单词 | government procurement |
释义 | 例句释义: 政府采购业务,政府采购政策,政府采购行为,政府采购协议 1. Each Party shall be prepared, upon request, to explain to any other Party its government procurement procedures. 每一缔约方应做好准备,在其它缔约方提出请求时向其解释政府采购程序。 www.lexish.com 2. As a key part of public expenditure, government procurement is an important tool to carry out the public expenditure policy. 政府采购作为财政支出的重要组成部分,是实现财政支出政策的重要工具。 www.13191.com 3. My Government is keeping requirements of the times, began to join the WTO "Agreement on Government Procurement" negotiations. 我国政府适应时代要求,开始了加入WTO《政府采购协议》的谈判。 www.fabiao.net 4. If it conforms to the procurement document and government procurement contract , it shall be deemed qualified upon check. 凡符合采购文件和政府采购合同约定的,即为验收合格。 www.showxiu.com 5. Change is clearly needed, because government procurement practices have turned out to be harmful. 明显,确实需要改变,因为现在已经看出政府采购方法是有害的。 www.ecocn.org 6. To be responsible for the administration, supervision and inspection of government procurement of the Ministry. 负责农业部政府采购管理及监督检查工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 7. The books government procurement tender was the books purchase form of tender one kind. 图书政府采购招标是图书馆对图书采购实行招标的一种形式。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 8. where the cost of public invitation forms an excessive proportion of the total value of the government procurement items. 采用公开招标方式的费用占政府采购项目总价值的比例过大的。 www.bing.com 9. Government procurement is one of the threshold required by the enterprise ISO9000 quality system certification. 政府采购的门槛之一就是要求企业通过ISO9000品质体系认证。 hf.cnqr.org 10. For two years U. S. companies have been fighting new government procurement rules that give preference to Chinese products. 两年来,美国公司一直在对抗偏向中国产品的政府采购新规定。 chinese.wsj.com 1. So some of this economic nationalism trend favoring products with high domestic content with regard to government procurement. 所以这种经济国家主义趋势在关于政府采购业务方面,偏向国产成分高的产品。 voa.hjenglish.com 2. We will deepen the reform to set up a centralized treasury payment system and a government procurement system. 深化国库集中收付和政府采购制度改革。 www.hjenglish.com 3. Foreign companies feared that would shut them out of tens of billions of dollars in government procurement contracts. 外国公司担心,它们将被拒于数百亿美元政府采购合同之外。 c.wsj.com 4. to obtain confidential information about government procurement plans for a system to identify military aircraft. 以获得有关政府采购能辩认识别军机系统的机密资料。 www.rrting.com 5. China would also submit an offer to join the World Trade Organisation's government procurement agreement by 2010, he said. 他说,中方还答应到2010年加入世贸组织(WTO)政府采购协定。 www.ftchinese.com 6. The catalogue and quota for centralized government procurement shall be set forth within the limit of authority as prescribed herein. 政府集中采购目录和采购限额标准依照本法规定的权限制定。 www.lawyee.org 7. With respect to state-owned enterprises, one of the most things would be for them to join the WTO Government Procurement Agreement. 根据世贸组织该协议,各国政府在政府采购时,应对外国企业与本土企业一视同仁,且相关法律法规须公正、透明。 cn.reuters.com 8. Centralized procurement shall be made for government procurement items that are included in the centralized procurement catalogue. 纳入集中采购目录的政府采购项目,应当实行集中采购。 www.falvm.com.cn 9. That result was closely linked to regulations aimed at squeezing foreign firms out of China's vast government procurement market . 旨在将外国公司排挤出中国巨大的政府采购市场的规定与这一结果密切相关。 www.bing.com 10. Under this circumstance, the issue of the Law of Government Procurement is rather necessary. 在这种情况下,《政府采购法》的颁布是十分必要的。 www.13191.com 1. They were on the green letterhead of a government procurement department. 文件使用政府采购部门的绿头信纸。 www.bucter.com 2. They promised not to discriminate against foreign intellectual property in government procurement. 他们答应在政府采购上不歧视外国知识产权商品。 siweijiang.blog.caixin.cn 3. Discriminatory government procurement, in the guise of promoting " indigenous innovation, " favors domestic companies. 差别性的政府采购打着推动“自主创新”的旗号偏袒国内公司。 www.hjenglish.com 4. The Chamber report says that concerns over the 'indigenous innovation' policies aren't limited to government procurement. 美国商会的这份报告说,外国企业对“自主创新”政策的担心并不仅限于政府采购方面。 c.wsj.com 5. Volvo may also get a boost from Beijing's plan to support domestic brands, including through government procurement. 沃尔沃亦或能受惠中国政府支持的国内品牌发展计划,包括政府采购。 cn.reuters.com 6. Services mentioned herein refer to all objects other than commodities and engineering works under government procurement. 本法所称服务,是指除货物和工程以外的其他政府采购对象。 www.lawyee.org 7. The full sense of the real government procurement, is the product of the modern market economy. 真正完整意义上的政府采购,是现代市场经济发展的产物。 lib.cqvip.com 8. The policy and procedures regarding government procurement provided for therein were consistent with international practice. 其中规定的有关政府采购的政策和程序是与国际惯例相一致的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. The United States imposed a special tax on some foreigners who win government procurement contracts. 美国政府则对获得政府采购合同的部分外国人征收了特别税。 dongxi.net 10. also , we have to prepare an annual statistical report on procurements to the wto committee on government procurement. 我们并须按年制备有关采购的统计资料报告,提交世界贸易组织政府采购委员会。 www.ichacha.net 1. Indonesia requires local companies be given preferential treatment for government procurement contracts. 印尼要求在政府采购协议中优先考虑本国公司。 www.bing.com 2. The $565m civil penalty and $50m criminal settlement are the biggest-yet imposed for a government procurement fraud. 65亿美元的民事罚款和5000万美元的刑事和解费用是迄今数额最大的政府采购欺诈罚款。 www.ftchinese.com 3. Countries that have not signed the WTO Agreement on Government Procurement are free to pursue discriminatory policies. 没有在WTO政府采购协议上签字的国家可以自由地实行歧视性政策。 www.pinggu.org 4. to manage the financial affairs, capital construction, fixed assets and government procurement projects of the PBC. 承办中国人民银行系统财务、基建、固定资产和政府采购项目管理工作。 www.prcgov.org 5. Analysts say the root cause of the purchasing issue is China's unwillingness to ratify a World Trade Organization on government procurement. 分析师说,采购问题的根本原因是中国不愿批准世界贸易组织(WTO)有关政府采购方面的内容。 www.bing.com 6. Products in the State Administration of Radio, "West New project" , "wireless coverage project" and the frequent government procurement bid. 产品在国家广电总局“西新工程”“无线覆盖工程”及各省政府采购中频繁中标。 mhp.cn 7. In the second part, the author sorts up a basic theory of government procurement contracts litigation relief. 第二部分是对政府采购合同诉讼救济制度基本理论的一个梳理。 www.lw23.com 8. Government-procurement bribery and political patronage bloat government spending. 政府采购中的贿赂和政治赞助行为造成政府开支膨胀。 c.wsj.com 9. The last section explains how to realize seamless E-gov process construction by a case named government procurement process. 最后一节结合政府采购案例说明如何实现无缝隙电子政务流程搭建。 www.juhe8.com 10. Some of those proposals, such as a pledge to end favoritism toward government-linked companies in government procurement, make sense. 某些建议,如承诺在政府采购物资过程中,不再优先考虑与政府有联系的公司,这是合情合理的。 www.bing.com 1. Along with the expansion of the scale of government procurement, procurement supervision more important. 随着我国政府采购规模的扩大,采购监督越来越重要。 it.zhishi.sohu.com 2. The NAFTA agreement covers trade in goods, technical barriers to trade, government procurement, investment, and services. 北美自由贸易协议包括货物贸易、贸易之技术壁垒、政府采购、投资和服务。 wzksw.com 3. The Chinese government is approaching the negotiation to join the WTO Government Procurement Agreement with a responsible attitude. 当前,中国政府正在以认真负责的态度对待加入世贸组织《政府采购协定》谈判。 www.kouyi.org 4. There is no uniform international definition for "Government Procurement" . “政府采购”一词在国际上没有统一的定义。 www.fabiao.net 5. Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the procurement activities within the scope of centralized government procurement. 第二条中央单位实施纳入政府集中采购范围的采购活动,适用本办法。 en.pkulaw.cn 6. Article 34 Government procurement shall be arranged to purchase commodities or services from small and medium-sized enterprises by priority. 第三十四条政府采购应当优先安排向中小企业购买商品或者服务。 szlawyers.chinalawinfo.com 7. The policies had concessions on the financial investment, tax policy, pricing policy and government procurement. 其中,在财政投入,税收政策,收费政策和政府采购政策方面都有相应的优惠和倾斜。 www.caesv.cn 8. Assist the setting-in enterprises to put their first batch of products in the government procurement plan of Liaoning province. 协助入驻企业生产的第一批产品列入省政府采购计划。 www.bdza.cn 9. Government project procurement has already become an important respect of government procurement. 做好工程项目政府采购已成为政府采购工作的一个重要方面。 www.juhe8.com 10. Government procurement of products produced through independent innovation will be increased. 加大政府采购对自主创新产品的支持力度。 wilsonwhite.blog.163.com 1. Under the network economy condition the certain trend of Government Procurement is to use e-commerce, and realize thee-Procurement. 网络经济条件下政府采购的必然趋势就是利用电子商务,实现采购的电子化。 www.lw23.com 2. Insisting on negotiations only with the lowest bidder in government procurement procedures. 在政府采购程序中规定只可与最低价的投标者洽谈。 www.icac.org.hk 3. But options may be limited, as government procurement so far isn't included in China's World Trade Organization commitments. 但能够做出的选择或许不多,因为中国在世界贸易组织(WorldTradeOrganization,简称WTO)中的承诺目前还不包括政府采购。 chinese.wsj.com 4. Government procurement staff rapidly grows, constantly improves the quality of business. 政府采购工作人员队伍迅速壮大,业务素质不断提高。 www.lw23.com 5. Public invitation shall be the principal method of government procurement. 公开招标应作为政府采购的主要采购方式。 www.bing.com 6. The government procurement system, as a practical system, includes the complex changing process of interest goal and regulating process. 政府采购作为实践意义的制度内容涉及利益目标、规范过程等复杂变迁过程。 lib.cqvip.com 7. When equipment has not been delivered, because of the glacial government procurement process. 当装备因缓慢的政府采购程序而无法送达时。 www.rrting.com 8. Actively adopt measures, focus on the important issues and enlarge the scope of government procurement steadily. 积极采取措施,突出重点,逐步扩大政府采购规模。 www.lawinfochina.com 9. Science to the government procurement budget management, is to improve government procurement combined effect of the most effective means. 科学地政府采购预算管理,是提高政府采购综合效果最有效的手段之一。 www.lw61.com 10. Summary : The government procurement system is the western countries Public expenditure management is an important system. 内容摘要:政府采购制度是西方国家公共支出管理的一项重要制度。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. China is committed to establishing an open government procurement system and treats all companies equally. 中方致力于建立开放的政府采购制度,对各类企业一视同仁。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Increased competition for government procurement resulted in annual savings of $77 million to the administration. 政府采购过程中竞争增强,每年为政府节省开支7700万美元。 web.worldbank.org 3. The article puts forward suggestions on the pursuit of modern government procurement system in five respects. 从五个方面提出了我国现阶段推行现代政府采购制度的政策建议。 www.dictall.com 4. Article 6 Government procurement shall be conducted strictly in accordance with the budget approved. 第六条政府采购应当严格按照批准的预算执行。 www.falvm.com.cn 5. The emergence of GPA is a sign of government procurement of international society entering into mature period. GPA的产生是国际社会政府采购进入成熟阶段的标志; www.ceps.com.tw 6. Also in this part, I briefly introduced the content of government procurement legal system both in the two countries. 第二部分还简要论述了目前两国有关于政府采购制度的主要法律体系的内容。 www.13191.com 7. It analyzes the reasons why the government procurement construction will be carried out by public te-ding from the point of Game theory. 从博弈论的角度对为什么政府工程采购要采用公开招标的方式进行了分析; www.fabiao.net 8. China has pledged to join the World Trade Organization's government procurement agreement, which limits a country's ability to discriminate. 中国曾经承诺加入世界贸易组织(WTO)限制一国歧视能力的政府采购协定。 c.wsj.com 9. We will expand the scope of energy efficiency labeling and the list of energy- and water-saving products for government procurement. 扩大能效标识范围和节能节水产品政府采购范围。 www.hjenglish.com 10. The government procurement agencies shall not solicit procuratorial business for the government procurement by illegitimate means. 政府采购代理机构不得以不正当的手段承揽政府采购代理业务。 51fane.net 1. In digital resources government procurement, appraisal expert's function is pivotal. 在数字资源政府采购活动中,评审专家的作用是举足轻重的。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 2. Government procurement is a new policy and rule in university library collection construction. 政府采购是对高校图书馆文献建设的一种新的政策规制。 kns50.chkd.cnki.net 3. Details of the written form have not been set by Government Procurement Law and they need to be . . . 具体采用何种书面形式,《中华人民共和国采购法》并未明确,有待国务院和财政部门作出具体规定。 www.bifaa.com 4. also be included in the government procurement list of energy-saving products. 同时被列入节能产品政府采购清单。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. We are committed to an open government procurement policy and treat Chinese and foreign-invested businesses as equals. 中国致力于建立开放的政府采购制度,对内外企业一视同仁。 www.kouyi.org 6. Chapter 2 theoretically analyzed the concept, object, procedure and management of government procurement. 第二章对政府采购概念、目标以及程序和管理进行一般理论分析; www.lw23.com 7. Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the qualification accreditation of government procurement agencies. 第二条政府采购代理机构资格的认定适用本办法。 51fane.net 8. Under the event that the agencys name is changed, it shall re-apply for the qualification accreditation of government procurement agencies. 但是,机构名称变更的,应当重新申请政府采购代理机构资格。 51fane.net 9. Article 47 The State shall implement a government procurement policy conductive to promoting circular economy. 第四十七条国家实行有利于循环经济发展的政府采购政策。 www.bing.com 10. Signatories of the Government Procurement Agreement must open government contracts to foreign companies. 《政府采购协议》(GovernmentProcurementAgreement)的签字国必须向外国企业开放政府合同。 www.ftchinese.com 1. The large profit of government procurement brings about largely risk of commerce bribe. 巨大的利润空间给政府采购带来了商业贿赂的风险。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Tension over government-procurement policies is growing. 关于政府采购政策的紧张局面正在蔓延。 blog.163.com 3. The primary content of the article is to set up a supplier selection model of government procurement, taking Zhejiang province for example. 本文研究的主要内容是以浙江省政府采购为例,构建政府采购的供应商选择模型。 www.lw23.com 4. Government Procurement is a system and complicated engineer. 政府采购是一项系统而复杂的工程。 www.lw23.com 5. The work on government procurement in China started late, green procurement was at the stage of exploration and practice. 我国关于政府采购的工作起步较晚,绿色采购也处于探索实践阶段。 www.fabiao.net 6. A 1996 treaty called the Government Procurement Agreement has almost never been enforced. 1996年生效的《政府采购协议》(GovernmentProcurementAgreement)差不多从来没有执行过。 c.wsj.com 7. The government procurement system is one kind of financial control system in the market- economy country. 政府采购制度是市场经济国家普遍推行的一种财政管理制度。 www.fabiao.net 8. German industrialists say in the Chinese wind energy market, domestic companies are heavily favoured in government procurement. 德国实业家们表示,在中国风能市场,本土企业在政府采购中明显受到偏袒。 www.ftchinese.com 9. commercial bribery; procurement; the government procurement system. 商业贿赂;采购;政府采购制度。 www.lwkoo.cn 10. The selection strategy of government procurement under the economic crisis was suggested. 最后,提出了经济危机下政府采购的选择策略。 www.ceps.com.tw 1. and actively engaged in negotiations for China's accession to the Government Procurement Agreement of the World Trade Organization. 中国正以认真和积极态度开展加入世贸组织《政府采购协定》谈判。 www.showxiu.com 2. The paper continues to analysis the concrete manifestation of rent-seeking behavior of China's government procurement and it's danger. 论文从深度和广度上拓宽了对政府采购中寻租行为的理解与认识。 www.13191.com 3. Nor did the Ministry of Finance, which funds government procurement. 负责为政府采购提供资金的财政部也没有回复。 cn.wsj.com 4. December 2007: China submits its application for accession and initial offer to the WTO Committee on Government Procurement. 2007年12月:中国向WTO政府采购委员会提交其加入申请和最初出价。 gpa.mofcom.gov.cn 5. Direct payment of the government procurement fund shall be actively pushed forward so as to enlarge the scale of procurement. 要积极推行政府采购资金财政直接支付办法,扩大直接支付规模。 www.lawinfochina.com 6. And in 2007 began to take part in "Jilin Province Government Procurement" center of the election activities, and has won the bid. 并在二零零七年开始参加“吉林省政府采购”中心的参选活动,并多次中标。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. The nature of government procurement contract is decided directly how to carry on the legal relief to the litigant. 政府采购合同性质是直接决定如何对当事人进行法律救济。 www.fabiao.net 8. This paper points to government procurement audit four parts. 本文分四个部分对政府采购审计进行研究。 wenwen.soso.com 9. GPA Committee on Government Procurement. 政府采购委员会文件。 www.shift.edu.cn 10. The scope and scale of government procurement expanded. 扩大政府采购范围和规模。 www.hjenglish.com 1. government procurement introduce two tender to purchase at about 40%, much lower than the other countries. 我国政府采购中采用招标形式进行采购的比例在40%左右,也远远低于其他国家。 www.bing.com 2. Four will be the preliminary judgement future the government procurement system development tendency. 四是初步判断未来政府采购制度的发展趋势。 zhidao.baidu.com 3. Central government procurement alone is worth $88bn, Beijing says. 中方表示,仅中央政府采购金额就多达880亿美元。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Article 50 Neither of the parties to the government procurement contract may unlawfully alter, suspend or terminate the contract. 第五十条政府采购合同的双方当事人不得擅自变更、中止或者终止合同。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The government procurement agencies accredited as Grade A may engage in the procuratorial business of all government procurement projects. 取得甲级资格的政府采购代理机构可以代理所有政府采购项目。 51fane.net 6. 'You're looking at a big chunk of the China market when you look at government procurement, ' he added. 他还说,当你考察政府采购时,你是在考察中国市场的很大一块。 c.wsj.com 7. WGTGP Working Group on Transparency in Government Procurement. 政府采购透明度工作组文件。 www.shift.edu.cn 8. before, "Bidding Law" and some local regulations also made some appropriate requirements for the government procurement system. 之前,《招投标法》和一些地方规章也对政府采购救济制度作了相应的规定。 www.fabiao.net 9. Article 43 The Contract Law is applicable to government procurement contract. 第四十三条政府采购合同适用合同法。 www.bing.com 10. After the accession to the World Trade Organization, Opening the government procurement market is the new problem that China is facing with. 开放政府采购市场,是中国加入世界贸易组织后面临的新问题。 www.13191.com 1. China committed to submit this year a robust revised offer to join the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA). 中国承诺在今年提出一份修订后的加入政府采购协议(GovernmentProcurementAgreement)的积极方案。 dongxi.net 2. FedBizOpps. gov is the single government point-of-entry (GPE) for Federal government procurement opportunities over $25, 000. 本网站是政府专门指定,为联邦政府提供超过25000美元的商机。 biositemap.com 3. The TPP is supposed to incorporate non-tariff issues, such as government procurement and intellectual property protection. TPP有望包含政府采购和知识产权保护等非关税事宜。 www.ftchinese.com 4. The field of government procurement also becomes the focus of academic affairs. 政府采购领域因此也成为目前国内学术争论的焦点。 paper.pet2008.cn 5. the above changes at any time we will pass the Government procurement network " " notifications, the bidder concerned. 以上若有变更我们会通过“政府采购网”通知,请投标人关注。 www.bing.com 6. Finally, to ensure the effect, we should improve the quality of supervisory staff in government procurement department. 最后,要提高政府采购监督人员的素质,以确保监督效果。 www.13191.com 7. It is the proposal to improve the internal control of the government procurement. 提出了完善水利工程政府采购内部控制的若干建议; www.bing.com 8. After carrying out the Government Procurement System, We didn't achieve the expected effect. 我国自实行政府采购制度以来,并没有取得预期效果。 www.solw.cn 9. Chapter 3 analyzed the problems and harm which government procurement bring based on agency by agreement. 第三章从委托代理关系入手,对政府采购问题产生和危害进行分析; www.lw23.com 10. With the development of the government procurement practice , the administrative dispute increasing gradually. 随着我国政府采购实践的发展,此类行政诉讼纠纷逐渐增多。 www.showxiu.com 1. Echoing increasing criticism from U. S. and other foreign businesses in China, the USTR raised alarm about government procurement policy. USTR同时对政府采购政策提出警告,呼应在中国营运的美国及其他国家企业与日俱增的批评声浪。 cn.reuters.com 2. Green government procurement legislation is imperative in China. 制定我国绿色政府采购专门立法势在必行。 www.jukuu.com 3. China is a member of WTO, Joining the GPA and opening the government procurement market is very necessary. 我国是世贸组织成员国,加入政府采购协议、开放政府采购市场也是大势所趋。 www.13191.com 4. The problem largely lies in China's failure to join the World Trade Organization's Agreement on Government Procurement. 这方面的问题很大程度上缘于中国没有加入世界贸易组织的政府采购协议(AgreementonGovernmentProcurement)。 www.bing.com 5. such as quotas, anti-dumping measures and government procurement. 包括配额、反倾销措施及政府采购等。 www.rrting.com 6. As the government procurement scale grows, project risk management is becoming more and more important. 随着经济发展、体制改革深化,政府采购规模不断扩大,项目风险管理日益重要。 www.juhe8.com 7. To analyze the subjects, the ways and the results of relief, we can know the EU's good experience on government procurement relief system. 对两种体系中救济主体、救济方式及救济结果进行分析并折射欧盟救济制度的有益经验。 www.13191.com 8. In China, government procurement has attracted public scrutiny because it is considered prone to corruption. 在中国,政府采购已经吸引了公众的监视,因为这被认为是腐败的温床。 ying-wy.blog.163.com 9. Chapter 2 mainly discusses the performance of Rules of Origin in international trade, such as GSP, government procurement and so on. 第二章着重探讨了原产地规则在国际贸易实践,诸如普惠制、政府采购及国别配额等几个方面的运用及影响。 www.fabiao.net 10. The study suggests that banning the government procurement of foreign steel will increase output by just 500, 000 tonnes. 赫夫鲍尔和斯科特的研究表明,禁止政府采购外国钢铁,仅会令美国钢铁产出增加50万吨。 www.ftchinese.com 1. For example, we're making progress on making sure that the government procurement process in China is open and fair to American businesses. 例如,我们在确保中国政府的采购对美国企业开放和公平方面正在取得进展。 www.america.gov 2. How to conduct performance audits of government procurement, is the audit organs and their auditors need to study and solve the issue. 如何开展政府采购绩效审计,是审计机关及其审计人员亟须研究解决的一个课题。 www.dictall.com 3. Measures for the Administration of Government Procurement by the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television [Effective] 国家广播电影电视总局政府采购管理办法[现行有效] www.lawinfochina.com 4. On Nature of Contracts on Government Procurement 试论政府采购合同的性质 5. Theory of Discriminatory Government Procurement and Its Enlightenment 歧视性政府采购理论及启示 service.ilib.cn 6. Recognizing that it is desirable to provide transparency of laws, regulations, procedures and practices regarding government procurement; 认识到有关政府采购的法律、法规、程序和做法宜具有透明度; www.lawyee.net 7. researching, formulating, amending, and interpreting government procurement laws and regulations; 二政府采购法令之研订、修正及解释。 www.cntranslators.com 8. From the Efficiency to Power Control: the Underlying Path of the Legal Value Evolvement of American Government Procurement 从效率到控权:美国政府采购法制价值演进的内在理路 www.ilib.cn 9. Measures for the Qualification Accreditation of Government Procurement Agencies [Effective] 政府采购代理机构资格认定办法[现行有效] www.lawinfochina.com 10. Implement government procurement and reduce the educational cost, thus improve utilization ratio and utilization benefit of the fund; 实行政府采购降低教育成本,从而提高资金的利用率和使用效益; www.lw23.com 1. to undertake the management of the state-owned assets, capital construction, government procurement and the reformation of housing system; 承担国家民委国有资产、基本建设、政府采购和住房制度改革管理工作; www.prcgov.org 2. Standardize Government Procurement Activities to Have it Perfectly Worked 规范政府采购行为做好政府采购工作 www.ilib.cn 3. Objective Basis of Establishing Government Procurement System and its Policy-suggestions 建立政府采购制度的客观依据与政策建议 ilib.cn 4. electronic commerce; government procurement information system; operation flow; supply chain management; the bidding; 电子商务;政府采购信息系统;业务流程;供应链管理;招投标; www.zidir.com 5. The system of government procurement--necessary choose made by the high eff ect-honest and clean government 政府采购制度——高效、廉洁政府的必然抉择 service.ilib.cn 6. to investigate and respond with instruction to the central government department budgets and government procurement budgets; 审查、批复中央部门预算和政府采购预算; www.prcgov.org 7. Government procurement; Suppliers are not winning; Right to relief; 政府采购;未中标供应商;权利救济; www.zidir.com 8. Government procurement; Supervision; System; 采购监管;监督管理;机制; www.zidir.com 9. The Enlightenment on Evaluation of Government Procurement'Expenditure from the Angle of New Public Management 新公共管理运动对提高政府采购支出绩效的启示 service.ilib.cn 10. Project Management of Government Procurement of Transportation Departments 交通部门政府采购研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Project Management of Government Procurement of Transportation Departments 交通部门政府采购研究 www.ilib.cn 2. A Study of Agreement Procurement System, One of the Newest Government Procurement Ways in China 论中国最新型的政府采购形式——协议供货制 www.ilib.cn 3. Study of government procurement in supply chain management 供应链管理环境下政府采购研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Government Procurement (to be notified to the Council for Trade in Goods) 政府采购(向货物贸易理事会作出通知) www.putclub.com 5. Perfecting Supervision and Control Mechanism While Promoting Rational Development of Government Procurement 完善监督约束机制促进政府采购工作规范发展 www.ichacha.net 6. On the Control of the Recessive Cost of Government Procurement 论政府采购的隐性成本控制 www.ilib.cn 7. Perfect the Supervision Mechanism of Government Procurement by Using International Experience for Reference 借鉴国际经验完善我国改府采购监督机制 service.ilib.cn 8. Budget for expenditure affected by establishing government procurement system 政府采购制度的建立对预算支出的影响 scholar.ilib.cn 9. Workshop Report on Intellectual Property and Government Procurement Contracts 知识产权和政府采购合同的工作报告 10. The Defects of Government Procurement Act Concerning the Scope of Accepting Cases in Administrative Litigation 政府采购法关于行政诉讼受案范围规定之缺 1. Analysis of the Character of Government Procurement Contract from a New Point of View 从另一个角度分析政府采购合同的性质 www.ilib.cn 2. Government Procurement Policies of Discrimination 歧视性政府采购政策 www0.lixin.edu.cn 3. Big Gaps between China Government Procurement System and Opening Native Market of Government Procurement 论政府采购制度与政府采购市场开放体制存在的差距 www.ilib.cn 4. Probe into new method of evaluating bids on government procurement--method of integrated weighted average price difference 政府采购评标方法新探--综合加权平均差价法 service.ilib.cn 5. Mechanism and Evaluation Method on Government Procurement and Promoting employment 政府采购扩大就业的机理及其评价方法 www.ilib.cn 6. Standard Guide for Including Government Procurement Requirements in ASTM Documents ASTM文件中列入政府采购要求标准导则 www.mapeng.net 7. review of the approved budget for the municipal sector and government procurement plans; 审查、批复市级部门预算和政府采购计划; wenda.tianya.cn 8. Game Analysis on Optimizing the Supervision Institution of Government Procurement 政府采购监督制度优化的博弈分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Problems and Countermeasures of Chinese Government Procurement 我国政府采购中现存的问题及对策 www.ilib.cn 10. The Reciprocal Evolutional Two-level Game Model of Government Procurement Institution Change 政府采购制度变迁的双层次互动进化博弈模型 www.ilib.cn 1. The Reciprocal Evolutional Two-level Game Model of Government Procurement Institution Change 政府采购制度变迁的双层次互动进化博弈模型 www.ilib.cn 2. Three is the basic assurance government procurement development general rule and the characteristic; 三是基本把握政府采购发展的一般规律和特点; zhidao.baidu.com 3. Study on the application of government procurement at commonweal hydraulic engineering 政府采购在公益性水利工程建设中的应用研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Comment on Implementation of Government Procurement Policy for Military Hospital 试论军队医院实行政府采购制度 www.ilib.cn 5. The Problems of Government Procurement in Construction Works and Countermeasures 建设工程政府采购中的问题及对策 service.ilib.cn 6. Promoting college materials procurement under the guidance of management mechanism of government procurement 试谈政府采购管理机制如何推进高校物资采购的运作与发展 service.ilib.cn 7. Government Procurement Aiming at Technology Innovation 技术创新取向的政府采购 service.ilib.cn 8. Development and Origin of Government Procurement in Western Developed Countries 西方发达国家政府采购法制的流变与成因 www.ilib.cn 9. On Constructing a Supervision and Restraint Mechanism in Government procurement 构建政府采购的监督约束机制 www.ilib.cn 10. Anti - commercial - bribery and the Perfection of Government Procurement Mechanism 反商业贿赂与政府采购机制的完善 scholar.ilib.cn 1. Guide for Including Government Procurement Requirements In ASTM Documents ASTM文件中列入政府采购要求的指南 www.mapeng.net 2. Principal- Agent in Government Procurement and Its Model- Test 政府采购中委托代理问题及其模型检验 www.ilib.cn 3. Establishment and Perfection of the Legal System of Chinese Government Procurement Based on Its Internationalization 从政府采购的国际化看我国政府采购法制的建立与完善 service.ilib.cn 4. The Query of Chinese Government Procurement and Deficiency and Improvement of Complaint System 我国政府采购质疑与投诉制度的不足与完善 www.ilib.cn 5. Reflection on Government Procurement for Goods and Materials in Universities and Colleges 关于高校物资实行政府采购的思考 www.ilib.cn 6. Adjusting Budget Accounting System to Government Procurement 改革预算会计核算制度,适应政府采购 www.ilib.cn 7. On Rights and Duties of the Party Concerned in Government Procurement 论政府采购当事人的权利、义务与责任 www.ilib.cn 8. Avoiding Conflict of Interest in Government procurement 避免政府采购工作出现利益冲突 www.fstb.gov.hk 9. On the practical significance of establishing China's government procurement system 试论建立我国政府采购制度的现实意义 www.ilib.cn 10. Comparative analysis of government procurement system of public finance between China and western countries 中西方财政中政府采购制度的比较 www.ilib.cn 1. Setting up Public Interest Litigation to Commercial Bribe in Government Procurement 谈建立对政府采购商业贿赂行为的公益诉讼机制 scholar.ilib.cn 2. A Discussion on Restructuring China's Legal System in Government Procurement Supervision 政府采购法监督制度的反思与重构 www.ilib.cn 3. Handan Municipal Government Procurement Center 市政府采购中心 blog.sina.com.cn 4. Research on Government Procurement of Instruments and Equipment in University 高校仪器设备政府采购若干问题研究 www.ilib.cn 5. On International Trend of Government Procurement and Improvement of China's Legislation Concerned 政府采购国际趋势与我国立法之完善 www.ilib.cn 6. The Function of Macrocontrol of Government Procurement Shall Be of Great Use 应积极发挥政府采购的宏观调控作用 www.ilib.cn 7. Categories of Government Procurement and Procuring Entities 政府采购工作及采购单位的类别 www.fstb.gov.hk 8. Regulations of Shenzhen Special Economic Zone on Government Procurement 深圳经济特区政府采购条例 www.chinalawedu.com 9. Several Game Theoretical Models of Government Procurement Auction 政府采购招标与拍卖的博弈论模型研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Reflection on Perfecting Government Procurement System at College 完善高校政府采购制度的思考 www.ilib.cn 1. Optimize and Supervise the Suppliers'Activity in Government Procurement: A Policy Study 关于政府采购供应商行为优化与管理的对策研究 ilib.cn 2. Government procurement products exhibition fair of Anhui Province 安徽省政府采购产品展示交易会 www.bc.org.cn 3. Legal Examination on Government Procurement Contract 浅析政府采购合同的司法审查 ilib.cn 4. Study on the Achievements of Government Procurement Consulting Service 政府采购咨询服务成果初探 service.ilib.cn 5. In 2004, Ruixin became "supplier of the Guangdong Provincial Government Procurement Agreement" , and tender accepted in many times; 2004年公司成为“广东省政府采购协议供货商”,并在政府招标中多次中标; www.fszy.com 6. Cost Control of Government Procurement and Countermeasures 我国政府采购存在的问题及对策 ilib.cn 7. Government procurement for construction projects of public works 公共工程建设项目的政府采购 www.ilib.cn 8. the lack of green public procurement standards in government procurement law; 政府采购法中缺乏政府采购绿色标准; lib.cqvip.com 9. A Research on Chinese Government Procurement Legislation in WTO Environment WTO环境下的中国政府采购立法初探 www.ilib.cn 10. Electronic bidding of government procurement and application on water trade 政府采购电子竞价方式及在水利行业的应用 www.ilib.cn 1. Probe into the Current Problems in Chinese Government Procurement 对中国政府采购现存问题的探讨 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on the Contract of Government Procurement by the Administrative Law 政府采购合同的行政法研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Brief Discussion on Strengthening the Audit on Government Procurement 浅议加强政府采购审计 www.ilib.cn 4. Research on Publishment of Government Procurement Information of Government Procurement Law 政府采购法之采购信息公开化研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Tender Procedures for Government Procurement 政府采购的招标程序 www.fstb.gov.hk 6. Analysis of Management System Model of Government Procurement System 政府采购制度中管理体系模型分析 www.ilib.cn 7. An Investigation and Analysis on the Present Situation of Government-Procurement of Books in Public Library 公共图书馆图书资料政府采购现状调查分析 service.ilib.cn 8. Working Group on Transparency in Government Procurement; 政府采购透明度工作组; www.powerdict.com 9. Analysis on China's Countermeasures for Government Procurement After China's Entry into WTO 加入WTO后中国政府采购的对策分析 www.ilib.cn 10. On the Problems in and Countermeasures for the Government Procurement 高校图书馆政府采购存在的问题及对策 service.ilib.cn 1. The Application of Principal-agent Theory in Government Procurement 代理理论及其在政府采购中的应用 www.ilib.cn 2. The Present Situation and Development of the Performance Evaluation on China's Government Procurement 中国政府采购绩效评估现状及其完善 scholar.ilib.cn 3. Research on Supply Chain Management in Government Procurement 供应链管理在政府采购中的应用研究 service.ilib.cn 4. Institutional Economics'Analysis on the Legal System of Government Procurement and the Perfection 政府采购法律制度的制度经济学分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Decision on Accession to the Agreement on Government Procurement 关于加入《政府采购协定》的决定 blog.hjenglish.com 6. On Right Relief of Government Procurement Contract Suppliers 政府采购供应商的权利救济 www.ilib.cn 7. An analysis on the legal quality government procurement contracts 试析政府采购合同的法律性质 www.ilib.cn 8. The Process Analysis and Control Technology of Government Procurement 政府采购的流程分析与控制技术 service.ilib.cn 9. The essential basis for budgeting for government procurement in the Song Dynasty 宋朝制定政府购买预算的基本依据 www.ilib.cn 10. Government Procurement System and ATM Facility Construction of China 经济全球化下的政府采购制度与我国空管设施建设 service.ilib.cn 1. Issues in Choosing Government Procurement Models 政府采购模式选择问题探讨 service.ilib.cn 2. Government Procurement of Teaching Equipment for University in the Age 新形势下高校仪器设备的政府采购工作 www.ilib.cn 3. Legislation Proposal on China's Green Government Procurement Law 我国绿色政府采购法的立法构想 service.ilib.cn 4. On the Problems and the Policy Proposals of Government Procurement Practices 浅议政府采购实践中存在的问题及政策建议 www.ilib.cn 5. On the Nature of Government Procurement Contract and Supervise and administration 试论政府采购合同的性质及其监督和管理 scholar.ilib.cn 6. Problems of the present government procurement and ways of solving them 现行政府采购存在的问题及其求解 service.ilib.cn 7. On Performance Audits of Government Procurement 议政府采购绩效审计 www.ilib.cn 8. Implications of Government Procurement for China's Economy 政府采购对中国经济的影响 ilib.cn 9. The Legal Economics Analysis of Government Procurement Law 政府采购法的法经济学维度 www.ilib.cn 10. Government Procurement for Development of High-tech Industries and Related Policies 通过政府采购支持高新技术产业发展及其配套政策探讨 service.ilib.cn 1. GATT Agreement on Government Procurement; 总协定政府采购协议; www.sinobay.com 2. The issue of Government Procurement of Apparatus for University 高等学校仪器设备政府采购过程中的几个问题 www.ilib.cn 3. An Economic Analysis of Rent Seeking in Government Procurement 政府采购中的寻租经济学分析 www.ilib.cn 4. An Analysis on Transaction Costs of Government Procurement Law 政府采购法的交易成本分析 service.ilib.cn 5. On the Construction of China's Government Procurement Control System 谈我国政府采购监督制度的建设 www.ilib.cn 6. The Agreement on Government Procurement 政府采购协议 article1.chinalawinfo.com 7. Office Of Government Procurement Review 和政府采购审查局 www.newhopelf.com 8. WTO Agreement on Government Procurement 世界贸易组织政府采购协定 www.fstb.gov.hk 9. And the Launch of Government Procurement Information 暨政府采购信息报创刊三周年 www.caigou2003.com 10. Some Ideas on China Government Procurement System 关于我国政府采购制度的思考 www.ichacha.net |
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