单词 | accommodation | ||||||||||||||||||
释义 |
复数:accommodations adj. n. temporary accommodation,permanent accommodation,poor accommodation,suitable accommodation v. n. provide accommodation,find accommodation,book accommodation,offer accommodation,get accommodation accommodation 显示所有例句
例句释义: 住宿,住处,和解,膳宿,适应,调节,顺应 1. How much money does it cost for your study? What are you tuition fees? What about the living expenses? And accommodation ? 你留学的总费用是多少?学费、生活费各是多少?住宿是多少? www.baisi.net 2. An accommodation between the Brotherhood and SCAF, the two largest power blocs in the country, seems to have been made. 一个在穆斯林兄弟会与SCAF(也是两个国内最大集团)间的调解方案,似乎已经完成了。 www.bing.com 3. "The cost of living is too high now and you cannot live on $194 a week even with the maximum accommodation supplement, " she said. 生活成本太高了,你不可能靠每周194新元来过活,哪怕得到最高的住房补贴。 www.bing.com 4. No party's waiver of any breach or accommodation to the other party shall be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach. 一方放弃追究另一方的违约行为或对另一方作出通融不得视作放弃追究随后的任何违约行为。 translation168.lingdi.net 5. The women of the group would often go ahead into towns to see if anyone would be able to provide free accommodation. 女队员往往会走在队伍前面,先到城里看看是否有人提供免费的住宿。 www.china.org.cn 6. However, if France balked, then America might be "reduced to the necessity of ending the war by an accommodation" with Britain. 但是,如果法国继续观望,美国与英国“的战争获胜更为渺茫,就会导致和解”。 www.bing.com 7. Tuition and Accommodation Fees are calculated in complete weeks and any part of a week is counted as a full week. 学费和住宿费按实足周计算,不足一周按一周计。 www.jukuu.com 8. It would be an accommodation to me if you could wait some days for the money. 请你们通融通融,让我过几天再来付钱吧。 www.jukuu.com 9. Accommodation failed to placate the critics and may have demoralized supporters of a strong defense. 迁就没有能安抚批评者,而可能使强大防务的支持者灰心丧气。 www.jukuu.com 10. I want to do a sketch of you, and that's what I offer you for your accommodation. My offer of love is free. 我还想画一张你的素描,这才是我想给你的报答,我的爱是免费的。 www.elanso.com 1. Thanks for the bookings &confirmations. The total cost of the accommodation is quite okay by me and i'm ready to pay the bills. 感谢您的预订及确认。住宿费的价钱对我来说是可接受的,我已准备好要支付这笔费用了。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. Count Philip's pilgrimage had dragged him out of his usual itinerary, and accommodation fit for a king was evidently hard to find. 菲利普伯爵的朝圣之行打乱了亨利国王一贯的行程,让他找不到像样的下榻之处。 www.bing.com 3. all sanitary spaces shall have ventilation to the open air, independently of any other part of the accommodation; and. 所有盥洗处所应有直接通向露天的通风,并与起居舱室的任何其它部分相独立;以及。 www.dongfangchuanbo.com 4. But the contract did not mention the Portuguese-speaking training, including training, to which the school, how the burden of accommodation. 但是合同未提葡语培训的情况,包括去哪个学校培训,食宿怎么负担。 zhidao.baidu.com 5. All this risk ought to point in the direction of conciliation, even accommodation, with the United States. 所有这些风险必须在协调中解决,甚至是美国参与的调解。 www.bing.com 6. How much shall I still have as living expenses besides accommodation and tuition? 除了学费和食宿费,我还需要多少生活费? www.okzhaosheng.com 7. But a peaceful religious accommodation of evolutionary ideas is possible, Hameed insists. 但是,宗教接受进化理论是可能的,Hameed坚持认为。 www.scidev.net 8. As a mark of a time-honoured accommodation, Pushtun elders and mullahs often insist there is no contradiction between the two prerogatives. 这种由来已久的迁就与融合的标志就是,普什图长老们和毛拉们经常强调这两大特权阶层之间没有矛盾。 www.ecocn.org 9. Some of them only want comfort, but a number of them like a more natural experience, and look for simple accommodation or camping sites. 这类游客中一些只追求舒适度,但很多则是喜欢一种更贴近自然的体验,对住宿和宿营地的条件要求也不高。 www.tianya.cn 10. How much is the guarantee deposit for getting an accommodation ? 住宿的押金是多少钱? zhidao.baidu.com 1. The tenants were in a hopeless position, being milked by an unscrupulous landlord for substandard accommodation. 房客们处于绝望的境地,因为无耻的房东以不够标准的膳宿来骗他们的钱财。 dict.ebigear.com 2. How much does accommodation cost? 住宿的费用是多少? www.fair.edu.cn 3. I'm writing to ask about the necessary information of accommodation, fees and apply for your school's conditions. 我写信是想问一下有关在贵校的住宿、收费以及申请贵校所需具备的具体条件的。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. New Zealand, Scotland, Canada and Northern Ireland have demanded their teams be put up in hotels if their accommodation is not ready. 如果主办方没有将住宿条件改善,新西兰队,苏格兰队,加拿大队和北爱尔兰队都表示要求将自己国家的球队安排在酒店住宿。 wmcestudy.blog.163.com 5. This weekend, I have to move out of my temporary accommodation and I have no idea where I'll go. 这周末,我将搬出我现在的临时住所,我不知道届时我又将会何去何从。 www.bing.com 6. Interior design to sight, sleek, sound, savor, scent the innovative idea for you to create extraordinary five flu accommodation experience. 室内设计以视觉、触觉、听觉、味觉、嗅觉的创新理念,为您缔造非凡的五感住宿体验。 job.veryeast.cn 7. Do not give birth to dormitory accommodation, run, do not crowd, do not parallel up and down stairs, walking on the right. 住宿生出宿舍不要跑跳,不要拥挤,上下楼梯不要并行,靠右侧行走。 zhidao.baidu.com 8. He rarely leaves his ever-changing accommodation and his eyes are always glued to his lap-top screen. 他很少离开他不断变化地址的宿舍,而他的眼睛始终盯着笔记本的屏幕。 www.bing.com 9. The site describes itself as offering a " cost-free accommodation alternative . . . at a time of spiralling student debt" . 这个网站形容自己是「在这个学生债务快速成长的年代,」免费提供「另类的住宿选项。」 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. They offered me free accommodation for a year, and that decided me. 他们为我提供一年免费的住处,并且由我决定。 bbs.freekaoyan.com 1. Cavendish College provides a comprehensive service to students requiring accommodation in London. 卡文迪什学院为需要住宿的学生提供全面的服务。 dictsearch.appspot.com 2. The company can provide better accommodation and food (do not have to stay away please specify). 公司可提供较好的食宿(不必住宿请注明路程)。 shanghai.jinti.com 3. There has been a rapprochement with the Iraqi government and an effort to reach an accommodation with the Kurdish minority. 土耳其还与伊拉克政府达成和睦关系,并努力与库尔德少数民族实现和解。 www.ftchinese.com 4. Silence and accommodation became bad habits that allowed me to avoid my own feelings of intimidation and my overarching need to please. 沉默和意见调和成为了坏习惯。它们让我去回避自己的受到威吓的感受、以及全面要去讨好的需求。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 5. As they are not paying out money for accommodation on a daily basis they may be prepared to spend more on local craft. 由于他们不需要每天支付住宿费用,因此会在地方工艺品上花费较多的钱。 www.tianya.cn 6. The bank sometimes allows exporters a credit accommodation up to US $5 000. 有时候该银行给予出口商多达5000美元的信贷。 blog.china.alibaba.com 7. I've offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a week's accommodation. 我提出粉刷厨房,用以交换的条件是为我提供一周的住宿。 www.kaocn.com 8. It is because couch surfing isn't just a means of accommodation; it is an entirely new way to travel. 这是因为沙发冲浪不只是一个住宿的手段,它是一种全新的旅游方式。 www.englishtang.com 9. To me, it doesn't make sense at all for the little taxpayer's money to be used to provide accommodation for ex- presidents. 对我而言,把小小纳税人的钱挪去供养前任总统的吃住实在没有道理。 zh.globalvoicesonline.org 10. The Television Cultural Centre had been due to open this month, providing hotel accommodation and studio facilities. 影视文化中心原定于本月开放,用以提供住宿以及演播室。 www.bing.com 1. And for the wealth management industry , which has much to gain from both trends , this is an accommodation devoutly to be wished . 对财富管理行业而言,既然它将从上述两大趋势中获益良多,那么业内人士也衷心期望达成上述妥协。 www.bing.com 2. But this should not be regarded as a precedent for our future business. The accommodation is only for this transaction. 但这并不能作为我们以后生意援引的先例。通融只限于这笔交易。 www.etest8.com 3. We wish to reiterate that it is only in view of our long and friendly business relations that we extend you this accommodation. 我们重申,正是鉴于双方长期友好的业务关系,我们才做出此项调和。 www.24en.com 4. The high cost of accommodation makes life difficult for many Chinese students in London. 住宿昂贵使很多中国留学生感到在伦敦生活困难。 www.yuloo.com 5. She worked out which sheltered accommodation would suit her best, what size flat she wanted, and which furniture to leave behind. 她自己弄清楚了到底哪种庇护住所对她来说最合适,她想要多大的公寓,还有该丢弃哪些家具。 dongxi.net 6. Sense of engineering, innovation and management; strong ability of job accommodation, engineering practice, organization and management. 具有工程意识、创新意识、管理意识,具有较强的工作适应能力,工程实践能力和组织管理能力。 www.kaoshi365.com 7. Good of, I seek my cousin to give ask once, you can arrive the computer city to ask once, you feel which accommodation you buy whose how? 好的,我找我表弟给问一下,你可以到电脑城去问一下,你觉得哪个合适你就买谁的如何? ks.cn.yahoo.com 8. Be in charge of the arrangement of accommodation, transportation and scheduling for VIP of the company and visitors of CFO. 负责安排公司重要客人的住宿,交通及日程等事宜。 www.job592.com 9. That might be a good idea . Now, what about accommodation? I hear Paris is quite expensive. 这主意不错。住宿呢?我听说巴黎相当的贵。 dipan.kekenet.com 10. Italian fashion houses are opening branded accommodation in Dubai at a time when hotels have been hurt by a glut of rooms. 在迪拜,意大利的时尚巨头总是建立同名酒店,而当地酒店出现过剩情况。 www.bing.com 1. And there is a direct connection between the violence you are seeing, and the failure to reach a political accommodation, " he said. " 你们所看到的暴力事件和未能达成政治和解之间有直接联系。 www.englishtang.com 2. I prefer a package tour, and we don't have to worry about accommodation, meals or that sort of trivial demanding things. 我喜欢一揽子旅游,不用操心住宿、吃饭等费神的小事。 talk.oralpractice.com 3. He had a catastrophic nervous breakdown in his mid-20s, poor man, and is now in sheltered accommodation in Arizona. 在他25岁上下时,他遭遇了一场灾难性的神经崩溃。可怜的人,现在他在亚利桑那州的收容所里。 www.ebigear.com 4. The living accommodation is to the front so nobody notices that the back is dark. 日常起居生活都在前面所以没有人注意后面是黑的。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. In addition, branding around the Confederations Cup was not "elaborate" enough and accommodation had to be improved. 另外,联合会足球赛周边的品牌还不够“精致”,住宿条件有待改善。 www.bing.com 6. Sorry about that, but it's not really our fault. The contract does say that the hotel accommodation is not our responsibility. 女:不善意思,但那不是咱们的错。合同上写着旅社住宿咱们不负担责任。 never.1sthotwomen.com 7. We applied the FEM that was not accommodation to the complicated engineering problem. And the result of random would be caused. 对于复杂工程问题,有限元法使用不当会导致结果的随机性。 www.ceps.com.tw 8. Nansha port Hotel is a set catering, entertainment, recreation, accommodation into a four-star tourist hotel-related business. 南沙海港大酒店是一家集餐饮、娱乐、休闲、住宿为一体的四星级涉外商务型旅游酒店。 www.gt-w2.com 9. The accommodation was just lovely, located in the middle of a delightful village, hosted by the divine Judith and David. 旅舍很漂亮,坐落在一个舒适宜人的村落中,由人很好的朱迪思和大卫经营。 weike.taskcn.com 10. This hotel is something like the giant cod on the accommodation reef - impressive in its age and emanating stately grace. 这个酒店如同在在礁石上休憩的巨型鳕鱼,散发着古朴而庄严的优雅气息,令人叹为观止。 www.hicoo.net 1. This section applies to any premises, whether furnished or unfurnished, where lodging or sleeping accommodation is provided for reward. 本条适用于任何在收取报酬下让该人住宿或渡宿的处所,不论该处所是否有家居设备。 www.immd.gov.hk 2. A pigeonhole flat serves well as a temporary lodging for new grads, but it doesn't address their long-term needs for accommodation, he said. 他说,这种蜗居适合新毕业的大学生们暂时居住,但无法满足其长期居住的需要。 www.langfly.com 3. The QTS Scheme makes it easy for you to find budget visitor accommodation that you can trust. 优质旅游服务计划助您搜寻经济实惠和服务优良的住宿选择。 discoverhongkong.com 4. Santos said the rescue work will focus first on saving lives and 33 million affected families to provide accommodation and food. 桑托斯表示,救援工作将首先关注挽救生命以及为33万受灾家庭提供住宿和食物。 www.englishtang.com 5. They will provide you with some sort of accommodation, a penthouse apartment or maybe a back yard to pitch your tent in. 他们将提供你以,顶楼房屋公寓或一个后院可能投你的帐篷。 www.xici.net 6. within the tower , there will be a laboratory , living accommodation and a helicopter landing station. 钢塔内有实验室,生活设施和直升飞机着陆站。 www.ichacha.net 7. We were delighted with everything, from the efficient and friendly reception at the hotel to the comfort of the accommodation. 从酒店高效和友好的接待,到房间的舒适度,我们都很满意。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 8. Hotel Antonella is equipped with the very best of the latest business facilities, and offers classic, comfortable accommodation. 酒店安东尼配备了最新最好的商业设施,并提供经典,舒适的住宿环境。 www.orangeway.cn 9. leave the UK at the end of your visit. We advise that you do not make any payments for accommodation, travel and so on. 您可以递交以下任何文件,来说明您的住宿安排以及您在结束旅行时准备离开英国。我们建议您在未获得签证前,不要支。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Type the name of the accommodation, restaurant or attraction in the search box at the top of the home page. 在首页顶部的搜索框内键入酒店、餐馆或景点的名称; www.bing.com 1. This school provides accommodation and meals for the children. 这所学校可以提供孩子们食宿。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. All the artists who has any ideas about this space or needs residency accommodation are welcomed! 凡是艺术工作者,关于此空间的任何想法,或需要驻地居住创作,欢迎一起来聊聊! blog.roodo.com 3. Living in Homestay is not like living in a hotel or private accommodation. It is like living at home with your family. 住在寄宿家庭里,不像住在旅馆或是私人住所,它更像和你的家人住在一起。 iask.sina.com.cn 4. Really like novel, love is not exist, the reality of life is, the old man and the old woman between swearing, accommodation for a lifetime. 真正能够像小说里面的爱情是不会存在的,现实生活是,老头子和老婆子之间骂骂咧咧,迁就一辈子。 www.yysohu.com 5. And just as casinos offer free accommodation and meals to big players, ADWs offer redeemable reward points as an added incentive. 并且就像赌场给大玩家提供免费的食宿那样,提前存款投注公司提供可以赎回的奖金作为附加的奖励。 www.ecocn.org 6. Lack of cheap temporary accommodation has led to an increase in the number of down and outs who have to sleep on city streets at night. 由于缺乏廉价的临时住宿,只得在市区马路上过夜的穷人的人数激增。 www.1stenglish.com 7. Then, the answer was unprecedented monetary accommodation, direct support for the financial sector and a dose of fiscal stimulus. 那时的解决方案是实行前所未有的宽松货币政策、为金融部门提供直接支持和一次性的财政刺激政策。 www.ftchinese.com 8. When traveling with family or friends, make sure that the accommodation you select allows you to spend quality time together. 与家人朋友一起旅行时,确保选择的住宿能让你把有质量的时间都花在一块儿。 www.bing.com 9. Lodgers accommodation is at the discretion of the Unit Manager. Only one lodger per patient is permitted. 陪宿事宜最终由部门经理决定。每位病人仅可一人陪宿。 dictsearch.appspot.com 10. This includes the cost of accommodation, meals, transportation, sightseeing, guides, airport departure tax, and international airfare. 包括住宿、餐饮、交通、观光、导游、机场税以及国际机票等费用。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. The gunfire is understood to have damaged a crane on board as well as strafing the legs of the rig and accommodation areas for staff. 据悉,伊朗方面开火袭击损坏了钻井上的一个起重机,并击中钻井的支柱和员工的食宿区。 www.ftchinese.com 2. If this is possible, I would ask you to arrange clean budget accommodation for me on the night of 11th May. 如果有可能,我想要求您来替我付清五月十一日的住宿费用。 club.china.alibaba.com 3. Ford decided to provide accommodation and food for those engineers who were absorbed by this abyssal problem. 福特决定为那些专心于这个深不可测的问题的工:程师提供设备和食物。 bbs.wwenglish.org 4. Though various in sizes and set ups, each type of accommodation shares the same concept of country living with style and comfort. 虽然在大小和布置方面种类繁多,但是每种住宿在风格和舒适度上都具有乡村生活这一相同的概念。 www.cismef.com.cn 5. A five-star hotel will be set up in the venue to provide food, accommodation, meeting and entertainment services. 新展馆还配套一家五星级宾馆,提供餐饮、住宿、会议、娱乐等配套服务。 yc.ywnews.cn 6. Homeless survivors are now scattered in prefabricated houses around the area or in temporary accommodation further afield. 如今,无家可归的幸存者们分散居住于附近地区的活动板房内,或更远地区的临时住所内。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Please state the cost of your course per annum, the cost of your accommodation per annum, and living expenses per annum. 请列出您课程每年的学费、住宿费以及生活费。 www.bing.com 8. And accommodation is at least double what it costs in most comparable cities, excluding New York. 除了纽约,伦敦的住宿成本至少是其它大城市的两倍。 www.ftchinese.com 9. its rules are the direct expression of that feeling of cohesion, tending facing the accommodation of dissend. 它的法规直接表现了这种凝聚力的感情,倾向于调和【住宿】不相同想法。 www.ffenglish.com 10. To your accommodation, entertainment, tourism, with the most enthusiasm and a full range of services. 给您的住宿、娱乐、旅游提供最热忱和全方位的服务。 english.hebei.com.cn 1. This capital limitation factor appears to have triggered an innovative response by developers active in tourism accommodation construction. 资本局限的因素似乎激发出业内活跃的旅游建设开发商,让他们想出了一些创新的对策。 www.88769253.com 2. I have offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a week's accommodation. 我提出愿意粉刷厨房,条件是让我免费住宿一周。 gz2010.qlteacher.com 3. placing the membrane unit made of pipe base material in the biochemical reaction tank with low running cost and small accommodation area. 将管式基材制作的膜组件置于生化反应池内,运行费用低、占地少。 www.showxiu.com 4. its rules are the direct expression of this feeling of cohesion, tending toward the accommodation of dissent. 它的法规直接表现了这种凝聚力的感情,倾向于调和【住宿】不同意见。 www.jp345.com 5. CO-OP 's accommodation fee is comparatively cheap in UCLA area, and with a not - bad condition. OP的住宿标准在周边地区是极便宜的,不过这里的住宿条件还是不错的。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Accommodation was hard to find in the city and a place like this didn't come up very often. 在城里很难找到住处,像这样的房子不常出现。 www.bing.com 7. This pared-down number is ideal for quick trips - it's less accommodation, more neighbourhood highlights and the best of local knowledge. 这种削减的数量快速旅行的理想-减少住宿,更多的社区重点和地方所知。 ptyly.com 8. The travel agency assigned by the host organizer will provide accommodation , pick-up , sightseeing, etc. , Subject to a charge . 由主办机构指定的旅行社将为参展商有偿提供膳宿、机场迎送及旅游等服务。 www.bing.com 9. You will have to arrange for your own transport and accommodation prior to attending any Olympic sessions. 您需要自行安排观看奥运会所必需的交通和住宿等事宜。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. Accommodation units are spread on 3 upper levels, while the public activities are taking place in basement, ground floor and mezzanine. 客房分布在3上层,公共部分置于首层,地下层及阁楼。 www.archiant.com 1. Thomas Cook packages include a match ticket, four or five-star hotel accommodation and a tour of the stadium and club museum. 托马斯。库克的套餐包括比赛门票,4-5星级酒店住宿和俱乐部博物馆到球场的交通。 forum.sports.sina.com.cn 2. This suggests, he said, that even with only 22m people, "we haven't managed to find accommodation with our environment. " 他说,“这表明即便仅有2200万人口,在这样的环境条件下,也很难找到适宜的容身之所。” www.ecocn.org 3. Efficient accommodation of large-scale specialized risk bearing by residual claimants is an advantage of corporate common stock. 剩余索取人对大规模专门风险承担的有效地适应是普通股票的优势。 bbs.cenet.org.cn 4. He wanted to try to find some way to reach out to the West and see if there was some kind of accommodation. 他努力想办法接触西方,看看是否有某种形式的便利。 www.kekenet.com 5. having decided to rent a flat , we set about contacting all the accommodation agencies in the city. 在决定了租房之后,我们便着手与市内所有的房屋代理商联系。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. Other staff could be relocated to safer accommodation in other cities within Afghanistan, including Herat near the Iranian border. 其他工作人员将被重新安置在阿富汗其他更为安全的城市,包括伊朗边境附近的赫拉特。 www.bing.com 7. As Greece transforms itself to an upmarket destination, the need for an increase in resort accommodation becomes apparent. 由于希腊正在向高档旅游目的地转变,对综合性度假住宿场所的需求愈加明显。 www.worldwidehotel.cn 8. Scaling: Upgrading capacity is a more common case of scaling than is accommodation of cyclical loads. 扩展:与适应周期性负载相比,升级容量是更常见的扩展情况。 www.ibm.com 9. These cognitive structures change by the processes of assimilation and accommodation, which should be encouraged during instruction. 这些认识的结构由同化和住宿的过程改变,这应该被在指示期间鼓励。 jpkc.nxu.edu.cn 10. These cognitive structures change by the processes or assimilation and accommodation, which should be encouraged during instruction. 这些认识的结构由过程或者同化和住宿改变,这应该被在指示期间鼓励。 jpkc.nxu.edu.cn 1. Benefits: good networking with multinational companies; accommodation and trips are all arranged for you. 与很多跨国公司都有很好的交流,可以为你安排好膳宿和旅程。 tr.hjenglish.com 2. The agreement is a result of mutual respect, negotiations on an equal footing and mutual understanding and accommodation. 我们达成的协议是各方坚持相互尊重、平等协商、互谅互让的结果。 www.fmprc.gov.cn 3. youth advocate is a self-guided tour of the hotel manner, mainly tourists with safety, health, economic accommodation services. 青年旅馆倡导的是一种自助旅游的方式,主要为游客提供安全、卫生、经济的住宿服务。 www.showxiu.com 4. Please subscribe to our newsletter to receive updated news of any further accommodation specials . 请预订我们提供的信息咨询来收取最新新闻和更多的住宿优惠。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. fire, landslips or other natural disasters, the HA provides transit accommodation for people rendered homeless. 发生火灾、山泥倾泻及天灾时,房委会会为丧失家园的人士提供临时居所。 www.jukuu.com 6. There was a shortage of accommodation, so marshland was drained and built on to house the large numbers of people now living there. 那时住宿是一个巨大的问题,因此沼泽地被抽干用来建造房屋,为那里的很多人提供了住处。 www.hjenglish.com 7. The critical factor in making this accommodation work is an efficient, knowledgeable technology transfer process at the university. 妥协奏效的关键因素在于大学高效而专业的技术转让过程。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. The only accommodation she can afford is a tiny room in the cellar of an apartment building. 她只能负担得起一栋公寓地下室的一小间房间。 www.bing.com 9. is computer technology, network technology, accommodation for technical and managerial control theory of financial accounting results. 是将计算机技术、网络技术、住处技术和管理控制理论用于财务会计工作的结果。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 10. The Magaliesberg area, which offers a wide range of accommodation in a picturesque country setting, is great for weekend getaways . 马格雷斯堡地区风景如画的乡村提供了多样的住宿,是周末游玩的好去处。 dictsearch.appspot.com 1. "Oh, no, " he said. "We have accommodation for only 38 and there were thousands. " “哦,不,”他说,“我们只为38位客人提供了住宿,有上千客人来参加呢。” www.bing.com 2. To have the accommodation, to call my family and tell them I'm fine and I have already arrived in Szolnok and so on. 解决住宿问题,打电话给家里告诉他们我很好,我已经到达索尔诺克等等。 www.tiantianbt.com 3. Once "cheap and cheerful" , Gambian accommodation has improved, and the Coco Ocean Resort and Spa can only be termed luxurious. 可可海洋度假村暨温泉酒店号称是一家“便宜而令人愉快”的冈比亚酒店,但事实上却堪称豪华。 www.bing.com 4. This Small-Scale Hotel Offers Elegant, Practical Accommodation Right In The City Centre, Near The Lively Shopping And Entertainment Areas. 这家小型的酒店在市中心为您提供高雅、实用的住宿,临近活跃的购物和消闲娱乐区。 hotels-zh.csbest.cn 5. Saudi side was the consumer pay for training of personnel, including accommodation and transportation. 沙特方面则为培训人员的消费买单,包括住宿费和交通费。 www.englishtang.com 6. The bulk of the world's population are going to be urban and are going to be living in high-rise accommodation. 世界人口的大多数将会在都市,而且会住在高层住宅楼里。 voa.hjenglish.com 7. Please send this application form with your Enrolment Application Form as early as possible to reserve your accommodation. 请把你的这个申请登记表,申请表尽早预留你的住处。 wenwen.soso.com 8. Chinese firms in Africa need to deal with a range of situations, and that requires a long process of understanding and accommodation. 中国企业在非洲需要面对各种各样的情况,这要慢慢的理解和磨合。 www.eucma.org 9. air tickets , accommodation and local transportation in overseas countries can be covered by the sponsorship. 资助范围包括机票、在外国的住宿和交通费用等。 ichacha.net 10. Living off campus with a relative or friends saves money, if suitable accommodation is available and public transport is efficient. 如果有条件,且公共交通方便,您可住在校外,与亲戚或朋友同住,从而节省开销。 www.america.gov 1. In most cases, participants have been awarded funding by their home governments or institutions for international travel and accommodation. 在大多数情况下,与会者已经批政府或机构资金家园国际旅费和食宿。 www.rainlane.com 2. Thank you to click on my son, I would you recommend the most true, most clean, the most comfortable accommodation. 首先感谢您点击我的帖子,我将为您推荐最真实,最干净,最舒适的居所。 bj.ganji.com 3. Can you give me a free ticket to Europe and accommodation, and if you can, then I would take my gems, and sell them with you. 您能为我提供一张免费机票以及食宿吗?如果可以的话,我将带着宝石与您洽谈。 www.education-ask.com 4. Something that should worry us even more is the rise of a weird accommodation between Christian fundamentalists and Zionists in the US. 应当使我们更为担忧的事情,是基督教原教旨主义和犹太复国主义之间的一种古怪的调解,正在美国兴起。 www.bing.com 5. Once, in California, Vicky and Pinky were unable to find any cheap accommodation, so they camped in a park. 有一次在加州,林姬莹和江秋萍找不到便宜的住所,只好在公园扎营。 www.ebigear.com 6. It says traditional CPR with accommodation a combination of breaths and compressions should be used for babies and children. 它说传统CPR和人工呼吸、压缩相结合的方法应该用在婴儿和小孩身上。 dictsearch.appspot.com 7. With its deep pockets, the movement helps many students with practical problems like accommodation; they are then urged to pray more often. 借助其巨大的财力,葛士兰运动为许多学生解决了向住房这样的实际问题,这些学生因此被要求更频繁的做祈祷。 www.24en.com 8. Older people's experience of disabling conditions can be affected by the design and layout of their accommodation. 老年人住宅的设计和布局会影响他们行动不便的程度。 sites.sdjzu.edu.cn 9. Local authorities must provide reasonable compensation and alternative accommodation, and ensure safety during the exercise. 地方政府必须给予合理的补偿和替代居所,同时应在拆迁过程中保证安全。 www.ftchinese.com 10. Restaurant with catering, accommodation, leisure and holiday hotel in one of the fisherman. 本店以餐饮、住宿、休闲、度假于一体的渔家旅店。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. John Paul II's blunt talk about communism swept away years of cautious accommodation. 约翰·保罗二世有关共产主义的生硬讲话毁掉了维持多年的谨慎和解。 www.ecocn.org 2. Accommodation safety guidelines do not go after small gains, lease strange homes or low floor. 住宿安全须知勿贪小便宜,租住陌生民宅或低矮楼层。 wenwen.soso.com 3. Hotel Accommodation, Playing Schedule and Format shall be the same as the Invitational Championships. 酒店住宿,比赛时间及形式与亚洲青年冠军赛相同。 blog.sina.com.cn 4. They may not be available, or you may be forced to choose an inconvenient or unnecessarily expensive flight or accommodation. 否则,你可能订不到机票或住房,要不就是你可能被迫要选很不方便或贵得离谱的班机或住房。 usuc.spaces.live.com 5. Development is coming slowly to Prachuap, and a few recent guesthouse openings have improved the level of accommodation. Prachuap正在缓慢的发展,一些新开业的旅馆已经改善了住宿环境。 www.zftrans.com 6. The Light, Modern Accommodation And Excellent Central Location Make The Hotel A Great Choice Whatever Your Reason For Visiting Florence. 明亮且现代化的住宿条件以及绝美的中心黄金地段使得酒店成为前来佛罗伦萨的客人的最佳选择。 hotels-zh.csbest.cn 7. Overnight, rescue workers freed two students and found one body buried in the remains of a university accommodation complex. 昨晚,救援人员救出两名被困学生,并发现一具被掩埋在公寓大楼废墟下的尸体。 www.bing.com 8. Most companies use telephones, rental cars, accommodation, protective equipment, computers, printing, couriers and stationery. 多数的公司都要使用电话、租用汽车、住所、安全设备、计算机、打印机、邮件传递和文具等。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. However, within the accommodation area, steam should not be used as a medium for heat transmission. 但是,在起居舱室区域,不应使用蒸汽作为传热媒介。 www.dongfangchuanbo.com 10. Expenditures included spending on transport, accommodation, medical services and temporary event infrastructure. 开支包括用于运输、住宿、医疗服务和临时性基础设施方面的支出。 www.ftchinese.com 1. And the generators needed to produce the electricity required by accommodation akin to a small five-star hotel gulp down many more. 而发电机必须产生出游艇上膳食所需要的电力,近似于小型五星级酒店的膳食供应。 www.ecocn.org 2. When a suite or a Novotel Club reservation reaches the hotel, ensure that requested accommodation is available and book accordingly . 如果饭店接受了套间和索菲特俱乐部的预订,要确保满足相应的住房要求和预订。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. Continuous existence of accommodation space led to well-developed lacustrine transgressive system tracts(LTST). 可容空间持续存在,导致湖侵体系域十分发育。 www.ceps.com.tw 4. Hotel integrating accommodation, catering, entertainment, business and conference. 酒店集住宿、餐饮、娱乐、商务、会议为一体。 goabroad.zhishi.sohu.com 5. The two machinery spaces have watertight doors from the crew's accommodation, which were noted to be well installed. 每个机舱至水手舱间均有水密门,且安装良好。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. If you don't book your accommodation in advance , you may find that all the best places are full, and you'll have to take pot luck . 如果不事先预定个房间,你可能会发现所有最好的地方都客满了,那么你就只好找个地方凑合了。 www.hjenglish.com 7. Facilities Of A Hotel Will Allow You Then To Get A Good Accommodation In Barcelona. 本酒店可让您在巴塞罗那住宿愉快。 hotels-zh.csbest.cn 8. I've taken the temporary accommodation, but I'm not happy with it. 我拿到了临时宿舍,但是我不满意。 www.bing.com 9. Unfortunately, we depend on alternating waves of assimilation and accommodation to adapt to a constantly changing world. 不幸的是,我们依靠吸收与调节的交替进行来适应这个永不停息地变化的世界。 www.bing.com 10. Pilot safety access passage from pilot landing points to accommodation area, under deck log cargoes, to be provided. 应该提供从引水员着陆点到住舱区域,甲板下原木货舱的引水员安全通道。 www.1x1y.com.cn 1. Hotel invoice should have name, accommodation nights. Meal charge, phone call charge, accommodation should be filled separately. 旅馆发票需有姓名、住宿时间。餐费、电话费、住宿费等需分开填写。 bbs.fobshanghai.com 2. Hotel features: Food &Beverage, Front Office, Housekeeping Department, the Department, set meals, accommodation and entertainment. 宾馆内设:餐饮部、前厅部、客房部、事务部,集用餐、住宿、娱乐为一体。 dictsearch.appspot.com 3. What sort of accommodation can you supply for me? 你可以给我提供怎样的膳宿? talk.oralpractice.com 4. In the punishing climate of Iraq and Afghanistan, moreover, soldiers' accommodation must be kept cool in hot weather, and warm in the cold. 在伊拉克和阿富汗的恶劣气候中,燃料需求更多,士兵们的住地天热时需要降温,天冷时则需要取暖。 www.ecocn.org 5. They could be used for student accommodation and recycled after a few years when the student finishes with their studies. 它们可用作学生宿舍,也可在几年后学生完成学业时回收。 www.kuaiyilin.com 6. Ongoing support in the UK includes airport pickup, accommodation, English and academic support as well as social and networking activities. 到了英国之后,英方提供的支持包括接机、安排住宿、英语语言和学业方面的帮助,以及组织社交和联谊活动。 www.uk.cn 7. It aims to help people on low incomes, particularly graduates, who struggle to find affordable accommodation. 它旨在帮助低收入人群,特别是那些难以租到价格合适房屋的毕业生人群。 www.i21st.cn 8. Out of season travel has its advantages - it's less crowded, and many airfares and accommodation prices go right down. 在淡季出行有它的好处-它不那么拥挤,许多机票和住宿都有很大的折扣。 www.ebigear.com 9. Any particular accommodation budget for your normal business travelers? 你们是否有特定的差旅住宿标准? blog.sina.com.cn 10. Our company will cover the entire cost of airfare, meals, and accommodation for the five candidates selected. 我们将从贵公司所推荐的履历中,挑选最适五位来参加面试。 presale.fun-day.com.tw 1. At the other end of the age spectrum are accommodation and health-care facilities for elderly people. 在年龄结构的另一端,老年人需要膳宿和医疗保健设施。 www.ecocn.org 2. Accommodation is the basic requirement of tourism process and an important factor influencing the satisfaction of travel experience. 住宿是观光旅游过程中重要的基本需求,也是影响旅游体验满意的重要因素。 www.ceps.com.tw 3. Our College is a standard school, but I think the environment is not good accommodation, hostels small space. 我们学院是间标准学校,但我觉得住宿环境不好,宿舍空间小。 dictsearch.appspot.com 4. As well as details regarding arranged accommodation and proof of sufficient funds to cover tuition fee, maintenance and incidental costs. 住宿安排详情和足以支付学费在内的各种费用的资金证明。 bbs.chuguo.cn 5. We are comfortable accommodation and a wide variety of Chinese cuisine very deep impression. 9我们对于舒适是住宿和品种繁多的中国菜肴印象十分深刻。 blog.163.com 6. Various types of business suites, amenities and services to facilitate comprehensive, fully satisfy your different accommodation needs. 各式商务套房,舒适惬意,服务周全便利,全面满足阁下的不同居停需要。 www.gt-w2.com 7. In a natural pistachio into the cracks, accommodation through a leisurely, like Leaf huge Lianban. 中有一条天然浑成的裂缝,可容一人悠然穿过,好似一叶巨大的莲瓣。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Although this company provides accommodation and food, I eat in the company only. 虽然这个公司提供食宿,但但只是在公司吃饭,没有住宿在公司 zhidao.baidu.com 9. Though clinging to a violent ideology, it has been groping crabwise towards an accommodation. 虽然坚持暴力的意识观念,但是它一直都像螃蟹般在探索和解的方式。 www.ecocn.org 10. which consists of two synthetic oblique accommodation zones and one strike-paralleled accommodation zone. 由两个同向型斜向调节带和一个平行走向型调节带组成。 www.juyy.net 1. I take my belongings back to work on the following Monday, and plan to stay at the arranged accommodation, without telling Fong. 我没有告诉方,周一上班的时候我带了很多的衣服,我准备回公司去住。 343401499.qzone.qq.com 2. e. g. A crucial part of Laura's job is to liaise with the local community who provide accommodation for the holidaymakers. Laura工作中很重要的一个部分就是联络那些为度假者提供住宿的当地居民。 video.2u4u.com.cn 3. We take care of you so you can take care of your golf and enjoy your touring. All hotel accommodation and meals are included. 届时,我们将竭诚为您服务,您只需要专注于高尔夫并享受旅行的乐趣。 international-golf-academy.com 4. Book Hotel and Qingdao, Qingdao hotels, Qingdao villa accommodation, gift "Qingdao Travel Guide" , Qingdao independent travel advice . . . 预定青岛酒店与青岛宾馆,住宿青岛别墅,赠《青岛旅游指南》,青岛自助游咨询… www.showxiu.com 5. accommodation can be arranged upon request . delegates are kindly requested to settle their account on departure. 可以根据客户的要求安排住宿,费用在离开时自行支付。 www.ichacha.net 6. Eleven storey building will provide teaching, learning, research and office accommodation for the UTS Business School in Sydney, Australia. 周泽荣博士捐赠的房屋集教学、研究、办公于一体,是为澳大利亚悉尼科技大学量身设计制作的房屋。 www.bing.com 7. The company can provide accommodation, dining room. 公司可提供住宿,有食堂。 www.55rc.com 8. This traditional, rustic hotel offers comfortable, charming accommodation in a warm, cosy atmosphere. 这家传统、质朴的酒店在温馨、舒适的环境中提供迷人的住宿。 www.tripagain.com 9. They remain in a very bad condition, there they have accommodation problems, material problems, medical problems. 他说:“这些人的状况堪忧。他们有许多问题,如:住宿、身体、医疗条件等。” www.ifengwo.com 10. An exoteric geometric mechanics model of ocular accommodation is detailed to elucidate the main ideas of various ongoing modeling efforts. 一个显教几何力学模型眼住宿详细阐明了正在进行的各种造型的努力的主要思想。 www.syyxw.com 1. you are met at the airport and taken to your first class accommodation , by executive coach , the best in guest transportation. 届时,我们将安排机场接机并将您送到第一堂课的住宿地乘坐高级巴士。 www.ichacha.net 2. The plans also include increased office accommodation for the administration, control and electrical engineers, and design teams. 该计划还包括增加办公用房的管理,控制和电气工程师和设计团队。 czpd.a1pak.com 3. MR. cheng said that the shipping costs next month to rise, containers and accommodation is now very nervous . 陈先生说,下个月的海运费用要上涨,因此集装箱与舱位现在很紧张。 club.china.alibaba.com 4. The pariah state had long said it wanted an accommodation with the United States that guaranteed its security. 这个无赖国家长期宣称它需要美国的迁就,以保证自身安全。 www.ecocn.org 5. The consultant bear all the costs not including the fees of transportation , travel , consumer reception, accommodation. 包括但不限于交通、差旅、客户接待、食宿、交通费用等在内的所有其他费用,应由顾问独自承担。 bbs.e5zj.com 6. The whole process worked very smoothly as an organization for many years until they were moved into purpose-built accommodation. 整个过程很顺利作为一个组织工作了许多年,直到他们被转移到为特定目的建造的住宿。 www.feloo.com 7. Generally provide that two or three humans, but the accommodation is very expensive, about SGD 1500 a month. 一般提供的是两人间或三人间,但是住宿费非常昂贵,大约每月一千五百新币。 www.welao.com 8. For students living in university-owned houses, you need to bring with you your Accommodation Offer Letter to confirm your UK address. 如果你住学校提供的宿舍,你必需出示住宿证明来证实你的英国住址。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. We will provide a comprehensive package which includes free travel, subsidized accommodation and a generous local salary. 我们公司提供一整套福利,包括免费旅游、住宿补贴以及较高的薪酬。 blog.sina.com.cn 10. The Standard Oil and Tobacco decisions represented, therefore, a complete accommodation of legal doctrine to prevailing antitrust sentiment. 因此,美孚石油公司和美国烟草公司两案的判决,表明法律原则完全适应当前群众的反托拉斯情绪。 tr.bab.la 1. solar power for hot water to be used on board and cable to maintaining the temperature in accommodation at a satisfactory level. 船上用太阳能供热水,且住舱内由电缆(供能)保温在满意的度数。 www.tribon.cn 2. Leisure accommodation vehicles - Caravan holiday homes - Habitation requirements relating to health and safety . 旅游食宿车。家庭渡假旅居挂车。住所的卫生和安全要求。 www.bing.com 3. They also set up accommodation stations to have these stray animals in care, people who cannot afford animals can sent them to this place. 他们还建立了收容站,来容纳那些流浪的小动物,有的人如果无力养它们的宠物的话,还可以送到收容站去。 bbs.5i5i.cn 4. The town of Shade This town is the only courier station on the way. Food and accommodation available. 《沙德乡》沙德乡算是中途唯一的驿站,游客可在这里休息进餐。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Golden Holidays consist of Malaysia Airlines packages that target the domestic market with attractive prices (flight accommodation). 马来西亚航空公司瞄准内地市场,用诱人的价格吸引游客(机票 住宿),这是黄金假期的组成部分。 www.hxen.com 6. There was not sleeping accommodation available to us for the night. 我们找不到住处过夜。 www.ustraining.cn 7. Olympic Village The Olympic Village is a safe and secure accommodation complex reserved exclusively for athletes and accompanying officials. 奥运村奥运村是指专门为运动员及随行官员预留的安全可靠的住宿综合区。 www.hxen.com 8. Two aluminium alloy stanchions for accommodation ladder were lacked, to be provided. 舷梯两面没有铅合金支柱,请提供。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. World's first undersea resort located on a private island in Fiji. Poseidon Resorts offers exciting adventures with luxury accommodation. 位于斐济某私人海岛上的世界第一所海下酒店。奢华的装饰,想象与海神波塞冬的奇妙之旅吧! blog.sina.com.cn 10. The accommodation section, and above it the bridge, is a bit aft of amidships, so the stern is another 150 metres or so behind me. 住宿舱上面有桥,位于船中的近船尾部,所以船尾距我大概150米远。 www.bing.com 1. What else preparation shall we make for study, living, accommodation and participation in society before going to university? 在入学前,在学习、生活、居住及参加一些社团组织等,还需要准备做哪些工作? iask.sina.com.cn 2. Jinghai Hotels is a concentration of accommodation, catering, entertainment, recreation into an integrated whole Hotels. 京海宾馆是集住宿、饮食、娱乐、休闲于一体的综合性宾馆。 www.gt-w2.com 3. The hotel accommodation offer is subject to room availability and advance reservation is required. 住房优惠视乎供应而定,敬请预先预订。 www.americanexpress.com 4. TUT shall assist the Student in finding accommodation in Tallinn, one option being accommodation in a student dormitory. 图坦卡门应协助学生在寻找住宿在塔林,其中一个方案被安置在一学生宿舍。 wenwen.soso.com 5. Outside and inside walls of accommodation & deckhouse shall be of flat plates with stiffeners or inner insulation bulkhead. 住舱和甲板室的内外围壁应该为带有加强筋的平板或者是安装内部绝缘的舱壁。 www.1x1y.com.cn 6. A number of candidates have consolidated their accommodation with investigation and appreciation. 一些候选人已用调查及感激巩固了他们的住处。 infos.edulife.com.cn 7. The resort offers studio-style accommodation with kitchenette facilities in the tropical gardens or beachfront bungalow accommodation. 每间均设有设施齐全的厨房、一个私人庭院或阳台以及空调。 www.hellohotello.com 8. As we said previously, it is only in view of our long friendly relations that we extend you this accommodation. 我们以前曾说过,只是鉴于双方的长期友好关系,我们才给你方这一照顾。 jiuchunmiao.bokee.com 9. Save your travelling expenses, accommodation, catering, transportation costs. 节省您的往返路费,交通,住宿,餐饮费用。 www.eleweb.cn 10. You don't have the right to cancel when buying: advance booking of accommodation, transport. . . 当你买了,你没有权利取消的包括:预定住宿,交通…… ivoryw.blogbus.com 1. Archive with picture gallery and past winners, and information about upcoming tournaments with registration forms and accommodation. 有图画画廊和过去的获胜者的档案,和有登记表格和住所的即将来临的比赛的信息。 www.bing.com 2. Every effort was made to provide a luxurious standard of in-flight accommodation and entertainment. 我们努力又努力提供一个豪华的标准住宿、娱乐为一体的飞行。 www.bing.com 3. The Hotel Houses Elegant And Comfortable Accommodation In A Range Of Rooms. 酒店为你提供一系列舒适、优雅的房间。 hotels-zh.csbest.cn 4. CCC certification to certification enterprises collect accommodation. CCC认证不向申请认证企业收取食宿费。 www.cnqr.org 5. The accommodation of our desires to a smaller income took some time. 过了一段时间我们才适应了较少的工资收入。 www.oxford.com.cn 6. The employer provides free accommodation and also bears water and electricity charge for the workers. v. 雇主提供免费的膳食和住宿,并负责工人的水电费用。 www.boleme.com 7. Provide a broad range of modifications and adjustments (reasonable accommodation) to facilitate access to health care services. 大范围实施变革和调整(合理的调节),促进卫生保健服务的可获得性。 www.who.int 8. Unlike government agencies, companies' overseas branches provide no arranged accommodation or catering. 不同于政府机构,许多公司的海外分公司不提供住宿和餐饮安排。 www.cnhonkerarmy.com 9. The scheme includes hotel accommodation, meals, guided tours and entry to attractions, with discounts funded by the industry. 这一优惠计划覆盖了旅店住宿、餐饮、跟团旅游和景点门票,由企业资助提供折扣价。 www.chinadaily.com.cn 10. Request for the reservation of accommodation form from the Human Resources Department. Fill in the form with signature. 到人力资源部领取预定表,填写表格并签名。 www.triphr.com 1. Proof of adequate financial support to cover expenses for his accommodation, subsistence, school dues and other incidental expenses. 足够财政支持的证明,资金用于住宿、生活,学校费用和其他的临时费用。 www.philembassy-china.org 2. Yes. Details will be announced at the Accommodation Section by the end of this year. 是。酒店信息将于年底前在‘住宿’栏公布。酒店预订需信用卡。 www.hku.hk 3. Diversify U. S. efforts to foster political accommodation outside Baghdad (more flexibility for local commanders and civilian leaders). 从多方面促进巴格达以外地区的政治和解(给予地方指挥员和文职领导人更大的灵活性)。 www.america.gov 4. It has also become very expensive to live outside factories that provide them with free dormitory accommodation and meals. 此外,如果不是住在提供免费食宿的工厂宿舍,在外面住租金非常昂贵。 www.ftchinese.com 5. MYM managers feel that their players have the right to obtain better accommodation. MYM的管理者认为他们的选手有获得更好食宿的权利。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. All the accommodation cost will be charged from the delegate individual, reservation discount is available through organizer. 所有酒店房间费用均由参会代表个人承担,通过分会筹备委员会预订可享受折扣。 www.lifescience.org.cn 7. Aliens lodging in urban areas shall report and register temporary accommodation within 24 hours of his or her arrival. 境外人员办理临时住宿登记,在城镇的,须于抵达后24小时申报。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. it was good accommodation for a hotel of this class. 对这一等级的旅馆来说,膳宿已经是很好的了。 zhidao.baidu.com 9. the guide asks everybody to concentrate to the luggage the corner of the hall , have a meal first , afterwards arrange to get accommodation. 导游叫大家把行李集中到大厅的一角,先吃饭,后安排住宿。 www.ichacha.net 10. If he lives that "must" mutual accommodation, you must not be "never" put aside arrogant. 如果他觉得两情相悦「必须要」互相迁就,你绝不能「永远不」放下骄纵。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. All the expenses aroused from your tour including air tickets, domestic transportation, food and accommodation will be borne by my company. 您在中国的所有旅行费用,包括往返机票、交通费、食宿费用等均由我公司承担。 blog.sina.com.cn 2. Washington and Beijing should engage in mutual accommodation, each taking actions that will give the other more domestic room for maneuver. 华盛顿和北京应该互谅互让,协同采取可以让对方在国内有更多回旋余地的行动。 dongxi.net 3. Meanwhile, the capacity of accommodation about light and water circumstances of seedlings was higher than that of the cutting stocks. 同时,实生苗对光环境和水分环境的适应能力优于扦插苗。 www.lykxyj.com 4. We have had a 20% rise in applications for accommodation. 住宿申请增加了20%。 www.bing.com 5. This included tuition, additional costs for books and supplies, moving costs, accommodation in Singapore and general living expenses. 这包括学费、书本和其它物品费用、搬家成本、新加坡的住房和一般生活费用。 www.ebigear.com 6. and that an Israeli-Palestinian accommodation is essential to the needed policy alteration. 同时巴以和解对于所需的政策改革十分关键。 www.ftchinese.com 7. Accommodation (involving the licensed business operating permits). Mode of operation : service. 住宿(凡涉及许可经营的凭许可证经营)。经营方式:服务。 dict.bioon.com 8. Given some commonsense accommodation during schooling, you'll progress normally intellectually. 如果在学校提供一般的住宿给他们,他们在智力上会像普通人一样进步。 www.bing.com 9. Accommodation is also expensive and limited; many visitors sleep in furnished shipping containers at a cost of $150 a night. 在这里,住宿不仅贵而且不便利;许多游客花150美元一晚住的是装饰过的集装箱。 www.ecocn.org 10. Qingdao Seagull unknown family hotel, the most suitable accommodation Qingdao Tourism is the national tourism brand accommodation units. 青岛海鸥雅居家庭旅馆,最适合到青岛自助旅游住宿,是全国旅游住宿品牌单位。 122.top86.com |
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