单词 | infrequently |
释义 |
例句释义: 不经常地,罕见地,很少发生地,不经常的 1. The dearest object to a married man should be his wife but it is not infrequently her clothes. 对已婚男人说来,最宝贵的东西应是他的娇妻,但往往那是她的衣裳。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. It took so long to complete that it was done infrequently, if ever, and only by a small number of representatives on each team. 完成它要耗费太长的时间,以至于不经常进行,并且只由每个团队的少量代表参与。 www.ibm.com 3. The dear object to a marry man shall be his wife but it is not infrequently heR clothes. 对已婚男人说来,最宝贵的东西本应是他的娇妻,但往往那些是她的衣裳。 dict.ebigear.com 4. Although wolf hybrids can occur naturally in the wild, this happens very infrequently due to the territorial nature of the wolf. 虽然狼混血儿能自然地在荒野中生存,但是这很少发生在野外的狼的领土。 www.chinapet.net 5. It is an axiom of Internet dating that everyone allegedly has a sense of humor, even if evidence of it is infrequently on display. 互联网相亲有一条格言:每个人都据说有幽默感,即使很难在显示器上表达出来。 www.bing.com 6. While abstaining from sex for a few days raises the sperm count, quality can be damaged if a man ejaculates too infrequently. 虽然短期禁欲可以提高男性的精子数量,但是因为射精减少,精子质量会下降很多。 www.bing.com 7. Not infrequently he thought to follow her some evening, and see for himself what the condition of the family might be. 他常常想找一个晚上跟她回家去,亲自去看看她家里的情况怎么样。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Remember that some users may check their messages infrequently, in which case it may take them a while to get back to you. 记住,有些使用者可能不太会检查信息,这样的情形将可能得花上一段时间才会有所回应。 citizenactionnetwork.wikia.com 9. The second issue highlights that the service might be so infrequently leveraged by other clients that caching anything might be useless. 第二个问题突出显示了服务可能被其他客户机很少使用,以至于对任何事物进行高速缓存都没有用处。 www.ibm.com 10. Not infrequently, the flames of conflict flare up again just a few weeks or months after a cease-fire is signed. 有时候,停火协议签订后只几个月,甚或几个星期,战火又再燃起,这种情况屡见不鲜。 www.wearyourchinesename.com 1. Some outfits may prosper with a few out-of-town stores that people visit infrequently, spending lots. 一些服装品牌则只能选择人们很少光顾的几家郊区商店,还是花费很多。 www.bing.com 2. In the United States, oocytes are infrequently used for basic research in reproductive biology. 在美国,卵母细胞是通常不用于生殖生物学的基础研究。 www.bio.hbnu.edu.cn 3. That in itself might not be such a problem - after all, only the infrequently used pages are shunted off to disk. 分页本身没什么问题毕竟,只是那些不经常使用的页才要被分派到磁盘中。 www-128.ibm.com 4. The manual update can be the most efficient means of session persistence if the attributes are infrequently updated. 如果属性更新不频繁,手动更新就可能成为最高效的会话持久性方法。 www.ibm.com 5. Scientists suspect that this slow rate explains why eruptions occur infrequently in the area. 科学家们认为,这样慢的速度可以解释为什么在这一地区火山喷发并不频繁。 dict.wenguo.com 6. This collection is slower than a normal collection, but such a collection happens very infrequently. 这个收集比正常的收集更慢,但是这类收集很少发生。 www.ibm.com 7. These lights are used in places where traffic is only stopped infrequently - or example at fire stations entrances. 这种灯号只设在交通偶然需要中断的地方,例如消防局门口。 www.td.gov.hk 8. Infrequently, though, there is the odd hairstyle that appears to have had its time only to soon reappear, though thoroughly evolved. 有一种特别的发型,虽然没有所谓的过时与否,总是在短时间内就会以彻底革新过的新形式再次出现。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Will a board who meets so infrequently and does so little be able to help Berkshire bridge to the future? 一个开会次数如此稀少、疏于行动的董事会能帮助伯克希尔迈向未来吗? www.fortunechina.com 10. Standards change very infrequently and a violation is not allowed or requires an explicit exception. 标准很少发生变化,违反标准是不允许的,或者需要通过显式的异常情况来处理。 www.ibm.com 1. Despite its widespread abuse, cannabis associated stroke is only infrequently reported. 尽管有其广泛滥用,大麻有关的中风是很少报道。 www.syyxw.com 2. Caecal volvulus is an infrequently encountered clinical condition and an uncommon cause of intestinal obstruction. 盲肠肠扭转是一种罕见的临床状况和遇到的一种不常见的原因肠梗阻。 www.syyxw.com 3. I'd review all the facts of the case and, not infrequently, wonder if I hadn't made a poor decision. 我想复习所有案件的事实,不稀奇,都不知道,如果我没有做了一个糟糕的决定。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. A set of services and administrative tools that you can use to store data from infrequently used files on magnetic tape. 一组用于存储不经常使用文件到磁带上的服务以及管理工具。 angel.w15.5tom.cn 5. Lower concentrations have been detected infrequently in tears, saliva, breast milk, colostrum , urine, and cervical and vaginal secretions. 人们偶尔也在眼泪、唾液、母乳、初乳、尿液以及宫颈和阴道分泌物中发现少量病毒。 tr.bab.la 6. Before telephones were common, people would not infrequently speak their hearts on the backs of postcards. 在电话还不普遍的时代,人们利用明信片的背面倾诉衷肠的情形并不少见。 www.america.gov 7. Instances update shared rows infrequently and without holding locks for a significant amount of time. 实例不会经常更新共享的记录,也不会长期持有锁。 www-128.ibm.com 8. Regular operation: When the valve works infrequently, it should drive the machine regularly, checking abnormality or not. 定期运转:在阀门的动作很稀少时,可以定期驱动机器,检查有无异常。 dict.kekenet.com 9. Once seen infrequently, they now regularly swarm across the Yellow Sea, making it impossible for Japanese boats to deploy their nets. 曾经很少见的这种水母如今经常成群结队地经过黄海,使日本渔船无法撒网。 www.bing.com 10. They have been practiced (although infrequently) in many organizations and to varying degrees across a broad set of domains. 它们在很多组织,以各种不同的程度,在广泛领域内经过了实践(尽管不太经常)。 www.ibm.com 1. Regardless of the price of your camera, handle the lens elements as infrequently as possible. 不管你相机的价格是多少,都应该尽可能少的触摸镜头元件。 bbs.sssc.cn 2. However, the enforcement and monitoring of covenants are still costly, especially if the debt is long term and is renewed infrequently . 然而,条款的实施与监督仍然会造成很大耗费,特别是在长期的债务关系不经常更新的情况下。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Like the OPENROWSET function, OPENDATASOURCE should only reference OLE DB data sources that are accessed infrequently. 与OPENROWSET函数类似,OPENDATASOURCE应该只引用那些不经常访问的OLEDB数据源。 technet.microsoft.com 4. This is what I do and what I recommend to clients, and I'm always happy for an excuse to exercise my infrequently used Entity SQL chops. 这是我做什么,我推荐给客户端,和我总是快乐的行使我不经常使用的实体SQL排骨的借口。 msdn.microsoft.com 5. The only reason vaginal orgasms are regarded as the Holy Grail of ecstasy is how infrequently they occur. 阴道高潮显得圣杯般宝贵的唯一原因是,它很少发生。 www.bing.com 6. This facility has been the site of sounding rocket and small orbital payload launches but is only infrequently used now. 这一设施已网站探空火箭和小轨道有效载荷的发射,但只是现在经常使用的。 www.baike.com 7. In these rare situations, the results will not be noticeable if the SQL is executed infrequently and addresses very few rows. 在极少数情况下,如果SQL很少执行或只寻址很少几行,那么调优效果不会明显。 www.ibm.com 8. I never realized how infrequently I greeted my wife of 24 years, or the rest of my family, until I started doing so deliberately. 直到开始有意地问好,我才意识到二十四年来,问候妻子和其他家人的次数是多么少。 www.bing.com 9. This is an infrequently used operation within a short-lived transaction, and there is no reason to take the risk of the update failing. 在短时间的事务中很少使用该操作,因为此操作会导致更新失败的风险。 www.ibm.com 10. This may be due to the belief that errors occur infrequently and that changing medical practice would therefore have a limited effect . 这可能是由于人们认为,差错不常发生,因此改变医疗实践的作用将有限。 www.bing.com 1. Perhaps your NIM server is also a good candidate, as it may be used infrequently, only to install AIX systems and perform maintenance? NIM服务器也是合适的AMS候选目标,因为它不经常使用,只用于安装AIX系统和执行维护。 www.ibm.com 2. Consider storing data that changes infrequently (or that changes on a known schedule) in a local database cache. 因此,可以考虑将不经常更改的数据(或按已知时间表更改的数据)存储在本地数据库缓存中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. Hugs are dispensed infrequently , but if I do hug someone, I resemble Frankenstein's monster, arms extended to control contact. 我极少拥抱别人。而如果我要拥抱什么人,我就会像科学怪人一样的,伸开手臂来控制接触。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. Update shared rows only infrequently and, even then, without holding locks for any length of time. 对共享记录的更新只能以偶尔进行,即便如此,也不能随意占用锁。 www-128.ibm.com 5. The weather is nice but the transportation in town can be difficult because there is no subway and the buses run infrequently. 那里的天气很好,但城镇里的交通很差,因为那里没有地铁,公交车很少。 dict.bioon.com 6. Another example deals with certain durable consumer goods since consumers only infrequently purchase expensive goods like a car or home. 另一个例子就是一些耐用消费品,如汽车、房子,消费者购买这些贵重商品的次数不会多。 www.bing.com 7. keeping infrequently referenced code in a separate file from the application optimizes code download. 将不常参考的程式码保存在应用程式以外的单独档案中,可以最佳化程式码的下载。 technet.microsoft.com 8. Lines up originally for the fan the buying a ticket establishment isolation strip, cannot apply, booking infrequently visited. 原本为球迷排队买票设置的隔离带,根本派不上用场,售票点门可罗雀。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. First, attorneys are infrequently used in municipal court because their fees often exceed the fine. 首先,在地方法院很少使用律师,因为他们的收费往往比罚款更高。 wenwen.soso.com 10. Mailing tubes are used infrequently and are sufficiently unrelated to the drawing process, so he stores them in a closet. 邮寄用的纸筒不常使用,而且与画图过程无关,所以画家将它们存储在壁橱里。 www.jukuu.com 1. Infrequently, a donor may attempt to donate more often than is allowed. 可能极少的献血者会尝试超过标准的次数。 cbs.ausbio.com 2. Differential diagnosis of the disease is not infrequently difficult. 这种病的鉴别。 www.ebigear.com 3. In modern Chinese, "meaning" adverbs have the basic disappears, leaving behind only infrequently-used phrase connection usage and usage. 现代汉语中,“再有”的副词意义基本消失,只留下连接用法和偏正短语用法。 www.fabiao.net 4. He complains that trucks with supplies come infrequently, and when they do, officials just throw out the goods into the crowd. 他抱怨说,很少有卡车运送物资过来。卡车来的时候,官员也只是把东西往人群里一扔了事扔。 www.voanews.cn 5. Laboratory diagnoses are infrequently used to make decisions about treatment because of logistic and operational difficulties. 由于后勤和运转方面的困难,很少利用实验室诊断对治疗作出决定。 www.who.int 6. To top it off, not infrequently there is a deluded sense of being viewed, or even controlled, by some unseen entity. 为了很好的完成,不是偶尔产生一种视觉上被欺骗的意识,或者被一些不可视的整体控制着。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Simple Binary Tree Class - Binary Search Trees are useful for finding items in a list that changes infrequently . 二叉搜索树在查找经常变化的列表时是很非常有用的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. You can work as a consultant, getting paid hundreds of dollars an hour to travel while working infrequently. 你可以去当一个顾问,每小时就能拿到上百美元的顾问费,而且还可以到处旅行。 www.bing.com 9. The media master set is the group of tapes used to store data from infrequently used files . 媒体原件集是一组用来储存不常用文件的数据的磁带。 www.bing.com 10. As a result, people visited newspaper sites infrequently, looked at a few pages and then vanished off to someone else's website. 结果,人们就不太访问报纸网站了,经常也只是草草浏览两三页就去别处了。 www.ecocn.org 1. Although Downey and Fecteau saw each other infrequently during the two decades, they developed a communications system. 虽然在那20年里唐尼和费克图很少见到对方,但他们研究出了一套联系方式。 www.bing.com 2. Means labeled prices that were relatively inflexible, or which changed only infrequently, as administered prices. 指标价格相对缺乏弹性,或只有很少改变,作为管理的价格。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. If you use your MacBook or MacBook Pro infrequently, it's best to recalibrate the battery at least once a month. 如果您不经常使用MacBook或MacBookPro,则最好每个月重新校准一次电池。 docs.info.apple.com 4. Dirofilaria tenuis causes heartworm infection in raccoons and infrequently causes human disease. 犬恶菌感染的原因心浣熊和不常人类疾病的原因。 www.syyxw.com 5. If you want your suits to survive, dry-clean them infrequently. Instead, have them steam-pressed when they need shaping up. 如果你想让整装多活些日子,我们不能频繁地去干洗,而是要在需要时用蒸汽修整他们的形状。 www.myfxb.com 6. Are classes declared as value types only infrequently used as method parameters, returned from methods or stored in Collections? 值类型的类用于参数,方法返回值以及存放在集合中? wenku.baidu.com 7. Abnormal presentation and position are encountered infrequently during labor. 异常介绍和立场的过程中很少遇到的劳动。 www.syyxw.com 8. The few runs I managed to sneak in were like chocolate cake--a treat I dreamed about regularly but tasted infrequently. 我的为数不多的几次跑步就像是巧克力蛋糕——总是梦想得到但实际上没吃几次。 www.bing.com 9. This error occurs very infrequently in Web browsers, because most browsers will accept any data returned from your Web server. 发生此错误很少在Web浏览器,因为大多数的浏览器会接受任何数据传回您的Web服务器。 wenwen.soso.com 10. thumb|right|The Advanced Options The advanced options give you control over some nice, but infrequently used features. 高级选项高级选项能够使你控制一些较好的,但是不怎么使用的选项。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Extends disk space by storing infrequently used files in a secondary storage media. 将不经常使用的文件储存在辅助存储媒体中来扩展磁盘空间。 www.fan6.net 2. A special event is a one-time or infrequently occurring event outside the normal program or activities of the sponsoring or organizing body. 一个特殊的事件是一个一次性的或不经常发生超出正常程序或赞助或组织机构的活动事件。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Because of that, they may work best when used infrequently to control symptoms for a particular situation, such as giving a speech. 因此,他们可能最不常使用时,以控制症状的特殊情况,如在仪式上致辞。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. infrequently used items away from the work area and dispose of items that are not needed. 不常用的物品需远离工作区域;去除不需要的物品。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Binary Search Trees are useful for finding items in a list that changes infrequently. 对半查找树对于找到在一个列表中很少变化的项来说是很有用的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Although they are infrequently used, some techniques (that use other schema languages) work better with attributes and element text. 有一些技术使用了其他一些模式语言,尽管不是很常用,但是能够更好地处理属性和元素文本。 www.ibm.com 7. law training is infrequently sought as preparation for general government service. 因为一般政府服务很少要求事先进行法律培训。 blog.163.com 8. These patients not infrequently also consider committing suicide. 这些患者寻求自杀的也不是不常见。 www.bing.com 9. More infrequently, the magnetic field becomes unstable and undergoes a large-scale rearrangement. 在更罕见的状况里,磁场会变得不稳定,而必须进行一种大规模的重组。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. The lowest-hanging fruit in the transition to virtualization are in test, development, and other infrequently used computers. 在转向虚拟化的过程中最小的收获在于测试、开发和其他不常使用的计算机。 www.infoq.com 1. I saw him not infrequently during the difficult years he spent in Paris. 在他落魄巴黎的一段坎坷困顿的日子里,我经常和他见面。 dict.wenguo.com 2. Should controls include only those who never used a cell phone and exclude those who'd used one only infrequently? 这一组是不是应该只研究从来不用手机的人,而把极少用手机的人排除在外呢? www.bing.com 3. The vast majority of Twitter users tweet infrequently, or simply read the site without registering. 绝大多数Twitter用户并不经常发推,或根本就在没有注册的情况下阅读内容。 dongxi.net 4. Bathe the dog infrequently. It doesn't require special grooming and can be washed at home. 不要频繁为狗狗洗澡。此种狗狗不需要特殊的修饰,是可以在家自己洗的。 sbuhua.appspot.com 5. They spend most of their lives in the canopy, descending only infrequently to mate, lay eggs, or change trees. 它们大多数时间都栖息在树冠上,只有在交配、产卵或换至另一颗树的时候才会偶尔下树。 www.bing.com 6. Moreover the process can be aborted at any stage so that well formed financial bubbles occur rather infrequently. 此外,泡沫的形成过程在任何阶段都可能会终止,所以发育良好的金融泡沫其实并不常见。 www.bing.com 7. And check it as infrequently as your job permits, hopefully once or twice a day. 并且以你工作所允许的最低频率检查邮件,希望是每天一或两次。 www.bing.com 8. Sarcomas infrequently develop in osseous sites of fibrous dysplasia. 肉瘤不常发展骨纤维异常增殖症的网站。 www.syyxw.com 9. The data can either be too large or infrequently accessed to keep in memory, or it should persist across restarts. 这类数据可能是很大的,也可能是不经常访问只是在内存中保留,或者在重启时保持存在。 www.ibm.com 10. Query terms that occur infrequently in the index are weighted more heavily than those that occur often. 索引中不经常出现的查询条件的重要性系数要高于经常出现的查询条件。 www.mees.com:9000 1. Malpractice lawsuits after an error were reported infrequently (by 2 percent of physicians and 6 percent of the public). 较少有人报告在发生差错后有医疗事故诉讼(2%的医师和6%的公众)。 www.fane.cn 2. Swallowtail butterflies have particularly large wings for their body size, and flap them relatively infrequently. 燕尾蝶有着相对于它们的身体而言十分巨大的翅膀,并且扇动的频率少见地慢。 www.bing.com 3. As with laws against sharing MP3 music files, these restrictions are infrequently observed and hardly ever enforced . 不过,就好像禁止分享MP3音乐档案的法律一样,这些限制并不常见,也几乎不曾执行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. LSA is a disease of the skin infrequently seen in children, and then mostly in girls. LSA是指皮肤疾病很少在孩子们看见,然后主要是女孩。 www.syyxw.com 5. Because you run the tests so infrequently, they are often fraught with errors. 由于测试运行得太不频繁,它们常常充满了错误。 www.ibm.com 6. Not infrequently does the septuagenarian walk over distance to Daming Lake Park. 那位年逾古稀的老翁经常从很远的地方步行去大明湖公园。 jpkc.qdbhu.edu.cn 7. As we have noted above, though, large rocks make fast interplanetary voyages very infrequently. 不过,前面曾经提及,在行星之间快速飞行的大石块相当罕见。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. You must be available on Google Talk (frequently) and by phone (infrequently). 您必须能够在谷歌对话(经常)和电话(很少)。 www.bing.com 9. This bug would occur very infrequently in specific circumstances. 这个臭虫会在特定的情形下很偶尔发生。 www.equn.com 10. flowering infrequently, sometimes only once every hundred years or so. 不常见的花季,有时在百年之内竹子才会开一次花 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The keyboard is also used so infrequently that Amazon should just add a touchscreen and eliminate it from the device. 键盘的使用其实很少,亚马逊应会将其移出设备,给Kindle添加一个触摸屏。 www.bing.com 2. Cached plans may be stored to disk if they are used infrequently, and they do not increase the cache usage. 如果高速缓存的计划未被频繁使用,并且不会提高高速缓存使用率,它们就可能被存储到磁盘中。 www.ianywhere.com 3. The data changes infrequently relative to the request volume. 数据不经常地相对于请求容量发生变化。 www.ibm.com 4. Those estimates are right so infrequently that they're not worth the trouble. 这类估算很少是正确的,以致于得不偿失。 www.ibm.com 5. That organization has about 400 simple XML documents that are updated infrequently. 这个组织大约有400个极少更新的简单XML文档。 www-128.ibm.com 6. ISO 3166 also defines three character and three digit country codes, although those are infrequently used. ISO3166个,也确定了3个字符和3位数字的国家代码,虽然这些都是不常使用。 wenwen.soso.com 7. This also is Gu Ge enter terminal infrequently to sell the market continuously. 这也是谷歌罕见地进入终端直销市场。 pjprimer.com 8. Not infrequently does the septuagenarian go abroad. 那个年逾古稀的老翁经常出国。 wenku.baidu.com 9. If your class defines many events that are infrequently raised, you will want to implement event properties. 如果您的类定义了许多不常引发的事件,那么您可能要实现事件属性。 msdn2.microsoft.com 10. You are more liable to injury if you exercise infrequently. 不经常运动就更容易受伤。 www.kekenet.com 1. As a result, bitwise operators are used infrequently in JavaScript development, despite their advantages. 结果导致JavaScript开发中不常用位操作运算符,尽管它们具有优势。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. That is an interaction that goes on all the time while bubbles occur only infrequently. 这种相互作用一直都在进行,而泡沫仅仅是难得才出现一次。 www.bing.com 3. Caching of frequently viewed data that changes infrequently is a powerful way to decrease wait time for users. 缓存被频繁查看但很少更改的数据是一种减少用户等待时间的有效方式。 www.ibm.com 4. It infrequently involves the bones of the hand. 它经常涉及到骨头的手。 www.syyxw.com 5. Blips appear on a cluttered monitor infrequently, and at irregular intervals. 在一个有杂乱回波的监视器上会出现不多的光点,而且间隔也不规则。 www.zftrans.com 6. That is, people may perform a great many searches for accommodations but make reservations very infrequently. 也就是说,人们可能四处搜索住处,但又很少真正预订住处。 www.ibm.com 7. Not infrequently, we see people on the Mason users list asking questions about how to handle caching DBI connections. 在Mason的用户邮件列表中我们发现人们经常提问如何处理持续性的。 wiki.perlchina.org 8. Back up infrequently modified data less often. 偶尔备份不常修改的数据。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Files are large, and the data is updated infrequently; or the same data is updated repeatedly. 文件很大而且数据不常更新;或者反复更新相同数据。 technet.microsoft.com 10. Suitable for the infrequently starting and stopping of 3-55KW three-phase asynchronous motor. 该产品适用于3-55KW三相异步电动机不频繁起动和停止用。 dict.kekenet.com 1. Please eat cured or smoked meat infrequently. 不要常吃腌制或熏烤的肉。 wenku.baidu.com 2. These are most frequently seen in the frontal and parietal bones with the orbital and maxillofacial bones infrequently involved. 最常见于额骨和顶骨,眶骨和上颌骨很少受累。 www.china-radiology.com 3. You always use a large body of code that changes infrequently. 总是使用不经常改动的大型代码体。 msdn2.microsoft.com 4. It is concluded that vacuum clefts not infrequently show high T2 signal intensity. 结论:真空裂,经常显示高T2信号强度。 www.syyxw.com 5. Not infrequently they go abroad. 他们不是不常去国外。 open.xsrtvu.com 6. among pricing objectives, maximizing profits is a logical goal, but one that is infrequently used. 利润最大化的定价目标是一个逻辑目标,但是不经常使用。 www.tdict.com 7. Much older data is very infrequently accessed, as is certain context information, such as a flight itinerary. 会频繁访问很多旧数据,将其作为特定的上下文信息,如旅行路线等。 www.ibm.com 8. Guys shouldn't give flowers too often or too infrequently. 男士送花不应该太频繁或太稀少。 www.bing.com 9. Totopit off, not infrequently there is a deluded sense ofbeingviewed, or even controlled, by some unseen entity. 要摆脱它,不是不经常地感到有一种被一些看不见的敌人蛊惑去看甚至控制的感觉。 www.bing.com 10. He doesn't attend lectures infrequently. 他不是不经常参加讲座。 chenhongtetiger.blog.163.com 1. Even a review as infrequently as annually will do the trick, I believe. 我相信,即使是每年审视一次也是有用的。 www.bing.com 2. For example, an assembly consisting of types and classes used infrequently for program maintenance can be put in the same assembly. 例如,程序维护时不经常使用的类型和类组成的程序集可以放在同一程序集中。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. He goes to the same cheap shop as I do, but very infrequently. 他和我去同一家便宜的理发店,不过他去的更少。 chinese.wsj.com 4. By middle age, men's sexuality becomes something that is infrequently discussed. 到了中年,男人的性能力便不大常被提及了。 www.transcn.org 5. The problem is it gets it right infrequently . It gets it wrong most of the time. It will show pictures as music files. 问题是它很少能正确的工作,大多数情况下它会发生错误,它把图片按照音乐文件来展示。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. You won't be a pest if you ask quietly, carefully, and infrequently if they know anyone who is up for dating. 如果你悄悄地、小心地、偶尔问是否他们认识某个要约会的人。 www.bing.com 7. But customers should know that our satisfaction is very high, so this happens very infrequently. 但客户应该清楚,我们的客户满意度是非常高的,因此发生这种情况的机会很低。 www.bing.com 8. You infrequently go to see him, do you? 你很少去看望他,是吗? www.bing.com 9. This is a good choice if you have limited hard disk space or will only use these clips infrequently. 如果硬盘空间有限或者很少使用这些剪辑,那么这是个好的选择。 office.microsoft.com 10. Use when you are storing infrequently changed, global information that is used by many users, and security is not an issue. 可在以下情况下使用:存储由多个用户使用且更改不频繁的全局信息,而且不存在安全性问题。 msdn2.microsoft.com 1. The researchers found that B7-H1 was infrequently expressed in prostate cancer, as only 3 cases showed any histologic evidence of B7-H1. 研究者发现B7-H1在前列腺癌中极少表达,因为仅有3例患者有B7-H1表达的组织学依据。 news.dxy.cn 2. It's a rite of passage, but also one you want to do very infrequently. 它是这条通道上的一个典礼,但同时是你偶尔会经历的。 www.bing.com 3. Also, we infrequently have some worldwide readers, and we tell them the reaction in China (by translating some Chinese news into English). 偶尔也会有些外国读者,我们再将中文消息翻译成英文,让他们瞭解中国内部的反应。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 4. On the other hand, when used infrequently as recovery from an exceptional situation, it is a good thing! 不过,恢复异常情况时偶尔使用一下,效果也不错! e-support.hp.com.cn 5. The good news is that if you go to dinner parties as infrequently as I do, things may be less intense next time. 好消息是,如果你像我一样很少赴宴,下一次情况可能就没那么严重了。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Coordinates the services and tools used for storing infrequently used files in a secondary storage media 协调用来在辅助存储媒体中储存不经常使用的文件的服务和工具 angel.w15.5tom.cn 7. Coordinates the services and administrative tools used for storing infrequently used data 协调用来储存不常用数据的服务和管理工具 angel.w15.5tom.cn 8. the decision-making in most countryside family are "the husband dominant mode" , women infrequently participating in family decision; 农村家庭参合决策多为“夫主型”,妇女决策参与率不高; www.fabiao.net 9. Leaf sheaths of lower leaves pubescent, upper and infrequently also lower glabrous, closed to above middle; 下部叶短柔毛的叶鞘,更上面和很少发生也低的无毛,关闭的到中部以上; www.flora.ac.cn 10. that it involved not infrequently the sacrifice of innocent human life; 死刑并非不经常地涉及对无辜的生命的牺牲; word.hcbus.com 1. Annuals or perennials. Culm bases infrequently swollen, or with bulbous sheath bases; 一年生或多年生很少发生使膨胀的Culm基础,或者用球茎状的护套基础; www.flora.ac.cn 2. Infrequently - less than once per frame 不经常改变:一帧改变小于一次 www.csztc.com 3. Storing infrequently used items away from the work area 将很少使用的物品从工作区域移走 wenku.baidu.com 4. remain constant or change infrequently 保持恒定或极少改变 wenku.baidu.com 5. lower floret neuter or infrequently staminate, lemma as long as upper glume, ovate, 7-veined; 很少发生雄蕊花的更下部的小花中性或,外稃倍于上面颖片,卵形,7; www.flora.ac.cn 6. If you do what is described occasionally but infrequently; 如果您偶尔做题目中描述的事情 wenku.baidu.com 7. I go to the park very little(rarely, very infrequently) 我难得去(一次)公园。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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