单词 | inadequately |
释义 |
例句释义: 不完全,不适当地,不充分地,不足,不够地 1. Drug disposition is inadequately studied in this population, but when studied it is usually immature compared with that of term newborns. 药物处置不当的研究是在这个人口,但是,当研究通常是不成熟的比较与足月新生儿。 www.syyxw.com 2. If one of the points of your sermon seems to be inadequately developed, but the sermon is already long enough, eliminate one of the points. 如果讲道中的某一点似乎展开得不足,但讲章长度已够,就取消这一点。 gbicp.org 3. What is often lacking, or inadequately expressed, is an explanation of how and why the research is relevant to the public at large. 这类报道中经常缺乏的、或者表现不充分的,是向大家解释被报道的研究为何与公众有关。 www.scidev.net 4. They seem to have been badly selected, hastily mustered, inadequately trained and poorly equipped. 他们好象都是马马虎虎派来的人,集合仓促,训练不足,装备也糟糕。 5. During the American Civil War the strategic location of the city was inadequately appreciated by the Confederate military. 在美国内战期间,新奥尔良的策略是充分迎合联邦军队。 www.bing.com 6. By adding storm collars to the roof plan, each penetration becomes manageable, taking the mystery out of inadequately written details. 通过增加风暴项圈屋顶计画进行,每渗透变得容易完成,以在不适当的神秘面纱书面的细节。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Indeed, poorly defined or inadequately communicated requirements are among the most common reasons why GDD projects fail. 确实,不良的定义和不充分的需求沟通是导致GDD项目失败的最常见原因之一。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Waterborne outbreaks, though infrequent, are usually associated with sewage-contaminated or inadequately treated water. 水源性疾病疫情虽然并不常见,但它往往与受污水污染过或处理不当的饮水有联系。 www.who.int 9. But the problem the IMF's managing director did not acknowledge is that the EFSF itself is inadequately capitalised. 但她没有公开承认的一点是,EFSF本身也存在资金不足的问题。 www.ftchinese.com 10. We believe that gene patents raise several unique issues that are inadequately handled by the current research exemptions. 我们认为,基因专利提出一些独特的问题,没有得到充分处理的研究现状豁免。 www.syyxw.com 1. The views, concerns and interests of the non- Western world are often ignored or inadequately considered. 视野,关心和兴趣那非西方世界时常被忽略或者被不充分地考虑。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 2. Some of our legacy systems are inadequately documented; others are poorly architected. 一些遗留的系统是独立开发的;其它的是缺少架构的。 www.ibm.com 3. He says that starting salaries for PhDs are poor and that scholarship funds are inadequately distributed among universities. 他表示,博士的起薪较低,且大学奖学金的分配不足。 www.ftchinese.com 4. It assumed that ordinary citizens were inadequately consulted about political decisions by the politicians in the two major parties. 它认为两个主要政党的政治家在政治决策方面没有和普通公民进行适当磋商。 www.jukuu.com 5. This failure could be blamed on the apparent failure to ensure that communicative skill inadequately represented in language courses. 这一失败显然可归咎于未能保证做到把交际技巧适当地运用于语言课程。 ens.ccit.edu.cn 6. And traditionally, in senior high English classes, listening skills tend to get neglected or is practiced inappropriately or inadequately. 况且在高中英语课堂上,听力技能往往受到忽视或者未能得到充分及恰当的训练。 waiyu.cnu.edu.cn 7. Oneself is supported inadequately by the money that he earns. 他挣的钱不够养活自己。 www.hotdic.com 8. Where laws on these risk factors are in place they are often inadequately enforced, particularly in low-income countries. 即便针对这些风险因素的法律已经到位,法律的实施往往不够充分,这在低收入国家尤为如此。 www.who.int 9. Why Chinese economic reform succeeded so spectacularly remains inadequately explained. 对于中国经济改革取得辉煌成就的原因作者没有给予足够的解释。 www.ecocn.org 10. He also said workers on duty were inadequately trained and failed to notice the malfunction. 同时,他也说当时值班的调度人员没有受到足够的培训,并没有注意到设备故障。 www.bing.com 1. Some studies suggest that prisoners are sometimes inadequately sedated, and perhaps die in silent agony from asphyxiation. 一些研究说,犯人有时可能未被充分麻醉,或许因为窒息而愤怒无声地死去。 bbs.ecocn.org 2. Inadequately supplied and untutored in the art of colonization, the earliest frontier pioneers routinely suffered and died. 供给不足以及欠缺开辟殖民地的经验使早期边疆开拓者大都因历经苦难而撒手人寰。 www.zftrans.com 3. Inadequately supplied and untutored in the art of colonization, the earliest frontier pioneers routinely suffered and dies. 供给不足以及开辟殖民地经验的欠缺使早期边疆开拓者大都因为遭受苦难而撒手人寰。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Although criminal's amount is increasing, it is still inadequately stern to punish. 尽管罪犯数量在增加,惩罚仍然不够严厉。 www.jukuu.com 5. Most schools have poor accountability systems and inadequately track student outcomes. They have little information about what works. 大多数社区学校有没有健全的问责制度以及不够完备的追踪学生的学业成果的制度。 www.bing.com 6. but they are often uncontrolled, poorly designed and inadequately maintained. 但通常不受控制,而且设计欠佳、维护不足。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Rice straw resource was rich, however, it was used inadequately and inefficiently. 水稻秸秆资源丰富,但利用不充分,饲用效率不高。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. Fear of stigmatization inhibits people from taking preventive measures and leads women and men to assess their own risks inadequately. 害怕被诬蔑使得人们不愿意采取预防性措施,并使得男女低估其所面临的危险。 www.chain.net.cn 9. mode of transmission cholera is transmitted by consumption of contaminated , inadequately cooked food or contaminated unboiled water. 霍乱可通过进食未熟透的受污染食物或饮用未煮沸的受污染食水而传播。 www.ichacha.net 10. The uplands of S. E. Asia offer a presently partly unused, or inadequately used, agricultural production potential. 东南亚旱地的农业生产潜力目前有一部分尚未挖掘或未充分挖掘。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. The buildings in the slum tend to be overcrowded, inadequately served by tap water and at risk from fire. 贫民窟房屋里住得过于拥挤,缺乏自来水供应,存在火灾隐患。 www.qqgxqm8.com 2. The evidence supporting each position is reviewed but is described as being inadequately definitive. 书中回顾了支持各自观点的证据,但是无法给出最终结论。 dongxi.net 3. dense or inadequately leavened and hence likely to cause distress in the alimentary canal. 过度发酵或者发酵不足,从而容易引起消化困难。 www.hotdic.com 4. At every stage of this crisis Europe's leaders have reacted late and inadequately. 危机爆发以来的每一阶段,欧洲领导人都反应迟钝,应对不力。 www.ecocn.org 5. "Medium" defects were mostly related to generalizations and relationships that either were not considered or were inadequately described. “中等的”缺陷主要是与普遍性和构效关系相关联的,它们既没有被认真考虑也没有被不恰当地描述。 www.ibm.com 6. The disease can thus spread rapidly in areas where sewage and drinking water supplies are inadequately treated. 因此,在污水和饮用水供应未经适当处理的地区,该病可迅速传播。 www.who.int 7. A flawed reactor design and inadequately trained workers caused the Chernobyl accident. 存在缺陷的核反应堆设计和训练不足的员工是造成切尔诺贝利核事故的原因。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Many of the soldiers stationed in the region are inadequately trained, badly equipped and poorly motivated militiamen. 驻扎在该地区的许多士兵都是些民兵,他们并未受过多少正规训练,装备很差,缺乏动力。 cn.qikan.com 9. The aim is to reduce the number of inadequately housed people. 这项政策的目的是减少居住在恶劣环境人士的数目。 www.hplb.gov.hk 10. According to the report, China's innovation system is not fully developed and inadequately integrated. 报告指出,中国的创新系统没有得到充分发展,整合很不充分。 www.scidev.net 1. Lack of information law leads to the media supervision inadequately. 新闻法制定滞后,媒体监督依据不足; www.zidir.com 2. The China News Service quoted Shi Yuehui, the county's deputy head, admitting the plan was simple-minded and inadequately thought through. 中新社引用了安平县副县长石跃辉的回应,批准这项决议实在是“思考不周密,做法简单化”。 www.bing.com 3. Poliovirus has a habit of finding pockets of inadequately vaccinated children. 脊灰病毒的一个习性就是寻找儿童计划免疫不够充分的局部地区。 www.who.int 4. the temporary camps were inadequately equipped. 临时的营地装备不充分。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. This is in contrast to much more inadequately priced developed country sovereign risks. 相比之下,发达国家的主权风险显然没有充分反映在市场中。 www.ftchinese.com 6. I strongly urge that when you read this, you may correct what requires correction and excuse what is inadequately expressed. 我强烈的敦促你,当你读这篇文章的时候,你能够纠正那些需要纠正的人,并且原谅那些表达不清的人。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Some South Koreans criticized the government for leaving Yeonpyeong inadequately protected. 部分南韩人批评政府没有善尽保卫延坪岛的职责。 www.bing.com 8. Specialized industrial districts of China are by now well-known but inadequately understood in the world. 中国的专业化产业区尽管已经有大量研究,但该现象并未得到充分认识。 www.dictall.com 9. when determining how to route data, and is inadequately captured by a traditional link metric such as the bandwidth-delay product. 在决定如何路由数据,是由传统的不足,链接抓获度量,如带宽延迟乘积。 www.xx178.com 10. Because this is difficult, we are always surprised, shocked, and inadequately prepared for extreme events. 由于这样做的难度很大,所以我们总是对极端事件感到意外、震惊且准备不足。 www.ftchinese.com 1. Because of the dollar's strength, prices of US goods in global markets make them inadequately competitive. 正因为美元的强势,使得美国商品在国际市场上的竞争力明显不足。 www.bing.com 2. oneself is support inadequately by money that he earns. 这个项目没有得到足够的财政支持。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Some 60% of global blood supplies goes to 18% of the world's people, leaving 82% of the global population inadequately covered. 大约60%的全球血供应仅为占世界人口比例的18%的人使用,而剩余的全球人口的82%不能充分获得血供应。 www.who.int 4. The age that he still elects inadequately. 他还不够选举的年龄。 www.hotdic.com 5. Miners feel they are inadequately rewarded for their dangerous work. 矿工认为他们的报酬和他们危险的工作不相符。 news.edu800.com 6. Richer Asian countries, such as Japan, whose paedophiles travel to Cambodia, are also responding inadequately, says APLE's Mr Samleang. 亚洲的一些富国,如日本,他们中到柬埔寨旅游的恋童癖者并没有充分地被反映出来了,APLE的Samleang先生表示。 blog.ecocn.org 7. and they know that inadequately capitalised banks are vulnerable to sovereign risks. 他们还知道资金不足的银行容易遭受主权风险的冲击。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Organizational factors, poorly identified customer needs, inadequately specified project requirements, and poor planning and control 组织方面的不利因素,客户需求认识不足或不当,项目需求识别不当,规划和控制不足或不当 www.cnpmi.com 9. increase investments , encourage innovation inadequately in enterprises; 增加配套性经费投入,鼓励企业技术创新; www.fabiao.net 10. over pressurization due to expansion of small amounts of liquid into large volumes of gas in inadequately vented equipment; 在通风不充分的设备里,小量液体汽化成大量气体造成的过压; www.airproducts.com.cn 1. Yes, they criticise Buddhism too, inadequately though. (See 'Related Articles' for reviews. ) 他们也很拙劣地批评佛教(看看他们相关的文章就知道)。 www.bing.com 2. Yet rarely does an institution respond by creating remedial programs for inadequately prepared students 然而很少通过创建一个机构回应补救计划准备不足的学生 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Usual source of food poisoning by such agents: Inadequately soaked or rinsed contaminated leafy vegetables 该等病原体引致食物中毒的普遍来源:未彻底浸泡或清洗的受污染叶菜 www.chp.gov.hk 4. Clinic characteristics and treat strategies of inadequately controlled type 2 diabetic patients 难治性2型糖尿病的临床特点与治疗策略 www.ilib.cn 5. Vision: Children in the developing world are inadequately educated 远景:发展中国家的儿童未能接受全面的教育 www.laptop.org 6. The Sale of Capital Ownership in the Inadequately Registered Capital Company 买卖注册资本不实公司股权问题研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Root Water Uptake Models of Inadequately Irrigated Rice in South China 南方地区非充分灌溉稻田水稻根系吸水模型研究 www.ilib.cn 8. the real root of the problem is inadequately understood and misapplied theory 问题的本质没有被适当的理解并且理论被错误地应用了。 www.ichacha.net |
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