单词 | in her face |
释义 | in her face例句释义: 全部 1. In her face there was that exalted serenity that sometimes came to her at moments of deep feeling. 在她的脸上呈现出心满意足的宁静,这种神情只有她陷入激情时,人们才能看到。 2. Something held Old Phoenix very still. The deep lines in her face went into a fierce and different radiation. 突然有什么东西使老菲尼克斯愣住了。她脸上道道深深的皱纹闪耀出强烈而又奇异的光彩。 3. looks like there's a leak in her face. You were trying to put too much into this one. 哎呀,她脸上好像有一个漏洞。您试图在这件作品中注入太多的东西。 www.ebigear.com 4. but the full sense of the matter rose up in her face when she encountered Clare's tender look as he stepped forward to the bottom stair. 克莱尔向楼梯跟前走去,苔丝看见他一脸的温情,这才完全意识到这件事情,这种意识随着又在她的脸上表现出来。 www.hjenglish.com 5. The child she had been sometimes appeared in her face. 她的脸上有时显出孩提时代的天真神态。 6. The lady looked up, and there was the withered woman smiling in her face. 女士抬起头,老人对她露出笑脸。 www.bing.com 7. He would have risen, and unfixed her fingers by the act--she clung fast, gasping: there was mad resolution in her face. 他想站起来,要松开她的手指——但她紧紧搂住,喘着气:在她脸上现出疯狂的决心。 putclub.com 8. "I don't think that's a good idea, " she said, a surge of color in her face as she bent to pick up my screwdrivers. “我觉得那不是个好主意,”她说道。当她弯腰捡起我的螺丝刀时,脸上飞起红色。 www.bing.com 9. There was something in her face-a look of life hard--lived, the mysterious impress of emotions, experience, and suffering. 她脸上有一种--一种历尽坎坷的神情,和喜怒哀乐,阅历与痛苦留下的神秘痕迹。 10. Julia felt a whirl of wind blow her hair up and swish in her face. It was like a canoe going against the rapids in a river. 茱莉亚觉得有阵风把自己的头发吹了起来,嗖嗖声擦面而过。那就像独木舟在激流中行进。 www.ufochn.com 1. Staring at herself for long stretches of time she was occasionally upset at the sight of her mother's features in her face. 久久地看着自己发呆,她不时也心烦意乱地看到自己脸上有母亲的影子。 www.qgw123.com 2. The woman , tears in her face, saw his son who were injured and went into operation room. 这个妇女泪流满面的看着她受伤的儿子被送进手术室。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. I was struck immediately by the kindness and the gentleness in her face, and I asked her to tell me her story. 我马上就被她脸上的美好、平和打动了。然后我请她给我讲她的故事。 www.ted.com 4. A woman in New York is recovering after slipping in a bathroom and ending up with a coat hook in her face. 在纽约,一名妇女目前正在康复之中,她是由于在浴室内滑倒,而被衣架的钩子正好嵌入其脸部。 bbs.putclub.com 5. There was a look of pain in her face, which I would gladly have been spared the sight of. 她面孔上有一种痛楚的表情,那是我不情愿看到的。 www.ebigear.com 6. The years in her face tied a string, wind and rain the relentless erosion of her bent back, while mother's mouth is always earnestly exhort. 岁月在她脸上捆绑住一道道细绳,风雨无情地侵蚀着她佝偻的背影,而慈母的嘴边永远是殷切的叮咛。 www.bing.com 7. He would make fun of her, and all of his friends would laugh in her face. 他会寻她开心,而且他所有朋友也会当面嘲笑她。 www.360abc.com 8. He saw the uncertainty in her face and moved forward to take her hands in his and lift them hungrily, palms up, to his mouth. 看到她犹豫的表情,他走过去,牵住她的手,饥饿地把她抱起来,托在手掌上,对着他的嘴。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. If I hear, "make a date night, " one more time, from one more relationship expert, I'm going to throw the aphrodisiac in her face. 如果我再从一位恋爱专家那里听到“制造一个约会之夜”,我会把春药直接扔在她的脸上。 www.bing.com 10. 'Oh! dear nurse! ' said the child, looking earnestly up in her face, 'let me lie by my brother! ' “啊!亲爱的奶妈!”孩子恳切地仰望着她的脸,说道,“让我躺在弟弟的身旁吧!” www.jxteacher.com 1. As she worked at her restaurant, an assailant threw acid in her face on behalf of a jealous rival. 当她正在她的餐馆工作时,一个嫉妒的竞争者把一瓶酸仍到了她的脸上。 www.bing.com 2. In the crowded elevator, another dusty, toil-stained youth tried to make an impression on her by leering in her face. 在拥挤的电梯里,另一个满身尘土和机油的青工朝她色迷迷地看着,想和她拉关系。 www.bing.com 3. Her need was in her face, and he always felt a little guilty at being one of the lucky ones with money and a job. 每次当他看到这样的人,都会觉得有罪恶感,和那些人相比,他太幸运了,有份工作,还有一点钱。 www.ryedu.net 4. The sunlight was shining directly in her face, and there was a blaze of light all about the red church on the hill. 阳光直晒在她的脸上,而山上红教堂的周围,更是一片通红。 5. In the company of Jack, Lucy regain the lost long-happy, bright smile finally re-filled with in her face. 在杰克的陪伴下,露丝找回了失去已久的快乐,灿烂的笑容终于重新洋溢在她的脸庞。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 6. Skiff Miller looked at her sharply, seeking in her face the guile her words had led him to suspect. 斯基夫米勒不解地盯着她看了看,想从她的脸上读出她的话中之意。 www.bing.com 7. She's well aware that, even when no flash bulbs are popping in her face, her slightest move sends ripples across the gossip universe. 她非常明白,就算没有几乎戳到她脸上的照像机,她小小的一举一动也会在流言中荡起一片涟漪。 www.anistonchina.com 8. "How could I ever think her like her nephew? " said she, as she looked in her face. 她仔细瞧了一下老妇人的脸,不禁想道:“她哪一点地方象她姨侄?” www.hjenglish.com 9. The snow was blowing in her face, but Ann gritted her teeth and went on. 风雪打在她脸上,但安咬紧牙关继续向前走。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. The old man, too, turned to look at her, fixing his great, bulging, horribly watery light gray eyes, deep in her face. 这位老人,也把目光转向她,用他那伟大的,膨胀的,可怕的浅灰色的眼睛流泪,在她的脸上有深深的。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. "Oh, dear, " she said, concern in her face. “哦,天哪。”她说,一脸的担忧。 www.bing.com 2. Very little of it. "See, these girls, " I pointed out, shoving the magazine in her face. “看,就是这些女人。”我指着它,把杂志推到她面前。 koreanwind.net 3. Her plan to rob the old woman blew up in her face. 她要打劫那位老妇人的计划当着她的面落空了。 bbs.gopro.com.cn 4. Cal glanced at Eleanor, and what he saw in her face contradicted all the things he'd thought up until now. 卡巴顿瞥了一眼劳拉,现在,从她的脸上,他明白了对他所担心的全部事情的反驳。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. It would be like if you try to (wave your hands in her face) see his image in your mind, you couldn't do it. 就像你要尝试在脑海中回忆他的样子(用你的手在她的脸前来回晃动。) paoxue.com 6. Romola put aside her veil for the sake of breathing the air, and he could see the subdued agitation in her face. 罗摩拉掀开面纱,透透空气,于是他看出了她脸上压抑着的激动。 www.kuenglish.info 7. Even worse, she was accused of playing to the cameras that were constantly thrust in her face. 更糟的是,她被指控在镜头前不严肃而不断遭受攻击。 www.bing.com 8. His breath in her face was strong with Bourbon whisky mingled with a faint fragrance of mint. 他扑面而来的的呼吸让她嗅到了一股强烈的混和薄荷香味的波旁威士忌酒味。 www.kekenet.com 9. A seductive smile showed up in her face. 她的脸上露出迷人的微笑。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. You can see in her face that life was full of interest, expectation, and occupation. 你可以在她脸上看到生活对她说来充满兴趣、期望和事业。 1. The lines in her face have been earned one at a time. 她脸上的皱纹是一道一道地增添的。 www.qeto.com 2. "No, he is out, " replied Mrs. Jones, inclining to shut the door in her face. “不,他不在,”琼斯太太回答着,心想把门当着她面关上。 dict.veduchina.com 3. In her face there were signs of a struggle to gather strength to speak. 她正在极力聚集力气准备开口讲话。 www.sentbase.com 4. But she must be attractive in her face and figure. 但她的长相和身材要足够吸引人。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. She is reliving his life, reaching the moment he left her for Pakistan never to return -- but I see no emotion in her face. 她重温着他过去的生活。直到他离开她前往巴基斯坦并一去不复返的那个时刻-在她的脸上,我看不到任何表情。 www.my1510.cn 6. When she stepped out of the room , she couldn't cover up the sadness in her face though she had wiped the tears. 当她走出房间时,尽管已拭去了泪水,但仍掩盖不住脸上的悲伤。 wenwen.soso.com 7. Slowly, Old Mrs White went back into the house. Her husband looked up and saw something strange in her face. 慢慢地,年迈的怀特太太又回到了屋里。她的丈夫打量着她,瞧见她脸上有一种奇怪的表情。 www.hxen.com 8. "Yeah. " I shut the door in her face. Enough. “知道了。”我当着她的面把门碰上。够了。 www.bing.com 9. Because I loved her and I could see the sunshine in her face! It was the happiest time in my life. 因为我爱她,我能在她的脸上看到我的快乐,那是我生命中最快乐的时光 zhidao.baidu.com 10. But worse than his comrade's pain was the dumb anguish in her face. 但比他的伙伴的痛苦更令人难受的却是她脸上那种默默的悲伤。 dict.veduchina.com 1. The he opened his hand flat in her face and asked: "Suppose it were always like that. What then? " 禅师伸平手掌放到她面前,问:“要总是这个样子呢?” www.bing.com 2. Marina says nothing. She continues to give him an impassive stare. He menacingly points a finger in her face. M没说话。她继续冷漠的凝望。他恶狠狠地用一根手指指着她的脸。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. The blonde spins around and shouts in her face: "Can't you see I'm winning? " 金发美女转过脸,冲他大嚷,“你没看见我在一直赢吗?” www.bing.com 4. There was a hint of disapproval in her face. 她脸上暗示不同意。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 5. Julia felt a whirl of wind blow her hair up and swish in her face. 朱莉娅感觉一股风猛地卷起了她的头发,掠过她的脸庞,萧萧作响。 www.bing.com 6. As soon as she heard his voice, a vivid colour glowed in her face, lighting up at once her joy and her sorrow. 她一听到他的声音,脸上顿时涌现出明艳的光采,在同一时刻闪现出又是悲伤又是喜悦的光芒。 novel.tingroom.com 7. He slammed the door in her face. 他当着她的面摔上了门。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. grace looked out of the window , and at the fireplace , with no animation in her face. 格雷丝向窗外看去,又看着壁炉,她脸上毫无兴奋的表情。 www.ichacha.net 9. The lines in her face were smoothed by the firelight and her hair had taken on golden hints. 她面部的线条被火光映照得很柔和,银灰的长发笼罩在一片金光中。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Lizzie comes in, her face flushed, her skirt covered in mud. She looks ravishing . 丽齐走了进来,她的脸红红的,裙子上满是泥巴,看起来很迷人。 www.24en.com 1. I shut the door in her face. 我当着她的面把门碰上。 www.bing.com 2. A woman's age often ~s itself in her face. 女人的年龄常显露在她的脸上 zhidao.baidu.com 3. she listened closely while he read , and though he from time to time had seen only disapprobation in her face , at the close he asked. 他读,她细细地听,尽管他读时也见她脸上只有不以为然的表情,读完他仍然问道。 www.ichacha.net 4. Sometimes I just see this question in the expression in her face, and answer yes or no. 有时我从她脸上的表情就能理解她的问题,然后我回答可以或不可以。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. Looking up suddenly, he read the tender advertisement in her face. 他突然睁开眼一看,看出了她满脸的柔情。 bbs.yzenglish.com 6. He could read the affirmative plainly in her face . 他从她脸上可以很清楚地看出那个肯定的答复。 www.bing.com 7. Every line in her face is the line of least resistance . 她脸上的每一根线条,都是最小最小的线条。 dict.veduchina.com 8. the pink flush was in her face , and she quivered from head to foot. 她脸上升起了一阵红潮,从头到脚都在颤栗。 www.ichacha.net 9. Irene rose, something wild suddenly in her face and figure. 伊琳站起来,脸上和身上忽然射出愤怒。 www.kuenglish.info 10. The boss stormed into her office, got in her face, yelled and cursed. 上司冲入她的办公室,当着她的面大叫、骂人。 hxen.com 1. At the exciting results, she got an excited look in her face. 听到这令人兴奋的消息她脸上呈现出了一种激动而兴奋的表情。 abao.cersp.net 2. I'd never say it in her face but her music is too cheesy. 我从来没当着她的面说,她的歌太嗲了。 www.360abc.com 3. There was in her face a hunted look. 她的脸上露出了走投无路的神色。 4. To forget what you saw in her face. 并抹去那张脸在你脑海中记忆。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Yo momma's so ugly, yo daddy rather kiss her ass than look in her face. 你妈是个丑八怪,你爹情愿亲她的屁股不亲她的脸。 www.bing.com 6. The tears had stopped and now anger blossomed in her face. 泪水突然停了下来,在她的脸上盛满愤怒。 www.bing.com 7. It'd be like (wave hand in her face) you couldn't see his picture any more in your mind. (在她的脸前挥舞手掌)就像在你的脑海中你再也无法浮现他的影像了。 paoxue.com 8. This picture is very clear and brings out the wrinkles in her face. 这张照片很清晰,把她脸上的皱纹都照了出来。 wenwen.soso.com 9. Her embarrassment showed in her face. 她面露窘态。 www.aasky.com 10. The surprise in her face was replaced by joy. 她脸上的表情由惊转为喜。 wenku.baidu.com 1. When Marla screams, I throw the skirt in her face and run. 马拉开始尖叫。我把裙子扔到她脸上然后开逃。 www.bing.com 2. The surprise in her face was replace by joy. 她脸上的惊讶表情被快乐所取代。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. The owner showed no compromise in her face. 女店主的脸上还是没有任何表情。 www.ebigear.com 4. Throw a check in her face and tell her never to return. 扔在她脸上一张支票,告诉她再也不要出现。 tieba.baidu.com 5. It's her fault. Just throw this problem in her face. 都怪她。倒要当面问问她这事儿。 wenku.baidu.com 6. There is a garden in her face, Where roses and white lilies grow. 她的脸上个花园,上面生长着玫瑰和白百合。 www1.open.edu.cn 7. The angry always in her face. 她的脸上总是带着愤怒 wenwen.soso.com 8. When Kjeryn, then 12, had no more coins for them, one spat full in her face. 卡捷林在那时只有12岁,由于没有多少钱给他们,一个巴掌就打到了她脸上。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Anger showed in her face. 她脸上露出怒容。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. by the pain in her face. 他被她脸上的痛苦表情给惊呆了。 www.97bg.com 1. In her face, vaguely Kuguo the Leihen can see, there are the touch of despair. 在她的脸上,依稀可以看见哭过的泪痕,还有那淡淡的绝望。 www.ebigear.com 2. The picture brings out the wrinkles in her face. 这张相片把她脸上的皱纹都照出来了。 www.tjjy.com.cn 3. Men looking for long-term partners, on the other hand, may be more interested in her face for clues of reproductive potential in the future. 而想寻求长期伴侣的男人则更可能对女人的长相感兴趣,因为他想由此看出此女未来的生殖潜力如何。 gb.cri.cn 4. Trying to forget what you saw in her face 可以把她的面孔从你脑海中抹去 wenku.baidu.com 5. sad because they are afraid because they can not see in her face, or she does not care. 伤心是怕因为不能在和她见一面,或是她的不在意。 www.qyzone.cn 6. The man who had been strolling carelessly towards her, seemed surprised by this reply, and looking attentively in her face, rejoined: 这位漫不经心、朝她信步走来的男子似乎对这个回答感到惊奇;他很注意地看着她的脸孔,问道: www.kekenet.com 7. so much, was astonished whenever it shone in her face. Close by the King's castle lay 就连见多识广的太阳,每次照在她脸上时,都对她的美丽感到惊诧不已。国王的宫殿附近, zhidao.baidu.com 8. There is an air of abstraction in her face 他脸上带有一种心不在嫣的神态 bbs.pxwww.net 9. All the muscles tighten in her face Buries her soul in one embrace They're one and the same Just like water 紧绷的脸颊怀抱将她的灵魂深埋他们是那般相似就像水那般 kokokimi.yculblog.com 10. I see that look in her face she's got that look in her eye 她的面容,从她的眼神中就可以看出 www.ebigear.com 1. There Is a Garden in Her Face 她的脸上有一座花园2012-05-30 www.bing.com |
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