单词 | in-home |
释义 | 例句释义: 日常家居,得到在家,家庭装 1. In foreign environment, this is to be able to take those who say a thing, be being returned in home is should a bit more careful. 在国外的环境,这是可以拿出来说事儿的,在国内还是应该谨慎一点。 itzhe.cn 2. During these day, she was working while i were in home, and i do some of housework, and i said nothing. 这几天,她要工作,我在家,我做了很多家务,我都没说什么。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. I would urge you to read in areas with which you are not familiar as well as in home ground. 我会鼓励你们阅读,关于那些你们熟悉或不熟悉的地区。 www2.myoops.org 4. With a wealth of experience in home chemistry projects as a boy in Egypt, he sailed to the top of his class at Alexandria University. 童年时,扎威尔在埃及国内进行了很多化学实验,并由此获得了丰富的经验,这些经验使他在就读亚历山大大学时成绩在班上名列前茅。 wiki.jukuu.com 5. Laurie was sick and lonely; and, feeling how rich she was in home -love and happiness, she gladly tried to share it with him. 劳里有病而且孤独,极羡慕她享有家庭温暖和幸福,她也很想与他一同分享。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Then he begins to be in Home Zhou Xiaopi like an old bitch all round walk back and forth, seek the way of adjacent opportunity and helper. 于是他就开始象一只老母狗一样在周小皮家的周围转来转去,寻找接近的机会和下手的办法。 www.google-web.org 7. This technique has been used to research the history of the pool charging in home and abroad now. 国内外已经开始通过包裹体的组分分析方法来研究油气藏的充注成藏史; www.chemyq.com 8. Near future reporter is in home discovers advertisement becomes omnipresent in the SNS website of a few mainstreams currently. 近期记者在国内当前一些主流的SNS网站中发现广告变得无所不在。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It is mostly used in hall, front door and the side of bathtub in home fitment as it has good burning-proof capability and low price. 它主要用于礼堂,前门和侧浴缸居家装修,因为它具有良好的燃烧防能力,以及低廉的价格。 baike.china.alibaba.com 10. Easy to use, compact size, easy to fit in, can be used in home and office. 容易使用,体积小,容易摆放,可以应用在家居或办公室。 www.epd.gov.hk 1. There is no degree offered in Home Economics at present, but the courses are often taken as a secondary major with a degree in Education. 目前该校在家庭经济学方面还没有授予学位,但这些课程往往是作为教育学学位的第二专业。 www.jukuu.com 2. The product have been used widely, and solve the demand for heat supply, shower, wash etc in home, hotel etc. 被广泛应用,并针对性解决了家庭别墅、酒店宾馆、等场所的供暖、淋浴、洗涤等用热需求。 www.21agro.com 3. Isometric drawing has been used in home construction by the author, and the good effects were obtained. 笔者在国内施工时也采用单线图,效果良好。 www.chemyq.com 4. I walked in home door, perceiving the atmosphere that had not ever existed. 我走进家门,感受到从未有过的氛围。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. "Until you see a bottom in home prices, people are not going to be confident about the market in homes or in securities, " Mr Pandl said. 潘德尔表示:“只有看到房屋价格见底,人们才会对房地产或证券市场恢复信心。” www.ftchinese.com 6. Thus the decline in home prices will undoubtedly cause pain, but it is unlikely to be a trigger for a US consumption collapse. 毋庸置疑,房价大跌会产生损失,但是不太可能引起美国消费的滑坡。 www.hsbcjt.cn 7. Believe it or not, the city that has seen the biggest increase in home value is in Florida. 相信与否,佛罗里达州的一些城市的房价有最大的涨幅。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Economists said the uptick in home sales was due to sinking prices spurring buyers. 经济学家表示,房屋销售上升是因为价格下跌刺激买家。 www.bing.com 9. Any change in home address or correspondence address shall be notified to the Company in written form. 投保人的住所或通讯地址变更时,应及时以书面形式通知本公司。 134931.vicp.cc 10. The price plunge has wiped out trillions of dollars in home equity and caused the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression. 房价缩水导致房地产股蒸发掉千万亿美元,并引发了自大萧条以来的最糟糕金融危机。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. But the financial system faces continued strains and a bottom in home prices is still not in sight. 然而金融体系依然面临压力,房价何时见底也还是未知数。 www.enfamily.cn 2. If the client declines to carry out the installation works after in-home measurement, the measurement fee will NOT be refunded. 若顾客在上门度尺后拒绝进行安装工作,度尺之费用则不会退还。 dict.bioon.com 3. At present, the methods of isotope tracer and turbine flowmeter are universally used for testing annulus well in home oilfield. 同位素示踪法和涡轮流量计法是目前国内各油田普遍采用的环空测井方法。 www.showxiu.com 4. Although hernial celiac lens is small, achieve remedial operation to have a lot of advantage, but still did not begin extensively in home. 虽然疝的腹腔镜微创治疗手术具有诸多优势,但在国内尚没有广泛开展。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. At least when you are sleeping or other free time you stay in home, please let your breast free. 至少在你睡觉的时候或者其他呆在家里的自由时间,请解放你的胸部。 www.bing.com 6. It's easy to get started adding these subscriptions using the built-in home page in Office Outlook 2007 provided by Office Online. 使用OfficeOutlook2007中OfficeOnline提供的内置主页,可以很容易地着手添加这些订阅。 office.microsoft.com 7. In home setups, RAID is usually not needed, except for people who require exceptional performance or a very high level of redundancy. RAID通常不需要在本地安装,除非人们想要额外的性能或非常高的冗余水平。 www.bing.com 8. Yes, it's better than staying in home all day long. 不,比整天呆在家里好。 www.hxen.com 9. With her headquarter located in San Francisco, USA, Peking Handicraft, Inc. is a leading importer and manufacturer in home goods line. 总部在美国旧金山的美国北京工艺品有限公司是美国家用产品进口与制造的龙头企业。 dict.bioon.com 10. The technological equipment of 800 shop and its technical level comes up to the advanced level in home. 改造后的800车间的工艺装备和技术水平达到了国内先进水平。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. I grew up under grandparents' protection while as a child, I was the granddaughter who they were most fond of in home. 我从小在爷爷奶奶的庇护下长大,家中我是她们最疼爱的孙女。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 2. Students in boarding schools are superior to that living in home in terms of independent living. 寄宿学校的学校的学生在独立生活方面的表现,要优于那些住在家里的。 women.zhishi.sohu.com 3. In "Home of a Rebel Sharpshooter, Gettysburg, 1863, " by Gardner, the body of a dead soldier lies in perfect repose. 加德纳拍摄的“《叛乱狙击手之乡》,1863年,盖茨堡”,一名士兵的尸体呈完美的躺卧状。 www.bing.com 4. In home, the advertisement form of network video also obtained numerous brand advertisement advocate approbate . 在国内,网络视频的广告形式也获得了众多品牌广告主的认可。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. We said, the ambiance, just like in home of Mongolia homeland. 我们说,这样的气氛,就如同在蒙古故园的家里。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The IO module specified can be used to rewrite any URL to reroute the Ajax requests through the build-in Home page AJAX proxy. 可以使用指定的IO模块重写任何URL,从而通过内置的HomepageAjax代理重新路由Ajax请求。 www.ibm.com 7. The location of the injury most occurred is in home, the most common site of injury is head and face, followed by the lower limbs. 意外伤害最容易发生的地点为家中,最常见的伤害部位为头面部,其次为下肢。 www.fabiao.net 8. The child that parental parents dies, fosterage also is than putting in home of relatives and friends in orphanage is good. 父母双亲死亡的孩子,寄养在亲友家也比放在孤儿院里好。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Having worked for 11 years at IBM in home-office isolation, he was drawn to the idea of a more welcoming, community-oriented workspace. 他在为IBM工作的11年间都是在家独立办公的,这期间他一直想要一个更为开放能够社交的工作场所。 www.bing.com 10. This gateway interfaces with the in-home health devices to capture data and forward it to a remote patient monitoring system. 这个网关与家庭内部的健康设备交互,可以捕捉数据并将数据转发给远程的病人监视系统。 www.ibm.com 1. Scotland: Scotch be in home looks for the thing to come borrowing from others , vitally needs before Christmas Day to return with the owner. 苏格兰:苏格兰人在家里找寻向别人借来的东西,必需在圣诞节之前都归还与物主。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Professionals fluent in Mandarin Chinese and English are in demand across the region, especially in home-sweet-home China. 在亚洲地区,说一口流利普通话和英语的专业人士非常抢手,在内地尤其如此。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Another 20% drop in home prices; that's the most frightening suggestion I've seen all day. 房价将再跌20%;这是我这一天所听到的最可怕的预测。 www.forbeschina.com 4. The first part is an introduction, which contains research background, current situation in home and abroad and my research ideas. 论文的第一部门为绪论部门,简要的阐述了研讨背景,海内外研讨现状和论文的研讨思路等。 www.qk114.net 5. Through experiment, the recognition module made a relatively good result in home appliance, mobile phone and computer digital product areas. 经过实验,识别模块在家电、手机和电脑数码领域均取得了相对较好的效果。 www.13191.com 6. I was not in home few days ago, so i couldnt reply you, sorry for that. 前几天我不在家,因此无法回复你,很抱歉啊。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 7. private consumption will remain strong, and a rebound in home sales will boost construction. 个人消费将持续走强,而且房地产销售反弹也将带动建筑业增长。 www.ecocn.org 8. This stimulus will stretch into 2010; private consumption will remain strong, and a rebound in home sales will boost construction. 这一刺激将延伸至2010年;私人消费将保持强健,住房销售的转好将刺激建设。 www.ecocn.org 9. The annual Mermaid Parade sees thousands of people, in home-made floats and costumes, celebrating the creatures and myths of the sea. 每年的美人鱼游行队伍参与者数以千计,人们自制各式彩车,穿着各种装扮服饰,纪念大海的传说和神话中的奇物异兽。 www.ecocn.org 10. The rebound in home sales came despite a bout of bad winter weather across many parts of the country last month. 尽管上月美国很多地区不断受到恶劣天气的困扰,房屋销售还是显露出反弹之势。 cn.reuters.com 1. If you're looking for the latest in home exercise equipment, you may want to consider something with four legs and a wagging tail. 如果你正在寻找最新的家庭运动器械,你也许可以考虑有着四条腿摇晃尾巴的东西。 dongxi.net 2. The current status and development direction of micro-satellite in home and abroad are introduced. 介绍了国内外微小卫星的现状与发展趋势。 www.magsci.org 3. In home, a few well-known companies also are " defence sex brand is politic " the person that carry out sturdily . 在国内,一些知名企业也是“防御性品牌策略”的坚定实施者。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. You tell me this in Home Depot because you know I hate a public scene. 你在这里告诉我是因为,你知道我不喜欢公开吵闹。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. But some expected future cash flows denominated in home currency terms may also be exposed. 但是一些预计未来现金流量在国内货币计价的术语可以也被曝光。 www.12345677.com 6. They do not have ready access to community services, respite care, in-home support, aids and equipment and recreation. 他们没有准备好进入社区服务,喘息服务,家庭支持,教具,设备和娱乐活动。 zjzhng.blog.163.com 7. Do you think you spend your spare time with someone often in home country? 你闲暇时间经常和别人在一起吗 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The Construction Machinery, which has more competition in home and abroad, is the advantage industry in Guangxi manufacturing industries. 工程机械行业是广西制造业中的优势领域,在国内外市场具有较强的竞争力。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. This form is required to be written in Chinese except postal address in home country and signature. 本表除海外通讯地址和签名外请一律用中文填写。 www.ynu.edu.cn 10. For searching data not in home was very difficult I dare not hazard a guess and please pardon me if I have misspoken something. 在外面查找资料很困难,不敢妄加猜测,说错了祈请原谅。 www.bing.com 1. As a new technology used in home-service robots, intelligent space has become an inevitable trend. 智能空间作为一种新技术应用于家庭服务机器人成为必然发展趋势。 www.fabiao.net 2. A decline in home buying subtracted a half percentage point off of the GDP figure, compared with about a full point in the first quarter. 下降买房减去一个半百分点的GDP数字相比约点全部在第一季度。 www.kuenglish.info 3. Home Gateway plays a key role in Home Network and serves as a bridge between external network and home internal network. 家庭网关在家庭网络中起着核心的作用,是外部网络和家庭内部网络的桥梁。 www.fabiao.net 4. Overall, consumers are beleaguered by the loss in home values, retirement savings and household wealth over the past year. 总之,过去的一年中,消费者受到房屋贬值,退休金缩水和家庭财产减少的三重夹击。 www.bing.com 5. Walk-in closets are the next big thing in home decoration. 步入式壁橱是家庭装修中的下一个大东西。 movingshop.org 6. However, government food-safety officials note that food thermometers are routinely underutilized in home kitchens. 但是,食品安全部门的官员指出,食品温度计在家庭厨房中没有被充分利用。 www.bing.com 7. Thesue-'em-all-and-let-God-sort-'em-outplan was a flop in the box office, a flop in home video, and a flop overseas. 这种“通通给我告上去,老天自会收拾你”的策略曾在电影票房、家庭录影带以及海外市场遭受惨败。 www.bing.com 8. The service department of the municipal foreign trade company deals in home-made and imported commodities. 市外贸公司服务部经营各类国产和进口商品。 www.jukuu.com 9. Another fundamental change in home security is in aesthetics. 居室安防另一根本变化涉及审美。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Proximity in home decor is the placing of similar objects closer together physically, and unlike objects (decor) further apart. 在家居装饰中,接近是指把类似的对象放在一起,不同的对象(装饰)分开放置。 www.bing.com 1. Objective Compare and analyse the disposal of Gatifloxacin safety issues in home and abroad, find problems in the management of drug safety. 目的通过比较分析国内外对加替沙星安全性问题的处置情况,了解我国药品安全性管理中存在的问题。 www.chemyq.com 2. A rise in home evictions was also to blame for the growing number of animals sent to pounds, Guillo said. Guillo表示,租户被扫地出门的现象增多也是越来越多的宠物被送往收容所的原因。 cn.reuters.com 3. Gardening as a pastime grew with the increase in home ownership and leisure time. 当自有住宅和休闲时间逐渐增加时,园艺被视为一种消遣娱乐。 chinafanyi.com 4. And this decline fed on itself, as reduced willingness to lend and foreclosures on mortgages caused further reductions in home prices. 这种下跌因愿意提供贷款者寥寥无几及抵押贷款止赎增多而使房价进一步下跌。 www.america.gov 5. The May 12 earthquake is the first natural disaster of its size to strike China since a boom in home ownership began about a decade ago. 此次地震是中国大约10年前兴起购房热以来所遭受的最大一场自然灾害。 www.bing.com 6. But there was also support for protectionism in home markets. 但也有人支持在本国市场实行保护主义。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The agency said contaminated melons would soon be past their shelf life but might still be in home refrigerators. 该中心说,污染香瓜很快就会从商店里下架,但民众自家冰箱里可能还有。 chinese.wsj.com 8. In home, ever consulted horticultural bound elder for many times, say to had heard 5 kinds of apricot are spent, but had not seen. 在国内,曾多次请教园艺界前辈,都说听说过五色杏花,但都未见过。 huahui.bcaiwa.com 9. The impression in infancy pours is a tiny morsel, the in home has several big slice of farmlands, but annual by annual eats not satisfied. 小时候的印象倒是有点,家中就有着几大片农田,却年年吃不饱。 www.cqlxjt.net 10. Hollywood celebs are known for staying tan, be it through hours spent at the beach or courtesy of in-home Mystic Tan apparatuses. 好莱坞明星而晒黑而出名,无论是通过花时间在海滩或其他。 www.tianya.cn 1. First was "a sharp decline in house prices and the related fall in home-building that could lead to an economy-wide recession" . 首先,“房价大幅下跌和与此相关的建房活动的减少,可能导致经济全面衰退”。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Apple in-home installation services will become especially important as its array of products for the home grows. 随着苹果系列产品在家庭中的普及,家庭安装服务将变得日益重要。 www.newpower.org.cn 3. The LIFESMART Infrared Heater works with your in-home furnace to provide supplement heat. LIFESMART红外加热器工程,以提供补充热量与您家炉。 translate.google.cn 4. Wooden door industry is a rare industry domestic brands which occupy the main status in home industry. 木门行业是家居业内少有的国产品牌占主要地位的行业。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The third was "a decline in home equity loans and mortgage refinancing that could cause greater declines in consumer spending" . 第三,“房屋净值贷款(homeequityloans)和抵押贷款再融资的减少,可能造成消费者支出进一步下降。” www.ftchinese.com 6. The personage inside course of study expresses, no matter game project comparatives on SNS website in home or abroad popular. 业内人士表示,游戏项目无论在国内还是国外在SNS网站上都相当流行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Steep declines in home values and individual stock portfolios have erased trillions of dollars in household wealth. 国内价值和个人股票资产组合的急速下降抹去了几万亿的家庭财富。 www.bing.com 8. Our company specializes in home demolition second-hand housing decoration of wall tiles, floor tiles, ceiling. 我公司专业上门拆除二手房再装修各种墙砖,地砖,吊顶。 beijing.qite8.com 9. That's when hospice, including in-home hospice care, can be of great help. 这时候善终,包括家庭善终服务,可以很大的帮助。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. is in home town mesa city, he is judged to be " touch accipitral city character of 10 big news " . 在家乡平顶山市,他被评为“感动鹰城十大新闻人物”。 www.nwpu.net 1. is in home town mesa city, he is judged to be " touch accipitral city character of 10 big news " . 在家乡平顶山市,他被评为“感动鹰城十大新闻人物”。 www.nwpu.net 2. International trade could provide the products which cannot produce in home or can produce but demand exceeds supply. 国际贸易能为各国提供国内无法生产、或者能够生产但供不应求的产品。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. "Lingering high unemployment and further weakness in home prices will add to consumer caution, " Hooper said. 失业率居高不下,且房屋价格持续疲软,将令消费者提高警惕。 cn.reuters.com 4. It can be used for testing the strength durability of desk in home, hotel, restaurant, offices. 柜桌类强度耐久性测试仪用于对家庭,宾馆,饭店,办公的桌类强度耐久性进行测试。 www.001jj.com 5. Then it summarizes the research achievements on deposit insurance pricing in home and foreign countries. 然后总结了国际上和我国关于存款保险定价的主要研究成果。 www.boshuo.net 6. It also comes with the latest in home-security technology -- a battery of anti-aircraft missiles donated by China. 房宅的安保技术所采用的也是最新科技——由一系列防空导弹组建而成。 www.bing.com 7. Shares of major home builders surged on the improvement in home sales, which was the fourth monthly increase in a row. 主要房屋建造商在房屋销售方面的份额暴涨,这已经是持续第四周增加了。 raveyangying.blog.163.com 8. Mainly engaged in home products, cereals, oil, flour processing, wholesale, retail. 主要从事家副产品、粮油、面粉的加工、批发、零售。 www.tonke.cn 9. Implement quality tool manufacturer in home a commitment to co-oriented, the supremacy of credibility. 在工具生产厂家中实行质量承诺服务,真正做到以诚为本,信誉至上。 www.3-dao.com.cn 10. After all, every participant in the mortgage business will breathe more easily when the decline in home prices comes to an end. 毕竟,当房价下跌停止时,抵押贷款的各个参与者都会呼吸的更顺畅些。 www.bing.com 1. That tiny gain was the first year-over-year increase in home prices since December 2006. 这么微不足道的升幅,还是2006年12月以来年增率的头一次。 www.bing.com 2. In the western part of this section, rainfall is less, and apples are grown primarily in home plantings. 本区西部雨量少,最初苹果是在庭院中栽植。 www.bing.com 3. seeing the changed foreign situations , some scholars begin to question the ideas in home , and even propose to strengthen our own country. 面对改变了的中国外部环境,国内一些学者对“韬光养晦、有所作为”的战略思想提出质疑。 www.ichacha.net 4. First, in home as a good housewife doing all the whole house chores. 她们充当了两种角色,一是称职的家庭主妇,负责家里的一切家务事。 www.fjsnow.com 5. The present situation of offshore wind power and the demand of offshore wind turbine installation vessels in home and abroad are introduced. 本文对国内外海上风力发电现状以及风电设备安装船的需求作了阐述,并提出一型风电设备安装船供参考。 www.dictall.com 6. Michael's last win in home soil. At that time, nobody knew he was retiring at the end of the season, but it was a fitting farewell. 迈克尔最后一次在家乡土地上的胜利,那时还没有人知道他要在赛季结束后就退役。但是对于他的忠实地车迷来说,这个告别再合适不过了。 hi.baidu.com 7. This kind of natural gas used in home and business is called methane, doesn't have any natural odor. 这种被称为甲烷的天然气用于家庭和商业,没有任何自然的气味。 www.bing.com 8. When I in home's time, I can always think what you said is really? 当我一个人在家的时候,我总是会想你说的是真的吗? women.zhishi.sohu.com 9. In recent years, in home and abroad, scholars have applied it to inland water monitoring, but it is very little research about Wei River. 近年来国内外对内陆水体水质遥感监测开展了一系列的研究,但是针对渭河陕西段的研究还甚少。 www.boshuo.net 10. The decline in home supply is the result of the suspension of public land sales in 2002 and 2003. 政府在2002及2003年暂停卖地,导致楼宇供应量减少。 www.crazyenglish.org 1. Process of slate that export and sale in home: Flooring, Mushroom, Mosaic, Network Glue Stone, Sole stone, Culture stone. 地板,蘑菇石,马赛克,网贴石,角踏石,文化石的内销、出口产品加工。 jingzhaostone.stonebuy.com 2. Used in home-improvement store, it is necessary to avoid the reach of children. 用于家装存放时,要避免儿童接触。 www.etlong.com 3. The yen soared to a 12-year high versus the dollar in March, sharply reducing the value of overseas sales in home currency terms. 今年3月,日元兑美元汇率飙升至12年高点,这大大降低了日本汽车厂商以本币计价的海外销售额。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Other gouramis, several of them popular in home aquariums, are Asian members of different genera and families. 其它瓜密鱼都是不同科属的亚洲种类,其中一些是家中水族箱受欢迎的观赏鱼。 word.hcbus.com 5. Despite the recent stability in home sales, foreclosures continue to add to housing vacancies. 虽然近期的住房销量趋于稳定,但止赎事件仍在制造新的空置住房。 www.cei.gov.cn 6. Some hosts offer a couch and key while others throw in home-cooked meals and tours of the town. 一些接待者提供沙发和家里钥匙,其他的人会邀请你到家里就餐,或带领参观城市。 www.bing.com 7. The antimutagenese of tea extract and tea polyphenols have been testified fully in home and overseas study. 茶提取物和茶多酚的防癌抗突变作用在国内外的实验研究中已得到充分证明。 terms.shengwuquan.com 8. On the reed full of hoar frost, the light oar plunged into the water in home's direction. 芦蓬上满载着白霜,轻轻摇着归泊的小桨。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Shortly thereafter, land for its renewal's mother, and TangWan is married life in home ZongZi with county ZhaoShiCheng remarried. 此后不久,陆母为其续娶王氏,而唐婉则奉家命改嫁同郡宗子赵士程。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Parents and children are the "parallel" main body in home education. 家庭教育中父母与子女是“平行”的求知获智的主体。 paper.pet2008.cn 1. Make people at develop very busy a day after, can at in home the mood ground takes a rest, amusement. 使人们在发展碌了一天之后,可以在家中心情地休息、娱乐。 www.jmyz.com 2. But the couple's three children, ages five and three, by having a tough time understanding why their daddy isn't in home yet. 但这对夫妇的三个孩子,五岁和三岁,却费了好长一段时间才明为什么爸爸还没回家。 www.kekenet.com 3. The health conditions and demands of in-home care of old persons and its influencing factors were investigated. 调查老年人的健康状况、家庭医疗需求及其影响因素。 www.chemyq.com 4. For the ultimate in-home theatre experience, The Chairman's Suite also features a Bang & Olufsen sound system and speakers. 至于能够让客人体验更加完美的家庭影院,总统套房同时采用了Bang&Olufsen顶级音响系统及音箱。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In the second section , it will expound the current study situation of the philosophy of engineering in home and abroad. 第二章论述了目前国内外工程哲学研究的现状。 www.edu-hb.com 6. The survive value of the plants in home garden lies in the growing of vegetables, fruits and forage. 庭园植物的生计价值主要表现在种植蔬菜、水果和饲料方面; www.fabiao.net 7. Lurrent advances in home automation offer homeowners convenience. security energy, savings and a lot of gee-whiz 1 technology. 日新月异的家庭自动化为我们提供了便利、安全、节能的手段以及许多令人惊奇的技术。 www.dic123.com 8. In view of the problem generally existing in home made crushers, a new type of automatic controller for crushers was developed. 针对国产破碎机普遍存在的问题,研制了一种新型高效破碎机自动控制器。 www.chemyq.com 9. People can use Internet in the in home, office, big primary and junior high school school, public library and the net cafe. 人们在家中、办公室、大中小学校、公共图书馆和网吧里都可以使用因特网。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. They see unemployment at 8. 9%, state tax revenues facing double-digit declines and a 14% fall in home prices last quarter. 他们眼看着上个季度失业率高达8.9%,政府税收收入面临两位数幅度的下滑,房价也大跌14%。 www.bing.com 1. What hits us most forcibly, in home -town or favourite holiday spot, is how that special treasure is gone. 在故乡或最喜爱的度假地,让我们最受打击的是,那些格外宝贵的东西怎么没有了? www.ftchinese.com 2. This is a company specialized in home air conditioning parts of the trading company. 本公司是一家专业从事家用空调配件的贸易公司。 www.tonke.cn 3. There are currently over one hundred companies pledged to supporting it in home automation products. 该协议目前得到了超过一百家公司在家用汽车产品上的支持。 www.infoq.com 4. This can wind up saving your life and a lot of money in home insurance. 这样做能挽救生命,保证财产安全。 www.bing.com 5. This in-home fitne partner that sculpts tones and tightens your body giving you amazing results in just minutes a day! 这个居家的夥伴,造型音调和紧你的身体给你惊人的结果在短短几分钟内的一天啊! product.ch.gongchang.com 6. China's cheap manufactures are hurting Brazilian industry in home and third markets. 中国的廉价制成品正在巴西本国和第三方市场损害巴西工业。 www.ftchinese.com 7. The more hard to face is, the less Fei yu, yu, YangGuo then held there is no reason to stay in home do work with feather nanny. . . 更令人难以面对的是,少了昱霏、昱霆,杨果便没有理由再待在羽平家做保姆工作了。 tv.360mp3.com 8. Most professionals who provide in home training services are ably qualified and know exactly what they are dealing with . 大多数专业人士谁在提供居家服务,培训合格的干练地和确切地知道他们正在处理。 word.hcbus.com 9. For gay and lesbian seniors, planning for the future often means planning for sickness, in-home care, long-term care facility or death. 对于高龄同志和拉拉来说,筹划将来就是为将来的病痛、家庭护理、长期护理机构或老死作打算。 www.bing.com 10. Dweller's in home usually burns once lighting a fire violent, fire sprawl is quick, full of smog. 居民家中一旦起火,往往燃烧猛烈、火势蔓延迅速、烟雾弥漫。 www.0734.coolline.cn 1. Secondly, I give some false comprehension in home and abroad about the philosophy of Marx from the reverse side. 其次,从反面简要列举了国内外对马克思哲学观的误读。 www.zidir.com 2. Ebbah and I'm an Education graduate and majored in Home Economics. 我是教育背景毕业的,主修家政系。 www.hiabc.net 3. The star of bright and beautiful river opened first economy hotel in home 1997, begin to accelerate abroad layout nowadays. 1997年锦江之星在国内开了首家经济型酒店,如今开始加快海外布局。 news.zyoo.net 4. This job vacancy will be base in Chongqing and working in home till Chongqing office established. 本职位工作地为重庆,在重庆办公室成立之前将在家办公。 www.cqmgw.com 5. Facing with the vast market in home and abroad, it is necessary to enhance its strength and expand its market. 面对国内外广阔的市场前景,中国自主品牌汽车需要进一步增强实力,开拓市场。 www.ceps.com.tw 6. The biggest reason: the troubling spike in home foreclosures is nowhere near its end. 最大的原因在于,房屋止赎的大幅增加还远远看不到尽头。 chinese.wsj.com 7. We need machines whose parts can be obtains in home market. 我们需要能在国内市场买到零件的机器。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. For others, in-home personal assistance is the best option. 对于还有一些人来说家庭个人护理才是其最好的选择。 www.bing.com 9. In 1987, Mr Wong and his brother started GOME and the retailing business in home electrical appliances. 黄先生和他的长兄于1987年开创了国美及其家电零售业务。 finance.sina.com.cn 10. Such risk is easier to handle in home markets, where lenders can draw on better insight and data. 国内市场的信贷风险更容易控制,因为贷款人的调查能力更强,数据也更可靠。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The older population has a continued interest in home ownership for tax advantage. 由于税收的优惠政策,老年人口总是希望能保持自己拥有的住宅。 wenku.baidu.com 2. It is a place of misery where 17% of homes do not have running water and too many families live in home-made shacks by motorway bridges. 这个地方,苦难深重,17%的家庭没有自来水,太多家庭住在高速公路桥旁边自制的窝棚里。 www.bing.com 3. AuXdiO is the expert in home background music, with the professional technical background. 澳斯迪被誉为家庭背景音乐产品的专家,具有雄厚的技术研发能力。 www.rdgcw.com 4. Subjects were subject to phone interviews and in-home physical examination. 研究对象接受电话访问和家庭体检。 www.bing.com 5. Their day-to-day life has resumed, and their house raised on stilts has the air of a lived-in home. 他们日常生活重新开始了(恢复正轨),他们装腔作势的房子也有一种家庭的气氛了。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 6. That suggests an ongoing fall in home prices is discouraging people from buying. 这反映了住房价格的持续下跌阻碍了人们的购房计划。 www.bing.com 7. The ship sailed in home waters. 轮船在本国领海上航行。 dragov.51.net 8. The two most prominent radio networks in home automation are ZigBee and Z-Wave. 最常应用于家庭自动化上的两种广播网络是ZigBee和Z-Wave。 www.bing.com 9. Moving closer, the welcoming glow of gas-lantern light in home windows beckons. 靠得更近时,看见有人家的窗户透出煤气罩灯的欢迎之光在示意。 www.bing.com 10. Do not let anybody know you have valuables in home. Even if your best friend. 不要通过任何渠道让其他人知道你存放有贵重物品在家里,即使是你再好的朋友; blog.sina.com.cn 1. Additional, though drive source pattern already time is ages ago, but a fashionable word is remained in home. 另外,虽说开源模式已经年代久远,但在国内仍然是一个时尚词儿。 pjprimer.com 2. Gently close the bedroom door, i knew that he could feel so cozy and so Satisfactory only because he is in home and in our comfortable bed . 轻轻关上睡房的门,我知道,这个男人只有回到家里这张舒适的大床上,才能睡得如此踏实和满足。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. [25] Greenspan warned of "large double digit declines" in home values "larger than most people expect. " Greenspan警告在房价中“夸大的双倍数字下降”“比大多数人估计的更大”。 www.bing.com 4. You won't realize at work that you left a card in home card reader! 你就不会意识到,在工作中,你留下了卡,在首页的读卡器! bbs.imobile.com.cn 5. 3-D will have a place in home entertainment. 3D将在家庭娱乐领域占据一席之地。 cn.wsj.com 6. A number of them live in households with family, others alone in home, apartments, condos or government assisted housing. 一些和家里与家人一起居住,其他独自生活在家里、公寓或政府资助的房屋。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. In home videos as early as age 3, 'I'm always off by myself, looking under rocks or catching and studying bees, ' she says. 她说,在她3岁时的家庭录像中,她就“总是自己一个人玩,看石头底下有什么或是抓来蜜蜂研究”。 chinese.wsj.com 8. CIST helps new students to arrange their accommodation in Home-stay. 剑桥理工学院帮助学生安排在当地居民家中。 3bservice.ca 9. Is old four take southern surprised sky of return to in home, the home is cold and dreary. 老四带着南惊天返回家中,家里冷冷清清。 www.zxschool.cn 10. HSBC analysts noted that a drop in home sales led to a decreased appetite for appliances such as washing machines and air conditioners. 汇丰分析师写道,房屋销售下降导致人们对洗衣机和空调等家用电器兴趣减少。 c.wsj.com 1. Decline in home prices will depress consumer spending. 家庭收入的减少将削弱消费者购买力度。 www.rl-consult.com 2. The previous owners had put in Home Depot cherry wood cabinets which I felt were completely wrong for the house. 房子以前的主人曾把桃木做的橱柜放在那里,然而我觉得很不适合这座房子。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The Japanese dolls, failing such tests for the first time, are widely used in home decor and sales have been increasing in China. 这是青岛局首次从日本玩偶中检出重金属超标。该日本玩偶广泛应用于家居装饰,目前在中国市场日益热销。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 4. The first Alcosummit took place in 2010 gathering over 100 people and showing the people's arosing interest in home-made alcoholic drinks. 第一次酿酒峰会在2010年举办,吸引了超过100位参与者并展现出人们对家酿酒精类饮料的兴趣。 www.bing.com 5. It altered the way business was done forever and sparked a revolution in home computing. 它永久地改变了传统的办公方式,也掀起了在家中使用计算机的革命。 bbs.everplace.net 6. Be in home , you are understand our , your most very enlightened. 在家里,你最理解我,你很开明。 wenwen.soso.com 7. On the basic summarizing the influence factors in home and abroad. 在这基础上文献总结国内外关于担保索赔的影响因素。 www.fabiao.net 8. This is not remotely the case with the providers most of us use for in-home TV, phone, and Internet service. 不过我们使用家用电视,家庭座机和上网,供应商却没有这样的服务。 www.bing.com 9. Because I life demand money, there is no ability in home to provide me, student loan again can't loan living expenses! 因为我生活需要钱,家里没有能力供我,助学贷款又不能贷生活费! zhidao.baidu.com 10. and making investments in home towns. Chunhui Action will offer you oriented services. 如返乡投资,产业致富等等,春晖行动将为您提供菜单式服务! blog.sina.com.cn 1. China has a long ceramic culture and display of ancient ceramics in home play an important role. 我国有着悠久的陶瓷文化,陈设陶瓷曾经在古代家居中扮演过重要的角色。 www.fabiao.net 2. Ann: I don't think so. This winter vacation is too long. It's a litter boring in home. 我可不怎么认为。这个寒假太长了。在家里有点无聊。 www.bing.com 3. I think of the joy of laughing at bad hair days and burned sandwiches, and the beauty of a lived in home. 掉头发,烤三明治,住在美丽的家里,我都是很开心的。 www.bing.com 4. Be in home today very dull, the external sky of window is very dazzling , more gloomy. 今天在家里很无聊,窗外的天空很刺眼,让人更加郁闷。 wenwen.soso.com 5. He was buried in home town, in accordance with his wishes. (按照他的意愿,他被葬在家乡)。 www.kekenet.com 6. Explain theories with classic cases both in home and abroad. 经常分析一下中外的经典案例,通过案例教学演示理论。 www.gs.sjtu.edu.cn 7. Caregivers need to think about important issues such as independence, privacy, and the financial effect of hiring in-home help. 照料着应当考虑诸如独立,隐私及雇佣家庭服务生后的收入影响等问题。 www.bing.com 8. Meet neighbors at civic events or start an in-home spiritual group. 在市区活动中与邻居交谈或者创建一个家居心灵团体。 www.bing.com 9. Zhangfeng Xi's father is a businessman, my mother, mainly in home child care, housework. 张冯喜的爸爸是生意人,妈妈主要在家里照顾孩子、料理家务。 george13901623260.blog.163.com 10. During the global recession, Latvia saw the world's largest fall in home prices, dropping an incredible 70%. 在全球经济危机期间,拉脱维亚的房价是全世界跌幅最大的,达到了令人难以置信的70%。 www.fortunechina.com 1. Chapter two gives the definition, nature, classification and development of electronic money in home and at the abroad. 第二章,电子货币的概念,性质、分类和在国内外的发展情况。 www.fabiao.net 2. they lead the field in home entertainment systems. 他们在家庭娱乐设备行业中居领先地位。 linlijinzhi2010.blog.163.com 3. In-home polysomnographic (PSG) sleep studies were conducted over three successive nights 6 to 8 years after baseline. 在基线的6-8年中,连续三个晚上在家中进行多导睡眠描记研究。 news.dxy.cn 4. I decide to do housework . so I wash all clothes in home ! 我决定帮妈妈做家务!于是我把全家的衣服洗了! wenwen.soso.com 5. No matter what they stress in Home Economics, it'sjust not a priority in the outside world. 他们在家政课上强调的那些东西,在外面的世界里根本不算什么。 www.bing.com 6. People can looking a wonderful games in home by the TV. 题目的关键是考察你对形式主语的运用哦! www.crackschool.com 7. I hope that in home furnishing design efforts and contributions. 我希望在家居设计上作出努力和贡献。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. Qingbang said that he had been stayed in home of Henan keeping watch on mother for long time. 庆邦说他在河南家乡为母亲守护了很久。我说,那你比我幸福。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. How will the family pay for in-home help and how will it find the right person(s) or agency? 那么给家庭服务生多少薪资以及怎样才能找到合适的人选或是代理机构呢? www.bing.com 10. Another concern is the continued fall in home values. 另一个忧虑就是住房价格的持续下降。 security.elanso.com 1. What else they teach you in Home Economics is thecorrect way to respond to a wedding invitation. 家政学里,他们还教你怎么得体的处理别人送来的婚礼请帖。 www.bing.com 2. We have 15 retail outlets nationwide. We now command 15% of the market in home appliances. 我们的产品在国内有15个零售点。在家电市场上占有15%的占有率。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 3. However, very few people pay attention to the low-profile antenna or the low-profile antenna array on a faceted conducting body in home. 目前国内对低剖面天线,特别是金属载体上的低剖面天线研究成果发表较少。 www.fabiao.net 4. Linda sells the goods through craft shows, community events and at private in-home shows upon request. 琳达销售的商品,应要求通过工艺展览,社区活动和私人在首页显示。 gounahaozi.org 5. In foreign trade, as in home trade, the goods sold have to be forwarded from one place to another. That is what we called "shipment" . 与国内贸易一样,国际贸易中也同样需要把售出的货物从一个地方运到另一个地方,这就是所称的“装运”。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Note: This process uses Local Group Policy Editor which is not available in Home versions of Windows 7. 注意:以下步骤使用了本地组策略编辑器,Windows7家庭版不可用。 www.bing.com 7. The real money was in home entertainment, especially sales of DVDs. 真正的利润来自家庭娱乐,尤其是DVD碟的销售。 www.ecocn.org 8. A. in home page in baidu search engine disappeared. 首页在百度搜索引擎中消失了。 www.82g.com.cn 9. Pressure ulcers occur in approx. 5 to 15% of patients in home care, health care facilities and hospitals. 压疮发生在约。5至15%的家庭护理,卫生保健设施和医院的病人。 www.syyxw.com 10. Travel them, and be expert in home-cosmography. 那末去旅行,成为家庭宇宙志的地理专家。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Cultivate plants or plant house plants in home. 种植绿植,或种一盆花草。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. We'd like to cancel the order for the goals because of the change in home market. 我们想要取消这次的预订,应为我们本国的市场有一些变化。 wenwen.soso.com 3. 78 are in from the integrated rank of technology, platform, program in home. 在国内从技术、平台、节目的综合排名在七八名吧。 itzhe.cn 4. To improve the utilization ratio and processing precision of wood is crucial to the development of veneer peeling lathe in home and abroad. 提高木材利用率和加工精度,是国内外旋切机研制的关键。 www.chemyq.com 5. In May, 13 of the 20 metropolitan areas tracked showed monthly increases in home prices. 5月份,Case-Shiller指数跟踪的20个城市中,有13个城市的房价呈现月度环比上涨。 www.ftchinese.com 6. They can request in-home help or additional medical attention on an as-needed basis. 他们还定制了入室服务以及额外的随叫随到的医护服务。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Homebred brand may be in home of hailan, nine animal husbandry, such as the king's not familiar. 国产牌子里可能海澜之家男装、九牧王男装之类吧,不熟。 www.wiip.cn 8. We now command 15% of the market in home appliances. 我们在国内有15个营业点。 www.dreye.com.cn 9. In China, coal is an important fuel burned in home heating and cooking and energy production. 在中国,煤炭是家庭取暖烹饪和能源生产的重要燃料。 www.bing.com 10. I have stay in home many days. During these days, I have also thought about planned my summer vacation. 回家已经有好几天了,在这几天里,我也在想这个暑假我将如何度过了。 www.qqzhi.com 1. When it first appeared in 1978, X10 became the standard in home automation technology. 当X10在1978年首次出现时,它就成了家庭自动化技术的标准。 www.educity.cn 2. Vacuum is a convenient outfit in home. 吸尘器是一种使用方便的家庭用具。 bbs.hxen.com 3. The drop in home prices is being felt acutely. 人们明显感觉到了房价的下跌。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The Guangzhou-based paper said most banks it interviewed said they could withstand a 30-40 percent decline in home prices. 广州为基础的文件说,大部分受访银行表示,他们是可以承受房价下降百分之30-40。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Be quipped by me that is also hidden mermaid in home? 被我打趣道,呀,家里还藏着美人鱼呀。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Figure 12 shows the widget rendered in Home page after being added from the palette (MyPage tab). 图12在Homepage中显示了从选项板(MyPage选项卡)添加的小部件。 www.ibm.com 7. It needs more care in export trade than in home trade. 它在出口贸易需要更多关心比在国内贸易。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. They prefer to wear T-shirts and jeans in home. 他们在家中喜欢穿T恤和牛仔裤。 www.bing.com 9. It is also big in home-equity loans, which are souring at an alarming rate. 它的房屋净值贷款业务也很庞大,并且正以令人担忧的速度恶化。 www.bing.com 10. Start living in home, grabbing eight ZhuQi bells because of two people, live crowded. 开始住在东四八条朱启钤家,由于两家人口都比较多,居住比较拥挤。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. It need more care in export trade than in home trade. 外贸的包装比内贸包装需要更加注意。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. She wearing womans style shoes, high heel black leather, very possible her shoes are all made in home town Wen Zhou, by my parents. 她脚上穿的是十分具有特色的高跟女性鞋款,材质是黑毛革,我觉得她的鞋很可能是从家乡温州来的,甚至有可能是我爸妈做的! dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Based on routine formula of cultivating material in home country for xianggu mushroom ( Lentinus edodes ), a new technology adding 2. 在国内香菇栽培料常规配方基础上,设计了添加2。 www.dictall.com 4. It's no wonder when you look at the rat's nest of wiring in home offices. 这也难怪,当您在大鼠的布线在家庭办公室巢看看。 www.bugutang.com 5. Don't worry. I'll be in home in no time. 别担心,我马上就到家了。 bbs.chinabroadcast.cn 6. We must drive off the mouse in home. 我们必须赶走屋里的老鼠。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. One day, when I was in home, suddenly an earthquake happened. 一天我正在家里,突然发生了地震。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Man should discover new thing in searching, If only staying in home, the view line and space can not be expended for ever. 人只有再不断的搜寻中才会有新的发现,如果只是一味的蜗居在家里,视线和空间永远得不到拓展。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. Some computers have little or no user view Such as embedded computers in home devices and automobiles. 某些系统几乎没有用户观点例如家电和汽车中的嵌入式系统 wenku.baidu.com 10. Changes in home really fast. 家乡的变化真快。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. I'll bet that never happened in home ec. 我想你在家政课上没做过这个吧 blog.sina.com.cn 2. This morning, my be in home has watched one Rugby game. 今天早上,我在家里看了一场橄榄球比赛。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. what is the most reason you would choose to stay in "Home Inn" hotel? 您一般是因为什么原因出行,而得以机会入住如家酒店的? www.sojump.com 4. We really big changes in home! 我们家乡变化真大呀! www.crazyenglish.org 5. Will the eager buyer who shares your taste in home style and neighborhood show up on day one or day 200? 那个与你在房屋风格和社区偏好上有着相同品位的急切的买房人是在第一天就现身呢,还是到了第200天才出现? chinese.wsj.com 6. Children in home-based day care averaged 5. 6 hours of screen time at day care. 以家为基础的孩子每天的屏幕时间为5.6小时。 www.bing.com 7. More and more air-condition was used in home along with the improving of people's standard of living. 随着人们生活水平的提高,空调被人们越来越广泛的使用,这导致住宅能耗越来越大。 www.youguow.com 8. Then, individual studios grappled with rival technologies in the hope that one would become dominant in home entertainment. 当时,面对互相竞争的技术,各电影公司苦苦挣扎,希望其中一种会在家庭娱乐领域占据统治地位。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In the past, Cubans made the crossing-just over 100 miles (160km) between Havana and Key West-in home-made rafts. 以前,古巴人乘自制木筏横渡大海–从哈瓦那到基韦斯特仅有100多英里(160km)。 item.feedsky.com 10. These are the basics they teach in Home Economics. 这些都是家政学的基本内容。 www.bing.com |
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