单词 | heavy-handed |
释义 |
比较级:heavier-handed 最高级:heaviest-handed 例句释义: 拙劣的,暴虐的,辣手,重拳,重手 1. The PCAPA was formed within days of that landmine attack, ostensibly to protest against the police's heavy-handed response to it. PCAPA在那次地雷袭击发生后的几天内迅速成立,表面上是为了抗议警方对这次事件所采取的高压措施。 www.bing.com 2. Russia's heavy-handed energy diplomacy is often counterproductive. 俄罗斯僵硬的能源外交政策经常使得能源目标难以实现。 www.ecocn.org 3. Yahoo! seems to have come up with the ultimate response to Microsoft's heavy-handed attempts to purchase the internet portal. 看上去雅虎终于对微软收购其互联网门户的重拳出击有了回应。 www.elanso.com 4. As it was, Mr Abe's hatchet-men had to be restrained from the same heavy-handed methods that prevented a rate rise last time. 考虑到来自国际反应,安培先生的“随从”无法采取与上次相同的拙劣方法来阻止利率的上调。 www.ecocn.org 5. Prospects of a coup in the midst of these tensions are slim, but heavy-handed political interference from the Turkish military is likely. 紧张气氛中发生政变的可能性不大,但是土耳其军方严重干预政治是很有可能的。 www.bing.com 6. It might be moved to legislate if it thinks the EPA is being too heavy-handed. 如果它认为EPA动作迟缓的话,可能会采取立法行动。 www.ecocn.org 7. General McChrystal noted as much in January, when he issued a new directive to avoid needless casualties and heavy-handed intrusions. 一月份时,StanleyMcChrystal将军部署新指令,要求行动时尽量避免无谓伤亡以及过度侵犯百姓。 www.ecocn.org 8. Some of the curator's choices seem a bit odd and the written descriptions, which add little, are occasionally heavy-handed . 馆长的一些选择似乎有些独辟蹊径,他附注的说明文字增色甚少,而且有时言不达意。 dict.kekenet.com 9. The beauty with that sort of system is that it doesn't impose heavy-handed rules on people who don't need them. 那种类型系统的优点在于它不会对不需要的人强加严厉的规则。 www.bing.com 10. Forcing people to do something is heavy-handed, but sometimes it's necessary to jolt people out of their collective or individual rut. 强迫人们做一些事是不明智的,但有时打破人们关于其集体或个人意识陈规是必要的。 www.ibm.com 1. But the crackdown in Bahrain appeared to be the most heavy-handed seen on Thursday. 但巴林镇压行动似乎是周四最为高压的行动。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In a market, you need measures to protect consumers, but not in such a heavy-handed way as to discourage investment. 在一个市场里,需要采取措施保护消费者,但又不能手段太重以至于影响投资热情。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. But the elections have been hastily organized, in an atmosphere of increasingly heavy-handed suppression by the ruling military. 但选举是在军方压制力度越来越大的氛围中匆忙组织的。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Equally welcome is the meeting's recognition that heavy-handed policing is not the solution. 同样令人欢迎的是此次会议承认了严厉的监督并非解决之道。 www.scidev.net 5. Don't be excessively heavy handed in negotiations at the expense of a more meaningful long term relationship. 不要在谈判中过于斤斤计较,从而错失了更有意义的长期合作关系。 www.bing.com 6. Eight hundred armed men are now being directly funded by the United States in Helmand, but they've faced criticism for being heavy-handed. 赫尔曼得省现在有800名由美国直接提供资金的武装人员,但是他们却由于笨手笨脚而受到批评。 www.voanews.cn 7. Power has not been devolved to the council, and the security forces and their local allies behave with heavy-handed unaccountability. 权力并没有下放到省议会,而保安军队和他们当地的伙伴则是全副武装,且不负责任的。 www.ecocn.org 8. But they made no progress, and unrest spread to the streets, where it was met by a heavy-handed government response. 但他们劳而无获,不安传递到大街小巷,在那里遇到了政府辣手无情的回应。 www.bing.com 9. The prime minister of the former communist country cautioned against too heavy-handed a state intervention. 这位前社会主义国家的总理谨慎地反对国家对经济的过度干预。 www.bing.com 10. After the charge against the sit-down protest at students, there were complaints that officers had been heavy handed. 负责看管静坐示威的学生中,有抱怨说警察们使用了强硬的手段。 www.bing.com 1. Fantastic art direction, great characters and plot, love the rain motif. Some of the symbolism is a little heavy-handed, but so what. 杰出的美工艺术,出色的角色和阴谋,爱上了这暴雨的主题~一些符号感觉有些难以对付,但这又如何。 bbs.a9vg.com 2. Heavy-handed censorship also risks alienating Weibo's urban educated user base, who value precisely the free flow of ideas it allows. 严厉的审查也可能使新浪微博里那些受过教育的城市用户群体远离它。这类群体看重的正是新浪微博允许的思想的自由交流。 cn.wsj.com 3. "It's very heavy-handed of the OMB to come in and regulate peer review, " Waxman charges. 华克斯曼指称:「OMB想介入并管理同侪审查是非常霸道的做法。」 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. He also frets that heavy-handed regulation may stop America from taking advantage of its vast reserves of shale gas. 过度的管制可能将阻碍美国利用其储量丰富的页岩气,对此他也很烦恼。 www.ecocn.org 5. And the answer is not heavy-handed regulations that crush the entrepreneurial spirit and risk - taking of American capitalism. 而答案不是压碎企业家精神和美国资本主义接受风险惯例的重拳管理。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Heavy-handed attempts to extract more from consumers or internet services would put some of those gains at risk. 旨在从消费者或互联网服务中榨取更多利益的粗暴尝试,将危及它们获得的某些好处。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Rivals complained about its heavy-handed tactics. pc makers griped that it was hogging the industry's profits. 个人电脑制造商抱怨它扭曲了整个行业的利益。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Yet even if the trend is confirmed, it scarcely vindicates the heavy-handed methods used to engineer it. 然而,即使这种趋势得到证实,也很难证明政府为此采取的硬性措施是正确的。 www.ftchinese.com 9. But heavy-handed regulators and compliance officers are forever reacting to the last disaster. 但严厉的监管者及合规官员总是在最后一场灾难降临时才做出反应。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Three days earlier, riot police had broken up the first pockets of protest. But their heavy-handed tactics backfired. 三天前,镇暴警察驱散了第一波抗议行动,但他们的压制战术产生反效果,一名年轻人丧生。 www.ecocn.org 1. Heavy-handed enforcement is unlikely, as the desire for investment will outweigh the temptation to apply the new law aggressively. 高压执行不太可能出现,因为中国对投资的渴望超过大力推行新法的诱惑。 www.ftchinese.com 2. In a world where goodwill is scarce , heavy- handed dialogues engender resentments that spill over into other spheres . 在一个善意匮乏的世界中,笨拙的对话会造成蔓延至其它领域的憎恨情绪。 www.bing.com 3. The order was scaled back after being criticized as a heavy-handed attempt by the government to control its citizens' Internet use. 此举被批为控制公民上网行为的拙劣企图,后来被工信部撤销。 chinese.wsj.com 4. When you find yourself getting heavy-handed with the saltshaker, simply drop a few apple (or potato) wedges in your pot. 当你觉得自己放盐的时候把握不到位的话,简单地放一些苹果片或土豆也行到锅里。 sunstreak.blog.35.cn 5. The heavy-handed official repression that followed resulted in hundreds of arrests and allegations of widespread police violence. 官方其后实行的严厉镇压导致数百人被捕,并且出现了对警察滥用暴力的指控。 www.america.gov 6. Well, my youngest son is feeling ill, and kept me up half the night. That's why my work is a bit heavy-handed and clumsy this morning. 嗯,我的小儿子生病了,昨晚忙乎了半夜,所以今天早上是有些笨手笨脚的。 www.hjenglish.com 7. His reputation may even have been enhanced among opponents of Washington's heavy-handed foreign policy. 卡扎菲甚至在反对华盛顿铁腕政策中的人中名声鹊起 www.bing.com 8. This is helpful for the times when you want to do some heavy-handed work on the system without stomping on someone's important document. 当您想对系统进行一些烦琐的操作,而又不希望破坏别人重要的文档时,这种方法很有帮助。 www.ibm.com 9. Heavy-handed efforts in vernacular services also risk crowding out promising locals, by pinching good journalists. 笨拙的方言服务努力将会面临当地机构通过削减记者数量来排挤的风险。 www.ecocn.org 10. The heavy-handed tactics and coercion by officials have turned one-time champions against the policy. 计划生育策略上的强势和官员的高压曾使其辉煌一时。 www.bing.com 1. No regulatory system can prevent every collapse or detect every fraud, however intricate, adaptable or heavy-handed. 任何监管体系都不能防止每一起倒闭,或发现每一宗欺诈,无论这套体系有多么精巧、适应性有多强或者采取何种高压手段。 www.ftchinese.com 2. While that practice has diminished (though not disappeared), other heavy-handed tactics remain in use in the hinterland. 尽管这种做法已经减少(但没有消失),但在内陆地区还有其他高压的战术。 www.stnn.cc 3. They do not like working for heavy-handed bosses. 他们不喜欢为专横的老板工作。 www.ftchinese.com 4. But critics say the record companies are risking a backlash as music fans take offense at the heavy-handed treatment. 但是评论家说,唱片公司正冒着引发强烈反对的风险,因为乐迷会因遭受强制手段的对待而感到生气。 edu.sina.com.cn 5. Admitting the coastguard was heavy-handed, it promised to ensure that legal claims for compensation ran smoothly. 福田政府正在把事件减弱,承认海岸自卫队失误,并承诺确保合法的索赔顺利进行。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Signs have also emerged that the carmaker has become irritated by Berlin's heavy-handed negotiating tactics in recent weeks. 也有迹象表明,通用对德国政府近几周的高压谈判策略感到恼火。 www.ftchinese.com 7. First, China is reluctant to get heavy-handed with workers in big-brand firms that attract global media attention. 第一,中国不愿意对能够引起全球媒体关注的大公司工人施加毒辣的手段。 www.bing.com 8. The start of the riots is attributed to heavy-handed policing and lack of information. 暴乱始于笨拙强硬的警察执法以及信息的缺失。 www.bing.com 9. The action is well orchestrated, but the storytelling can be heavy-handed. 情节可以精心安排,但故事叙述却是直接而残酷。 www.bing.com 10. In fact, when you put so many heavy-handed rules in a game, you're going to encourage reverse forms of griefing. 事实上,当你在游戏中使用了太多的禁令,反而会激发玩家的逆反心理。 www.pixelgame.net 1. China's heavy-handed diplomacy and expressions of special rights in the South China Sea have left it isolated in the region. 中国生硬的外交手段和声称在南中国海拥有特权的表态,使它在这一地区受到孤立。 www.ftchinese.com 2. The strangest thing about the Kremlin's heavy-handed behaviour is that it is to a great extent unnecessary. 最奇怪的是,克里姆林宫的这种强硬的行为在很大程度上是没有必要的。 www.ecocn.org 3. More heavy-handed financial regulatory reform is likely to emerge from the new U. S. Congress in 2009, Eichengreen said. 艾肯格林说,新的美国国会很可能在2009年出台对金融业实行更严格监管的改革性立法。 www.america.gov 4. The commission has proposed heavy-handed regulation of hedge funds and private-equity firms. 该委员会提议对对冲基金和私募公司采取严格管理。 www.ecocn.org 5. The whole scene is "pervaded by this very heavy-handed imagery, " added Beckman. 整个场景“充满了人为痕迹严重的画面,”贝克曼补充说到。 www.bing.com 6. However, concern about the election and the heavy-handed response to the ensuing protests have damped those hopes. 然而,对大选的担忧和伊朗政府对随之而来的抗议活动的强硬态度已经削弱了这些希望。 www.ftchinese.com 7. All the same, the state seems too keen to use heavy-handed regulation. 与此类似的是,韩国似乎对使用量刑过重的法规条例特别敏感。 www.bing.com 8. It's rather ugly -- and heavy handed, but works well at very small sizes on the monitor, as seen at right. 这是相当丑陋-重手,但工程的显示器尺寸也非常小,因为看到在右侧。 www.bing.com 9. Control remains heavy handed on topics deemed "sensitive. " 政府继续严格控制“敏感”话题。 www.bing.com 10. The second reason is that Ontario has traditionally been heavy-handed with its regulations on drinking. 第二个理由就是,安大略省历来都对本省的关于饮酒的规定抓的很严。 www.ecocn.org 1. He believes it's a mistake for employers to become too heavy handed about personal Internet use. 他认为雇主过于限制私人互联网使用是个错误。 www.bing.com 2. Uighur activists say they have legitimate grievances against what they say is heavy-handed Chinese rule. 维吾尔活动分子说,他们对他们所说的汉人的高压统治的抱怨是有根据的。 kantianya.com 3. Japan is getting heavy-handed in its crackdown on smoking. 日本正加大对吸烟的打击力度。 www.kekenet.com 4. Often it is the authorities that are heavy handed and start violence, which is self-defeating and only encourages retaliation. 通常这是由于当权者们的高压手段并且开始的暴行,这是弄巧成拙的行为,仅仅只是在怂恿报复。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. incensed at the government's heavy-handed economic economic policies; a manager who rode roughshod over all opposition. 被政府专横的经济政策所激怒;无情的凌驾在所有反对派之上的经理。 www.hotdic.com 6. The heavy-handed rule of Vladimir Meciar, which ended in 1998, nearly cost the country its chance of EU and NATO membership. 结束于1998年拙劣的弗拉基米尔.麦恰尔统治时期几乎让国家丧失了加入欧盟和北约的机会。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The justice ministry seems heavy-handed and too fond of publicity. 司法部的做法似乎过于鲁莽,他们过于热衷将事件公布于众了。 dict.bioon.com 8. The Fund was reviled by many in Asia and Latin America for heavy-handed interventions in the past. 由于过去强硬的干预举措,很多亚洲和拉美国家对IMF非常不满。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Furthermore, there are fears that the CFPB, if heavy-handed, could make credit harder to come by. 此外,还有人担心如果CFPB执法过于苛刻,要获得贷款可能更加困难。 www.ecocn.org 10. In Thailand, generals have a long tradition of coups and heavy-handed intervention in matters of state. 在泰国,发动政变和插手国家事务则是将军们的长期传统。 www.bing.com 1. Japan's coast guard has appeared heavy-handed in the past. 日本海上保安厅过去显得畏手畏脚。 www.ftchinese.com 2. Even the government's heavy-handed effort to control the story has become the object of scorn among younger, savvier Chinese. 甚至,政府下了大力气去控制股市流传的举动,都成为了年轻人鄙视的对象。 www.bing.com 3. The state is being so heavy-handed because it fears a mass walkout. 政府非常严厉是因为怕大规模的罢工。 www.hjenglish.com 4. Yet the Chinese have also been heavy-handed about any hint of disruption or loss of face. 不过,对于任何扰乱稳定或令人丢面子的蛛丝马迹,中方也采取了高压手段。 www.ftchinese.com 5. Big iron ore producers have bristled at what they regard as heavy-handed tactics in last year's price negotiations. 大型铁矿石生产商被去年谈判中它们所认为的高压策略激怒了。 www.ftchinese.com 6. he told a heavy - handed joke about bill ' s baldness that embarrassed everyone 他讲了一个关于比尔秃头的不文雅笑话,使得大家很难堪。 www.ichacha.net 7. The book sparked a fierce debate about heavy-handed parenting style, 这本书引起了围绕对孩子严厉管教的育儿方式的激烈辩论。 www.360abc.com 8. At times, the strategy used by public-health campaigners may seem heavy-handed; 很多时候,公共卫生活动家所采用的战略看似残酷; www.ecocn.org |
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