单词 | in this regard |
释义 |
例句释义: 在这一点上,在这点上,在这方面,关于这件事 1. I would beg you to try to illuminate with your pocket torch what the position of the obsessional is in this regard. 我将请求你们设法以你们的手电筒,去照亮关于这一点,偏执狂的位置在哪里。 springhero.wordpress.com 2. In this regard, the North Island have been trying to sort out, but the results are often inconsistent, ended in failure. 对此,北岛曾试图进行过梳理,但结果常常前后不一,以失败告终。 www.cutpic.cn 3. Section- to have him in this regard and make a bold attempt to explore the market and has achieved initial recognition. 融科智地已经在这方面做出了大胆的尝试和探讨,并初步取得了市场的认同。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In this regard, there are a number of websites that can be very useful to a woman on the hunt for pregnancy tips. 有鉴于此,对于那些找寻换云贴士的妇女们而言,许多网站都是十分有用的。 www.elanso.com 5. In this regard, Liu Xin said that from the surface, this seems to be to relax the management of AIDS, in fact not the case. 对此,刘鑫说,从表面上看,这似乎是对艾滋病管理的放松,事实上并非如此。 www.chinavalue.net 6. Chile appreciates China's pursuit of scientific development and is ready to exchange experience with China in this regard. 智利赞赏中国坚持科学发展,愿意就此同中方交流经验。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. From which, one can conclude that this subject is already perfect in this regard, and is the fundamental hypothesis of this whole process. 从那里,我们可以盖棺论定说,主体在这方面的完美无缺,以及主体在这整个过程,居于基本的假设位置。 springhero.wordpress.com 8. Hacking is an international issue, to which China also falls victim. China is willing to conduct international cooperation in this regard. 网络黑客是国际性问题,中国也是网络黑客攻击的受害国,愿在相关领域开展国际合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. How much the deficit is reduced over the next decade is of secondary importance in this regard. 就此而言,在未来10年削减多少赤字是次要的。 www.ftchinese.com 10. In this regard, I quoted some of the elements in support of my point of view, and made a conclusion expressed their own views. 对此,我引用了一些内容来佐证我的观点,并做了一个总结,表达了自己的看法。 wenwen.soso.com 1. In this regard, she said that she was able to realize her dream of being recognized as a talented actress. 在这方面,她说,她能够实现她的梦想——被认可是一个才华横溢的女演员。 www.ryedu.net 2. "There was no intention by Mr Ahern to mislead or to give incomplete information in this regard, " Mr Peelo said. Peelo先生说:“从这方面来讲,埃亨先生没有误导或者提供不完全信息的意图。” www.haolawyer.com 3. Any help that you could give in this regard is greatly appreciated and i thank you for your time and consideration in this matter. 关于此事,深深感激你所给予的任何帮助,感谢你抽出时间来考虑。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. In this regard, the Delegation pointed out that there was no empirical evidence of the need to broaden existing protection standards. 就此,该代表团指出,没有经验证据证明需要扩大现有保护标准。 www.wipo.int 5. In this regard, some countries have tabled various proposals. China is ready to have open-minded discussions with all parties. 一些国家已就此提出若干改革建议,中国愿以开放的态度与大家进行探讨。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 6. In this regard, Taobao Mall yesterday were explained once again, but do not know whether the protesters listen. 对此,淘宝商城昨日进行了再次解释,但不知道抗议者是否听得进去。 bbs.cnqr.org 7. In this regard, choosing a vocation can be thought of as a public declaration of the kind of person we see ourselves as being. 就这点来说,挑选什么职业可以被认为是向公众宣布我们自己是什么样的人。 www.kuenglish.info 8. Was to find some relevant information, to see a webmaster in this regard was the article, seems to have realized. 查找一些相关得资料,看到一篇站长关于这方面得文章,似有所悟。 www.82g.com.cn 9. I do not know too well on how this is done your country, so I will need you to help me in this regard. 我不太了解在如何作出这一考虑你的国家,所以我需要你帮我在这方面。 wenwen.soso.com 10. In this regard, and with this in mind, there is a wide variety of different toys that ideally are suited for the bath and for your baby. 考虑过这一点,并且将其牢记于心,那么就有各种各样不同的适于你的孩子洗澡时间使用的玩具供你选择了。 www.elanso.com 1. At a later stage, however, the Mimamsa school changed its views in this regard and began to teach the doctrines of God and mukti (freedom). 然而,在随后阶段,弥曼差学派在这点上改变了观点,开始教导神的教条和自由。 post.baidu.com 2. In this regard, the outcome from the recent Eurogroup and the Ecofin meetings seem to suggest the political resolve is in hibernation. 在这方面,从最近欧元区财长会议的结果可以看出政治决心仍处于冬眠状态。 www.blancpartners.com 3. In this regard financial engineering commonly used method is the general arrangements for a "fixed rate and floating rate" swap transaction. 在这个方面金融工程通常采用的一般方法是安排一个“固定利率与浮动利率”的互换交易。 www.brar.cn 4. Therefore, we suggest that the goods exported from shenzhen customs, reached the destination. In this regard, we need to ask your advice. 所以,我们提议,这批货物单独从深圳海关出口,运抵目的地。对此,我们需要征求你的意见。 0772zd.cn 5. Animals trust their instincts in this regard, and do not think they must be politically correct, as the conscious mind of man does. 动物相信自己这方面的本能,不会和人的显意识那样,要自己在政治上正确无误。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Unfortunately, like the tobacco industry before it, the food industry cannot be trusted to self-regulate in this regard. 不幸的是,和先前的烟草行业一样,你无法相信食品工业能在这方面自律。 www.bing.com 7. Uruguay is ready to exchange in-depth views with China in this regard and jointly cope with global challenges. 乌方愿就此同中方深入交换意见,共同应对全球性挑战。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 8. The UK stands ready to strengthen exchanges of experience and cooperation with China in this regard. 英方愿与中方就此加强经验交流与合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 9. In this regard, Kerns was not surprised, "taken in the programme later years, he always maintained a distance from us. " She said. 对此,科恩斯一点也不感到意外,“在节目后来拍摄的几年里,他总是和我们保持着距离。”她说。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. User bureaux or departments might have their additional requirement in this regard during implementation . 在合约履行期间,各用户决策局或部门亦可能有其他额外规定。 www.bing.com 1. How well the key is to find an excuse, said the circle is not round gifts, your talents should use in this regard. 关键在于借口找得好不好,送礼的说道圆不圆,你的聪明才智应该多用在这个方面。 www.xiami360.com 2. In this regard , I would appreciate it if you could kindly explain your marketing strategy of these kind of products. 如果您能针对此点说明贵公司对这类产品的行销策略,我会非常感激。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. To this end, we do not over- consumption of flowers, the state organs and leading cadres in this regard should take a leading role. 为此,我们大家不要过度消费鲜花,国家机关、领导干部在这方面应该起个带头作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. China is ready to stay in communication with other parties in this regard. 中方愿与有关各方就此保持沟通。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 5. In this regard, I am always quick to say that Eschalon is product of a team of people, but I remain the primary developer of the series. 在这点上,我总是毫不犹豫的说阿斯卡隆集体智慧的结晶,不过我仍然是主要开发者。 www.bing.com 6. A fundamental change has taken place in this regard. With adjustment, the conflicts will surely be dissolved and integrated. 中西法律文化冲突的趋势必将经过调适而走向消解与融合。 lib.cqvip.com 7. In this regard, the Chair of the General Assembly was requested to produce, in consultation with Member States, initial working documents. 在此方面,要求大会主席经与成员国磋商,编制初步工作文件。 www.wipo.int 8. Maybe keeping up with a few good personal finance blogs will help in this regard as well. 也许与一些优质的个人金融博客齐头并进也能给你很大的帮助。 www.elanso.com 9. Emphasis is often put on economic success in this regard. 重点往往是放在这方面的经济成就。 beijing.newchannel.org 10. A: The big change in this regard has been a focus on ensuring broader participation in government policy making. 答:这方面的主要变化是着重于确保政府决策的更广泛参与。 web.worldbank.org 1. "However, the efficacy of stating in this regard can only be proven through a randomized controlled trial, " they caution. 他们提醒道:“然而,他汀类药物的有效性需要通过随机对照试验加以验证”。 hi.baidu.com 2. As I see once more, existential thought in this regard (and contrary to current opinion) is steeped in a vast hope. 正如我再次看到的那样,在这方面,存在主义思想宛如浩瀚的希望之海中的一叶孤舟(这和当今的观点恰恰相反)。 www.bing.com 3. I would not be surprised if free-wheeling India ended up doing better than China, in this regard. 假如自由的印度在这方面最终领先于中国,我不会感到惊讶。 www.ftchinese.com 4. In this regard, the number of issues that may come up for clarification may also be numerous. 因此,需要阐明的问题的数量也可能非常巨大。 hi.baidu.com 5. In this regard, the proper use of condoms is an issue that needs to be addressed and approached on more than one occasion as well. 就这点而言,正确地使用安全套也是一个需要在更多方面进行陈述和引导的话题。 www.elanso.com 6. In this regard, I would like to invite you to consider one issue that I think is of fundamental political importance. 在这方面,我要邀请诸位共同思考一项非常重要的政治课题。 www.npf.org.tw 7. The COE looks at design and other aspects from a quality assurance perspective and might have enforcement powers in this regard. COE从质量保证的角度考虑设计和其他方面,并且可能在这方面拥有强制权力。 www.ibm.com 8. a key indicator in this regard would be the performance of small cap stocks , which tend to move ahead of a broader rally. 一个关键性的指标是小盘股的表现,这一板块在大规模的反弹中往往是先行者。 www.ichacha.net 9. It would be great if you give us your idea and suggestion in this regard until the last day of this month (January 31, 2009). 如承蒙于本月底之前(2009年1月31日)将您的想法和建议予以反馈,我们将非常感谢。 bbs.hf365.com 10. In this regard, let me on behalf of our company again to you my most sincere gratitude. 对此,让我代表我们公司再次向你们表示最诚挚的感谢! wenwen.soso.com 1. Unfortunately, no single Western nation has never expressed its support of any developing country in this regard. 然而却没有一个西方国家曾表示过要支持一个发展中国家成为安理会的常任理事国。 www.putclub.com 2. In this regard, we take the quality is not good to test plate, resulting in most of the plates will be able to use. 这点,我们选择了一些质量较不好的版材进行测试,结果大部分版材都能够使用。 www.bing.com 3. I can't stress that enough, and Americans in general tend to be slower off the mark in this regard than managers from other countries. 这一点必须着重强调。相比其他国家的管理人员,美国人通常在这方面要慢半拍。 www.fortunechina.com 4. In this regard, there is no doubt turn the Creation Society is a typical event. 在这一方面,创造社的转向毫无疑问是一个典型的事件。 www.cutpic.cn 5. They followed new England Puritan precedents in this regard, still speaking of themselves as a New Israel and a covenanted people. 他们在这方面效仿新英格兰清教徒的先例,仍然把自己称为新以色列和契约的民族。 usacultures.blog.sohu.com 6. Two or three ministers enjoyed in this regard particular privileges. 两三位部长在这方面享受到独有的特权。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. He said it is a negligence of China's huge efforts in copyright protection and the achievements China has realized in this regard. 他说这是对中国在知识产权保护相关方面所作出的巨大努力和取得成果的忽视。 www.eoezone.com 8. Failure in this regard-conditioning. eat high-cholesterol food. the body cholesterol levels significantly increased. 在这方面调节失效。吃了含胆固醇高的食物后。体内胆固醇含量显著提高。 baobao.zhishi.sohu.com 9. any supplier having requested to become a qualified supplier shall be advised by the entities concerned of the decision in this regard. 对于提出成为合格供应商请求的任何供应商,有关实体应将与此有关的决定通知该供应商。 www.dictall.com 10. The Company will appoint an independent financial adviser to advise the independent board committee in this regard. 本公司将委任独立财务顾问就此向独立董事委员会提供意见。 www.t6pr.com 1. A series of rules and regulations have been worked out in this regard, including the Internet Safety Emergency Plan, he noted. 他说,信息产业部已出台了《互联网安全和应急预案》等一系列相关的法律法规。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. Compared to the states with adequate legal system in this regard, China is still in the exploratory stage on this issue. 与国外这方面的制度相比,中国对于这个问题的研究尚处于探索阶段。 www.book118.com 3. JH: The efforts and patience by the likes of the LME and CME in this regard have been commendable, it must be said. 喜欢伦敦金属交易所和芝加哥商品交易所在这方面所作的努力和耐心已经值得称道的,这不能不说。 www.shhrui.com 4. Although he didn't finish school due to his own choice, I admire him as a true Beidaer in this regard. 尽管后来他因为个人的选择没有完成学业,但在这件事上我认为,他是一个真正的北大人。 www.tianya.cn 5. The acquisition process has already been initiated by the IAF with the release of a global Request For Information (RFI) in this regard. 印度空军已就这方面发布了一个全球性的信息征询书,采购过程已经开始。 www.etiri.com.cn 6. Innovation in this regard is important in creating the kind of eco-efficiency gains that are required. 就产生所需的生态效应而言,创新无疑是至关重要的一个环节。 3us.enghunan.gov.cn 7. In this regard, we tend to treat people doing things all need to be honest, do not be fool. 在待人处事这方面我们往往都需做到以诚相待,不有所欺瞒。 www.bing.com 8. In this regard, I've been instructing my lawyers to do everything possible within the law to protect all the innocent victims in this case. 在这关心方面,我有教我的律师到做每件事物可能的在法律里面保护所有的那无辜者在这情况的受害人。 blog.163.com 9. The Office is investigating these allegations and assessing whether specific charges should be pursued in this regard. 检办正对此类事件进行调查,并评估是否需要对此进行特别控告。 dongxi.net 10. Another important trend in this regard is that the bulk of international trade takes place in materials and immediate components. 类似情况下的另一种主要趋势是:大量的国际贸易往来会集中在原料和直接组件上。 bbs.translators.com.cn 1. The United Nations, as the core of the collective security mechanism, must play an enhanced rather than a weakened role in this regard. 联合国作为一个集体安全机制的核心,在这方面的作用必须加强,而不是削弱。 www.24en.com 2. Quantitative studies in this regard have very important significance on increase the operational life of defected structures. 定量研究这种结构对延长缺陷构件的寿命有很重要的意义。 paper.pet2008.cn 3. In this regard, molecular simulations can be great helpful to the resolution procedure due to the complete control of model detail. 分子模拟方法因为能够对所用的模型提供完全的控制,在结构表征方面可能提供必要的帮助。 www.fabiao.net 4. Sometimes I feel I've held up to my principle in this regard. 有时候在这种遗憾中我坚持了这个原则。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In this regard, Zubkov predicted that this year's grain harvest will be quite good. 对此,祖布科夫预测说,今年的粮食收成将相当不错。 www.englishtang.com 6. In this regard, the next part of our starship's journey will permit us to take a close look at what galactic society truly embodies. 在此问候你们,我们的恒星飞船旅程下一部分将准许我们更加进一步考虑银河社会真实的化身。 www.lingyuan.net 7. In this regard, the main cause of pregnancy nausea is believed to be the human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone or the hCG hormone. 在这一点上,妊娠期的恶心是由人体绒(毛)膜促性腺激素引起的。 www.elanso.com 8. The Delegation welcomed the initiatives that had already been taken to improve transparency and encouraged further efforts in this regard. 该代表团对已采取的提高透明度的各项措施表示欢迎,并鼓励就此进一步努力。 www.wipo.int 9. In this regard, Municipal Public Security Bureau decided to launch a line of concentrated, to crack down. 对此,市公安局决定开展集中行一,进行严厉打击。 www.dw188.com 10. In this regard the supply-demand DI indicates corporations are a little more optimistic concerning their future outlook for demand. 在这方面,供应----需求的DI表明,公司都对它们今后的需求前景有点过于乐观。 1. As a largely urbanised and densely populated country, the Netherlands has much to offer in this regard. 作为一个高度城市化且人口稠密的国家,荷兰在这一方面颇有心得。 edu.sina.com.cn 2. Simply put, the wit is not to hurt people's feelings. A man cautious in this regard, his friends valued him and loved him. 简单的说,机智就是不伤害人的感情。一个人在这方面谨慎时,他的朋友就会重视他、喜爱他。仁慈? wenku.baidu.com 3. The German side believed that the first bilateral minister-level strategic dialogue will play an important role in this regard. 德方相信德中首次部长级战略对话将为此发挥重要作用。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. But even if you live in role full-time your top is still a human being, equal in this regard with you. 实际上,即使你们全天都在做角色扮演,你的主人和你仍然是两个人。 www.bing.com 5. In this regard, if decoration company offers low, the company is likely weaknesses, or the construction of " jerry-built " . 在这方面,如果装修公司报价太低,有可能公司是弱项,或者是施工当中“偷工减料”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. In this climate, roads last only 10 years without maintenance, and the Congo has no capacity in this regard. 在这种气候条件下,新修的道路若缺乏养护只能维持十年,在这些方面,刚果无能为力。 www.bing.com 7. In this regard, the ancient art of paper folding has become such a versatile tool that it can be used in many ways in many logos. 在这方面,古老的折纸艺术演化为多样性工具,能以多种方式用于众多logo中。 www.bing.com 8. I would be more than happy to see improvement in this regard. 如在此方面有所改进,我将高兴之致。 dict.bioon.com 9. In this regard, we need to continue to work to overcome the lack of openness and a general reluctance to share health information. 基于这种考虑,我们需要继续努力改善公开度不够和普遍不愿意分享健康信息的缺点。 www.bing.com 10. I'm sorry, your suggestion in this regard does not comply ( is not in conformity ) with our own goals. 不好意思,你关于这方面的建议不符合我们的目标。 0592en.com 1. I'm sorry, your suggestion in this regard does not comply ( is not in conformity ) with our own goals. 不好意思,你关于这方面的建议不符合我们的目标。 0592en.com 2. In this regard, I have instructed my lawyers to do everything possible within the law to protect all the innocents, victims of this case. 在这方面,我已指示我的律师,尽一切可能在法律范围内保护所有这起案件中无辜的受害者。 laiba.tianya.cn 3. In this regard, the results of a survey published Tuesday by Citrix (CTXS), a Florida-based networking company, are instructive. 就这一点来说,思杰(Citrix)于上周二发布的调查结果颇具启发性,思杰是一家位于佛罗里达的网络公司。 www.bing.com 4. In this regard, each jurisdiction will need to consider its policy on the sharing and return of such proceeds that have been confiscated. 因此,每个司法管辖区将需要检讨其有关摊分及归还已充公的犯罪收益的政策。 www.icac.org.hk 5. In this regard, a cellular enabled communication device may detect when it is within cellular communication range of a femtocell. 在这点上,支持蜂窝的通信设备可探测其是否进入毫微微蜂窝基站的蜂窝通信范围。 ip.com 6. The market share of those superstitious objects is becoming smaller and smaller in this regard during the Qingming Festival. 迷信祭祀用品在清明市场中的份额也越来越低。 bbs.hf365.com 7. In this regard, the recent decline in commodity prices, as well as the increased stability of the dollar, has been encouraging. 考虑到这一点,近期的商品价格下跌和美元稳定性的增长都是鼓舞人心的。 www.bing.com 8. In this regard, a person's right to life of any individual or community agencies can not be forfeited. 就此而言,一个人的生命权是任何个人或社会机构都不可剥夺的。 learning.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Clearly, the American financial services industry has much to offer China in this regard. 毫无疑问,美国金融服务业可在这方面为中国提供大量帮助。 www.america.gov 10. A common metaphor used in this regard is that of mountains and molehills. 这里常用的一个比喻是树木和森林。 www.ibm.com 1. In this regard, the child may be thought of as having two homes. 就这一点而言,可以说这孩子有两个家。 www.powerdict.com 2. So what makes Internet governance, in this regard, such a challenge? 那么什么让互联网监管一定程度上变为一大挑战? www.bing.com 3. Academic achievements in this regard to its consolidation and further explored. 就这方面学术成果对其做进一步的整理和探讨。 www.lunwen114.com 4. In this regard, BICS can be thought of as a formal service profiling language. 从这方面来说,可以认为BICS是一种正式的服务配置描述语言。 www.ibm.com 5. China always attaches great importance to relations with France and made major efforts in this regard. 中方一贯高度重视中法关系并为此作出了重大努力。 www.putclub.com 6. On your second question, I don't have information in this regard so far. 关于第二个问题,目前我还没有这方面的消息。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 7. In recent years, China has built up a relatively complete legal regime on IPR thanks to gradually intensified efforts in this regard. 近年来,中国不断加大知识产权保护力度,建立了较为完备的知识产权保护法律体系。 www.kouyi.org 8. Here's a litmus test to help you figure out your own views in this regard, and what those views imply. 这里有个试金石可以帮助你分辨出你自己在这方面的意见和这些意见意味着什么。 www.bing.com 9. In this regard, the Roman republic fell for a number of reasons and three in particular resonate today. 就此而言,罗马共和国的没落有着诸多的原因,而其中3点在今天特别能产生共鸣。 www.ftchinese.com 10. However, our SMEs in this regard are still in the exploration and the initial stage, a lot of management system, the system is not perfect. 但由于我国中小企业在这方面还是处于探索和起步阶段,很多的管理体系、制度都不完善。 ourtra.netat.net 1. The results of these studies will be used as a reference for developing any new policy initiatives in this regard. 这些研究结果将作为日后发展这方面新政策的参考。 www.info.gov.hk 2. In this regard, shear walls are used to enhance the strength of the vertical members and reduce the ductility demand. 换言之,剪力墙可用来增加垂直构件之强度并降低其韧性需求。 3. In this regard, let me pay my deep personal respects to the government of Germany and its citizens. 请允许我借此机会向德国政府和德国人民表示崇高的敬意。 www.who.int 4. The Administration provided supplementary information to the Panel in this regard after the meeting. 政府当局于会后向事务委员会提供有关此事的补充资料。 www.legco.gov.hk 5. If you were a TextFlow user before, nothing critical has changed in this regard. 如果是以前就是TextFlow用户,那么这次没有什么关键的改变。 www.bing.com 6. China's success in fighting against cults and defending human rights has accumulated a lot of experience in this regard as well. 中国在打击邪教,维护人权的正义事业中,取得了成效,积累了经验。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. But only recently have researchers begun to realize just how important Eurasia was in this regard. 但是,欧亚大陆在这一方面的重要性,研究人员直到最近才恍然大悟。 www.jukuu.com 8. Organizations that use requirements templates, which reflect tested procedures for producing quality requirements, can help in this regard. 组织机构使用可以反映生产质量需求的测试程序的需求模板,在这个方面有所帮助。 www.ibm.com 9. InfoQ: You mentioned the thorny concept of time zones. What does this new API deliver in this regard? InfoQ:你方才提到了时区这个令人苦恼的概念,在这方面,新的API有什么与众不同之处么? www.infoq.com 10. South Korea appears to be on the vanguard of the emerging market economies in this regard. 就这方面而言,韩国显然在各新兴经济体中处于领先地位。 www.fortunechina.com 1. I really hope that the time stopped in this regard so that we have such a nice life. 我真的希望时间就此停住,让我们就这样抱一辈子该多好。 bookapp.book.qq.com 2. Sexual fluidity occurs in both men and women, but it has been suggested that women are potentially more open and malleable in this regard. 除了女性,性别的流动性同样会出现在男性身上,但这有证据显示女性在这个方面更有可能和可塑性。 www.bing.com 3. The US is no longer seeking the UN authority and it seems that the UN cannot help in this regard. 另外,美国在对伊开战问题上已不再寻求联合国的授权,联合国对此似乎无能为力。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. Maybe China will prove the exception, but its efforts in this regard so far are not impressive. 也许中国会是个例外,但是目前为止它在这点上的努力还未给人以深刻印象。 www.bing.com 5. Sand is of course loose soil but unless water logged will not act like quicksand in this regard. 沙子当然是松散的泥土,但如果没有经受水涝的话,它们还不会变成流沙。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In this regard, this paper ranks to streamline the creation, Qualifications to access the system. 对此,本文提出精简职级设定,任职资格采取准入制。 www.fabiao.net 7. A more critical evaluation of pesticides in this regard , particularly newer compounds, is advisable . 这方面对农药,特别是较新的化合物的批判性的评价是适当的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The super-injunction (a legal order which prevents the media reporting on its very existence) provokes serious concern in this regard. “超级禁令”(阻止媒体在合法的法规范围内报道的合法命令)在这方面引起高度关注。 www.bing.com 9. " Then, as a film master Hou Hsiao- hsien said modestly, in this regard, as a director only to " To make a good movie. 继而,身为电影大师的侯孝贤谦虚地表示,在这方面,作为导演只能是尽力“把电影拍好”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. Little was accomplished in this regard due to opposition by the Emperor, citing "security concerns. " 由于皇帝反对,声称“事关安全”,此事不了了之。 starwarsfans.cn 1. China is uniquely positioned in this regard: It is an economic powerhouse, increasingly at par with the economies in the developed world. 在这点上,中国的地位独特:她是一个经济增长的发动机,与发达经济体的距离越来越近; www.shihang.org 2. Governments at all levels must put greater effort into law enforcement and inspection in this regard. 各级政府要加强执法检查的力度。 bbs.hxgame.net 3. In this regard, the DART protocol simultaneously addresses congestion control and timely event transport reliability objectives in WSN. 在这方面,飞镖拥塞控制协议的同时,及时解决活动中的无线传感器网络传输可靠性的目标。 zhidao.baidu.com 4. In this regard, the phased approach to the declaration of a pandemic was rigid and confining. 在这方面,宣布大流行的分阶段方法有些死板和局限。 www.who.int 5. In this regard, do you think of high-income tax avoidance of this problem? 对此,你是如何看待高收入阶层避税这个问题的? bbs.tingroom.com 6. In this regard, comparisons of the virus with strains from previous outbreaks may be instructive. 在这方面,将该病毒与来自以往暴发的毒株进行比较可能是有益的。 www.who.int 7. In this regard, the Security Council resolution calls for greater regional cooperation to investigate and combat these illegal activities. 对此,安理会决议呼吁加强地区合作,调查并打击上述非法活动。 www.englishtang.com 8. In this regard, attention to execution appears to have led to timely completion of various projects without substantial cost overruns. 因此,对财政执行情况的关注似乎转移到各项目能否及时完工上来,前提是没有大幅度超出预算。 www.bing.com 9. I also wish to thank, in this regard, the highly professional staff that comprise the International Bureau. 为此,我还要感谢国际局极富专业精神的工作人员。 www.wipo.int 10. The materials in this regard are often divided into two categories: biomaterial and non-biomaterial. 用于修复腹壁缺损的材料一般分为生物性和非生物性两种。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. In this regard, people have gone beyond the traditional practice of going to the discos or playing bowling. 人们的节日休闲娱乐消费已突破了以往上舞厅,打保龄球等传统形式。 www.kekenet.com 2. To fail in this regard, Sen argues, is to limit human freedom -- and, by extension, the possibility for full human development. “若在此方面失败,”森指出,“则为限制了人类自由------进而言之,则为限制了人类全面发展之可能性。” q.sohu.com 3. In this regard, we attach great importance to efforts to use wisdom and courage to be addressed. 对此,我们将高度重视,努力运用智慧和勇气加以应对。 www.putclub.com 4. The United Nations, on its part, has played an important role of leadership and coordination in this regard. 联合国在这次国际救灾工作中发挥了重要的领导和协调作用。 www.paper-translation.com 5. Sadly, the provisions of international humanitarian law in this regard are often not respected. 令人可悲的是,国际人道主义法在这方面的有关规定时常得不到遵守。 www.who.int 6. In this regard, a training needs analysis, development of training plans and the estimation of associated costs would be undertaken. 在此方面,需要进行培训需求分析、制定培训计划并估算相关费用。 www.wipo.int 7. I call on banks to live up to their responsibility in this regard. 我呼吁银行在此事上承担起自己的责任。 www.bing.com 8. In this regard, we established a new model of biological phosphorus removal - UCT biological phosphorus removal artificial wetland model. 对此,我们构建了生物除磷的新模型——UCT生物除磷 人工湿地模型。 cul.zhishi.sohu.com 9. Although there has been considerable change in this regard, education and struggle are still needed to discard this erroneous idea entirely. 最近虽有不少转变,但彻底纠正这种错误观念,还需要一个教育与斗争的过程。 bbs.edu.sina.com.cn 10. Words have different meanings in different contexts, and usually monolingual dictionaries are of utmost value in this regard. 同一个单词在不同上下文中会有不同含义,在这方面,单语词典通常会提供最有效的帮助。 www.bing.com 1. The Governing Council of the ECB looks forward to witnessing their action in this regard and will continue to support their efforts. 欧洲央行理事会期待着看到他们在这点上的行动,并且会不断支持他们的努力。 www.bing.com 2. In this regard Tokyo needs to make sure its car companies don't entirely move production offshore in the quest to stay competitive. 就这一点而言,日本政府需要确保本国汽车企业不会为了保持竞争力而将生产全部转移至海外。 www.ftchinese.com 3. In this regard, closer cooperation between governments and private sector in the GPRD is essential for the region to continue to prosper. 大珠三角端赖区内各政府和私人机构紧密合作,才能持续兴旺发展。 www.wenkuwu.com 4. An investment- and export-oriented growth model will likely persist in the near term, and any change in this regard will likely be gradual. 投资和出口主导型增长模式在短期内将会得以延续,而且这方面的任何转变都将不会是一蹴而就的。 5. The Commissions work in this regard is of great importance, and I look forward to receiving its preliminary findings in 1999. 这些工作意义重大,我热切期待在九九年收到教统会的初步研究结果。 www.dictall.com 6. In this regard, Canada ETI (d. m. s. b. billion) business card printing and membership card equipment company gives a whole new solution. 对于这个问题,加拿大ETI(亿迪)制卡和会员卡制作设备公司给出了全新的解决方案。 www.bing.com 7. In this regard, Marx's theory of a critical self-examination is profound. 在这方面,马克思以批判理论的反省是深刻的。 www.cutpic.cn 8. Although the cross-border insolvency faces many problems, international cooperation in this regard has become a universal consensus. 跨国破产虽然面临着诸多难题,但就此开展国际合作已成为各国的普遍共识。 paper.pet2008.cn 9. In this regard The Trial and The Castle do not follow the same direction. They complement each other. 这一点上,《审判》和《城堡》的方向不尽相同,它们互为补充。 www.bing.com 10. In this regard, I am and will continue to be a public person with a private life. 从这点来说,我仍然会做一个公众人物,同时保有自己的私人生活。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. And more policies and measures are put in place in this regard. 针对该问题还将不断出台更多政策和措施。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 2. In this regard, I look forward to the report of the Commission on Social Determinants of Health, which will be released later this year. 在这方面,我期望看到今年晚些时候发布的卫生的社会决定因素委员会的报告。 www.who.int 3. In this regard, if decoration company offers low, the possibility was a "trap" , or the construction of " jerry-built " . 在这方面,如果装修公司报价太低,有可能是“陷阱”,或者是施工当中“偷工减料”。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. In this regard, the Prime Minister retorted: "As the experience of big earthquakes and nuclear accidents Prime Minister, it is duty. " 对此,首相反驳说:“作为经历大地震和核电站事故的首相,这是职责所在。” www.englishtang.com 5. In this regard, we have gone through an arduous development process, and is experiencing a severe new test. 在这方面,我们曾经经历了一个艰难曲折的发展历程,并正在经受着新的严峻的考验。 jztu.5d6d.com 6. In this regard , our annual average concentration level of RSP is comparable to those of the more polluted cities but not among the worst . 在这方面,我们的可吸入悬浮粒子含量水平,以全年平均计,与其他染情况较为严重的城市相若,但不在最差之列。 www.bing.com 7. She has no taste, no smell, or touch, in this regard she isn't much. 她没有无形无味无嗅,这样看她不是那么有趣。 blog.hjenglish.com 8. the report also showed that 81. 5 percent of those polled had used a form of birth control. china ranked in the top 3 in this regard. 另外,调查报告显示,81。5%的受访者采取了避孕措施。中国在这方面名列前三。 www.zk168.com.cn 9. The author tried to venture that the thesis can be of use in this regard. 笔者希望本文的写作能在这方面有所裨益。 www.fabiao.net 10. In this regard creating two items of the same quality and stats will be rare, leading to a large diversity of items. 在这种情况下,想要制造两个相同质量和状态的物品是很难的,这就可以保证物品的异样性。 bbs.52pk.com 1. They looked forward to efforts of their respective ministries to identify ways to coordinate joint endeavors in this regard. 他们期待各自部门找出在这些方面协调共同努力的途径。 www.america.gov 2. Beijing, General Manager, cloud cloud Properties Limited in this regard a number of new ideas. 北京楼云置业有限公司总经理楼云在这方面提出了一些新的看法。 www.robroad.com 3. Maintains detailed knowledge on the Emergency Response Team and workings of the telephone room in this regard. 熟知紧急事件处理小组的相关情况以及电话室在此方面的工作方式。 job.veryeast.cn 4. In this regard, I relate to the same things as anyone: personality, a sense of humor, common interests, common backgrounds, and so on. 这方面来说,我跟其他人没什么区别:个性,幽默感,共同爱好,共同背景等等。 www.bing.com 5. In this regard, civil society organizations in advocacy and services in respect of vulnerable groups, advantage can play an important role. 在这方面,公民社会组织在宣传及对弱势群体方面的服务优势能发挥重要作用。 www.chinavalue.net 6. In this regard, a computer display uses a form of dithering to display colors. 因此认为,计算机显示器以一种抖动的形式显示颜色。 www.bing.com 7. In this regard, Pato is a piece of jade, still need to cut and polish, and Sheva is the best craftsmen . 从这方面讲,帕托是一块璞玉,仍需雕琢,而舍瓦就是最好的工匠。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. One of the mistakes often made in this regard is to replicate under Exception or Error a tree of application objects. 在这方面经常犯的一个错误是在Exception或者Error下复制了一棵应用程序对象树。 www.ibm.com 9. In this regard, hydropower policies and renewable energy investments, along with thermal energy, recently gained impetus. 为此,国家近来大力发展水电站、可再生能源、热能。 www.bing.com 10. In this regard, Van Gogh is a typical master, he created a large number of very for, but could not be widely accepted. 在这方面,凡·高是一位典型的大师,他创造了大量极作,但在当时未能被人们广泛接受。 www.cutpic.cn 1. Consults with engineering or planning and control in the event of potential problems. Propose corrective actions in this regard. 为预防潜在问题的发生,应咨询工程或计划部门并加以控制。 www.jobems.com 2. In this regard, the industry believes that the biggest security threats, mobile phone or a large number of mobile phone batteries. 在这方面,业内人士认为,最大的安全威胁,移动电话或移动电话电池大量。 www.qiyeku.com 3. In this regard, "Woman From Shanghai" represents a remarkable contribution to a growing literature based on personal histories. 以个人历史为基础的文学作品正在不断增长,在这方面,《来自上海的女人》作出了非凡的贡献。 www.bing.com 4. The correct understanding of citizen and citizenship education is the prerequisite to launch campaign in this regard. 对公民与公民教育的正确理解与把握,是开展大学生公民教育活动的前提。 5. But he illustrates the consequences that such intellectual pastimes may have in a man's life, and in this regard he is an artist. 然而,他却阐明了这种智力活动对人们生活造成的种种后果,从这一点上看,他是一个艺术家。 www.bing.com 6. In this regard the build management process can provide strategic information to the business. 在这点上,构建管理过程可以向商家提供战略信息。 www.ibm.com 7. Analyzing problems regarding non-mandrel drawn tube processing with complex function is a quite new method in this regard. 利用复变函数解析空拔圆管问题是一种新方法。 www.chemyq.com 8. Likewise, parents would do well to instruct their children and to set a good example in this regard. 同样的,父母亲也应该教导儿女们,在崇敬方面立下好榜样。 liliang1811.blog.163.com 9. China is willing to further strengthen coordination and cooperation with Thailand in this regard. 在这方面,我们也愿与泰方进一步加强协调与合作。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 10. In this regard, JPFF can be viewed as an extended, distributed fork-join framework. 从这个角度来讲,我们可以把JPPF看作一个扩展的、分布式的fork-join框架。 www.infoq.com 1. Thirty nine years later, international regulations in this regard basically remain unchanged. 判决至今卅九年,国际法有关这方面的规范,基本上并未改变。 www.ceps.com.tw 2. Nobody is being harmed by respecting another country's laws in this regard, so your outrage is purely self-involved narcissistic rage. 在尊重别国法律的过程中,没人会受到伤害,所以你的愤怒其实也就自虐,没事找事。 blog.163.com 3. At present, home of Chinese oil paintings are, consciously or unconsciously, in their creative practice and to explore in this regard. 目前中国油画家们都自觉或不自觉地在各自的创作实践中进行这方面的探索。 www.boshuo.net 4. In this regard, the Landmine Impact Survey is a valuable first step in building security by reducing civilian casualties. 作为有价值的初步措施,《地雷影响调查报告》有助于减少平民伤亡,稳定安全局势。 www.america.gov 5. However, it seems that psychosocial factors play a more important role in this regard. 但是,似乎心理社会因素在这个方面起著更重要的作用。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. In this regard, millions of average Americans, not just Wall Street fat cats, got a bailout. 从这个意义上讲,数百万美国民众(而不只华尔街的大佬们)都受到了政府救助。 www.bing.com 7. In this regard, Gome Electrical Appliances Co. , Ltd. , a Zhejiang official said, consumer concern is uncalled for. 中英文对照:对此,浙江国美电器有限公司一位负责人表示,消费者的担心是多余的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. One of the most help tools I have ever employed in this regard is a not-to-do list. 在这方面,我所用过的最有帮助的工具就是not-to-dolist。 www.bing.com 9. I appreciate your quick reply and other useful suggestion which you can give to me in this regard. 我非常感谢你这么快就给我答复,并提供给我有帮助的信息。 ks.cn.yahoo.com 10. In this regard, financial development needs readjusting and emphasis should be put on forming backward advantage. 为此,贵州金融发展要进行相应调整并注重后发优势的形成。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. The limits imposed in this regard are essentially identical to the limits imposed by the xml_objectify library that xml2sql utilizes. 在这方面所强加的限制本质上等同于xml2sql利用的xml_objectify库所强加的限制。 www.ibm.com 2. Increase the number of dispatched teachers and strengthening the training constitute the two pillars of the work in this regard. 增派教师和加强培训是教师队伍建设的两个支柱。 www.kouyi.org 3. In this regard, limited license plate issued in Dayu water analogy is actually a "blocking" , rather than dredging. 在这一点上,限发车牌类比于大禹治水,其实就是一个“堵”字,而不是疏的方式。 www.hicoo.net 4. When you choose a CMS or development framework for your site, be sure to investigate what it is capable of in this regard. 当您为站点选择CMS或开发框架时,请务必研究一下它是否符合这方面的要求。 www.ibm.com 5. In this paper, only on "Introduction to" the value of the history discussed further, and reveal its outstanding achievements in this regard. 本文只就《概论》的史学价值作进一步论述,揭示它在这方面的突出成就。 jztu.5d6d.com 6. This position is consistent, clear and known to all, with China's efforts in this regard widely witnessed. 我们的立场是一贯、明确和众所周知的,我们的努力是有目共睹的。 kouyi.5d6d.com 7. For the sake of perfecting the textbook , the author suggests to revise it in this regard. 为了对教材建设完善有所裨益,作者提出对相关内容的修订建议。 lib.cqvip.com 8. You do not need to make any changes to the generated code in this regard. 在这方面,您不必对所生成的代码进行任何更改。 www.ibm.com 9. check the blade grinds as above . daggers are often challenging in this regard. 如同上面折叠刀介绍的方法检查刃口打磨。短剑在刃磨方面比较有挑战性。 www.ichacha.net 10. This matter has deteriorated to the extent that society as a whole has been affected by this. In this regard, I am deeply saddened. 事情恶化到一个程度,整个社会也受到了影响,因此,我很悲伤。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. In this regard, the understanding of documentary evidence of scholars of both sides is basically the same. 就此而言,两岸学者对书证内涵的理解是基本一致的。 lib.cqvip.com 2. In this regard, our animation is lacking, we lack a master of storytelling, the lack of convincing expression. 在这方面,我们的动画片是很欠缺的,我们缺乏讲故事的高手,缺乏令人信服的表现手法。 www.dw188.com 3. In this regard, we welcome the engagement between the DPRK and the ROK on the Bali Island yesterday. 为此,我们欢迎半岛北南双方昨天在巴厘岛接触。 www.360doc.com 4. In this regard, education lays the groundwork, the law serves the guarantee and supervision holds the key. 实行标本兼治,教育是基础,法制是保证,监管是关键。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 5. In this regard, the enterprise application itself must also have elastic characteristics. 在这一点上,企业应用程序本身还必须具备弹性的特质。 www.ibm.com 6. Chinese media are reluctant to define what happened in Arab world as revolutions. I totally understand in this regard. 中国媒体不愿承认在阿拉伯国家所发生的是革命,这一点我可以理解。 www.bing.com 7. Other languages are no better than English in this regard. 在这方面其他语言也不比英语强。 blog.139life.com 8. In this regard, it become extraordinarily important for the management to keep continual and effective communication with their staff. 在这方面,管理者如何保持与员工沟通的连续性和有效性就变得尤为重要了。 dict.bioon.com 9. In this regard, he urged the governments at various levels to cut their own administrative spending to partly meet the budget deficit. 在这一点上,他呼吁政府从各种层面削减政府的行政开支,在一定程度上弥补预算赤字。 www.kekenet.com 10. In this regard, contemporary flower-and-bird painting and landscape architecture is similar to the. 在这一点上,当代花鸟画与中国古典园林建筑是有异曲同工之妙的。 www.qk114.net 1. In this regard, the family must take preventive measures, early detection of patients to psychological distress, timely guidance. 对此,家属一定要防患于未然,要尽早发现病人的心理困扰,及时疏导。 www.106jsw.com 2. There is a striking discrepancy between prospective controlled studies and retrospective and cross-sectional studies in this regard. 有一个惊人的差异,未来的研究和控制的回顾与横断面研究在这方面。 www.syyxw.com 3. One-sidedness in this regard, it is the Confucian theory of continued opposition Norm and critical reasons. 这方面的片面性,也正是儒家名教理论不断遭到反对和批判的原因。 jztu.5d6d.com 4. "I'm very impressed with the action of the laboratories in this regard, " O'Leary said at a World Health Day event in the Chinese capital. “在这方面,实验室起到的作用令人印象深刻。”蓝睿明博士于中国首都北京,在召开的世界卫生日活动上发言说到。 www.bing.com 5. Social networking appears to be similar in this regard. 在这个意义上,社交网络也是同样的状况。 www.ecocn.org 6. China in this regard have sophisticated experience, we must be in the "11 ? 5" during the elimination of artificial ingredients. 在这方面,中国有成熟的经验,我们必须在“11?5”期间消除人工配料。 www.qiyeku.com 7. In this regard, he is not affected by any occasional factors with surfacing symbolism, or chasing the market. 在这点上,他没有受任何表面符号化的应景式因素的影响,不追逐市场。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. It has consistently adopted a responsible attitude toward post-war demining question and has done considerable fruitful work in this regard. 为此,中国政府在战后扫雷问题上一贯持认真负责的态度,并做了大量富有成效的工作。 www.hotdic.com 9. In this regard, apple anyway, so cut off its own channel, refused to grow up. 对此,苹果树愤愤不平,于是自断经脉,拒绝成长。 www.ebigear.com 10. However, take a look at our Botanic Garden, Zhongshan after the grass, I know that some of us has done a poor job in this regard. 然而,看看我们秋游过后的中山植物园的草地,就知道我们当中有些人在这方面做得很差。 www.bing.com 1. This poll will help us in this regard to make it as fair as possible. 这项调查将会帮助我们使得这个游戏尽可能的公平。 hi.baidu.com 2. Therefore, workers exist in this regard after the strike, has made no selection of labor contract with the employer. 因此,存在这方面问题的劳动者在权衡利弊之后,做出了不与用人单位签订劳动合同的选择。 texclo.net 3. In this regard, Germany is the advanced economy counterpart to emerging markets in Asia and Latin America. 在这一点上看来,德国是发达经济体中算得上亚洲和拉美新兴市场竞争对手的国家。 www.ecocn.org 4. In this regard, the daily & monthly production reports of power plant are of vital importance. 因此,电厂生产日月报管理系统具有很重要的意义。 www.wangluofanyi.com 5. In this regard, the modern Japanese way of doing things is worth thinking about drawing. 在这方面,近代日本的一些做法很值得我们深思借鉴。 www.zidir.com 6. The economic downturn has only shown how far behind Beijing is in this regard. 而当前的经济低迷却只能显示北京在这方面是多么落伍。 chinese.wsj.com 7. The much stepped up enforcement against dangerous unauthorized building works in the past few years demonstrates our resolve in this regard. 过去几年,政府更针对危险违例建筑工程而加强执法,足见我们在这方面的决心。 www.hplb.gov.hk 8. In this regard, one produced WONG Pak-ming said that Donnie Yen himself out after the price is already a discount price of friendship. 对此,出品人之一黄百鸣回答说,甄子丹给自己开出的价码已经是折后的友情价。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. A subsidiary question in this regard is whether hedge fund compensation practices encourage reckless risk taking, according to the paper. 其次一个重要问题是,对冲基金的报酬机制是否鼓励了不计后果的风险承担。 cn.reuters.com 10. Therefore in this regard, the Community reserves its right to issue further declarations in the future. 因此在这方面,共同体保留今后发表进一步声明的权利。 www.who.int 1. Unfortunately, we can't confirm that great minds think alike, at least in this regard. 遗憾的是,我们无法证实英雄所见略同,至少是在这个话题上。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Therefore, the old and new research topic requires our grasp of the essence, so as to clear up doubts in this regard. 因此,对这个问题的研究显得古老而常新,迫切需要把握真谛,释疑解惑。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Should the U. S. show more flexibility in this regard? 是不是美国应该在这方面有更多的灵活性? www.fmprc.gov.cn 4. We recognize that "immaterial labor" is a very ambiguous term in this regard. 我们认识到,就这一点说,“非物质性劳动”是一个非常模糊不清的概念。 www.eduww.com 5. where there are no provisions in this regard in the documents, the settler, beneficiary or the party interested shall make a decision. 信托文件未规定的,由委托人、受益人或者其利害关系人决定。 www.lawbiz.org.cn 6. "Daisen barefoot, " was born in the telecommunications institute in this regard. “赤脚大仙”就此诞生在电信学院。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Please note: we have approx. 350 products to add to the website so I need instructions in this regard for my team to add them. . . 请注意:我们大概有。350产品添加到网站,所以我需要在这方面为我的球队将它们添加说明… www.bing.com 8. In this regard Mount Wutai is valuable to the understanding of earlier evolution of life. 对认识早期生命演化具有重要价值 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 9. In this regard, the Panchen said: My life is quite busy. 对此,班禅说:我的生活是比较忙。 word.hcbus.com 10. Pharmaceutical companies play an essential role in this regard and WHO has engaged with them to pursue its public health objectives. 制药公司在此方面发挥极为重要的作用,世卫组织为实现其公共卫生目标与制药公司保持联系。 www.who.int |
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