单词 | imperil |
释义 | imperilled是imperil的过去式
过去式:imperiled 过去式:imperilled 现在分词:imperiling 现在分词:imperilling 第三人称单数:imperils 例句释义: 危害,处於危险中,承受风险的,处于危险中 1. Americans are right that such advances are imperilled when leaders like Nicolas Sarkozy of France say Turks have no place in the EU. 一些领导人,如法国的萨科齐等说出土耳其在欧盟没有位置这样的话,这种进步就面临危险,美国人对此的判断同样完全正确。 www.ecocn.org 2. Among the imperilled animals are the mangrove finch, one of the species known as Darwin's finches in the Galapagos. 最受威胁的动物包括红树林雀,知名的达尔文雀中的一种。 mailftp.lihpao.com 3. If the enemy broke through to Agedabia , Benghazi and everything west of Tobruk were imperilled . 如果敌人突破阿杰达比亚,那么班加西以及托卜鲁克以西的一切据点便都岌岌可危了。 www.bing.com 4. To have lost Mr Ahmadinejad to a liberal "plot" would, they judged, have imperilled the Islamic Republic which succours them all. 他们认为,因为一个自由“阴谋”而失去内贾德会危及挽救他们所有人的伊斯兰共和国。 www.ecocn.org 5. Economic integration may seem like a disadvantage now. But it can speed recovery and help Mexico hang on to its imperilled stability. 经济一体化现在看似对美国不利,但它可以加速墨西哥从萧条中恢复并帮助墨西哥在当前的危机状态下保持稳定。 www.ecocn.org 6. It was by such men as the honourable George that the reputation of such women as Madeline Neroni were imperilled and damaged. 马德琳·内罗尼这种女人的名誉,就是被尊敬的乔治这种男人危害并损毁了的。 www.bing.com 7. Bangladesh is uniquely imperilled by the main threats to global security: climate change, terrorism and state failure. 气候变化、恐怖主义和政权失败是全球安全的主要威胁,而孟加拉国受害尤深。 www.ecocn.org 8. Protests by Jewish groups and the German government rattled the Vatican and imperilled a papal trip to Israel. 犹太和德国组织的抗议困扰着梵蒂冈而且也影响了教皇出访以色列的安排。 www.bing.com 9. Egypt and Saudi Arabia have been reliable, if flawed, allies. Should they stumble, the West's interests in the region will be imperilled. 虽然埃及跟沙特的双边关系也有微瑕,但两国向来是彼此信任的盟友,只要他们耍一下手腕,西方国家在阿拉伯的利益就会遭到重创。 www.bing.com 10. For an imperilled world economy, the imperative is to find a route through the minefield. 对于一个陷入危险的全球经济而言,现在必须找到一条穿越雷区的道路。 www.ftchinese.com 1. That vision is worth keeping an eye on, but the immediate priority is the imperilled banking system. 这个远景值得关注,但当前最首要的是拯救已遭损害的银行系统。 www.ecocn.org 2. Nevada's unemployment rate, the highest in the country, has imperilled Harry Reid, the Democrats' majority leader in the Senate. 内华达州的失业率为全国最高,已使民主党参议院多数派领导人哈里?里德身陷困境。 www.ecocn.org 3. Should they stumble, the West's interests in the region will be imperilled. 如果它们崩溃,西方在该地区的利益将受损。 www.bing.com 4. The whole project is imperilled by lack of funds. 整个工程因缺少资金而陷于危险之中。 www.kekenet.com 5. This is Ndeze and Ndakasi, symbols of hope in the struggle to save the imperilled mountain gorillas of eastern Africa. 这是Ndeze和Ndakasi,是保护危机中的东非山区大猩猩的希望的象征。 www.bing.com 6. Allies such as Israel and Turkey long followed American wishes reflexively because they felt imperilled and dependent on American largesse. 像以色列和土耳其这样的盟友由于感受到危机和依靠美国的慷慨援助,他们本能地长期追随美国的政策。 www.ecocn.org 7. The World Bank said many developing countries were imperilled by soaring consumer price inflation. 世界银行表示,许多发展中国家遭遇不断高涨的消费品价格通胀。 www.ftchinese.com |
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