单词 | in the suburbs of | ||||||
释义 | in the suburbs of
例句释义: 在…郊区,在……的郊区,地方 1. In recent years, farm tour as a way of leisure has sprung up in the suburbs of Beijing. 最近几年,农家乐这种休闲方式开始在城市近郊兴起。 i.myechinese.com 2. Violence has broken out for a seventh straight night in the suburbs of Paris, as the French government struggles to restore order. 巴黎近郊连续第七个夜晚爆发暴力事件,目前,法国政府正在艰难地恢复秩序。 www.tianya.cn 3. Work site is located in the suburbs of Suzhou, is not suitable for sightseeing, but for a resort with a quiet environment. 作品选址地处苏州远郊,不适合做观光地,但适合作为一个有着安静环境的度假村。 dict.chla.com.cn 4. Orders are now flying in and Li's crumbling workshop in the suburbs of Beijing receives more visitors from across the country. 除了订单涌入,李荣标在北京郊区残破的工作室,现在得接待更多自来全国各地的访客。 www.proxyweb.net 5. Far from hiding out in the desert, the Kingstons ran a $ 150 million business empire right in the suburbs of Salt Lake City. 和格林家深居沙漠不同,金斯敦家族掌管的1.5亿美元的商业帝国就在盐湖城郊区。 www.bing.com 6. Fischl was born in 1948 in New York City and grew up in the suburbs of Long Island. 费舍尔1948在纽约市出生,之后在纽约长岛的郊区度过了他的童年。 style.sina.com.cn 7. He lives in London, or rather, in the suburbs of London. 他住在伦敦,更准确地说是在伦敦郊区。 www.flashkj.net 8. She now lives with her long-time interior designer boyfriend and an adopted daughter in the suburbs of Beijing. 现在她和她交往了很长时间的室内设计师男友还有收养的女儿一起住在北京郊区。 www.bing.com 9. A worker stuffs newly made toys at the production line of a toy factory in the suburbs of Shanghai. 在上海市郊的一家玩具厂,一名工人在生产线上填塞新玩具。 dongxi.net 10. TATIANA DE ROSNAY was born in the suburbs of Paris and is of English, French and Russian descent. 塔蒂阿娜·德·ROSNAY出生在巴黎郊区的和英语、法语和俄罗斯血统。 baike.baidu.com 1. This is Jesus about to ascend into heaven, talking to his disciples, right outside Jerusalem in the suburbs of Jerusalem. 讲的是耶稣即将上升天堂,与他的门徒的对话,就在耶路撒冷郊外。 open.163.com 2. France's first restaurant serving halal meat in an American-style fast-food setting has opened in the suburbs of Paris. 法国第一家在美式快餐环境下供应清真肉食的餐厅已于近日在巴黎郊外开张。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. Tom: I camped out in the suburbs of Beijing by joining a making-friend group. 我参加了一个交友团,去北京野外宿营了呢。 www.bing.com 4. At the time, I was managing a commercial casualty insurance agency in the suburbs of Detroit, Michigan. 当时,我在密歇根州底特律城郊管理一个商业的伤残保险分公司。 www.bing.com 5. Females predominate in number over males in all the residential neighborhoods and in the suburbs of the city. 在城市的居住地区和郊区地带,女性人口数量要远远超过男性人口数量。 6. villas and townhouses in the suburbs of Shanghai will vigorously promote the utilization of solar energy technology project. 上海将在郊区别墅和排屋项目中大力推广太阳能利用技术。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. Plus, Motorola is based in the suburbs of Chicago, far from Google's Silicon Valley home. 另外,摩托罗拉公司位于芝加哥郊区,离谷歌的大本营硅谷距离甚远。 www.bing.com 8. She is at her house in a run-down gated community in the suburbs of Guatemala City. 门楚的家在危地马拉城郊区一个围墙年久失修的社区里。 www.ecocn.org 9. The robbers hid out in the suburbs of Boston to cool off. 强盗们躲在波士顿郊外避风头。 zhidao.baidu.com 10. Mr. Bai, uses a technique he developed himself at a modest private clinic in the suburbs of Shanghai. 白大夫在上海郊区一所普通私人诊所工作,他采用的是自己研发的技术。 www.common-talk.com 1. said Diane Lake, co-owner of the Economy Party Supplies and Costumes in the suburbs of the US capital. 位于美国首都郊区的经济派对用品及服饰公司的所有者之一黛安-莱克说。 bbs.enfamily.cn 2. The two U. S. officials Thursday toured an American-made, solar-powered house in the suburbs of Beijing. 两位美国官员星期四参观了在北京郊区由美国制造的太阳能房。 www.voanews.cn 3. But if the mood of many in the suburbs of Australia is a guide, the contest is still very much alive. 但,如果这些澳大利亚郊区选民的想法是可以作为一种参考,那本届大选会非常热闹。 www.elanso.com 4. my childhood spent in the suburbs of Beijing. Impression of the most interesting thing of all occurred in the summer. 我的童年在北京的郊区度过。印象最有趣的事儿,全都发生在夏天。 www.bing.com 5. Yesterday morning I got a phone call from my cousin, who is now running a small firm in the suburbs of this city . 星期三早晨我接到我堂哥的电话,他的一个小小的公司刚刚在郊区开始营业。 blog.stnn.cc 6. This happened about 10 years ago in a place called Sendai City, at a driving school in the suburbs of Tokyo. 刚才大家看到的景象发生在10年前东京市郊的一家驾驶学校附近。 www.ted.com 7. The report says the devices and bomb-making tools were seized in raids in the suburbs of Aksu city in Xinjiang. 报导说,警方在新疆阿克苏市郊德搜剿中缴获了这些爆炸装置和炸弹制造工具。 kantianya.com 8. Head on over to Beaverton School District, in the suburbs of Portland. 看一下在波特兰郊区的比佛顿学区。 www.bing.com 9. 65-year-old Tondu Chaudri has picked up a lunchbox from Anna Pabona's home in the suburbs of Mumbai every morning for the last 30 years. 过去30年里的每天上午,65岁的唐杜·克劳迪都会在孟买郊区的安娜家里拿到装着午餐的饭盒。 www.kekenet.com 10. This latest outbreak has been linked to one leisure centre in the suburbs of Bordeaux. 最新的疫情爆发似乎与波尔多郊区一家休闲中心有关。 www.hxen.com 1. A man paddles a makeshift raft through a flooded area in the suburbs of Bangkok October 20, 2011. 一名男子桨通过淹没区在2011年10月20日,曼谷郊区的一个临时木筏。 blog.163.com 2. We have been connecting dots and therefore when we found out that they are there in the suburbs of Quetta then we conducted this raid. 我们一直在连接点,因此当我们发现他们是在奎达郊区,然后我们进行了这次袭击。 www.maynet.cn 3. The city continues to multiply demographically: some 10 million people now live in the center or in the suburbs of this megalopolis. 城市人口仍然继续增长,如今,约有1000万人居住在这个大都市的市中心或是郊区地区。 www.bing.com 4. I live in the suburbs of the capital, a lonely person to work doing manual work, sewing for others and set some props. 我住在京城的郊外,一个人寂寞地做着活儿,手工活儿,为别人缝些布景和道具。 wenwen.soso.com 5. During the period of the Republic of China, it spreads even wider, but tomato cultivation is mainly concentrated in the suburbs of big city. 民国时期,番茄的传播范围不断扩大,但番茄栽培不多,主要集中在大城市郊区。 www.fabiao.net 6. The blaze ripped through 1300 hectares of forest and damaged homes in the suburbs of France's second largest city. 马赛是法国第二大城市,这场大火烧毁了约1300公顷的山林和房屋。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. This 2 star hotel is located in the suburbs of Schwetzingen and was established in 1994. 这家二星级酒店坐落在郊区的施威琴根,并于1994年成立。 www.orangeway.cn 8. In the suburbs of Algiers, there is a little cemetery with black iron gates. 在阿尔及尔的市郊有一处小小的墓园,两扇大门是黑铁做的。 www.bing.com 9. The ancient town of Fuliang lies in the suburbs of Jingdezhen. 浮梁古城位于瓷都景德镇市郊。 www.cctv.com 10. The woman is the University of Sana'a, Yemen, medical students, living in the suburbs of the capital, Sana'a Yemen. 该女子是也门萨那大学的医科学生,居住在也门首都萨那市郊。 www.englishtang.com 1. Stewart , who lived in the suburbs of Kansas City, made his fortune in cable television and long-distance telephone service. 史都华生前住在堪萨斯市郊区,靠经营有线电视和长途电话生意致富。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. I'm in the suburbs of Abidjan, very empty, very quiet. 我正在阿比让郊区,这里非常空旷,非常寂静。 www.voanews.cn 3. The program still has been re-test in the suburbs of Beijing. 这个方案也同样在北京郊区的城乡接合部被再次实验。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. I have a membership in a golf club that is just started in the suburbs of Guangzhou, and I've made some reservations. 我有一个在广州市郊刚刚开业的高尔夫俱乐部的会员卡,并且预约了时间。 www.jukuu.com 5. The museum was located in the suburbs of Kiev in 1976. 博物馆建造于1976年,坐落在首都基辅的郊外。 www.bing.com 6. Nearly 200 small refineries operated in the suburbs of Baku by 1884. 近200个小炼油厂运作巴库郊区的1884年。 q.sohu.com 7. Last year berserk bargain-hunters in the suburbs of New York City trampled a Wal-Mart employee to death. 去年,纽约市郊沃尔玛超市的一名员工因为顾客疯抢打折商品而被踩伤致死。 www.24en.com 8. They lived in the suburbs of Wuhan. 他们住在武汉市郊。 info95.vicp.net 9. I live in the suburbs of Taipei. 我住在台北市郊。 gz.fjedu.gov.cn 10. Even in the suburbs of port, but also can see Big Ben spire. 即使在城郊港口,却也能一眼望见大本钟的塔尖。 tieba.baidu.com 1. I have made a good life for myself in the suburbs of Washington. I am married and still very close to my brother and our mother. 我在华盛顿郊区生活得很好,我已经结了婚,但和母亲和弟弟仍保持亲密的关系。 www.bing.com 2. On the economic development Countermeasures of the great historic relic areas in the suburbs of xi'an city 试论西安近郊文物大遗址区的经济发展对策 ilib.cn 3. A Study on the Present State of Land Use for Leisure Tourism in the Suburbs of Beijing and Its Future Trend 北京郊区休闲度假旅游用地现状及未来趋势研究 ilib.cn 4. Research on the Countryside Recreation Need and Tourism Development Characteristics in the Suburbs of Foreign Metropolises 国外大都市郊区农村休闲需求及旅游发展特点研究 scholar.ilib.cn 5. Looking at rural water modernization from water conservancy in the suburbs of Beijing municipality 从京郊水利看农村水利现代化 ilib.cn 6. Community structure and diversity of butterflies in different habitats in the suburbs of Shaoguan City, Guangdong Province 广东韶关市郊不同生境蝶类种群结构及多样性的初步研究 scholar.ilib.cn 7. Preliminary Study of Coccinellidae in the Suburbs of Nanchong City 南充市郊瓢虫科昆虫的初步研究 service.ilib.cn 8. A preliminary study on sustainable utilization of land resources in the suburbs of urban: --a case study on the town of Hongshan 城郊型乡镇土地资源可持续利用问题探讨--以武汉市洪山区洪山乡为例 www.ilib.cn 9. Comments on the Efficiency of Developing Tourist Agriculture in the Suburbs of the City of Ma'anshan 马鞍山市郊区发展观光农业的有效性评价 www.ilib.cn 10. Several Experiences for Water Conservancy Irrigation and Drainage Management in the Suburbs of Shanghai City 上海郊区水利排灌管理的经验 www.ilib.cn 1. Effects of Wastewater Irrigation on Groundwater Quantity and Quality in the Suburbs of Shijiazhuang City, China 农业污水灌溉对石家庄市近郊灌区地下水环境的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on the Major Industry Environment Affecting Sustainable Development of Tourism Industry in the Suburbs of Beijing 影响京郊旅游业持续发展的主要产业环境问题研究 service.ilib.cn 3. An analysis of infectious disease fatality and inoculation effect in the suburbs of Guiyang city 贵阳市城郊传染病死亡与预防接种效应分析 service.ilib.cn 4. Discussion on Sewage Irrigation Development Process in the Suburbs of Beijing City 北京市城近郊区污水灌溉农田发展过程探讨 service.ilib.cn 5. Obstacles and Countermeasures of E-business Development in the Suburbs of Beijing 京郊电子商务发展的障碍及其对策 www.ilib.cn 6. Ecological Remote Sensing Study on Mountainous Landscape in the Suburbs of Suzhou 苏州城郊山地景观生态遥感研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Residential District Construction in the Suburbs of Shanghai 上海近郊住区建设 www.ilib.cn 8. Research on The Consumption level and Patterns of Peasant Family in the Suburbs of Beijing 关于京郊农户消费水平和消费结构的研究 www.ilib.com.cn 9. Application of Automatic Irrigation System in the Suburbs of Shanghai 自动化灌溉系统在上海郊区的应用 www.ilib.cn 10. Preliminary Investigation on Spiders in the Suburbs of Taiyuan 太原市近郊蜘蛛初步调查 www.ilib.cn 1. Species diversity of lady beetles in the suburbs of Nanchong City, Sichuan 四川南充市郊瓢虫物种多样性的初步研究 www.ilib.cn 2. On the Status Quo of Farmers'Physical Exercises in the Suburbs of Hunan Province 湖南省城郊乡村农民体育现状研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Heavy Metal Pollution in Vegetable-Planting Soils in the Suburbs of Guiyang City, Guizhou Provinec 贵州贵阳市郊区菜园土壤重金属污染的初步调查 www.ilib.cn 4. Instrument Ensemble: The Red River Valley, A Night in the Suburbs of Moscow 器乐合奏:红河谷,莫斯科郊外的晚上 www.indy-chinese.com 5. Study on Property Rights of Rural Enterprises in the Suburbs of Beijing 京郊乡镇企业产权结构分析与发展思考 service.ilib.cn 6. Research report of oral health and oral diseases of the old people in the suburbs of Xiamen 厦门近郊农村老年人口腔健康及相关因素初步调查 www.ilib.cn 7. Pinghua Dialects Island in the Suburbs of Nanning 南宁近郊平话方言岛 service.ilib.cn 8. Heavy metal pollution in the soil in the suburbs of Wuhu City, AnhuiProvince 芜湖市城市郊区土壤重金属污染的初步研究 www.ilib.cn 9. The Common Bryophyte in the Suburbs of Simao 思茅市郊常见苔藓植物 www.ilib.cn 10. Trapped in the suburbs of wonderland 在这仙境般的乡野迷失 zhixincao.blog.hexun.com 1. Analysis on the structure of health human resources in the suburbs of Wuhan city 武汉市远城区卫生人力资源结构分析 www.ilib.cn |
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