单词 | intraday |
释义 | 例句释义: 一天之内的,一天内的,日内,日内的,当天的 1. Once you start pulling money out of the markets, it might be a good idea to apply your new skills to intraday charts. 一旦你开始从市场赚钱了,再利用日线的波动变动测试你的新技巧。 www.bing.com 2. The stock market has roared back from its March 2009 lows, doubling in value on an intraday basis in less than two years. 股市从2009年3月份时的低点强力反弹,在不到两年的时间内单日市值上涨了一倍。 c.wsj.com 3. The losses have come even as the euro has stabilized against the dollar, even with some big intraday swings. 在新元下跌的同时,欧元兑美元汇率在经历盘中一些巨幅波动后企稳。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Do not be distracted by the intraday chop if you are trading swings that last several days. 交易者不应受日内价格波动的困扰。 www.bing.com 5. Intraday market monitoring is not a sacrifice by any means and enhances the system. 仔细看盘可不是种浪费,它是能提高交易系统效率的好办法。 www.360doc.com 6. Upcoming data could cause some intraday volatility but is not expected to upset the overall trend for the dollar in the near term. 即将公布的经济数据可能会令美元在盘中时段有所波动,但预计不会改变其近期内的整体走势。 cn.reuters.com 7. Trading opportunities are more frequent. If you can trade with daily charts, you'll see similar trades more often on intraday charts. 交易机会很多。如果你知道如何用日线图交易,那么你会在日内图上看到很多类似的交易机会。 www.bing.com 8. Although shares of GOOG gave up much of its intraday gains by the end of the session, up merely 0. 4%. 不过到昨日收盘谷歌股票放弃了大部分涨幅,仅高收0. dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Operation, investors can participate in the progressive Opening hot blue-chip indicator intraday opportunities. 操作上,投资者可逐步加仓参与盘中的指标蓝筹热点机会。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. For these purposes, I'm ignoring Thursday's intraday plunge, which took the Nasdaq below my buying threshold -- only briefly. 为此,我不理会上周四的盘中暴跌,当时纳斯达克综合指数跌到了我的买进点位以下,虽然只是一会儿。 c.wsj.com 1. Xie be free demolition of the chassis, and facilitate the removal intraday cigarette butts . 可自由拆缷的底盘,方便清理盘中的烟蒂。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Banks can obtain interest-free intraday liquidity through intraday repo using Exchange Fund Bills Notes. 银行可利用外汇基金票据债券作为即日回购协议的抵押品,以获取免息即日流动资金。 www.info.gov.hk 3. Intraday charts often have counter trend moves late in the day, as traders with paper profits start closing positions. 在当天下午日内图经常有逆势下跌,当时有利润的人开始平仓。 www.bing.com 4. Spot bullion in London hit an intraday high of $992. 55 a troy ounce, the highest since late February. 在伦敦,现货黄金触及每金衡制盎司992.55美元的盘中高位,这是2月下旬以来的最高价位。 www.ftchinese.com 5. In London, spot gold surged to an intraday high of $1, 407 an ounce, up 1 per cent on the day and more than 28 per cent since January. 在伦敦,黄金现货价格盘中一度飙升至每盎司1407美元的高点,日内涨幅达1%,自今年1月以来则累计上涨了逾28%。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Although the overnight American cotton daily limit, but after Zheng cotton opened today, fell all the way, intraday decline of over 2%. 虽然隔夜美棉涨停,但今日郑棉高开后,一路下挫,盘中一度跌幅超2%。 texclo.net 7. Banks are generally managing their intraday liquidity reasonably well. 银行一般均能妥善管理其即日流动资金。 www.info.gov.hk 8. Friday intraday decline can be seen as: operating line break after the second withdraw sword, namely: washed off before the squat! 周五盘中的下跌,可以看做:二次突破操作线之后的回抽,即:冲关之前的下蹲! q.163.com 9. Wells's surprisingly positive pre announcement of first-quarter earnings caused its stock to jump as much as 34% in intraday trading. 富国银行预先公布的第一财季业绩表现异常出色,带动该股在盘中交易一度飙升34%。 www.bing.com 10. This article provides the evidence of price clustering in the China stock market by using intraday quoted and traded prices. 本研究以中国股票市场部分股票的日内逐笔报价与成交价作为资料来源,验证价格集聚现象是否存在于中国股票市场。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. South Korea said on Monday it would reemploy a short-selling ban after the country's benchmark index fell nearly 10% in intraday trading. 本周一,韩国在基准指数盘中下跌接近10%之后说,它将重新启用一项卖空禁令。 www.cn.wsj.com 2. You do not have to watch prices intraday, just give your order to a broker. 交易者不必死盯日内的价格波动,将订单交给经纪人处理就行了。 www.bing.com 3. Although WTI retracted from the intraday high of $50. 58 the technicals have now improved with all moving averages pointing higher. 虽然轻油在日内高点50.58美金中下跌,技术观点来看,目前所有移动平均线仍向上升。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Stocks for day-trading should have heavy volume, be volatile, and be expensive rather than cheap, so that they have decent intraday ranges. 适合做日内交易的股票应该有大成交量,波动大,价格贵,而不是便宜,这样才会有可观的日内交易区间。 www.bing.com 5. Since the start of August, the Dow has had 15 days with intraday swings of 300 points or more. 8月初以来,道琼斯指数已有15个交易日盘中波动幅度达到300点甚至更高。 cn.wsj.com 6. Once a live chart gives an entry signal, avoid the temptation to exit using intraday data. 一旦你即时数据让你进场,则应抵制日内图信号的诱惑而出场。 www.bing.com 7. In New York, wholesale gasoline prices yesterday hit an intraday low just above the psychological $1. 0-a-gallon level . 在纽约,石油的批发价格昨日触及盘中低点仅仅高于1美元每加仑的心理关口。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. Profits are smaller because intraday swings are shorter. 因为日内波动小,利润也比较小。 www.bing.com 9. That's its highest intraday level since September 2008 (a black month for the Footsie in which it shed 700 points). 这是该指数自2008年9月以来达到的最高盘中点位,2008年9月成为富时100指数的黑色九月,该指数当月下跌了700点。 www.bing.com 10. The third screen is the entry method, for which you can use either an intraday chart or simply place a standing order using a daily chart. 第三重滤网是进场的方法,你可以利用日内图或利用日线图提前下单。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Gold hit intraday records today, and silver traded at three-decade highs. 金价盘中创出新高,而银价处于30年来的高位。 www.forbeschina.com 2. But that focus would miss the intraday trading, where the real action has taken place. 但这种关注将错过盘中交易,真正的动态在盘中显现。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Put a stop too close and it'll get whacked by some meaningless intraday swing. 如果止损太近了,市场没有意义的波动也会把它扫掉。 www.bing.com 4. It has been 21 days since the intraday decline of 9%. 而自5月6日盘中重挫9%迄今已21天。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Several intraday trading systems are based on following opening range breakouts . 一些日内交易系统的信号就是根据开盘后交易区间形成突破给出的。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Other markets were little affected by the move, with CDS unchanged at 740 basis points according to Markit Intraday. 其他市场几乎没有受到该事件的影响,根据MarkitIntraday,CDS持平于740个基点。 cn.reuters.com 7. By paying attention to only the close, intraday swings can be ignored. 只注意收盘价,当天的价格波动可以忽视。 biyelunwen.yjbys.com 8. At midday Monday, Apple was setting new all-time intraday highs above $410 a share. 本周一中午,苹果的盘中交易价创下新高,突破了每股410美元。 www.fortunechina.com 9. Even the VIX was volatile, swinging from between 8% down to 1% higher intraday before ending the day down 5%. 甚至波动率指数也在波动,全天在下跌8%至上涨1%的区间内波动,最终下跌了5%。 c.wsj.com 10. A better idea is to harvest foods either early or late intraday, thenleavethem to cool naturally. 比较好的办法是收获食物时,选择一天中不太早也不太晚的时间,这样它们就能自然冷却。 www.bing.com 1. There is simply not enough height in intraday channels to make profits. 那仅仅是因为日线的通道太窄,不容易赚钱。 www.bing.com 2. The broad S&P 500 index briefly hit a 10-month intraday high. It remains on track for its sixth straight monthly gain. 标准普尔500指数一度触及10个月的盘中高位,仍有望录得连续第六个月升势。 cn.reuters.com 3. Thursday's sell-off drove the Dow average down nearly 1, 000 points -- its biggest-ever intraday point drop. 周四股市遭遇抛售,推低道指狂跌约1,000点,录得历来盘中最大点数跌幅。 cn.reuters.com 4. By 2: 47, the Dow Jones Industrial Average had crossed 10000 in the biggest intraday point drop in its history. 47时,道琼斯工业股票平均价格指数已经跌破10,000点大关,盘中一度创下历史最大点位跌幅。 c.wsj.com 5. Oil futures jumped almost $7 to an intraday high above $138 a barrel. 原油期货一度跳涨近7美元至138美元的盘中高点,结算价报每桶136.38美元。 cn.reuters.com 6. The euro dropped 1. 5% against the dollar in intraday trading. 欧元兑美元汇率盘中交易下跌1. c.wsj.com 7. During the session Apple hit an all-time intraday high of $260. 25. 今日盘中,苹果触及纪录高位260.25美元。 cn.reuters.com 8. Silver rose to an intraday high of $19. 43 an ounce while platinum extended gains above the key $1, 500 a troy ounce level. 白银一度升至每盎司19.43美元的盘中高点,铂金则在突破每盎司1500美元关口的基础上继续攀升。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The stock had reached an all-time high intraday Monday of $157. 90 on brisk volume. 此前该股曾在周一盘中交易时段非常活跃,并创出157.90美元的历史新高。 www.forbeschina.com 10. At one point the Dow Jones industrial average had fallen than 700 points, its biggest intraday drop ever. 道琼斯平均工业指数一度下跌超过700点,是其单日内历史最大跌幅。 www.ecocn.org 1. Futures touched $2. 9749 today, an intraday record. 今天盘中价格触及2.9749美元的纪录。 q.sohu.com 2. ICE January Brent rose to an intraday high of $111. 00 a barrel. 伦敦洲际交易所(ICE)1月份交货的布伦特原油期货价格盘中最高达到每桶111美元。 www.ftchinese.com 3. It rose to 31. 65 cents in early trade, its highest intraday level in four weeks. 该期货价格周一早盘曾升至每磅31.65美分,创出四周来的最高盘中价位。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Since March 16, 1999, when it first touched 10000 in intraday trading, the Dow has bounced over that threshold and back 63 times. 自1999年3月16日首次盘中触及10000点以来,道指已有63次突破然后跌破这一关口。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Brent crude, the global benchmark, surged to an intraday high of $101. 19 per barrel, the highest since October 2008. 全球基准的布伦特原油价格盘中一度攀升至每桶101.19美元,为2008年10月以来的最高水平。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The intraday high occurred at 3: 54 p. m. in electronic trading. 电子交易系统盘中高点发生在下午3时54分。 q.sohu.com 7. The results show that open-end funds in China indicate intraday asset allocation and portfolio management is significant to some extent. 日度数据表明,基金经理在短期表现出一定程度显著的资产配置能力和组合管理能力; www.ceps.com.tw 8. Earlier, February gold hit an intraday high of $1, 000. 40 an ounce. 此前,2月份的期金价格一度触及盘中高点每盎司1000.4美元。 www.bing.com 9. The indicator climbed as high as 89. 53, an intraday record, on Oct. 10月24日,该指数曾于盘中达到89.53的高点。 www.bing.com 10. Since 1900, in the 6 rior instances of 9%-plus intraday crashes, markets tend to bottom by day 32. 1900年以来的六次跌幅达9%的盘中重挫中,市场往往在第32天触底。 chinese.wsj.com 1. Burberry gained as much as 27. 4 pence to 504 pence, the steepest intraday advance since Aug. 巴宝莉股价上涨27.4便士至2.1磅,这是自8月2日以来的最迅猛的单天增长。 www.bing.com 2. The Dow climbed as high as 12, 506. 06, its highest intraday level since early June 2008. 道指最高升至12,506.06,为2008年6月初以来的最高位。 cn.reuters.com 3. Spot bullion rose to an intraday record of $1, 216. 75 a troy ounce, up more that 1. 5 per cent. 现货金价创下了每盎司1216.75美元的盘中记录,涨幅逾1. www.ftchinese.com 4. December gold futures touched an an intraday high of $1, 388. 10 an ounce, while the euro last traded at $1. 4112, fresh nine-month highs. 12月份黄金期货价格触及每盎司1388.10美元的盘中高点,欧元对美元汇率达到1.4112美元,创下9个月来新高。 www.bing.com 5. The blue-chip Hang Seng Index closed up 564. 04 points, or 3. 8%, at 15, 520. 99 after hitting an intraday high of 15, 587. 29. 蓝筹股恒生生指数收盘上涨564.04点,或3.8%,报15520.99之后曾触及盘中高点15587. www.bing.com 6. Hong Kong's Hang Seng Index ended down only slightly after dropping as much as 7. 4% intraday on worries over bank stocks. 受市场对银行类股的担忧情绪拖累,香港恒生指数盘中一度暴跌7.4%,但随后逐渐收复失地,收盘微幅下跌。 www.bing.com 7. the intraday liquidity risk of large-cap is relatively small and much more stable, followed by the mid and small cap; 大盘股的日内流动性风险相对较小,市场情况相对较稳定,其次是中盘股,再次是小盘股; www.fabiao.net 8. The benchmark index set a record intraday high of 24, 283. 15 before easing back to close 0. 8 per cent higher at 24, 069. 17. 恒生指数昨日盘中一度创下24283.15点的历史高点,之后有所回落,收于24069.17点,上涨0. www.ftchinese.com 9. (Daylight credit or daylight overdraft, daylight exposure, intraday credit) 日间信用(或日间透支、日间风险、日内信用) 365u.com.cn 10. Research on the Intraday Volatility of Chinese Stock Market Conditional on Asymmetric Information 信息非对称条件下中国股市波动性日内特性研究 service.ilib.cn 1. For a chart of intraday volatility in the four major precious metals click here: here 欲浏览四种主要贵金属日内波动率图表,请点选:(here) cn.reuters.com 2. Study of intraday effects of copper in Shanghai future exchange 上海期铜日内交易特征的实证研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Testing for Causality in the Intraday Volatility-Volume Relation: Shanghai Stock Market's Evidence 上海股市日内波动性与成交量之间引导关系的实证分析 www.ilib.cn 4. This paper put up a method to measure the intraday liquidity risk based on the time division data and trader by trader data; 并基于分时数据和逐笔成交数据提出了适合中国指令驱动市场的日内流动性风险测度方法; www.boshuo.net 5. Research on Determinants of Intraday Price Movement in Shanghai Security Market 上海证券市场日内价格变化的影响因素研究 www.ilib.cn 6. The Intraday Periodicity and Long-memory Characters in High-frequency Data of China Stock Market 中国股市高频数据中的周期性和长记忆性 www.ilib.cn 7. The Intraday Effect and the Day of the week Effect of Stock Price Fluctuation and Volume 股票价格波动与成交量的天内效应和周内效应 scholar.ilib.cn 8. The Study on the Intraday Interaction Relationship between the Stock Index and the Stock Index Futures 股指与股指期货日内互动关系研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Empirical Study on Intraday Liquidity of China Stock Market 中国证券市场日内流动性实证研究 www.ilib.cn 10. While the week's supply weighed on bond prices, intraday swings in the stock market helped support them. [. N] 尽管本周的新债供应令公债价格承压,股市盘中的振荡走势为公债提供支撑。 cn.reuters.com 1. A Study on the Intraday Effect in Shanghai Stock Market 上海股票市场收益日内效应的研究 service.ilib.cn 2. A test for asymmetry of intraday returns of stock 股票日内收益非对称性检验 ilib.cn |
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