单词 | inhabit |
释义 |
过去式:inhabited 现在分词:inhabiting 第三人称单数:inhabits 例句释义: 居住,栖息,占据,充斥,居住于,栖息于,栖居于 1. Growing to two or three inches long, krill provides the major food for the great blue whale, the largest animal to ever inhabit the Earth. 越来越两三英寸长,主要渔获为粮食大蓝鲸,最大的动物都生活在地球上。 www.zk168.com.cn 2. The figures of the apostles are pushed to the side, angles inhabit the margins and a burst of light creates severe shadows. 教徒人物被推到一边,多角度布满画的空白和发出的光线创造了阴影。 www.bing.com 3. ''I began to leave my body; I began to inhabit the air and silence. 我离开了我的身体;我开始在空气中无声地飘荡着。 www.bing.com 4. and to remove for ever from that beloved place would be less painful than to inhabit or visit it while such a woman was its mistress. 诺兰庄园纵然是个可爱的地方,但是有这样一个女人在这里做主妇,能永远离开还是比住在这里更少些痛苦。 www.kekenet.com 5. I would also wonder if I would one of those confused souls unsure of where to go without a body to inhabit. How strange. 我也会想如果我就是那些迷失的灵魂中的一员,不知道该去哪,也找不到可以居住的躯体,多么不可思议啊! www.bing.com 6. But as they drew towards the end of it, their interest in the appearance of a country which they were to inhabit overcame their dejection. 但是,临近终点的时候,一看到马上就要居住的乡间,兴致就冒了出来。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. They also found a fourth possible new species and other corals that were thought not to inhabit the waters around the Galapagos. 他们还发现了第四个可能的新物种,以及其他一些被认为不在加拉帕戈斯群岛附近海域生长的珊瑚。 www.bing.com 8. Today we begin in earnest of making sure that the world we leave our children is just a little better than the one we inhabit today. 今天,我们做出诚挚的努力,希望我们留给孩子们的世界,比我们今天继承下来的再好一点点。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. So far as we know, software cannot re-create the sort of inner mental world human beings inhabit. 根据迄今为止我们所知道的,软件无法再生出人类所具有的内心世界。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 10. In a unit of The Way Things Work, they try to inhabit the minds of scientists devising a pathway for a beam of light to reach a target. 在“自然规律”的课程里,他们试着想科学家那样去思考来设计一套装置来控制光线的(折射反射)轨迹,最终使光线射向规定的目标。 www.ecocn.org 1. The dimensions of this desolate tract are unknown to all but the inhabit ants. Only one path will bring you to the endgame. 这荒凉广阔的空间是未知的,然而却有蚂蚁居住在那。只有一条道路会带妳去游戏中点。 forum.gamer.com.tw 2. And yet, at this moment -- a moment that will define a generation -- it is precisely this spirit that must inhabit us all. 然而,在此时,界定这个世代的时刻,不是别的,恰恰好是这种精神最为我们大家所需要拥有。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Under favourable conditions, a city with a billion inhabitants could be a very attractive and exciting place to inhabit. 在顺利的情况下,一个拥有十亿人口的城市会成为令人非常愉快和向往的居住地。 chinafanyi.com 4. To inhabit , visit, or appear to in the form of a ghost or other supernatural being . 以鬼魂形式出现:以鬼魂或其它超自然物体的形式居住、拜访或出现。 www.bing.com 5. They inhabit the trees at all body sizes , and , of course, they inhabit the land . 不管何种体型,它们都可以呆在树上,当然,也生活在陆地上。 www.bing.com 6. Two million years ago human beings began to inhabit and multiply in Ba-Yu Region of Chongqing with a long history and brilliant culture. 具有悠久历史与灿烂文化的重庆巴渝地区,远在二百万年前便有人类居住繁衍。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. And why they pretty much run any corner of the ocean they choose to inhabit, come to think of it. 在大海中,它们基本统治着自己选择栖息的所有角落,想来原因也是在此。 www.bing.com 8. They inhabit the human small intestine and their eggs are passed out with stool . 虫寄生在人体的小肠内,虫卵经粪便排出体外。 www.bing.com 9. The life cycle of fig wasps is intimately intertwined with that of the fig trees they inhabit. 无花果小蜂的生命周期与其栖息的无花果树密切相关。 www.qiuyang.com 10. That isn't the only sense in which North Korea's players, like their fans, inhabit a totally different footballing universe. 朝鲜的球员和球迷一样,生活在一个完全不同的足球世界,而上面所说的还不是唯一的表现。 www.bing.com 1. A magical series which gives us a real sense of context in relation to the planet we inhabit. 关于我们居住于的行星给我们一个真正上下文感的魔术系列。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. Oysters are a very delicate species of mollusk whose lives and prosperities are measures of the environmental conditions they inhabit. 牡蛎是软体动物中非常奇妙的一个种类,他们的生活和习性取决于他们居住的环境。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. For everything here has two names, the Han Chinese name, and the name (or names) given by the national minorities which inhabit the area. 这里各种东西都有两个名称:汉族人起的名字和当地少数民族起的名字(有时还不止一种少数民族名字)。 4. No one will miss the bankers who inhabit the gleaming towers of Canary Wharf, but it's a bit tough if you are a doctor or a plumber. 没人会想念住在金丝雀码头(CanaryWharf)那些光鲜亮丽的高楼大厦中的银行家,但如果你是医生或管道工的话,就比较麻烦了。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Humans have learned to manipulate life in a manner that often leads to extinction of the planets that they inhabit. 人类已学会以一种经常导致其所在星球灭亡的方式来操控星球。 aspidaie.blog.163.com 6. Civilization (Blue) Creatures of Civilization inhabit "points of light" in the darkness of a dangerous world. 城市(蓝色)城市生物居住在黑暗的危险世界中的“希望之光”。 7. Beneath the surface of the ocean there lies a hidden world inhabit by plants and animals we rarely see. 在海平面的下面,有一个被隐藏的世界,那里居住着我们很少很看到的动植物。 bbs.edu999.com 8. The hotel where she was supposed to meet her boyfriend is in ruins and the people that inhabit it seem more animal like than human. 她本来约好和她的男伴侣见面的旅店变成了废墟,那里居住的人们与其说是人类倒更像动物。 www.fanx360.com 9. To inhabit this place we call Europe is to see nations wheeled in on trolleys from a series of pile-ups. 居住在这个我们叫欧洲的地方就意味着会看见国家在一连串堆积事故中好像在手推车上滑行。 www.bing.com 10. The ancient hobgoblin dynasty lives on as a series of ruins across Khorvaire, and knell beetles inhabit several of these sites. 古代的大地精王朝已经成为横跨科瓦雷的一系列遗迹,而丧钟甲虫就栖息于部分遗迹所在之处。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. After wolves moved in, cougars that had begun hunting the valleys retreated to the steep, rocky terrain they normally inhabit. 引进狼群之后,之前侵入峡谷中的美洲狮也退回到了它们原来正常生活的陡峭、多岩地带。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Qingshui river basins is an area where minorities inhabit and its economies get less developed in the south-east of Guizhou Province. 清水江流域是贵州省少数民族聚居、经济落后的地区。 www.chemyq.com 3. To stay in the mortal realm, he needs a host, a body to inhabit for a lifetime, not a corpse which will rot out from beneath him. 他需要一个宿主以停留在凡间。一个可以寄宿终生的身体,而不是一个慢慢腐烂的尸体。 bbs.3dmgame.com 4. This project is a urban renovation project, rebuilding the historic ceramic market that used to inhabit this street in Osaka, Japan. 这是一个城市改造项目,重建大阪这条街上历史悠久的陶瓷品市场。 www.bing.com 5. Lice are arthropods of the class Insecta which generally inhabit hair and bite the human host for a blood meal. 虱是昆虫纲中的节肢动物,它生存于宿主的毛发中,并以宿主的血为食。 www.binglixue.com 6. She never found acting hard, had no lessons, simply tried to become the other person, grateful to inhabit an alternative to herself. 在演戏上,她总是游刃有余。她未曾学习如何演戏,只是试着让自己变成另一个人,她为能栖居于另一个自我而感到庆幸。 www.hxen.com 7. It dawned on us rather suddenly that the number of passengers on the small spaceship we inhabit is doubling about every forty years. 我们突然意识到我们这艘载人小飞船上的乘客数目大约每40年翻一倍。 www.bing.com 8. It dawns on us rather suddenly that the number of passengers on the small spaceship we inhabit is doubling about every forty years. 我们几乎是突然认识到,我们居住的这个小小星球上的旅客人数,正以大约每四十年翻一番的速度在增长。 tr.bab.la 9. Later, as the factories and mills that had come to inhabit the island moved away, what remained was shabby and neglected. 之后,随着原先落户海岛的工厂和作坊的迁出,留下的是破旧不堪、被人遗忘的土地。 wiki.jukuu.com 10. Over the aeons , the capacity to gauge duration has correlated directly with increasing control over the environment that we inhabit. 多少年以来,我们测量时段的能力,已经与我们控制生活环境的本事直接相关。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Since that exciting day, my colleagues and I have identified at least 45 asses that inhabit the plateau. 自从振奋人心的那天开始,我和研究同仁至少已经辨识出45匹在梅西尔高原上的非洲野驴。 www.showxiu.com 2. We have to recognise the world that children inhabit, not expect them to leave it at the school gate. 我们必须意识到孩子们所生活的这个纷繁世界,而不是希望他们把这世界拒于校门之外。 www.bing.com 3. The famous astrophysicist says that our only chance for long-term survival is to move away from Earth and begin to inhabit new planets. 这位著名的天体物理学家表示,人类长期生存下去的唯一机会是离开地球,在新的星球上定居。 www.bing.com 4. They are given new ones or inhabit a previous form that may have been "stored" while they were on an incarnational mission. 他们将被给予新身体,或使用当他们进入一个化身使命,被“保管”的先前的身体。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Not in the universe you and I inhabit! 他们好像同你我生活在不同的世界。 www.bing.com 6. As Wired contributing editor Steven Johnson writes, it "made the screen feel like a space you wanted to inhabit, to make your own. " 就像WiredContributing的编辑史蒂芬约翰逊写的,它的画面使你感觉就像你居住在一个自己想要居住的空间,使你拥有。 www.kle100.cn 7. Large groups escaped from fur farms and bred larger feral populations that now inhabit parts of Europe, North America and Asia. 后来,一大群海狸鼠逃离毛皮兽场,繁殖了更多的海狸鼠,如今栖息在欧洲、北美洲和亚洲部分地区。 dongxi.net 8. And the rest of us can enjoy an escape into a far more elegant and well-spoken world than the one we inhabit. 以及我们可以享受逃生成一种更为典雅以及发言的世界比一我们住。 www.sjgcz.cn 9. Sales of the flagship S-class, more of whose buyers inhabit China than in any other country, rose 25% in the first quarter. 此外,今年第一季度,其旗舰产品S-class汽车的销量亦增长了25%,而且其在中国的销量超过了其他所有国家。 www.fortunechina.com 10. "Home" can integrate the purest and most sentimental "inhabit" experience and feelings of the human being to share with everyone. “家”能融汇人类单纯却最富有情感的“栖息”体验和感受带给大家一起分享。 www.wannengkoudai.com 1. Still, it's a great breath of fresh air when a show comes along that's willing to show the America most Americans actually inhabit. 当一部剧试图展示大多数美国人实际居住的美国时,它仍旧是令人耳目一新的。 www.bing.com 2. any of several minute primitive wingless and eyeless insects having a cone-shaped head; inhabit damp soil or decaying organic matter. 几种微小的原始无翅无眼昆虫,锥形头;栖息在潮湿的土壤或腐败组织的物质中。 www.hotdic.com 3. I am interested in the way in which humans make sense of the world we inhabit and how art, science and philosophy inform this understanding. 我对人类理解我们居住的世界的方式与艺术、科学以及哲学这三者如何阐述这一理解的方式很感兴趣。 www.futogp.com 4. So, whether we realise it or not, we simultaneously inhabit two completely different worlds. 好了。不管我们有没意识到,我们同时生活在两个完全不同的世界里。 www.bing.com 5. If you want a future with your significant other, inhabit the present (breathe). 如果你想与你的另一半有一个未来,处于当下(呼吸) www.bing.com 6. To inhabit or reside within as such a spirit, force, or principle. 存在于…之中如精神、力量或本性存在于…之中 www.jukuu.com 7. None of us is immune to the heartaches and sorrows that inhabit this misbegotten world. 我们当中无人能对存在于这个丑恶世界中的心痛和悲伤免疫。 www.bing.com 8. I turned 19 and began to inhabit my role of junior businessman. 到了19岁,我渐渐适应了身为一个生意人的角色。 www.bing.com 9. The plantation slavery of American south is a peculiar institution, while the plantation is the place where the black slaves mainly inhabit. 美国南方种植园奴隶制是一种特殊的制度,种植园是黑奴的主要生活场所。 dict.kekenet.com 10. Census figures show that four in five people inhabit flats rather than houses. Those flats tend to be tiny. 人口普查的数据显示,五个埃及人中有四个是住在公寓中,而这些公寓通常都很小。 www.ecocn.org 1. Human beings admire the large but inhabit the small, they have unlimited perspectives but their security is in the familiar and the nearby. 人类崇尚大气,但居住环境偏小;人类充满无限远景,但是安全只限于个体熟知范围和附近环境。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The greens inhabit areas covered with grass and relatively wet soils, but the pink morphs prefer gardens, drier areas, and woodlands. 绿色者栖居在覆盖着青草的地区和相对潮湿的土壤,但粉红色喜欢花园、干旱地区和林地。 www.bing.com 3. With special disposition, continuously inhabit germ breeding, sterilize through high temperature. 经特别处理,能有效持续抑制细菌,可高温消毒。 www.1x1y.com.cn 4. Many of the bird groups with the most rapid declines in the last 40 years inhabit areas with the greatest potential for energy development. 在具有最大能源开发潜力的鸟类栖息的地方,许多鸟类群体数量在最近40间经历了急速的下降。 www.bing.com 5. Pollution is perhaps one of the greatest risks to the Chinese White Dolphins that inhabit the area. 污染可能是在这个区域生活着的中华白鳍豚最大的威胁。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. While some inhabit one particular geographical area of an ocean, others like killer whales are found worldwide. 虽然有些占据一个特定地理范围大海象虎鲸发现别人的注目。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. and they may even influence the lives of normal, peaceful galaxies of the sort that humanity is lucky enough to inhabit. 而且星群爆发甚至可能影响那些正常平静的星系的生命,这些星系上也许恰好有人类居住。 wuzengping.blog.163.com 8. A variety of seabirds and shorebirds inhabit the islands, including the endangered brown pelican, least tern, and piping plover. 在岛屿上有多样的海鸟及岸鸟栖息,包括濒危的褐鹈鹕、燕鸥、还有笛珩。 www.bing.com 9. Actually, don't. And by 'world', I mean the physical world we inhabit, not the self-created one inside our head. 说到“世界”,我指的是我们居住的有形世界,并非那个在我们头脑中自我想象的世界。 www.elanso.com 10. We are said to inhabit a post-Westphalian world in which nation states no longer command the globe as they did even in 1944. 据说我们居住在后威斯特伐里亚体系的世界里,这个世界不在像1994年那样受控于民族国家。 www.bing.com 1. Shezu, as a typical ethnic group living in dispersed communities, mainly inhabit in Fujian province. 畲族,作为我国一支典型的散杂居少数民族,主要居住在福建等省份。 www.594wm.com 2. Do not allow the sinfulness in the world you inhabit to debilitate your spirit's strength. 不要让你们居住的世界上的罪恶感使你们的精神力量变得虚弱。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. People construct the worlds they inhabit out of what they know and have experienced. 人们基于他们知道的和经历过的事去构筑他们的居住地。 www.myoops.org 4. They also determined that the glass sand was suitable for those who inhabit the beach, from microorganisms to crabs and turtles. 他们还发现玻璃沙子对于在海边居住的生物也同样适合,从微生物到螃蟹,再到海龟。 www.8875.org 5. This major advance allowed the human species to migrate from tropical savannas and eventually to inhabit most of the earth. 这个主要的进步让人类的品种从热带的大草原和最后移动居住于大部份的地球。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. P: well the Olympic marmots inhabit meadows high in the Olympic mountains where the weather conditions are much harsher. O土拨鼠生活在奥林匹克山上的高原牧场上,那里的气候很恶劣。 bbs.xiaoma.com 7. Male gharial that grow up to six metres long also inhabit these waters, and at night they're on the hunt. 但是这里可能也是危机四伏。长达六米的雄恒河鳄同样栖息河里,在晚间觅食。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. So nothing less is at stake than the world we inhabit, by which I mean its political and economic, as well as physical, nature. 因此,这关系到我们所栖居的世界,在这里,我指的既是其政治和经济特性,也包括其物理特性。 www.ftchinese.com 9. In much of this film, however, they've been figures that inhabit a world just beyond our reach. 在这部影片中,演员被是存在于一个虚拟世界但逼真得几乎触手可及的幻想人物。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The actuality of the experience, what it is to inhabit and be in a space, is of the utmost importance. 经历的本质,即它在空间中的存在和状态,才是最重要的。 www.myoops.org 1. Inhabit the garden. Shall we follow? 栖息于这花园。我们应该跟上吗? zhidao.baidu.com 2. characters inhabit an amoral universe where beauty reflects no truth and love is an empty delusion. 这些字符居住在一个不道德的宇宙之美,反映了那里没有真理和爱是一个空洞的幻想。 www.douban.com 3. they inhabit the human large intestine and migrate to the anus at night to lay eggs . this may result in local itchiness. 蛲虫寄生于人体的大肠内,在晚间蠕行至肛门处产卵,可引致局部痕痒。 www.ichacha.net 4. Thus, people call the place which the Dai people inhabit "the Land of Peacocks " . 人们便把傣族人生活的地方称为『孔雀之乡』。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. A dementor is a Dark creature, considered one of the foulest to inhabit the world. 摄魂怪是一种黑暗生物,被认为是世界上最令人痛恶的种族。 www.taoke777.net 6. These spearheads are the firmest evidence yet found for the first human beings to inhabit America. 这些矛头是有史以来证明美洲首批人类定居踪迹的最有力证物。 www.bing.com 7. This paper introduced the species and energy sources of microorganisms which inhabit in the vicinity of deep-sea hydrothermal vents . 介绍了生长在深海热液喷口周围的微生物的种类及其生长繁殖的能量来源; dictsearch.appspot.com 8. They inhabit virtually all environments, including soil, water, organic matter, and the Bodies of multicellular animals. 几乎可在所有的环境下生存,包括土壤、水、有机物质,以及多细胞动物体内。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. However, compared with today's Chinese cities, today's rural areas are still in its initial inhabit status. 但是与当今中国的城市相比,今天的农村与它最初的聚居形态如出一辙。 www.fabiao.net 10. However, three herds that currently inhabit the immediate area, the Southern Lakes, are genetically distinct. 然而,现居于育空南部湖区的三个鹿群基因特点却各不相同。 www.bing.com 1. Each short form may be related to or inhabit longer forms with a roughly similar world view. 每则形式简短的摘录也许可和其他较长但有著大致相同世界观的摘录连结或合并。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. It is home to abundant cacti and desert plant species as well as the desert animals that inhabit them. 它是丰富的仙人掌和沙漠植物物种以及沙漠动物栖息的家园。 word.hcbus.com 3. Over time the remaining two Gods, Yahweh and Vishnu, searched for another form to inhabit. 随时间过去,留下来的2个神——亚威和毗瑟挐,不断寻找另一个形体来栖息。 niaoshiguanchao.blog.163.com 4. To counteract the discomfort that inhabit the anxious person, she bites her fingers nervously and manipulate objects. 为了抑制这种不适,她会神经质地咬手指头或操控物品。 www.bing.com 5. In the wild, however, their relatives inhabit the warmer climes of Central and South America, the Caribbean, and sub-Saharan Africa. 在野生环境,然而,它们的亲属居住在温暖的中美洲和南美洲,加勒比和次撒哈拉沙漠非洲。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. No longer does the US inhabit the lop-sided world created by the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. 美国再也不能独霸苏联1991年解体之后形成的不平衡世界了。 www.ftchinese.com 7. With such an ongoing trend of urbanization, it seems possible to invest in new cities for people to inhabit. 都市化趋向愈演愈烈,投资新城市以供人民居住,这似乎是可行的。 new.chinadialogue.net 8. Campers are told that invisible unicorns inhabit the forest, and offered a prize if they can prove that the unicorns do not exist. 孩子们被告知森林里栖息着看不见的独角兽,如果有谁能够证明独角兽是不存在的将可以得到奖励。 www.ecocn.org 9. Competitive forces of many kinds increasingly shape the world that nonprofits inhabit. 各种竞争性力量都在逐日塑造着非营利组织存在的这个世界。 dict.bioon.com 10. The Patagonian Mara lives in Central and Southern Argentina. Maras inhabit arid grasslands and scrub desert. 它分布于阿根廷中部和南部的缺水的草原和灌木丛生的沙漠地带。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Inhabit quiet pools and backwaters of creeks and small to large rivers, swamps, lakes and overflow areas of large streams. 栖息于大的溪流小溪的静止池水与洄水区与小型到大型河川,沼泽,湖与溢值区域。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. We are, almost certainly, more intimately connected with the bacteria that inhabit us than we ever would have believed. 几乎可以肯定,我们与居住在我们身上的细菌的相互联系超出我们的想象。 www.bing.com 3. So it is possible for all of us to inhabit all of the circles. 所以,我们大家都栖居于这三圈之内是可能的。 www.chinesefolklore.org.cn 4. They inhabit all the continents from frosty Antarctica to burning Australia. 它们在各大洲都有分布,从冰冻的南极洲到灼热的澳洲,概莫能外。 www.bing.com 5. Concept illustrator Ralph McQuarrie first drew flying whale-like creatures to inhabit the clouds of Bespin. 概念插画家拉尔夫·麦夸里第一个绘制了居住在贝斯平云层中、会飞的鲸鱼类生物。 www.starwarschina.com 6. So is the disappearance of the creatures that inhabit these polar and glaciated regions. 这对于栖息在此的两极冰川动物来说也是遗憾之事。 www.cntranslators.com 7. What you are doing is you are shifting the reality that you choose to inhabit, that is available and open to you. 你所要做的只是改变,你所选择的要栖居的实相,那是为你打开的。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. This is the Alaska Moose. These most noble and peaceful animals inhabit some of our most beautiful woodlands. . . 这是阿拉斯加麋。这些最高贵而且安静的动物栖息在一些我们最美丽的林地中… www.yappr.cn 9. Witticisms, maxims, dicta, proverbs, and aphorisms each inhabit a different world. 妙语、座右铭、名言、谚语及格言等各自展现不同领域。 www.kekenet.com 10. Buyi people mainly inhabit in south Guizhou, southwest Guizhou, and part region of Guizhou, Yun'nan and Sichuan. 布依族主要聚居于贵州黔南、黔西南布依族苗族自治州及贵州、云南、四川省的部分地区。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. Of or relating to the bacilli that commonly inhabit the intestines of human beings and other vertebrates, especially the colon bacillus . 大肠杆菌的寄生在人类和其他脊椎动物的直肠中的细菌的或与之相关的,尤其是结肠菌。 www.newxue.com 2. E. adenophorum have strong allelopathy, and can product the allelopathic substances to inhabit the peripheral plants' growth. 紫茎泽兰具有很强的化感作用,能分泌化感物质抑制周围植物的生长。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. In the world we actually inhabit, however, every silver lining comes with a cloud. 然而,在我们实际居住的世界上,每件好事都会有不好的成分。 www.bing.com 4. Very different pieces of research, but both inhabit the tiny niche of the economics of crime. 这是两篇风格迥异的研究论文,但都涉及了犯罪这一经济学细分领域。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Paralysed to pour edge in road, see, catch car light for night whizz, my soul, there is no place to inhabit. 瘫倒在马路的边上,看赶夜的车灯呼啸着,我的灵魂,没有居住的地方。 www.chinavalue.net 6. Despite the remoteness of the work and distances involved, aid workers inhabit a small world. 尽管涉及的工作和距离偏远,救援人员居住在一个小世界。 www.gounahaozi.org 7. Microbes are finely tuned to inhabit specific chemical or physical niches where they've got an advantage. 微生物能很好地适应它们生活的物理化学环境。 www.bing.com 8. Since he had been alone, he had placed his bed in the antechamber, in order to inhabit that deserted apartment as little as possible. 自从他一个人生活以来,他已把床放在前厅里了,为的是尽量少占这一套空荡荡的房间。 www.ebigear.com 9. By 2034, tourists will be in space, astronauts will inhabit an outpost on or near Mars and robots will probe for planets around nearby Mars. 到2034年,旅游者将进入太空,宇航员将居住在火星上的或火星附近的前哨站上,机器人将在附近的火星周围寻觅行星。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn 10. The plants, microbes and wildlife that inhabit wetlands filter out the dirt in the water. 栖息在湿地中的植物、微生物和野生动物把水中的污物都过滤掉了。 www.1363.cn 1. In some parts of India it is believed that ghosts can inhabit certain people of the living world. 在印度的某些区域,人们认为鬼会居住在现实世界的人身上。 www.bing.com 2. Now Kant admits we aren't only rational beings. We don't only inhabit the intelligible world, the realm of freedom. 康德承认,我们不仅仅是理性的存在,我们并不仅仅只是居住在这个智思世界,这个自由的王国。 www.justing.com.cn 3. What the researchers have found, they say, is a method for allowing humans to better inhabit non-flesh-and-blood consciousness. 对于所取得的发现,研究者们说,这是一种能让人更好地存在于“无肉体”意识中的方法。 www.bing.com 4. and to develop itself into a more beautiful and more environment friendly (place)to inhabit and work in . 把它发展成一个适合居住和工作的更美丽,更环保的城市。 www.kekenet.com 5. She is spinning faster and faster into the new dimensional reality that she wishes to inhabit. 她在加速地工作,迅速的向她期望栖居的新的实相维度转变。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. As long as human beings continue to inhabit the planet, there are many worthwhile and fulfilling jobs that will never go away. 只要人类继绝糊心正在天球上,便有很多工做值得您往寻供,他们将永暂存正在着。 www.56y.cn 7. Most temperate cerambycids inhabit recently dead or dying wood, but the ALB commonly infests living, healthy, and weakened trees. 大多数温带的天牛栖息于刚死亡或正在死亡的树木上,但光肩星天牛却侵染活的、健康的和衰弱的树木。 chinafanyi.com 8. They are sacred to the monkey people. Yakshini often inhabit springs, lake and rivers and are powerful Water mages. 她们经常居住在山溪、湖泊或者河流中,是强大的水魔法师。 dominions.eastgame.org 9. Several different species of fish inhabit these turbid shallow waters . 几种不同各类的鱼生活在这些常温的浅水里。 www.bing.com 10. Only about 650 mountain gorillas remain in the world, and more than half of those inhabit the slopes of the six dormant Virunga volcanoes. 世界上的大星星仅存有大约650只,而一半以上是生活在这一地区的。 en.eol.cn 1. And renowned Chinese and foreign, "Yiyuan ape" half a million years ago in this beautiful inhabit the magical land. 而且蜚声中外的“沂源猿人”五十万年前就栖居在这片山清水秀的神奇土地上。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. Who knows what dark fears inhabit the mind of a madman. 谁知道狂人的内心有着怎样的神秘恐惧感。 www.itreviews.cn 3. A wide variety of wild animals still inhabit this area including deer, bears, and even wild horses. 鹿、熊、野马之类的野生动物都会长期居住于此。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In Madrid people inhabit the streets to talk together. 在马德里,人们长驻街上,聚在一起交谈; blog.sina.com.cn 5. But the discovery that it and at least 234 other species inhabit both Arctic and Antarctic waters is big news to biologists. 但这个蜗牛和至少234种别的南极和北极海洋中都有分布的物种新发现,对生物学家来说是可是一个大新闻。 www.huaxia-ng.com 6. Five cartoon-style characters inhabit the school, representing English, maths, science, geography and history. 5位卡通式人物住在学校,代表英语、数学、科学、地理及历史。 www.zftrans.com 7. Let's take a look at this new vehicle you now inhabit. 让我们看看这个新天地你正在它里面。 zdy.0898.blog.163.com 8. The defunct plant is still surrounded by a 30-kilometer (18 mile) zone too contaminated for people to inhabit. 废弃核电站周围30公里内的区域污染仍很严重,人类无法在这里居住。 www.ebigear.com 9. Venture into new paths; avoid going into bushes and ferns where insects and wasps inhabit. 自行闯路,避免走蕨丛,那通常是昆虫和黄蜂聚居的地方。 www.afcd.gov.hk 10. A wide variety of animals inhabit the park, including beaver, elk, and bighorn sheep, as well as many bird species. 这个国家公园里栖息着包括海狸、麋鹿、加拿大盘羊以及各种鸟类等动物。 www.kekenet.com 1. The human brain just wasn't designed to handle the environment we inhabit. 人类大脑的设计并非适应于应付我们所处的环境。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 2. The attack took place last September. Six tigers and two lions currently inhabit the zoo. 这次“袭击事件”是发生在去年9月份。动物园目前有6只老虎和2只狮子。 www.hxen.com 3. Although the house is safe, Mikiciuk said nobody would inhabit it permanently and it was meant purely as an exhibit. 虽然房子是安全的,迈克说没有人会说在里面长期居住,这只是作为展览用的。 xiyunfan.blog.163.com 4. Given the number of people who inhabit the city and the height of the buildings, they are crucial to the way the country works. 考虑到有那么多人居住在城市里和建筑物的高度,电梯对整个国家的运转来说是至关重要的。 www.xindianti.com 5. M theory predicts the existence of some 10500 universes, one of which we inhabit. M理论预测存在着10500个宇宙,包括我们这个。 www.bing.com 6. "Fish can swim away, but the area of ocean they inhabit will become smaller, " says Shaffer. “鱼可以游到那些有氧气的地方,但这样他们的生存空间就小了”,沙福尔说。 www.bing.com 7. The aboriginal people of Australia are believed to inhabit this land for at least 40, 000, maybe 100, 000 years. 澳大利亚的土著被认为在这块大陆上已生存了至少40,000年,可能长达100,000年。 www.eoezone.com 8. A group of spellcasting ghosts want to inhabit the PCs' bodies (through their magic jar jar powers) for one last adventure. 为了达成最后一项冒险,一群懂得施放咒语的鬼魂想(通过魔魂壶法术)附体在PC的身上。 www.odyguild.net 9. an elemental being believed to inhabit the air. 传说生存在空气中的一种原生物。 www.hotdic.com 10. These Holothurians are marine animals that inhabit the deep sea floor. 这些海参是栖息在深海底的海洋动物。 home.gamer.com.tw 1. If you're writing something, pour your heart into that writing, become the writing, inhabit the words. 如果你正在写什么,那么就将你的心全部倾注于它,将自己融入其中,存在于字里行间。 www.bing.com 2. That means they can be used to estimate quite precisely how far away they (and thus the galaxy they inhabit) are. 这意味着可以利用它们相当精确估计它们的距离(因而可以估计他们所在的星系的距离)。 www.ecocn.org 3. Majority of bacteria will inhabit in biofilm structure in nature. 在自然界中,细菌主要以生物膜形态存在。 paper.pet2008.cn 4. They soon discover that they are towering geniuses compared with the knuckle-draggers who inhabit the America of 2505. 在那里他们很快发现,与2505年居住美国的蠢人们相比,自己就是天才巨人! www.ecocn.org 5. Adults inhabit lagoon and seaward reefs, in areas with rich coral growth. 成鱼栖息于潟湖与临海礁石,有丰饶的珊瑚成长的地方。 fishbase.sinica.edu.tw 6. The two figures in "Les Deux Filles" (pictured, above right) inhabit their own private, wordless worlds. 在“两个女孩”(右边上面的画)这幅画中,两个人物处于各自的、无声的世界里。 www.bing.com 7. Wild boars mainly inhabit near the stream in the forest and they are omnivorous animal, but the main food is plant. 野猪多栖息于山林近水地带,食性杂,主要以植物为食。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Korrak the Bloodrager (also known as Korrak the Everliving ) is a dire troll who used to inhabit Alterac Valley. 血怒者柯尔拉克(也叫:永生者柯尔拉克)是个曾经居住在奥特兰克山谷的可怕巨魔。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. It is redder than the feet of the doves who inhabit the temples and are fed by the priests. 你的嘴唇要比起那些住在神庙里由祭司们喂养的鸽子的腿还要红。 www.bing.com 10. Shadowy men of power and wealth inhabit newly built skyscrapers. 那些有权利和财富的神秘人住在新建成的摩天大楼里。 www.ecocn.org 1. I want it cold. I want the gray to inhabit the air like wood does trees, as an essence, not a coincidence. 我希望那是个寒冷的二月,我希望灰暗弥漫天际,就如木质之于树木,是其本质而非偶然。 www.zftrans.com 2. Unless you inhabit certain pockets of the British media, that is. 除非你为某些英国媒体提供资金,那就是了。 dongxi.net 3. A half-century later, men and women inhabit much more separate worlds. 半个世纪之后,男人和女人各自生活在更加分隔的世界。 dongxi.net 4. They inhabit sub-Saharan Africa, where they hunt small animals. 栖息于非洲次撒哈拉地区,猎食小动物。 dict.ebigear.com 5. There is also a structural difficulty: national governments still inhabit worlds of partisan party politics. 同时还存在着一个结构性难题:国家政府仍然处于一个党派政治当道的世界。 www.bing.com 6. The proportions of species that inhabit particular waters change according to location. 栖息于特定水域中的物种的比例根据位置改变。 chinapubmed.net 7. He will inhabit ruined towns and houses where no one lives, houses crumbling to rubble. 他曾住在荒凉城邑,无人居住、将成乱堆的房屋。 new.fuyinchina.com 8. They have the same concerns as everyone else about the world their children will inhabit, the same worries that preoccupy us all. 关于他们的孩子将要居住的这个世界,他们的关心一如他人,他们的担忧一如我们心里想的那些。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Blood sucking hookworms inhabit 700 million people worldwide. 吸血钩虫寄生在全世界7亿人的身体内。 www.bing.com 10. But they inhabit a wildly varied landscape of surreal beauty. 但是他们住的地方地貌极为多变,处处散发着超现实美感。 www.24en.com 1. But this study is the first to show that the algae actually inhabit the embryo itself. 但是这个研究第一次揭示了藻类确实在胚胎内生活。 www.bing.com 2. Robots - once found only in comic books and movies - now inhabit the real, everyday world. 一度只能在漫画书和电影中找到的机器人,现在则存在于现实的曰常生活中。 www.ebigear.com 3. When you inhabit an adult body, rather than an infant, the memory is solid. 当灵魂进入一个成年人身体,而不是幼儿身体,记忆力不会消失。 www.bing.com 4. What does a startup do now, in the imperfect world we currently inhabit? 那在这个不够完美的市场里,我们的创业公司该怎么办呢。 www.bing.com 5. Broadly, we investigate the world's lakes and rivers and the creatures which inhabit them. 宽广地,我们调查世界的湖和河和居住于他们的人。 iask.sina.com.cn 6. This chapter introduces a class of robots and sketches the world they inhabit. 本章介绍了机器人类和素描他们所居住的世界。 www.360doc.com 7. Each person should inhabit a virtual world that he or she can live in comfortably, without being surprised in unpleasant ways. 每一个人都应该居住在虚拟的世界中,他或者她能够生活在舒适当中,而且没有在令人不高兴方面的惊讶。 www.ibm.com 8. According to family, gulou towering meantime surname inhabit. 按族姓聚居,鼓楼耸立其间。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Do any classes get "familiars" whose body they can inhabit or look through, like a black cat or owl etc? 有职业具有密友,该职业能占据密友的身体或者通过起眼睛观看,就像黑猫或者猫头鹰? bbs.ngacn.cc 10. Avoid alcohol. Alcohol can inhabit the excretion of uric acid. If they're having a gout attack. It's best to avoid alcohol completely. 避免饮酒。酒精可以抑止尿酸的排泄。如果痛风发作,最好完全避免饮酒。 www.ebigear.com 1. It is the ideal of everyone and the ultimate feeling of Wasin to inhabit poetically. 诗意地栖居,是每个人的理想,也是华成人的终极情怀。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Known for their brilliant colors, these corals inhabit the shallow areas of coral reefs. 有名的因为它们的灿烂的色彩,这些珊瑚栖息在浅滩区域的珊瑚暗礁群。 bbs.tiexue.net 3. The Loch Ness Monster is reputed to inhabit its deep waters. 尼斯湖怪兽以栖息于深水中而闻名。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Miasmas still inhabit it. It is more hypocritical than irreproachable . 更恰当地说,它是伪善的,而不是无可非议的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The ethnic minorities inhabit 60 percent of the Chinese territory, despite their small population. 少数民族人口虽少,却分布在全国60%多的土地上。 blog.tianya.cn 6. But as the conflicts in Iraq, Afghanistan and now Libya all demonstrate, this is precisely the world we inhabit. 不过伊拉克、阿富汗及现在的利比亚冲突全部表明,这正是我们现在所处的这个世界的特点。 www.hjenglish.com 7. The real-life characters inhabit a world filled with revenge and IP theft. 现实生活中的角色其实是活在一个充满复仇和盗取IP的世界里。 times.hinet.net 8. As a result, all species inhabit bodies imperfect for the lives they live. 结果,所有的生物都不能完全适应现在的生活。 www.bing.com 9. It's dreadful prison to inhabit if you live with a person and all you have are thoughts and emotions. 如果你与一个人住在一起,而你们只不过有一堆想法和情绪,那你们是生活在一个可怕的监狱里。 blog.163.com 10. I've been thinking about how we inhabit our sexual energy. 我一直在思考一个问题就是我们如何消耗我们的性能量。 www.bing.com 1. If we get those, something like Billion City may someday be built, and it will be a great place to inhabit. 如果有了这个条件,诸如十亿人口之类的城市总有一天会建成的,并且是非常适于居住的地方。 chinafanyi.com 2. Alcohol can inhabit the excretion of uric acid. 酒精可以抑止尿酸的排泄。 www.ebigear.com 3. Inhabit flat sandy or weedy areas near lagoon and seaward reefs (Ref. 9710) . 栖息于在潟湖与临海礁石附近的平坦的沙或杂草丛生的区域。 www.showxiu.com 4. At first, Sam laughs off rumours he hears about vampires who inhabit the small town. 起初,山姆笑着谣传他听到吸血鬼居住在小城镇。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. In these cultures, death is strictly a period of time in which the soul searches for another body to inhabit. 在这类文化中,死亡只是灵魂寻找另一个肉身栖息的一段时间罢了。 www.elanso.com 6. Research has found that while 80 bacteria lurk on each square inch of toilet, around 700 harmful bugs inhabit the car's interior. 研究发现,即使厕所里每平方英寸产生80个细菌,约700种有害臭虫寄居在汽车内部。 www.hxen.com 7. Oh! who would inhabit This bleak world alone? 谁还愿独自留在这凄凉世间? www.bing.com 8. Many forms of aquatic life inhabit ponds. 有很多种水生动植物均栖居于池塘。 www.hxen.com 9. who would inhabit This bleak world alone? 谁还愿留在这荒冷的世上独自凄凉? www.wisdomsea.com 10. Such strange ideas inhabit her mind! 她心里竟存着这种怪念头! www3.060s.com 1. Most Buyi people inhabit in Guizhou, accounting for 97% of the total Buyi people in China. 其中以贵州的布依族人口最多,占全国的97%。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. The aerobic and anaerobic microbes inhabit in the same reactor to play commonly. 好氧、缺氧和厌氧微生物共同栖息于同一反应器中,分别发挥各自的作用; ip.com 3. Questioner: Is it possible to estimate what percent of the present population will inhabit the fourth-density planet? 发问者:以目前人口为基准,是否有可能估计有多少百分比的人将会居住在第四密度的地球? www.douban.com 4. The Phu Thays in Jinlong, with a population of 17, 000, inhabit Jinlong Town along the Sino-Vietnam border. 金龙布傣人是个17,000多人口的群体,聚居于中越边境线中方一侧的金龙镇。 www.dictall.com 5. to merely inhabit herself. 仅仅自己居住。 www.ted.com 6. The Mehsuds only live on the Pakistani side, while the Wazirs inhabit both sides of the border. 马哈苏德只在巴基斯坦一侧活动,而瓦吉里人却生活在边境两侧。 www.bing.com 7. Know ye, O man, whatever from ye inhabit. 知道,哦人类,无论从什么居住的地方而来。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Some 16m Egyptians, according to the World Bank, inhabit informal and squatter settlements. 根据世界银行统计,有大约1600万埃及人随意找地居住或是聚居一处。 www.ecocn.org 9. For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. 最后的分析结论就是,我们最基本的共同点就是我们都生活在这个小星球上。 www.bing.com 10. The US national zoo's site on the red pandas, which inhabit bamboo forests in Sichuan and Yunnan Provinces in China. 中国国家动植物公园关于红熊猫栖息于四川、云南省竹林中的网站。 www.chinadialogue.cn 1. The fact is that the city is rooted in the habits and customs of the people who inhabit it. 事实上,城市是植根在它的居民的风俗习惯之中的。 dict.veduchina.com 2. To inhabit OR hide in a den. 穴居居住或藏在洞穴里 dict.ebigear.com 3. Some reptiles live in swamps while others inhabit desert regions. 一些爬行动物生活在沼泽地,而另外一些居住在沙漠地带。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. birds inhabit on the island. 只有鸟儿住在这个岛上。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 5. This is the place where the savages inhabit. 这就是野蛮人住的地方。 learning.sohu.com 6. Sweetfish (ayu) inhabit rivers throughout Japan, and the fishing season for them begins on June 1. 进入6月份以后,日本各地的河川开始允许钓捕香鱼,直到秋季禁渔期为止。 web-japan.org 7. The earth we inhabit is a point in space. 我们居住的地球只是太空中的一点。 cfshenova.blog.163.com 8. My ghosts inhabit the village of H-----, in Leinster. 我要说的鬼魂住在莱因斯特的H村。 www.bing.com 9. Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this small planet. 我们最基本的共通之处就是我们都生活在这个小小的星球上。 zxmxd.com 10. But in the world we actually inhabit? 不过在现实世界中呢? chinese.wsj.com 1. Currently, 4. 2 million people inhabit this coastal city, and Surat is set to add 5 percent more each year. 如今,有四百二十万人居住在这个海边城市,而且这里的人口也在以每年5%的速度增加。 www.bing.com 2. For I am water by nature, and inhabit in wetland and starry sky. 因为我属水,性喜潮湿和星空。 poetrychinese.blogspot.com 3. What do you do when you realize the larger body you inhabit has gotten off track? 在你已经了解到你所居住的上层躯体已经在出轨地运行时,那末,你准备做些什么? www.bing.com 4. We should treasure the planet earth we inhabit. 我们应该珍惜地球这个我们所居住的行星。 cet.hjenglish.com 5. Like entrepreneurs, we as researchers do play a small part in creating the world we inhabit. 与创业者一样,我们作为研究人员也对我们所居住的星球起付出了绵薄之力。 www.bing.com 6. Pantorans are blue-skinned humanoids that inhabit the moon of Panotora in the Pantoran system. 潘托拉人是蓝皮肤的人形种族,居住在潘托拉星系的潘托拉卫星。 starwarsfans.cn 7. More importantly, children need to get to know the world where they inhabit is anything but perfect. 因为无论是黑是白,至少应该让孩子有所了解,毕竟这个世界不是只有一种颜色。 translate.chinadaily.com.cn 8. He wasn't playing the role. He had allowed the character to become a person and then to inhabit him. 他并没有去表演这个角色,他只是允许这个角色成为一个真正的人,然后再去适应这个人。 www.mtime.com 9. It avoids terms such as jihadi or inhabit (Arabic for "terrorist" ) because they are derived from Koranic verses with positive connotations. 这样一来,就避免了如“异教徒”或是“irhabi”(阿拉伯语表示“恐怖分子”)的说法,这些源自于《可兰经》的词汇其内涵是正面的。 www.ecocn.org 10. For example, are these crops safe to humans and other species that inhabit Earth? 例如,这些作物对人类和居住在地球的其他物种安全吗? www.bing.com 1. Both inhabit buildings at least 60 years old. 它们都坐落在至少60年的建筑里; iedu.com.cn 2. To give up by leaving or ceasing to operate or inhabit, especially as a result of danger or other impending threat: V离弃,丢弃:通过离开、停止操作或不再居住而放弃,特别是危险或迫近的威胁所导致的结果: www.bing.com 3. But you don't have to live in the US to study the amazing bugs that inhabit our world. 不过,观察自然界里奇妙的昆虫不必非得在美国才行。 blog.donews.com 4. Physical nature of life inhabit the tools in the first space-time dimensions were; 肉体生命栖居在第一自然界的工具时空维度当中; www.cutpic.cn 5. Detection of the antibody to extracellular proteases of A. Hydrophillaby skim milk proteolysis agar diffusion inhabit test 脱脂奶溶蛋白琼脂扩散抑制试验检测兔血清中嗜水气单胞菌胞外蛋白酶的抗体 www.ilib.cn 6. Ministry of Construction stipulates: Newly-built inhabit building carry out the energy-conserving design standard 建设部规定新建居住建筑严格执行节能设计标准 www.ilib.cn 7. Application of software of the design of the Inhabit building energy-conservation in the project 居住建筑节能设计分析软件在工程中的应用 www.ilib.cn 8. He realized that it was difficult to inhabit this barren island any longer 他意识到在这个荒岛上再住下去是很困难的。 wenwen.soso.com 9. The sunward side of Earth would scorch, but humans could inhabit the border between constant sunlight 地球的向阳面将会烧焦,但人类仍可生活于全阳光和全黑暗之间的交汇地带 www.bing.com 10. since we inhabit different communities, their claims might conflict, 而我们又身处不同的共同体 www.bing.com 1. The Relationship between Food Intakes and Blood Pressure in Rural Inhabit ants of North China 北方农村居民食物摄入与血压的关系分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Inhabit the Education of Socialist Legal Sense in Universities and Colleges 将社会主义法制观教育寓于高校法律基础课中的探索 www.ilib.cn 3. give five examples of living things that inhabit extreme environments 给五个例子外的生活居住极端环境 zhidao.baidu.com 4. The energy-saving technology of the Inhabit building 居住建筑的节能技术 service.ilib.cn 5. She is coming, the dancer of the future: the free spirit, who will inhabit the body of new women; 未来的舞蹈家正姗姗而来:她有着新时代女性体内的自由灵魂; www.suiniyi.com 6. The inhabit characters of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis larvae in the roll leaves 稻纵卷叶螟幼虫在卷叶内的栖居特性 www.ilib.cn 7. They are sign of health and balance of the wild places they inhabit 它们是代表它们所栖息的野地是否健康与平衡的符号 tracylio.blog.hexun.com 8. Always inhabit at cliff with the thing desire; 总栖息于物欲的悬崖; 123345.bolg.cn 9. How different races inhabit cities 不同的种族如何共居于城市 www.kekenet.com 10. how does the slow creation of work by craft and accretion allow memory to inhabit it; 怎样通过缓慢的劳动与工作解读时间与过去; www.ccarting.com |
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