单词 | Hudson |
释义 |
例句释义: 赫德森,哈德森,哈德逊,翰德 1. And for the adventurous guys of New York or Los Angeles, Hudson Jeans suggests a pair of colored (red perhaps) salvaged jeans. 对于纽约和洛杉矶那些勇于尝试的男孩儿们来说,哈德森牛仔系列推荐一条染色的(也许可以是红色)破洞牛仔裤。 dongxi.net 2. Mr Hudson said: "They're not stockpiling stock . . . they're trying to get rid of it. " 哈德森表示:“它们不是在囤积库存……它们正设法将其脱手。” www.ftchinese.com 3. She had heard of the Hudson River, the great city of New York, and now she looked out, filling her mind with the wonder of it. 她曾经听说过赫德森河,伟大的都市纽约,现在她看着窗外,心里对这个大都市惊叹不已。 www.jukuu.com 4. The purpose of the Great Chain was to obstruct navigation on the Hudson River thereby cutting the British supply lines. 伟大的锁链是为了阻止Hudson河的河上运输从而断掉英国的补给线。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. Hudson was all cook-a-hoop at the news. He had never expected to get a first-class degree. 赫德森听到消息后喜形于色。他根本没想到获得一等学位。 www.yinghanhuyi.com 6. When run, this command will automatically start an embedded servlet container, making Hudson ready-to-use. 在运行的时候,该命令将会自动启动一个嵌入的servlet容器,使得Hudson已经为使用做好准备。 www.ibm.com 7. The matter from the New York Hudson River collision between a helicopter and small aircraft less than 7 months time. 此事距纽约哈德逊河直升机与小飞机相撞事件还不到7个月的时间。 www.5955555.net 8. The bank created and sold Hudson Mezzanine, which contained residential mortgage-backed securities from its own balance sheet, in late 2006. 高盛于2006年末创设并出售了HudsonMezzanine,其中包含了来自其自身资产负债表的住房抵押贷款证券。 www.ftchinese.com 9. "She had been shy and reticent with me, and now . . . she was telling me aloud the secrets of her inmost heart" (W. H. Hudson). “她以前和我在一起时很害羞,又沉默寡言,但是现在却大声地对我说出了她最内心的秘密”(W·H·哈德森)。 odict.net 10. If Hudson's or another team were to reel in axions, the announcement that they are the dark matter particle would not immediately follow. 如果赫德森研究小组或另外一个研究小组参与到轴子的研究中来,并且宣布轴子就是暗物质粒子,他们的论断不会立刻被采纳的。 blog.163.com 1. New York, as you know, is situated on the Hudson River. 如你所知,纽约位于哈得逊河河畔。 wenku.baidu.com 2. No doubt he has some sort of devious plan in mind. Hudson, you and Bronx guard our new home. The rest of you come with me. 无疑在他脑子里有某种阴谋。哈德逊,你和布朗斯看着我们的新家。其余人跟我来。 avalon.w15.ws86.com 3. She said she had seen the plane flying very low over the Hudson and was shocked by how low. 她说她看到飞机在哈德逊河上非常低的飞以至于她很吃惊怎么可以这么低。 www.tesoon.com 4. She looked much at what she could see of the Hudson from her west windows and of the great city building up rapidly on either hand. 她常常从西面的窗口眺望赫德森河以及河两岸迅速建设起来的大都市的景色。 chinafanyi.com 5. The Fishers left the city and went across the Hudson River to New Jersey to catch their chartered plane back to Utah. 费舍尔然后离开纽约,穿过哈得孙河赶上他们的包机返回尤他。 www.showxiu.com 6. Grower Randy Hudson was one of the first to export to China, back in 1999. 1999年,种植者兰迪.哈德森是第一个向中国出口山核桃的人。 www.bing.com 7. The monument does not demonstrate that New Hudson is trying to force religion upon its citizens or that it even supports religion. 它并不表明新哈德森州试图将宗教强加于公民,甚至不表明州政府支持宗教。 www.america.gov 8. The FBI says a body found in an SUV in Chicago was believed to be that of actress Jennifer Hudson 's missing nephew. 美国联邦调查局称在芝加哥的一辆运动型多用途汽车发现了一具尸体,被认为是女星詹妮弗·赫德森失踪的侄子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Thomas Hudson slipped the boat ahead just a thought so that the boy would not have the line so straight up and down. 托马斯.赫德森把船往前挪了挪,心想,他不能让孩子这样直上直下地攥住钓竿。 www.jukuu.com 10. Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Hudson is scheduled to make her first public appearance since the killings of her mother, brother and nephew. 奥斯卡影后詹尼佛。哈德森在她的母亲、兄弟和侄子被杀后计划首次公开亮相。 bbs.putclub.com 1. One of the homes Hudson is currently trying to sell is in a historic district in a suburb of Washington. 哈德逊目前正试图出售的住宅之一,座落于华盛顿郊区一个历史悠久的地区。 www.putclub.com 2. Bob Hudson, of the American Bible Society, wants everybody on the planet to be able to claim that "God speaks my language" . 美国圣经公会的鲍勃·哈德逊(BobHudson)希望地球上的每一个人都能宣称“上帝说我的语言”。 www.ecocn.org 3. As I said earlier, Mr. Hudson, our prices can be adjustable according to your quantity of your requirement. 哈德孙先生,我刚才说过,我方的价格可以根据贵方的购买量进行调整。 www.putclub.com 4. It was her first ever advertising campaign as a model and also led to a three-year contract to be the face of Hudson Jeans. 这是她作为模特以来第一次拍广告,她与哈德逊牛仔裤签了3年合同,成为其代言人。 gb.cri.cn 5. As I said earlier, Mr. Hudson, our prices are adjustable according to the quantity of your purchase. 哈德逊先生,我刚才说过,我方的价格可以根据贵方的购买量进行调整。 babelle.blog.163.com 6. Trade up the Hudson river was controlled by an aristocratic elite with pretensions to secure a steamboat monopoly. 哈迪孙河上的贸易被贵族精英阶层以保护蒸汽机船独占权为名所控制。 www.ecocn.org 7. He had never been there, but he had seen it, once, on a Hudson Bay Company chart. 他从未到过那里,但他曾经在哈得逊湾公司的地图上见过这些地方。 www.zftrans.com 8. Thomas Hudson took a shower, scrubbing his head with soap and then rinsing under the prickling drive of the sharp jetted shower. 托马斯·赫德森在淋浴间里先用肥皂搓头,随后用喷头里射出来的清清细流冲洗干净。 9. Hudson said it was the first time since the cold war that two nuclear-armed submarines were known to have collided. Hudson说,自冷战以来,两艘核潜艇相撞还是头一次。 www.bing.com 10. We're trying to discover what Henry Hudson would have seen on the afternoon of September 12th, 1609, when he sailed into New York harbor. 我们试图探索亨利?哈德逊船长在1609年9月12日的下午航行至纽约港时所见的一切。 www.ted.com 1. Nice to meet you, Mr. Hudson. Please sit down and I would like to introduce our company and products to you. 很高兴见到您,哈德逊先生。请坐,我想向您介绍一下我们公司及产品。 blog.hjenglish.com 2. The aircraft is still in the Hudson River as officials work on getting it out. 该飞机现在仍旧沉在哈德逊河里,打捞工作正在进行。 bbs.putclub.com 3. then they would paddle down the river to a Hudson Bay Company post, where there would be warm shelter and plenty of food. 他想,他们可以沿河道划船,到达那个温暖而又有足够食物的寓所——哈得孙海湾公司的一个驻扎点。 huawentianxia.blog.sohu.com 4. It was their mother, not their father, who took the three little children with her in a suicide plunge into the Hudson River this month. 本月带着三个幼子跳进哈得孙河自杀的是妈妈,而不是爸爸。 www.bing.com 5. One prominent example was the Westway landfill and highway development in and along the Hudson River in New York City[25]. 一个突出的例子就是纽约市的韦斯特维垃圾处理场和沿哈得孙河高速的发展计划。 kouyitianxia.5d6d.com 6. The Erie Canal is a historic waterway of the United States, connecting the Great Lakes with New York City via the Hudson River at Albany. 伊利运河是一条影响美国历史的航道,它经由哈德逊河在奥尔巴尼将五大湖与纽约连为一体。 www.bing.com 7. The ship, named the USS New York, sailed up the Hudson River to approach the site of the twin towers. 这艘战舰名为纽约号USS,沿哈德逊河航行靠近双子大楼。 www.bing.com 8. "That same year he made his Broadway debut, playing a suave radio journalist" (Edward Hudson). “在那同一年里,他初次在百老汇登台,扮演一个温文而雅的电台记者”(爱德华·赫德森)。 odict.net 9. The plaintiff in Hudson was a prisoner whose personal effects had been intentionally destroyed by a prison guard . “赫德森”案的原告是名囚犯,其个人物品被监狱警卫有意破坏了。 dict.veduchina.com 10. Three computer screens and an old word processor looked out, north-west, over a thousand roofs towards the Hudson River. 三台电脑,一台老式文字处理器,面朝西北,望出去是鳞次栉比的高楼屋顶,一直延伸到哈德逊河。 www.ftchinese.com 1. emma : nate hacked into mr . hudson ' s computer . carrie and nate are going to get a copy of his final exam. 艾玛:馁特入侵候德孙先生的电脑。卡里和馁特正想得到一份期终试卷的副本。 www.ichacha.net 2. User can requests Hudson to trigger the execution of other jobs, or to send notification e-mails, etc. 用户可以请求Hudson来激活其他任务的执行,或者发送通知电子邮件等等。 www.ibm.com 3. Hudson recommends putting that information in the signature line of your email, along with your job title and where you're located. 他建议道,你可以在电子邮件的签名档里加上这条信息,此外再加上你的职位名称和你所在的位置。 www.fortunechina.com 4. They do not view the monument as expressing any message about what the state of New Hudson now believes about religion. 他们并不认为纪念碑表达了有关新哈德森州现在对宗教的看法的任何信息。 www.america.gov 5. Do you feel safer in an airplane or on the train? Recently their was a crash landing of a US airways jet in the Hudson river. 最近,全美航空的一架飞机在新泽西和纽约交界的哈德逊河里迫降,没有人员死亡,这真是好消息。 www.netfm.com.cn 6. He need only look across the Hudson River to New York to see how well that works. 他只需要从哈德逊河上向纽约那边望望,看看工作是否正常进行而已。 www.ecocn.org 7. Political scientists Valerie Hudson and Andrea den Boer warn that China and India could be the next countries to overdose on testosterone. 政治科学家瓦莱丽·哈德逊和安德烈·邓波尔警告说,中国和印度可能成为下一个男性激素过多的国家。 kk.dongxi.net 8. How was hudson? Your mother must have been kind of surprised to see you. 哈德森之行如何?你妈妈见到你一定很惊讶吧 www.tingclass.net 9. Just then there was a knock on the door and grey-haired Mrs. Hudson appeared with the mail. 这时响起了敲门声,灰头发的哈德森太太拿着信件进来了。 www.bing.com 10. Polar bear biologist Ian Stirling has found a similar pattern in Hudson Bay. 北极熊生物学家伊恩斯特灵在哈德逊湾也发现类似的情况。 www.suiniyi.com 1. He was a painter influenced by the Hudson River School, and an avid music lover, especially of the music of Beethoven. 他的画作深受胡德森·里弗画派影响,他同时还是个音乐迷,尤其喜爱贝多芬。 www.bing.com 2. If you want to see polar bears up close, the place to go isChurchill, Man. , on the western shore of Hudson Bay. 如果有人想要在近距离内观察一下北极熊的话,绝对应该到加拿大曼尼托巴省丘吉尔地区的哈得逊湾西岸。 www.bing.com 3. In a randomized cross-over design the patients received oxygen therapy by the Hudson face-mask and a nasal cannula. 在随机交叉设计的患者接受氧气治疗的哈德逊面面具和鼻腔插管。 www.syyxw.com 4. Hudson's mother, brother and seven-year-old nephew were found shot to death more than a week ago. 她的妈妈、弟弟、还有七岁的侄子一个星期前被发现时已死于枪击。 bbs.putclub.com 5. For Martinez, after receiving the grant, he was able to invest back into his business and partner with Hudson Booksellers. 对于马丁内斯来说,收到奖金后,他就能够再次投资于他的事业,并与哈德逊书店合伙。 www.bing.com 6. Don't snivel, Mrs Hudson. It'll do nothing to impede the flight of a bullet. What a tender world that would be. 别哭了,赫德森太太.子弹真要出膛眼泪也挡不住.不然世界可真是个温柔乡啊 wenku.baidu.com 7. If you were still in Hudson, I'd be able to go. 如果你还住在Hudson,我就能去了。 www.ebigear.com 8. The Dutch West India Company was an offshoot of the Dutch East India Company, which funded Henry Hudson's voyage to North America in 1609. 荷兰西印度公司是荷兰东印度公司的一个分支,在1609年它赞助了HenryHudson前往北美的航程。 www.bing.com 9. Fresh batches of Hudson Bay dogs were to take the places of those worthless for the trail. 一批活蹦乱跳的赫德森湾狗取代了这些已无力拉雪橇的狗。 www.hicoo.net 10. This may have been the Atlantic near the gulf of the St. Lawrence, but more likely it was Hudson Bay. 这可能是大西洋海湾附近的圣劳伦斯,但更可能是哈德逊湾。 zhidao.baidu.com 1. In this broad valley, reminiscent of a Hudson River school painting, the weir made an impressive piece of land art. 鱼梁在这个宽阔的峡谷创作了一幅地景艺术作品,给人留下深刻的印象,使人联想到哈德逊河派绘画。 www.bing.com 2. Consider Linda Parker Hudson, promoted last fall to run the U. S. arm of BAE Systems PLC, a global defense giant. 以琳达-哈德森(LindaParkerHudson)为例,2009年秋,她成为全球国防业巨头BAE系统公司(BAESystemsPLC)美国分部的负责人。 chinese.wsj.com 3. General George Washington built a fort there during the Revolutionary War to protect the Hudson River from the British. 乔治·华盛顿在建造围城的革命战争期间保护从英国的哈德逊河逆流而上。 wenwen.soso.com 4. Buildings can hardly be seen at all in one image -- just dust clouds hanging over the Hudson River at the southern tip of Manhattan. 建筑物几乎不能在一张照片被看清。--仅仅灰尘烟雾悬浮在曼哈顿南边的theHudsonRiver上。 www.bing.com 5. He was a Polish officer, born in Lithuania, who was assigned the task of completing the fortifications for the defense of the Hudson. 他是一名波兰军官,出生于立陶宛,曾接受了一项在哈德逊河畔设防的任务。 blog.sina.com.cn 6. In late September he jumped to his death from a bridge over the Hudson River between New Jersey and New York. 九月下旬,他在横跨新泽西和纽约的哈德逊河的一座桥上跳下结束了自己的生命。 www.ebigear.com 7. Now 80, she was divorced for "forty-something" years before moving in with her boyfriend in Hudson, Wis. 现在80岁的她,结束了她40年的婚姻之后和她的男朋友一起搬进了Hudson,Wis。 www.bing.com 8. Before the project could be completed, however, Downing died in a steamboat accident on the Hudson; he was just thirty-six. 但在这个项目完成之前,当宁便死于哈德逊河上的一次蒸汽船事故,年仅三十六岁。 www.elanso.com 9. But flooding was reported in all five boroughs, with the suburbs hardest hit and roads washed out in the Hudson river valley. 但据报道在洪水五个自治区,并城邑的郊野,可以受到最严重的打击和道路冲毁在哈德逊河流域。 www.bing.com 10. By default, this home directory is named . hudson and is placed within the home folder of the user who runs the Java command. 默认条件下,该主目录被命名为.hudson,并且位于运行Java命令用户的主文件夹中。 www.ibm.com 1. The last time she modelled for Hudson Jeans she caused a stir because she was only 17 and she went topless for the shoot. 上一次,她为哈德森牛仔裤做模特而引起了巨大反响,因为那时她只有17岁,却拍了半裸照。 gb.cri.cn 2. Every year, renowned grower Amy Goldman produces an amazing 500 varieties of tomatoes on her farm in New York's Hudson Valley. 每年,埃米·高曼在她纽约哈德逊谷的园子里培育出的番茄有500种之多。 www.bigapple1.info 3. Less than half a century later Johannes Vermeer, a Delft artist, began painting scenes of the Dutch world Hudson left behind. 不到半个世纪之后,代夫特艺术家约翰尼斯-弗米尔开始描绘哈德森身后的荷兰美景。 www.ecocn.org 4. The doping dependency of the checkerboard pattern offers strong evidence of a charge-density wave, Hudson said. 掺杂水平和“棋盘”图样的相关性是对电荷密度波的有力证据。哈德森如是说。 www.bing.com 5. Emma, Carrie and Nate are among the top students in their school. This semester, however, they are taking Mr. Hudson's math class. 埃玛、凯莉和奈特在校成绩优异,但他们这学期选了哈德森老师的数学课。 www.ebigear.com 6. The Erie Canal crossed the state of New York from the city of Buffalo on Lake Erie to Albany and Troy on the Hudson River. 伊利运河始自伊利湖的布法罗市,结束于哈德逊河的奥尔巴尼市和特洛伊市,横跨整个纽约州。 blog.sina.com.cn 7. Borden said Hudson performed for Obama once before early in her career at a local event in Chicago. Borden说,在早期的歌唱生涯中,哈德逊在芝加哥的地方活动上也曾为奥巴马演出过一次。 cn.reuters.com 8. " Oh, cut it out, " Thomas Hudson said, " For Christ' s sake. " “我说,”托马斯·赫德森说,“看在基督的分上,算了吧。” www.bing.com 9. This has been a terrible and tragic day for American Idol star, Jennifer Hudson. 对于美偶明星珍妮佛·哈德森来说,这是一个可怕的悲剧的一天。 www.hjenglish.com 10. There was confusion during the last moments before US Airways Flight 1549 crashed into the Hudson. 有关美航1549在滑入哈德森河最后时刻的状况,仍存在疑惑。 bbs.putclub.com 1. It was at the shop of Morse Hudson, who has a place for the sale of pictures and statues in the Kennington Road. 案件发生在冒斯·贺得逊的商店。他在康宁顿街有一家店出售图片和塑像。 www.bookuu.com 2. So over the past 2 weekends, I've worked on a hobby project, which lets you turn your Hudson cluster into a Hadoop cluster. 所以在过去的两个周末里,我一直在从事一个业余爱好项目,这个项目可以把Hudson集群转化成Hadoop集群。 www.bing.com 3. The Pine Island Glacier flows out of Antarctica's Hudson Mountains and floats over the ocean. 松岛冰川从南极的哈德逊山脉流出浮在海面上。 www.bing.com 4. He remembered the Hudson Bay Company chart he had seen long ago, and it was all clear and reasonable to him. 他想起了他很久以前看到的哈德森湾湾公司的海图,现在,这一切对他来说完全是清清楚楚、入情入理的了。 www.chinaedu.com 5. Hudson presented his research at a recent meeting of the American Astronomical Society (AAS) in St. Louis. 赫德森把他的研究成果提交到美国天文协会最近在圣路易斯举行的一次会议上。 huzhangao.blog.163.com 6. "Between working and keeping up with my son, I can't say that I get too much sleep, " says Hudson. “在工作和抚养儿子之间,我不能说我能睡很多,”哈德森说。 www.bing.com 7. Settlement for the first 10 years of English rule was in the Hudson River region and came primarily from New England. 解决的第一个10年是在英国统治的哈得逊河地区,主要来自新英格兰。 blog.sina.com.cn 8. After the death of her close friend Rock Hudson, Taylor became deeply involved in the fight against AIDS. 在她的好友RockHudson去世后,泰勒开始参与到反艾滋病事业中去。 www.bing.com 9. Film director Hugh Hudson, (Chariots of Fire, Greystoke, Revolution) also restricts his short sleeves to a specific context. 电影导演休-赫德森(作品有火战车(ChariotsofFire),泰山王子(Greystoke),革命(Revolution))的短袖也是限于特定背景。 www.ftchinese.com 10. The River Gyms are, in essence, floating gyms designed to provide health amenities while floating along the Hudson and East rivers. 基本上,河上健身房是设计来提供健康愉快同时又能在哈得逊河与东部河流上漂流。 www.kongduan.com 1. Research in this area is "still correlative but nevertheless very interesting, " Hudson says. Hudson说,该领域的研究“仍然相互关联但却十分有趣”。 www.bing.com 2. A row of cliff in northeast New Jersey along the western bank of the Hudson River. Much of the area is parkland . 帕利瑟得一排悬崖,位于美国新泽西东北,沿哈得逊河西岸。该地区大部是公园。 dict.veduchina.com 3. Mrs. Hudson(landlady): What do you think, then, Dr. Watson? There's another bedroom upstairs, if you'll be needing two bedrooms. 房东:你觉得怎样,华生医生?呃,如果你们要两间卧室的话,楼上还有一间。 movie.douban.com 4. Hudson Highland Group, Inc. is a leading provider of permanent recruitment, contract professionals and talent management services worldwide. 翰德是全球领先的专业招聘、人才治理及招聘外包服务提供商。 www.job956.com 5. A team of powers from the United Kingdom set out from the Hudson River on Sunday to try to cross the Atlantic Ocean. 上周日英国一只划船队从休斯顿出发穿越大西洋。他们希望将此行的目的地定为西西里群岛。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. Fire activity was concentrated west of Hudson Bay, and smoke wafted southeast toward the Great Lakes. 火势集中在哈德孙湾以西,烟尘飘向东南方的北美洲五大湖区。 www.bing.com 7. She plans to convert her 1844 Federal house on the Hudson River into a permanent museum for patent models and other historical artifacts. 她计划将自己在哈德孙河上1844年的宅邸变为一个永久的博物馆,展出专利模型及其他古董。 beijingharvardclub.ikang.com 8. Status Offline As we crossed Hudson Street, we waded through a passing stream of preschool children walking in pairs, holding hands. 在穿过赫德逊街道时,我们进入一路走过的一群学龄前孩子当中。他们两两手牵手。 bbs.chinadaily.com.cn 9. I thought you said the artistlived in hudson. 你说那个画家住在哈得逊 www.tingclass.net 10. Like sweeping brushstrokes of pink and green, the Belcher Islands meander across the deep blue of Canada's Hudson Bay. 就像一幅由粉红色和绿色刷成的画那样,贝尔彻群岛在深蓝色的加拿大哈德逊湾中蜿蜒。 www.bing.com 1. So that we would actually take a photograph , flying above Times Square, looking toward the Hudson River, waiting for Hudson to come . 这样一来,我们甚至可以拍照片,飞跃时代广场,面朝哈得逊河的方向,等待哈得逊先生的到来。 www.bing.com 2. L: Thank you, Mr. Hudson, for your interview with me. 长:先生,谢谢你哈德逊,为您的采访我。 www.mianshiba.cn 3. Starting from the tools would be like learning agile software development by learning JUnit and Hudson. 从工具开始讨论敏捷运维,就像是通过学习JUnit和Hudson来学习敏捷软件开发一样。 www.infoq.com 4. If similar policies were pursued in New York and London, the Hudson and Thames rivers would be long gone. 如果纽约和伦敦也曾推行类似的政策,哈德逊河和泰晤士河早已不复存在。 www.ftchinese.com 5. A citywide AMBER Alert is in effect for Julian King, but officials are focusing on the immediate vicinity of Hudson 's mother's home. 事实上全市都为此进入儿童丢失警报状态,但是警方目前还是将寻找重点放在H母亲家附近。 dictsearch.appspot.com 6. The last good look I had at Mary Hudson, she was over near third base crying. 我最后一眼看见玛丽·哈德森的时候,她正在三垒上哭泣。 www.bing.com 7. 'That really upsets me that the rumors are out there, and they upset people, especially kids, ' says Mr. Hudson. 哈德森说,真正让我不安的是这些谣言已经传出去了,人们特别是小孩子知道后会感到不安。 www.putclub.com 8. Whoever has made a voyage up the Hudson must remember the Kaatskill Mountains. 曾沿哈得孙河乘船旅行的人一定记得卡兹吉尔山脉。 book.360buy.com 9. By trading with native tribes along the river for shells, beads and furs, Hudson established Dutch colonial claims in the area. 由贸易与土著部落沿河的炮弹,珠子和皮毛,哈德森成立荷兰殖民索赔领域。 www.en400.com:8080 10. Today, the Hudson is one of the nation's most important waterways. Oceangoing ships can navigate the river to Albany year-round. 今天,哈得逊河已经是这个国家的重要水路之一,航行船只一年四季都能行驶到奥尔巴尼; www.24en.com 1. Legal experts said that inquiries into Hudson Mezzanine were likely to focus on whether Goldman provided investors with adequate disclosure. 法律专家表示,对HudsonMezzanine的调查,可能会集中在高盛是否对投资者进行了充分的披露。 www.ftchinese.com 2. From the eastern end of Lake Erie all the way across the state to the Hudson River there is a long strip of low land. 东起伊利湖的尾部,一路穿越纽约州到达哈德孙河,有一长条的低洼地带。 qikan.syn.cn 3. If you see an indoor rock climbing wall, you're either in a really cool gym or a romantic comedy starring Kate Hudson. 如果你看到一个室内攀岩壁,那么说明你选的这家健身房真的很酷,又或者你是进入了凯特?哈德森(KateHudson)主演的浪漫喜剧的布景区。 bbs.ebigear.com 4. Hudson says that with his personal income down by more than 50 percent, he's certainly spending less. And he's worried about what's to come. 马克·哈德逊说,他自己的收入就下降了50%以上,所以他减少了消费。他更担心今后的日子怎么过。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 5. Everyone survived the water landing of a US Airways jet on the Hudson River in New York in January. 一月份在纽约美国航空公司一家喷气式客机在哈德逊河水面迫降,每个人都幸免于难。 www.unsv.com 6. Such mighty rivers as the Mississippi, the Ohio, the Hudson and the Colorado irrigate the croplands of hundreds of miles of fertile valleys. 密西西比、俄亥俄、哈得逊和科罗拉多等几条大河灌溉着肥沃的谷地里的上百英里的农田。 dict.ebigear.com 7. He was speaking about the effects of the Erie Canal, which connected the Great Lakes to the Hudson River. 当时,他指的是连接五大湖与哈德逊的伊利运河给纽约带来的活力。 www.bing.com 8. Aurora borealis, above Hudson Bay and the town of Churchill with a bright moon, Manitoba, Canada. 加拿大马尼托巴湖,丘吉尔镇与哈德森湾上空,皓月当空时的北极光 www.bing.com 9. FACTS: The State Capitol building in Metropolis, New Hudson is surrounded by a large state-owned park that contains several monuments. 事实陈述:位于新哈德森州默特罗波利斯市的州议会大厦被一座州政府所有的大型公园环绕,公园内有多座纪念碑。 www.america.gov 10. So Captain Sullenberger made a quick decision to land the plane on the freezing water of the nearby Hudson River. 所以SULLENBERGER机长很快做了一个决定将飞机迫降在哈德森河附近的结冰的水面上。 www.unsv.com 1. The " creative class " is finding a home in the sturdy industrial buildings of Hudson Square , part of the West Village . “创意阶级”是找到了家的茁壮的哈德逊工业大厦广场,部分村西。 www.bing.com 2. Ms. Hudson says she repeatedly reassured these colleagues that they could sleep at night and tried to lessen her nocturnal BlackBerry use. 哈德森说,她好几次告诉这些同事,他们可以在晚上好好休息,并尝试减少自己在夜间使用黑莓手机发邮件的频率。 chinese.wsj.com 3. No such efforts were required on the frozen Hudson, which one crewmember said was "like butter. " 在冰冻期的哈德逊河则没有这样的要求,一名船员说“哈德逊河的冰封海就像黄油一样。” www.bing.com 4. Thanks to the unanticipated flyers, Ms. Hudson says she realized that amplification represents a potentially positive tool. 哈德森说,感谢这些出人意料的宣传单,让她意识到影响力放大效应也是个潜在的激励工具。 c.wsj.com 5. Hudson was born in Botswana and has made a career out of studying the floods. 哈德逊出生在博茨瓦纳,并在研究洪水领域颇有建树。 www.bing.com 6. Dr Hudson's measurement is twice as precise as the previous efforts to elucidate the shape of the electron. 为阐明电子的形状,哈得孙博士测量的精度是两倍于先前的努力。 www.bing.com 7. his newfound aggressiveness; Hudson pointed his ship down the coast of the newfound sea. 他的新得到的进取心;哈得逊将他的船停靠在新发现的海岸旁。 huii.cn 8. He was descended from Hudson Valley landed gentry and millionaire New York merchants, and went to Groton and Harvard. 罗斯福的先辈是来自哈德逊河谷一带的地产名流以及腰缠万贯的纽约商人。他就读于格罗顿公学,后赴哈佛大学深造。 www.ecocn.org 9. I went over to him and asked if he and Mary Hudson had had a fight. He told me to tuck my shirt in. 我跑过去问他是不是跟玛丽吵架了;而他要我把衣服好好扎进裤子里去。 www.bing.com 10. Bill would be waiting for him there, and together they would go south to the Hudson Bay Company. 比尔会在那里等着他,然后他们将一同南下到哈得逊海湾公司。 www.zftrans.com 1. The unrenovated northern portion of the High Line turns westward, bringing the structure almost to the Hudson River. 高架线还没有整修的北面部分向西转弯,促使结构几乎达到了哈德逊河(HudsonRiver)。 www.bing.com 2. If Hudson could find a secret shortcut to Asia, the Company thought, they would make even more profits. 该公司认为,如果Hudson能够发现一条通往亚洲的秘密捷径,他们将赚取更多利润。 www.bing.com 3. One sure thing, there was no other six teen- year-old boy writing a love letter in French that night anywhere in the whole Hudson Valley . 有一点可以肯定,在整个赫德森河流域,今天晚上决没有另一个十六岁的男孩在用法文写情书。 www.bing.com 4. The pilot of the US Airways flight that landed in the Hudson River is being praised as a hero for the safe landing with no loss of life. 全美航空公司的一名飞行员由于将其飞机安全迫降在哈德逊河,并且为造成人员伤亡,因此获得了“英雄”的赞誉。 dictsearch.appspot.com 5. The Palisades are a line of steep cliffs on the lower west side of the Hudson River. 在帕利塞德是一排陡峭的悬崖上下游西侧哈德逊河。 word.hcbus.com 6. From the Gant installation section, enter a unique name and the location of the Groovy installation on the machine where Hudson is running. 在Gantinstallation部分,键入一个惟一的名称以及Groovy安装到运行Hudson的机器上的位置。 www.ibm.com 7. Four hundred years ago, Henry Hudson explored the river named after him, and laid the groundwork for the Dutch colony of New Netherland. 四百年前,亨利哈德逊探讨河流以他的名字命名,并奠定了基础,为荷兰殖民地的新荷兰。 www.en400.com:8080 8. D: Oh, Mr Hudson is appearing at the door. I must go and bid welcome to him. 哦,哈迪逊先生在门口。我得去向他问个好。 pdf.sznews.com 9. We believe it was airborne for three minutes after take-off when it crashed into the Hudson River. 我们相信飞机起飞后,飞行了三分钟,便一头扎进了哈德逊河。 www.bing.com 10. Prior to 1797 the site of the ship was part of the Hudson River, as was about half of the ground zero site. 1797年之前,该船舶的位置是哈得逊河的一部分,约占有工地新起始地点的一半。 www.bing.com 1. Or else he meanders from Morningside Park west to Sakura Park and then northward along the Hudson river to Harlem. 要么从晨边公园向西漫步去樱花公园,随后再沿着哈德森河的北面去到黑人住宅区。 www.ecocn.org 2. Hi, Mr, Chen. My name is Sean Hudson. I'm from Seattle, USA. I'm in charge of the supply department of the Pacific Trading Company Ltd. 您好,陈先生!我叫哈德逊,来自美国西雅图,是太平洋有限公司的采购部主任。 blog.sina.com.cn 3. A US Airways plane has crashed into the Hudson River in New York after apparently being hit by a bird. 一架美国航空公司的飞机据说撞上了一只飞鸟,迫降在纽约哈得逊河上。 www.bing.com 4. Outside of the Hudson's Bay company store in downtown Vancouver, a line of people stretches down the block. 在温哥华闹市的哈德森湾门市外面,一长排人沿着街区排队。 www.showxiu.com 5. There, they turned around. But as a result of Hudson's exploration, the river bears his name today. 由于哈得逊的探险结果,此河便以他之名命名。 www.24en.com 6. The director will have Hudson show you around the factory. 经理将派哈德逊带你参观工厂。 www.chinaenglish.com.cn 7. The Holland Tunnel linking New York City and New Jersey beneath the Hudson River opened to the public. 年,哈德逊河底下连接纽约和新泽西的荷兰隧道向公众开放。 www.kekenet.com 8. I thought you said the artist lived in hudson. Long commute. 我记得你说那画家住在哈得孙河。离这很远。 www.bing.com 9. Dr. Wirgin and his colleagues concluded that once PCBs entered the Hudson, the mutant gene spread quickly. Wirgin和同事们总结当PCB进入哈德逊,变异基因就迅速扩散。 dongxi.net 10. Divers in New York are searching for both engines of an airliner which crashed in the Hudson River. 潜水员在纽约正在寻找这两个引擎的飞机坠毁在哈得逊河。 www.douban.com 1. "It just goes to show that not all distros are alike, and that all code can be expected to contain bugs, " Hudson asserted. “这仅仅表明不是所有的发行版都是相似的,而任何代码中都有可能包含bug”Hudson断言。 www.bing.com 2. Check out this cool treehouse nestled into Maple trees near the Hudson River in New York designed by German-based Baumraum. 这是一个坐落在纽约哈德逊河附近枫树上的小木屋。它并不是小孩子的简单树屋; www.julemei.com 3. Houston introduced the first award for Best R&B Album, which was awarded to Jennifer Hudson for her self-entitled debut. 休斯顿随后颁发了第一个大奖——最佳R&B专辑奖,该奖项由詹妮弗.哈德森凭借其同名专辑夺得。 www.xici.net 4. Hudson (see Resources) is an open source continuous integration server. Hudson(查看参考资料)是一种开放源的持续性集成服务器。 www.ibm.com 5. Mr. Hudson. Where is the police station? It's Mr. Learner. His car is missing. Thank you, Mr. Hudson. 哈德逊先生,去警察局怎么走?勒纳先生的车丢了。谢谢你,哈德逊先生。 6. FDR appointed a fellow member of the Hudson River squirearchy, Henry J. Morgenthau, as his Treasury secretary. 罗斯福任命同为哈德逊河乡绅出身的亨利-摩根索(HenryJ.Morgenthau)担任财政部长。 www.ftchinese.com 7. From my position on first base, I glanced behind me now and then. Each time I did, Mary Hudson waved gaily to me. 我在我一垒的位置上时不时瞥向后方,每次我都看见玛丽欢快地向我挥手。 www.bing.com 8. Very recently, Sonatype completed significant development in the evolution of Hudson's core architecture. 最近,Sonatype完成了Hudson核心架构演变的重要开发任务。 www.infoq.com 9. The prospect of a large surplus of single men in China alarms Valerie Hudson, a professor at Brigham Young University in the United States. 鉴于中国未来将会产生大量单身男性,美国杨伯翰大学的教授瓦莱丽赫德森表示担忧不已。 www.ecocn.org 10. The same plan will apply to Hudson's migration, which though powerful, has forked copies of dependent libraries bundled inside its WAR. 同样的计划也将应用到Hudson的迁移上,已经为依赖库的副本开辟了分支,并放在其WAR之中。 www.infoq.com 1. a member of the Algonquian people formerly living the Hudson valley and eastward to the Housatonic. 一个从前住在哈德逊河流域和哈斯托内克东部的属于阿尔冈琴语系的民族的人。 www.ayste.com 2. Hudson could also install Hadoop binaries on all the nodes as necessary, really making this solution a turn-key. 只要有必要,Hudson也可以在所有结点安装Hadoop二进制码,而这就是解决方案的关键点。 www.bing.com 3. Hudson said many hospitals offer dozens of "pen and pad" studies that have few risks and requirements. Hudson说很多医院提供许多风险很小要求很少的简单实验。 www.dxy.cn 4. His exploration of the Hudson River led to Dutch colonization of the area. 他在哈得逊河的探险,使得荷兰在此地区殖民。 www.24en.com 5. Mrs Hudson, the landlady - she's given me a special deal. 房东赫德森太太给了我特价 www.putclub.com 6. Kate Hudson is 21. I love welcoming young stars to show business, because it reminds me of my own death. 凯特·哈德森今年21岁。我欢迎年轻一代进入演艺圈,因为这可以提醒我自己行将就木。 www.tianya.cn 7. Illinois police are still searching for the seven-year-old nephew of Oscar-winning actress Jennifer Hudson . 伊利诺斯州警方仍在搜寻奥斯卡奖获得者女演员詹尼费哈森七岁的侄子。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. Flight 1549: We're unable. We may end up in the Hudson. 航班1549:我们不行。我们恐怕会落在哈得孙河上了 blog.sina.com.cn 9. "The Epsilon case is just the public tip of an iceberg, " says Jeff Hudson of Venafi, a data-security firm. 来自数据安全公司的JeffHudson说,“Epsilon的事情仅仅是冰山一角”。 www.ecocn.org 10. As Governor and Missus Clinton had done, the group traveled from Buffalo, New York to the Hudson River. 就像克林顿州长和克林顿太太所做的一样,这个组织从纽约州的布法罗出发,到达哈德逊河。 blog.sina.com.cn 1. Iwata also announced partnerships with Sega and Hudson to offer downloadable access to their classic games via Revolution's Virtual Console. 岩田还强调任天堂与世嘉和Hudson达成伙伴关系,两家公司将提供他们的经典游戏通过革命的虚拟主机下载。 old.tgfcer.com 2. For much of the year, polar bears roam the frozen Hudson Bay, hunting for seals. 一年中的大部分时间,北极熊都会在冰冻的哈德逊湾漫步,以猎食海豹为生。 www.bing.com 3. And he conned the grub of the cache and the grub of the Hudson Bay Company post over and over again. 他一遍又一遍地想着地窖里的食品和哈得逊湾公司商站那儿的吃的东西。 www.zftrans.com 4. The U. S. Military Academy at West Point overlooks the Hudson too. 美国的军事学校西点军校,也是在哈得逊阅兵。 www.24en.com 5. It was a small party, with fewer than 40 guests, at Castle on the Hudson in Tarrytown . 这是一个小型的派对,宾客不到40人,在塔里敦的哈德逊城堡举办。 www.bing.com 6. AS AMERICA celebrates its birthday on July 4th, New York is celebrating the discovery of its Hudson river. 7月4日,当美国欢度国庆之际,纽约也在庆祝哈德逊河的发现日。 www.ecocn.org 7. And here we have semi-official Shanghai opinion surprisingly close behind public opinion in Shanghai-on-the-Hudson. 如今我们也看到上海的半官方意见也已经与公众意见出奇的相似了。 www.bing.com 8. The teenage violinist's body was identified on Thursday after his body was found in the Hudson River a day earlier. 年轻的小提琴家,遗体于星期四在Hudson河被发现并得到鉴定。 www.bing.com 9. Although Hudson failed at this mission, his dazzling reports of fur trading opportunities inspired merchants. 尽管Hudson未能完成这次使命,他令人瞩目的关于毛皮贸易机遇的报告鼓舞了商人们。 www.bing.com 10. A village of southeast New York on the eastern bank of the Hudson River north of Poughkeepsie. 美国纽约市东南村庄,位于哈得逊河东岸,在波基普西市以北。 www.79cha.com 1. Today, with her two children in Hudson River Park. 和她的两个孩子在哈得逊河公园。 dongxi.net 2. What would have happened if they had spent hours wading or swimming through the Hudson, or in any cold water, awaiting rescue? 如果获救前得在冰冷的哈得孙河水中挣扎数小时,又会怎样? www.bing.com 3. From this Hudson configuration page, you can also define the Ant target to call. 在这个Hudson配置页面上,您还能够定义要调用的Ant目标。 www.ibm.com 4. Ms. Hudson experienced 'executive amplification, ' a widespread phenomenon that can significantly affect your career. 哈德森经历的是一种“管理者影响力放大效应”(executiveamplification),这是一个常见现象,但会极大影响一个人的职业生涯。 chinese.wsj.com 5. Cardiopulmonary Bypass Has Minimal Effects on the Pharmacokinetics of Fentanyl in Adults Hudson RJ, et al. 心肺转流对成人芬太尼药效动力学影响轻微。 www.bing.com 6. 'Conventionally, people think that the electron is round like a little ball, ' lead author Tony Hudson said. 该项研究的主要发起人托尼.哈得孙说:“人们习惯上会认为,电子像一个小小的圆球。” lfx8.com 7. Hudson realized that these creatures were the metal-working gnomes of whom the natives had spoken. 哈德森意识到这些生物是当地人讲了话的金属工艺地精。 dictsearch.appspot.com 8. A new build and test infrastructure of Quartz has been implemented leveraging Maven and Hudson continuous integration tools. Quartz实现了新的构建及测试基础设施,其中使用了Maven和持续集成工具Hudson。 www.infoq.com 9. We could've just kept pretending that she's just in Hudson doing her art. 我们可以继续假装她在哈德森是为了画画。 www.ebigear.com 10. WHEN a US Airways plane landed in the Hudson River in January, the first picture appeared on Twitter. 当1月份一架美国空军飞机降落在哈德逊河上,它的第一张图片出现在Twitter上。 www.bing.com 1. Sally Hudson, 21, a senior at Bowdoin College in Brunswick, Me. , is heading to Germany this fall to work at the parliament. 21岁的萨利·哈德森(SallyHudson)是缅因州Brunswick小镇鲍登学院大四学生,将在今年秋天前往德国国会实习。 www.bing.com 2. I thought you said the artist lived in Hudson. 你说这个艺术家住在哈德森。 www.ebigear.com 3. Hudson Bay, Manitoba, Canada. The whale nearest to the photographer is releasing air to aid its descent. 一群白鲸在加拿大马尼托巴的哈得逊湾潜水觅食。离摄影师最近的一只白鲸正放出空气以助下潜。 dict.kekenet.com 4. The city stands mainly on three islands that lie at the mouth of the Hudson River. 纽约市主要分布在哈得孙河口的三个岛屿上。 blog.hjenglish.com 5. Carrie and Nate are going to cheat on Mr. Hudson's exam. I really don't think they should. 卡里和馁特准备骗候先生的试卷。我真不敢想他们会这样做。 www.360abc.com 6. Perhaps the large number of seals at Hudson Bay influences this fecundity. 或许是哈德逊湾数量众多的海豹影响了它们的繁育。 www.bing.com 7. But it does not support the theory, according to Dr Hudson, whose study was published in the journal Nature. 但是,根据哈得孙博士,在《自然》杂志中发表的研究表明,它(测量结果)并不支持这个理论! www.bing.com 8. A thick sheet of ice and snow that spread out from a center near what is now Hudson Bay in Canada. 每个冰川是一种很厚的冰雪层,这些冰雪层是从靠近加拿大境内现在称之为哈得逊湾的一个中心散布出来的。 blog.sina.com.cn 9. Chesapeake Bay and Delaware Bay were dead-ends, so he returned to New York Harbor* and sailed up the Hudson River* on 9-12-1609. 切萨皮克湾和特拉华湾是死角,因此他于1609年9月12日回到纽约港口驶向哈德森河流。 www.en400.com:8080 10. Take Robert Kennedy junior, an environmental lawyer who helped to clean up New York's Hudson River. 以曾协助清理纽约哈德逊河的一位环境律师小罗伯特肯尼迪为例。 www.ecocn.org 1. The Draft Stormy campaign was started by New Orleans resident and Daniels fan Zack Hudson, who insists it's for real. 丹尼尔的粉丝们则称竞选已经从新奥尔良开始,并且坚称他们是认真的。 xiaowan2005.spaces.live.com 2. We will also continue the discussion that I started last month about what the next version of Hudson (v2) looks like. 我们还会继续上个月所说的关于下一版本Hudson(v2)的讨论。 www.infoq.com 3. Mrs Hudson has been attacked by an American, I am restoring balance to the universe. 赫德森太太被美国人袭击了.我在恢复宇宙的平衡 wenku.baidu.com 4. To mark the arrival, Governor Clinton dropped some water from Lake Erie into the Hudson River. 为了留下他们的到达痕迹,克林顿州长向哈德逊河倒入了来自伊利湖的湖水。 blog.sina.com.cn 5. "Take responsibility. Make lists of information you need. Talk to people. Start to build your network, " Hudson says. 哈德逊说:“你需要自己承担责任,收集你需要的信息,和别人交谈,开始构建自己的关系网。” www.fortunechina.com 6. Jennifer Hudson plays Louise, Carrie's personal assistant, who came to New York on a quest for love. 珍妮弗哈德逊饰演凯莉的私人助理路易丝,一个来到纽约追寻真爱的女子。 www.hjenglish.com 7. And I'm just takin' the Greyhound on the Hudson River Line. 而我只是乘坐哈得逊河线路的灰狗。 www.chinastargps.org 8. New York mayor Michael Bloomberg hailed the pilot, who landed the plane in the Hudson with no loss of life, as a hero. 纽约市长迈克尔布隆伯格称赞试点,谁的飞机降落在哈德逊没有生命的丧失,是一个英雄。 www.douban.com 9. The Hudson River mutation makes it difficult for PCBs to grab onto the receptor, shielding the fish from the chemical's harm. 哈德逊河的变异使其难以与宿主联合,保护鱼类远离化学药品的伤害。 dongxi.net 10. Paul , I? M supposed to keep this a secret , but I have to talk to someone. Nate hacked into Mr. Hudson? S computer . 保罗,我其实应该要保住这个秘密,但我一定要告诉其他人,馁特黑客侵袭候德孙老师的电脑。 www.bing.com 1. The drama began when Nakoolak went hunting with his uncle Jimmy on Southampton Island in the northern part of Hudson Bay. 这场意外始于那库拉克跟他的叔叔到哈德逊湾北部的南安普顿岛上狩猎。 www.bing.com 2. While most [polar bear] females deliver twins [like these two], triplets aren't uncommon at Hudson Bay. 大多数北极熊妈妈都会生下双胞胎熊宝宝(就像它们两个),三胞胎在哈德逊湾并不多见。 www.24en.com 3. In his ruling the judge, Henry Hudson, gave conservatives only half a loaf. 在此次裁决中,亨利?哈得逊(HenryHudson)法官只给了保守主义者一半的胜利。 voyeah.blog.163.com 4. Orlando Hudson sacrificed Young to second and Byrnes was intentionally walked. 奥兰多哈德逊牺牲了年轻的第二和三郎故意走着。 www.sjgcz.cn 5. Chris Hudson is an American. Now he is having a conversation with FuHao, a local person in Dalian. 克里斯。哈德森是美国人。现在,他正在和一位叫付豪的大连本地人谈话。 rrting.com 6. Part of the Hudson was polluted with PCBs by two General Electric plants. 哈德逊河部分流域曾遭到通用电气两个工厂排放的PCB污染。 xiaozu.renren.com 7. But in the Hudson, fish with the gene to make the mutant receptor have thrived, while those without it have died out, Wirgin notes. 在哈德逊河中,拥有变异基因的鱼类蓬勃发展,那些没有变异基因的鱼都已经死光光了。 www.bing.com 8. The first photograph of the plane that crashed in to the Hudson River appeared on Twitter. 关于失事飞机坠入Hudson河的第一张照片就是出现在Twitter上的。 www.bing.com 9. In the Hudson River close to where those towers stood and fell, the warship fired a 21-gun salute. 在哈德逊河靠近双子大楼矗立后来倒塌的位置,该战舰鸣放了21响礼炮。 www.bing.com 10. Here at my work, I take care of a 30-40 node Hudson cluster for our group. 我在这里的工作,就是为我们的团队负责一个30-40个节点的Hudson集群。 www.bing.com 1. Goldman went "short" on Hudson Mezzanine, buying protection on the entire value of the CDO, according to internal documents. 内部文件显示,高盛对HudsonMezzanine进行了“做空”操作,为这笔CDO购买了全值保险。 www.ftchinese.com 2. It might spill off into the Hudson a little bit before it destroyed the Earth. 在它摧毁地球之前,它可能会膨胀到哈德森大街。 www.ted.com 3. She drove to the waterfront six blocks away, and then directly into the frigid Hudson. 然后开车到6街区远的海滨区之后直接去了寒冷的Hudson湖。 www.bing.com 4. One ship was led by Henry Hudson when he discovered Hudson Bay . 其中的一艘是亨利?赫德森发现赫德森湾时所用的船只。 www.jukuu.com 5. 'It's possible to have a very detailed and vivid memory and be wrong about the details, ' says Dr. Hudson. 哈德森说,有十分详细和生动的记忆,但对细节的记忆错误,这是有可能的。 c.wsj.com 6. who built a career painting the Catskill Mountain scenery bordering the Hudson River. 这位画家一生以画哈德逊河旁的卡茨基尔山的景色为事业。 zhidao.baidu.com 7. Kate Hudson and Halle Berry are two of the most beautiful women in Hollywood, yet they have very strange feet. 好莱坞最漂亮的两个女人凯特·哈德森和哈莉·贝瑞的脚看起来却很奇怪。 www.bing.com 8. Thomas Hudson looked at the glass with a torch and it was rising. 托马斯·赫德森亮起手电照着气候表看了看,还在往上升。 9. What about the construction crews excavating the planned second rail tunnel under the Hudson River between New York and New Jersey? 一个负责开挖横穿哈德逊河的纽约至新泽西二线地铁隧道的施工队该如何归类? www.bing.com 10. Mark Hudson is a real estate agent in Washington, D. 马克·哈德逊是华盛顿特区的房地产经纪人。 www.putclub.com 1. Chris Hudson is an Anerican. Now he is having a conversation with a local person named Fu Qin inDalian. ChrisHudson是一个美国人。现在,他正在和一个叫做付清的当地人在交谈,在大连。 zhidao.baidu.com 2. "the tall Lombardy poplar . . . towering high above all other trees" (W. H. Hudson). “高大的箭杆杨…超出任何其他树的高度”(W.H。哈得孙)。 www.chinabaike.com 3. All joking aside, "the rumors of Tux's death are certainly premature, " Hudson asserted. 排开一切玩笑话之外,“有关Tux之死的谣言是轻率的,”Hudson宣称。 www.cnbeta.com 4. Each autumn, polar bears arrive at the town of Churchill, on the edge of Hudson Bay. 每个夏季,北极熊会到达位于哈德森湾边缘地区的丘吉尔镇。 kid.sina.com.cn 5. So he turned the powerless plane, carrying 150 passengers and five crew members, and glided south to line up with the Hudson. 于是,他驾驶这架载有150名乘客和5名机组人员的无动力飞机向南沿着与哈德逊河的方向滑行。 bbs.51ielts.com 6. On August 11, 1807, the first commercial steamship traveled up the Hudson River from New York City to Albany. 1807年8月11日,第一艘商业蒸汽船从纽约市沿哈德逊河逆流而上,驶往阿尔巴尼。 www.24en.com 7. The nasal cannula resulted in a significantly higher expired end-tidal O2-fraction (FETO2) compared to the Hudson mask. 鼻插管造成了显着高于过期潮气末O2-的分数(FETO2)相比,哈德森面具。 www.syyxw.com 8. FDR appointed a fellow member of the Hudson River squirearchy, Henry J. 罗斯福任命同为哈德逊河乡绅出身的亨利?摩根索(HenryJ。 www.ftchinese.com 9. "I feel bad about David, " Roger said to Thomas Hudson. "We shouldn't have ever let him do it. " “我很不放心戴维,”罗杰对托马斯·赫德森说。“我们不该让他干的。” www.jukuu.com 10. Maybe I'll just write Mr. Hudson a note to tell him - and not sign it. 或许我就只写个便条告诉哈德森老师,不要署名。 www.ebigear.com 1. Click on the Upload button (this action will upload rad-builder. hpi into the plug-ins folder which is inside Hudson's home folder). 点击Upload按钮(该操作将会向Hudson主文件夹中的插件文件夹上传rad-builder.hpi)。 www.ibm.com 2. Neighbors reported hearing gun shots in the morning but Hudson's family members were not found until mid-afternoon. 报道说邻居们在今晨听见枪声,但是哈德森家人的尸体直到午后才被发现。 cet.hjenglish.com 3. Hudson: It makes no sense. Why would Xanatos donate the jewel to the museum and then have it stolen? 这不重要。为什么塞纳吐司把宝石捐给博物馆又把它偷走? avalon.w15.ws86.com 4. Along the western shore of Hudson Bay, winter begins to close its grip. This is perfect weather for the world's largest land carnivore. 哈得逊湾的西海岸,冬天,缓缓地逼近了……而对于地球上最为庞大的陆上食肉动物来说,这种天气再好不过了。 www.eoezone.com 5. Irwin Stelzer is a business adviser and director of economic-policy studies at the Hudson Institute. 本文作者是HudsonInstitute研究经济政策的商业顾问和董事。 c.wsj.com 6. Hudson Bonk 's Return All Versions The world's oldest head banger is headed to your cell phone ! 哈德逊章子怡的回报所有版本的世界上最古老的香肠团长率领,你的手机! word.hcbus.com 7. Probably. They really want a good grade in Mr. Hudson? S class. They? Ll do anything to get it. 可能是。他们很想在候德孙老师的班里取得好成绩。他们想尽办法来得到它。 www.360abc.com 8. Also acceptable are New Jersey, near New York City, and on the Hudson (River). 自由岛(答新泽西州、纽约市附近、哈德逊河上,也可以接受)。 dictsearch.appspot.com 9. Will Christina Aguilera And Jennifer Hudson Tour Together? 将克里斯蒂娜和詹妮弗哈德森一起旅游? tieba.baidu.com 10. Anne Hathaway and Kate Hudson, lifelong friends, accidentally book the same date at the same hotel for their weddings. 安妮海瑟薇和凯特哈德森,终身的朋友,不小心书同日在同一酒店的婚宴。 yule.zhishi.sohu.com |
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