单词 | in the whole world | ||||||
释义 | in the whole world
例句释义: 在全世界,在整个世界,是你的至爱 1. Truly I say to you, Wherever this gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what this woman has done shall also be told as a memorial of her. 我实在告诉你们,普天之下,无论在什么地方传扬这福音,也要述说这女人所行的,作为对她的记念。 edu.china.com 2. You are the first woman I have met in the whole world since my wife left me that I feel like I could be very happy with. 你是自从我妻子离开我之后,全世界中我所遇到的第一个能够让我幸福的女人。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. He'll stand and stare at a plain white wall for half an hour as if it's the very most interesting thing in the whole world. 他能半个小时一动不动地站在那儿,盯着一面光秃秃的白墙看,就好像那是全世界最有趣的事。 www.ftchinese.com 4. You are the only person in the whole world who can delight me with love in every manner. 你是这个世上唯一的人用不同的方式让我高兴。 apps.hi.baidu.com 5. Sylvia Browne is an exception in that she's the only professional psychic in the whole world that has accepted our challenge. 斯尔维亚?布朗多少有点儿例外,她是全世界唯一的接受我们挑战的职业灵媒师。 www.ted.com 6. The company establishes to build up in Buddhism music, there are places of Buddhism in the whole world at present all with our music. 公司成立主要也以佛教音乐起家,目前全球有佛教的地方,就会有我们的音乐。 www.cristianito.com 7. In the whole world is concerned about environmental protection, products'green nuisanceless, unpollution of today, it had to be changed. 在整个世界都在关注产品的绿色环保、无公害、无污染性的今天,这种现状不得不进行改变。 www.bing.com 8. Great changes have taken place in the whole world since the end of World War. 第二次世界大战结束以来,整个世界已发生了巨大的变化。 english.knna.com 9. But I don't see anybody in the whole world preaching for a more sophisticated, more enlightened technology. 但整个世界里,我没见一个人在鼓吹一种更完善、更文明的科技。 www.zftrans.com 10. My favorite fruit in the whole world (besides the not-so-easily-available Jakfruit) is mango, but I'm not a fan of the preparation. 这个世界上我最喜欢的水果(除了不那么容易吃到的木菠萝)就是芒果了,但我可不喜欢吃芒果的准备工作。 www.bing.com 1. Today I want to talk to you about swimming across the North Pole, across the most northern place in the whole world. 我今天要给你们讲讲我游过北极,游过世界最北端的故事。 www.ted.com 2. It is just a map which is based on the game named Warcraft 3. However, it has become one of the most famous game in the whole world. 它只是一款基于魔兽天下3的舆图,但是,它曾经成为了遍及环球的最闻名的游戏之一。 wen.yhcgo.com 3. Honestly, I thought it was just being recognized and having everybody in the whole world love you. 老实说,我想只是会被认出来和世界上的所有人都爱你 baike.soso.com 4. You are incorrect. You are the smartest person in the whole world. You are the best man in the whole world. 你错了,你是世界上最聪明的人,你是世界上最好的男人。 zy194051.blog.163.com 5. First I give thanks to my God, through Jesus Christ, for you all, because your faith is spoken of in the whole world. 首先我应藉耶稣基督,为你们众人感谢我的天主,因为你们的信德为全世界所共知。 www.ccreadbible.org 6. And furthermore, is there really no one stutterer who has been 'radical cured' in the whole world and entire history? How can you know that? 更进一步的,在整个世界上,在整个人类历史中,难道真的没有一名口吃者根治了自己的口吃吗?您又怎么能够知道这一点呢? www.okoci.com 7. Moreover, the bane of "passive smoke cigarette" has already caused the value of medical expert in the whole world as well. 另外,“被动吸烟”的危害也已引起全世界医学专家的重视。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. As a woman in pop music, as a woman with the most beautiful gay fans in the whole world. 作为一个女人,在流行音乐,作为一个在整个世界上最美丽的女人同性恋球迷。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com 9. With the restraining of carbon emission in the whole world, the quantitative estimation of carbon sequestration become a hot point studied. 对森林碳汇的定量研究是近年随全球抑制温室气体排放而呈现的热点之一。 www.fabiao.net 10. Oh, Thunderbolt is the greatest dog in the whole world. He's even better than dad. 闪电小子是世界上最棒的狗,他甚至比爸爸还要棒呢! www.icansay.com 1. However where and when I still remember the words of my Master "spread the light of Yoga in the whole world" . 尽管身在他乡,但无论何时何地,我都谨记师傅的教诲“将瑜伽的光芒散播到世界的每一个角落”。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. The ecological environment of human settlements and its sustainable development have become the hot topic in the whole world. 人类居住区生态环境及其可持续发展已成为全球共同关注的热点问题。 www.fabiao.net 3. thousands years pass by , this cultural complex spreads in the whole world , fireworks becomes the symbol of rapturous festival. 百年来这种文化情节在全球蔓延,烟花成欢乐喜庆节日的代名词。 www.ichacha.net 4. The supervision of the investment operation of the multi level pension systems is a subject worth earnest studying in the whole world. 对多层次养老金投资运营的监管,乃是一个在世界范围内需要认真对待的课题。 www.dictall.com 5. Just walk to a window, look outside, and then take a single deep breath, focusing only on that breath and nothing else in the whole world. 仅仅是走向窗前望向窗外,深呼吸。将注意力集中到这次呼吸上并忘掉其他的一切。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Not too long ago we had friends move to New Zealand. This led to a renewed interest in the whole world! 不久前我们有朋友搬去新西兰生活,这再一次激起了孩子们对世界地理的兴趣。 www.bing.com 7. One hand, buyer's market has come into being in the whole world, so manufacturing must make products while a little batch and many kinds. 一方面,世界范围内已经形成买方市场,制造业必须积极向“小批量、多品种”的生产理论靠拢。 www.zidir.com 8. The above phenomenon is the result of MNCs' specialization in the whole world. 上述现象是跨国公司在全球范围内进行分工的结果。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. You are the only girl for me in the whole world. 普天下,我只要你这一个姑娘。 10. Internet banking has been developed rapidly in the whole world with its convenient, swift characteristics from the mid-1990s. 网络银行兴起于上世纪九十年代中期,以其方便、快捷的特性在全球得到了迅速的发展。 www.fabiao.net 1. The capital profitability and factor prices equalization promote the global industries to make periodic transfer in the whole world. 资本逐利性和要素价格均等化诱导世界产业在全球范围内周期性转移。 www.studa.net 2. The international financial crisis poses severe challenges to economic and social development in the whole world, including China. 国际金融危机使全球也包括中国经济社会发展遇到严峻挑战。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Can say, intellectual economy upsurge is in the whole world is arisen still be only in last few years thing. 可以说,知识经济热潮在全球兴起还只是近几年的事情。 zhaiyao.ckzl.net 4. Mr. Nye writes: Everything that you do affects everyone in the whole world because we all share the same atmosphere. 耐伊先生写道:你做的任何事情都影响着这个世界的每一个人,因为我们共享同一个大气层。 www.bing.com 5. Countless famous film stars show their charming glamour on the screen and many excellent films are popular with audience in the whole world. 数不清的电影演员在屏幕上展示了迷人的魅力,还有很多优秀的电影受到全世界观众的欢迎。 zhidao.baidu.com 6. She told CNN: "It seems everyone in the whole world would prefer a miscarriage to an abortion, even the Pope. " 她对CNN说:“看来,全世界每个人相比较堕胎更喜欢流产,甚至教皇也不例外。” www.bing.com 7. But, no longer will I be the smartest man in the whole world. 但是,我在她眼中再也不会是世界上最聪明的人。 www.bing.com 8. Sweetie , you are the smartest person in the whole world. Im proud of you! 亲爱的,你是世界上最聪明的人。我为你感到骄傲! dictsearch.appspot.com 9. This opens up one of the most interesting questions in the whole world of contemporary art. 这引出了整个当代艺术世界中最有趣的问题之一。 www.bing.com 10. Anyone in the whole world must marry, no matter what reason or course. If she or he finds the right one, one must marry. 世上的人都该结婚,不论什么原因。如果一个人找到了合适的对象,就要结婚。 dongxi.net 1. You're my first teacher in the United State. And you're the greatest teacher in the whole world! 你是我在美国的第一个老师。你也是全世界最伟大的老师! blog.sina.com.cn 2. The agricultural Non-Point source pollution is a ubiquitous environmental question in the whole world. 农业面源污染是全世界普遍存在的环境问题。 www.chemyq.com 3. When you show up , it seems only you and me left in the whole World. 当你出现的时候,世界就只剩我们了 zhidao.baidu.com 4. "This is an unprecedented chance as China sees the greatest growth of hedging business in the whole world, " the banker said. 上述银行家并表示,“这是一个史无前例的机遇,因中国的套保业务在全球范围内增长最快。” cn.reuters.com 5. So the easiest spot sends a signal to the rest of China, and [shapes] the image of China in the whole world. 所以尽快解决西藏问题将对中国其他地区发出一个信号,并且改变世界各国对中国的看法。 xzxlegend.spaces.live.com 6. Smallpox suppresses already for 18 years in the whole world, is the guarantee smallpox no longer afterburning. 天花在全球上扑灭已18年,为保证天花不再复燃。 www.ilasan.com 7. But the righteous in the whole world, legacy was to later generations, and other than not risk, DuZhi anger trapped the hair belong also! 然播义于四海,流芳于后世,则非不畏困险、笃志愤发者莫属也! english126.com 8. She's one of my favorite people in the whole world, and always will be. One of my best friends. 她是我在这个世界上最喜欢的人,永远都会是的。她是我最好的朋友。 post.baidu.com 9. You're making some of my favorite movies in the whole world right now. 你正在做的电影,是我最喜欢的电影。 www.bing.com 10. and you know that you couldn't love anything more in the whole world. 让你觉得世上再也没有什么东西能令你如此的爱怜 www.tingroom.com 1. "This is the most wonderful place in the whole world, " she says. 她说,“这儿是全世界最棒的地方。” www.ftchinese.com 2. In this way, form the snooker billiards of 22 balls that have already prevailed in the whole world so far. 这样,便形成了至今已风行全球的22个球的斯诺克台球。 www.yulexiuxian5.com 3. I had the best daddy in the whole world and I will miss him everyday. 我曾拥有世上最好的爸爸,我将每天都怀念他。 informationtimes.dayoo.com 4. And we also knew that soccer was the most popular sport, most loved sport in the whole world. 而我们也知道,足球是全球最受欢迎,最受喜爱的运动。 www.ebigear.com 5. In Italy and even in the whole world scale, Verdi stand on the top of the opera Pyramid wherewith its plentiful and depthful opera. 在意大利乃至整个世界歌剧领域中,威尔第以其作品的博大精深而矗立在歌剧世界金字塔的顶端。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. Since then people have been serving here maintaining peace in the whole world. 自那时起,军人们开始在此服役来维护整个世界的和平。 www.bing.com 7. This situation reflects to our brains, so the contents in our mind is changed to be involved in the whole world and very complex. 这种情况反映到人脑中,人们头脑中容纳的东西也白呢涉及整个世界,变得极其复杂了。 bbs.sunhomo.com 8. In the past, all the enterprises in the whole world appear to be like armies. 过去,全世界所有的企业都是金字塔型的,和部队一样。 vip.ev123.com 9. Have produced eccentric person at the sea at this time, in the whole world makes it bubbling with noise. 这时,海上出了个怪物,在全世界闹得沸沸扬扬。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. It takes the value out of these pirated DVDs or videos if everyone in the whole world can get the movie at the same time in the theater. 如果全世界人人都能在影院同时观看到影片,那么就可以减少盗版DVD光碟或录像带所带来的收入。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn 1. with your companionship, I will become the happiest person in the whole world, I love you. 有了你的陪伴,我将永远是世界上最幸福的人,我爱你。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. In The Whole World Over, she pays tribute once again to the extraordinary complexities of love. 在整个世界上,她再次致敬爱的特殊复杂性。 www.ccebook.net 3. The exploitation of man by man must be abolished in the whole world. 人剥削人的制度必须在全世界消灭。 chinafanyi.com 4. You are always in my heart, here and everywhere, There is no one in the whole world that makes me feel this way. 你永远在我的心中,这里,而且任何地方,在整个世界没有一个人能让我有这种感觉,除了你。 www.nvloo.com 5. The human nature and reasonableness obtain the victory of the end in the whole world. 人性和理性在全世界取得最后的胜利。 www.v6dp.com 6. "Originated in France, Popular in the whole world" , FALANAO will lead the cosmetic fashion tide with the coolest color. “源于法兰西,流行全世界”,法兰奥将用最酷的色彩倡导化妆新潮流。 web.tianwang.com 7. Don't you agree that Michico is the luckiest woman in the whole world? She has Me snuggle with her. 你看姨姨是不是全世界最幸福的人了?有我这样靠著她。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Light blue could not take in the whole world but it is loaded with all our dreams to sway with water waves. 浅浅的蓝色里装不下世界,却装载了梦的重量。那就像在水波上那样荡漾吧。 www.buyishijie.com 9. No. They are nowhere in the whole world. But I'm gonna find them. I'm gonna retrace every step I took today. 不在。它们不在这个世界上了。但是,我要找到它们。我要重走我今天走的每一步。 dict.kekenet.com 10. The operational risk of banking caused a wide concern in the whole world. 银行业操作风险的问题已引起国内外广泛的关注。 www.fabiao.net 1. Their Indian empire has stood the test of time, and is possibly the wealthiest state in the whole world. 他们的印度帝国经受了时间的考验,并很可能是全世界最为富有的国家。 www.clanlong.com 2. A secret I want you know is that are the best in the whole world. 我有一个想让你知道的秘密,在我的心里你是这个世界上最好的男人。 iask.sina.com.cn 3. But in the global outsourcing market, our firms deploy sources in the whole world. 在全球外包下,中国企业要在全球市场上配置资源,必须重构企业价值链。 epub.cnki.net 4. Community correction is a trend to the execution system of punishment in the whole world. 对未成年犯进行社区矫正,是近年来世界各国刑罚执行制度的一个发展趋势。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Not only this sickness the recrudescence risk is high, moreover also cripples the lethal primary cause in the whole world. 此病不仅复发风险高,而且在全球也是致残致死的主要原因。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. I'm Not Scared is the winner of the 2001 Italian Viareggio-Repaci Prize and has already been sold in the whole world in twenty languages. 《有你我不怕》获得2001年意大利“维亚雷吉奥文学大奖”,并已被翻译成二十种语言畅销全球。 www.bing.com 7. There's not enough whiskey in the whole world to drown all my troubles. 要消除我的一切烦恼,全世界的威士忌都不够。 binjyon.bloger.com.cn 8. Home! Sweet home! Home is the best thing ever in the whole world. 家!甜蜜的家!天下最美好的莫过於家。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Suburbanization takes lots of severity changes on the special structure of metropolitan area in the whole world. 郊区化进程给全球大都市区空间格局的发展带来了激烈变化。 www.ceps.com.tw 10. According to investigate forest area in the whole world just with every year top ten million hectare of speed at disappear. 据调查全世界森林面积正以每年上千万公顷的速度在消失。 wenwen.soso.com 1. e. g. Shakespeare enjoys general popularity in the whole world. 莎士比亚在世界上享有盛名,受欢迎,得众望 www.for68.com 2. Only one country in the whole world? Will there be world peace? 全世界只有一个国家?那就会世界和平了? zhidao.baidu.com 3. No matter in the whole world, country or yardstick of area, land use change always lead to land cover change . 无论是在全球还是国家或区域的尺度上,土地利用的变化总是不断地导致土地覆盖的变化。 www.fabiao.net 4. Some people say this nation is the cleverest but one in the whole world. 有人说,这个民族在全世界范围内聪明才智排第二。 en.v.wenguo.com 5. Its operation characteristics and possible problems, such as power harmonic and system stability, are widely studied in the whole world. 其运行特性以及可能存在的电力谐波、系统稳定性等一系列问题是人们广泛关注的课题。 www.dictall.com 6. In the whole world of physics has had a profound effect. 这在整个物理学界产生了极为深远的影响。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Nowadays, a technical reform mainly in the development of IT and science is carried out in the whole world. 当前,世界上正在进行着一场以信息科学技术发展为主流的科学技术革命。 www.fabiao.net 8. Edward. - Edward. That's my favorite name in the whole world! 爱德华。-爱德华。那是全世界我最喜欢的名字! www.maplesky.net 9. A toast to Bernie, the worst stockbroker in the whole world. 为伯世上最差劲的股票经纪人干杯 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Mother's dead You got nothing in the whole world but your brother. 你除了哥哥世界上没人了。 www.tingoh.com 1. Moscow Metro is the best in the whole world! 莫斯科麦德龙是全球最好的! www.bing.com 2. Brian: You must be the laziest guy in the whole world Dario. 布莱恩:你肯定是整个世界最懒的人,达里奥。 www.bing.com 3. Babylon in Iraq, is the most famous ancient city in the whole world. 伊拉克古巴比伦城是全世界最著名的古城。 www.bing.com 4. VIVIAN: Edward, that's my favorite name in the whole world. 爱德华!那是我最喜爱的名字。 www.medicaleng.com 5. You are the most magnificent chef in the whole world. 你是全世界最棒的厨师。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. It's going to change all the current English learning methods in the whole world. 将会改变目前全世界的英语学习方法。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. YUGI: In that case, why not just tear up every card in the whole world? 弓木:在这种情况下,为何不干脆撕掉每全世界卡? chinesewang.myfreeforum.org 8. If she has gone and left you forever, then you should remember, a mother's love is the most selfless love in the whole world. 如果她已经不幸永远离开了你,那么你必须记得,母爱才是天底下最无私的爱! hi.baidu.com 9. You are the nicest Grandma in the whole world. 您是全世界最好的奶奶。 www.ebigear.com 10. I will cry. you are very super wonderful girl, maybe best in the whole world, my feeling. 你是一个多么奇妙的女孩,我感觉甚至是这个世上最好的了。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 1. Hongkong located to the south of China, it is the most modern city in the whole world. 香港位于中国的南部,是世界上最具现代化的地方之一。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com 2. M: I enjoy it very much! My farther told me Chinese traditional culture is the most excellent and richest one in the whole world. 我非常喜欢!我父亲告诉我,中国的传统文化是世界上最优秀、最博大的文化。 community.studyez.com 3. We have about 40 in the whole world at present, 000 employee are engaged in software developing the work. 我们目前在全球有大约40,000名员工从事软件开发工作。 pjprimer.com 4. It is high time that we took actions to keep peace in the whole world. 是时候我们该采取行动维护世界和平了。 wenku.baidu.com 5. Hence, I see up broad earth in the motherland, China children in in the whole world lead to utter high song. 于是,我看到祖国辽阔的大地上,华夏儿女于天地间引吭高歌。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. You have tasted all the happiness and the sadness in the whole world, what will this tiny thing be? 拟以尝遍这世上的所有的快乐与痛苦,这点小事算得了什么? zhidao.baidu.com 7. In the end, I will ask every people in the whole world to plant at least 10 trees. 最后,通告全世界人民平均每人一天种10棵树。 cswh.92doc.com 8. You will be the happiest and luckiest person in the whole world! 你将会成为世界上最快乐和最幸运的人! zhidao.baidu.com 9. It was only we two in the whole world. 这个世界只有两个人。 www.kekenet.com 10. You are the nicest mom in the whole world. 您是全世界最好的妈妈。 gb.cri.cn 1. Nothing is constant in the whole world. 在这个世界中没有什么是永恒的。 www.jukuu.com 2. When the camera zooms in, the whole world watches out. 当镜头对准(汶川),全世界都在关注。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. In China, I also think in every. . . in the whole world every parent want their kids be at lease college students, right? 在中国…应该是世界上所有的父母都会希望自己的孩子学业有成,至少是大学生对吧? www.hxen.com 4. In the whole world, the greatest and most justice, most unselfish is time in the life most ordinary again the most precious or time. 大千世界中,最伟大、最公正、最无私的是时间生活中最平凡又最珍贵的还是时间。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. It's my favourite museum in the whole world. 这是全世界我最喜欢的博物馆。 eblog.cersp.com 6. That sounds great! I love Lake Michigan. It must be the best lake in the whole world. Are you going by car? 真棒!我喜欢密歇根湖,它肯定是全世界最好的湖。你们开小汽车去吗? blog.sina.com.cn 7. Also we cover other most ports in the whole world. So we can supply all marine service everywhere in this planet. 不仅如此,我们还在世界其余港口有业务伙伴,所以,我们能为您在世界各个角落提供服务。 blog.hinews.cn 8. We don't believe there is any shortage of supply in the whole world. 我们不相信整个世界中有任何的供应短缺。 edu.sina.com.cn 9. Really? In the whole world? 真的全世界吗 www.kekenet.com 10. So if you even go to london, make sure you visit the science museum. It's my favourite museum in the whole world. 所以,如果你曾经去过伦敦,要确定去过科技博物馆。它是全世界我最喜欢的博物馆。 wenwen.soso.com 1. This is football, so fans in the whole world is non-stop between heaven and hell. 这就是足球,使球迷的整个世界处于不停的处于天堂和地狱之间。 iask.sina.com.cn 2. More bombs than were droped in the whole World War II. 在越战中的投弹数量超过了整个二战 www.kekenet.com 3. I love my father, and I want to tell him he's the greatest, kindest man in the whole world. 我爱我的爸爸,我想对爸爸说:爸,你是这个世界上最伟大和善良的人! blog.sina.com.cn 4. You have the best husband in the whole world. 你得到了一个举世难寻的好丈夫。 5. It is the oldest mountain observatory in 3000 meters in the whole world, and it collected data since 1886. 这是全世界最古老的高山气象站,位于海拔3000米的高山上,从1886年开始收集数据。 www.kekenet.com 6. Listening to the radio in my spare time is the most enjoyable thing in the whole world. 闲暇时听收音机是我莫大的享受。 www.jukuu.com 7. This is the most competitive market in the whole world. 这是世界上竞争最激烈的市场。 bbs.imelite.com.cn 8. and for a while, she was the only black billionaire in the whole world 并在一段时间里是全世界唯一的黑人亿万富翁 www.kekenet.com 9. What do you wanna be in the world? In the whole world, what do you wanna be? 你想成为什么在这个世界上,你想成为什么 www.tingroom.com 10. Lu Xun is famous not just in China but in the whole world. 鲁迅不只在中国有名,而且在全世界都很著名。 en.12999.com 1. Our country's highway mileage which was up to 45300 km in the bottom of 2006 was on the second level in the whole world, just after America. 到2006年底,我国的高速公路通车里程已达45300公里,成为仅次于美国,在世界上位居第二的国家。 paper.pet2008.cn 2. He is famous not only in China but in the whole world. 他不仅誉满中国,而且誉满全世界。 www.jxenglish.com 3. Why? Because now I thank God every day for giving me the meanest mother in the whole world. 为什么呢?因为现在我每天都会感谢上帝,谢谢他赐予我一个世界上最无情的母亲。 www.yingyu.com 4. I have the best Daddy in the whole world and I will miss him every day. 我有全世界最好的爸爸、而且我每天都会想念他。 bbs.sinodino.com 5. Running around the Earth: Reading Activities in the Whole World 绕着地球跑:世界各国的阅读运动 www.ilib.cn 6. On The Competition Among The Governments In The Whole World Era 论全球化时代的政府竞争 service.ilib.cn 7. I might be the perfect janitor in the whole world 我也许是全世界最好的看门人。 www.bing.com 8. To develop the modern industry of traditional Chinese medicine, and to promote traditional Chinese medicine in the whole world 发展现代中药产业,推动中医药走向世界 www.cheds.pku.edu.cn 9. Research on Epoch Obligation of Geographic Education from Environmental Problems in the Whole World 从全球环境问题看地理教育的时代使命 www.ilib.cn 10. Groundwater Utilization and Present Management Condition in the Whole World 世界地下水资源利用与管理现状 www.ilib.cn 1. desists from aggressive intervention against Muslims in the whole world 停止对全球各地的伊斯兰国家进行侵略性干预 www.bing.com 2. There must be someone in the whole world who knows where she lives 世上一定有人知道她住在哪里 www.tingroom.com 3. Ethical Thinking on AIDS Popularity in the Whole World 艾滋病全球流行的伦理学思考 service.ilib.cn 4. the most wonderful thing in the whole world has happened 世上最美好的事发生了 www.tingroom.com 5. Research on solid substrate in the whole world 国内外固体基质研究概况 www.ilib.cn 6. Purchasing in the Whole World under the Mode of Management of Supply Chain 浅析供应链管理模式下的全球采购 www.ilib.cn 7. The biggest ceramic train base in the whole world 原标识:全世界规模最大的陶艺培训基地 www.szsiyang.com 8. There's absolutely no way in the whole world 很显然世界上没有一种方法 www.tingroom.com 9. As in the whole world thou can find 你会发现在全世界 www.hjbbs.com 10. The Most Sad Person In The Whole World 全世界最伤心的人 bbs.53520.com |
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