单词 | hydrochemical |
释义 | 例句释义: 水化学的,水文化学的 1. The results showed that the main hydrochemical type of Qinghai salt lake is type of the magnesium sulfate. 结果表明,青海盐湖水化学类型主要为硫酸镁盐型。 lib.cqvip.com 2. Application of principal component analysis and discriminant dassification techniques were studied hydrochemical types of Qinghai salt lake. 应用主成分分析和判别分析分类技术研究了青海盐湖水化学类型。 lib.cqvip.com 3. According to discriminant classification techniques to establish the salt lake hydrochemical type of mathematical model. 依据判别分析分类技术建立了盐湖水化学类型的数学模型。 lib.cqvip.com 4. The hydrochemical variations are mainly caused by the dissolution of minerals and interfusion of fluid inclusions. 这种变化主要与矿物的溶解和流体包裹体的混入有关。 www.fabiao.net 5. Reconstruction of the hydrochemical features of paleosalt lake is the basis of origin and evolution of brines. 古盐湖水文化学面貌的再造是研究地下卤水起源和演化问题的基础。 cagsbulletin.com 6. Responses of hydrochemical inorganic ions in the rainfall-runoff processes of the experimental catchments and its significance for tracing 无机水化学离子在实验流域降雨径流过程中的响应及其示踪意义 www.ilib.cn 7. Relationship of Hydrochemical Characteristics of Formation Water and Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Baikouquan Oilfield in Karamay 克拉玛依百口泉油田地层水化学特征与油气成藏关系 www.ilib.cn 8. Decadal variability in the Arctic Ocean shown in hydrochemical data 北极海洋十年变化显出流体化学数据 edu.cma.gov.cn 9. Hydrochemical characteristics and formation conditions of the natural mineral water in the Guanzhuang Basin in Jixian, Tianjin 天津蓟县官庄盆地天然矿泉水田水化学特征及形成条件 www.ilib.cn 10. Distribution Law of Groundwater Hydrochemical Type in the Ordos Cretaceous Artesian Basin 鄂尔多斯白垩系地下水盆地地下水水化学类型的分布规律 ilib.cn 1. Application of hydrochemical constituents clustering method to the analysis of groundwater replenishment in arid regions 水化学成分聚类法分析干旱区地下水补给 service.ilib.cn 2. Study of hydrochemical characteristics in Karst water of coal seam floor in the Mining District of North Anhui 皖北矿区煤层底板岩溶水水化学特征研究 service.ilib.cn 3. Fracture Mechanical Model and Hydrochemical-hydraulic Coupled Damage Evolution Equation of Limestone 石灰岩损伤演化的断裂力学模型及耦合方程 www.ilib.cn 4. Influence of Building the Embankment on Groundwater Hydrochemical Properties in the Middle Reaches of the Tarim River 塔里木河中游输水堤防的修建对地下水化学特征的影响 service.ilib.cn 5. Hydrochemical characteristics of through-fall in different layers of Cinnamomum camphora plantation 樟树人工林生态系统不同层次穿透水水化学特征 service.ilib.cn 6. Research on the Evolution of Groundwater Hydrochemical and Isotope Characteristics in Qingshuihe Plain, South of Ningxia 宁夏南部清水河平原地下水水化学同位素特征演化研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Hydrochemical Characteristics and Origin Analysis of the Underground Brines in West Qaidam Basin 柴达木盆地西部地下卤水水化学特征及成因分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Methods of Multivariate Statistical Classification of Hydrochemical Types of Chinese Salt Lakes 中国盐湖水化学类型的多元统计分类法 service.ilib.cn 9. Hydrochemical study of karst groundwater in the Jinan spring catchment 济南泉域排泄区岩溶地下水水化学特征 ilib.com.cn 10. Water quality management modes for Penaeus monodon desalting culture in ponds near estuary and their hydrochemical states 河口区斑节对虾淡化养殖塘水化学状况与水质管理模式 www.ilib.cn 1. Hydrochemical Field and Zonation of the Upper Triassic Gas Field Water in the West Sichuan Depression 论川西坳陷上三叠统气田水化学场及其分带 service.ilib.cn 2. The underground water hydrochemical characteristics of seawater invasion area around Laizhou Bay 莱州湾海水入侵区地下水水化学特征 ilib.com.cn 3. Hydrochemical characteristics in Shule River basin and environment protection 疏勒河流域水化学特征及其保护 www.ilib.cn 4. Analysis on the Spatial Differentiation of Hydrochemical Characteristics in the Heihe River Watershed 黑河流域水化学空间分异特征分析 service.ilib.cn 5. Experimental study on hydrodynamic model on seismic hydrochemical anomaly migration 地下水化学异常信息迁移的水动力学模型实验研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Hydrochemical characteristics of brines and application to locating potassium in western Tarim Basin 塔里木盆地西部古盐矿点卤水水化学特征与找钾研究 www.ilib.cn 7. The Distribution and Hydrochemical Characteristics of the Drinking NaturalMineral Water in Shanghai Area 上海市矿泉水的分布及其水化学特征 www.ilib.cn 8. The Dynamic Changes of Hydrochemical Characteristics and the Analysis of Influencing Factors about Nanhu Lake in Changchun 长春南湖环境水化学动态变化及其影响因素分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Methods of Discriminant Analysis Classification of Hydrochemical Types of Salt Lakes 盐湖水化学类型的判别分析研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Digestion of Potassium Feldspar Ore through High Pressure Hydrochemical Process 钾长石的高压水化学法浸出 service.ilib.cn 1. The Progress of Preparing Soft Magnetic Ferrite Ultrafine Powders by Hydrochemical Method 锰锌软磁铁氧体微粉的液相合成研究进展 ilib.cn 2. Hydrochemical Characteristics and Formation Mechanism of Drainage Water in Coal Mines of Zibo 淄博煤矿矿坑排水的水化学特征及其形成机理的初步研究 ilib.cn 3. Application of Stepwise Cluster Analysis to Hydrochemical Type of Groundwater 分步聚类分析方法划分地下水水化学类型 www.ilib.cn 4. Applications of Hydrochemical Cluster Analysis in Karst Water System Research 水化学聚类分析在岩溶水系统研究中的应用 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Hydrochemical Methods for Study Water Flow in Heterogenous Featured Aquifers 非均质裂隙渗流场研究中的水化学方法 www.ilib.cn 6. Methods of factor analysis of hydrochemical characteristics of Qinghai Salt Lakes 青海盐湖水化学特征的因子分析研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Effects of Soil Cover on Drips Hydrochemical Characteristics in Jiangjun Cave, Guizhou 贵州将军洞上覆土层对滴水水化学特征的影响 scholar.ilib.cn 8. Analysis of groundwater hydrochemical characteristics in Qian'An 乾安县地下水水化学特征分析 www.ilib.cn 9. The hydrochemical state of water in rearing breeder pond and breeding larval pond of Penaeus vannamei at estuary area 河口区南美白对虾亲虾培育池和育苗池水化学状况 www.ilib.cn 10. Study on accumulated law and hydrochemical character of groundwater in Yanchi County 盐池地区地下水赋存规律与水化学特征研究 www.ilib.cn 1. An exploration and review on the hydrochemical precursor observation 水化前兆观测的探讨和反思 service.ilib.cn 2. Hydrochemical Zonality and Geochemical Modeling of Deep-Lying Pore Water in Taiyuan City 太原市深层孔隙水的水化学分带性及其地球化学模拟 www.ilib.cn 3. Study on Hydrochemical Short-Impending Tracing Index System in Shandong Region 山东地区水化学短临跟踪标志体系的研究 www.ilib.cn 4. The features of hydrochemical precursor in Guangdong and Fujian Province 粤闽地区水化学地震前兆异常特征分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Effects of forest and swamp on hydrochemical characteristics of streams 森林和沼泽对溪流水化学特征的影响 www.ilib.cn 6. Theoretical basis and research progress of hydrochemical damage of rock 岩石水化学损伤的理论基础及研究进展 www.ilib.cn 7. Study on Thermal Resource Future in North Part of Qingdao City by Using Hydrochemical Method 采用水化学方法对青岛北部地区地热资源远景的探讨 service.ilib.cn 8. Study on hydrochemical mineralization factor of gold placer 砂金水化学成矿因素探讨 www.ichacha.net 9. The study indicates that sea water and brine intrusion processes have different hydrochemical features; 研究表明,现代海水、卤水在入侵过程中的地下水水化学特征有明显不同; dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Hydrochemical Characteristics of Brines in the Mining area of West Taijinar Salt Lake in Qaidam Basin 柴达木盆地西台吉乃尔盐湖矿区卤水水化学特征 ilib.com.cn 1. Study on the hydrochemical variations caused by the water-rock-gas interaction--an example from the Guilin Karst Experimental Site 水-岩-气相互作用引起的水化学动态变化研究--以桂林岩溶试验场为例 www.ilib.cn 2. A Survey of Lakes in the Republic of Ireland: Hydrochemical Characteristics and Acid Sensitivity 爱尔兰共和国境内的湖泊调查:水化学特性和酸敏感性 3. The Study on Reliability Analysis and Application in Hydrochemical Modeling of Water-rock rock Interaction 水-岩作用模拟的可信度分析及其应用初探 www.ilib.cn 4. Hydrological and Hydrochemical Features of Kartamak Glacier Area in Muztag Ata 慕士塔格卡尔塔马克冰川作用区的水文与水化学特征 www.ilib.cn 5. Hydrochemical characteristics of three kinds of wetland in Gongbiela Basin 公别拉河流域三类湿地水化学特征研究 www.ilib.cn |
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