单词 | hard landing |
释义 | 例句释义: 〈比喻〉硬着陆,硬著陆,经济硬着陆,中国经济硬著陆 1. Such a scenario could force Australia into a hard landing that would be likely to prolong and deepen a downturn. 这一前景可能会迫使澳大利亚硬着陆,从而延长并加深经济低迷。 www.ftchinese.com 2. But in an economy which has expanded at an average breakneck pace of 10 percent a year since 1980, what would be considered a hard landing? 不过,对于一个1980年迄今每年平均成长10%的经济体来说,怎样才可以算作是硬着陆呢? cn.reuters.com 3. The bank's quarterly report on China was largely upbeat on the short-term prospects for the economy, despite recent fears of a hard landing. 世行有关中国的季度报告对中国经济的短期前景基本乐观,尽管近期有人担心中国遭遇“硬着陆”。 www.ftchinese.com 4. "In a nutshell, a soft-landing, or government bailout, would be better than a hard-landing, " said UBS Securities analyst Tatsuo Yoshida. “简而言之,软着陆或政府出手援救,都会比硬着陆来得好,”瑞银证券分析师的TatsuoYoshida说。 cn.reuters.com 5. In April the Bank Credit Analyst, an independent research firm, asked what would happen if China suffered a "hard landing" . 今年四月,一个独立的研究公司——银行信贷分析提出这样一个问题:如果中国经济遭遇“硬着陆”,未来将会怎样? www.bing.com 6. But he said fears of a hard landing were "overplayed" . 但他表示,对硬着陆的担忧是“夸大的”。 www.ftchinese.com 7. On this theory, if the US economy goes into a severe decline, or hard landing, then the dollar should rise. 根据该理论,如果美国经济急速下滑或硬着陆,美元应该升值。 www.ftchinese.com 8. The worry is that this kind of stimulus has artificially juiced China's economy, making it vulnerable to a hard landing. 让人担心的是这些激励措施人为地加速中国经济发展,使它经受不住经济硬着陆。 www.bing.com 9. While there is a kernel of truth to each of these China-specific concerns, they do not by themselves imply a hard landing. 尽管这些中国特色问题具有一定的真实性,但是他们本身并不能说明或预示中国经济的硬着陆。 dooo.cc 10. However, recent data suggests it may be too soon to put China hard landing fears in the rear view mirror. 然而,近期的数据显示现在把中国经济硬着陆作为担忧的重点为时过早了。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. "A hard landing should be avoided so long as easing measures filter through in coming months, " he said. “只要宽松措施在未来几个月逐渐奏效,应当能够避免硬着陆,”他表示。 www.ftchinese.com 2. 'A Chinese economic hard landing would have most unintended consequences if it happened, ' Mr. 鲁道夫说,若中国经济真的实现硬着陆,将会造成最意想不到的后果; scm.jlu.edu.cn 3. The rest of the world would like to see China avoid a hard landing, too. 全球其他地方也很乐意看到中国避免经济硬着陆。 cn.reuters.com 4. In short, this looks to me like a cyclical downturn brought on by tighter monetary policy, and not a "hard landing" or crisis. 总之,在我看来,这是紧缩货币政策带来的周期性衰退,而并不是“硬着陆”或者是危机。 www.bing.com 5. Chinese manufacturers were upbeat about business in a survey, which should help ease fears of a hard landing. 一项调查显示,中国制造商对业务前景持乐观态度。这一结果应能有助于缓解人们对于中国经济硬着陆的担忧。 www.ftchinese.com 6. In the long term China needs to do much more to boost consumption, but the immediate need is to prevent a hard landing. 长期来看,在拉动消费方面,中国需有更多作为,但当前急需的是防止硬着陆。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. We all know by now the standard-issue worry about China -- too much debt-fueled building too fast, raising the risk of a hard landing. 现在我们都知道了中国的常见问题:短时间内依靠债务建造了太多房屋,这加大了经济硬着陆的风险。 cn.wsj.com 8. He had quit a larger, more prestigious airline, rather than accept demotion for a hard landing in January, investigators said. 调查人员说,今年1月,费奥多罗夫因迫降面临降级处分,他于是决定从一家规模更大、声望更高的航空公司辞职。 chinese.wsj.com 9. Weak consumer demand, falling property prices, and the rise of a predatory shadow banking system have stoked concerns of a hard landing. 消费需求不强,房产价格下降,影子银行不断壮大,难保中国经济明年能够避免硬着陆。 www.bing.com 10. It also considered the likely impact of a "hard landing" of global imbalances and the stalling of the Doha trade round. 该论坛的论题还包括全球失衡导致“硬着陆”可能产生的影响,以及多哈贸易回合谈判的停滞。 www.ftchinese.com 1. In addition, if inflation in China picks up, the central bank will have to raise interest rates and a hard landing may be unavoidable. 此外,如果中国通胀抬头,央行将不得不调高利率,那样的话,经济硬着陆可能无法避免。 www.ftchinese.com 2. These measures are aimed at preventing a hard landing for the Chinese economy, he said. 杨金林说,采取这些措施是为了防止中国经济硬着陆。 web.worldbank.org 3. I think growth will be much lower and it is possible that we could have a hard landing with no growth at all. 我想,经济增长速度会进一步放缓,很可能会迎来一个毫无增长的硬着陆。 www.bing.com 4. Keenly aware of the dangers of a hard landing, the mainland authorities will be extremely careful to avoid over-tightening. 中国大陆政府十分清楚硬着陆的危险,将小心谨慎地避免过度紧缩。 www.bing.com 5. "The authorities are walking a tightrope between bubbles and a hard landing, " says Viktor Shvets, an economist at Samsung Securities. 三星证券(SamsungSecurities)经济学家维克托?什韦茨(ViktorShvets)表示:“政府正在泡沫和硬着陆之间走钢丝。” www.ftchinese.com 6. Two crew members of a US army helicopter were injured today when their chopper made a hard landing in Iraq. 今天一架美军直升机在伊拉克迫降时两名机组人员受伤。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Given the improbability of a hard landing in China, the swings of sentiment towards its economy are difficult to understand. 由于在中国经济不可能发生硬着陆,人们对其经济的情绪波动很难理解。 www.bing.com 8. It will turn into a hard landing for many sectors of China's economy, especially real estate speculators. 中国经济目前确实有某些过热的部分。它可能引起中国经济很多部门的硬着陆,特别是房地产投机者们。 www.bing.com 9. Inflation will climb higher and financial imbalances will widen, running the risk of a hard landing. 届时通胀率攀升,财政失衡更加严重,将会面临硬着陆的危险。 www.ecocn.org 10. Investors are alarmed by any development that appears to raise the chances of a Chinese hard landing. 投资者对任何可能提高中国经济硬着陆的进展都感到震惊。 www.ebigear.com 1. Bears expect falling property prices, souring loans and a hard landing for an economy that is heavily exposed to construction. 悲观者预计房价会不断下跌,贷款形势恶化,严重依赖建筑活动的经济将遭遇硬着陆。 chinese.wsj.com 2. But whether that will be enough to avoid a hard landing remains in doubt. 但是,是否因此足够避免硬着陆(经济衰退)仍然存疑。 www.ecocn.org 3. It supports our view that the Chinese economy is on track for a soft landing despite rising market concerns of a hard landing. GDP增幅印证了我们的观点,即尽管市场对硬着陆的担忧日益加剧,但中国经济处于软着陆的轨道上。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Few go so far as to predict an Emirate-style crash, but talk of a "hard landing" is rife. 很少有人大胆预测中国会经历迪拜那样的崩溃,但是硬着陆的说法大行其道。 www.bing.com 5. The rest of the world frets that China may face a hard landing as its manufacturing index drops into negative territory. 其它各国担心随着中国制造业指数跌入负值,中国经济可能面临硬着陆的局面。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The economy faces relatively big downside risks but we haven't seen any signs of a hard landing. 经济将面临一个较大的下降风险,但我们还没有看到任何硬着陆的迹象。 www.bing.com 7. Indeed, few miners in Santiago this week were concerned by the prospect of a hard landing for the Chinese economy. 实际上,在本周齐聚圣地亚哥的矿商中,没多少人担心中国经济会出现硬着陆。 www.ftchinese.com 8. China will indicate today whether its economy faces a hard landing when third-quarter gross domestic product figures are announced. 中国将于今日公布第三季度国内生产总值(GDP)数据,从而显示经济是否面临硬着陆。 www.ftchinese.com 9. There will be little direct impact on the economy and the move does not make a hard landing more likely. 此举对经济的直接影响不大,也不会增加发生硬着陆的可能性。 chinese.wsj.com 10. As long as the US avoids a hard landing, growth oriented Asian markets should continue to do well. 只要美国能避免硬着陆,以成长性为驱动的亚洲市场仍然会继续造好。 bbs.chinafund.cn 1. That`s because Daiwa`s Bao sees no signs of a hard landing for China`s real estate market. 保认为,中国的房地产市场还没有表现出任何硬着陆的迹象。 www.bing.com 2. CNY: We continue to look for further modest CNY appreciation in spite of the risk of a hard landing for the Chinese economy. 人民币:尽管中国经济有硬着陆的风险,但我们仍然继续期待人民币适度升值。 www.bing.com 3. China has missed its opportunity to stem inflation and may now risk a hard landing, billionaire investor George Soros said. 百万投资人乔治索罗斯预测中国错失了阻止经济危机的机会,而现在危机强势登陆。 www.bing.com 4. That increases the risk of a hard landing for the economy. 货币过剩增加了中国经济出现硬着陆的风险。 www.ftchinese.com 5. A hard landing for a U. S. army helicopter in Iraq, injuring both crew members. 一架美军直升机在伊拉克迫降,机上人员都受伤。 www.biodic.cn 6. Another impact of a China hard landing would be over supplies in China of steel, machinery and other basic-material items, says Mr. 安德森说,中国经济硬着陆的另一影响可能会是钢铁、机械和其他基础原料供应过剩。 scm.jlu.edu.cn 7. The figures helped allay fears of a hard landing for China's economy. 这些数字帮助消除了对中国经济硬着陆的担忧。 www.bing.com 8. The hard landing that I foresee for China will probably prick the global commodity bubble, which is already showing signs of topping out. 我预言的中国经济硬着陆很可能将会引发全球消费品泡沫的破裂,并且已经出现了封顶的迹象。 www.bing.com 9. By late 2004 he had started to write about a "nightmare hard landing scenario for the United States. " 到了2004年晚些时候,他开始描绘“噩梦般的硬着陆即将降临美利坚”的场景。 www.bing.com 10. If China slams on the brakes, its economy could suffer a hard landing, as happened after past episodes of inflation. 假如中国猛踩一脚刹车,中国经济将会如同以往的通胀时期一样,遭遇硬着陆。 www.ecocn.org 1. There really are two related but distinct things people have in mind when they talk about a "hard landing" for China. 当人们谈到中国“硬着陆”的时候,实际上人们认识中有两个相关的但是不同的概念。 www.bing.com 2. But now that tax cuts are on the way out, is China's motor industry heading for a hard landing? 但鉴于减税政策即将到期,中国汽车业是否面临硬着陆呢? www.ftchinese.com 3. A P. M. I. reading of below 50 does not imply a "hard landing" for China, said Qu Hongbin, chief China economist at HSBC. 汇丰银行中国首席经济学家QuHongbin(屈宏斌)表示:PMI指数低于50并不表示中国经济出现了硬着陆。 dongxi.net 4. A hard landing could prove devastating to regional development imperatives. 硬着陆对区域发展使命可能带来毁灭性的打击。 www.ftchinese.com 5. That, in turn, would be followed by a hard landing in 2013, he predicts. 他预测,这进而将导致(中国)经济在2013年遭遇硬着陆。 www.ftchinese.com 6. Upward pressure on the CNY is therefore likely to remain in spite of China going through a hard landing. 因而,尽管中国经历了硬着陆,人民币升值的压力可能依然存在。 www.bing.com 7. Senior Chinese officials are secretly quite worried about a hard landing. 中国的高级官员暗地里非常担心中国经济硬着陆。 www.bing.com 8. Anyone forecasting a hard landing for China's boom is typically met with the same skepticism that doomed the boy who cried wolf. 关于中国繁荣硬着陆的预言通常会遭到怀疑,以为又是再喊狼来了。 www.stnn.cc 9. If China has a hard landing, the US's trade deficit can drop dramatically, maybe by 50%, due to lower import prices. 如果中国出现硬着陆,美国的贸易赤字可能会由于进口价格降低而明显下降,降幅可能高达50%。 www.ftchinese.com 10. A China hard landing could cause "significant" portfolio losses, BofA-Merrill's Chua said. 美银美林的蔡学敏分析师表示,中国经济硬着陆可能导致“巨大的”投资组合损失。 www.bing.com 1. For one thing, even though a hard landing could cause hot money to flee the country and weaken the yuan, China will not float its currency. 首先,即便经济硬着陆可能导致热钱流出中国,削弱人民币,中国还是不会使本币汇率自由浮动。 www.bing.com 2. The odds of a 1970s-style hard landing have shortened considerably. 出现20世纪70年代那种硬着陆的可能性已大大降低。 www.ftchinese.com 3. This makes the economy more vulnerable to a hard landing. 这使得印度经济出现硬着陆的风险更大。 www.ecocn.org 4. "China will be force to loosen its monetary policies to avoid a hard landing, " Williams said. “中国将强力放宽它的金融货币政策以避免经济硬着陆。”威廉斯说。 www.bing.com 5. Is a hard landing in China - and thus a negative demand shock for the whole world - going to be the result? 其结果会不会是中国经济硬着陆、全世界的需求遭遇一次负面冲击? www.qeto.com 6. Strong fiscal position and trade surplus are cushions against a hard landing. 强大的财政和贸易顺差,是“硬着陆”的缓冲垫。 my.icxo.com 7. If that happens, it's time to revisit the chances of a hard landing. 如果发生这种情况,那么是该考虑一下中国经济硬着陆的可能了。 chinese.wsj.com 8. Chinese hard landing is not inevitable, then. 因此,中国经济“硬着陆”并非不可避免。 www.ftchinese.com 9. Soros Says China Missed Window to Stem Inflation, Now Risks 'Hard Landing' 金融大鳄索罗斯:中国已错失抑制通货膨胀最佳时机,经济硬着陆风险加剧 www.bing.com 10. Economists worry that China's economy could suffer what they call a "hard landing. " 经济学家们担心,中国经济可能受到所谓的“硬着陆”的影响。 www.bing.com 1. If conditions continue to deteriorate, does the government still have the resources to stimulate the economy and prevent a hard landing? 如果情况继续恶化,中国政府会依然具备刺激经济、防止硬着陆的资源吗? cn.wsj.com 2. The broker does mention that a hard landing remains a risk if authorities overdo tightening, although this is not the base case. 经纪人提出,尽管北京政府实施过于收紧的经济政策可能造成硬着陆的局面,尽管这并没有事实依据。 www.bing.com 3. In my own analyses, I didnot pointed out that China faces a hard landing. 我个人分析认为,中国不一定面临着经济硬着陆。 www.bing.com 4. They are now leading candidates for a hard landing. 现在两国正引导着候选人进行硬着陆。 www.ebigear.com 5. A hard landing for the U. S. economy would hit U. S. foreign direct investment in China. 美国经济硬着陆将打击美国对华直接投资。 www.ecocn.org 6. Mr Green believes China's economy is slowing but will have a "soft" rather than a "hard" landing. 王志浩认为中国经济正在放缓,但将会“软着陆”,而不会“硬着陆”。 www.ftchinese.com 7. A hard landing, like recession, adds new fear to the mix. 与衰退一样,硬着陆给整个迷局中增添了新的担忧。 www.ftchinese.com 8. Yet it is precisely this growth, Xie says, that risks a hard landing for China. 不过,谢国忠表示,正是这种过热增长,使中国面临着硬着陆的风险。 www.ftchinese.com 9. The structure extends below the level of the spine to prevent injury from a hard landing. 结构延伸的水平以下,以防止脊柱损伤硬着陆。 www.tech-domain.com 10. If the Chinese economy has a hard landing, the newly rich are sure to take a hit. 如果中国经济体发生硬着陆,新贵们肯定会遭受冲击。 chinese.wsj.com 1. A SEMI-HARD LANDING CONFRONTS AMERICA? 美国经济会硬着陆吗? bbs.pubool.com 2. The danger: a hard landing for China and the global economy. 危险在于:中国和世界经济的硬着陆。 www.bing.com 3. A relapse into policy stimulus should allow the government to avoid a hard landing. 重拾刺激政策将会使政府以避免经济硬着陆。 www.bing.com 4. Q: Some international hedge funds are betting China's economy will soon have a hard landing. 问:有些国际对冲基金正在对赌中国经济将会很快就硬着陆的。 www.bing.com 5. Talking point: A hard landing for China? 热点话题:中国硬着陆风险几何? www.bing.com 6. I've long believed that a hard landing in China would be preceded by a price collapse in copper and other industrial commodities. 我长久以来一直认为,铜和其他工业品的价格崩溃后,随之而来的就是中国经济的硬着陆。 www.bing.com 7. The people in the water business are not going to have a hard landing even if everybody in Shanghai goes bankrupt. 人们在水资源上面的生意不会硬着陆的,哪怕上海所有人都破产了也不会。 www.bing.com 8. "We're not worried about a hard landing in China. We're worried about China hardly landing, " Steinmetz said. “我们不担心在中国下降过快,我们担心的是中国不能减速。”Steinmetz说。 www.bing.com 9. Fortunately, there are some reasons to hope that avoiding a hard landing in China, despite the difficulties, is possible. 值得庆幸的是,我们有理由相信,尽管困难重重,中国的经济实现软着陆,还是有可能的。 club.topsage.com 10. In conclusion, the risk of a hard landing in China is sharply rising. 结论是,中国硬着陆的风险在快速上升。 www.bing.com 1. A hard landing is hardly possible. 硬着陆是几乎不可能的。 www.bing.com 2. But it's far too early to talk about a hard landing in China. 但是这还为时过早谈一谈在中国硬着陆。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. "There is a meaningful probability of a hard landing in China after 2013, " he told a financial conference in Singapore. Roubini在新加波金融会议上说,2013年以后,中国经济很可能会硬着陆。 www.bing.com 4. However, fears of an imminent hard landing in China are overblown. 不过担心中国经济会立即出现硬着陆也未免太夸张了。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Some other analysts remain skeptical about a hard-landing in China, however. 不过也有分析师依然对中国硬着陆心存怀疑。 cn.wsj.com 6. This time, "Dr. Doom" foresees a hard landing for the Chinese economy after 2013. 这次,“末日教授”预计中国经济将在2013年后硬着陆。 www.bing.com 7. Eswar Prasad, professor of global trade at Cornell University, puts the odds of a hard landing in China at 50-50. 康柰尔大学全球贸易学教授EswarPrasad认为,中国硬着陆的可能是50%对50%。 www.bing.com 8. A hard landing in China would hammer international luxury stocks. 中国经济若出现硬着陆,国际奢侈品股票会受到冲击。 c.wsj.com 9. A hard landing in China is an overstated risk. 在中国的硬着陆是一个被夸大的风险。 www.bing.com 10. And it will probably continue to tighten until it sees decisive results -- that is, a hard landing. 并且中国的从紧的经济政策在未来很可能还会继续,直到出现了决定性的结果——硬着陆。 www.bing.com 1. Thus, there is a growing risk of a hard landing in China. 因此,在中国,经济硬着陆的风险越来越大。 www.bing.com 2. if , on the other hand , china has a hard landing and its oil demand falls , expect prices to plunge. 另一方面,如果中国经济来个硬着陆,石油需求下降,那么石油预期价格将会大幅跳水。 www.ichacha.net 3. "This data should dispel concerns over a hard landing in China, " said Wendy Liu, a Hong Kong-based analyst with Royal Bank of Scotland. “这样的数据打消了中国经济硬着陆的疑虑”,苏格兰皇家银行驻香港分析师WendyLiu表示。 www.bing.com 4. China's economy is set to suffer hardship but not the hard landing that many fear 目前,中国经济发展的确面临诸多困难,但这并不意味着很多人担心的硬着陆即将发生。 www.bing.com 5. Hard Landing Impact of Planet Probe 行星探测器的硬着陆撞击 www.ilib.cn 6. China's Economy Faces 2009 'Hard Landing, ' Fitch Says 惠誉:中国经济在2009年面临“硬着陆” www.bing.com |
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