单词 | impressed by |
释义 | impressed by例句释义: 全部 1. But when told that some women spectators had been impressed by his physique, she replied: "Maybe next time I'll take a look. " 但当她被告知这名裸奔男子的体型给一些女观众留下了深刻的印象时,她回答说:“或许下次我会看一眼。” www.hxen.com 2. i was impressed by his inspiring words, and i decided to cooperate with him. 他令人鼓舞的话打动了我,我决定跟他合作。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Once I also took her to Paris to see a major Yves Saint Laurent exhibition, and she was really impressed by it. 有一次我还带她去巴黎观参观尤夫斯?圣罗伦一个大型的时装展,该时装展给她留下了深刻的印象。 www.cet4v.com 4. The agreement was an informal one, but Liverpool boss Kenny Dalglish has been impressed by the skills of the player and is ready to talk. 现在是一份非正式的协议,但是利物浦主帅达格利什对梅花的技术非常满意,已经准备和他谈判了。 www.lfcbbs.com 5. I was deeply impressed by his devotion to research, but I'm not interested at all in his profound theories. 给我留下了很深的印象,但我对他那些深奥的理论丝毫不感兴趣。 wenku.baidu.com 6. I had no intention of buying one, but I could not conceal the fact that I was impressed by the size of the diamonds. 我根本不想买,但我不能掩饰这样一个事实:其钻石之大给我留下了深刻的印象。 bbs.ebigear.com 7. We have to be really impressed by his form in front of goal at the moment. 我们确实对他的进球方式印象深刻。 www.lfc.org.cn 8. As the OL in one, I am deeply impressed by a woman sitting in the office is very easy to fat. 身为OL中的一员,我深切感受到坐在办公室里的女人是非常容易胖的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. But of all the Edinburgh undergraduates, it was Conan Doyle who was the most deeply impressed by his incredible mentor. 然而在所有安丁堡的本科生中,也就是柯南*多依尔给他尊敬的导师留下了最深的印象。 iask.sina.com.cn 10. Some Apple developers said that they were impressed by the iPad 2, noting that it was more powerful yet simple to use. 一些苹果应用开发者表示,他们对iPad2的印象非常好,并指出这款产品性能更加强大而又易于使用。 dongxi.net 1. He was impressed by the war scenes, saying that this film describes something that Western people don't know about World War II. 他对战争场面印象深刻,认为这部片描写了第二次世界大战里,西方人所不知道的一面。 www.ctcvn.org 2. We were all impressed by his capacity for deadpan humor. 他能够面无表情地表现出幽默,我们大家都感到印象深刻。 k-shop.com.tw 3. Life has never been impressed by the difficulties, it is always vibrant bright morning sun as if to illuminate the whole earth. 生命从不被困难所折服,它总是生机勃勃犹如明媚的朝阳照亮整个大地。 www.bing.com 4. Manet senior had never been impressed by his son attending drawing classes, so this bad news was the final straw. 老马奈对儿子参加绘画班从来就不以为然,于是这个坏消息终于使他忍无可忍。 www.jukuu.com 5. But they were also -- I was really impressed by how personalized they were, and how much work went into them. 但是,他们也留给我非常深刻的印象,他们都那么有个性,也被人们花费了那么多心血去建造。 www.ted.com 6. And I reached down and picked him up, and immediately became fascinated and impressed by its speed and its strength and agility. 我于是潜到海底捉住了它,刹那间我就被它的速度,力量以及敏捷性所迷住了。 www.ted.com 7. AdamLRocksMe no! But I'm truly impressed by that skill. Just think of how much tongue talent that takes. 不行!但是我对这个技术印象很深。很想知道那人的舌头怎么这么有天赋。 tieba.baidu.com 8. The clerk was impressed by the clothes and manner of Jimmy and he was ready to give the young man any information he desired. 基米的衣着和举止使店员感到这人来头不小,因此很乐意为这个年轻人提供他所需要的情况。 www.crazyenglish.org 9. Clayton Fredericks, a former world champion, said he was impressed by Alex when he started coaching him as a boy. 前世界冠军克莱顿弗雷德里科斯说,他在华天还是个男孩时开始训练他,那时就对他印象很深。 www.bing.com 10. I was impressed by his devotion to research but I did not have the slightest interest in his profound theories. 他致力于研究工作的精神给我留下了很深的印象,但我对他那些深奥的理论却丝毫不感兴趣。 www.8875.org 1. A few hours later, Mrs. Clinton said in Washington that the United States would be "not responsive or impressed by words. " 几个小时后,克林顿女士在华盛顿发表讲话说美国将“不会对卡扎非的话语做出回应,也不会感到震惊。” www.bing.com 2. Alexander HLEB is impressed by Liverpool's summer signings - but is out to prove Arsene Wenger was right to have faith in his young squad. 亚历山大·赫莱布被传出在利物浦的夏天引援名单中,可是最后被证明,阿瑟·温格还是相当信任这名年轻的中场球员的。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. Ballmer said that he was impressed by the iPad, which had sold better than he would have liked. 鲍尔默说,他对iPad印象深刻,它销售得比他想像的好。 www.bing.com 4. Merkel said S& P's opinions were none of her business, and Economy Minister Philip Roesler said 'we aren't impressed by such threats. ' 默克尔说,标普的意见与她无关,经济部长勒斯勒尔(PhilippRoesler)说,我们不为这种威胁所动。 chinese.wsj.com 5. John Bolton, US ambassador to the UN, said he was "impressed by the unanimity of the council" . 美国驻联合国大使约翰?博尔顿(JohnBolton)表示,“安理会意见之统一”给他“留下了深刻印象”。 www.ftchinese.com 6. I was impressed by his perspective and attitude on many subjects. He would talk with such affection and genuineness about everything. 我非常欣赏他面对许多事物的看法和态度,而且不管谈论什麽话题他总是充满了热情和真诚。 blog.30inc.com 7. She had been impressed by a male volunteer from Dalian who told her that he was quitting his job to become an usher at the gymnasium. 那时,一名来自大连的男志愿者给她留下了深刻的印象:为了来体育馆做引座员,他甚至辞掉了自己的工作。 www.i21st.cn 8. Eric Turkewitz, a New York lawyer who represented two of the victims, said he remained impressed by the stamina of Mr Feinberg. 代表两名受害者的纽约律师埃里克-图尔凯维茨(EricTurkewitz)表示,范伯格的毅力给他留下了深刻印象。 www.ftchinese.com 9. He was impressed by the striking difference between the behavior of true believers and those who did not have faith in Christ. 另外,真正的基督徒的言行与那些没有信主的人的也有很大的差别。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Other enterprises, impressed by the confidence shown by such a prominent IT company, are moving their internal standards toward Firefox. 其他企业受到像这样重量级IT企业对其所抱信心的影响,也把它们的内部标准转向Firefox。 www.ibm.com 1. I was most impressed by the great skill and dexterity with which our Chinese colleagues performed these procedures. 我对我们中国同道做这些手术的高度的技巧和熟练印象深刻。 www.5f5y.com 2. Ory, impressed by the idea, agrees to help but secretly resolves to use the plan for his own ends. 欧利受此想法所感染,同意帮助他,但背地里却决定自己使用这个计划。 www.themetinhongkong.info 3. She later told Back Stage magazine that she was impressed by the prominent role of theater in Indonesian society. 她后来对《后台》杂志(BackStage)说,她对戏剧在印尼社会中的显著作用发生兴趣。 www.america.gov 4. Allie was impressed by his agility, knowing that what he had done so quickly and easily was harder than it looked. 他的矫健使艾莉深为敬佩,知道他做得如此轻快是比看起来要难得多。 www.bao100.com 5. Speaking on Russian radio, Mr Kiriyenko said he was impressed by the resilience of the 40-year-old Fukushima plant. 他在俄罗斯电台上说,已经服役40年的福岛核电站抵御风险的能力让他印象深刻。 www.ftchinese.com 6. He was particularly impressed by their zeal in helping SS Einsatzgruppen squads murder Jews in ghettos that were being set up in the region. 希姆莱印象最为深刻的是他们十分热心的帮助党卫队特别行动队来屠杀当地犹太聚居区的犹太人。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Who can fail to be impressed by Barack Obama's energy, or a little stunned by his self-confidence? 谁能不对巴拉克-奥巴马(BarackObama)的干劲印象深刻?或对他的自信而略感震惊? www.ftchinese.com 8. We were most impressed by the fact that even those patients who were not told of the illness were quite aware of its potential outcome. 给我们留下极深印象的是:即使那些没有被告知其病情的病人对其疾病的潜在后果也是非常清楚。 www.waiyulm.com 9. The reader shouldn't only be impressed by your technical qualifications, but should find you to be likeable and well suited for the team. 招聘者不会只对你的专业技能印象深刻,而更希望发现你讨人喜欢,并且适合他们的团队。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. She became his guide to the city, initially impressed by the gentlemanly distance at which he held his partners during the foxtrot. 她成为了加缪在纽约的向导,并对他在狐步舞中和舞伴之间彬彬有礼的距离印象深刻。 www.bing.com 1. But as soon as I joined him in the dining room it was clear he was rather less impressed by me. 但我在餐厅见到他时,明显他对我不太在意。 www.bing.com 2. Some Chrysler board members also are impressed by his progress so far. 克莱斯勒的一些董事会成员也对他迄今为止取得的成就印象深刻。 c.wsj.com 3. "I am so impressed by the letters and posters that you have produced as flag-bearers for your community, " he told the children. “你们为自己社区赢得的证书和海报给我留下了非常深刻的印象。”他告诉孩子们。 www.uk.cn 4. People tend to be more impressed by evidence that seems to confirm some relationship. 人们普遍会对一些看来能证明一些关系的迹象有深刻的印象。 club.topsage.com 5. We were most impressed by the fact that those patients who were not told of their very serious illness were aware of its potential outcome. 那些没有听说自己患了严重疾病的病人能够知道可能出现的后果,这一事实给我们留下的印象最为深刻。分析:采用逆序法。 group.hexun.com 6. He went on at some length and I was impressed by his thoughtful choice of words in Chinese. 他的讲话有一定长度,精心的中文修辞给我留下了深刻印象。 app.fortunechina.com 7. Observers are not impressed by the opposition's competence, but agree that radical elements appear to be a small minority. 观察家们并未被反对者的能力所打动,却也同意激进元素在其间仅仅占到一小部分的说法。 www.ecocn.org 8. Barbie was so impressed by my dedication that she said she would give my choice a shot. 芭比娃娃是我的执着深深感动,她说她给我的选择了一枪。 www.englishtang.com 9. The visitors here are greatly impressed by the fact that people from all walks of life are working hard for a new Jiangsu. 到这里来的游人都被这个印象深深打动——各行各业的人都在为建设新江苏努力工作。 www.yulexiuxian5.com 10. Chen was quite impressed by both her clear career planning and her excellent internship performance with the company. 她清晰的职业规划和在公司杰出的实习表现都让陈印象深刻。 www.i21st.cn 1. if i ' m immature , you ' re prenatal . god , to be impressed by that preppy prick. 如果我不成熟,那你就还没出生。被一个大学预科生吸引。 www.ichacha.net 2. But he was also impressed by compound interest and left funds to the cities of Boston and Philadelphia to accumulate for a hundred years. 但富兰克林对复利的印象也殊为深刻。他曾将资产交给波士顿市与费城市打理,来进行100年的积累。 www.ftchinese.com 3. You are the guy that she impressed by eating through half a bucket of fried chicken and then sat back and asked what's for desert. 她记得很清楚,他吃了半桶炸鸡后,还坐下来问,甜点呢? www.bing.com 4. The men in the region, were not impressed by the attempt to tie them to the kitchen sink. 而当地的男士们,却不认为这样的禁令能把他们“捆绑”在厨房里。 learning.sohu.com 5. When the iPad first landed, we were impressed by its ability to showcase regular old paper comic books in such a stylized fashion. 当iPad刚刚面世时,我们惊异于iPad能够如此时尚的展现纸制漫画书的内容。 www.bing.com 6. By all this, we are indeed greatly impressed by what you have done and by your strong leadership. 首相先生,你的成就及英明领导,实在令我们深感钦佩。 www.bing.com 7. The Chinese do not appear to be much impressed by the undoubted ability of individual foreigners in practical lines. 外国人在实际事务中表现出来的毋庸置疑的能力,中国人看来并不感动。 chen.bokerb.com 8. Funny thing, the Lakers don't seem that impressed by fourth place in the Western Conference. 这是个很有趣的现象,湖人队看上去似乎不应该占据西部第四的位置。 lvxiaojun-kobe.blog.163.com 9. Lewis said he once lived in Deyang for several months and was deeply impressed by the city. 刘易斯说,他曾在四川德阳生活过数月,那里给他留下了美好印象。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Belgian Senator Paul Wille said he was impressed by China's rapid development. 比利时参议员保罗意志表示,他对中国的迅速发展印象深刻。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 1. I'm particularly impressed by his minimalistic body language, watch the man acting with his neck towards the camera. 我被他他简约的肢体语言深深折服,看着他用脖子与摄影机自如的互动表演。 www.bing.com 2. The first time I saw him, I was impressed by his sense of humour. 我第一次见他时,他的幽默感给我留下了深刻的印象。 free.dlzj219.zxxk.com 3. I am most impressed by how this book presents both the philosophy and mechanics of such a shift in perspective. 我印象最深的是,这本书同时提供了这种观点转变的哲学和实现机制。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. He came away from the discussion impressed by his thoughtful new friend. 这次辩论,让他对这位有思想的新朋友印象深刻。 www.fortunechina.com 5. It seems that while it is easy to be impressed by an abstract feelgood factor, it is harder to pin down specific benefits. 虽然看上去一种抽象的感觉不错的因素容易给人留下印象,但说出具体的益处则困难得多。 www.ftchinese.com 6. A number of foreign fund managers have begun poking around the market, impressed by the valuations. 许多外国基金经理人开始把手指伸向了市场周围,他们为价值估计所动。 boboan79.blog.163.com 7. And he is so friendly, I am impressed by his will to help Chinese people. 他非常友好,他帮助中国人民的愿望令人印象深刻)。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Impressed by the physical resemblance between the two of them, she even identifies herself, subconsciously , with the actress. 由于她们俩外表有几分相似,艾玛下意识通过伊丽莎白获得对自己的认同。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Do not allow yourself to be impressed by strong personalities. 不要听任你自己受强大的名人的影响。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Impressed by the writer's viewpoint, I absolutely agree with him. 我对作者的观点印象深刻,也完全赞同。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. Overseas visitors are also likely to be impressed by the many beautiful sights and attractions of Tokyo. 海外游客也会对东京的魅力景观留下深刻的印象。 www.metro.tokyo.jp 2. I've known too many men who were a little tin gods at their universities to be impressed by it. 我认识许多在上大学时就有些自命不凡的人物,我才不吃这套呢! 3. I am very impressed by your resume. Therefore, I am very interested to know why you're willing to leave your current company. 我对你的简历印象很深。因此,我很有兴趣知道你为什么愿意离开你现在的公司。 www.hxen.com 4. Users cannot fail to be impressed by the stunning graphics of this thrilling strategy game. 玩家通过这扣人心弦的令人震惊的战略局势游戏将不能不留下深刻的印象。 bbs.wda.com.cn 5. We were all impressed by the harmony of color in nature. 我们都对大自然的色彩的和谐有深刻的印象。 www.bjd.com.cn 6. "But I think they are serious investors, and I'm impressed by the fact that they don't have a high turnover. . . and don't use leverage. " “但我认为他们是严肃的投资者,这个团队非常稳定,而且不使用杠杆作用。” www.bing.com 7. We were most impressed by the fact even those patients who were not told their serious illness were quit aware of its potential outcome. 给我们留下极深印象的是:即便那些没有被告知其病情的病人对其疾病的潜在后果也是非常清楚。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Impressed by the creative way of thinking and their creative style after the formation of a far-reaching impact. 印象主义的创作思维方式对其后创作风格的形成有着极其深远的影响。 www.fabiao.net 9. He has had a good education at Gillingham and I am impressed by his personality. 他在格林汉姆得到一个良好的培养,我对于他的个性印象深刻。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 10. However as Neo has been impressed by Python's productivity gain before, he wondered if he could write code in Python to use DB2 JDBC driver. 而且,因为Python的效率收益过去给Neo留下了深刻印象,所以他想是否可以用Python编写代码来使用DB2JDBC驱动程序。 www.ibm.com 1. Impressed by Oveges's ability to inspire learning, the principal heartily recommended him to a publishing company. 奥格弗斯激励学生学习的能力给校长留下了深刻印象。他向一家出版社大力推荐了奥格弗斯。 www.zftrans.com 2. She was impressed by his decent behavior. 他得体的举止行为给她留下了深刻的印象。 wenku.baidu.com 3. I couldn't help being impressed by this, and I inquired politely, "Would you permit me to quote that line of yours in the future? " 我不由自主地佩服,因而恭恭敬敬地请求道:“您老人家能允许我将来引用你的这段话吗?” www.bing.com 4. We were much impressed by the general's stately appearance. 这将军堂皇的仪表时的我们印象深刻。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. We're impressed by his sense of humor . 我们对他的幽默感印象深刻。 www.hjenglish.com 6. We are deeply impressed by your kindness in submitting this proposal to us, and your application is now under our careful consideration . 对于你方提出这一建议的诚意,我们深受感动,并也正在仔细考虑之中。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. I think many Americans are impressed by China's modernization and want to be a part of it. 我认为许多美国人都目睹了中国的现代化程度,他们也想投身于此。 www.bing.com 8. Too young to know what a poem was, I was nonetheless so impressed by what I had seen that there seemed to be something stirring in my heart. 我当时虽然还不懂什么叫诗兴,但也顾而乐之,心中油然有什么东西在萌动。 www.bing.com 9. He was impressed by the super big shopping malls and spent nearly S$2000 buying himself a pair of Emergildo Zegna T-shirt and jeans. 超级购物广场给他留下很深的印象,他花了2000美元买了一件“杰尼亚”牌的T恤衫和一条牛仔裤。 column.chinabyte.com 10. Few foreign visitors travelling to Beijing, Shanghai or Guangzhou fail to be impressed by the country's recent achievements. 去过北京、上海、广州的外国人几乎都对这个国家最近取得的成就而感到印象深刻。 dongxi.net 1. Mr Reid was impressed by how the trust's counterpart south of the border had given local managers more autonomy. 南方边境上的国民信托,是如何给当地经理人更多自治权的,Reid印象深刻。 www.ecocn.org 2. Were they impressed by his apparently safe, dependable returns? 他们是否是因为麦道夫所提供的看似安全可靠的回报而动心呢? www.ecocn.org 3. Then they may still feel unsatisfied with their performance although the general public have already been impressed by their speech. 尽管公众都已经受他们的演讲所动,他们可能还是对自己的表现不满意。 wroder.blog.163.com 4. I'd seen this type of shot in a photography magazine and was impressed by the eye catching results. 我曾经在一本摄影杂志上看见过这样一张照片而深深地被这炫目的效果吸引。 bbs.internet.org.cn 5. I was impressed by those disordered information that everyone was crazy which seemed to be "mass craziness" named by some sociologists. 这些混乱的信息,给我一种人人都在发神经的感觉,好像有社会学家说过的“群体性的癫狂”。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. The poor girl from a small village was deeply impressed by the large quantities of food in the big city. 大城市里大量丰富的食品给这个来自小山村的穷苦的女孩留下了深刻的印象。 www.5ykj.com 7. I must confess that at the beginning of this summer vacation, I was impressed by some tough things. 我必须承认在这个夏季开始的时候,我被一些困难的事情缠住了。 post.baidu.com 8. A wave of sympathy ensued with even enemies impressed by his spirited response. 此事引发了民众对他的同情,甚至连他的对手都对他英勇的回应印象深刻。 www.ecocn.org 9. Whoever looked at the flowers were all impressed by their beauty. 所有看到花儿的人都因为她们的美丽而被深深地感动。 www.chnxs.com 10. I was impressed by its unyielding character, never to be a loser in face of loneliness and misunderstanding. 而我又立即深深地感到它那种不屈于误解、寂寞的生存的伟大。 www.ecocn.org 1. The rating agencies are not likely to be impressed by this weekend's drama, and rightly so. 信用评级机构可能不会为上周末的戏剧化事件所动,这也在情理之中。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Walking around the city, we were impressed by the city's new look. 在城里走时,城市的新容给我们留下深刻印象。 www.etmeet.com 3. and was mightily impressed by the sheer size of your . 令我印象深刻的是你的超级大。 www.ichacha.net 4. Given the structure of the film it also will not take long to be greatly impressed by the martial arts choreography . 根据影片的结构,你不久就会被他的武术动作编排所深深打动。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. He spoke so convincingly that even his opponents were impressed by his words. 他说的如此让人信服以至于他的反对者都对他的话语产生了深刻印象。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Having seen Orion's equipment in action at another local factory, we were impressed by the levels of performance and low maintenance. 我们已经看到猎户座的行动设备厂在其他地方,我们留下了深刻的印象水平的性能和低维护。 jgdmj.a1pak.com 7. Security researchers, however, said this week that they were impressed by the authors' productivity. 然而计算机安全研究人员这周说他们对作者的多产印象深刻。 www.bing.com 8. I was impressed by the quality of projects and the level of enthusiasm and commitment, '' she said. 她说:“项目的质量和人们的热情和专心让我感触至深。” iipdigital.usembassy.gov 9. I was impressed by his diligence and initiative from the very beginning of semester. 我他的勤奋和主动权从学期的真正的开始留下印象了。 bbs.lintun.com 10. I'm impressed by how modern the city is -- in engineering, dress, social order. Looked very capable, compassionate and advanced. 那座现代化城市在各个方面让我印象深刻,包括工程,人们的穿着以及社会秩序。那里的人看上去都很能干,富有同情心,很文明。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. We were greatly impressed by his heroic deeds. 我们深深为他的英雄事迹所感动。 www.njbxjy.net 2. Hardly a man came to the exhibition but was deeply impressed by the originality of his works. 来参观的人几乎无一不对他的作品的创造性留下深刻印象。 blog.hjenglish.com 3. I sympathize with my clients' plight, but I wasn't impressed by their claims of powerlessness. 我理解我的客户们糟糕的处境,但是对于他们认为‘无力’,我不以为然。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 4. I have always been impressed by the contribution of my compatriot, Jean Bodin, to our understanding of monetary economics. 与我同为法国人的让?博丹(JeanBodin),对我们理解货币经济学做出的贡献,始终萦绕在我的脑海中。 www.ftchinese.com 5. The natives were so impressed by this strange piece of paper that they passed it from hand to hand without anyone attempting to cash it. 当地人对这张奇怪的纸片感到非常好奇,因此互相传阅,但没有人打算把它兑现。 www.ftchinese.com 6. At Le Meridien She Shan, even the most fastidious food critic would be impressed by the delicious dishes. 在艾美酒店,令人震撼的美食体验即便是最苛刻的美食家,也会赞不绝口。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. She was deeply impressed by what they did at the last critical moment. 她被他在最后紧要关头的做法深深震撼了。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. The Forum group, like everyone else, were hugely impressed, by our team, by China's organisation, and by the sheer excitement of the sport. 和所有人一样,参加论坛的政治家们也被英国代表团的表现、中国的组织以及激动人心的赛事所感动。 vipwilson.blog.sohu.com 9. The British students were impressed by the kindness of Chinese students. 英国的学生们对中国学生的友好印象深刻。 wenku.baidu.com 10. We had a great turnout of both private collectors and art critics, and everyone was most impressed by your work. 很多私人收藏家和艺术评论家都出席了开幕酒会,大家都对您的作品赞不绝口。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Men are naturally most impressed by diseases which have obvious signs, yet some of their worst enemies slowly approach them unnoticed. 人类自然地对于那些有明显特征的疾病有深刻的印象,然而他们最可怕的敌人往往在未被人注意时慢慢接近他们。 www.ebigear.com 2. The King of Benares was impressed by such courage and dignity. So when servants came to remove the dog, he ordered them to let him remain. 这样的勇气和威严打动了贝拿勒斯王,因此当臣仆来赶走狗王时,他命令他们让他留下来。 george.shi.blog.163.com 3. People who have visited the Forbidden City would be impressed by the wisdom of the ancient Chinese. 凡是参观过紫禁城的人一定会惊诧于中国古代人民的智慧。 www.dearedu.com 4. The poor girl from an isolated village was deeply impressed by the copious quantities of food in the big city. 大城市里大量丰富的食品给这个来自荒僻的小山村的穷苦的小女孩留下了深刻的印象。 dict.netat.net 5. Was impressed by the "Scorpion Warrior" villain "Scorpion Warrior" like most of a scorpion. 印象深刻的是《蝎子战士》,反派人物“蝎子战士”像极了一只蝎子。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. she was impressed by his words. 她被他的话深深打动了。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Colleagues were impressed by his intellect. 同事们对他的才能印象很深。 www.bing.com 8. Almost all the TV viewers were deeply impressed by Titanic's huge mass and her ruined splendor of a lost age. 泰坦尼克号的庞大以及她那昔日辉煌的残毁,给几乎所有的电视观众都留下了十分深刻的印象。 www.ttshopping.net 9. We were impressed by his dedication. 我们对他的敬业精神印象深刻。 wenku.baidu.com 10. Today, I saw two classmates jumping ropes, and I'm so impressed by their high jumping s. 我今天看见两个同学在跳绳。她们跳得很高。我很羡慕。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 1. They also need to be less impressed by the appearance of stability. 同时不要被表面的稳定所迷惑。 www.ecocn.org 2. Who that met Premier Zhou was not impressed by his manners? 见到周总理的人谁不被他的举止所感动? blog.sina.com.cn 3. Of course, few adults are very impressed by this illusion because we've all experienced it as children. 当然了,没有几个成年人会觉得这有什么特别,因为打小我们都已经体验过了。 www.bing.com 4. Due to the location, its style of construction is simple, with the result that not many visitors have been impressed by it. 由于位置原因,它的建筑风格很简单,因此没有多少游客会对其印象深刻。 dongxi.net 5. You're new to this film but you would be probably impressed by the one who played Mark Zuckerberg in The Social Network. 这部影片很新,但是杰西在《社交网络》中的表演想必给你留下了深刻的印象。 www.kekenet.com 6. As the planes sped by, we were impressed by the perfect symmetry of their V-formation. 当飞机飞过时,那完美匀称的V形排列给我们留下了深刻的印象。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The writer is a visitor from China. He was greatly impressed by Singapore's racial harmony which prompted him to write this article. 作者是来访的中国人,他在文内表达对新加坡各种族和谐共处的良好印象。 www.1stenglish.com 8. Mr. Keating: I was quite impressed by the writing you did for the university website. Is there anything else that I should consider? 基廷:我非常钦佩你为大学网站写的东西。还有没有需要我考虑的其他信息吗? www.kaibell.cn 9. I've also seen it before. I was deeply impressed by the story and the music of it. Shall we go to see it again together? 我过去也看过了。影片的故事情节和音乐给我留下了深刻的印象。我们一起再去看一次,怎么样? www.easydata.com.cn 10. Although impressed by your background and credentials, we were unable to find a suitable fit among our current open job opportunities. 虽然根据你的背景和国书有印象,我们不能够找在我们的现在开着的工作机会之中的适当适宜。 iask.sina.com.cn 1. I'm deeply impressed by her plenty of sunshine, agreeable climate, quiet and comfortable as well as its people who are kind and friendly. 新西兰美丽的自然风景、充足的阳光和宜人的气候、安静舒适的学习环境以及和蔼友善的人民给我留下了深刻的印象。 www.nexoncn.com 2. During the primary campaign, one had to be impressed by Hillary Clinton'ssheer resilience. 在初选中,人们不得不对希拉里的完全弹性印象深刻。 www.suiniyi.com 3. I was so impressed by his words that I used them later for a Christmas card. 我为这些话所深深感动.后来我把它写在圣诞贺卡上。 wenku.baidu.com 4. We were impressed by the selection of sweaters that you displayed at the Manwear Exhibition. 在男士服装展览会上,你公司展出的羊毛衫系列给我们留下了深刻的印象。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Global audiences were impressed by the fireworks performance at the Beijing Olympic opening and closing ceremony. 北京奥运开闭幕式上,绚烂烟花腾空而起,让人印象深刻。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 6. She was very impressed by the hotel and the splendor of the dining-room. 她对这旅馆和饭厅的富丽堂皇,印象很深。 dict.veduchina.com 7. Most people would be impressed by the high quality of medicine available to most Americans. 众所周之,美国大多数民众都服用的高品质的医药。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Other people remain impressed by Marx, but look to libertarian and humanistic interpretations of his work. 虽然其他的人对马克思依然有着深刻的印象,但注重的是其著作中的自由主义的和人道主义的解释。 www.bing.com 9. Instead, voters appear to have been more impressed by Mr Obama's calm and measured style. 不过,奥巴马冷静克制的作风似乎给选民留下了更深刻的印象。 www.ftchinese.com 10. We were deeply impressed by his deeds. 我们对他的行为留下了深刻印象。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. We were deeply impressed by his words. 他的话给我们留下了深刻的印象。 yingyu.eduu.com 2. He is ahead of schedule and I'm impressed by what he has done by now but he is only 18. 我印象最深刻的是,他现在所得到的成就,他只有18岁。 tieba.baidu.com 3. UEFA chief Michel Platini was impressed by Milan's triumph in the Champions League Final. "They allowed Latin football to save face. " 欧足联主席普拉蒂尼对米兰在冠军联赛决赛中的表现印象深刻,“他们让拉丁足球保全颜面。” www.milanchina.com 4. I still remember how I was profoundly impressed by rape flowers, sunset, morning glow, stars, or a ray of light from the crack of a door. 而且现在还记着,像油菜花、一抹夕阳、朝霞、满天的星星,或者门缝的一道光,印象都特别地深。 www.vi21.net 5. She was impressed by the 12-year-old's quick mind, sharp intellect, and genuine care for the needs of others. 那个12岁的小女孩儿思维敏捷,智慧出众,真诚关爱他人,给谢索恩留下了深刻的印象。 starwarsfans.cn 6. but it could not conceal the fact that it has been impressed by the rapid development of the Chinese economy. 日本政府根本就没有同中国政府进行商谈的意图,但是它却不能隐藏它对中国经济的快速发展深刻印象的事实。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. They were also impressed by the high equipment levels, build quality and projected residual values. 他们还留下了深刻的印象装备水平高,建设质量和预测的剩余价值。 www.xcar.com.cn 8. As part of the government that had to implement the rescue, he was not particularly impressed by the fund's performance. 作为不得不实施救援的政府官员,他对IMF的表现并不以为然。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Participants were impressed by the darkness experience and the professional guidance of visually impaired trainers. 参赛者均难忘全黑的体验和视障训练员的专业引导。 www.hkbu.edu.hk 10. During the course of recording, the campers are impressed by program crew's seriousness, from the show host to the program director. 中央电视台演播厅充满了紧张的气氛。节目录制过程中,栏目组的工作人员以及节目编导们认真负责的工作态度给营员们留下了深刻的印象。 www.cctv.com 1. Jagmohan Gupta was much impressed by the efficient process of project planning, formulation and implementation on Chinese railways. 古普塔则对中国铁路项目规划、制定和实施全过程的高效率印象深刻。 web.worldbank.org 2. Impressed by the traditional Chinese art, they instantly invited the troupe to Dubai to perform in a large variety show. 传统的中国艺术给这位管理人员留下了深刻的印象,因此他们立马邀请艺术团到迪拜的一个大型综艺节目上表演。 cecilia660.ourtra.com 3. Karen: Yeah, but I'm not so impressed by the samples that were sent from Mexico. 是啊,不过我对墨西哥那边送来的样本印象不怎麽好。 tw.myblog.yahoo.com 4. Saul was impressed by David's courage and eventually agreed to let him fight Goliath. 扫罗对大卫的勇气留下了印象,最终同意让他去跟歌利亚打仗。 ad4.sina.com.cn 5. Edwin C. Bearss, former chief historian for the National Park Service, is particularly impressed by the scope of the authors' work. 该书内容之广,给前国家公园管理局首席历史学家——埃德温·C·贝尔斯——留下了深刻的印象。 www.bing.com 6. If Mr Wolfowitz is an overconfident thinker, he also seems an insecure manager, too impressed by bumptious aides. 如果沃氏是一名自负的思想者,那他似乎也是一位不那么自信的管理者,受到傲慢自负的助手们过多的影响。 www.ecocn.org 7. And I'll deal with this succinctly: I was kind of impressed by the demo. 我对此做简单地处理:我对演示印象深刻。 www.bing.com 8. Life of the upper crust: Mr Engledow is not impressed by Alice Bee's burnt toast. 上流生活:Engledow先生显然对Alice做的烧焦的土司不太满意。 bbs.ebigear.com 9. After the interview, I was quite impressed by the general manager. 看完了采访,我挺欣赏和佩服那个吴恩福。 lisalai.com 10. Last fall, we were impressed by StackOverflow's usability, interface, and credibility system. 去年秋,StackOverflow网站的可用性,用户界面和信誉系统就给我们留下了印象深刻(link)。 www.bing.com 1. I was impressed by the efficiency with which she handled the crisis. 她应变效率之高给我留下了深刻的印象。 www.kekenet.com 2. I was impressed by, and appreciative of, the way the Congress and the White House had worked with the governors. 国会、白宫与州长们携手合作的方式不仅给我留下了深刻印象,也令我感激。 www.bing.com 3. When I first saw this picture I was really impressed by the beauty of this knitted slipcover, and by the time involved into this project. 当我第一次看到这个,我是真的被这个美丽的印象针织沙发套图片,并参与到这个项目的时间。 www.i-guider.com 4. We were deeply impressed by the workers and their working conditions that we had visited. 我们参观过的工人及他们的工作条件留下了深刻印象。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. And a couple and their children spent a long time at the booth, being especially impressed by the Longevity Lamp entitled Gods Hand. 还有一对夫妇带著小孩一直浏览我们的摊位许久,当他们看到天手万岁灯时,更是由衷地赞叹不已! sm2000.org 6. Believe that read "A World Without Thieves" are necessarily impressed by this sentence which talked by Ge You. 相信看过《天下无贼》的人一定对葛尤这句话印象颇深吧。 www.100lu.cn 7. People are most impressed by his painting skill. 他的绘画技巧炉火纯青,人们极为钦佩。 www.hjenglish.com 8. I was quite impressed by the cleaning of that hospital. 我对那所医院的清洁印象很深。 bbs.tingroom.com 9. Mr Osborne said people would be "impressed" by the package he has now agreed with Work and Pensions Secretary Iain Duncan Smith. 奥斯本先生说人们对一揽子计划“印象深刻”,他现在也赞成就业与养老基金大臣伊安·杜肯·史密斯。 www.bing.com 10. Working beside Rewi Alley, I was deeply impressed by his modesty, carefulness and frugality. 在艾黎身边工作,感受最深的是他为人谦虚,作风细致,生活朴素。 www.kuaiyilin.com 1. As a matter of fact, the world is impressed by the progress being made toward peace and reconciliation. 事实上,全世界都对这方面取得的进展感到高兴。 www.ebigear.com 2. I was quite impressed by the equipment of that school. 那所学校的设备令我印象深刻。 bbs.tingroom.com 3. I'm also impressed by its stealth, which provides the jet with an amazing advantage over any adversary. 我对它的隐身能力同样印象深刻,这使得这架飞机在面对任何对手时具有令人惊喜的优势。 www.fyjs.cn 4. We were impressed by his deeds. 我们被他的行为所感动。 wenku.baidu.com 5. "Many of our customers who visit here for the first time are absolutely awed and impressed by what we have been able to achieve. " “我们的许多客户第一次来访就对我们已有的成就感到由衷的敬佩和感动。” www.bing.com 6. Thomson was also impressed by their grace and beauty, and by their elegant and richly coloured dresses. 她们的优雅、美丽,以及做工考究、色彩艳丽的服装,也给汤姆逊留下了很深的印象。 dongxi.net 7. But Woods is impressed by the possibility that so many people might have once lived in a region long thought uninhabited. 一个长久以来一直被认为无人居住的地区可能曾经居住过如此之多的人口,伍兹对此印象深刻 www.bing.com 8. One reason of my promotion is that the top management is so impressed by my efficiency under great pressure. 我得到升职的一个原因就是,管理层对我在巨大压力下表现出的工作效率印象深刻。 www.bing.com 9. he answered a range of questions; he was impressed by the range and diversity of the collection. 他回答了一系列问题;收集品的多样性给他留下了深刻印象。 www.dictall.com 10. That said, I've not been impressed by the application selection the Blackberry offers. 可以说,我对黑莓商店提供的可选应用程序并不印象深刻。 www.bing.com 1. I'm pleased you did that. I must say, I was impressed by the speed and quietness of your machines. 你这样做我很高兴。我承认,你们机器的速度和无噪音给我留下了很深的印象。 www.jukuu.com 2. Campbell has visited Istanbul to play against the national team for England, and he was impressed by what he saw on that visit. 坎贝尔在为英格兰比赛的时候已经参观过伊斯坦布尔,而那次经历令他印象深刻。 bbs.arsenal.com.cn 3. We were mighty impressed by the size of the pumpkin you grew. 我们对于你所种的番瓜尺寸,感到超级敬佩。 bbs.wtojob.com 4. You have to be impressed by the resourcefulness. It remains to be seen whether all things jellyfish will catch on. 你肯定会对产品的丰富多样留下深刻印象,但这些深加工的水母产品是否会流行开来还有待观察。 dongxi.net 5. Plus, if you happen to own a PSP Slim, you can play this on your HDTV, and you'll still find yourself impressed by its visuals. 另外,如果你恰巧有台瘦P,你就能在你的高清电视上体验这款神作,你会发现它在电视上的表现同样会让你震撼。 my.cngba.com 6. So Amitabha Buddha said to him, Im impressed by your faith and sincerity in seeking the Truth. 阿弥陀佛说:我对你的道心和诚心非常满意。 sm2000.org 7. It was in Shanghai that I met Yunyan first. I was deeply impressed by her conversation and her manners. 初次见到云燕是在上海,侃侃而谈、落落大方是她给我的第一感觉。 cn.qikan.com 8. If anything, it may have been too impressed by the analogy. 如果有任何问题,可能是其受这种类比的影响过于深。 www.ftchinese.com 9. I was attracted by the story's plot and was impressed by their brilliant dialogue, especially Manny and Alice. 我被故事的情节所吸引,被它们精彩的对白所打动尤其是曼尼和爱丽。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. Lithuanians, shorn of their middle class under Soviet occupation, are impressed by experience abroad. 立陶宛人,剪掉了他们在苏联占领时的中层,因外国的感受而被铭记。 www.bing.com 1. The results toppled the old perception that young college students are most impressed by the stars of shows. 结果推翻了旧的观念是青年学生是最受感动的节目的明星。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. We were most impressed by the service at the hotel. 这个宾馆的服务给我们留下了极其深刻的印象。 img9.vikecn.com 3. The king was impressed by the intelligence and thinking ability shown by this simple woman. 这个质朴聪慧又善于思考的女人打动了国王。 george.shi.blog.163.com 4. Emperor Napoleon of France, who ruled much of Italy at the time, was impressed by Volta's inventions. 那时统治意大利大部分地区的法国皇帝拿破仑对伏打的发明印象深刻。 www.bing.com 5. We are very impressed by his behavior. 我们被他的行为所打动。 www.86zy.net 6. Impressed by my public speaking ability, a member of my current club nicknamed me "Mr. Smooth. " 我现在的分会有一个会员,感受到我的演讲技巧,帮我取一个小名,叫「流畅先生」。 toastmasters.org.tw 7. While delighted with his team's powers of recovery, he was less impressed by the Reds' defensive play. 他对自己球队逆境求生的能力感到高兴,但却对防线不满意。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 8. I was moved by the touching movie. Moreover, I was impressed by some of the scene. 我感动于这部感人的电影。此外,一些场景给我留下了深刻的印象。 wenku.baidu.com 9. We were impressed by the ruins of an ancient building. 我们对一处古建筑废墟印象颇深。古旧的, 108734.myabc.cn 10. I've known too many men who were little tin gods at their university to be impressed by it. 我认识有太多人在大学或小范围内莫名地被奉为偶像,于是我一言不发。 www.ebigear.com 1. Students were impressed by the president's speech and good manner. 希拉克总统的演讲和良好的举止给与会的同学们留下了深刻的印象。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Tyrants in Burma, militias in eastern Congo, and Al Qaeda disciples won't be impressed by a revamped council. 改组后的安理会不会给缅甸的暴君,东部刚果的国民军以及基地组织的门徒留下印象。 www.bing.com 3. When Vitas appeared in pharaoh's costume, the audience applauded, being impressed by this beauty. 但Vitas穿着法老装出现时,观众鼓掌,被他的美所震撼了。 blog.163.com 4. During the talks with them, I was deeply impressed by their enthusiasm, friendliness , diligence, wisdom, resolution and fortitude. 通过同他们的交往,日本人民的热情友好、勤劳智慧、坚韧不拔给我留下了深刻印象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. He pretended to be impressed by their new car but he was only acting a part. 他装出喜欢他们的新车,但那只不过是他装腔作势而已。 coffeejp.com 6. They were uniformly impressed by its simplicity and effectiveness. 系统简单性和有效性给他们留下深刻印象。 www.etiri.com.cn 7. I was very impressed by the company, people and interview process and agreed to work there on the way to the airport. 我对OverStock这家公司(包括人和面试过程)的印象非常深刻,在去机场的路上,我接受了他们的offer。 www.cnbeta.com 8. We were deeply impressed by the teachers and schools that we had visited here. 我们在那儿访问过的老师和学校给我们留下了深刻的印象。 www.6gee.com 9. Looking at those numbers, you can understand why the market wasn't impressed by Central Huijin's $30 million capital infusion. 看到这些数据,你就明白中央汇金那3千万的注资为何打不动市场了。 www.bing.com 10. And Poulsen cannot fail to be impressed by Dalglish's impact at Liverpool. 在利物浦,鲍尔森不能够淡出肯尼的视线。 www.ept-team.com 1. I was impressed by the way in which she did it. 她干成这件事的方式给我留下了深刻的印象。 wenwen.soso.com 2. They were most impressed by Hefei city and the enthusiasm of its people. 合肥观众的热情和合肥这座城市和让他们也印象深刻。 3. I'm greatly impressed by the clarity of the sea water in Hainan. 海南清澈的海水给我留下了深刻的印象。 news.koolearn.com 4. I've been impressed by their patience, courage and dignity under extremely traumatic circumstances. 他们在极度悲伤的情况下所表现出的耐心、勇气和尊严给我留下了深刻印象。 www.bing.com 5. Emperor Wudi was impressed by Dong Zhongshu's theories, and filled his administration with Confucian scholars. 汉武帝采纳了董仲舒的学说,汉朝政府里就有许多信奉儒家思想的人做了大官。 www.chinese.cn 6. 'I'm impressed by the power of Hollywood to arrange this, ' jokes Mahle. “好莱坞能有权势做这样的安排,我真是影响深刻。”梅丽莎开玩笑说。 xianguo.com 7. They insist that the audiences who see the dwarfs sing, dance and perform comic routines leave impressed by their skills and courage. 他们坚持认为,欣赏矮人们唱歌跳舞、表演搞笑节目的观众会被他们的技艺和勇气所打动。 dongxi.net 8. We were impressed by the size of the stag's antlers. 这只雄鹿犄角的尺寸让我们印象深刻。*antlern.鹿角 edu.sina.com.cn 9. We were deeply impressed by the teachers and schools that we had visited. 我们访问过的老师和参观过的学校给我们留下了深刻的印象。 www.eduzhai.net 10. Well, thank you for showing me your beautiful ceramic ware. I was so impressed by your designs and the high quality of your pieces. 嗯,谢谢你为我展示这些美丽的陶艺品。你们的设计和产品质量让我印象深刻。 www.eduzhai.net 1. I have been very impressed by some of your interviewees' comments. 你们的一些受访者的解释、评论给我留下了很深刻的印象。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Everyone was deeply impressed by Supreme Master Ching Hai, not only for Her wisdom and benevolence but also for Her many artistic talents. 除了清海无上师的智慧和慈悲,大家对她的艺术才华也都留下了深刻的印象。 sm2000.org 3. Lieberman, who is 47 and a six-time marathoner, was so impressed by the results of his research that he began running barefoot himself. 47岁,第六代马拉松运动员,对他自己开始赤足跑的研究结果印象很深刻。 dongxi.net 4. I am impressed by the work being done by affected countries as they deal with the current outbreaks. 那些受到疫情影响国家为处理当前疾病爆发情况所做的工作,我将铭记在心。 www.bing.com 5. Aquarius bosses can be friendly yet cool. Don't get into personal things with them. They are favorably impressed by innovations. 水瓶座的老板友好然而比较冷漠。和他们之间不要涉及私事。他们对改革创新尤其有好印象。 bbs.wollon.net 6. I was deeply impressed by the city's vigor and spirit as well as its breath-taking growth and progress. 上海这座城市的活力和朝气,惊人的增长和发展,给我留下了深刻印象。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 7. Do not be impressed by other works. 不要让别人的作品影响你。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Israelis are impressed by the string of big names from the Obama administration billed to hit town. But they are also concerned. 以色列人民对奥巴马政府到访的一系列大人物影响深刻,但他们也有所顾虑。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 9. I was deeply impressed by his effective speech. 他的精彩演说给我留下深刻印象。 wenku.baidu.com 10. But he says he came away from a meeting with Tiger impressed by its knowledge of China, India, Brazil and other markets outside the U. S. 不过,他说,他刚刚与Tiger开完会,Tiger对中国、印度、巴西等美国以外市场的了解给他留下了深刻印象。 c.wsj.com 1. I was deeply impressed by what I saw and heard during this visit. 这次参观中的所见所闻使我感受颇深。 www.gszsb.cn 2. I was very impressed by what he said. 他所说的话给我留下了深刻的印象。 edu.qq.com 3. The audience were deeply impressed by the actors' wonderful performance. 观众对演员们的精彩表演印象深刻。 www.5ykj.com 4. Goessens was much impressed by the riches and splendour of the Court. 宫廷的财富和壮观,给戈森斯留下了深刻的印象。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. He wasn't an educated man, but he had raised and provided for four children on this farm. I was impressed by that. 他没有念过书,但就在这农场上他养育了四个子女,这一点使我印象很深。 www.kekenet.com 6. It doesn't matter if your visitors are impressed by professional Flash animations and graphics on your site. 如果你的来访客人对你网站上专业的Flash动画和图片有很深的印象,那没关系。 www.domain.cn 7. Most visitors to China are deeply impressed by the tremendous popularity of wushu in this country. 大多数来到中国的游客都对在这个国家有着巨大声望的武术留下了很深的印象像。 wenku.baidu.com 8. To say the least she was impressed by my, er, rather my father's, choice of the flower show. 她一点也没有被我的父亲打动,嗯,到是被花展打动了。 www.bing.com 9. During my studying there, I was impressed by their mission "building up a harmonious campus" . “建设和谐校园”的推广使我们的学校在我在我的职业生涯一个很好的学习印象。 wenwen.soso.com 10. I was deeply impressed by his hospitality. 他的热情给了我很深的印象。 zhidao.baidu.com |
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