单词 | into place | ||||||||
释义 | into place
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 在太空里,到一个地方,挤住 1. They also love predictability, so be sure to sit down and talk to your children about any routines you see that need to be put into place. 他们喜欢常规的生活,所以,你应该坐下来一起和孩子们研究研究怎么样来规定生活中的惯例结构。 www.bing.com 2. With medical-malpractice occurred, criminal liability and administrative liability as well as civil liability come into place in accordance. 随着医疗事故的发生,各种法律上的责任,如刑事责任、行政责任、民事责任等也会随之产生。 www.fabiao.net 3. The word must sit in the lumber room of every cinema, a set of marquee letters permanently joined up and ready to be re-winched into place. 这个字眼肯定被放在所有影院的储藏室里,一组大号字永久性的连在一起,准备重新组合。 www.ftchinese.com 4. You may feel ready to begin something new, and yet the pieces may not be clicking into place. 你感到你已经准备去去迎接新事物,但可能还不能如愿开始。 www.douban.com 5. I think the best fishing places not comfortable, give you ready to hungry fish, but he asserts that extremely attractive nature into place. 我认为最好的钓鱼场所不是舒适的、给你准备好饿鱼的垂钓园,而是那极其吸引力的大自然野外成的场所。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. These observations clicked into place in quick succession; I felt like a projector being loaded with slides of maleness, of male seeing. 这种观察接二连三的发生,我就像一部投影仪一样从男人们的视角去看来自他们的幻灯片。 www.bing.com 7. As you will know, we have long anticipated this occurrence and everything is ready to put into place. 就如你们将知道的那样,我们期待这个事件的发生已经很久,每件事情正准备落实到位。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Workers attempt to secure an oil boom into place in an effort to protect the coast line from the massive oil spill near Hopedale, Louisiana. 工人企图布放拦油栏栅,努力去阻止大量漏油接近路易斯安那州霍普代尔。 www.slideshare.net 9. The body and bonnet are best joined by holding the bonnet assembly open end up and dropping all required items into place one at a time. 装配时始终打开阀帽直到一次装入所有要求安装的配件可使阀体和阀帽良好配合。 dict.kekenet.com 10. Needles and bags are efficiently hustled into place, as if it were not poison that is about to be put in the body. 针和药水袋已经有效的固定好,好像只要没有阻碍就将进入身体。 www.hxen.com 1. When you wholeheartedly love who you are, the world will fall in love with you, and the right relationship will fall into place. 如果你全心全意爱你自己,这个世界也会爱你,好的关系也会随之而来。 www.bing.com 2. The programs it executes are configured through a set of configuration files, which can be dropped into place by packages or by the admin. 对于每个事件,其处理程序都可以通过软件包或管理员指定的一组配置文件定制。 translations.launchpad.net 3. Once we stop fretting over making everyone happy, eating an exact way or fitting in exercise all the time life seems to slip into place. 一旦我们停止一天到晚为了使每个人高兴,遵循准确的方式饮食和做运动这种情况,事情看起来就已经悄悄地进入状态了。 www.bing.com 4. This material is usually advertised as molding to your unique shape, reducing stress points, and then springing back into place. 这种材料通常作为广告宣传塑造你独特的外形,减轻压力点,然后突然冒出放回。 zhentou002.bokee.com 5. In my daily affairs , spirituality is the only thing that matters , and everything always falls into place in the end . 在日常生活当中,修行是我唯一在意的事,其他一切事情,最后都会有最好的安排。 www.bing.com 6. If you focus on being the best at the one thing you KNOW you can rock, then the rest will fall into place. 如果你集中精力做一件你所能做成的事情,那么剩下的将会水到渠成。 www.bing.com 7. Instead, he began looking at the climate of creativity that innovative leaders, from Edison to IDEO's CEO David Kelley, had put into place. 相反地,他开始注重创新的氛围,这是从爱迪生到IDEO公司首席执行官戴维·凯利等创新领袖曾经打造的。 sinaurl.cn 8. I considered simply nailing the board back into place. . . Yet part of me could not do that. I simply had to know. . . 我本想简单的再把木板钉回去了事…但是我不愿意那样做,我想要看个究竟… www.kekenet.com 9. Valencia had an operation on Wednesday evening to put his left ankle back into place after it was fractured and dislocated. 巴伦西亚周三晚上做了手术,左脚踝植入了一块钢板帮助固定脱臼的部位。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 10. But we found a skilful team , who hoisted it into place during a solemn and somewhat apprehensive ceremony . 不过,我们找到了一个技术不错的团队,在一个庄严却有点惴惴不安的仪式中,把这个柱子吊到了安放位置。 www.bing.com 1. Its own weight keeps it upright. Hoisted into place in 1832, it has stood there ever since. 自1832年被竖立起来之后,便一直站立在那里。 www.bing.com 2. YiXing GuLi against and super ultra don't listen to his wife, Nu into place inside. 义兴故吏欲迎超家,而超不听,尽以妻孥入处宫内。 wenwen.soso.com 3. A similarly uniform system could be put into place in the U. S. 一个类似的统一形式的系统即将在美国市场运行。 www.bing.com 4. We are all agreed that hair should be a medium length and only teased enough to be coaxed into place. 我们都同意头发应该是中等长度,只要够梳理到位就行了。 www.tdict.com 5. Breathe smoothly, and everything seems to have also fell into place. 呼吸平顺了,似乎一切也都顺了。 www.tradeask.com 6. 'Over the last 20 years, we've seen quite a complete and comprehensive framework having been put into place in China. 过去的20多年中,我们看到一个相当完整全面的纠纷解决框架已在中国就位。 www.bloglegal.com 7. The boy said, "It was simple. On the back of the page was a picture of a man. When I put the man together the whole world fell into place. " 儿子说道:“很简单,地图的背面是一幅人像,当我把那个人的图像拼在一起时,世界就拼在一起了。” blog.sina.com.cn 8. Simplify, simplify. Find the essential core of any situation. Learn to concentrate on that, and all the complications will fall into place. 简化,简化。找到问题关键,集中分析,所有复杂迎刃而解。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. National regulatory authorities have put into place expedited processes that do not compromise on the quality and safety of the vaccine. 国家主管部门致力于加快进程,在疫苗的质量和安全性不能妥协。 www.bing.com 10. Suddenly, the secrets of Jackson Pollock seemed to fall into place for me: he must have adopted nature's rhythms when he painted. 忽然间,帕洛克的秘密似乎已历历在目:他作画时必然采用了自然界的韵律。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Planer: Block of wood used AS a pad for tapping letterpress type into place on the surface of the stone. 平版木:垫着敲打,推平装版台上的活版铅的木块。 dict.ebigear.com 2. I think this is often a goal or mandate that management puts into place that produces more work then results. 我认为这通常是一个目标或要求,即通过管理产生更多的工作,然后取得相应的效果。 www.ibm.com 3. But gradually, "all the bits fell into place like a well-made piece of furniture. All the drawers slotted in, " he told the Times. 但渐渐地,“一切都明朗了,就像一件制作精良的家具,所有抽屉都协调顺畅,”他对《泰晤士报》说。 www.bing.com 4. Even so, you seem to have been dragging your feet, perhaps because the pieces of your plan have not yet fit into place. 即使是这样,你似乎受到点牵绊,可能是因为,计划的细节局部还没有完全到位。 www.douban.com 5. On the other, it has serious reservations about how to put such a force into place. 另一方面,这要以严肃的态度来处理如何使这支部队进入角色。 www.ecocn.org 6. And just when all the pieces starting to fall into place, the four year deadline is right around the corner, and the mess? 当这一切都即将走上正轨,四年任期却又近在咫尺。剩下的这团乱麻怎么办? www.dioenglish.com 7. when the hurlers are putting zeroes on the board and balls are being caught , everything else just seems to fall into place. 当投手没让对手得分且所有的球都被接到,所有的事情似乎就理所当然的到位了。 www.ichacha.net 8. Just as the sequence of time is in flux, so the necessary components fall into place without adhering to a schedule. 正如时间是流动的,因此必要的部分不需要根据计划而就位。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. For over a year, she worked on putting her art collection into place. 一年多来,她把所收藏的艺术品一个个放在合适的位置上。 www.bing.com 10. When programmed laser path is complete, the new parts into place that this kind of loop. 当编好程序的激光路径完成时,新的制件入位,重复着这种循环。 www.bing.com 1. A moment later I pulled on a wig and combed it into place; then I added a pair of glasses. 过了一会,我戴上假发,梳理好假发,再戴上眼镜,回到自己的房里。 en4ch.blog.tianya.cn 2. If you don't have a good job, think about the last time that you did, and try to put those elements back into place. 如果你对工作不满意,想一下最后一次拥有满意的工作,然后把上次中的那些元素放回去。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 3. As you learn to do this, everything will fall into place and wonderful synchronicities will begin to manifest in your lives. 由于你学到这么去做,每件事情都会安置就位,奇妙的同步性将开始在你们的生活中显现出来。 blog.163.com 4. Now segments of the garb pop out of the ring and snap into place as he moves. 现在,服装的各部分会从戒指中弹出并在他移动的瞬间自动就位。 dongxi.net 5. When sewn into a product, they move easily with the garment and relax back into place without restricting movement. 当缝成一个产品,他们就容易与服装和放松到位,又不会限制运动。 www.a1pak.net.cn 6. Those events identified as high-risk should have specific plans put into place to mitigate them so they do not, in fact, occur. 那些标示为高风险的事件应当有特定的计划来加以缓解,以便避免其实际产生。 www.bing.com 7. the paper had not gone into place, needle tiaodong due to, resulting in misregister, and traced of doubling. 纸张不有行到位,引起针位跳动,导致套印禁绝,而且还会伴有轻影。 www.bing.com 8. A malleable packing compound is forced into place by an adjustable packing nut, or similar arrangement. 用可调盘根压盖帽或类似装置将韧性填料压入适当位置。 www.infopetro.com.cn 9. The issue today is that too much of that profit is being used to service loans put into place when the club was bought. 现在的问题是我们的太多盈利都被用来为债务服务。 www.lfcbbs.com 10. You have kicked the standard of God to the curb and you have set about to put your own form of righteousness into place and it is worthless! 你们把上帝的准则踢到路边,自行制定行为标准,这是毫无价值的! blog.sina.com.cn 1. So the first part of the stimulus was cash grants, followed by investments, which would take longer to put into place. 因此,刺激计划的第一步是现金补贴,继之以逐步释放的投资计划。 www.1911.cn 2. What he has told me and what has happened will fall into place like the pieces of a puzzle. 他所说的和所发生的一切情况都会象拼板游戏中的一块块图板那样各得其所。 dict.v.wenguo.com 3. Piles are then driven along the channel, and prefabricated sections of the tunnel are lowered into place on to the piles. 桩,然后带动沿线通道,和预制节隧道降低到地方上的桩。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Norton locks the safe, swings his wife's framed sampler back into place. 诺顿锁住保险柜,把他妻子的刺绣作品旋回原处。 www.xiaoshuo.com 5. Every once in a while the universe is in perfect sync with our goals, and things begin to slip into place almost effortlessly. 每过一阵子宇宙就会与你完美同步,事情总会不费力地滑入适当位置。 www.douban.com 6. Meanwhile, Iran has had no real problem selling its oil to Asian countries, though tougher sanctions are set to go into place this summer. 尽管针对伊朗更严厉的制裁将在今年夏天开始生效,但伊朗那时可以将其生产的石油卖给任何一个亚洲国家,这些制裁对伊朗毫无影响。 www.bing.com 7. Satellites also aimed their transmissions at the Earth, with almost none being allowed to escape into place. 此外,卫星传输的目标是地球,几乎没有信号得以逸出到太空中。 blog.163.com 8. Do not drop or kick the master rotary bushings into position. Always use insert tools and hoist them into place. 不要投放或踢放大方瓦,应当用专用工具提着放入。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. With a roar of exertion, they heave a piece of rail into place with a loud clanging of hammers and crowbars. 随着一阵喊声,伴随着锤子和铁橇的咣铛声,他们将一节铁轨放入正确的地方。 www.bing.com 10. only when the key link is grasped will everything fall into place, which points out a new way learning ancient calligraphy art. 纲举目张,为人们指出了一条学习古代书法艺术的新途径。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The U. S. Federal Aviation Administration has put a ground stop into place for all U. S. -originating civilian aircraft until 6 p. m. 美国联邦航空局(FAA)宣布所有由美国启程飞往当地的民用航班在美东时间下午6点之前禁止起飞。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 2. I wonder sometimes when I see him twisting it around the back of his neck how he will ever get it into place again. 有时看到他把它扭着伸到颈后我便纳闷他怎样把它再放回原处。 www.bing.com 3. Simply snap the hood into place and the M100 is ready to begin testing. 简单管理的到位罩和M100准备开始测试。 www.gyzdhw.com 4. We shall put into place the preferential taxation policy and the power of examination and approval of high-tech enterprises. 落实税收优惠政策和高新技术企业的审批权限。 www.showxiu.com 5. The helicopter lifted up the steel pylon, transported it to the site, and dropped it gently into place. 直升飞机把高压电缆铁塔吊起,运至工地,然后轻轻放下使之就位。 www.jukuu.com 6. when a section is butted up against another, it may be nudged into place easily and will self-position. 当一截面与另一截面对接好,就容易就位且自我定位。 1x1y.com.cn 7. When you start traveling things seem to just fall into place. 当你踏上旅途,一切都会显得水到渠成,自然而然的。 www.bing.com 8. Though controversial, the idea of pulling and levering the stones into place does address the shortcomings of the various ramp theories. 关于此种说法,尽管仍有争议,但这种通过拉拽和杠杆提升石块的方法确实能弥补坡道理论的缺陷。 www.eoezone.com 9. You don't have to make a commitment. Be happy to spend time with someone you really like and the rest will fall into place. 你不必承诺,放心和你真正喜欢的人一起享受生活吧,只等水到渠成了。 www.zhongzhao.com 10. Make sure the condom stays in place during sex; if it rolls up, roll it back into place immediately. 确保安全套在进行性交时仍然保持位置,避免移位,否则吋虽立即重新卷开。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. And then, a final piece of the puzzle falls into place and an inspiration, a clear vision is born. 这个时候就像拼图的最后一块填对了位置一样,清晰具体的创作目标就正式诞生了。 www.bing.com 2. You'll soon be surprised to see how quickly things begin to fall into place. 很快你就会吃惊地发现,事情竟这样地走上了正轨。 www.jukuu.com 3. It involved inserting a metal tube behind and into one of the patient's eyes, through which the implant was put into place. 这包括在患者眼球的后侧插入金属软管,通过这个金属软管,移植物就可以被放在合适的位置。 www.bing.com 4. The metal shell underneath the rubber over molding consists of two of pieces of thin steel that are stamped and folded into place. 的金属外壳下的橡胶注塑由两件薄钢板的冲压和折叠到位。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Even though all the pieces are still falling into place for learning objects, developers can try out plenty of tools and demos right away. 尽管学习对象的各个方面还没有到位,开发人员却已经有足够的工具和例子可以尝试。 www.ibm.com 6. He is a man who speaks eloquently about our national goals and calls for the practical solutions that must be put into place to obtain them. 他是一名清楚了解我们国家的目标并为此提出切实可行的方案的人。 lsunsetpark.spaces.live.com 7. The panel simply clicks into place in the housing. 面板可以方便地在壳体中卡入到位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. After you assemble the racks and put them into place with all cabling completed, there is still a large amount of hardware configuration. 装配好机架并把它们放在适当位置上,连接好全部电缆之后,仍要做大量的硬件配置工作。 www.ibm.com 9. Slowly, the pieces of the puzzle began to fall into place. 慢慢地,我的迷惑开始澄清了。 www.360doc.com 10. Here they chained heavy logs and dragged them into place to make a mold for the Wall. 他们在这里用链条拴住沉重的原木,然后把它们拉到适当的位置当城墙的模子。 www.24en.com 1. The final preparations are being made for the first of the roof sections to be lifted into place. 为了使第一部分屋顶放在预定的地点,工人们正在做最后的准备。 post.baidu.com 2. Ensure the white set line on the cable is in line with the corresponding mark on the ICP Express connector, and snap it into place. 要保证电缆上的白色设置线条和ICP显示装置连接器上相应的标志在一条线上,要将其调整到准确的位置。 www.waiwenfanyi.com 3. Gently insert the inner ring of the Female Condom into the vagina. Feel the inner ring go up and move into place. 轻柔地将女用避孕套的内环插入阴道。将内环往上推入预定的位置。 www.showxiu.com 4. To be more popular with your boys, start by loving who you are, and the rest will fall into place. 要让自己更受男孩欢迎,从热爱真我开始,其他的自然就水到渠成了。 www.kekenet.com 5. Continuous employee trainings and product improvements are being put into place in order to offer better benefits to the guests. 不间断的员工培训和产品改进也正在落实到位,确保能给我们的客户提供更好的服务和利益。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. However, stock prices do not exactly snap back into place overnight. 然而,股票的价格不会在一夜之间下跌到位的。 www.56.cx 7. The first of several gates aimed at protecting the tower as well as the adjacent medieval cathedral and baptistery has been put into place. 首批旨在保护斜塔及其附近的中世纪教堂和洗礼堂的安全门已经安装完毕。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 8. a solid substance (as gold or porcelain) fitted to a cavity in a tooth and cemented into place. 填补齿洞并巩固在那地方的通常为金或瓷器的固体物质。 www.hotdic.com 9. I knew that a great many parts of the puzzle had to fall into place. 我知道,有大量难办的事情需要落到实处。 www.jukuu.com 10. Ergonomically better, no negative effect on wrists since it does not need to be screwed into place. 更符合生物工程学,对手腕没有负作用,因为不需要把它旋进位置。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Then he gently patted the strand back into place, and I felt his cool fingertips against my throat. 然后,他温柔地把那缕头发放回原处,我感觉到他冰冷的指尖触到了我的喉咙。 www.putclub.com 2. Other folks will wait for several TL's to be put into place prior to upgrading to ensure maximum reliability. 而另一些人将在升级前等待某些TL准备就绪,从而确保获得最大程度的可靠性。 www.ibm.com 3. This can be sealed into place on both vertical and horizontal PFM form-fill-seal machines to make reclosable bags. 这可以被密封在纵向和横向的烤瓷成型充填封口机,使夹链袋到位。 bzxw.512121.com 4. Kristian von Bengston works on the seating system for the spacecraft as the crash-test dummy is hoisted into place. 当碰撞测试假人被吊入时,克里斯蒂安·冯·本特森正在进行航天飞船的座位系统方面的工作。 www.bing.com 5. if again a bit deeper, you'll find several concave into place, into concave areas there is a small black Aberdeen . 如果再深一点,你就会发现有几条凹进去的地方,在凹进去的地方里有一个小黑仔。 www.bing.com 6. It looks like a bullet and is put into place through the nose. 它看上去象一颗子弹,并通过鼻孔放置进它的位置。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. If the model was actually put into place, its projected annual costs would be close to $3. 5 billion. 倘若该模型能投入实际应用,每年投入的费用将近35亿美元。 www.elanso.com 8. Managers put systems into place, streamline processes, create risk-avoidance procedures, and steer the investor's money into safe harbor. 管理者通过风险防范机制,把投资者的钱控制在安全状态。 blog.hjenglish.com 9. How can I start to construct, build, and put into place a system that has characteristics of the service oriented architecture? 我该如何开始组织、构建并将其放在具有面向服务体系结构特征的系统中? www-128.ibm.com 10. The demise of Colonel Qaddafi is a vital piece of the jigsaw falling into place. 卡扎菲之死是推动这个民主拼图开始有序组合的重要一环。 club.topsage.com 1. Snapped into place on a waist, the PDA immediately transforms the wearer from galactic voyager to tethered back-office schlub. 如果把PDA挂在腰间,佩戴者立即从一个星际漫游者变成一个饱受束缚的工作狂。 www.ftchinese.com 2. So after the tech bubble, new rules were put into place to stop Wall Street from using analysts to push worthless stocks. 于是我们看到,高科技泡沫过后,华尔街实施了新规则防止分析师大肆推荐垃圾股票。 www.bing.com 3. Think of your loving supporters as pets and everything will fall into place. 把你忠诚的支持者当做宠物,那么所有的事情都会井井有条。 www.kekenet.com 4. I knelt on loose boards, tapping each plank into place with a rubber mallet and then nailing it home. 我跪在松动的地板上,用橡皮锤把木板敲到适当的位置。 www.bing.com 5. Further afield, Beijing has put into place infrastructure that would make Houston blush. 更进一步地,北京的基础设施建设计划庞大得让休斯敦自愧不如。 www.bing.com 6. Faculty and student protests kicked into place the first week of classes, reflecting enormous contention over the best way to respond. 教师和学生在开学第一周就进行了抗议,这反映了人们对于如何作出最佳应对还存在巨大的争议。 www.bing.com 7. "It was very exciting" to have the fossilized pieces of the puzzle fall into place, Ms. Whitcome said. 把谜一样的化石按序放好让人“感到非常振奋”,Whitcome女士说。 www.bing.com 8. Perhaps the Icarus could serve as the beam generator which pushes its planetary explorer probes into place. 也许在伊卡洛斯计划中,光束产生器就可以用于推进它的行星探测器进行太空飞行。 www.bing.com 9. The energies and the patterns of those energies were set into place and this grand thing called duality was put into force. 调设好了能量和那些能量的样式后,这个伟大的叫做二元对立的东西就开始运作。 84685577.blog.163.com 10. Install the defogger relay by aligning the relay terminals with the cavities in the junction block and pushing the relay firmly into place. 对准接线盒中有孔的继电器端子,安装除雾继电器,并把继电器插牢。 www.jukuu.com 1. However, the flip side of the coin terrifies me: what if those jigsaw pieces will not fit back into place? 然而凡事有两面性,事物的反面使我恐惧:如果拼图无法恢复呢? www.usastudy.com.cn 2. Karma cannot be resolved before things are set into place to do so. 业力无法在事情被设置到位之前解决。 apps.hi.baidu.com 3. (looking up as she folds the sheets into place) Pyjamas! (折叠着床单抬起头)松睡衣! www.bing.com 4. Align the hex plate with the receiver on the head and gently press down until the lock clicks into place ( figure 13 ) . 然后将六角形快装板与云台上的对应处对齐,接着轻轻按下直到锁紧(图13)。 www.bing.com 5. Just then, a large black rat appears out of nowhere and jumps into her arms. Then it clinks into place. 就在刚才,一只大的黑老鼠不知从什么地方跑了出来并且跳到了她的胳膊上。然后它发出了叮当的声音。 post.baidu.com 6. A recent law passed by the Summerville town council mirrors legislation that has been put into place throughout the country. 一项最近由萨默维尔镇议会通过的立法表明这一方法将向全国推广。 www.bing.com 7. The instant the bicycle's front wheel clicked into place, a person walking by asked me, "How was the ride? " 前轮刚卡进位置,一位路人就问我说“骑得怎么样?” voa.hjenglish.com 8. There is real, actionable advice and techniques you and your team can put into place immediately. 它提供真实、可操作的建议,还有一些让你和你的团队能够马上实践的技能。 www.justing.com.cn 9. Studies, relations with abroad and matters of justice now fall into place. Things finally start moving on the communication front. 学习、海外关系和公正方面的事件将依次出现。事情终于开始向沟通方面前进了。 horoscopes.blogbus.com 10. Focus on doing that instead of being perfect, and everything else on your to-do list should fall into place. 做对事情,而不是追求完美,这样你想做的事情自然会顺心顺意。 www.bing.com 1. This ramp, coated with mud and water, eased the displacement of the blocks which were pushed (or pulled) into place. 这个斜坡覆盖着一层泥和水,然后缓缓地移动推(或拉)到上面的石块。 www.bing.com 2. Designers envision building the skybridges at the saddle and then using a jacking mechanism to hoist them into place. 设计师构想在三脚基底上建立天空之桥,然后升起机械结构让它们能扬起升空。 www.bing.com 3. The vessel remains stable in choppy waters, thanks to four platform legs that anchor it into place, even during extreme conditions. 游艇在波涛汹涌的水面或甚至在天气极端恶劣的情况下也能保持平衡前进,因为四个平台的支柱牢固的被锚定。 www.bing.com 4. But before that can happen, both football field-sized slabs of concrete and steel must be slid into place by something called a skid jack. 但在此之前可能发生,这两个足球场大小的混凝土和钢砖必须到位滚到称为东西jack。 www.bugutang.com 5. You run the hook down, and you just pull the wall up into place. 将挂钩放下来,用拉力将墙竖起来。 open.163.com 6. Around me . . . people that I know . . . there seems indeed, to be wonderful things falling into place for them. 围绕我…的人们,那个我知道…这些看起来确实如此,让奇妙的事情为他们而进入现实。 apps.hi.baidu.com 7. You just have to be happy. If you are, everything else will fall into place. 你只须快乐点,若快乐,其他一切都会回到正轨上去。 wenku.baidu.com 8. Plastruct rod was used to fabricate the railing and ladder steps for the spindle, and they were simply glued into place. plastruct杆被用来制造栏杆和梯子的步骤为主轴,而他们只是粘到的地方。 techdomains.b174.zgsj.net 9. Cover, kindness and tolerance, makes Picasso clouds covering the miserable life suddenly click into place. 盖内克的善良与包容,使得毕加索阴云覆盖的凄凉生活忽然变得豁然开朗起来。 www.bing.com 10. Now that Beijing is putting into place stronger policies, some question Chinese reliability instead. 如今中国政府出台了更强有力的政策,一些人就转而开始质疑中国的可靠性。 www.ftchinese.com 1. And, as they report in Nature Photonics, an important part of the puzzle has just fallen into place. 因而,如同他们发表在自然光子学里的论文所述,未解之谜已接近尘埃落定。 boboan79.blog.163.com 2. Smudge tool used to smear shadows and highlights into place. 应用模糊工具将阴影和亮部融入区域中。 bbs.hxsd.com.cn 3. Millions of people need, in the very short term, to see some supporting structures being put into place, even if these are temporary. 这里有数百万人需要在短期内看到修建好某种简易住房,哪怕是临时性的。 web.worldbank.org 4. The table foundation design has anchor bolts which are normally located through the foundation table plate when lowered into place. 工作台基础的设计都是有锚栓的,通常锚栓在工作台安放到位时要穿过它。 www.zftrans.com 5. With the present reforms that went into place, how will that help him? 随着目前改革的推行,他会有怎样的帮助? www.bing.com 6. Sometimes a stroll to smiling Germano at the Portuguese deli, to pick up her papers, would shake the plot into place. 有时她会信步走到那家葡萄牙熟食店里总是面带笑容的德国人那去取报纸,一路上便能将故事情节理顺出来。 blog.hjenglish.com 7. Shoes are inserted into the pockets through elastic bands, which secure them snugly into place. 把鞋子插入口袋是通过橡皮筋,安全贴身鞋子进入。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Olive oil glides into place as a must-have household and beauty product. 橄榄油作为一种必须居家和美容用品悄然进入我们的生活。 www.bing.com 9. The shadows lengthened, the stars popped into place, and the air chilled abruptly. 山峦的影子越来越长,星星慢慢出现,空气也陡然变凉了。 dongxi.net 10. When I'm trusting and being myself. . . everything in my life reflects this by falling into place easily, often miraculously. 当我信任又当我自己…我生命中的每一件事都很简易的适得其所,通常是奇迹式的。 www.hfu.edu.tw 1. Bleachers are erected around construction sites so the locals can sit and watch cranes swing steel beams into place. 看台立在建筑工地四周,让当地人得以坐在上头欣赏起重机将钢梁吊至定位的过程。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. "Maybe it's a Trojan horse that smuggles the right policy into place, " mused Paul Krugman, grimly, at Princeton. “也许它是带来正确政策的特洛伊木马”普林斯顿的PaulKrugma谨慎而冷静地说。 www.ecocn.org 3. To achieve this on the legs, I brush up first to make sure I get it all and then brush down into place. 为了达到这个目标就双腿,我刷了一次,以确保我得到这一切,然后刷下来到位。 bbs.westies.cn 4. Usually these techniques must be put into place so that the new hardware can be used effectively. 常常需要综合应用这些技术,才能让新的硬件发挥作用。 www.ibm.com 5. When we read the Bible in the light of its plot, things begin to fall into place. 当我们根据其情节来阅读圣经时,事情就变得井然有序了。 www.51zanmei.com 6. Tie the two sheets tightly into place under the rim with string, leaving long ends of excess string to make a handle. 用绳子将两张纸片紧紧绑在模具边缘,绳子留出足够的长度打一个结。 pro.yeeyan.org 7. Add more glue as needed and work your way to the edges of the plate pressing firmly on to the fabric and easing it into place. 添加更多的工作你需要和胶的边缘板压在织物及坚定缓和它。 wenwen.soso.com 8. This report is solidly positive for the economy: bit by bit the pieces of recovery are falling into place. 这份报告对于经济来说是一个非常积极的利好消息:恢复正在稳定进行中。 www.ecocn.org 9. First we're going to apply halo, which uses weights and traction to pull your spine back into place. 我们会使用重量的牵引将你的脊椎回复原位 www.tingclass.net 10. Good things happen to me. Everything is falling into place perfectly. 好事儿都发生在我身上,一切都完美极了。 www.bing.com 1. With the discovery, a number of other findings are falling neatly into place. 此发现,让许多其他发现依次显现。 www.bing.com 2. An entire section is pieced together and then put into place within the structure. 整整一节是拼凑在一起,然后投入的地方,内部的结构。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Finally, an internet based SP survey method is put into place with a webpage produced by JSP TOMCAT6. 0 database technology. 最后,提出了网络SP调查法,并采用JSP TOMCAT6.0 数据库技术编写了调查网页,进行了调查。 www.fabiao.net 4. Insert until the connector clicks into place . To remove , press here and pull out . 插入直到连接器喀嗒一声到位。要取出,按此处并拉出。 www.bing.com 5. As soon as one decides to take a role after having read the script, the various elements begin to fall into place. 当你读完剧本决定出演这个角色的时候,那些元素就各就各位了。 www.mtime.com 6. It also operates as a flash of understanding where ideas just fall into place. 它以如闪电般的运作,意念自然而然地发生。 hknewage.hk 7. 4-Once the holes are bored, spread glue in the holes and along the board edges. Then gently tap the dowels into place. 图4。钻好孔后,在对接边和榫孔里刷胶,然后轻轻地把圆榫敲进榫孔。 www.360doc.com 8. As the puzzle pieces move into place, a plan is made to reveal Galactic Presence. 随着拼图到位行动中,计划向揭示银河系存在。 tieba.baidu.com 9. The beavers carry or drag the logs into the water and float them into place. 河狸把木料搬运或拖拉进水中,再漂浮到需要的地方。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Then the dollar peg was put into place as China sought to insulate its export sector from the financial crisis. 然后,当中国试图保护出口行业免受金融危机冲击时,人民币又重新盯住了美元。 www.ftchinese.com 1. I saw one worn-out display Powertrack in a shop; the rubber flaps didn't snap back into place when I removed a plug. 我看到某家商店中展出了一个破损的Powertrack接线板,当我拔掉插头时,胶皮无法复位。 www.ebigear.com 2. Apply styling mousse from roots to ends of clean wet hair, then finger-comb everything into place and let air-dry. 将定型摩丝由发根至发梢涂抹在洗干净的湿头发上,然后用手指将头发整理好造型,风干即可。 bbs.enfamily.cn 3. This gives the operator the ability to use both hands to smoothly and precisely guide your load into place. 这使操作者能够使用双手顺利而准确地将负荷放于合适位置。 www.e-gtm.com.cn 4. But some of the parameters are slowly falling into place. 但有一些要素已经慢慢开始成形了。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Place these shapes on top of the duct shapes; their alignment boxes match the width of the ducts so that they snap into place. 将这些形状放置在管道形状之上;它们的对齐框匹配管道的宽度,因此可以咬定位置。 office.microsoft.com 6. Most are already in action, but we are getting a few more yet into place as we finalize everything. 大多数已经开始行动,但是在我们确定好每件事的时刻,我们正让更多的克隆人去就位。 hi.baidu.com 7. It should fall into place. = My schedule or plans should become clear to me. 我的计划应该就要快就绪了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Our plans anticipated this very time and once we see the opportunity to put them into place, matters will speed ahead. 我们的计划估计到了这个非常时期,一旦我们得到了机会把它们落实,事情将飞速发展。 apps.hi.baidu.com 9. When the instrument panel is fitted into place, it is lined up so that the harness connector pushes into the back of the instrument panel. 当仪表盘的位置正确时,它是直线的,这样就能在背后连接进仪表盘。 www.51lunwen.org 10. Mr. McCain put Mr. Day on the floor of their cell and, using his foot, jerked the broken bone into place. 麦凯恩把黛放到囚室的地板上,用脚把断骨踢回了原位。 www.ecocn.org 1. You can select a Web Part, drag it to the target area or zone on the page, and drop it into place. 可以选择一个WebPart,将其拖至页面上的目标区域或目标区,然后放到该位置上。 www.ibm.com 2. So it's like their brains were ready and just waiting for the right components to click into place. 就好像它们在时刻准备着,就等着将正确的元件放入正确的位置。 www.kekenet.com 3. A BANK GUARD. It is closing time now and he is slamming metal plates into place, the sound loud and sharp and final. 一个银行警卫。现在是下班时间,他砰砰地关上铁门,声音很大、锐、结。 www.jukuu.com 4. Inside Shinji's plug, black arms unfold from behind his seat and lock his arms into place, and the dummy plug activates. 慎内的插头,黑色武器展开从后面坐下,锁定他的武器,并在虚拟插件激活。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Things will start to slot into place for you at design time. 知识,你在设计和实现方面的能力越强。 blog.cnbie.com 6. Modules are transported offshore on deck barges and lifted into place by derrick or crane barges. 模块用甲板驳船运至海上,并由起重船或浮吊吊入适当位置。 www.infopetro.com.cn 7. Next, torque your knee inwards (towards the crack), twisting the shoe and locking it into place. 接下来,向内转动膝盖(向着裂缝的方向),同时扭转岩鞋,直至卡死在岩缝里。 www.bing.com 8. So the pieces of a grand bargain begin to fall into place. 于是,做成一笔大“买卖”所需的种种条件开始变得明朗。 www.ftchinese.com 9. An ironworker pushes a beam into place on One World Trade Center, formerly known as the Freedom Tower, Tuesday, Aug. 31, 2010, in New York. 一个铁工推入世界贸易中心在一个地方一梁,前身为自由塔,星期二,2010年8月31日在纽约。 08062788.blog.163.com 10. A new traffic layout at the Red Cow roundabout outside Dublin comes into place tomorrow. 都柏林郊外红牛高速出入口新的交通布局工作明天进入施工。 www.haolawyer.com 1. In 1992, Volkswagen put a similar plan into place called Payment Protection Plus. 1992年,大众汽车公司提出了类似的计划,地方保护加所谓付款。 usa.315che.com 2. This is what we will consider OpenERP to be: not an end in itself but just the tool you use to put an advanced management system into place. 这就是我们希望的OpenERP:他不是一个开发的结束,而是一个工具,你使用他来实施一个高级的管理系统。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. When the horn rims and blue suit came off to reveal the Superman uniform underneath, everything fell into place. 在摘掉角质架眼镜、脱去蓝色的西服露出里面的超人制服后,一切都变得明朗了。 www.maynet.cn 4. A fold in cloth made by doubling the material upon itself and then pressing or stitching it into place. 褶皱衣服上的褶,通过将衣服的材料对折叠,然后在衣料上再压紧或缝在一起而制成 dict.ebigear.com 5. Dynamic microphones are seen primarily in live situations where moisture and other factors come into place. 动态麦克风都是主要见于生活情形湿度和其他因素来考虑。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. I can snap it back into place, but I can't stop the bleeding. 我能把它按回去但是我不能给你止血 www.tingroom.com 7. An insight pops into the mind, and suddenly everything falls into place. 心灵突然出现顿悟,一瞬间,一切都清楚了。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. Then the nail must be straightened before it can be hammered into place correctly. 于是在把钉子正确地钉入之前,需要先弄直它。 www.51port.com 9. Once you have answered these questions, the logistics of your meeting will begin to fall into place. 一旦你回答了这些问题,您的会议,物流将开始下降到位。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Donor milk banks have put several safeguards into place to prevent the possibility of disease transmission. 母乳银行已经设置了几道安全关卡来预防疾病传播的可能性。 bbs.sh.liba.com 1. It was so restful, stroking each white petal into place against the green wash behind it. 它是那样地宁静,任每一个白色的花瓣被画人它后面绿色的淡彩中。 www.fzfanyi.com 2. The nacelle is lowered onto the tower, which has, by now been fixed into place with dumbbell-sized bolts. 机舱放到了塔上,固定机舱用的螺栓有哑铃那么粗。 www.bing.com 3. All things will slot into place given time, and remember there is only the One Truth that must replace anything less. 所有的事情都会在特定的时间插入,要明白,只有一个最终真相,它必须取代所有的谎言。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Some health professionals know how to manually manipulate the SI joint back into place, but it often pops back out soon afterward. 一些康复师可以通过手法治疗让关节复位,但用不了多久,它还是会错开。 www.bing.com 5. Watch cloud volumes, the ups and downs, the month, gradually falling into place. 看着云舒云卷,起起落落间,月,渐渐明朗起来。 www.enwaimao.cn 6. Place the entire unit on the bottle and twist the cap. The drop dispenser will snap into place. 将整个单元装置放置在瓶子上并旋转盖子,液滴分配器将扣入定位。 emuch.net 7. In the alternative, say theorists, we could also capture an asteroid and simply haul it into place. 一些理论家给出了一种替代方案——捕捉小行星来将其轻松地拖到指定位置。 www.bing.com 8. Sugihara knows exactly where those assumptions pop into place. 杉原对哪些地方会出现这类假设非常了解。 www.bing.com 9. However, it is part of their final fling to destroy what has already been put into place. 然而,这是他们最后一击了,去摧毁那些所有阻挡的障碍。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. One day you'll come across another giver, and then it will all fall into place, without any restrictions. 有一天你会遇到另一个付出者,那时一切便会有其归属,没有任何约束。 hi.baidu.com 1. Often a great name can make everything that follows, beginning with the design of the identity, fall into place just that tiny bit easier. 通常,一个伟大的名字后面都可以,开始到位的身份与设计,秋天只是微小的更容易一些。 gtn9.com 2. High from a platform above the village, the panels have been slid into place with great care. 在村子里一个平台的上方,人们小心翼翼地把光电板安装就位。 www.bing.com 3. After easing the third cylinder into place, I felt the lid release and slowly open. It was filled with papers. 在将第三个转轮也转到正确的位置后,我感到箱子的盖子松了一下,然后慢慢的开了。 dongxi.net 4. If quality is right all other parameters fall into place (lowest total cost). 质量合格后,所有其它的指标再去依次实现(总成本最低化) wenku.baidu.com 5. After weeks of total chaos, suddenly everything just fell into place. 数周的骚乱之后,突然一切都平静了下来。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. I don't think replacing the LCD is hard, don't force things into place, no rush and take it easy. 我不认为是难以取代的液晶,不要用力地把事情,并不急于采取轻松。 ysqy8.com 7. and put structures into place to measure effectiveness. 将组织结构放到适当位置,以衡量成效。 docs.google.com 8. The Awakened One is open to everything, and everything falls into place. 觉者对一切事物敞开,一切都变得有条不紊。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. It is more rigorous in contract writing. The accuracy of language and legality should be put into place. 在拟定合同是写作要求更为严谨,要求做到语言的准确性和合法信。 bulo.hjenglish.com 10. This Standard ensures that a plasma center has put into place systems that consistently guarantee a quality product. 这个标准保证了血浆中心处于建立始终保证产品质量的制度。 cbs.ausbio.com 1. The workers quickly moved another huge Titan rocket into place. 工人迅速采取行动的另一个巨大的火箭发射到土卫六的地方。 home.ebigear.com 2. Already, railroad workers are moving ties back into place. 铁路工人正在把枕木复位。 www.bing.com 3. If only we could pray sincerely, the way Jesus prayed, everything would fall neatly into place. 只要我们能诚恳地像耶稣这样祈求,一切事情就都能按步妥善成就; xiaozu.renren.com 4. Everything fell into place; they found the love they thought they had missed. 所有的一切都恢复了正常,他们又找回了曾经以为已经失去的爱情。 www.ebigear.com 5. A person's angular features determine where the hair will fall into place. 人的胖瘦程度决定了波波该在何处有角度。 www.bing.com 6. The new box could be epoxied or screw attached into place. 该新盒可以用用环氧树脂粘合或螺栓连接到位。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. The tool window snaps into place at the new docking location. 工具窗口随即驻入新的停靠位置。 msdn2.microsoft.com 8. If it can get past the legal muck then perhaps it will all fall into place for all those music loving kids. 如果他可以得到过去的法律方面的漏洞,那么Facebook就可以得到那些爱音乐孩子们的青睐。 www.bing.com 9. When I read the reports of the case, everything fell into place. 我读了这个案件报告后,一切都清楚了。 www.kekenet.com 10. Position assembly over valve stem and rotate into place. 将组件放置到阀门阀杆上,并将其旋到所需的位置。 www.h6688.com 1. Lowered port gangway into place and fastened safety net. 放妥左舷梯,系牢安全网。二.装卸作业实例 wenku.baidu.com 2. For the scarf cut the scrap of felt (or cloth) and glue into place. 至于围巾,裁好大小合适的毛毡废料或布的废料,直接粘上就好了。 www.24en.com 3. It destabilizes plans the elite may have put into place! 它还动摇了精英可能实施的计划! apps.hi.baidu.com 4. And event organizers are moving into place the giant eight that will soon help to ring in 2008. 活动的组织者正在将这个巨大的“8”放在合适的的位置,以便敲响2008的钟声。 bbs.putclub.com 5. Some people say that if we get the big things taken care of, the small things will fall into place. 有些人说如果我们能处理好大的事情,小的事情自然会处理得好。 www.elanso.com 6. The workers eased the refrigerator into place. 工人们小心地把冰箱移放好。 wenwen.soso.com 7. a lot of mysteries are being solved , and missing puzzle pieces falling into place for these families , and it ' s a good thing. 很多神秘的事情解决了,对于这些家庭中以前存在的谜团明了了,这是好事。 www.ichacha.net 8. The administrator uses a disk imaging utility to copy the operating system image that was created in step 3 into place. 管理员使用磁盘映像实用程序将在步骤3中创建的操作系统映像复制到位。 support.microsoft.com 9. The RAM memory snapped into place and the computer was back together. 内存是啪的一声装了进去,然后电脑就就装好了。 wiki.fcctt.org 10. Slide base firmly across cover until it clicks into place. 幻灯片基础牢固,直至覆盖全国的点击到位。 www.cnwebmarket.cn 1. Their alignment boxes match the width of the ducts so that they snap into place. 前二者的对齐框匹配管道的宽度,因此它们可以咬定位置。 office.microsoft.com 2. I snapped the first slide into place under the microscope and adjusted it quickly to the 40X objective. I studied the slide briefly. 我“啪”地一下把第一张玻片放到显微镜下,敏捷地调到40倍镜,然后简单地看了一下玻片。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. But knowing the "why" behind education, whatever that "why" is, allows the "what" to fall into place. 但是理解教育背后的“为什么”,不论是哪个“为什么”,都会让那个“什么”到位。 bsxlm.com 4. If we wait for everything in life to fall into place, we'll never start because that will never happen. 如果我们总是等待生活中万事俱备的时刻,那么我们就永远无法开始行动,因为从来都没有那样的时刻。 www.bing.com 5. While they fell into place, I hung back, taking cover in the shade of some elephant grass. 当他们鱼贯而行时,我往后退了,躲在一片象草遮蔽的阴暗处。 www.ecocn.org 6. When the plans arrived on Feb. 17, the Obama Treasury Department was getting its auto task force into place. 两家公司2月17日提交计划的时候,奥巴马政府财政部的汽车特别工作组正在到位。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Everything is falling into place as planned. 每件事情都像计划的那样落实着。 apps.hi.baidu.com 8. Work is currently proceeding on the foundations, and the arch will be assembled and slid into place by 2015. 该工程目前正进行打地基的工作,拱形结构将在2015年完成组装并移到预定地点。 www.bing.com 9. The piano is far too heavy to lift, we will have to slide it into place. 这台钢琴太重了,根本搬不动,我们将不得不把它滑到位。 www.hjenglish.com 10. Now we are going to move the image into place. 接下来我们移动图像到合适的位置。 www.bing.com 1. "If everything falls into place and everything works, there is a way to generate new animals, " she says. “如果所有东西都到位并且每样东西都运作起来,那么就有一种产生新动物的方法,”她说。 www.bing.com 2. fell into place everything fall into place. 水到渠成,尘埃落定。 bbs.ebigear.com 3. Inside, the cables are glued into place and have very little room to move. 在内部,电缆粘到的地方,很少有空间移动。 bbs.imp3.net 4. My muscles locked into place, froze me where I stood. 我的动作被锁定,我僵在原地。 bookapp.book.qq.com 5. The bolt slotted smoothly into place. 插销很容易就插上了。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. We have all the tools falling into place so I think that Honda can be a team of the future - with Ross Brawn. 我们一切各就各位,所以我认为Honda能成为未来的车队——在玫瑰爷爷的带领下。 www.barrichello.com.cn 7. It all clicked into place . 一切都豁然开朗。 8. Step 3: Patiently re-insert silicone band and snap the latch back into place. 第3步:耐心地将硅带插回,并将锁扣扣好。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 9. You should hear a "click" as it pops back into place. 当复位时,你可以听到滴的一声。 bbs.hlgnet.com 10. And, to complete the garment, nine 18-carat gold and pave set diamond buttons will be sewn into place. 完成这件西服,还需要在特定位置固定好9个有着18克拉金并镶嵌着钻石的纽扣。 www.elanso.com |
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