单词 | in time |
释义 |
例句释义: 经过一段时间以后,早晚,在恰好的时候,和…合拍,及时,钟点战,时间规划局 1. It's considerate of you to inform me of that matter in time. 你即使同志我那件事,真是考虑的太周到了。 spaces.msn.com 2. Additionally, there are inherent problems with the point in time nature of the current interoperability testing. 另外,当前互操作性测试的时间点特性中还存在一些固有问题。 www.ibm.com 3. A modern scholar gets caught up in time travel, body- swapping, swashbuckling, and sorcery in London, circa 1810. 一位现代学者实现了时间旅行,变更了身份、神气活现并且享受着1810年伦敦的魅力。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. We did not finish the task in time and he was so angry that he said he would wash his hands of the matter. 我们没有及时完成那项任务,他十分气愤,说他绝不会对此事负责。 cindybeijing1.blog.sohu.com 5. Second place went to "at this moment in time, " and third to the constant use of "like, " as if it were a form of punctuation. 排在第二位的是短语“此时此刻”,列第三位的是像标点符号一样被不停使用的单词“像……一样”。 www.ebigear.com 6. It was on the tip of my tongue to call him a liar, but I stopped myself just in time. 我差一点叫他为撒谎鬼,但我及时制止了自己。 sfl.csu.edu.cn 7. roared Hagrid, and Harry looked up just in time to see Hagrid slamming a thick finger into a green button near the fuel gauge. 海格咆哮道,哈利一抬头,正好看见海格用粗粗的手指使劲一摁燃料表旁边的一个绿色按钮。 okread.net 8. Did not the men and women have to be braver in the war times than in time of peace? 有人可能会问:是否战争年代的男女们要比处于和平年代的人更勇敢? bbs.putclub.com 9. There are, at any point in time, a number of possible futures, each, as it were, a state of partial equilibrium. 无论何时,都存在着大量可能的未来,其中的每一个都会趋向一种平衡的状态。 www.bing.com 10. Trying to catch their breath, the two men looked back in time to see the old car suddenly spin 180 degrees and disappear beneath the water. 他们两人一边喘气一边回头,正好看到水中那辆车突然转体180度,消失在水中。 www.zftrans.com 1. With online backup, there is a means to roll forward the logs to any specific point in time or to the end of the logs. 利用在线备份,就可以将日志前滚到任何特定的时间点或日志的末尾。 www.ibm.com 2. Up to this point in time, the U. S. has shown no flexibility on this point. 到目前为止,美国在这点上的态度丝毫看不出有任何弹性。 cn.reuters.com 3. The rollforward to a specific point in time or to the end of logs can only be possible if there aren't "gaps" between these logs. 只有在这些日志之间没有“中断”的情况下,才可能前滚到任何特定的时间点或日志的末尾。 www.ibm.com 4. Going back in time, the British philosopher John Stuart Mill said he could read faster than he could turn pages. 以前,英国哲学家约翰斯图尔特米勒说,他可以读得比翻书还快。 www.51zd.net 5. Please remind me when he said he was going. I may be in time to see him off. 当他说要走时请提醒我。这样我才能即使为他送行。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. He took a taxi in order that he might arrive in time. 为了能及时赶到,他乘了出租车。 chrischengang.blogcn.com 7. In time however the true nature of your link to your space brothers will also be revealed to you all dear ones. 然而亲爱的,我们也将即时向你们所有人揭露你们与星际兄弟的真实联系。 blog.163.com 8. Returns a name value pair collection of statistics at the point in time the method is called. 调用该方法时,将返回统计信息的名称值对集合。 msdn2.microsoft.com 9. Then Alberto sends her a video that shows him in present day Athens and somehow he seems to go back in time to ancient Athens. 然后阿尔贝托寄给她的视频,显示他在雅典和当今不知他似乎回到了古代雅典的时间。 lwdx123.com 10. It is possible, and even probable, that there will be, in time, other resources of energy opened up, of which we have no knowledge now. 有可能,甚至很可能,在不久的将来,我们现在还不知道的其它能源会被发现。 tieba.baidu.com 1. Which in time past were not a people, but are now the people of God: which had not obtained mercy, but now have obtained mercy. 你们从前算不得子民,现在却作了神的子民。从前未曾蒙怜恤,现在却蒙了怜恤。 www.ebigear.com 2. To be identified with your mind is to be trapped in time, the compulsion to live almost exclusively through memory and anticipation. 当你与心智认同时,就被时间束缚,然后你会强迫性地几乎完全经有记忆和期望而活。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. He seemed busy with his new clientele and when I asked him about Yolardis he said he had not seen her, but in time he would find out. 他似乎因为新客户的出现而显得有些忙碌。当我问及尤拉迪丝时,他说没有看到她,但是,他表示会尽快弄清楚是怎么一回事。 www.bing.com 4. In time, such a demon will learn to drain energy from the psyche of those it encounters, just as it did in the Fade. 随着时间的变化,这样的恶魔学会了从它所接触到的灵魂吸取能量的方法,就像它在暗物质界中作的那样。 game.dayoo.com 5. "Our models of this ring let us sort of look back in time to when the solar system was young, " said Marc Kuchner. “尘埃环模型让我们有机会一睹太阳系在诞生初期时的面貌,”库切纳说。 www.bing.com 6. If I didn't stop him in time, these palm leaves would be boiled into pieces. 我要不及时制止,这贝叶早就被煮烂了。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He was ready for and expectant of any queer shift in an individual's attitude, particularly in time of panic. 对于个人态度的任何乖巧的变迁,特别是在紧急关头,他早有准备,是能够料想得到的。 www.kuenglish.info 8. He made it a task to finish the homework in time. 他把及时完成家庭作业作为一项任务。 www.ilexue.cn 9. Approaching drivers cannot see that it is stationary until they are too close to it to he able to stop in time to prevent an accident . 紧跟在后面的驾驶者,不能发现前车停车,等发觉时距离已经很近,来不及防止车祸了.。 www.jukuu.com 10. Danielle: That's right. Pretty soon you'll forget all about this. In time I'm sure you'll see that this is for the best. 丹妮拉:没错。很快地你就会忘记这一切。我相信,总有一天你会发现这样做是最好不过的。 www.360doc.com 1. Whether or not we see the point of it, my generation is going to have to sign up in time. 无论我们是否明白其意义所在,我们这一代人迟早都要上Facebook。 www.ftchinese.com 2. At first the subject was nothing special to me , then gradually I became interested in it. In time, I found myself in love with it. 起初,我认为这门课没什么特别的,随后我逐渐对它产生了一些兴趣。最终我竟爱上了它。 wenku.baidu.com 3. "The Titanic is really one of those bookmarks in time, " he said during a press viewing of the item before the auction. 迪特里希在拍卖前的媒体招待会上说:“‘泰坦尼克号’的确是时代的一大标志性事件。” www.ebigear.com 4. If Just-in-Time debugging is not enabled, the Stop statement behaves as if it were an End statement, terminating execution. 如果没有启用实时调试,Stop语句的行为如同End语句,终止执行。 msdn2.microsoft.com 5. Wey said the trades were made in time for him to book what he thought was a $150, 000 profit. 韦伊说,交易进行得够及时,他以为可以从中获利150,000美元。 www.bing.com 6. You will be given technology that will be enormously important to you and is beyond your understanding at this point in time. 你们将被给予高端科技,这对于你们非常的重要,并且超越你们的理解,当然,就这个时刻而言。 apps.hi.baidu.com 7. The miner's claim established a "first-in-time, first-in-use" priority allowing him to take as much water as he required. 矿主的这种主张确立“先占先用”优先权,使他能够根据需要尽量用水。 www.america.gov 8. That way he might be able to scoop up the boys and get them off the track in time. 这样他就可能把两个孩子抓起来,及时把他们拖下轨道。 wiki.jukuu.com 9. Like the cold of snow in time of harvest Is a faithful messenger to those who send him, For he refreshes the soul of his masters. 忠信的使者叫差他的人心里舒畅,就如在收割时有冰雪的凉气。 pearlpig2000.spaces.live.com 10. I supported him in time , otherwise he would have fallen off the bike . 我及时扶住了他,不然,他就从自行车上摔下来。 wenwen.soso.com 1. The database server can be either restored to a specific point in time or to a specific logical log. 数据库服务器可以还原到某一特定时间点上,也可以还原到某一特定逻辑日志。 www-128.ibm.com 2. And this was one of those rare few days in time when the climate was balanced, like a leaf between winds that blow just right. 这是一个罕有的好日子,气候冷暖宜人,就象一片绿叶在微风适度的吹拂下轻轻飘忽。 scutde.net 3. Once stuck in a dilemma, a wise man does not head blindly for a dead end but reverses his course in time to find his way out. 一旦陷入困境,聪明的人不是一味地钻牛角尖,而是适时地另辟蹊径以谋求出路。 www.kekenet.com 4. For older, experienced lovers, outercourse can hurl them back in time, helping them to reclaim the thrill of the forbidden nature of sex. 对于那些老夫老妻,非性交性快感能够把他们带回到新婚的甜蜜时光,帮助他们重新找回被禁忌的自然性爱的快感。 www.bing.com 5. And like a good lover, in time it becomes difficult to imagine going to bed without it each night. 就像一个情人一样,没有它陪伴的夜晚就很难入睡了。 www.bing.com 6. Until recently, researchers could typically look at information from just a few places for a few points in time. 直到现在,研究者们通常可以通过几个区域寻找几个点的信息。 www.bing.com 7. Going down there was like entering a time capsule, and I came out with a different sense of myself in time. 走向那里就像是进入了时间胶囊,当我出来时时间感完全不一样了。 www.ted.com 8. The nurse came and beat him for not getting to the restroom in time. She changed his bedding and linens which caused a lot of work for her. 他没办法走去厕所,护士还因此打了他一顿,因为她要为他更换床单等东西,增加了她们的工作。 hourofpower.org.hk 9. If a child failed to hand in his homework in time, he might be severely scolded, even refused any reasonable help. 原文并不复杂,很多考生这样翻译:“如果一个孩子不能及时交家庭作业,这孩子就有可能会被严厉批评,甚至于拒绝合理的帮助。” www.neworiental.org 10. The memories are gone with the wind, buried in darkness and lost in time, without any efforts in trying to retain them. 于是也不去记忆起,把它丢在了风里,遗忘在了黑夜,任其消失在时间里。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In time immemorial to the land and desolation of the universe, there was an extraordinary voice, soul-stirring. 在亘古的大地与苍凉的宇宙间,有一种平凡的声音,荡气回肠。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 2. here they are at last ! " she cried . " just in time for tea , and don ' t they look as if they were muddy up to the eyes ! “他们终于来了!”她喊到。“他们及时赶上了喝茶的时间,而且他们看起来也不像浑身都是泥的样子!” www.ichacha.net 3. "Given China's evolving role, there's no doubt the RMB will assume a global role in time, " he said. 考虑到中国经济地位上升,人民币无疑将在全球发挥影响。 cn.reuters.com 4. I look up just in time to see a black car speeding directly at me through the red light. 我抬头只看见一辆黑色轿车闯红灯,朝我的方向全速开来。 www.bing.com 5. In time, he gave a vivid, perhaps unequalled, account of an artist making art. 最终,梵高他创造了一个生动的,不平凡的艺术家式的艺术。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. So for the Maya there was a time for everything and every thing had it's place in time. 因而作为玛雅人,时间代表一切,每一样事物在时间内拥有它的空间。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Bear in mind that the point-in-time data can and likely will change each time you query it, as the state of the server changes. 请记住,时间点数据可以,并可能会更改每次查询其服务器更改的状态。 technet.microsoft.com 8. But this increased time at the office was more than offset by a drop in time devoted to mundane chores. 不过,女性用于处理家务活的时间也大为减少,幅度甚至超过了她们增加工作的时间。 www.ebigear.com 9. Box-makers would also benefit from reduced stock-holding, being able to produce custom-sized boxes on a just-in-time basis, he said. 箱梁制造商也将受益于减少持股,目前能生产自定义大小的箱子就准时的基础上,他说。 www.bozhiyongdai.com 10. He wasn't sure [certain] whether he would be able to get back in time. 他不能肯定他是否能准时回来。 www.hxen.com 1. "Those things are all dealt with at the Cerberus level, and at this point in time I just can't speak to that, " he said. “这些事都是在Cerberus层面解决,此时此刻我还不能透露这一点,”他说,并称“公司还会存在.我们不会破产。” cn.reuters.com 2. He said the US had to be proactive or, in time, people would start losing confidence in the integrity of the internet and computer systems. 他说美国必须在人们尚未对网络安全计算机系统失去信心前及时、主动的采取行动。 www.bing.com 3. In time kreppa may become the word that conjures up the disastrous meltdown that is now taking place in the country's economy. 最终,“kreppa”也许会变成一个词,勾起人们对现在正在发生的经济危机的回忆。 www.bing.com 4. We were all running around trying to get ready in time. 我们东奔西跑,望能按时准备就绪。 5. If you know him a little, you can't count on him to come in time. 如果你知道他一点,你不能指望他能及时来。他一点,你不能指望他能及时来。 wenku.baidu.com 6. Do you think you have no doubt of his arrival in time? 你认为他无疑会按时到达吗? go.6to23.com 7. It was on the tip of Jo's tongue to ask, but she checked herself in time and, with unusual tact , tried to find out in a round-about way. 乔正开口要问,却又及时收住,转而机智地换了一种婉转的口吻。 www.hengqian.com 8. She came out just in time to see the deer running off toward the mountains with her little boy. 她出来时刚好看到那只鹿正拖着孩子向山里跑去。 www.ebigear.com 9. Typically you will have been rushing around trying to complete tasks in time to keep up with your busy timetable. 通常来说,你会匆匆忙忙地试图去及时完成一项项任务,以便赶得上自己忙碌的时间表。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. With a morning boot camp, she said, "I can get out and get home in time for my husband to get to work. " 在早晨的健身营地,她说,“我可以出来并且在老公上班前按时回家。” www.bing.com 1. You'll have to drive hell for leather to get this message to the soldiers in time. The enemy are approaching very fast. 你必须尽快地把这个信息及时传达给战士们:敌人正在向我快速逼近。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The victim would have had a chance to survive if he had been taken to hospital in time. 如果及时送到医院,那个受害人本有机会生还。 wenku.baidu.com 3. "If it was an eight- or nine-week delay there would be a problem [with getting some toys on shelves in time for Christmas]. " 一家大型玩具零售商的高级主管表示,“如果延期时间为8至9周,那么(某些玩具要在圣诞节期间及时上架)就有麻烦了。” www.ftchinese.com 4. The point in time at which these prophecies will begin to be fulfilled will be when a Pope will no longer reside in Rome. 这些预言将开始履行的时间点会时,教皇将不再驻留在罗马。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Nancy unpacks dishes from a box and puts them in the cupboards. A plate almost slips out of her hands, but she catches it in time. 南茜打开包裹,从箱子里把碗碟拿出来,放进橱柜里。一个盘子差点从手里滑下来,幸好她及时抓住了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. "Things will change, in time, you know, " she said. "Four years is nothing in a marriage. " “事情总归会变的”,她说。“在夫妻生活中,四年算不了什么。” 7. No with-it company can be taken seriously without a "flexible boardroom" and a "just-in-time talent pipeline" . 那些奉行此道没有“灵活会议室”、“人才培养准时制”的公司并不被认为有什么大不了。 club.topsage.com 8. The 2nd, the ensue sex that industrial capital must maintain form of function of avery kind of to go up in time. 第二,产业资本必须保持每一种职能形式在时间上的继起性。 www.ylsw.com 9. If one of my family happened to come to the front of the house in time to see me, of course the conversation would be rudely broken off. 如果正赶上家里人碰巧来到房前见到我,他们当然就会毫不客气地打断我们的交谈。 www.tingclass.com 10. and yet, in time as you clung on to God's promises . . . God gave you a tree. 然而,到了神应需的时刻来临,神就会给你一棵大树。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. He knew he needed to adapt faster, for if you do not adapt in time, you might as well not adapt at all. 他知道,他需要做出更快的调整。因为,如果不能及时调整自己,就可能永远找不到属于自己的奶酪。 www.kekenet.com 2. In other words, you cannot roll forward to a specific point in time or to the end of logs from the last full database backup. 换句话说,无法前滚到上次全数据库备份以来的任意时间点或日志的末尾。 www.ibm.com 3. Although painful, patience is the better choice: in time, the employment numbers should go his way; not so the deficit. 尽管痛苦,但耐心是最好的选择:最终,失业人数会像奥巴马希望的那样减少,但不是赤字。 dongxi.net 4. All these have touched me, warming me in time to rush the passage of our schools have had a special feeling deep sense of nostalgia. 这一切都感动着我,温暖着我,使我在时间的匆匆流逝中对我们的学校产生了一份特殊的浓浓的留恋之情。 enwaimao.cn 5. In time, they said, the moving ocean floor is blocked when it comes up against the edge of a continent. 同时,他们说,当扩张的海底碰到大陆的边缘就会被阻挡。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. And in time, the distance between her charmed TV sitcom alter ego and the realities of her own life began to be overwhelming. 适时,在她为人喜爱的电视情景剧中扮演的自我和她自己生活的真相之间,距离开始变得巨大。 www.bing.com 7. I wish to see that you could enquire it in time and inform me the things' evolution. 我希望看到你们进行及时的调查并随时告知我事情的进展如何。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. We were out of the office for vocation of May Day for the past 3 days and were thus not able to reply to you in time. 刚刚是五一国际劳动节,我们公司放假3天,所以没有及时回复你们的邮件。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. I just barely got the lights out in time for you to be able to see those gobs of light hitting the transect screen and then just glowing. 我几乎不能及时的捕捉下这些光来让你们能看清这些撞击到样带屏幕随之发光的液体。 www.ted.com 10. Don't hesitate to turn to him in time of difficulties, and he can always solve the problems at a stroke . 有困难的时候你可以毫不犹豫地去寻找他的帮助,他总是能一下子救解决问题。 www.xuancaijiaxuan.com.cn 1. In time, they said, the moving ocean floor is blocked when it comes up against the edge of a continent. 同时,他们说,当扩张的海底碰到大陆的边缘就会被阻挡。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. And in time, the distance between her charmed TV sitcom alter ego and the realities of her own life began to be overwhelming. 适时,在她为人喜爱的电视情景剧中扮演的自我和她自己生活的真相之间,距离开始变得巨大。 www.bing.com 3. I wish to see that you could enquire it in time and inform me the things' evolution. 我希望看到你们进行及时的调查并随时告知我事情的进展如何。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. We were out of the office for vocation of May Day for the past 3 days and were thus not able to reply to you in time. 刚刚是五一国际劳动节,我们公司放假3天,所以没有及时回复你们的邮件。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. I just barely got the lights out in time for you to be able to see those gobs of light hitting the transect screen and then just glowing. 我几乎不能及时的捕捉下这些光来让你们能看清这些撞击到样带屏幕随之发光的液体。 www.ted.com 6. Don't hesitate to turn to him in time of difficulties, and he can always solve the problems at a stroke . 有困难的时候你可以毫不犹豫地去寻找他的帮助,他总是能一下子救解决问题。 www.xuancaijiaxuan.com.cn 7. Failure to pay a fine in time without good cause shall be punished by an addition of one to five yuan per day. 无正当理由逾期不交纳的,可以按日增加罚款一元至五元。 www.hjenglish.com 8. "At this point in time" came along during the Nixon congressional hearings. Too bad it didn't go out with him. 尼克松在国会听证会里面用了“Atthispointintime”的表达,可惜这种表达没和他一起消失掉。 www.bing.com 9. Love of men and women, as long as the master at this point in time, as long as the intention of love is enough to recall a lifetime. 爱情中的男女,只要把握此时此刻,只要爱得用心就足够一辈子去回忆。 www.enwaimao.cn 10. He reached the landing just in time to see a figure disappear round the angle of a wall. 他开始悄无声息地涉梯而上,就在他到达二楼的刹那间,他发现墙角处闪过了一道黑影。 shop.qidian.com 1. Love of men and women, as long as the master at this point in time, as long as the intention of love is enough to recall a lifetime. 爱情中的男女,只要把握此时此刻,只要爱得用心就足够一辈子去回忆。 www.enwaimao.cn 2. He reached the landing just in time to see a figure disappear round the angle of a wall. 他开始悄无声息地涉梯而上,就在他到达二楼的刹那间,他发现墙角处闪过了一道黑影。 shop.qidian.com 3. It's been a busy past few days trying to finish up filming all my scenes in time to go home for Christmas. 为了回家过圣诞节,过去的几天我都忙于完成自己所有镜头的拍摄。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. day he tried it himself and was saved from drowning by his father, who came up in a boat just in time . 第二天他自己也试了一下,亏得他父亲坐船赶到,刚刚来得及把他从海里救起。 www.jukuu.com 5. You'll also be able to go back in time (with a slider) to watch all of the aforementioned data evolve. 你还可以通过滑条来观看之前所发生的所有事件。 www.bing.com 6. We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal opposite us throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again. 我们及时赶到岸边,看到对面一个庞大的动物猛力跃出水面,然后又坠落到水面。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Certainly she haemorrhaged - but she could still have been saved had she got to a hospital in time. 她是死于大量出血,但是假如能即时的把她送往医院,还能挽回她的生命。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. You may baseline a Workspace, thereby making it a read-only version in the repository: a snapshot of the architecture at a point in time. 您可能要为一个工作区建立基线,因此使其在储存库中成为只读版本:此时结构的一个快照。 www.ibm.com 9. The bustling streets of Seoul, I do not know, but forced himself in time, blurring the line of sight of the thing called. 首尔街道的繁华,我看不清楚,却在强制自己的时候,模糊了一种叫视线的东西。 tieba.baidu.com 10. The HKSAR Government SME Committee was set up to look for ways to help SMEs in time of economic downturn. 香港特别行政区政府成立中小企委员会,目的是协助中小企的发展,特别在经济低迷的期间。 www.icac.org.hk 1. The bustling streets of Seoul, I do not know, but forced himself in time, blurring the line of sight of the thing called. 首尔街道的繁华,我看不清楚,却在强制自己的时候,模糊了一种叫视线的东西。 tieba.baidu.com 2. The HKSAR Government SME Committee was set up to look for ways to help SMEs in time of economic downturn. 香港特别行政区政府成立中小企委员会,目的是协助中小企的发展,特别在经济低迷的期间。 www.icac.org.hk 3. It was a miracle that Angel was born and weaned from her mother just in time for us to take her home that day! 天使的出生,以及她及时的断奶,刚好让我们那天能带她回家,这整个安排真是神奇! sm2000.org 4. Send him to the train in time, her head thrown back, whispered and said stubbornly, give me your shirt on second class button. 送他上火车的时候,她仰着头,低声而固执地说,给我你衬衫上的第二课纽扣。 www.cnqr.org 5. I am sorry for not being able to inform you earlier and hope that you can find some other qualified applicant to fill this place in time. 我很抱歉未能及早地通知您。希望您及时地另找一位合格的申请人来填补这个位置。 dict.ebigear.com 6. He said it could have been a lot worse had the ambulance not gotten to you in time. 他说要不是救护车把你及时送到医院那情况就糟多了。 www.bing.com 7. and when the Hare awoke from his nap, he saw the Tortoise just near the winning-post and could not run up in time to save the race. 当野兔从小睡中醒来的嗣后他看到乌龟就快要超过终点了.它不能及时敢过去赢得比赛了。 bbs.ebigear.com 8. When the bus pulled away, I looked back in time to see a dog carefully carrying the cup in his mouth as he headed for home. 当汽车驶离,我回头正好看见了一条狗小心翼翼地把杯子用嘴衔起,然后,回家去了。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. A letter came from her mother late the next week, reminding her that she must come home in time for Thanksgiving. 第二个周末,收到她母亲的来信,提醒她在感恩节必须按时回家。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble [is like] a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint. 患难时倚靠不忠诚的人,好像破坏的牙,错骨缝的脚。 www.bing.com 1. A letter came from her mother late the next week, reminding her that she must come home in time for Thanksgiving. 第二个周末,收到她母亲的来信,提醒她在感恩节必须按时回家。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble [is like] a broken tooth, and a foot out of joint. 患难时倚靠不忠诚的人,好像破坏的牙,错骨缝的脚。 www.bing.com 3. He reckoned he would have enough time to get to the top then retrace his steps and be back in time to catch the last cable car of the day. 他估计有足够的时间爬到山顶,然后原路返回,搭乘最后一班缆车。 www.jukuu.com 4. 'We kept our [profit] guidance in place, and there's no reason to step off that at this point in time, ' he said. 里斯说,我们维持自己的利润预期,这个时候没有理由退缩。 www.ebigear.com 5. But when you informed me of her life expectancy, I also knew that her real grandson wasn't going to make it in time. 但是当你告知我她的生命将近,我也知道了她真正的孙子肯定不能及时赶到了。 www.bing.com 6. He gave me a thick ear first. I know it was an excellent opportunity for turning the other cheek, but I didn't think of it in time. “你干吗要打他鼻子?”——“他先打了我一耳光,我明明知道这是把另一边脸给他打的好机会,但当时却来不及这么想。” lymangordon.blog.163.com 7. Backups at each stage of your migration enable you to rollback to a specific point in time of your migration process. 通过在迁移的每个阶段都进行备份,您可以回滚到迁移过程中的任何特定时点。 www.ibm.com 8. Peeves almost fell out of the air in shock. He caught himself in time and hovered about a foot off the stairs. 皮皮鬼大吃一惊,差点从空中摔下来。他及时稳住身子,在楼梯上方一英尺的地方盘旋着。 www.kekenet.com 9. I did not know if we would master it in time for the 2006 World Cup but we would give it a shot. 我不知道我们2006年世界杯时能不能掌握这样的战术,但是我们不妨一试。 dongxi.net 10. What I said was "shang su" , meaning to trace back in time. 我说的上溯,意思是从现在的时间推算到以前。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. I did not know if we would master it in time for the 2006 World Cup but we would give it a shot. 我不知道我们2006年世界杯时能不能掌握这样的战术,但是我们不妨一试。 dongxi.net 2. What I said was "shang su" , meaning to trace back in time. 我说的上溯,意思是从现在的时间推算到以前。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Journalist Hezekiah Niles, one of the leaders of this movement, prophesied that in time the United States would produce all its own wine. 该运动的领导人之一,记者希西家·奈尔斯预言,美国到时候会酿造所有自己的葡萄酒。 www.thnu.edu.cn 4. One family in the UK went "back in time" to see what life was like without all the inventions we have today. 一个家庭在英国“时光倒流”去看看生活就像没有所有的发明,我们有今天。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. The manufacturer shall notify the agent in time of any change in price, sales condition or terms of payment. 制造商应将产品价格、销售情况或付款方式的任何变化及时通知代理人。 www.falvtrans.com 6. With transaction log backups, you can recover the database to the point of failure or to a specific point in time. 有了事务日志备份,您就可以将数据库恢复到故障发生时刻或某个特定时刻的状态。 msdn2.microsoft.com 7. I believe that the answer is none of the above, but to see why, it is suggestive to look ahead in time. 我认为以上都不是问题的答案,但为了明白为什么,及时计划未来是具有启发性的。 www.1x1y.com.cn 8. He was happy because he thought that he had come in time, even though it was at the last moment. 他很高兴,因为他认为他准时回来了,虽然是在最后一刻才到。 www.jukuu.com 9. How much has he given of himself, in time or in money, to help people who look up to him? 他自己付出了多少时间或金钱去帮助那些敬仰他的人? www.jukuu.com 10. Did everything that happened over the series' run take place in real time, or can the whole mess be undone by going back in time? 故事剧发生的一切会在现实生活中一一重现,混乱的局面放到过去处理不了吗? www.bing.com 1. How much has he given of himself, in time or in money, to help people who look up to him? 他自己付出了多少时间或金钱去帮助那些敬仰他的人? www.jukuu.com 2. Did everything that happened over the series' run take place in real time, or can the whole mess be undone by going back in time? 故事剧发生的一切会在现实生活中一一重现,混乱的局面放到过去处理不了吗? www.bing.com 3. If the user moves the timeline into the future, articles appear positioned at any point in time the text might have referred to. 若用户将这条时间轴移到未来的话,任何提到未来某一时点的相关文章就会显示出来。 news.cnblogs.com 4. I have always said and I shall repeat again. We will live this season Sunday after Sunday, trying to resolve our problems in time. 我一直在不断的重复着,我们将在每个周末都充满活力,并且总是在试着及时解决我们存在的问题。 www.laziofly.com 5. As if folk were gifted with a far look into eternity, to make up for the oppressions which they suffered here below in time. 就好象人们有远见卓识,能看到来生,从而弥补他们今生在今世所受的压迫似的。 6. The company said that customers will be able to pre-order the device from its retail shops and telesales service in time for a May launch. 该公司表示,客户将能够预先命令从零售商店和电话销售服务时间为5月推出的设备。 blog.163.com 7. He said he was able to finish it in time. 他说他能够按时完成。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. with log backups , you can recover the database to the point of failure or to a specific point in time. 使用事务日志备份,可以将数据库恢复到故障点或特定的时间点。 www.ichacha.net 9. If I could go back in time to tell myself one thing, I'd almost certainly wind up harassing teenager me about buying CDs. 如果能回到过去,我一定会告诉自己不要使买CD了。 www.bing.com 10. He said he fled when he thought the plane was going to crash into a gas station, but turned in time to see it hit the building. 他说他逃离他认为飞机将要撞进一加油站,但是转身及时看见大楼撞击什么时候。 bbs.feeyo.com 1. He said he fled when he thought the plane was going to crash into a gas station, but turned in time to see it hit the building. 他说他逃离他认为飞机将要撞进一加油站,但是转身及时看见大楼撞击什么时候。 bbs.feeyo.com 2. He would have died if the doctor had not saved him in time. 要是医生不及时救了他,他早就死了。 www.hxen.com 3. It was clever of him to finish it in time. 他很聪明,按时完成了它。 www.hjenglish.com 4. It was worth the risk of a fine for being out after sunset but fortunately we made it back in time. 这个景象是值得冒日落后逗留外面逗留罚款的风险,但幸运的是我们及时到赶了回来。 ng.trends.com.cn 5. Flights are slowly resuming but airline officials say it's likely that some of those stranded will not make it out in time for Christmas. 航班陆续恢复,但是航空公司官员表示仍然会有一些航班赶不及在圣诞节前起飞。 blog.hjenglish.com 6. and i ran to the door in time to see jim hawkins , safe and sound , come climbing over the stockade. 我跑到了门口,恰好看见吉姆霍金斯从木栅上面翻过来,平安无恙。 www.ichacha.net 7. There's a lot of fun in being able to go back in time and see yourself as you were years ago or the way you were thinking. 能够回到以前看看几年前你是个样子,或者你是怎么想的,这是很有意思的。 www.ttxyy.com 8. The girls were sedated during the worst of the flu and got home a few days after Thanksgiving, in time for a turkey dinner. 这对双胞胎面对猪流感,非常镇定,并于感恩节后不久就回到家中,及时赶上了火鸡晚餐。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 9. Imagine that you could go back in time and tell your younger self just one lesson to help them (you) make the most of your life. 想象一下你能够回到过去,并告诉那个年轻的你仅仅一件能够帮助你使你的人生发生巨大改变的教训。 proxy.clan-cdf.com 10. The market subject tends to hold forward expectations in time of deflation but backward expectations in time of inflation. 市场主体在通货紧缩时期的预期方式是前瞻性预期强于后向预期,通货膨胀时期预期以后向为主。 www.xuebao.snnu.edu.cn 1. The market subject tends to hold forward expectations in time of deflation but backward expectations in time of inflation. 市场主体在通货紧缩时期的预期方式是前瞻性预期强于后向预期,通货膨胀时期预期以后向为主。 www.xuebao.snnu.edu.cn 2. In time of I open my eyes and see the sun again, it means time escape from our life one day. 等我睁开眼和太阳再见,这算又溜走了一日。我掩着面叹息。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. It would not be hard to write such a reader, and I am sure this will happen in time (perhaps by me or one of my readers). 编写此类读取器并不难,并且我确信会及时编写出读取器的(也许是由我或者由我的某个读者来编写)。 www.ibm.com 4. Germany and France are trying to put flesh on the bones of a crisis resolution plan in time for the EU summit. 德国和法国正力图及时细化危机解决计划,以备欧盟峰会讨论。 cn.reuters.com 5. The children are hopeful that their parents will come back in time on New Year Eve and set out to earn money for the reunion dinner. 孩子们期待父母能在除夕前回家,于是努力工作赚钱,以准备一顿丰盛的团圆饭。 vcddvd88.com 6. She came out on her ABC sitcom "Ellen" and in Time magazine in 1997, and she became active in the Trevor Project. 她出名于ABC的连续剧“艾伦”并在1997年出现在《时代》杂志,她在“特雷弗”项目中表现活跃。 www.bing.com 7. We do course wish to commence with the major changes we are involved in, and we are still able to complete them in time for your benefit. 我们当然希望开始与主要的变化,我们都参与了,我们仍然能够完成他们及时为你的利益。 tieba.baidu.com 8. Considering the extent of his injury it will be very difficult for him to recover in time for the final in Istanbul. 考虑到他的伤势现状,看来安布是很难及时康复参加伊斯坦布尔的决赛了。 tieba.baidu.com 9. Gowing dropped in just in time, bringing with him a large sheet, with a print of a tailless donkey, which he fastened against the wall. 高英来得真及时,还带来了一大张纸,上面印着一头没尾巴的驴。他把纸贴到了墙上,然后又拿出几条尾巴。 www.21cnlunwen.com 10. "I thought we should try to be back in time for lunch at Galatoire's, " he said, referring to the legendary New Orleans restaurant. 「我感觉咱们应该赶回加拉特瓦吃午饭,」他说。加拉特瓦是纽奥良很是出名的餐馆。 tian.hn00.com 1. In fact, time itself was the greatest question, for there was no question that could be left unanswered in time. 时间本身才是最大的问题,所以,没有什么事情是时间所不能解决的。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. Unable to stop in time on the compromised surface, the car ran up the curb and made impact with a pole and the front of a store. 无法阻止在时间上的损害表面,赛车跑到路边,并影响了极点和前面的一家商店。 usa.315che.com 3. Later in time, you see that this line has split in two lines and this one has also split in two lines. 之后,你们将看到这个线,分裂成两条,这一条也将,分裂成两条。 open.163.com 4. I doubt you could ever make yourself into a completely universal person, if only because you can only travel in one direction in time. 百分之百的无所不知恐怕是不可能的,至少,你只能往一个方向作时间上的旅行。 www.bing.com 5. In my world of death this apple is an expression of life, of love. I glance up in time to see the girl disappearing into the distance. 在这充满死亡的世界中,这个苹果无疑表达的是生命和爱。我抬起头时,看见那个女孩在远处消失了。 bbs.suanche.com 6. However, this was a great encouragement to me, and I foresaw that in time, it wou'd please God to supply me with bread. 这对我是一个极大的鼓励。我预见到,早晚有一天,上帝会赐给我面包吃。可是,现在我又感到为难了。 dict.ebigear.com 7. It has been a double victory for me, as so many had written me off and thought I'd never be able to recover in time. 对我来说,这真是双喜临门,因为之前很多人都认为我将错过本届世界杯,他们不认为我会及时康复。 www.romabbs.com 8. If this were to happen to them, they may not be able to get the children out in time. 如果这种情况发生在自己身上,他们可能无法及时得到孩子们带出去。 www.caoyang.net 9. Have I really been transported back in time? I run to the mirror to see if I'm still me. 我是不是回到了过去?我走到镜子跟前,看我是否还是我自己。 www.joyen.net 10. At the moment, Gazaro is for consumer electronics shopping only, but in time the system could expand and learn more product categories. 目前,Gazaro只推出了有关电子产品的购物服务,但不久将该系统就进行扩张,并覆盖更多种类的产品。 www.bing.com 1. If there's a problem with the air tank, the diver could end up stuck too far underwater to be able to get up in time to breathe. 要是氧气筒出了问题,潜水员最后可能会受困在过深的水底而无法及时浮上水面呼吸。 www.english-corner.com.cn 2. If cells were truly understood, that process might speed up to the point where the vaccine was ready in time to do something useful. 如果当初细胞被完全了解,疫苗的研究过程也许会快许多,这样疫苗就可以及时地用于其它更有用的方面。 www.ecocn.org 3. Those on the train without a ticket, explain the situation in time for the replacement ticket, otherwise a fine will be doubled. 无票上车者,及时说明情况进行补票,否则将加倍罚款。 www.citynoon.com 4. Also in the home to deal with a lot of things, not the photos in time, causing you to wait for the matter. 另外在家里很多事情要处理一下,没及时发照片,害大家为此事等待。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. At this point in time, I bumped into a Canadian practitioner while chatting online. 正在这时,我在网络聊天时遇到了一位加拿大的学员。 fullgae.appspot.com 6. Using objects known as rollback segments, Oracle constructs read-consistent views of data as of the point in time a SQL statement is issued. Oracle使用名为“回滚段”的对象在发出SQL语句的时间点处构造读取一致数据视图。 technet.microsoft.com 7. you should have this in mind knowing that this is the only chance we have to get the funds out of here at this point in time . 你应该考虑到这一点知道,这是唯一的机会,我们已经获得的资金在这个时间点。 wenwen.soso.com 8. In time she began to feel that a change had come about, and that she was not in his confidence. 过了一些时候,她开始感到又发生了一种变化,他不再向她吐露心事了。 www.bing.com 9. In other words, to produce a good tremolo, all the notes have to be perfectly matched and separated equally in time. 换句话说,要弹出好的轮指,所有的音符必须是完美配合并且每个轮指是完全一样的。 bbs.jitapu.com 10. Now, with a bit of TLC, Tonka is being nursed back to full strength in time for the popular tourist attraction to reopen this weekend. 现在,在爱的照顾下,Tonka正在渐渐的恢复,等待着动物保护区重新开放以满满的状态迎接游客。 www.hjenglish.com 1. He said he had no doubt Melbourne's wheel would develop an international profile in time. 他说,他已经毫无疑问墨尔本的车轮将制定一项国际形象的时候。 zjzhng.blog.163.com 2. I don't mind if you answer me in time, bcs you had told me that you are busy these days, and I had said also that I understand! 我并不介意你是否能够及时回答我,因为你说过这些日子你很忙,我也说过我能理解! ks.cn.yahoo.com 3. When public incident happen, if we did not take effective measures to deal with it in time, the consequence could be disastrous. 突发公共事件一旦发生,若不能及时采取有效的措施,后果不堪设想。 www.13191.com 4. You know, besides, that the "China" - the only steamer he could have taken from New York to get here in time - arrived yesterday. 再说,你们都知道,斐利亚·福克要想从纽约按时赶到利物浦,他只有搭中国号这条邮船。可是这条船昨天就到了。 www.maynet.cn 5. Will you be home in time to see the children before they to bed? 孩子们睡觉前你赶得上回家看他们吗? www.zftrans.com 6. To reverse changes that were made by transactions that were uncommitted at the point in time to which a database is being recovered. 撤消在数据库要恢复到的时点之前未提交的事务所做的更改。 technet.microsoft.com 7. Doctor Lange says that, in time, the test might be able to identify autism in children under three. 兰格博士表示将来这项测试可能能检测三岁以下儿童是否患有自闭症。 www.tingclass.com 8. Sam also drunk, but now he must hurry back home because his wife is sick, if he can not rush back in time, He never seen his wife! 萨姆又喝醉了,可是现在他必须赶回家,因为他的妻子生病了,如果他不能及时赶回家,他就永远也见不到妻子了! 4455.cc 9. Jean: Many thanks, I'm well in time. How much is on the clock ? 珍:谢谢你让我准时到达。里程表上的金额是多少? www.jukuu.com 10. Almost none of the graves had markers, and as the men moved back in time, from row to row, they became less certain of identities. 几乎没有一个坟墓有标记,而当男人们按时回来扫墓时,从一排到一排,越来越搞不清楚坟墓的主人。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. May he hear your prayers and be reconciled with you, and not abandon you in time of misfortune. 愿他俯允你们的祈祷,怜恤你们,在患难中不离弃你们! www.ccreadbible.org 2. If you do not know the name of the crashing process, look at the Visual Studio Just-In-Time Debugger dialog and note the process ID. 如果您不知道崩溃进程的名称,请查看“VisualStudio实时调试器”对话框并记下进程ID。 msdn2.microsoft.com 3. You should often care for your friend by your side and help him in time when he is in any difficulty. 时常关心身边的朋友,朋友有难的时候要及时地帮助他 zhidao.baidu.com 4. Humans will not be able to alter the problems in the cities in time for the impending movement into the Great Central Sun dream. 人类将无法及时地改变城里的问题,以为正在迫近的进入大中枢太阳梦想的运动做好准备。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. Please, i am now asking you to stand on my behalf to make this claim to stand as my partner oversea and in time of the investment as well. 请,我现在请你代表我的立场,使这个要求作为我的合作伙伴的海外和在时间上的投资。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. Sitting in the semi-darkness, listening to the all-male choir in red cassocks, it was hard not to feel transported back in time. 坐在昏黄的烛光中,听着身穿红袍的男士唱诗班的吟唱,人们难免萌生时空错换的感觉。 www.ftchinese.com 7. It is impossible to go back in time to see how our solar system formed, nor can we create a solar system as an experiment. 我们不可能回到过去,目睹太阳系的形成过程,我们更不能在实验室中造一个太阳系,验证我们的理论。 www.lcsd.gov.hk 8. It's a shame that you hadn't informed him in time, otherwise he would have won the price. 可惜你没有及时通知他,否则他一定会获奖的。 sq.k12.com.cn 9. It was so considerate that you could inform me of that thing in time. 你及时通知我那件事,真是考虑得太周到了。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. I began to realize my mission as a Dafa disciple. I realized why I had to buy a computer at this point in time. 我开始意识到我自己作为一个大法弟子的使命,认识到我现在为什麽要买电脑。 fullgae.appspot.com 1. It's just a misunderstanding. It'll be cleared up in time. 这只是个误会会很快澄清的 www.kekenet.com 2. Logs let you look back in time to see whether errors occurred and get more details about problems as they occur. 日志允许您回顾历史,查看是否有错误发生并在问题发生时获取有关问题的更多细节。 www.ibm.com 3. If I could go back in time, here are a few items I would tell my 22 year old self. 如果时光能够倒流,我会告诉22岁的自己这些事情: www.bing.com 4. But she worried that the arthritis in her feet would prevent her from escaping in time and that her car would be damaged. 她担心因为脚上患有关节炎,不能及时跑开,还担心她的车会被毁坏。 www.bing.com 5. We can see all the way out to the edge of the observable universe, all the way back in time, almost to the moment of the Big Bang itself. 我们能够一直看到可以观测到的宇宙边缘,能够回望时间长河,几乎追溯到宇宙大爆炸的瞬间。 www.ted.com 6. Students have welcomed the move, but said they were disappointed that it would not be introduced in time for this year. 学生们对这一举措表示欢迎,但同时抱怨为何不从今年就实行这个新政策。 edu.sina.com.cn 7. It isn't what you know that counts, it's what you think of in time. 这是不是你知道什么重要的,它是什么你觉得时间。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. If I drop one from eight meters and I drop another one from two meters then the difference in time will be the square root of the ratio. 一个从8米处坠落,一个从2米处坠落,时间之差是它与高,之比的平方根。 open.163.com 9. He also said he would still be able to provide meat to people in time for Christmas. 他还表示,即便如此,肉店仍然会按照圣诞节的订单要求,按时向顾客交货。 edu.sina.com.cn 10. Let me recheck it. I committed a silly mistake. Thank you for reminding me to correct it in time. 我再检查一遍。我犯了一个愚蠢的错误。谢谢你及时提醒我纠正它。 woshao.com 1. Unfortunately, Jin Jiang did not renew its license at the Education Bureau in time. The license will be renewed by next Wednesday. 遗憾的是,锦江公司没有及时在教育局对执照进行更新。执照要到下周三才能重新生效。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Whether your what operation does not accord with a requirement ? Without the word of defrost , contacted in time with them ! 是否你的什么操作不符合要求了?没有解冻的话,及时和他们联系了! zhidao.baidu.com 3. The boy made an apology to his mother for not phoning her back in time. 那男孩因没有及时给他妈妈回电话而向她道歉。 www.epta.com.cn 4. It sounds as if you are getting treatment, and I hope that some mixture of drugs and cognitive behaviour therapy will help in time. 听起来你好像正在接受治疗,我希望,药物和认知行为疗法(CBT)的结合,最终能帮到你。 www.hjenglish.com 5. And Phinehas the son of Eleazar was the chief officer over them in time past; the LORD was with him. 从前以利亚撒的儿子非尼哈管理他们,耶和华也与他同在。 galcc.org 6. In time, she was able to communicate to Skywalker through the computer system itself, displaying messages across monitors. 最后她及时利用计算机系统本身,在监视器上显示信息,与天行者取得了联系。 www.starwarsfans.cn 7. May now think of it, she had just arrived in time, did not realize who he was so good that he called and no one can not be moved to bar! 可能现在想起来,她因为刚到这里,没有认识的了,他对他那麽的好,叫谁也不可能不会感动吧! blog.sina.com.cn 8. Fortunately, I jumped back in time to avoid being hit It was a terrible experience, and I won't forget it. 幸好,我往回跳得及时,才没有被撞着。这是一件可怕的事,我永远也忘不了。 www.bing.com 9. To understand the changing needs of terminal customers and feed back to the company in time. 及时了解终端客户的需求变化并向公司反馈。 www.boleme.cn 10. In time the Amur was being described as Russia's Mississippi, and the Amur basin made out to be a new California. 是时,黑龙江被描述为俄国的密西西比河,那里的土地被想象成新加利福尼亚。 blog.ecocn.org 1. A few minutes later, I had figured out the minor issue and just in time: this afternoon one of our readers had the same issue. 几分钟后,我解决了这个小问题,因而也及时帮助了下午和我遇到相同问题的用户,肯。 www.elanso.com 2. The document library also provides information about the point in time of its last modification. 文档库也提供关于最后一次修改的时间点的信息。 www.ibm.com 3. and there was that scene when he goes to the movie theater in Time Square. 有一个镜头是他去时代广场的电影院。 www.b2b99.com 4. My most urgent concern that morning was to figure out if I could get my shoes dyed to match my dress in time for the ceremony. 那天早上。我最担心的是自己在婚礼上要穿的鞋子来不及染好。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Unlike a stage actor, a film actor must be able to perform small scenes out of sequence and often days apart in time. 此外,与戏剧演员不同的还在于电影演员必须能够在打乱了先后顺序,常常是在相隔几天的情况下拍一些短镜头。 www.jukuu.com 6. That this may be a sign among you, that when your children ask their fathers in time to come, saying, What mean ye by these stones? 这些石头在你们中间可以作为证据。日后,你们的子孙问你们说,这些石头是什么意思。 bible.popcastle.com 7. I spun around in time to see a hairy fist heading my way and, in the half-a-second it would have taken to reach me, I leapt to one side. 我一扭转身,正瞅着一个长满毛的拳头奔我扑来,晚半秒就会挨上,我飞身一跃到旁边。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. Arrive in time for the start of each lesson with the things you need so that you are ready to start work. 在课堂开端前带着需求的学惯用品及时抵达教室,以便于准备开端学习状态。 www.ven8.com 9. So the satellite in question is in the dark, over the Pacific or hours behind Greenwich in time zones. 因而该颗被谈论的卫星在太平洋上,或者在格林尼治时区之后的几个钟头是处于黑暗状态之下的。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. I've been really busy lately filming for "I love you so I'm leaving you" trying to finish up all my scenes in time for Christmas. 最近我正忙于“爱你所以离开你”的拍摄,争取在圣诞前完成我所有的戏。 www.365girls.cn 1. As you have failed to establish the letter of credit in time , we regret being unable to effect shipment within the stipulated time limit. 由于你方未能在及时开立信用证,我们很遗憾不能在规定的时限内装船。 www.waixiaoyuan.com 2. In time, things may turn out all right if you just keep trying to be pleasant and polite. 如果你一直保持愉快和有礼貌,迟早情况会有好结果。 www.go818.com 3. The train, unable to stop in time , sliced through the bus, killed nine passengers . 火车没能及时刹车,撞断了公共汽车,使九位乘客丧命。 www.bing.com 4. This may come out in time, but I think the problem here relates to a more fundamental risk with Chinese listings. 这样的情况在未来也许会出现,但是我认为,我们现在遇到的问题和中国上市公司的一个更为基本的风险有关。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. She was just in time to see Brasi thrust violently at the bundle, crushing the newborn infant against Filomena's chest . 她回过头来,刚好看到布拉西用拳头凶恶地捶打包着的那个玩艺儿,简直要把新生婴儿砸碎在斐洛必娜的怀里。 www.jukuu.com 6. If I receive a request for qork that uses a technology that I cannot adequately learn in time, I will tell the potential client up front. 如果我接到一份工作,要求使用的技术是我不能及时学好的,我会直接告诉这个潜在客户。 www.elanso.com 7. In my sleep, I would hand over some modifications to her and tell her to make that prototype in time for my early morning visit at 6. 在我上床之前,我会把一些修改工作交给她做,并告诉她在明天早上6点按时完成样品。 www.bing.com 8. All the survivors of the ship wreck were picked up in time. 失事船只的所有幸存者已被及时救起。 www.hotdic.com 9. The point in time , containing year , month, day, hour, minute, second and fraction of a second . 时间点,包括年、月、日、小时、分钟、秒和秒的小数。 www.bing.com 10. None of the marks mentioned in the previous paragraph shall be defaced or, obliterated, except for avoidance of capture in time of war. 前项标志不得毁坏、涂抹。但为战时避免捕获者,不在此限。 dictsearch.appspot.com |
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