单词 | HVDC | ||||||||||
释义 | HVDC
更多释义 收起释义 例句释义: 高压直流输电,高压直流输电系统 1. Modern thyristor valves for HVDC are of high power rating and difficult to be tested in a conventional back-to-back test circuit. 现代晶闸管阀的大容量使得难以采用传统的背靠背试验回路对其进行运行试验。 www.dictall.com 2. It is proved that by means of widely configuring PSSs and applying HVDC modulation the dynamic instability risk can be reduced. 证明了广泛配置PSS和投入直流调制可以减少系统的动态失稳风险; www.dwjs.com.cn 3. An iterative algorithm for the interface between the HVDC dynamic phasor model and the AC system is then investigated by hybrid simulation. 通过混合仿真研究了HVDC动态相量模型与交流系统之间的接口迭代算法。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. HVDC is one typical FACTS device, which can improve the system dynamic characteristics. 高压直流输电HVDC是一种典型的柔性交流输电FACTS装置,它可以改善系统的动态特性。 www.ceps.com.tw 5. Under the terms of the contract, ABB will supply the underwater and underground cables for the high-voltage direct current (HVDC) link. 根据合同条款,ABB将为该高压直流(HVDC)电线提供水下和地下电缆。 blog.gkong.com 6. The first China HVDC project, Zhoushan Project, is characterized by linking with a weak ac receiving network. 我国第一个高压直流(HVDC)输电工程——舟山工程,其特点是具有一个弱受端交流网络。 joa.csee.org.cn 7. Both performance of thyristor and parameters of snubber circuit significantly affect voltage distribution in HVDC thyristor valve. 换流阀内可控硅端电压分布特性取决于可控硅器件性能和相应的缓冲电路参数。 www.juyy.net 8. This paper explores the effectiveness of using supplementary excitation damping control, or SEDC, for damping such kind of SSO. 对此,本文研究了利用附加励磁阻尼控制(SEDC)抑制HVDC-SSO的有效性。 oaps.lib.tsinghua.edu.cn 9. In this paper, the dynamic characteristics, stability control and analysis of multi-infeed HVDC transmission system are reviewed. 对多馈入直流输电系统的动态特性及稳定控制与分析进行了综述。 www.magsci.org 10. In the end of this chapter the model of the multi-circuit HVDC projects is given. 最后针对多回直流共站工程,提出了相应的计算模型。 www.fabiao.net 1. ABB pioneered HVDC technology more than 50 years ago when the company built the world's first commercial HVDC transmission link in Sweden. ABB在五十多年前开创了HVDC技术,其时该公司在瑞典建成了世界上第一条商业HVDC传输线。 www.gkong.com 2. ABB pioneered the technology in the 1950s, when the company built the world's first commercial HVDC transmission link in Sweden. ABB在二十世纪五十年代开创了HVDC技术,其时该公司在瑞典建成了世界上第一条商业HVDC传输线。 www.gkong.com 3. Studies by Oak Ridge National Laboratory indicate that long-distance HVDC lines lose far less energy than AC lines do over equivalent spans. 橡树岭国家实验室(OakRidgeNationalLaboratory)研究表明高压直流电传输将可比交流电传输减少不少消耗。 www.bing.com 4. Corona effect is an important factor that influencing HVDC transmission. 电晕影响是高压直流输电的重要影响因素。 cesmedia.cn 5. DC voltage stability is one of the most important issues for reliable operation of VSC based HVDC system. 直流电压稳定是关系到电压源型直流输电系统可靠运行的关键问题之一。 www.dictall.com 6. The reliable HVDC pole blocking universal criteria are studied, initiated and applied in the stability control system. 研究并提出了可靠的直流极闭锁综合判据,并将其应用到稳定控制系统。 joa.csee.org.cn 7. The filtering devices at DC side are one of the most important components for high voltage DC transmission (HVDC) systems. 直流侧滤波装置是高压直流输电(HVDC)系统的重要组成部分。 joa.csee.org.cn 8. The infrastructure will deliver a High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) power system connecting the grids of Sardinia and peninsular Italy. 该基础项目将建造一个高压直流(HVDC)电力系统,连接撒丁岛与意大利半岛的电网。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. A method for selecting the modulation signals of multiple HVDC supplementary controllers is proposed. 提出一种多直流附加控制器调制信号的选取方法。 www.dictall.com 10. HVDC Transmission Research Group of Zhejiang University. HVDC transmission[M]. Beijing: Electric Power Industry Press, 1982. 浙江大学直流输电科研组。直流输电[M]。北京:电力工业出版社,1982。 www.showxiu.com 1. A coordinated recovery strategy for multi- infeed HVDC systems under large disturbance is proposed. 针对大扰动情形,提出了一种多馈入直流输电系统的协调恢复策略。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. HVDC technology can he applied to reduce short circuit levels in power systems. 在电力系统中,HVDC技术可以应用于减少短路。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 3. All four HVDC links that have been built to date were delivered by ABB. 迄今为止,全部建成的四条HVDC传输线全部由ABB交付。 www.gkong.com 4. The mathematical model of VSC-HVDC system in dq synchronous rotating coordinates is presented. 建立了VSC-HVDC在两相同步旋转坐标系下的数学模型; www.epae.cn 5. In addition, this dissertation involves operation and protection of multi-terminal VSC-HVDC system preliminary conclusions. 同时在文章最后对多端系统的保护特点进行了初步分析。 paper.pet2008.cn 6. And then, the effect factors of HVDC transmission system reliability index are classified by outage component. 并将影响直流输电系统可靠性指标因素按停运部件原因进一步分类分析。 www.ceps.com.tw 7. Based on HVDC transmission system, this paper presents a design approach to decentralized robust adaptive controllers for converters. 针对高压直流输电系统(HVDC),提出了一种换流站的分散鲁棒自适应控制器的设计方法。 www.dictall.com 8. As the core level of HVDC control system, the pole control unit's design decides the performance of HVDC system. 作为高压直流输电系统的控制核心,换流站控制系统的设计决定着整个直流输电系统的性能。 www.ceps.com.tw 9. And TransCanada, Inc. , is proposing 2, 200 miles of HVDC lines to carry wind energy from Montana and Wyoming south to Las Vegas and beyond. TransCanada公司亦提出要铺设2200英里的高压直流电线路来输送自蒙大拿州和怀俄明州的风能到南部拉斯维加斯及更远。 www.bing.com 10. In addition to handling the power exchange, this sophisticated HVDC system can stabilize voltages and frequencies on Sardinia. 除了处理电力转换交流,该复杂的HVDC系统还可以稳定撒丁岛的电压和频率。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. Multi-Circuit HVDC in the same converter station causes more difficulties of AC filter design. 而多回直流共站给交流滤波器设计提出了更高的要求。 www.fabiao.net 2. The faults of HVDC power transmission system make the electrical characteristics of AC system more complex. 高压直流(HVDC)输电系统故障会使交流系统电气故障特性复杂化。 www.epae.cn 3. HVDC is high controllable. The control system is the core of DC transmission system. HVDC系统是高度可控的,其中控制系统是直流输电技术的核心。 www.lw23.com 4. This is undoubtedly a significant thing for the rest of the country more than 10 HVDC transmission engineering system. 对全国其他10余个直流输电工程系统无疑是一件有重大意义的事情。 www.dxzxcn.com 5. With the development of power electronic devices technology, HVDC got into a new period of vigorous advancement. 随着电力电子器件制造技术的进步,高压直流输电技术迎来了一个蓬勃发展的新时期。 www.fabiao.net 6. The 1, 000 megawatt HVDC undersea link will carry surplus power between the Italian mainland at Latina and the island of Sardinia. 该1,000兆瓦特的HVDC海底电线将传送意大利大陆拉蒂纳市和撒丁岛之间的富余电力。 www.showxiu.com 7. The use of thyristor valves has increased the reliability of HVDC converters to impressive levels. 晶闸管换流阀的采用已将高压直流换流器的可靠性提高到相当惊人的水平。 dict.ebigear.com 8. This paper gives a new method to digitally simulate the transient process of HVDC power systems. 本文介绍了一种研究直流输电暂态过程数字模拟的新方法。 joa.csee.org.cn 9. The mathematical model representing the CCC-HVDC system's steady-state characteristics is derived, which is composed of 15 basic equations. 导出了描述CCC结构直流系统稳态特性的数学模型,主要由15个基本方程构成。 www.qk114.net 10. In HVDC system, It is meaningful to search for a new way to measure the harmonic current. 在高压直流输电系统中,研究运用新的测量谐波电流的方法和技术有着重要的意义。 www.lw23.com 1. The pole control solution for LB BtB HVDC project has been proposed in this paper. 提出了背靠背换流站极控系统的实施方案。 www.dictall.com 2. In order to contrast, strength and distribution of Electric Field Strength of HVDC transmission is discussed in this paper. 为了对比,本文研究了超高压直流输电线路下的合成电场强度及其分布。 www.13191.com 3. The controller design for Active DC filter is very essential in order to realize active harmonic compensation on the DC-side of HVDC system. 在高压直流(HVDC)系统直流侧实现性能优良的有源直流滤波器(ADF)抑制谐波的关键问题之一是ADF的控制器设计。 joa.csee.org.cn 4. The HVDC die block in PSASP only can define two-terminal HVDC system and can not define MTDC system. 针对PSASP中直流模块只能定义为两端直流输电系统不能定义多端直流输电系统的不足。 www.zidir.com 5. The savings from using UHVDC compared with HVDC are equivalent to the annual power consumption of more than 900, 000 people in China. 对比高压直流技术,使用超高压直流技术节省的电量相当于中国超过90万人口的年均用电量。 blog.gkong.com 6. So HVDC transmission will be one major style of the interconnection in power network and be widely applied in our country. 高压直流输电由于其在远距离、大容量输送电力上的优越性,已成为电网互联的主要方式之一。 www.juhe8.com 7. It is very important to study on the key apparatus of HVDC project, namely, the converter transformer and its filtering equipments. 换流变压器及滤波装置作为直流输电工程中重大关键装备,开展相关领域的研究工作是十分必要的。 paper.pet2008.cn 8. The HVDC(High Voltage Direct Current) transmission is playing an more and more important role in the national economy of our country. 高压直流输电技术在我国的电力系统中发挥着越来越重要的作用; www.lw23.com 9. Establishment and Applications of Macro-model of SCR Used for HVDC Power Transmission 高压直流输电用可控硅宏的模型 service.ilib.cn 10. Analysis of bipole block events over the years of Tian-Guang HVDC Project 天广直流工程历年双极闭锁事故分析 www.ilib.cn 1. Simulation Calculation of the Overvoltage in Two HVDC System with One Common Earthing Electrode 两直流系统共用接地极的过电压仿真计算 www.ilib.cn 2. Analysis on voltage distribution across thyristor level in HVDC valve and its corresponding optimization of snubber circuit parameters 换流阀内可控硅端电压特性分析和缓中电路参数优化 ilib.cn 3. Study of Two Large Pools to Be Connection with Three HVDC 三回直流连接两大电网的问题探讨 service.ilib.cn 4. Influence Factor Analysis of the Field Distribution around the Ultra-HVDC Line 特高压直流线路的场分布影响因素分析 ilib.cn 5. Novel Method for Measuring Voltage Distribution of HVDC Insulator String and Its Distribution Characteristics 直流绝缘子串电压分布测量方法及其分布特性 www.ilib.cn 6. Study on the Hybrid-optical Direct Current Transducer Used for HVDC 用于高压直流的光电电流互感器研究 service.ilib.cn 7. Introduction of the Long-Zheng HVDC System Commissioning 龙-政直流系统调试情况介绍 service.ilib.cn 8. SHE Multi-pulse Inverter Used for HVDC Transmission System 高压直流输电系统用SHE多脉冲逆变器 www.ilib.cn 9. Study of travelling wave protection of HVDC transmission line on mathematical morphology 数学形态学用于高压直流输电线路行波保护的探讨 www.ilib.cn 10. Communication interference from HVDC transmission system and interference suppression measures 直流输电系统对通信干扰的分析及措施 service.ilib.cn 1. Simulation study of impacts of multi-infeed HVDC system faults on transient stability of Shanghai Power Grids 多馈入直流输电系统故障对上海电网暂态稳定性影响的仿真研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Characteristic Point of HVDC Transmission Technology and Its Developing Prospects 高压直流输电技术的特点及其在我国的发展前景 ilib.cn 3. Analysis on the Accident of Valve Arrestor Explosion During the Commissioning Test of Three Gorges to Guangdong HVDC Transmission Project 三广直流输电系统调试中阀避雷器爆炸事故分析 service.ilib.cn 4. HVDC transmission system fault identification and locating algorithm using mathematical morphology 基于形态学的HVDC线路故障识别与定位方法研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Research on Numerical Value Application of Electromagnetic Field Characteristics of HVDC Converter Transformer 高压直流换流变压器电磁场特性的数值应用研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Voltage Distribution in a HVDC Thyristor Valve under Lightning Impulse Tests and Influencing Factors 换流阀内雷电冲击电压的分布及影响因素 service.ilib.cn 7. Synergetic Control and Its Application in an HVDC Power System 协同控制及其在高压直流输电系统上的应用 www.ilib.cn 8. Investigation and Evaluation of Primary Equipment Operation Condition in Gezhouba and Nanqiao HVDC Converter Stations 葛洲坝和南桥换流站一次设备运行情况和健康水平评估 www.ilib.cn 9. Convertor transformers - Transformers for HVDC applications 转换变压器.HVDC用变压器 www.mapeng.net 10. Development and Application of Light HVDC Transmission Technique 轻型高压直流输电技术的发展与应用 www.ilib.cn 1. The feasibility of the composite insulation applied to HVDC equipment 高压直流设备外绝缘采用合成绝缘的可行性 ilib.cn 2. HVDC Converter Transformer Technology and Its Maintenance Condition On-The-Spot HVDC换流变压器技术及现场维修情况 ilib.cn 3. Simulation Study of Dynamic Fault Recovery Performance of HVDC System 高压直流输电系统动态恢复特性的仿真研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Discretization Modeling and Simulation Study of HVDC Power Transmission System Based on Voltage Source Converters 基于电压源换流器的高压直流输电系统离散化建模与仿真研究 ilib.cn 5. Primary Equipment Operation Reliability Evaluation of Gezhouba and Nanqiao HVDC Converter Stations 葛洲坝和南桥换流站一次设备可靠性评估 www.ilib.cn 6. Design and Experiment of High-voltage Probe for Measuring Impulse Voltage Distribution Along Thyristor Units in HVDC Converter Valve 换流阀组件冲击电压测量用高压探头的设计与试验 ilib.cn 7. Summary of Converter Station Commissioning and System Commissioning for Lingbao Back to Back HVDC Project 灵宝背靠背直流工程换流站和系统调试总结 www.ilib.cn 8. Dynamic characteristics, stability control and analysis of multi-infeed HVDC transmission systems 多馈入直流输电系统的动态特性及稳定控制与分析 ilib.cn 9. Development of a High-Voltage Probe for Measuring Impulse Voltage across Thyristor Components in HVDC Converter Valve 高压换流阀组件冲击电压测量用高压探头 www.ilib.cn 10. Analysis of Ground Surface Potential Distribution under Single-pole Operation Mode of HVDC Transmission Lines on special soils 特殊土壤情况下HVDC输电线路单极模式运行时的地表电位计算 www.ilib.cn 1. Electromagnetic transient simulation of the dynamic performance of the HVDC Light system 轻型直流输电系统动态特性的电磁暂态仿真 ilib.cn 2. An optimal nonlinear coordinated control of HVDC and generator excitation to improve transient stability of power system 提高暂态稳定性的HVDC与发电机励磁的非线性最优协调控制 www.ilib.cn 3. Air Core Coil Based Harmonic Current Measurement in HVDC and Its Performance Analysis 基于空心线圈的HVDC谐波电流测量及性能分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Operation Analysis and Improvement Suggestion for HVDC Converter Station Power Capacitors 直流输电换流站电容器运行情况分析及改进措施 www.ilib.cn 5. Study on parameters of double tuned filter in HVDC transmission system and its simulation 高压直流输电系统中双调谐滤波器参数研究及其仿真 service.ilib.cn 6. Analysis on Several Key Technologies Applied in System Commissioning of Lingbao Back-to-Back HVDC Project 灵宝背靠背直流工程系统调试中的关键技术分析 www.ilib.cn 7. Study of voltage stability for HVDC transmission systems 高压直流输电系统电压稳定性研究综述 www.ilib.cn 8. Application of the Satellite Remote Sensing Image on Choosing Electrode Site of HVDC Electrodes 卫星遥感图像在高压直流接地极选址中的应用 service.ilib.cn 9. Development of the Hybrid-optical Direct Current Transformer and Tentative Operation in HVDC Transmission Network 光电式直流电流互感器的研制与挂网运行 www.ilib.cn 10. Effects of Harmonic from AC Transmission Line of HVDC Converter Station on Telecommunication Line 高压直流输电换流站交流电力线路对电信线路影响的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Establishment of the Digital-analogical Hybrid HVDC Simulation System 数模混合式高压直流输电仿真系统的建立 www.ilib.cn 2. Simulation Analysis on Commutation Failure Criteria for HVDC Transmission Systems 高压直流输电系统换相失败判断标准的仿真分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Additional Nonlinear Control for Improving Dynamic Characteristic in HVDC Systems 改善HVDC动态特性的非线性附加控制 service.ilib.cn 4. Application of Hybrid Reliability Evaluation Method for HVDC Transmission Systems 混合法在高压直流输电系统可靠性评估中的应用 www.ilib.cn 5. Characteristic and Application of HVDC Transmission Technology 直流输电技术的特点及应用 www.ilib.cn 6. Discussion on the electrical insulation design of the HVDC Gas Insulated Switchgear 直流气体绝缘开关装置绝缘设计的探讨 ilib.cn 7. Research on Transition between Ground Return and Metal Return in Gezhouba-Nanqiao HVDC Transmission System 葛南直流输电系统中大地回线和金属回线转换的研究 www.ilib.cn 8. HVDC Control and Protection Technology and Its Application 高压直流输电控制保护技术及其应用 ilib.cn 9. The Implementation of the Pole Control System for LingBao Back-to-Back HVDC Project 灵宝背靠背换流站极控系统的实现 www.ilib.cn 10. Simulation of a Synthetic Test Circuit for HVDC Thyristor 换流阀合成试验回路建模及仿真 www.ilib.cn 1. A Sensitivity Analysis Model of HVDC Transmission System Reliability Evaluation 高压直流输电系统可靠性灵敏度分析模型 www.ilib.cn 2. Study on Pollution Flashover Prevention for HVDC Equipment at Guangzhou Converter Station 广州换流站高压直流设备防污闪措施探讨 www.ilib.cn 3. HVDC Breaker Commutation Circuit Arc Simulating Calculation; 高压直流开关;转移回路;电弧;模拟计算; joa.csee.org.cn 4. Impact of Ground Wire in HVDC Transmission Line on Direct Current Flowing into Neutral Point of Power Transformer 输电线路地线对流入变压器中性点直流电流的影响 ilib.cn 5. Research on Types of Grounding Poles for HVDC Converter Stations Located in Xiluodu and Xiangjiaba 溪洛渡和向家坝特高压直流输电换流站接地极型式的研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Trial-use standard general requirements and test code for oil-immersed HVDC converter transformers 油浸HVDC转向变压器试验用标准一般要求和试验规程 www.mapeng.net 7. Development and Application of Loss Calculation Software for HVDC Converter Station 高压直流换流站损耗计算软件的开发和应用 www.ilib.cn 8. Simulation Analysis of AC System Strength on HVDC Fault Restoration Characteristics 交流系统强度对HVDC故障恢复特性影响的仿真分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Anti-polarizing Charging Characteristic of Ocean Cable for Cheng-si HVDC Transmission Project 嵊泗高压直流输电工程海缆反极性充电特性分析 www.ilib.cn 10. Analysis of Power Transmission Capability and Voltage Stability of HVDC System Connected to Weak AC System 联于弱交流系统的HVDC输电系统输电能力和电压稳定性的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Capacitor partial discharge footprint's exploratory analysis under HVDC 高压电容器直流局部放电指纹的探索性分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Technology and equipment of HVDC power supply for electrostatic precipitator (ESP) 电除尘(雾)器的高压供电技术及装置 www.ilib.cn 3. Study on the Influence of HVDC System Grounding Electrode Current on Power Transformer Operation 高压直流输电系统接地极电流对电力变压器运行影响的研究 ilib.cn 4. Operation Condition Analysis of AC Filter for Tianshengqiao Converter Station of Tian-Guang HVDC 天广直流天生桥换流站交流滤波器运行状况分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Application of a Neural Network to HVDC Control System 神经网络在高压直流输电控制系统中的应用 www.ilib.cn 6. Study on the Methods for the Determination of Harmonic Loss on HVDC Converter Transformer 换流变压器谐波损耗确定方法的研究 ilib.cn 7. Study of VDCOL Control Strategies for Coordinated Recovery of Multi-feed-in HVDC System 有利于多馈入直流输电系统协调恢复的VDCOL控制策略研究 ilib.cn 8. Research on self-reliance innovation in HVDC power transmission technologies 我国直流输电技术自主创新研究 ilib.cn 9. A Nonlinear Feedback Controller for the HVDC System with the Inverse System Method 基于逆系统方法的HVDC系统一般非线性控制 www.ilib.cn 10. Application of support vector machine for fault diagnosis in a HVDC system 支持向量机在高压直流输电系统故障诊断中的应用 www.ilib.cn 1. Research on Numerical Calculation of Ionized Field Around HVDC Transmission Lines HVDC输电线路离子流场数值计算方法研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Development of HVDC Test Set for Water Internal Cooled Stator Windings of Power Generator Under Circulating Cooling Water Condition 水内冷发电机定子绕组通水直流耐压试验装置 service.ilib.cn 3. Commutation Failure Factors Analysis In HVDC Transmission System 直流输电系统中逆变器换相失败的因素分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Study of Traveling Wave Filter of HVDC Transmission Line Based on Mathematical Morphology 基于形态学的高压直流输电线路的行波去噪 www.ilib.cn 5. Research on Mathematic Model of HVDC Transmission System Optical Components 高压直流输电系统最优部件数的数学模型研究 www.ilib.cn 6. HVDC System Overvoltage Comparison Between Simulation and Field Test Result 高压直流系统过电压模拟计算与实测的比较 www.ilib.cn 7. Guide for Analysis and Definition of DC Side Harmonic Performance of HVDC Transmission Systems HVDC传输系统的直流侧谐波性能的分析和定义指南 www.isres.com 8. Converter Transformer Fault Analysis and Winding Replacement on Sit of Tian-Guang HVDC Project 天广直流换流变压器故障分析及现场绕组更换 www.ilib.cn 9. Development of HVDC Transmission Technology and Its Role in Electric Power Network 高压直流输电技术的发展及其在电网中的作用 ilib.cn 10. The Technology and Engineering Application of Ultra HVDC Transmission 特高压直流输电技术和工程应用 www.ilib.cn 1. Impacts of Switching AC Filters of Inverter Stations on Harmonic Currents in Multi-infeed HVDC System 多馈入直流系统中逆变站滤波器投切对谐波电流的影响 www.ilib.cn 2. Operational Mechanism and Characteristic Analysis of HVDC Light 轻型直流输电的运行机理和特性分析 www.ilib.cn 3. Analysis and definition of DC side harmonic performance of HVDC transmission systems HVDC传输系统的直流侧谐波性能的分析和定义 www.mapeng.net 4. Key factors of site selection for a HVDC converter station 高压直流换流站的关键建站条件 www.ilib.cn 5. Problems of multiple HVDC links terminating in an AC system 西电东送与全国联网中的多直流落点问题 www.ilib.cn 6. HVDC; high voltage converter valve; dielectric type test; thyristor; 高压直流;高压换流阀;绝缘型式试验;晶闸管; www.zidir.com 7. Application of Interpolation Algorithm for Harmonic Analysis of HVDC 插值算法在HVDC谐波分析中的应用 ilib.cn 8. Configuration and Technical Requirement of AC Supply Line Protection for the Three Gorges HVDC Converter Station 三峡换流站交流侧馈线保护的配置及技术要求 www.ilib.cn 9. Application of an Optimal Coordinated Control to New-Type HVDC 一种优化协调控制在新型HVDC中的应用 service.ilib.cn 10. Research on traveling wave protection criterion on HVDC transmission line 高压直流输电线路行波保护判据的研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Study on Commutation Failure and Related Problems for HVDC Transmission System 高压直流输电系统换相失败及其相关问题研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Application of DUST Communication in HVDC Transmission Project DUST通讯在直流输电工程中的应用 www.ilib.cn 3. VSC-HVDC for enhancing power system frequency stability in the load restoration stage of black start VSC-HVDC在电网黑启动时负荷恢复阶段提高系统频率稳定性研究 www.ilib.cn 4. Research on Several Issues on DC Filter Performance of Yun-Guang Ultra-HVDC Transmission System 云广特高压直流输电系统直流滤波器性能的若干问题 www.ilib.cn 5. Study on the Influential Factors of Voltage Distribution of HVDC Insulator Strings 直流绝缘子串电位分布影响因素 service.ilib.cn 6. Application and Control Strategy of New Multi-Terminal HVDC System 新型多端高压直流传输系统应用及其控制 www.ilib.cn 7. Configuration Principle of Last Breaker Trip Equipment in Inverter Station of HVDC 高压直流输电系统逆变站最后断路器跳闸装置配置原则 service.ilib.cn 8. FTA models and its application in HVDC system evaluation 直流系统可靠性故障树评估模型及应用 scholar.ilib.cn 9. Principle of Land Earth-pole of HVDC System and its Construction 直流输电系统陆地接地极原理及其施工 www.ilib.cn 10. The Improving Scheme for the Unbalance Protection of HVDC Capacitor 交流高压电容器不平衡保护的改进方案 www.ilib.cn 1. Transient Stability Analysis of South China Power System with Multiple HVDC Links 南方电网多直流落点系统稳定性分析 www.ilib.cn 2. Small Signal Dynamic Modeling and Damping Controller Designing for VSC Based HVDC 基于电压源换流器的高压直流输电小信号动态建模及其阻尼控制器设计 www.ilib.cn 3. Typical Transient Responses in HVDC Transmission System 直流输电系统典型暂态响应特性分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Discussion on dependent failure modes in HVDC commutation stations 高压直流换流站的相关失效模式探讨 www.ilib.cn 5. Overview of harmonic analysis methods in HVDC transmission systems 高压直流输电系统的谐波分析方法综述 www.ilib.cn 6. Summary of system commissioning test for Three Gorges-Guangdong HVDC project 三广直流工程系统调试概述 ilib.cn 7. HVDC fuzzy neural controller for improving the transient stability of system 改善系统暂态稳定性的HVDC模糊神经控制器 www.ilib.cn 8. Research on Adaptive PID Controller of Single Neuron for HVDC Power Transmission 高压直流输电单神经元自适应PID控制器的研究 www.ilib.cn 9. The Characteristics in Engineering and Structure in Tianshenqiao-Guangzhou HVDC Project 天生桥一广州直流输电工程及结构特点 www.ilib.cn 10. Harmonic Transfer in HVDC System Under Unbalanced Conditions 超高压直流输电不平衡条件下的谐波传递 www.ilib.cn 1. Criteria for Commutation Failure in HVDC Transmission System 高压直流输电系统换相失败的判断标准 www.ilib.cn 2. HVDC transmission technologies at the frontier 高压直流输电的前沿技术 ilib.cn 3. Analysis of On-line Monitoring the Operation of Long-zheng HVDC Long-qing Earth Electrode Field 龙政直流龙青接地极极址在线监测运行分析 ilib.cn 4. Study on DC Current through Transformer Neutrals Caused by Ground Return Operation Mode of HVDC System with Sea Influence Considered 考虑海洋影响的直流输电单极大地运行时变压器中性点直流电流研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Research on commutation failure in Tian-Guang HVDC transmission system 天广直流输电系统换相失败的研究 www.ilib.cn 6. Icing Flashover Performance of HVDC Transmission lines 高压直流输电线路的覆冰闪络特性 ilib.cn 7. Study on the design of fuzzy control rulers for HVDC ANN-fuzzy controller by genetic algorithm 利用遗传算法设计模糊神经直流控制器规则表的研究 ilib.cn 8. Protection Strategy for HVDC Transmission System 高压直流输电系统的保护策略 ilib.cn 9. A Survey on Commutation Failures in Multi-infeed HVDC Transmission Systems 多馈入直流输电系统中换相失败研究综述 www.ilib.cn 10. Study on coordinated control for multi-HVDC transmission line systems 多回直流输电系统间协调控制的的研究 ilib.cn 1. Present status and development trends for HVDC converter station 高压直流换流站技术现状与发展 ilib.cn 2. Additional Control Strategy for Islanded AC System at Sending Terminal of HVDC HVDC送端孤岛运行方式的附加控制策略 www.ilib.cn 3. HVDC Converter Station Carrier Frequency Noise Filter 高压直流换流站载频噪声滤波器 ilib.cn 4. The Research of Pollution Level Prediction Method of HVDC Converter Stations 高压直流换流站污秽水平预测方法研究 ilib.cn 5. Application of HVDC technology in grid integration of offshore wind farms 直流输电技术在海上风电场并网中的应用 www.ilib.cn 6. Accurate Fault Location for HVDC Transmission Line Based on Transient Extraction of Mathematical Morphology 基于数学形态学暂态特征提取的高压直流输电线路精确故障定位 www.ilib.cn 7. Application and Research of Expert System to Operation and Management of HVDC 专家系统在高压直流输电运行管理中的应用研究 www.ilib.cn 8. Low Voltage Energization Test of the HVDC Converter Valve 高压直流换流阀的低压加压试验研究 www.ilib.cn 9. Dynamic Modeling and Nonlinear-Decouple Control of HVDC Light System 轻型高压直流输电系统的动态建模及非线性解耦控制 service.ilib.cn 10. Shunt circuit control strategy for HVDC rectifier terminal 高压直流电网整流端的旁路控制策略 www.ilib.cn 1. Main Circuit Parameters of Long-Zheng HVDC Transmission Project 龙泉-政平直流输电工程主电路参数简介 www.ilib.cn 2. HVDC Pole Blocking Detection for Security and Stability Control 用于安全稳定控制的高压直流极闭锁判据 ilib.com.cn 3. Technical rule for the design of HVDC earth return operation system 高压直流输电大地返回运行系统设计技术规定 wenku.baidu.com 4. Directional Protection Based on Traveling Wave Current Polarity Comparison Using Wavelet Transform on HVDC Line 基于小波变换的HVDC线路行波电流极性比较式方向保护 service.ilib.cn 5. A traveling wave based fault locating system for HVDC transmission lines 直流输电线路行波故障测距系统 ilib.cn 6. Analysis on Influence of HVDC Commutation Failure on AC Relay Protection 直流输电换相失败对交流侧继电保护的影响 www.ilib.cn 7. Technical Guide for HVDC overhead transmission lines 高压直流架空送电线路技术导则 wenku.baidu.com 8. Harmonics Analyzed in HVDC Power Transmission System 高压直流输电系统的谐波分析 ilib.cn 9. Study and Test of Electrolytic Corrosion for HVDC Support Insulator 高压直流支柱绝缘子电化学腐蚀试验研究 service.ilib.cn 10. Feasibility Study on Power Market Trading between East and CentralChina Using Ge-Nan HVDC Transmission 华东、华中利用葛南直流系统开展电力市场交易可行性研究 ilib.cn 1. Transient stability analysis of multiple-loop HVDC system 多回直流输电系统稳定性研究 www.ilib.cn 2. Arrangement and Principal of Converter Protection of HVDC 直流输电换流站换流器保护的配置及原理 www.ilib.cn 3. The application of HVDC flashover method in fault allocation of power cable 直流高压闪络法在电力电缆故障测距中的应用 service.ilib.cn 4. New Directional Protection Based on Traveling Wave Current Polarity Comparison Used on HVDC Transmission Line 新型直流输电行波电流极性比较式方向保护 www.ilib.cn 5. The Principle and Construction Essential of HVDC System Earth Pole 高压直流输电系统接地极原理及其施工要点 www.ilib.cn 6. Study Mission Report on HVDC Transmission Operation 直流输电运行考察报告 www.ilib.cn 7. Structure and Standard and Test of HVDC Converter Transformer 高压直流换流变压器结构、标准及试验 ilib.cn 8. Multi-load model for reliability assessment of HVDC converter 高压直流换流器的多载荷可靠性评估模型 ilib.cn 9. Design and Development of Control and Protection System for Synthetic-test of HVDC Converter Valve HVDC换流阀合成试验控制及保护系统设计与开发 www.ilib.cn 10. Development and Prospect of HVDC Transmission 高压直流输电的发展与展望 ilib.cn 1. Quebec--New England HVDC transmission project 魁北克一新英格兰直流输电工程 wenku.baidu.com 2. Decentralized Coordinated Control of Multi-Infeed HVDC Based on Correlative Measured Vectors 多馈入交直流系统关联测量分散协调控制 service.ilib.cn 3. Estimation of DC Current Distribution in AC Power System Caused by HVDC Transmission System in Ground Return Status 直流大地运行时交流系统直流电流分布的预测方法 www.ilib.cn 4. Design and realization of HVDC control and protection system 高压直流控制保护系统的设计与实现 www.ilib.cn 5. Review on application and development of modern control technologies in HVDC systems 现代控制技术在高压直流输电系统中的应用及其发展 ilib.cn 6. AC Transient Overvoltage of HVDC Converter Station 灵宝换流站交流暂态过电压研究 www.ilib.cn 7. Analysis on the Voltage Stability of HVDC System Connected to Weak AC System 联于弱交流系统的HVDC系统稳定性分析 www.ilib.cn 8. Discussion on line protection of HVDC transmission line 高压直流输电线路保护的探讨 www.ilib.cn 9. Research of breaker failure protection for AC filter sub-bank in HVDC system 高压直流输电系统中交流滤波器小组开关失灵保护研究 www.ilib.cn 10. Discussion on the Detection Method for Earthing Fault of HVDC System 直流系统接地故障检测方法探讨 www.ilib.cn 1. Feasibility to Cancel PLC Noise Filter at HVDC Converter Station HVDC换流站取消载波通信噪声滤波器的可行性 www.ilib.cn 2. Primary Analysis on Corrosion and Deposit in Valve Cooling System of Tian-Guang HVDC Project 天广直流工程换流阀冷却系统腐蚀与沉积 www.ilib.cn 3. Study of HVDC fuzzy neural converter controller based on MATLAB 基于MATLAB的模糊神经网络高压直流输电换流控制器的研究 ilib.cn 4. Simulation of Overvoltage and Flashover Caused by Lightning Stroke at Towers of HVDC Transmission Line 雷击高压直流线路杆塔时的过电压和闪络仿真研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Research of HVDC transmission line traveling-wave fault location method based on wavelet modulus maxima theory 基于小波模极大值理论的HVDC输电线路行波故障定位方法的研究 ilib.cn 6. Analysis of Relay Protection Action for HVDC Line and Testing Method 高压直流输电线路保护动作分析及校验方法 www.ilib.cn 7. Influence of rectifier AC fault on HVDC transmission system 整流侧交流系统故障对高压直流输电系统的影响 www.ilib.cn 8. Operation Reliability Analysis of Nation-Wide HVDC Power Transmission System in 2005 2005年全国直流输电系统运行可靠性分析 www.ilib.cn 9. Calculation and Analysis on Buried Electrode in Luchaogang-Shengsi HVDC Project 芦潮港-嵊泗直流工程预选极址的接地极计算和分析 www.ilib.cn 10. Study of AC Switching Over-voltage of HVDC Converter Station Based on EMTP-RV 基于EMTP-RV的中俄直流背靠背工程交流操作过电压研究 www.ilib.cn 1. Current development on the mathematic model and control of VSC-HVDC 新型直流输电数学模型和控制方式研究综述 www.ilib.cn 2. Selection of Insulators on HVDC Transmission Line 直流输电线路绝缘子选择 www.ilib.cn 3. Active Filter Technique on AC-side of HVDC Transmission Systems 直流输电系统交流侧的有源滤波技术 www.ilib.cn 4. A Study of Hybrid DC Filter for HVDC System 高压直流输电系统混合直流滤波器性能研究 www.ilib.cn 5. Research on Commutation Failure in HVDC Connected to Weak AC System 联于弱交流系统的HVDC换相失败研究 www.ilib.cn 6. The Robust Adaptive Control of HVDC Transmission System with Unmodeled Dynamic 考虑未建模动态的直流输电系统鲁棒自适应控制 www.ilib.cn 7. The Firing Control of Long-Zheng HVDC Transmission Project 龙-政高压直流输电触发控制 service.ilib.cn 8. Effect of HVDC Modulating in Three Gorges HVDC Transmission Links 直流调制在多回直流输电系统中的作用 www.ilib.cn 9. The communication system of HVDC transmission network 高压直流输电系统的通信 www.ilib.cn 10. Influence of Receiving End Load on HVDC Transmission 受端系统负荷对高压直流输电的影响 www.ilib.cn 1. Influence of HVDC Earthing Electrode Current on Grid 高压直流输电系统接地极电流对电网的影响 scholar.ilib.cn 2. A Novel Scheme of HVDC Transmission Line Voltage Traveling Wave Protection Based on Wavelet Transform 基于小波变换的HVDC输电线路电压行波保护新方案 www.ilib.cn 3. Analysis of Partial Discharge in HVDC Equipment 直流高压设备的局部放电分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Analysis of HVDC Linear Ground Electrode System 高压直流输电直线型接地极系统分析 www.ilib.cn 5. Analysis and Experiment of Star-Point Controller in HVDC HVDC系统中星点调压方式的理论与实验 www.ilib.cn 6. Fig. 6 Power grid around Huizhou converter station of Three Gorge-Guangdong HVDC project 图6三一广直流工程惠州换流站附近的电网 www.wendang365.cn 7. Solution to Nonlinear Electric Field of HVDC at Ends of Valve-side Winding in Converter Transformer 高压直流换流变压器阀侧非线性电场的求解 www.ilib.cn 8. Study on the Malfunction Reason Analyzing of LZ-96 Distance Relay in HVDC Converter Station 换流站LZ-96距离保护误动原因分析研究 ilib.cn 9. Neural Network Based Fault Diagnosis in HVDC System 基于神经网络的HVDC系统故障诊断 ilib.cn 10. Station System Test of Long-zheng HVDC Transmission 龙-政高压直流输电站系统试验 www.ilib.cn 1. Impacts of multi-infeed HVDC on East China Power Grid stability 多馈入直流对华东电网稳定性影响研究 www.ilib.cn 2. AC Filter Steady State Rating in HVDC Converter Station 直流输电换流站交流滤波器稳态额定值研究 www.ilib.cn 3. Operation Analysis and Study on Auxiliary Power System of HVDC Project 直流输电工程站用电系统运行分析 www.ilib.cn 4. Technical guide of HVDC earth electrode system 高压直流接地极技术导则 wenku.baidu.com 5. HVDC System Vulnerability Assessment Based on Models Combination and Risk Theory 基于模型组合与风险理论的HVDC系统脆弱性评估 service.ilib.cn 6. Optimization Model for Voltage Level of HVDC Transmission Links 高压直流输电工程额定电压的优化选择方法 ilib.cn 7. HVDC transmission technology based on voltage source converters 基于电压源换流器的HVDC输电技术 www.ilib.cn 8. Influence of HVDC Withstand Voltage Test on Cable Life 高电压直流耐压试验对电缆寿命的影响 ilib.cn 9. Design of Back-to-Back Converter Station in HVDC 直流背靠背换流站设计探讨 www.ilib.cn 10. Reliability evaluation for HVDC systems based on Bayesian network with multi-state nodes 基于多状态节点贝叶斯网络的HVDC系统可靠性评估 ilib.cn |
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