在逐渐降低。 www.brazilfans.cn 7. Sotirios Kyrgiakos was Liverpool's best player again in the win over Bolton, " added Rush. " 基尔甲克斯在对博尔顿的比赛中又成为了最佳球员。拉什说。 www.jczqw.com 8. Cole has warned his team-mates to beware of the physical threat posed by Bolton. 科尔提醒队友要小心博尔顿的身体冲撞。 bbs.qieerxi.com 9. Bolton defend deep in the second-half and Chelsea run out of ideas. 博尔顿在下半场严密防守,而切尔西亦无板斧破解。 bbs.qieerxi.com 10. Miss Darbus: Ah, Troy Bolton, Gabriella Montez. Troy? Gabriella? 达布斯老师:啊,特洛伊·波顿,凯碧·蒙泰兹。特洛伊?凯碧? www.upicture.com.cn 1. About one fifth of Mr Bolton's fund is allocated to stocks in the consumer discretionary sector. 波顿将大约五分之一的资金配置在非必需消费品板块。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Industry rivals will be keen to learn where the money will come from and Mr Bolton's sector allocation strategy. 业内竞争对手会渴望了解波顿的资金来源和他的配置策略。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Funnily enough I had always pencilled in the Bolton game for a return to action, so from that point of view I am bang on track. 我总是比划着能在对博尔顿的比赛能够重新回到球场,所以从这个角度看来我正在回归正轨道。 www.bing.com 4. Chang Hua Xi Hotel Bolton all staff look forward to your visit again! 长安波尔顿华禧酒店全体人员期待您再次光临! destguides.ctrip.com 5. Cole has scored just one goal in 11 league appearances, the winner against Bolton in Hodgson's penultimate game in charge. 小乔联赛出场11次仅攻入1球,即在霍二执教下战胜博尔顿的比赛。 www.ept-team.com 6. We are in a great position in the league after the win against Bolton. 赢得了对博尔顿的胜利之后,我们联赛的排名不错。 www.bing.com 7. But Mr Bolton's thinking is by no means unusual. 但是波顿的想法绝不是特立独行。 www.ftchinese.com 8. But my favourite goals ever are the ones at Bolton that clinched the title for us the first time, for obvious reasons. 但我迄今最喜爱的入球却是在博尔顿的那两个,显然的原因是它们为我们球队第一次搞定了联赛冠军。 bbs.qieerxi.com 9. Benitez warned against underestimating a Bolton side without a point or a goal from their two opening fixtures. 贝尼特斯警告不能低估博尔顿,虽然对手开赛以来没有拿到一分或进一球。 engbbs.fans1.com 10. Bolton, however, blends these three ideas together. 然而,波顿将这三种理念混杂在了一起。 www.ftchinese.com 1. I think we need to have the same mentality whether we play Bolton or Manchester United. 我认为我们无论对曼联还是博尔顿都需要同样的精神力。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 2. They were fresh off an impressive display with a 8-2 victory over Arsenal and 5-0 over the Bolton Wanderers. 他们刚以8-2战胜阿森纳,5-0狂扫博尔顿两场给人印象深刻的表演找回活力。 www.bing.com 3. Sharpay Evans: Hey, Troy when's the big game? Troy Bolton: Yesterday. 莎佩:嗨,特洛伊,你的比赛是什么时候啊? dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Mr Bolton had spent a lifetime heaping scorn on all things international. 博尔顿毕生都致力于对国际事务品头论足,挑三拣四。 www.ecocn.org 5. Anthony Bolton, the fabled fund manager, is facing a rare event - a setback. 赫赫有名的基金经理安东尼?波顿(AnthonyBolton)罕见地遭遇了挫折。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Too often at the UN, said Mr Bolton, "everything is a priority" . 波尔顿先生说,在联合国,“每个问题都声称享有优先权”。 www.ecocn.org 7. But Mr. Bolton also sees a China still engaged in wishful thinking about the nuclear danger. 不过,博尔顿认为,中国仍然对核危险抱有幻想。 www.ebigear.com 8. The Big Bolton Health Check is a great example. 博尔顿疾病检查机构就是一个鲜明的例子。 www.bing.com 9. There has been much anticipation in the industry over whether Mr Bolton's fund would reach its goal. 对于波顿的基金能否实现目标,业内一直满怀期待。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Bolton, meanwhile, are keen on signing West Ham's Marlon Harewood . 同时,博尔顿也想要西汉姆的马龙。海伍德。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. There are some games like at Bolton and Blackburn last season we didn't even turn up, but you can't say that about this game. 上赛季有几场比赛象我们和博尔顿、布莱克本的比赛,我们甚至没能追平。但是这次的比赛完全不是一样的。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Owen Coyle and his Bolton players cared quite a lot, judging from their furious reaction to Florent Malouda's 61st-minute winner. 但是科易尔和他的博尔顿球员却很在意,他们明显地失落了,在马路达第61分钟进球有效后。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Wilshere's loan spell coincided with Bolton's climb away from the relegation zone. 威尔谢尔的租借期间也是博尔顿队逐渐走出降级区的时段。 dx.arsenal.com.cn 4. Mr Bolton insists he has the skills and experience to deliver for his investors. 波顿坚持认为,自己的技能和经验能够为投资者带来回报。 www.ftchinese.com 5. "The centre of gravity is clearly shifting, " Mr Bolton says. 波顿表示:“重心显然在转移。” www.ftchinese.com 6. Mr Bolton's Fidelity China Special Situations fund has tumbled more than 20 per cent this year. 波顿的富达中国特殊情况基金(FidelityChinaSpecialSituations)今年已暴跌逾20%。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Bolton Wanderers battering ram Kevin Davies is worried he is losing his hard-man image. 博尔顿的攻城铁锤代为斯在忧虑他正在丢失他的硬汉形象。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Ms Bolton's ruling merely postpones the day of reckoning for 1070, which in due course may have to go to the Supreme Court. 博尔顿女士的裁定仅能推迟1079法律的生效日期,但按(司法)程序,该法案或许应递交给最高法院(裁定)。 www.ecocn.org 9. Following hot on the heels of a 2-0 win at Ewood Park last Saturday, Arsenal beat Bolton 2-1 in a tense tussle at Highbury. 紧接着上周在埃伍德公园击败布莱克本的比赛,阿森纳在一场艰苦的比赛中2:1战胜了博尔顿。 www.bing.com 10. Mr. Bolton: Some people have questioned the relevance of a stock-picking approach in China. 博尔顿:一些人曾怀疑股票精选方式是否适合中国。 c.wsj.com 1. The last time Chelsea lost on Bolton's patch was 10 seasons ago. 距离上次切尔西队博尔顿输球还是10个赛季以前的事了。 www.chelsea.net.cn 2. Mr. Forton: Danforth, Bolton, you're caddying today. $40 a bag. You've been requested. 丹佛,伯顿,你们今天去捡球。40美元一袋。你们被点名了。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. Mr Bolton is entering treacherous waters. 波顿正驶入一片变幻莫测的水域。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Allardyce played 442 league games in his playing career, the majority for Bolton (184 of them). 大山姆在球员时代打过442场比赛,主要是为波尔顿[184场]。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. "Four" is four words, namely "with thick thin, dry not salty, 345 bolton, seven eight full" . “四”是四句话,即“有粗有细,不甜不咸,三四五顿,七八分饱”。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. You cannot come to Bolton and leave them free movement on corners. 你不能让他们在罚角球时有这么自由的活动空间。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 7. I was happy with how it went tonight and I am looking forward to Saturday's against Bolton. 我愉快的度过了这个美好的夜晚。热切期待星期六对阵博尔顿的比赛。 www.thefa.cn 8. Owen Coyle will be speaking to Arsene Wenger regarding the possibility of keeping Jack Wilshere at Bolton Wanderers next season. 欧文科伊尔将会与温格谈论有关下赛季继续租借威尔谢尔的事宜。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 9. In the lunchtime kick-off Manchester United swipe Bolton 4-1 to go nine points ahead of us again. 在午餐时间开赛的曼联以4-1重击博尔顿,并再次领前我们九分。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Mr Bolton now expects to step down from the flagship fund no earlier than 2013, a move that was welcomed by investors. 波顿目前预计,从这只旗舰基金卸任的时间将不会早于2013年。这个承诺受到了投资者的欢迎。 www.ftchinese.com 1. David: Well, Michael Bolton's pretty grisly. 大卫:嗯,麦克尔。波顿长得够恶心的。 pdf.sznews.com 2. I am so thankful we did that now. When you went two weeks past your due date the hospital near our home in Bolton wanted to induce you. 在你预产期过了两周后,位于波士顿我们家附近的医院决定帮你引产,我庆幸我们那样做了。 www.bing.com 3. No disrespect to Bolton, a club I love, but this club is massive. 没有对博尔顿无礼的意思,我还是很爱它的,只是它厚重了。 post.baidu.com 4. "I am a terrible linguist but, I hope, a reasonable investor, " Mr Bolton says, with understatement. “我不是一个出色的语言学家,但我希望自己是个理性的投资者,”波顿轻描淡写地说道。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Bolton is a licensed pharmacist , according to the New York Post. 根据《纽约时报》的报导,博尔顿还是一名注册药剂师。 www.hjenglish.com 6. Boa Morte's frenetic style has also lead to him conceding 45 fouls, a figure only bettered in the Premiership by Bolton's Kevin Davies. 他的这种风格已经导致了45次犯规,只在联赛中落后博尔顿的凯文。戴维斯。 dict.ebigear.com 7. They just keep on pressing and pressing. You can see also how we had lost to Bolton. 他们就一直压迫、压迫,你也可以看看我们是如何输给博尔顿的。 word.hcbus.com 8. David Wheater has signed for Bolton from Middlesbrough, which could pave the way for 25 year-old centre-back Gary Cahill to join Arsenal. 博尔顿从米德尔斯堡签下大卫温特,这可能会为25岁的中后卫加里卡希尔转会阿森纳铺平道路。 www.arsenalchina.com 9. In 1960, Mr. Frost became a partner of the late Hamilton Bolton, who introduced him ot the Elliott Wave Principle. 1960年,弗罗斯特先生成了已故的汉密尔顿?博尔顿的合伙人,博尔顿将他引入了艾略特波浪理论。 www.pianyiba.com 10. Robbie Fowler holds the club record for most goals in a game against Bolton. He scored four here in a 5-2 win in September 1995. 福勒保持对博尔顿一场比赛进最多球的记录,他在安菲尔德1995年9月5-2大胜的比赛中独中四元。 www.jczqw.com 1. The Reds are looking to achieve a third successive league double over Bolton for the first time in their history. 利物浦希望能够拿到他们史上连续三个赛季双杀博尔顿的记录。 www.jczqw.com 2. But Mr Bolton admitted that the Chinese market had been more volatile than he had expected. 但波顿承认,中国市场的波动程度超出了他的预期。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Mr Bolton has also said he will not be learning the local language, relying instead on colleagues in Hong Kong to translate. 波顿还表示,他不会学习当地的语言,而是依赖香港的同事进行翻译。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Mr Bolton declined to name the other company. 波顿拒绝透露另一家中国公司的名字。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Bolton gave a debut at right-back to Dedryck Boyata, on loan from Manchester City. 博尔顿阵中从曼城刚租借而来的博雅塔在右路也很凶猛。 www.bing.com 6. The midfielder was injured following a tackle by Kevin Davies during Saturday's 5-0 win at Bolton Wanderers. 曼联新科中场在周六5-0大胜博尔顿的比赛中被凯文·戴维斯一次凶狠的铲断中受伤。 www.bing.com 7. "The sheer scale of what is happening in China is so different to other countries, " Mr Bolton says. 他说:“中国所发生变化的绝对规模完全不同于其它国家。” www.ftchinese.com 8. Mr. Bolton: Young adults, Now go, shower up. 都是些年轻人。快点去吧,去冲个澡。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Mr. Bolton: It can't be Gabriella. Whenever she calls, he just blushes. Yeah, I never said that. 不会是凯碧的。每次她来电话,他都会脸红的。好吧,我啥都没说。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. Once we got the first goal against Bolton the result was never in doubt. 当我们对博尔顿进了第一个球,结果就没有悬念。 www.jczqw.com 1. Mr. Bolton likes companies in the consumer sector such as retailers, hotels, cellular and media companies. 博尔顿偏好消费行业的企业,比如零售、酒店、手机和传媒公司。 c.wsj.com 2. Mrs. Bolton: Did we really fly all this way to play more basketball? 我们千里迢迢飞过来就是为了再多打会儿篮球? blog.hjenglish.com 3. It will be a tough game at Bolton, but we are confident. 我们的目标是在下场比赛中战胜博尔顿,仅此而已。 word.hcbus.com 4. It's always a difficult game here at Bolton. 在客场和博尔顿打比赛从来就很难。 www.ept-team.com 5. So, it seemed like you knew Troy Bolton. 这么看来你原先就认识特洛伊·波顿? www.bookou.com 6. Bolton didn't address those issues in the report. 波顿在报告中没有涉及这些问题。 c.wsj.com 7. Liverpool's 1-0 victory at Bolton last weekend was Roy Hodgson's first Premier League away win for over 14 months. 利物浦上周1-0击败波尔顿是霍德格森14个月来的第1场英超客场胜利。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Rooney and Ferdinand both missed Manchester United's 4-0 win over Bolton at the weekend because of respective groin and foot injuries. 鲁尼和费迪南分别因为腹股沟和脚受伤而错过了周末曼联4比0大胜博尔顿的比赛。 www.bing.com 9. Mrs. Bolton: Troy, they have a kid's party downstairs in the Freestyle club. 特洛伊,楼下自由式俱乐部里面在举行孩子们的派对。 blog.hjenglish.com 10. They twice came from a goal down to beat Bolton 3-2 at Goodison Park. 在葛迪逊公园球场两度落后下以三比二反胜保顿。 www.crazyenglish.org |
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