单词 | GPFs | ||||||||
释义 | GPFs
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 并行文件系统集群 1. Run this command on all disks to be used for the GPFS file system. 对GPFS文件系统要使用的所有磁盘运行该命令。 www.ibm.com 2. The new system also benefits from a file system known as GPFS that was developed at IBM Almaden to enable supercomputers faster data access. 该新系统也有益于IBM阿马尔登开发的用于使超级计算机快速读取数据的文件系统GPFS。 www.bing.com 3. It allows users to perform SNMP service collection from a defined Linux OS collector node in the GPFS cluster to a management node. 用户可以在GPFS集群中定义的Linux操作系统收集器节点上执行SNMP服务收集,并将信息发送到管理节点。 www.ibm.com 4. The combination of GPFS and the DS4500 provides for a redundant storage subsystem in case of disk failure. GPFS和DS4500共同构成了一个冗余存储子系统,预防磁盘故障。 www.ibm.com 5. GPFS allows both the master and backup nodes to have concurrent access to all of the files in the cluster. GPFS允许主节点和备份节点并发访问集群中的所有文件。 www.ibm.com 6. With GPFS, for the file system to remain available, a quorum of nodes needs to be available. 通过GPFS,若要使文件系统保持可用,就需要有一个有效的节点仲裁。 www.ibm.com 7. These include the installation of the GPFS code on each node and the configuration of the Qlogic adapters for the storage nodes. 内容包括在每个节点上安装GPFS代码,以及为存储节点配置Qlogic适配器。 www.ibm.com 8. The GPFS portability layer (PL) is kernel-specific, and it must be created separately for each operating system level within your cluster. GPFS可移植层(PL)是内核特有的,必须为集群中的每个操作系统级别单独创建。 www.ibm.com 9. GPFS uses this internode access to allow any node in the GPFS cluster to run relevant commands on other nodes. GPFS使用这个中间节点的访问允许GPFS集群中的任何节点在其他节点上运行相关命令。 www.ibm.com 10. For this example, two main CSM groups are defined for use during the GPFS configuration, as shown below. 对于本例来说,我们定义了两个主要的CSM组在配置GPFS过程中使用,如下所示。 www.ibm.com 1. This file system is shared out to the other nodes, through GPFS or NFS. 该文件系统通过GPFS或者NFS,供其他节点共享。 www.ibm.com 2. It includes one large GPFS cluster split into two logical halves with a single large file system. 包括一个大型的GPFS集群,该集群分成两个逻辑部分,共用一个大型文件系统。 www.ibm.com 3. GPFS also enables a large system to keep track of its many files without laboriously scanning through every one. GPFS也能够让一个大的系统记录很多文件而不必费力地扫描每个文件。 www.bing.com 4. After this, with automount enabled, it mounts automatically when a node starts GPFS. 然后,如果启用了automount,就可以在节点启动GPFS时自动挂载。 www.ibm.com 5. This section covers in detail the steps taken in the creation of a GPFS cluster. 本节将详细介绍在创建GPFS集群过程中所需要的步骤。 www.ibm.com 6. The example setup uses CSM to install MSJ on every storage node as part of the GPFS installation. 示例设置使用CSM将MSJ作为GPFS安装的一部分在每个存储节点上进行安装。 www.ibm.com 7. For the example, one large GPFS file system is created using all the NSDs defined to GPFS. 对于本例来说,使用所有定义为GPFS的NSD创建了一个大型的GPFS文件系统。 www.ibm.com 8. It allows users shared file access within a single GPFS cluster and across multiple GPFS clusters. 它允许用户在一个GPFS集群和跨多个GPFS集群共享文件访问。 www.ibm.com 9. GPFS requires each cluster member to have a base set of GPFS RPMs installed. GPFS需要每个集群成员都安装一个基本的GPFSRPM集。 www.ibm.com 10. The pagepool mechanism allows GPFS to implement read, as well as write, requests asynchronously. pagepool机制允许GPFS将读请求与写请求异步实现。 www.ibm.com 1. You create the GPFS cluster for this example using several distinct steps. 您可以使用几个独特的步骤为这个例子创建GPFS集群。 www.ibm.com 2. Pick a GPFS cluster node to be the collector node. 选择一个GPFS集群节点作为收集器。 www.ibm.com 3. Instructions on installing and configuring GPFS. 关于安装与配置GPFS的说明。 www.ibm.com 4. Listing 1 shows output for a typical trap capture with snmptrapd; Listing 2 shows typical GPFS cluster information gathered from snmpwalk. 清单1显示用snmptrapd捕捉的一个典型陷阱。 www.ibm.com 5. A single network, a LAN or a switch, is used for GPFS communication, including the NSD communication. 一个网络、一个LAN或一台交换机用于GPFS通信,包括NSD通信。 www.ibm.com 6. Figure 1 shows the GPFS cluster configuration results used in this article. 图1显示了本文中使用的GPFS集群配置结果。 www.ibm.com 7. When you created the GPFS file system, you should have specified the number of copies of data and metadata as two. 在创建GPFS文件系统时,应该先将数据和元数据的副本数量指定为2。 www.ibm.com 8. The -r sets the full path for the remote shell program to be used by GPFS. r为GPFS使用的远程shell程序设置完整路径。 www.ibm.com 9. There are four NSD nodes (also known here as storage nodes) in total: two in each logical half of the GPFS cluster. NSD节点(即存储节点)一共有四个:GPFS集群的逻辑分区各两个。 www.ibm.com 10. The GPFS NSD component provides a method for cluster-wide disk naming and access. GPFSNSD组件提供一种方法用于集群范围内的磁盘命名和访问。 www.ibm.com 1. A shared network for GPFS communications allowing a single network view of the configuration. 用于GPFS通信的共享网络支持一个网络配置视图。 www.ibm.com 2. On the collector node, verify that the GPFS SNMP sub-agent is running: ps -ef | grep mmsnmpagentd. 在收集器节点上,检查GPFSSNMP子代理是否正在运行:ps-ef|grepmmsnmpagentd。 www.ibm.com 3. If the MIB definition file changes in the GPFS build images, repeat this step. 如果在GPFS构建映像中修改了MIB定义文件,就要重复这个步骤。 www.ibm.com 4. This example has GPFS replicate the data and metadata on the GPFS file system. 本例中,GPFS会复制GPFS文件系统中的数据或元数据。 www.ibm.com 5. The superuser can display the status of the quotas for the file system using the command mmrepquota gpfs. 超级用户可以使用mmrepquotagpfs命令显示文件系统的配额状态。 www.ibm.com 6. (See the Distributing the GPFS portability layer section for more details). (详细信息请参看分发GPFS可移植层一节的内容)。 www.ibm.com 7. This means that most of the members of the GPFS cluster access the storage over IP using the NSD servers. 这意味着大多数GPFS集群的成员都将使用NSD服务器经由IP访问存储。 www.ibm.com 8. A list of GPFS prerequisites for this exercise. 针对此次练习的GPFS先决条件的列表。 www.ibm.com 9. Let's also look at a few native commands related to GPFS cluster and TSA PD. 让我们再看一些GPFS集群和TSAPD相关的原生命令。 www.ibm.com 10. GPFS requires that all nodes in the GPFS cluster have the ability to access each other using the root ID with no password provided. GPFS需要GPFS集群中的所有节点都能够使用根用户ID访问其他节点,而不需要提供密码。 www.ibm.com 1. Storage server cache settings can impact GPFS performance if they are not set correctly. 存储服务器缓存设置如果设置错误,可能会影响GPFS性能。 www.ibm.com 2. All disks used by GPFS must first be given a globally-accessible NSD name. GPFS使用的所有磁盘必须首先指定一个可全局访问的NSD名称。 www.ibm.com 3. However, if the value is set too high, GPFS will not start. 然而,如果该值设置得太大,那么GPFS就无法启动。 www.ibm.com 4. Instructions on creating the GPFS file system. 关于创建GPFS文件系统的说明。 www.ibm.com 5. GPFS required packages is copied on each instance. GPFS要求将包复制到每个实例上。 www.ibm.com 6. The -R sets the remote file copy program to be used by GPFS. R设置GPFS使用的远程文件拷贝程序。 www.ibm.com 7. Start GPFS on all compute nodes from the management node. 从管理节点上在所有计算节点上启动GPFS。 www.ibm.com 8. See the GPFS network tuning section in Part 4 of the series for more details on the storage network. 有关存储网络的更详细的信息,请参阅本系列第4部分的GPFS网络调优一节。 www.ibm.com 9. GPFS is the distributed file system running on the DS4500 storage server. GPFS是运行于DS4500存储服务器上的分布式文件系统。 www.ibm.com 10. PATH has been changed to include the GPFS binary directory. PATH已经修改为包括GPFS二进制文件目录。 www.ibm.com 1. Both PCMs provide support of POWERHA and GPFS clustered software products. 两个PCM都提供POWERHA和GPFS集群软件产品的支持。 www.ibm.com 2. Listing 1 shows an example script that can be used to configure GPFS. 清单1给出了一个示例脚本,可以用来配置GPFS。 www.ibm.com 3. The level of GPFS used for the example installation was 2. 3. 0-3. 样例安装所使用的GPFS版本是2.3. www.ibm.com 4. Versions of GPFS before Version 2. 3 do require those manual steps. Version2.3之前版本的GPFS需要这些手工设置这些步骤。 www.ibm.com 5. WPAR Manager now supports backing up of files in writable, namefs-mounted non-AIX filesystems such as GPFS. WPARManager现在支持在可写的通过namefs挂装的非AIX文件系统(比如GPFS)中进行文件备份。 www.ibm.com 6. Start GPFS on all of the NSD servers at the same time to prevent NSDs from being marked as down. 在所有NSD服务器上启动GPFS,同时防止NSD被标记为down状态。 www.ibm.com 7. The next step is to start GPFS cluster-wide following these steps 下一个步骤是使用下面的命令在集群范围内启动GPFS www.ibm.com 8. Read this section of the article in parallel with the GPFS documentation (see Resources), in particular the following 请结合GPFS文档阅读本节内容(请参看参考资料),尤其是以下内容 www.ibm.com 9. Network shared disks (NSDs) created and maintained by the NSD component of GPFS GPFS的NSD组件创建并维护的网络共享磁盘(NSD) www.ibm.com 10. List the GPFS FS name and mount point on which the FS is mounted: db2cluster 列出GPFSFS名称,以及FS的挂载点:db2cluster www.ibm.com 1. GPFS reduces your total cost of ownership GPFS有助于降低总拥有成本 www.ibm.com 2. GPFS General Purpose Forecasting System 通用预报系统 www.zftrans.com 3. On AIX machines running GPFS, you can give an NSD name to 在运行GPFS的AIX计算机上,可以指定一个NSD名称给 www.ibm.com 4. Query the collector node for GPFS SNMP info 向收集器节点查询GPFSSNMP信息 www.ibm.com 5. Find the gpfs and tsamp filesets installed, and find if iocp is available: lslpp 查找所安装的gpfs和tsamp文件集,测试iocp是否可用:lslpp www.ibm.com |
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