单词 | government authorities | ||||||
释义 | government authorities
例句释义: 政府当局,政府机构,政府及其辖下的机构等 1. But it never disclosed the problem to the bulk of its customers or to government authorities. 但该公司从未向其大部分客户或政府当局披露此问题。 c.wsj.com 2. "Ancillary Documents" means documents required by the relevant PRC government authorities for approval and registration of the Company. “附属文件”指为获得相关中国政府部门批准与注册,合营公司所需提交的文件。 bbs.translators.com.cn 3. Government authorities tried to tell parents that their children had been corrupted by Communism. 政府当局对学生家长说,他们的孩子给共产党引入歧途了。 www.chinashakestheworldbook.com 4. Black's majority opinion found that government authorities had the discretion to act as they saw necessary to protect security. 布莱克法官撰写的多数意见所持的理由是,当政府机构认为有必要保护国家安全时,它有采取行动的独立裁量权。 www.24en.com 5. This was a shared initiative, as IBM will work with local government authorities in Wuxi as well as its business partners. 这是IBM与无锡当地政府机构和业务伙伴的合作项目。 www.ibm.com 6. Government authorities heard about it only after it had devastated many places. 政府机构在海啸毁灭了许多地方之后才知道它。 www.scidev.net 7. Government authorities and FLAG, which stands for Fiber-Optic Link Around the Globe, have refused to comment on the speculation. 政府当局和FLAG(光纤连接全球英文单词的缩写)并没有对揣测给出评论。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 8. 63 did not have the permits required by government authorities, including approval of their environmental impact assessments. 63个工厂没有政府主管部门要求的许可证,没有文件审批的环境影响评估。 www.looooker.com 9. The company says it will work with government authorities to increase monitoring of long-life radioactive particles in the area. 公司说,它将与政府方面合作,加强监控这一带的长效辐射粒子。 www.voanews.cn 10. Those efforts have extended to the closure by government authorities of numerous internet data centers, which host thousands of servers. 这些努力已延伸到政府当局封锁为数千台服务器提供主机服务的的众多互联网数据中心。 www.hrw.org 1. To be clear, we fully support lawful investigation by government authorities to protect individuals and companies. 需要澄清的是,我们完全支持政府部门为保护个人和企业而展开的合法调查。 chinese.wsj.com 2. The price of this ticket may include taxes, fees and charges which are imposed on air transportation by government authorities . 此机票的价格可能包含政府当局对航空运输征收的税费。 www.bing.com 3. Exploit and maintain constructive relationship with concerned government authorities , keep tracing industry policy . 与政府部门保持良好的合作关系,适时跟踪相关政策。 www.bing.com 4. The reports are believed to have been placed at the order of government authorities. 而这些新闻报道相信是在政府权威的监控下发布的。 bbs.m4.cn 5. Assist in setting up and maintaining communication with government authorities and industry associations. 协助建立和保持沟通和政府部门和行业协会。 www.lietou.com 6. We maintain our communication with government authorities through information exchange and provision of consulting services. 我们通过交流行业知识和提供咨询意见等途径定期与有关政府机构保持沟通联络。 wanhuida.com 7. Maintain good relationship with customers, potential customers, and related government authorities. 与政府及客户建立良好的合作关系。 www.bingojob.cn 8. He told a reporter that the factory was equipped with pollution-control devices, and government authorities had approved its production. 他告诉记者,工厂配备了控制污染的设备,并且当地政府已经批准了他们的生产。 bbs.anti-cnn.com 9. Its vague clauses and harsh fines will almost guarantee arbitrariness by government authorities and self-censorship by the media. 其模糊的条款以及违规者面临的重大罚款几乎保证了政府随心所欲执法和媒体进行自我审查的情况。 www.hrw.org 10. Establish good relationship with customs, CIQ, and related government authorities, strictly follow laws and regulations. 与海关,商检及其它相关政府机构建立良好的合作关系,遵守国家法律法规。 www.chhkjob.com 1. First, government authorities, through the media, are simply acknowledging reality. 首先,中国政府只是在(通过媒体)承认一个现实。 www.ftchinese.com 2. including those organizations delegated such authority from the central government authorities, would apply. 包括由中央政府主管机关授权的组织。 www.tdict.com 3. They communicated with resident community and government authorities with high passion , but what they received are coldness and depression. 他们发帖子,他们和社区沟通,和政府机关交涉,但得到的是一个又一个的冷眼和冷漠。 bbs.cnnb.com 4. Develop and maintain good relationships with local government authorities like Labor & Social Insurance Bureau, Fesco etc. 发展并维护同当地政府部门的良好关系,如劳动和社会保障局,外服等。 www.lietou.com 5. After much discussion, the proposal has received a positive initial response from the relevant Central Government authorities. 经过接触磋商,这一建议已初步得到中央有关部门的积极回应。 www.policyaddress.gov.hk 6. S. government authorities have regulation. Membership is agreed by customs regulations, guild agreement. 入会条件是同意公会规定的运价,遵守公会协议。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Journalists must not be compelled to act as agents to collect information on behalf of government authorities. 新闻工作者必须不被强迫充当代理人,以蒐集有关代表政府主管部门。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. The acceptance statement shall be based on the Project Contract and standards promulgated by the relevant government authorities. 验收报告应基于本工程合同及相关政府部门制定的标准。 www.tydf.cn 9. Establish and maintain biz oriented contacts to government authorities and selected associations. 处理与政府部分及行业协会的往来文件。 www.job956.com 10. Keep good relationship with foreign exchange bureau, tax bureau, bank and relevant government authorities. 与外管、税务、银行及相关政府机构保持良好关系; www.lietou.com 1. To assist in the preparation of returns and statistical reports, which are, required by owner, hotel or local government authorities. 根据业主、酒店及政府要求,准备投资回报等数据报告。 job.veryeast.cn 2. Recreation Officers often find themselves working for local government authorities and local groups. 娱乐人员会发现他们是为当地政府部门和组织工作。 bbs.24en.com 3. There is a "perception among WTO members that Chinese government authorities at times use intimidation as a trade tool, " Punke said. “WTO成员都有这样的认识,中国政府当局不时的用威胁做为贸易手段”。 www.bing.com 4. When this happens, it becomes vital for public health and government authorities to track how far and how fast the disease is spreading. 对公共卫生和政府当局来说,一旦疾病发生,重中之重是要能够跟踪疾病扩散的范围以及传播的速度。 www.bing.com 5. Build a sound relationship with key government authorities and get all applicable legal permits for site operations. 与关键的政府部门建立良好的关系并取得工厂运行所需的法律许可证。 so.jobems.com 6. Ability to establish good relationship with customs, CIQ, and related government authorities. 与海关、商检及相关政府部门建立良好关系。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. liaise with clients and government authorities to consider implementation issues. 与客户和政府部门联络,考虑项目的实施问题。 www.guolaisou.com 8. Lobbying The Forum pools its members opinions and concern and to present a united voice to Foreign and German government authorities. 游说论坛汇集其成员的意见和关注点,并对外交和德国政府当局表达共同的心声。 www.docin.com 9. Government authorities and the surrounding forest enterprises. 周边政府机关及企事业单位林立。 www.gt-w2.com 10. To deal with various government authorities and relation building. 与各个政府部门协调及关系建立; www.job592.com 1. Indian academia, however, under the active participation of government authorities and publishers, has taken a first step in this direction. 在政府机关和出版社的积极参与下,印度的学界已经朝此方向迈出第一步; docs.google.com 2. Liaising with the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and other Government Authorities. 办理和外汇管理相关的业务并与外管局及其他相关部门进行联络; www.yingjiesheng.com 3. Not one "mentioned having ordered or given bribes to government authorities, " he wrote. 没人“提到曾指使他人或亲自向政府当局行贿。”他写道。 www.bing.com 4. The contract with Tianjin Bohai Chemicals Industrial Co. Ltd takes effect following its registration with the government authorities. 壳牌和天津渤海化工集团签署的技术转让协议将在政府部门登记后生效。 www.tdict.com 5. "We have notified victims and secured their accounts. In addition, we have notified relevant government authorities. " “我们已通知遭袭用户,并确保其账户安全。此外,相关政府部门也已收到报告。” www.bing.com 6. Government authorities until now declined to elaborate. 政府有关部门到目前为止都拒绝详细说明。 cn.wsj.com 7. For the relevant government authorities. 询,设计向有关政府主管部门提出的询问。 www.cov.com 8. They now live in a relief camp established by government authorities on the university grounds in Muzaffarabad. 他们现生活在政府当局在穆扎法拉巴德大学校园搭建的救济营地中。 www.who.int 9. Establish and maintain biz oriented contacts to government authorities and selected customers (Such as Education system customers). 根据业务需要,拓展、维护与政府部门及特定客户(例如教育系统客户)的良好关系。 jobs.zhaopin.com 10. The EUCTP also runs capacity building projects at a local level of relevant government authorities. EUCTP还对地方级别的政府部门进行能力建设项目的运作。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Liaise and handle various matters with external parties such as bankers, government authorities, auditors, credit agencies, etc. 联络并处理外部如银行,政府主管部门,审计师,信贷机构等的各种事项。 www.360doc.com 2. Anecdotal reports from government authorities monitoring the return migration in China's inland provinces are inconsistent. 来自政府部门的零星报告称,中国内陆省份监测到的返乡情况并不均衡。 www.ftchinese.com 3. How should the government authorities decide when to allow flights again? 政府该如何决定何时恢复航班呢? blog.sina.com.cn 4. The government authorities have paid more attention to the abuse of administrative discretion of public security punishment. 治安处罚自由裁量权的滥用早已引起了政府机关的高度重视。 www.fabiao.net 5. He has also donated money to families in need through local government authorities, according to local media reports. 据当地媒体报道,他还通过当地政府给困难家庭捐钱。 c.wsj.com 6. Administrative detention; duration; pending judicial proceedings; notification of government authorities; release; removal of official marks 行政拘留;期限;待定的司法诉讼,政府当局的通知;解除;官方标志的去除 www.foodmate.net 7. Liaison and working with relevant Government Authorities in preparing and updating the required land use and infrastructural plans; 与相关政府机构联络、协调以保证所需用地及基础设施方案的准备与更新; www.jobui.com 8. Manage the relationship with banks, CPAs and government authorities 保持和银行,CPAs和政府相关部门的合作关系 www.programfan.com 9. National system of quality assurance monitored by state government authorities 由州政府的主管部门监督国家质量保证体系的执行 wenku.baidu.com 10. The EUCTP also runs capacity building projects at a local level of relevant government authorities. EUCTP 还对地方级别的政府部门进行能力建设项目的运作。 blog.sina.com.cn |
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