单词 | Government Programs | ||||||||
释义 | Government Programs
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 政府计划,政府方案,政府计画相关产品 1. In government programs, waste is rewarded as budgets are often determined by how much money a department is able to consume in a year. 而在政府项目中,预算常常决定于一个部门每年需要花费多少资金,所以铺张浪费总会得到鼓励。 www.bing.com 2. Both temporary government programs might have spurred third-quarter car and home sales by 'stealing' growth from future quarters. 这两项临时的政府举措可能“窃取”了未来几个季度的增长,从而提振了第三季度的汽车和房屋销售。 www.bing.com 3. When it comes to government programs, though, identifiability seems to be more a curse than a blessing. 至于政府计划,可认同度似乎更像是诅咒,而非福音。 www.bing.com 4. Although there still are cultural differences across the United States, factors like religion, language and government programs are similar. 尽管美国各州间也依然存在文化差异,但诸如宗教、语言和政府项目等方面的因素大体是类似的。 dongxi.net 5. No matter what the president wants to do, most major changes in government programs would require legislation to be passed by Congress. 不管这位总统想要做什么,绝大部分政府项目的重大变革将需要国会通过相关的立法。 www.bing.com 6. Such a charter would also officially state VOA's independence from other government programs. 这样一个章程还正式表明,美国之音独立于其他一些政府主办的广播节目。 www.bing.com 7. Furthermore, cost estimates for government programs have been wildly optimistic over the years, especially for health care. 此外,对政府计划所估计的费用多年来盲目乐观,特别是医疗保险。 www.bing.com 8. There are no government programs to help parents with autistic children -- and there is no government help for Tian and her school. 没有任何政府项目来帮助患有孤独症孩子的家长--政府也没有帮助田惠平和她的学校。 www.bing.com 9. From outplacement agencies to government programs, career counselors and coaches will be very busy in 2009 helping make things easier. 从一些再就业部门到政府再就业计划,职业顾问以及职业咨询培训师在2009年可能要忙前忙后了。 www.bing.com 10. Other critical government programs could be endangered as well. 其他关键性的政府项目也可能陷入危机。 www.bing.com 1. Federal funding resources for educational technology and curriculum related software are available through numerous government programs. 学校和乡村学校可通过众多政府计划来获得面向教育技术软件和课程集成的联邦资金资助资源。 www.adobe.com 2. Whether government programs are the best way to pay for health care or retirement expenses isn't clear to me. 至于在医疗保健和退休金支付方面,政府程序是否最佳方法我不予置评。 www.bing.com 3. Old newspapers can be made into boxes, wallboard, and insulation, but the market is flooded with newsprint thanks to government programs. 旧报纸能被制成箱子,墙板和绝缘物,但由于政府的计划整个市场为新闻纸所淹没。 www.bing.com 4. Most government programs will run out of money March 6 unless Congress acts. 大多数的政府项目将在3月6日把款项耗光,除非美国国会采取行动。 www.bing.com 5. Zhang Jun, a 45-year-old accountant in Beijing, said government programs helped persuade her to buy a new washing machine. Ms. 北京45岁的会计张君(音)说政府的补助政策帮助自己下决心买了一台新的洗衣机。 www.tesoon.com 6. More broadly, investors have become leery about signing on to government programs for fear Congress will abruptly change the rules. 投资者对参与政府推出的金融救助项目已普遍持谨慎态度,因为他们担心国会可能突然修改游戏规则。 www.bing.com 7. They say they will get the money from cutting waste, fraud and abuse, but all of that is seemingly intrinsic to government programs. 他们说他们会减少浪费,营私舞弊还有滥用来省下这笔钱,不过所有这些渎职行为从本质上来说都是政府行为和政府项目。 www.bing.com 8. But he wants to cut government programs that do not work. 但他想砍掉那些不起作用的政府计划。 www.bing.com 9. Government programs in those three regions have spiked consumer demand for new cars, with VW taking better advantage than Toyota. 政府计划在这三个地区的消费需求上升的新轿车,与大众更好地利用超过丰田。 usa.315che.com 10. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. has certainly been intensely skeptical of government programs that classify people by race. 联邦最高法院的首席大法官小约翰·G·罗伯茨显然一直都对政府把人群按种族分类的做法表示强烈质疑。 www.bing.com 1. True, rates are expected to begin to climb as government programs designed to keep rates low are removed, but that climb will be gradual. 确实,随着为保持低利率而设计的政府计划被取消,利率有望开始攀升。但是,这个攀升将是平缓的。 www.bing.com 2. Dr. Pokrovsky and others said that government programs often became ensnared in Russia's large and inefficient bureaucracies. 波克罗夫斯基博士和一些其他的专家表示政府的疾病预防项目经常的和俄罗斯大而效率低下额官僚机构纠结在一起。 www.bing.com 3. Obama says reducing the nation's debt requires cuts in government programs and tax increases on wealthy Americans. 奥巴马总统表示,减少美国的债务需要削减政府项目和对美国的富人增税。 www.bing.com 4. During the late 1960s and early 1970s there was substantial growth in government programs providing income in kind. 60年代末,70年代初,政府提供实物收入的计划有很大增长。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. Private investors know issues can always run back to government programs if they hit trouble. 私人投资者清楚,一旦发行方遇到问题,它们随时可能回归政府救助计划。 bbs.51ielts.com 6. Responsible for auditing various state and local government programs. 负责审核州和地方政府的各种项目; blog.sina.com.cn 7. But the alternative of imposing all the burdens on younger taxpayers and other government programs is much worse. 但是把税赋转到更年轻的纳税人身上以及其他政府项目的替代性做法则更加错误。 www.bing.com 8. Obama defended against claims by McCain that he would raise taxes in order to pay for new government programs. 对于麦凯恩所说奥巴马将加税来支付新的政府计划,奥巴马提出反驳。 www.voanews.cn 9. More than 6, 000 workers (a little more than 1 percent of the labor force) have been placed in jobs by government programs. 6000多名工人(略高于全国劳动力总量的1%)因政府实施的各项计划实现就业。 web.worldbank.org 10. They also seek to remedy social inequality through government programs. 他们还想通过政府实施的各项规划来纠正社会不公。 edu.sina.com.cn 1. The talk was about weather and farm prices and new babies and funerals and government programs and athletic teams. 这里的话题是天气、农产品价格、谁家生孩子、谁家办丧事还有政府计划和体育队。 www.jukuu.com 2. hat taxes can be cut while government programs grow. 税可以减,政府计划仍能成长。 www.tingclass.net 3. However, governments put this money to good use. It funds state and local government programs like education and road repair. 不过,各地方政府会妥善运用税款,将税金用来支付如教育和道路修护开支等州政府和地方政府专案的经费。 hi.baidu.com 4. Others wanted less taxpayer money spent on government programs. 也有一些人要求少把纳税人的资金用于政府的支出项目。 www.voanews.cn 5. Government programs lend themselves so easily to waste, fraud and abuse. 政府项目太适合被浪费,营私舞弊与滥用了。 www.bing.com 6. But most government programs exist because voters want them. 但大部分政府项目依然存在,因为选民需要它们。 www.bing.com 7. The agency is responsible for planning, building many types of government programs, such as office buildings, flood control construction. 该机构主要负责规划、建设多类政府项目,如办公大楼、防洪建筑等。 www.englishtang.com 8. What's been happening is that Congress has passed short-term measures that keep government programs and offices running. 最新情况是,国会已经通过短期措施以确保政府和办公室正常运行。 www.tingclass.com 9. What U. S. Government Programs Exist to Help Me Study in China? 有哪些美国政府项目能帮助我到中国留学? iipdigital.usembassy.gov 10. The reality is that in government, programs are king. 然而政府面临的现实情况是,项目为王。 www.etiri.com.cn 1. If you have a particular project in mind, look for government programs that will provide funds. 如果你有一个特别的项目想法,去看看政府计划会不是提供资助。 www.bing.com 2. Government programs covered eighty-three million people last year, about twenty-eight percent of the nation. 去年,政府项目投保了8300万人,约占美国人口的28%。 www.unsv.com 3. At the same time, government programs are spending more time and resources to help developing countries slow their tree consumption. 同时,政府机构正花费更多的时间和资源帮助发展中国家减缓树木消耗。 www.america.gov 4. Out of this, would come vast government programs to manage the inner psychological life of the masses. n651 出于这点,会出现大政府计划掌控大众的内在心理生活。 www.bing.com 5. Competition, choice, and Incentives In Government Programs 政府计划的竞争:选择与鼓励 book.cnpeak.edu.cn 6. Government programs that support Exports 政府支持出口的大纲 chueng.blogbus.com |
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